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File: 59 KB, 708x579, 1605867406298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12365993 No.12365993 [Reply] [Original]

Kiwi rocket edition
Old >>12363549

>> No.12365996

Oof, not a good look for Rocket Lab...

>> No.12366001

It's time for a woman to lead NASA!
<3 Kathy Graver
<3 Kendra Leuders
<3 Lori Horn

>> No.12366002

Catch of the Day edition.

>> No.12366003

Maximum based lol

>> No.12366009

Hope to see one of these suckers plucked out of the sky within the next few months

>> No.12366016

pretty sad there are no black women in the list. and we wonder why there no POC in NASA. we need black representation people!

>> No.12366028

>we need black representation people!

Niggers should have 13% of the power in society since they’re 13% of the population.

>> No.12366041
File: 334 KB, 3840x2160, Starship-2019-Saturn-render-SpaceX-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12366042

Why we don't have trans astronauts, we need suicide in space!

>> No.12366043

>a flightless bird

>> No.12366044

2070s-2080. I came up with an idea for a vessel a long time ago that would have some form of nuclear electric or nuclear thermal propulsion with a string of fuel tanks held together by struts in the center with starships rotating on the outside of this to serve as crew modules as well as drop ships to reach the surfaces of moons.

>> No.12366045

>It's time for a woman to lead NASA!
so you want NASA to collapse and become a welfare paradise?

>> No.12366053

only if jews have about 2%

>> No.12366090

I want big Jim elbow deep in my pudding cave, and I want Elon to film it.

>> No.12366093
File: 34 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a meme station?

>> No.12366096

The only part of their plan they can afford the R&D on is the CGI so yes

>> No.12366120

Looks nice though. At 2400 tons it wouldn't take many starship launches

>> No.12366132

That center “printer” part is hand waving away a lot of logistics involved in construction. Never happening

>> No.12366139


>> No.12366152

a much better station could be designed anyways

>> No.12366161
File: 78 KB, 282x300, VNfYgsb6Pqn4xlEBpYl11534fIpOfN1XeMe7NrzgmQs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KSP RAPIER engine
Why is it such bullshit?

>> No.12366168

It's a video game

>> No.12366193

Because it’s supposed to be the SABRE engine which is extremely gay irl

>> No.12366198
File: 370 KB, 593x488, close enough for my jewdar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It became a meme station when they sucked globalist jew dick and chose to change the name from Von Braun to Voyager.

>> No.12366220
File: 28 KB, 960x636, neonsalmler-im-aquarium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I don't think we'll be eating a lot of tilapia or lettuce in Mars. You need big ass tanks to grow tilapia and lettuce is nutritionally useless. What I think we'll be growing for protein in mars are guppy fishes, mosquito fishes, maybe neon tetras. Tiny fishes.

The cycle will be like this:

- Take sewage
- Run it through gravel beds to nitrify everything
- Some of the output is used for cyanobacteria, which will be used as sugar (in mars you'll drink a lot of just sugary water, on the other hand you'll need way less calories because you'll weight only a third of what you do here)
- Some of the output will go into algae reactors
- Algae tanks will be recycling the CO2 which you will breath. Some of the atmospheric CO2 will also be bubbled through them in order to obtain oxygen for fuel cells and the like.
- Algae is used to grow copepods, which will become food for genetically engineered neon tetras, which will be ground down into a paste and made into food pellets. You'll receive 12 food pellets and consume one for each waking hour. That will be your protein source, and when you drink the sugary water you'll be consuming all the calories you need. Now, the idea of eating a neon tetra food cube may sound disgusting to you, but people that are born in the colonies will enjoy it in the same manner a cat will eat kibble every single day of his life.
- Your pellets will certainly be enriched with some sewage extract. There's a lot of protein in fecal matter since our digestive systems aren't very efficient.

A more extreme approach would involve completely removing the digestive system and using intravenous feeding instead. Again, if it's done to you as a baby, you won't ever notice anything unusual about not eating.

Now: why won't breed insects in Mars? Simple: they only eat fresh, high quality vegetables (ask anyone who has raised crickets).

>> No.12366224

>on the other hand you'll need way less calories because you'll weight only a third of what you do here
I don't think that's how it works

>> No.12366227

>Simple: they only eat fresh, high quality vegetables

I grow fat superworms in a plastic box full of oatmeal.

>> No.12366252
File: 1013 KB, 1248x702, Soyuz 7K-OK docking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the soyuz 7K-OK the best looking soyuz?

