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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12370179 No.12370179[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

sup /sci/ psueds, /pol/ here. I know you autists think you are smart so convince me why I should take a (((vaccine))) that is more dangerous than the virus

>> No.12370182

if you don't then the swat team will break down your door and give you a shot from a 12 gauge instead.

>> No.12370185

doubt they will enforce it this way. They will either give people priviledges and money or media will shame people who wont take it which is for normies literal suicide.

>> No.12370187

If you are dumb enough to think vaccines are a jewish plot then you're beyond reaching.

>> No.12370191

bet you are circumcised

>> No.12370192

not him but even if they are not a plot, why should I trust a vaccine that was developed so quickly?

>> No.12370194

Nope. But employers can require workers to get vaccinated, airports wont let unvaccinated people leave the country(and most countries will require up to date shots to legally enter). Public schools will mandate vaccines as well.

>> No.12370198

Wrong. I love my foreskin. Are you chopped anon?

>> No.12370199

Oh shit so this means globohomo will have to stop their immigration/replacement agenda? I do not think so goy i mean boy.

>> No.12370204

Prove it.

>> No.12370212

Tens of thousands have gotten the vaccine as of march. No signs the pfizer or moderna have any neg effects. Why would they? Vaccines are just simulating shit your body does all the time. The fwar of them is like gmo fear-"genetics scarey". Go read up on the moderna vaccines 10 years of previous research, its really cool.

>> No.12370216

Okay you take it. Do not force it on me.

>> No.12370217

What do you do for a living?

>> No.12370221

Im professional 4channer.

>> No.12370240

Would you sacrifice your job not to take 2 shots with a 99.9999% chance to have no neg health effects on you?

>> No.12370244

it depends on you. I wont take it

>> No.12370251

Okay. I think you're a buffoon but i dont think refusing a vaccine should be illegal.

>> No.12370257

nice. Glad we agree

>> No.12370266

>why I should take a (((vaccine))) that is more dangerous than the virus
Its not more dangerous? Has anyone died from the vaccines? And even people who dont die from the virus can have neg consequences. I know a healthy young person who has serious episodes of breathlessness and weakness months after covid.

>> No.12370268

pfizer is literally owned by the billionaire Jews that caused the opoid epidemic via oxycontin which they had to play billions of dollars in settlements for. Pro tip: if you are going to insult people's intelligence, make sure your own idiocy isn't on full display while doing it dip shit

>> No.12370275

>Bill Gates wants to rule the world with vaccines
>He and his family are vaccinated
This forces the anti-vaxxer to double down.

>> No.12370291

Still not taking it

>> No.12370295

Thats purdue. And even evil cunts can get things right. Either provide specific evidence that this vaccine ot the moderna one is bad or fuck off.

>> No.12370297

how do we know they're not larping?

>> No.12370304

Take vaccine then reply to us how it's going.

>> No.12370316

burden of proof isn't on me you little autistic retard faggot. you fuck off impotent jew cunt

>> No.12370320

>I heard something on a box that sits in my living room I beat off to anime on
>this constitues proof of something
jesus fucking christ kys you fucking idiot

>> No.12370322

begging the question logical fallacy
> assuming vaccines are more dangerous than the Coronavirus

>> No.12370332

Would you take the vaccine if Trump endorsed pfizer, hypothetically?

>> No.12370334

>that is more dangerous than the virus
This is a false statement.

>> No.12370350


>> No.12370355

I am not in a scientism, appeal to authority cult of personality cult like you autists. wtf would Donald trump know about vaccines and why would I care what he has to say about it you massively retarded fucktard. This post is so hilariously indictive of how retarded you faggots on this board are.

>> No.12370363

Relax, it's just a hypothetical question. It's not gonna hurt you.
If not for Trump, or pfizer; what kind of respectable authority would have to endorse vaccinations for you to accept their usage in society?

>> No.12370365

I bet you would if black science man, dr. beakman and bill nye tranny guy said too. stop projecting numb nuts

>> No.12370379

What will you do if your employer requires the vaccine?

>> No.12370382

No, I would not, and I did not imply anything of the sort; nor did I imply that the poster I was responding to would be more like to accept vaccinations if they were endorsed by Trump. It's a hypothetical question merely for the sake of entertaining my curiosity, and not motivated by some political agenda.
I mean no harm to you or your viewpoints, anon. Please calm down.

