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File: 62 KB, 1200x675, B2A674F0-3AD6-41B6-8D33-BFC075C20887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12377374 No.12377374[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12377403

It's not. You just fell for the media narrative that all conservatives and republicans are uneducated rednecks. Typical elitist attitudes... Go ask the gents at the national labs doing real research what party they vote for.

>> No.12377409

Nice bait.
I'll post some too:

What makes the Democratic party antithetically zealous about science? You know-- they "believe" in it so much that anyone who dares question something prefaced with "study finds" gets the Salem witch hunt treatment. They "believe" so hard in science that they ironically do away with the most important part of it: questioning.

>> No.12377417

mostly the Christian types. Shit like creationism in schools and such give them a bad rep.

>> No.12377433

Their refusal to believe that men menstruate.

>> No.12377439













>> No.12377449

Scientific Method vs Religion of Science.
Get the fuck out.

>> No.12377469

Climate denialism has been debunked. Eyes open. No fear

>> No.12377478

Go look up the Congressmen who were from tobacco growing states during that time period. Almost all of them were Democrats.

>> No.12377493

>tobacco states are swung by tobacco farmers votes
low IQ take

>> No.12377515


>> No.12377523

The right calls the left anti-science for denying:
> race-IQ differences
> gender-IQ differences
> Gender vs sex SJW shit
Basically stuff which is socially liberal; ie the left doesnt want discrimination against people based on race, gender, or sexual orientation

The left calls the right anti-science for being:
> anti evolution
> anti climate change
> anti vax
> flat earth
> "smoking doesnt cause cancer"
> anti stem cell research
> anti mask
I could continue this list, but not off the top of my head
Basically, the right is against anything that is not socially conservative, not religiously conservative, and anything that could reduce jobs in the US (in the short term)

The right thinks the left is anti nuclear energy, because power plants produce a "waste product" that can be used for nuclear weapons, and the left is anti-war
The left thinks the right is anti-nuclear because nuclear would put a bunch of low-IQ jobs out of business, such as coal miners.

Personally i find both the left and the right to be retarded, but the right is a bit more retarded, and their policies are a lot more anti-scientific-progress, and so more anti-science

>> No.12377524

>lobbyists have no impact on politics
If your mother had shaken your feeble brain as a baby you would have had more crinkles than you do now.

>> No.12377532

It's absolutely correct. Tobacco states were all states run by Democrats, from the local dog catcher up to their members of Congress.

>> No.12377534

>tobacco farmers == lobbyists
super retarded take, but okay kiddo

>> No.12377535

Blank slate theory is pseudoscience. It's the left that preaches that nonsense. Differences between population groups exist. Calling it pseudoscience doesn't make it so.

>> No.12377542

Who hired the lobbyists? Democrats from tobacco states. Sorry, that's just reality. You must be underage because you obviously don't remember with the South was all Democrats.

>> No.12377552

Suppressing or silencing scientists to favor political (economical) agendas.

>> No.12377555

>>tobacco farmers == lobbyists
How do I know you're retarded?

>> No.12377596

2005 wants it's hot take back loser

>> No.12377605

>implying im an amerimutt
you are one stupid nigger arent ya kiddo

>> No.12377612


>> No.12377642
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>Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn't kill.
Mike Pence wrote this in 2000.
Back in June he wrote op-ed titled "There Isn’t a Coronavirus ‘Second Wave’"

>> No.12377695

Politics is inherently anti-science it is the primary interest of the enfranchised class to reduce mobility and power of the governed class. In order to maintain stability, the political apparatus only approves knowledge that benefits it, or what it percieves as benefitting. You see this in left wing politics too. Part of why a technocracy would fail is that there are always groups that would choose to believe facts that benefit them rather than whats true. Evolution is to blame, the brain doesnt really care about whaats true, its primary concern is survival, and kin selection is weighted way heavier than numbers on a chart, so you'll believe your grand pappy over numbers on a chart almost every time. Not you as an individual, but humanity at large does this. its not their fault really, just a combination of economics and survival instinct, the machine will run off the rails, no comspiracy or secret cabals required.

>> No.12377701

>in favor of fission
i fucking wish

>> No.12377713

That’s a biased experiment since those people are all starvoids who couldn’t get a real job and ended up in academia getting crumbs of taxpayer money.

>> No.12377746


>> No.12377748

What are you talking about? The democracts are the anti-science ones

>> No.12377752

Transwomen are women.