>> No.12366255
File: 18 KB, 590x350, planet-nine-1012960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting an idea from a couple threads back.

Design an unmanned flyby/orbiter mission to Planet 9 (now called "Typhon").

The scenario is such as follows:

>near future, maybe 2021
>planet 9 is actually discovered near where it was predicted to be based on perturbations of kuiper belt objects like Sedna.
>is named "Typhon" after the enormous 100-headed monster from Greek mythology that fought against the gods of Olympus in an attempt to overthrow them and almost succeeded but was defeated by Zeus and imprisoned underneath Mt. Etna, where his anger sometimes causes the volcano to erupt (variations of the myth have different endings).
>the Typhon myth will have a real-life astronomical parallel as the planet Typhon would have originally formed much closer to the sun but end up flung out to the far outer reaches of the solar system from a gravitational encounter with Jupiter.
>Typhon turns out to be signifigantly larger and closer than expected, at around 62 Earth masses and 8 Earth radii which would make it the fourth largest object in the solar system after the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn.
>Typhon's orbit is more circular than less inclined than expected at around 500 AU semimajor axis.
>at this distance, light from the Sun takes almost 3 days to reach it, compared to a mere 5 hours to reach Pluto.
>no data about potential moons or ring sysem, but is speculated to posess both.

>design an unmanned probe mission either as a flyby or orbiter using only existing technology or technology that can reasonably be derived from existing technology.
>make the probe system flexible enough to make navigational decisions on in situ based on the presence of any moons or rings, mainly studying them and avoiding collisions.
>god-mode challenge: have the probe be equipped with a lander for any of Typhon's moons with no data about the actual moons themselves or their atmospheres.

The first time we did this was fun. Let's do it again.

>> No.12366259
File: 633 KB, 672x448, typhon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This with a magnetic plasma sail and some sort of chemical engine that isn't HDLT but works like HDLT y'know?

>> No.12366264

>I don't think that's how it works
It is. Why do you think obese people lose so much weight when they fast and after a point they stop losing as much? Because they're carrying a lot of weight and when they shed it off they're not carrying as much.

High quality oatmeal. How do you grow oats in Mars?

>> No.12366270
File: 16 KB, 402x291, 1423671055872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine if they would give this the F-35's budget of taxpayer money.

>> No.12366272

Endocrine system needs fat. Otherwise you’ll be a sterile eunuch pansy.

>> No.12366274


>> No.12366276

Yeah but that's completely different. They've lost a lot of living matter that takes energy to maintain. Think about all the biological infrastructure that needs to be grown and replicated to get oxygen, immune cells, various nutrients, and nerve endings throughout an extremely obese body plus handling all the extra waste. Sure there's a considerable amount of energy that's also being drawn to pump blood against the added weight but most of the energy is just going to maintaining the extra volume.

>> No.12366279

>How do you grow oats in Mars?

Hydroponics, or even using soil, since Martian soil is suitable for plants.

>> No.12366280

Yeah dude that’s totally what magnet sails look like.

>> No.12366283

I don't have them rendered in this image. I made it a long time ago and had no idea what magnet sails looked like back then lmao

>> No.12366284


>> No.12366285

Well either way it looks decent. Maybe 86 the white triangles and put more truss/balls and a long tether connected to a magnet/torus thing?

>> No.12366311


>> No.12366312

>Sure there's a considerable amount of energy that's also being drawn to pump blood against the added weight but most of the energy is just going to maintaining the extra volume.
Try walking around with a vest weighted with 40kg of anything. Your caloric expenditure will be much higher.

>> No.12366317

Oats are a very tall grass plant, only a small portion of it is oats, the rest is useless matter. You need to maximize unit of useful plant matter per unit of input material in Mars, which is why martian colonies will be growing very tiny plants like duckweed and not lettuce, tomatos, oats, etc.

>> No.12366324

Does Orion have the same programming issues as the starliner?

>> No.12366326

No it's made by lockheed who actually know what they are doing

>> No.12366330

How did Lockheed get their contract? With a firm handshake and being there

>> No.12366341

Relative to walking without it maybe, but the absolute calorie expenditure of walking itself is miniscule. Even exercise is a minor contribution to calorie expenditure, its purpose is maintaining muscle mass. And you're definitely going to want to do that, jellypeople can be bullied on Mars just as easily as they can on Earth as long as chads exist.