>> No.12370390

I would say no

>> No.12370396

So you no longer have a job. Now what?

>> No.12370397


>> No.12370399


>> No.12370402

Insurance companies will put extreme pressure on businesses to make sure employees are vaccinated.

>> No.12370409

Sue? On what grounds? It is 100% legal to require an employee to comply to health guidelines, including vaccination.

>> No.12370411

Insurance companies are not law.

>> No.12370418

Not in europe

>> No.12370426

99% of antivaxxers WILL bend the knee when pink slips and the inability to travel sink it. You can play tough here, but you will break when inconvenienced even slightly.

>> No.12370431

it will 100% be given to the elderly and the vulnerable first, due to scarcity alone. Before you are up you will have plenty of time to find out if its dangerous.

If it isn't you will pretend you never made this post like /pol/ always does. They are "always right" because they never admit they were wrong. Works on children and retards.

>> No.12370435

So then vaccine is not voluntary but forced. You think this is not weird?

>> No.12370440

OK don't force this vaccine on me. Take it yourself.

>> No.12370449

Its NOT forced, but it will be inconvenient for most not to get it. As it should be.

>> No.12370455

So it's forced if you want to work and travel.

>> No.12370512

No, because you can probably find employers who don't enforce vaccinations in that scenario. That's just capitalism at work.

>> No.12370525

>sup /sci/ psueds, /pol/ here
stopped reading there.

>> No.12370533

I do not think they should force me to take vaccine. Don't you think? This will create only more division between population. I think this is what they want after all

>> No.12370538

>implying anyone cares
Do autistic sperglords really?

>> No.12370555

They're not "forcing" you to take it, they're giving you the option of taking it or finding another employer who can accept anti-vaxx employees.
A good portion of the population is Republican and a good portion of the Republicans are anti-vaxx, so it wouldn't be hard to find another job, wouldn't it? Taking the other option wouldn't be a big deal because you have loads of anti-vaxx employers to choose from.
You'll probably be much happier with an employer that shares your viewpoints, so It might even be beneficial to you. Both the Democrats and the Republicans win in this situation.

>> No.12370558

Wow, covid's been around for 70+ years? That's news to me!

>> No.12370568
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>poltard telling others they are autistic sperglords
enjoy being made fun of by the entirety of sci and getting (you)s from other poltards, retard.

>> No.12370571

I do not think you understand. There will be more division. This is no longer about virus. It will cause war. That is what you want. I'm willing to die hope you too. Since you are unable to understand what force is.

>> No.12370575

The only one who can force me to do something is God himself. I am a free man in a free country. Nobody can tell me what to do.

>> No.12370578

Then why are you forcing me to take vaccine

>> No.12370583

You're a clever guy

>> No.12370588

There is no force in the equation, anon. Force is just an illusion. No matter how many bullets they put through your flesh, no matter how many bones they break, you can still be the master of your own free will.
As long as you show no obedience to your overseers, you are always in control.

>> No.12370593

>the irony of posting this while using a picture of a jew being stuffed into an oven
You are literally retarded aren't you little dude? It is sad people like you are too retarded to laugh at the irony of your post. You know every board on this website thinks you autistic faggots are literally the same tier as r9k right? The one thing you think you have that makes you different from them is you think you are smart because you have interests smart people have but 5 minutes on this board and anyone can see most of you all are borderline retarded and still not able to get any pussy. Your quarantine is your autism, everywhere you go people clear out and you are forever alone and retarded you sad little freak. enjoy dying a virgin

>> No.12370608

It won't be me whose flesh will shatter under gunfire. There is big misunderstanding. You people were marked to death by god and I will execute his will. We will meet on battlefield. I'm ready to perish. Are you too?

>> No.12370618


>> No.12370619

this is true, every board laughs at how pretentious and stupid the people on this board are it is pretty funny.

>> No.12370622

No, I will be dead by then. Probably from getting drunk on a fishing boat and falling overboard. I'm not even American.

>> No.12370625

funny how what you said perfectly appiles to /pol/.
No one cares about /sci/ and everyone knows retards here are pol refugees.
Keep projecting though

>> No.12370627

I do not even know why are you talking to me when you don't mean your posts seriously. Thats pathetic

>> No.12370629

Who are you to judge my posts? Only God has the authority to enforce his divine judgement.

