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12369921 No.12369921 [Reply] [Original]

scientifically speaking, do masks help in stopping the spread of covid-19?

>> No.12369927


>> No.12369930

if a covid sick person goes on a store and breathes near ppl, the germs will float through the air, so masks block the germs from entering your mouth unless that nigga cough on you

>> No.12369935

They haven't

>> No.12369936


>> No.12369944

Yes, obviously

>> No.12369951

Yes, they do. It depends on the type of mask, but the primary means is not to provide protection to the wearer, but to reduce the spread of aerosols that carry the virus.


>Face mask use could result in a large reduction in risk of infection (n=2647; aOR 0·15, 95% CI 0·07 to 0·34, RD −14·3%, −15·9 to −10·7; low certainty), with stronger associations with N95 or similar respirators compared with disposable surgical masks or similar (eg, reusable 12–16-layer cotton masks; pinteraction=0·090; posterior probability >95%, low certainty).

>> No.12369955

Yes, they do, no I am not explaining it for the twentieth time to a fucking retard.

>> No.12369957


>> No.12369958

If you piss through a sheet of paper, will the piss go the same distance as if you were pissing in the air? I don't know why it's still up for debate

>> No.12369959

it's bunk science

>> No.12369960

Jacobs, J. L. et al. (2009) “Use of surgical face masks to reduce the incidence of the common cold among health care workers in Japan: A randomized controlled trial,” American Journal of Infection Control, Volume 37, Issue 5, 417 – 419. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19216002

N95-masked health-care workers (HCW) were significantly more likely to experience headaches. Face mask use in HCW was not demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds.

Cowling, B. et al. (2010) “Face masks to prevent transmission of influenza virus: A systematic review,” Epidemiology and Infection, 138(4), 449-456. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/epidemiology-and-infection/article/face-masks-to-prevent-transmission-of-influenza-virus-a-systematic- review/64D368496EBDE0AFCC6639CCC9D8BC05

None of the studies reviewed showed a benefit from wearing a mask, in either HCW or community members in households (H). See summary Tables 1 and 2 therein.

bin-Reza et al. (2012) “The use of masks and respirators to prevent transmission of influenza: a systematic review of the scientific evidence,” Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 6(4), 257–267. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/j.1750-2659.2011.00307.x

“There were 17 eligible studies. … None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection.”

>> No.12369964

Smith, J.D. et al. (2016) “Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks in protecting health care workers from acute respiratory infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis,” CMAJ Mar 2016 https://www.cmaj.ca/content/188/8/567

“We identified six clinical studies … . In the meta-analysis of the clinical studies, we found no significant difference between N95 respirators and surgical masks in associated risk of (a) laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection, (b) influenza-like illness, or (c) reported work-place absenteeism

Radonovich, L.J. et al. (2019) “N95 Respirators vs Medical Masks for Preventing Influenza Among Health Care Personnel: A Randomized Clinical Trial,” JAMA. 2019; 322(9): 824–833. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2749214

“Among 2862 randomized participants, 2371 completed the study and accounted for 5180 HCW-seasons. ... Among outpatient health care personnel, N95 respirators vs medical masks as worn by participants in this trial resulted in no significant difference in the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”

Long, Y. et al. (2020) “Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks against influenza: A systematic review and meta-analysis,” J Evid Based Med. 2020; 1- 9. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jebm.12381

“A total of six RCTs involving 9,171 participants were included. There were no statistically significant differences in preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza, laboratory-confirmed respiratory viral infections, laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection, and influenza-like illness using N95 respirators and surgical masks. Meta-analysis indicated a protective effect of N95 respirators against laboratory-confirmed bacterial colonization (RR = 0.58, 95% CI 0.43-0.78). The use of N95 respirators compared with surgical masks is not associated with a lower risk of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”

No, masks Don't work.

>> No.12369967

maybe a little bit

>> No.12369968

Spamming irrelevant studies in shit-tier journals isn't making an argument, shithead.

>> No.12369969

Good attempt but not quite right. Masks don't serve the purpose of filtering out "germs". They limit the ejection of sputum. Virus is ejected in bodily fluids. Fluid ejected at force is limited in its spread by a physical barrier. They also cover two orifices which serve as infective entry points to the tissues the virus can act upon. IE it's harder to stick dirty fingers in your mouth while wearing a mask. Although improper use of masks or use outside of other personal measures could logically increase infection risk.
An infected person coughs in a store. Items in the store are covered in mucus droplets. You pick up items and get someone else's spit on your hands. You leave the store without sanitising your hands. You take the mask off bringing the other person's spit in contact with your face. Virus in the spit can now come in contact with the respiratory system.
Likewise some of the fluid from the coughing persons airways will stay in the air as droplets for a short time. You go into the store with out a mask and breathe in those droplets. The virus has access to your respiratory system.
Masks work if used properly.