>> No.12366345

Lockheed has been cucked out of so many big NASA contracts that have otherwise gone to boeing. NASA probably just gave them the capsule because they felt bad for them lmao. If something goes wrong with SLS I can guarantee you it will either be with the rocket itself, or the shitty programming that won't be able to communicate with itself or with the orion capsule.
As a side note I should say that Orion itself has been really expensive but I don't think that's necessarily Lockheed's fault. They built it for the constellation program and they have been sitting in warehouses so it costs a lot of money to keep them online and running as SLS slowly gets built

>> No.12366350

>Relative to walking without it maybe, but the absolute calorie expenditure of walking itself is miniscule. Even exercise is a minor contribution to calorie expenditure, its purpose is maintaining muscle mass. And you're definitely going to want to do that, jellypeople can be bullied on Mars just as easily as they can on Earth as long as chads exist.

You have a basal metabolic rate, don't you? Say 1400 kcal/day. It's proportional to how much weight you have because all your muscles are constantly actuating to keep you standing up. If you have less weight, you need less energy to actuate your muscles. Walking uses very few calories above that basal rate, but try walking while carrying someone. You'll be winded up. That's why fatties get winded up so quickly when walking upstairs.

>> No.12366351

Wait nevermind I just looked into it; Orion is running on cost-plus and is way way way more expensive than I thought. Makes me mad, it was supposed to be cheap.

>> No.12366371

SLS is a worse porkbarrel debacle than the shuttle. It's really demoralizing.

>> No.12366374
File: 115 KB, 632x934, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was supposed to be cheap lmao. Has it cost more than the Saturn V at this point?

>> No.12366375
File: 196 KB, 500x377, milled_orion_pressurevessel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a side note I should say that Orion itself has been really expensive but I don't think that's necessarily Lockheed's fault.
Don't they mill out the capsule's pressure vessel from a chunk of metal?

>> No.12366380

Maybe with a GCNTR

NASA has had the rug pulled out from under them so many times they have to build a rocket that won't be killed by politicians before its even done. This in large part why NASA is pigeon holed into conservative designs and logistics, they had to figure out everything about SLS before hand and have no room to deviate from it.

>> No.12366381

Yeah fine, but walking takes like 80 calories an hour. Running takes like 120 an hour. Weight lifting as hard as you can burns maybe 500 calories more. As you can easily see, there is negligible benefit to weighing less per hour.

>> No.12366386

>You have a basal metabolic rate, don't you? Say 1400 kcal/day.
That's the fundamental aspect behind the very thing I just explained to you, yes. You simultaneously have the right idea and completely the wrong conceptualization.
> It's proportional to how much weight you have because all your muscles are constantly actuating to keep you standing up.
It's proportional to your fat-free body mass because that's the portion of your body mass that actively taking part in maintaining homeostasis. The small part mechanical work plays in BMR is in things like heartbeat, breathing, and digestion - not skeletal muscle. In other words your BMR on Mars is unlikely to change by much if at all as long as you are maintaining mass (not weight).

>> No.12366390

I can't imagine anyone making rockets once Starship is here, but I know it's going to happen. SLS is likely to be NASA's last in-house rocket. And other people will be exploring F9 copies which is fine I guess. Do you guys think all expendable rockets will be done for soon? Maybe small countries like Iran and stuff won't give a shit (they just want satellites in orbit) but what would be the incentive for Roscosmos and ESA and NASA to make more expendables when Starship can get stuff across the solar system at far far far cheaper prices

>> No.12366392

The apollo program costed nearly $300 billion so no. SLS will likely launch once for a fly by mission of the moon and then be retired with the artemis program quietly being declared a failure.

>> No.12366397

>Do you guys think all expendable rockets will be done for soon?
Anyone who has to directly compete with SpaceX for contracts cannot survive on expendables. Those who don't can get by as long as their host nations don't care about losing. While I don't think they'll get there this decade, I do think China and India will have the sense to play follow the leader once they Starship has "proven" itself. The EU never ever.

>> No.12366399

That's what I was trying to say earlier. The biggest costs of your metabolism are related to maintaining the body, not moving. Astronauts on the ISS still need 2500 calories a day despite technically experiencing weightlessness.

>> No.12366401

>incentive for Roscosmos and ESA
Certain military or intelligence payloads can't be lifted using enemy rockets. These agencies also want to benefit from cheaper launches. If there is a national alternative, it would save taxpayers money.

>> No.12366402

Why would SpaceX ever have an indefinite monopoly on comerical flights?
Regardless, there would still be reasons for countries to have their own production lines for military purposes or not to be dependent on a single company in another country.