>> No.12377763

addiction to batshit nuts

>> No.12377768


>> No.12377783

Nah, you're both anti-science
Antimask and Antivax. Both against Nuclear

The hell is the difference between the two

>> No.12377793

Democrat logic a rock is a soft pillow

>> No.12377805

Republicans fucking wrecked lmao

>> No.12377810

Cope, republicucks is the brainlet party. Always has been kekekek

>> No.12377811
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>> No.12377816

Name a tenth of one thing wrong with fission.

>> No.12377836
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I was so with you.

What the fuck man, renewables are a fucking meme. Their consumption of rare earth is beyond the roof and their lifespan is inexcusable. Not to mention the abyssal efficiency

It's either you like Nuclear or you are completely misinformed

>> No.12377871
File: 1.79 MB, 960x1593, idiocracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who are politically illiterate do not understand the modern political landscape and parrot outdated memes. What we are really dealing with with these kinds of things are the masses. Which side the NPC are on. The Republicans have traditionally been the party of the Evangelical right and most people in this country were traditionally Christard donkeys so this meme was true as recent as 10 years ago.

However, what the politically illiterate don't realize as these things can change very rapidly. Since society at large is now no longer Christian majority the NPC, who are part of w/e the mass pop culture is, are now on the left.

The left is now the least educated, anti-science drooling fucktard cult, just a different cult, the social justice cult. All the intellectuals that were part of the left did a big yikes dawg in 2016 and bounced leaving the left as just the drooling social justice commie droolers.

This is why the Democrat party imploded over the last 4 years. So the answer to your question is, it isn't. People on /sci/ just believe and repeat this meme because they are shut in autists that never have any idea wtf is going on around them, most of all politically so whatever happens in the real world it takes the kind of clowns that come to /sci/ about 5 years to catch up to it even with people spoon feeding them what is going on. Just like cultural trends when they were in hs they are always the last to know.

>> No.12377887

Science says you'll never be a woman and anyone who tells you that you are a woman is not in alignment with science.

>> No.12377924

imagine coping this hard
writing all those words just to convince yourself that rightards arent rightarded

>> No.12377984

It doesn't. Read Whitby.

>> No.12378135
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>everyone who makes fun of me is tranny
Seething tard kek

>> No.12378170
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you will never be a woman, gender studies and critical theory are not science and "office of the president elect" is made up and not a real thing. two genders, two scoops and two terms

>> No.12378188

Seething poltards in this thread, literally in denial that they elect the boomerest anti-science fucks to the federal government. Trump unironically put an Oil lobbyist as HEAD OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY

>> No.12378198
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2 genders
2 scoops
2 terms

>> No.12378218

It's not renewable.
It can be used to proliferate nuclear weapons
At the number of accidents at the current rate, supplying enough energy through fusion we must expect a serious accident once every 2 years
Fissile material mining is environmentally destructive

>> No.12378231

>2 terms
Pure cope

>> No.12378237

Is there a second of the day that you are not thinking about trannies?

>> No.12378267

Do you come here to take your mind off the fact that you will never be a woman? You're coping right now but in January you will be unable to cope.

>> No.12378271

See >>12378135
>"youre deluded!"

>> No.12378286

What makes Democrats blind to the anti-science bias in their own?

>> No.12378338

I take that as a no.

>> No.12378349

Based upon Christian traditional values.

>> No.12378469

The have the same belief in their righteous moral superiority that the religious right had in the 1980s. Because they believe they are morally superior, they believe they cannot be wrong.

>> No.12378477

When you're not around.

>> No.12378549
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nooo you can't say there are differences between races, race is a social construct

>> No.12378712


nooo you can't say that the government is right about climate change and wearing masks

>> No.12378734

This post reaks of onions

>> No.12378745


>> No.12378747

>flat earth

why do you lie like a fucking weasal?

>> No.12378749

Slide thread on /sci/?

>> No.12378750

>It's not renewable.
Nothing really is.

>It can be used to proliferate nuclear weapons
It cannot.

>At the number of accidents at the current rate, supplying enough energy through fusion we must expect a serious accident once every 2 years
Only one accident provably killed people. And we owe it to the government lying to the people.

>Fissile material mining is environmentally destructive
Not any more than mining shit tons of lithium to manufacture the shitty batteries needed to power your solarpunk utopia.