>> No.12370633
File: 20 KB, 255x314, bde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rofling at how mad this little jew is. you mad bro? why you mad bro?

>> No.12370640

You and me are extension of gods will you can judge me and I can do same to you.

>> No.12370652

That is only hubris and blasphemy. You are not holy and divine enough to enforce the vision of the kingdom of God.
Look towards Jesus Christ and repent before you are condemned into an eternity of damnation.

>> No.12370663

My will is not my own. I do not even remember when I did something out of my own volition.

>> No.12370664

Yeah and capitalism doesn't force you into playing it's game to survive

>> No.12370679

wait I thought the anti-pol trannies were supposed to be for mass immigration. aren't you supposed to be all about "welcome refugees". your attitude is heresy anon and you are now excommunicated from your cult, surprise you were pol all along

>> No.12370682

This is true. Survival is only a crude biological instinct, and entirely optional. Society is only fooling you into believing you have to live, when in reality, death is the ultimate eraser of all pain and suffering. Capitalism has no obligation to let you live, and it should never have that obligation.
Take the true red pill and reject life.

>> No.12370683

I own all the crops
I own all the land
I own all the shelter

You can play MY game or you can be absent these things.
Remember, I'm not forcing you

>> No.12370688

Sure, you would be absent of food, comfort, and shelter and you would probably die really quickly without access to basic resources; but what you can you do?
You're better off just dying and removing yourself from a painful existence instead of showing obedience to a higher authority. Death is a choice, like any other. There is no shame in choosing what you believe in.

>> No.12370699

Well said. Hope you will join me on battlefield. If not shame.

>> No.12370743

No, I'll just overdose on some drugs and OTC medication. What battlefield?

>> No.12370748

great european race war

>> No.12370803

You shouldn't, vaccines are for actually dangerous viruses not memes like corona.

>> No.12370809

>No signs the pfizer or moderna have any neg effects
Also, why do you think if side-effects aren't present after 6 months then you can conclude there won't be any after a longer time?
>Tens of thousands have gotten the vaccine as of march
Cool. Now try to convince anyone younger than 50 with no pre-existing conditions whose chances of dying from corona are less than 1 in tens of thousands to trust the vaccine.

>> No.12370819
File: 110 KB, 1066x1332, 16e42b4736ba15585efc630c02877e7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. There is no vaccine yet for you.
2. I don't care if you take it.
3. The world might be better if some /pol/ idiots die.

>> No.12370849

This is most likely the route the system will take to enforce vaccination compliance. If you remember the communist vs capitalist debates, then you will at least come out with the knowledge that the system does not always need to resort to direct physical violence in order to have its subjects to comply. The threat of starvation is enough motivation for many to abide by its rules. Schools, workplaces, travel will all require vaccination. Of course, you don't HAVE to go to school, or work, or travel. There's not going to be a police force that will make you go to school or drag you to an cubicle. All the system has to do is to lock you out of its resources. You will be denied service and access. If you or your children do not go to school, you will be precluded from nearly all of types of employment in the future and doubly so if any prospective employers require vaccination, and if you decide you want to relocate then good luck flying out of this country when other countries are mandating travelers vaccinate.

If you want an example of this in real life, then look at the Chinese social credit system, an elaborate system of perks and punishments based on a person's behaviors, habits, and past actions.

>> No.12370875

I dont like needles /sci/ :(

>> No.12370876

Death is unlikely. But I know a young healthy person who got covid and got serious lung damage. Docs said it was like 20 years of smoking damage to the lungs in a few days. has a hard time with stair months later.

It's better not to get it.

>> No.12370897

I 100% approve of all of this and laugh at you stupid faggots. Insurance companies will likely put extreme pressure on employers to require vaccination, since a sick employee spreading covid could lead to a lawsuit,aided by genetic testing being able to confirm if the employee's covid sickened or killed someone. Oh it's d e l ic i o u s that america's love affair with capitalism will be the thing that forces almost all the covidiots to get vaxxed and not the state mandating it.

