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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12374678 No.12374678 [Reply] [Original]

>1/2 spin particle
>you have to fully rotate something twice to get it back to the original state
how is this even possible, why do physicists believe this

>> No.12374698

Just wait till you learn about complex numbers. You can spin by an IMAGINARY amount. Fucking mathematicians, what a hoot!

>> No.12374784
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There are things we really do not fully understand and this is the best way to wrap our head around them with our current understanding of reality.
Eventually we will amend the laws of physics but for now, this will have to do

>> No.12374792

What if its actually two things and youre switching one from inside to the outside.

>> No.12375033

>how is this even possible
[math]\pi_1(\text{SO}(3)) = \mathbb{Z}/{\mathbb{2Z}}[/math]
>why do physicists believe this
for starters, they know what [math]\pi_1(\text{SO}(3)) = \mathbb{Z}/{\mathbb{2Z}}[/math] means

>> No.12376083

i want more drunk loli with sobering reflections on the current state of science

>> No.12376114

Does anyone even know what particle spin actually is?

>> No.12376128

Hold a book in the palm of your hand and rotate the book through your shoulder. After your hand rotates through a full circle its orientation will be reversed so you need two full rotations to get back to your original starting configuration.
Obviously you can't actually do this without breaking your shoulder but you get the point visually of how 2 pi isn't the be all and end all of a complete rotation if other factors are relevant too.

>> No.12376140

because a particle is not a fucking marble, it's a wave.

>> No.12376143

>it's a wave.
It's not.

>> No.12376149
File: 1.38 MB, 256x256, spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12376151

it literally is

>> No.12376156


>> No.12376161

After 100 years, you should have understood that particles are neither corpuscles not waves. Why don't you educated yourself?

>> No.12376179

needs more belts

>> No.12376182
File: 3.48 MB, 256x256, spin2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12376183

>if other factors are relevant too.
specifically, continuous paths through the space of rotations. if you don't care about the inbetween rotation states and only the start and end rotation states, then you'll miss the spinors entirely

>> No.12376194
File: 3.48 MB, 256x256, faster.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm, good. now faster

>> No.12376201

Yes. It's just the rotation symmetry of the SU(2) group and because it's a rotation symmetry that means it has conserved intrinsic angular momentum which is then quantized.

>> No.12376208

>*sound of panties drenching*

>> No.12376238

Neat visualization, but that doesn't explain the Pauli principle or spin interaction.

>> No.12376245

>>you have to fully rotate something twice to get it back to the original state
it's a beginning

>> No.12376254

go back

>> No.12376287

No. Not physically.
>a physical property is equal to its mathematical model

>> No.12376324

waves causes by vibrating strings, edugas urself

>> No.12376449

Elementary particles rotate at infinite speeds.
But since reality is real, a particle needs to travel back to the neighborhood of 0 to participate in Reality. This creates a "slip-stream" where they can rotate twice and be self-similar.

Given 1/0 = infty and [math]+\infty=-\infty[/math], Consider the following:
>since [math]+\infty=-\infty[/math],
>[math]\infty+\infty = \infty-\infty = 0[/math]

>> No.12376454

nope, it's
-inf * -----R----- *+inf

>> No.12376459

take your meds

>> No.12376465

Bad bait.

>> No.12376467

>I'm not the schizo, you are the schizo!
Schizos can't meme.

>> No.12377004

>why do physicists believe this
because it's experimentally verified. You generate two fermions, rotate one through 2*pi using say magnetic field, and then interfere them. You'll see that there's a phase difference.

>> No.12377341

>Pauli principle
Looks like someone needs to go back to middle school

>> No.12377522

>why do physicists believe this
it is a mathematical fact

>> No.12377533

Imaginary was probably the best term to inspire conspiracy theory tier beliefs about numbers for smooth brains

>> No.12377592

Reality doesn't give a shit what humans think makes logical sense.

>> No.12377627
File: 1.74 MB, 1271x927, QIorchk[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12377653

>tfw the delayed choice quantum eraser always bends me over and fucks me to death

What the FUCK man, how is the pattern encoded before the erasure? Does"before" even exist"?

>> No.12377784

Superdeterminsim explains it, but it is probably wrong.

>> No.12378086

>muh math
never gonna make it

>> No.12378775

Looks more like you're a Dunning-Kruger victim. Feel free to point out how Fermi-Dirac statistics do not lead to Pauli exclusion.

>> No.12379411

This is the biggest mathematician cope I've ever seen. You're always coming up with useful stuff. I would know because I myself am one. Who cares if you can decompose a group vie a series of normal subgroups? NOBODY

>> No.12379417

And by useful I mean ABSOLUTELY USELESS.

>> No.12379441 [DELETED] 

how do I put my penis in this thing???
it looks so fucking hot

>> No.12379492

Well, at first, (position, velocity) wasn't enough to model small magical particles. So they invented "field" of particle, which expands in the entire space. Somehow the field has to use complex numbers.

Then "field" wasn't enough either. Dirac multiplied it with a matrix, adding more dimensions to state of particle.

Basically, just adding more variables to fit experimental results.

>> No.12379811
File: 26 KB, 401x301, 401px-Kim_EtAl_Quantum_Eraser.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone explain to me how prism PS "knows" which slit a photon came from

>> No.12381485

>be me, 1/2 spin particle
>do a 360 and walk away

>> No.12381547

Imagine that the particles aren't actually spinning and what physicists call spin is just the resultant output of the sub-quantum mechanics.

>> No.12381551

>my equation that's entirely memorization of irrational numbers, that I just learned from somebody else, is totally the answer bro

>> No.12381555

Basically everything below the atomic level is magic bullshit. The generalized abstractions about sub-atomic particles generally fit fine but the details are autistic

>> No.12381558

Particles are just measurable points in a waveform, likely just points of interaction with other waves

>> No.12381566

>using infinite
Never gonna make it

>> No.12381567

Massless waveforms travel through time backwards