>> No.12369970
File: 2.00 MB, 576x1024, corona vapus.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12369972

It has nothing to do with cope. I've already posted a systematic review showing the exact opposite, studied directly in relationship to COVID-19, in the populous, and published in one of the most prestigious journals for medicine.

>> No.12369973

Yeah, try to understand the difference between droplets and vapour. Think about it. Try not to hurt yourself.

>> No.12369975

scientifically speaking, if a single corona virus sticks to the tissue of the mask it can help stopping the spread.

>> No.12369979

Stop. You're not helping.
ITT pro mask retards who don't actually understand the science arguing with anti mask retards who don't actually understand the science.


>> No.12369980

Sorry, masks don't work, see

>> No.12369982

see >>12369968

>> No.12369983

Nope you just don't understand how to read a scientific paper

>> No.12369986


Also, this retard spamming papers doesn't get the point that his studies are irrelevant, since many of them don't study the speed of spread of infection in a population, but instead look at protective properties *for the wearer* and *comparing this for different kinds of masks*. It says nothing about the effect of masks on the infection rate in the population, since they're not intended primarily to protect the wearer to being with.

>> No.12369994

which studies have studied the spread of infection in a population and face mask usage?

>> No.12369996

See >>12369951

>> No.12370007
File: 284 KB, 2224x1668, aoc-mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only covid, it stops any disease transmitted by air, that's why doctors and nurses wear it

>> No.12370008

"Although N95 respirators appeared to have a protective advantage over surgical masks in laboratory settings, our meta-analysis showed that there were insufficient data to determine definitively whether N95 respirators are superior to surgical masks in protecting health care workers against transmissible acute respiratory infections in clinical settings."

There were only six clinical studies in the analysis, which is quite small, indicating a lack of actual investigations into this.

The study doesnt actually say that masks dont prevent infection. Nowhere in this paper is that claim made or even suggested.
It didnt look at wearing masks versus not wearing masks.

It is a study of hospital staff in a clinical setting where masks are one part of a whole raft on infection control measures.

The study actually concludes that ther is no difference between types of mask, so bearing in mind the small amount of data available it would suggest that a basic face mask is as effective as a more specialised N95 mask.

So id like to know how you conclude from this study that masks dont work. You either dont understand it or are deliberately misrepresenting it.

>> No.12370017

These studies all SUGGEST that the recommended type of mask we are being asked to wear is as effective as an N95 mask in the clinical setting. Whats your point?

>> No.12370021

I'm not finding the part where they study the speed of spread.

>> No.12370023

You have posted very limited reviews that never the less actually contradict the point you are trying to make.

>> No.12370027

sorry, replied to the wrong post anon

>> No.12370038

They don't quantify effects on R0 but their outcome metrics look at number of infections with / without masks, including in non-clinical settings. Less infections equals lower R0.

>> No.12370105

>Face mask use in HCW was not demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds.
>getting colds
Imagine being almost a year into this shitshow and still not understanding that masks aren't supposed to protect you from getting anything, but protecting others from getting something FROM you.

/sci/ - brainlet central

>> No.12370274
File: 78 KB, 339x291, Ek92J4aWMAIHTfl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does a handkerchief or an arm you dumb cunt, but no
How about you kill yourself?

>> No.12370286


>> No.12370288
File: 762 KB, 1284x2778, 69A8ED44-9105-4C47-965E-2D48EF9491B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scientific projections has masks as a significant factor for daily death counts

>> No.12370309

fuck me, check out this wanker.
Yes its a similar concept to covering your face with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Theres also a smaller risk of spreading droplets through talking.
The concept being discussed here is if masks work, which you have actually even conceded in your dumb fucking post. Masks provide continuous defence in the same manner as a handkerchief in a high contact setting, and not just in the moments when someone coughs. Also coughing can be involuntary and sudden so people may not use it in time. Any
d what if they didnt have a handkerchief at the time? Would the government mandate you carry one in a shop?
And Im arguing that they work, not that they dont. Do you struggle with basic comprehension?