>> No.12370953

Hospitals have limited capacity and the medical infrastructure has evolved to deal with the regular common pressures the system faces.
A sudden and unique additional pressure from the pandemic threatens to overrun our healthcare system. I live in a region with provision to a population of 1.5 million people. Yesterday there were 3 ICU spaces available to serve that population. General bed availability across the whole system was at zero. So a small number of acute respiratory cases can tip the system into chaos. If that happens (it just can't be allowed to reach this) it would be a fucking horror show.
There are legitimate concerns about measures but it's complex. Eg:
We talk about cancer patients waiting for treatment, delayed interventions etc but its the very stretching of capacity that is limiting those interventions.
I hear people complain about this while protesting against mask use.
But if you actually give a fuck about cancer patients or others then we should do the simple things that limit spread of the virus, like washing hands, avoiding social mixing and wearing masks.
Higher compliance on these simple measures = fewer or shorter lock down periods = fewer of the negative impacts associated with lockdown.
There's really no solution with an acceptable outcome, it's unfortunately a case of trying to make the situation the least bad it can be.
There's a few other pertinent issues. Death isn't the only negative outcome. There are many who are experiencing disability effects of infections, left living with liver damage, kidney damage, reduced lung function, pulmonary scarring, long periods of recovery and senescence, and many more issues.
On the survivability stats above, looking purely at deaths: Those numbers appear good but in comparison to other pathologies that we ALL just accept as dangerous these figures are relatively high. Even compared to survivability with something like cancer Rona affects a far higher number so death numbers are higher.

>> No.12370968

Also there is zero evidence to say that the vaccines are causing deaths, Def not at a rate as high as Rona.
The problem is you don't see the threat from this disease because you are shielded by the protective effects and benefits of the very people and systems you criticise.
Efforts made by others to limit spread are protecting you from the potential horrific outcomes.

>> No.12370970

>Also, why do you think if side-effects aren't present after 6 months then you can conclude there won't be any after a longer time?
Why do you think if you don't die from COVID-19 during the initial infection, that you won't have any issues after a longer time?

>> No.12370972

Has a single person in any of the vaccine trials receiving the vaccine died because of it?


Are you an absolute fucking moron who shouldn't be given a platform for spreading his disease of stupidity that will literally KILL people next year?


>> No.12370992

Given that a big issue atm is adequate supply and delivery of the vaccine, no one is going to miss you not being in the queue in front of them to get it. There isn't going to be spare vaccine sitting around on the shelf. So if you don't want it, good. Somebody else will get it in your place.
Then once again you can let the collective efforts of others keep you nice and safe in your fragile snowflake life

>> No.12370995

>Also there is zero evidence to say that the vaccines are causing deaths,
Do you live in a hole in the ground you retarded fuck? Bill Gates literally got run out of India and Africa for giving 10's of thousands of people polio ffs you goddamn retard

>> No.12371006
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>tfw you realize you are a stupid n*gger

describe this feel for posterity anon

>> No.12371025

I bet you're a libertarian

>> No.12371029

None of what that is true just so you know.

>> No.12371034

except for the fact that it is you drooling ape

>> No.12371037

The other anon was speaking specifically about the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, of which there's dozens being tested, and we haven't heard of a single death being caused by a vaccine.

Obviously there's been an issue in Africa, but they're not exactly getting the best vaccine, and ultimately the number of people who ended up being infected is small compared to the number that would have been infected with no vaccination at all.

>> No.12371040

Hey let's all be libertarian. You can be free to not take it, and a company owner can be free to sack you for not taking it. It's a libertarian wet dream fantasy land made real. Let's do it!

>> No.12371054


>> No.12371059
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kys you retarded fuck, your stupidity makes you dangerous. You should be banned from ever posting on the internet for your stupidity you put people's lives at risk you are so fucking stupid. In fact if there was a Nobel prize for being stupid you would win it.

>> No.12371075

does your head hurt

>> No.12371090


>Covid has 0.2% risk of serious complications
>Covid vaccine has 0.0002% risk of serious complications

The choice is obvious.

Also this:

>> No.12371093

you are so ugly you are one black gorilla n*gger you know that? Your blackness is so black only your eyes and teeth glow. You are so gorilla they hide the bananas at the grocery store when you come in. Black gorilla glow in the dark CIA n*gger

>> No.12371097

love you too

>> No.12371101


Oral polio vaccine is an exception, its relatively dangerous compared to injection vaccines. But the alternative of unchecked polio epidemics is even worse, thats why its used in the third world. Antivaxxers latch onto it without any cost-benefit analysis and without realizing the big difference between oral polio vaccine and literally any other existing vaccine.