>> No.12378757

I know you jerk off to trannies and that makes you angry but there no need to air out your insecurities on /sci/

>> No.12378778
File: 95 KB, 580x578, Death per energy produced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Uranium is more common than silver and is the CHEAPEST fuel source with the HIGHEST Energy Density
2. Nuclear Power is 20% enrichment. Bombs are at 90%. Guess what? Ammonia on fertilizers can also be used on chemical weapons
3. Nuclear has the LOWEST deaths for Mw/h

Either you like Nuclear or you are completely misinformed

>> No.12378808


>> No.12378842

So the left "denies" soft science bullshit and the right denies hard science/proven facts. Sounds about right to me.

>> No.12379163

american political parties are cults, and all cults are anti-science

sage for off-topic

>> No.12379173

What makes this anti science? They just don't think its morally right to abort fetuses, its a moral argument not scientific.

>> No.12379182

They are making absolutely retarded laws like reimplanting ectopic pregnancies. It's not even possible.

>> No.12379186

only good post ITT.

>> No.12379206
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rofl wrong, the left is all for discrimination based on race, gender and sexual orientation if you are a cis straight white male. All the things the Jews want to politically and economically neutralize

>> No.12379223
File: 86 KB, 640x633, theorylolz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evolution is a theory
>climate change is a theory
>masks don't do jack shit
leftards cant tell the difference between what is science and what are just glorified "ideas" with only circumstantial "evidence" to prop them up. In fact can be directly proven to be false Yep sounds about right. 72 genders and sheeit be science my nig

>> No.12379230

You're both a bunch of retards.

>> No.12379263
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They're not anti-science. They're anti-fact and anti-reality.


GOP can't cope with reality, so they're creating their own alternative or alt-reality for the alt-right.
Trump is perfect for this because (as a professional con-man) Trump is really good at lying to people.

>> No.12379282
File: 45 KB, 452x640, web1_1984-book-cover-art-book-cover-prints-2_1531c558-4ea7-4a8b-95f4-1fa3534f0ee9_1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 + 2 = 5

We are living through George Orwell's 1984 novel. This is it! This is what it looks like.
We already became a surveillance state decades ago. Facts are twisted and flat out denied. Reality itself is subjective and subject to review by the state sponsored Faux News. They don't have a grip on everybody yet, but the people who they do have hold of, they'll never let go of.

>> No.12379294


>> No.12379303
File: 93 KB, 674x672, fordoncommies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks there is something wrong with alternative facts and is so stupid he thinks it is some kind of gotcha

here is a fact: There is a saying that it is raining cats and dogs.
fact 2: This saying came from Victorian England because when it rained cats and dogs would fall from the sky.

Your conclusion: It is literally raining cats and dogs.

Alternate fact: In the cold London weather cats and dogs would huddle closely to chimneys for warmth and when it rained the roof tops got slick and they fell off.

My alternate conclusion: you are a stone cold retard

>> No.12379308

2+2=5 isn't just from 1984, it's also something that leftists argued for just this year.

>> No.12379318

They did what?

>> No.12379333

The left is the source of soft science bullshit. Why would they deny it? They use soft science as a cloak against hard science. Are you going to argue that Gender Studies is full of Republicans who are being oppressed by Democrats denying the validity of 75 genders?
You've wrapped yourself up so hard in spin, you've inverted everything to try to make your preconceived notions work. It probably sounded reasonable in your head but written out, it is absurd.

>> No.12379347

>flat earth is right wing
Wanna know how I know you are retarded? Well there is a multitude of reasons but I can sum it up pretty quickly if I need to

>> No.12379355

Twitter exploded with progressives trying to argue that 2+2=5 is correct in roundabout ways to own rigid conservatives

>> No.12379359

Be that as it may, you still will never be a real woman.
The reason why "you're obsessed with trannies" doesn't work as a demoralizer while "you'll never be a woman" does is because it doesn't matter that some random tranny on an internet image board thinks we are obsessed with them. It does however bother trannies immensely that there are people who know they're not real women. Each time it is stated that you will never be a real woman, it chips away at the delusion that is the heart of your identity. Saying someone who sexually obsessed with you, regardless of if it is true or not (and you know it's not true but you wish it were), does nothing to them. If it's true, you've validated them. If it's not true, they just laugh at you.
So in summary, you will never be a real woman and you'll never fool anyone who isn't on enough mind altering chemicals to be illegal to drive a car.

>> No.12379365

Sounds like a psyop what was the outcome? and what were they trying to distract from?