>> No.12371110

So dumb

>> No.12371122

Because It gets tested on thousands of volunteers before it is commercially available. Also by the time you get yours the vaccine has likely already been given to 10's of thousands of healthcare workers, first responders, and anyone else the government views as a priority. So it seems very likely that if the vaccine is dangerous, they'll notice before you get a chance to take it.

>> No.12371137


>> No.12371141

Fuckin retard...those are the numbers with lockdowns to keep hospitalizations at bay...so yeah if the majority of people take the vaccine then ur fine i guess. But with enough retards like you, you run into the same problem. Also this is only deaths, you can have serious complications arise as well.

>> No.12371149

>the only bad thing that can happen from Covid is death

what a brainlet take.

>> No.12371161

What about those drugs that passed through FDA and happened to be incredibly dangerous?
Maybe FDA should returen to verifying safety instead of sertifying efficacy which is none of their business, but a good reason for sweet bribery.

>> No.12371217

Vaccines for old people with kids, gays, people with kids until they show us genetical results

>> No.12371278


>> No.12371280

You don't understand how drug development works.
It's fucking mind blowing how you people think you understand this stuff. Like people spend years learning these subjects but you think you know all there is to know after s quick Google and a couple of YouTube vids.
The level of analysis and understanding you must think science and medical professionals operate at is just such a telling indicator of your intellectual limitations.
Fuck me, these are the people who call other people NPCs. Fucking hell

>> No.12371284

Wtf are you on about. Reading this post gave me eye cancer

>> No.12371544
File: 954 KB, 638x1044, libtard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu you npc fucktard I hope you die of ebola

>> No.12371665

Yeah but I won't because I accept basic fundamentals of IPC.

>> No.12371673

Do you know what post approval surveillance is?
I'm guessing no

>> No.12371870

they want low IQ immigration, as long as the people that are immigrating are brown.

>> No.12371881

Since when has it ever been a good idea to get the first generation of any new technology. These vaccines are first of a kind. On that premise alone, if you aren’t high risk, you don’t really need to take it.

>> No.12371886

>a good portion of the Republicans are anti-vaxx,

Most the anti-vaxxers I meet are turbo liberal vegan crunchy hippy types.

Just go natural maaaaaaan

>> No.12371903

>Vaccines are not a conspiracy
wew fag

>> No.12371929

Forcing the vaccine on people is absolutely awful. It reminds me too much of the swine flu vaccine, which had adverse side effects even after being approved. If the rate of adverse effect of this covid vaccine is close to that of the swine flu vaccine (And I believe the rate will in reality be much higher) I am much better off not taking the vaccine.

>> No.12372447
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Tell us. Is it why FDA approval costs literally billions of dollars?

>> No.12372581

because clinical trials are expensive? And average cost is 20 million not billions you retard.

>> No.12372587

it's about two billions, you retard

>> No.12372590

No, feel free to provide a source but that's absolutely not true.

>> No.12372703

> trials for FDA approval very challenging and costly. One estimate holds it costs drug providers nearly $1 million per clinical trial participant.

>> No.12372706


Fucking retard

>> No.12372712

> google it for me
> ah, you google it bad!
fuck you.
You could moan that genetic therapies are not your average pills. I'm pretty sure homeopathy is approved for much less.

>> No.12372805

i'm impressed you actually spent like 3 hours tracking down the literal most expensive drug on the planet to try to prove your point.
It's a funny meme but the real average is 20 million
I do actually want to know though, your original claim was that bribes were the reason FDA approval is expensive, (i can only assume this means skipping clinical trials) yet the link you provided claims that extensive clinical trials are why approval is expensive, and recommends that requirements be relaxed. I'm a little curious do you agree that clinical trials are too expensive and drugs should be brought to market with less testing?

>> No.12372806

Homeopathy isn't approved, that's the whole point of a clinical trial you fucking retard.

>> No.12372817

>convince me to take a vaccine that would potentially save my life
no, i dont think you should take it op.