>> No.12366403

>the rest is useless matter

For human eating, maybe, but there’s always other uses

>> No.12366404

>Do you guys think all expendable rockets will be done for soon?
No. Not even if Starship meets all of its extreme goals. Expendable rockets have the advantage of industry momentum over reusable rockets because they have been around for so long. What we will most likely see are monopoly protection acts being passed for launch vehicles to artificially inflate the value of expendable vehicles while preventing Starship from dominating the market. Beyond that, the future is uncertain.

>> No.12366409

>Expendable rockets have the advantage of industry momentum over reusable rockets because they have been around for so long.
Horses have the advantage of industry momentum over horseless carriages because they have been around for so long.

>> No.12366417

>A station, stays still in its orbit not really going anywhere

>> No.12366427
File: 59 KB, 730x584, EYddoCUWAAAqFNX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this?

>> No.12366429

I give expendable rockets 25 years left before they're relegated to extremely niche purposes and/or only being kept alive out of stubbornness

>> No.12366434

>Anon, where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Digging ice habitats in Europa

>> No.12366435

Fuck lots of good points being made. I guess the answer is we just don't know. I hope Starship can deliver on every aspect it promises. Cheap ass prices for launching something with with more internal volume than the ISS would be huge for spaceflight (which I'm confident Musk can do because SS was designed from the ground up to be cheap)

>> No.12366445

>Cislunar gateway
This is the greatest meme ever devised.
I hope Biden cuts down all the bullsit programs and ends the ISS for good.

>> No.12366447

>First to fall over when the atmosphere is less than perfect
>Your sensibilities are shaken by the slightest defect

>> No.12366451
File: 18 KB, 367x401, 152108427302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to die without ever going to space, without ever leaving this hellscape planet.

>> No.12366454

Personally I'm hoping for life extension to become commonly available.

>> No.12366458
File: 141 KB, 1024x576, tmp840198888991227905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope Biden cuts down all the bullsit programs and ends the ISS for good.
He probably will.
And replace it with nothing.

>> No.12366460

Not nothing. Climate research and outreach. Which isn't nothing, but is still bullshit.

>> No.12366461

That is nothing. That's committee work. Not spaceflight.

>> No.12366471

In all likelihood due to the globohomo menace and the expulsion of competent/productive people from academia and the sciences for the sake of diversity, you won't live to see any type of life extension that would lead to escape velocity from your mortality.

>> No.12366472

Reminds me of how a good number of the spaceflight community back in the 00's wanted Constellation cancelled not understanding that anything that replaced it was going to be a lot smaller in scope

>> No.12366475

I'm not really pro-Gateway but I'm pro what it's supposed to do. Give them a reason for coming back, just like ISS has kept people in LEO for 20 years straight now.
That's what people fail to understand.

>> No.12366481

Constellation being cancelled is a good thing if for no other reason than the eventual funding of SpaceX through CCrew.

>> No.12366484

unfortunate but probably true. imagine if bezos had funded Aubrey instead of trying to compete with musk. At least google is pumping money into the problem but apparently their approach is shit and they've made 0 progress? Also Bill gates said if it wasn't for his wife and her charities he would have spent his billions on life extension

>> No.12366499

>jews and italians are identical
how do i know this person isn't really "italian" as they claim they are

>> No.12366504

This is something can only really say that with hindsight, Space X was still a very small company at the time that was one more failed launch away from a bankruptcy.

>> No.12366530

Good things ONLY happen on accident in state space.

>> No.12366600

Is there an online website where I can see the moon is in its orbit? Sort of KSP style. Cant find anything.

>> No.12366633

Space Engine, NASA's Eyes on the Solar System, and Celestia are all free programs that can show you any celestial body's position at a given time.

>> No.12366660

Kek you zoomers were born with a cellphone in your hand and so you think magic exists?

>> No.12366665

This is overcomplicated and retarded. Martian colonists will just eat hydroponically grown plants and beans, then lab-grown meat once the technology matures.
Nobody is going to eat bugs like a rat, or waste millions of litres of water just to grow meme fish for vitamins when you can just take a multivitamin instead.
And we're not going to have multiple square km just to let cows graze either. Anyone who thinks that is talking out their ass.

>> No.12366669

Magic is real. You've seen it down in Michoud

>> No.12366671

>commonly available
If it that was ever solved, it would never be commonly available.

>> No.12366675

shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up

>> No.12366680

Can people make up their mind over I'm a Millennial or a Zoomer? I turn 25 in January.
>so you think magic exists
There have been good inroads into senescence research wr/t humans, though admittedly its still probably a long shot.
If it works why would it be kept out of the hands of the general public? A company could make a lot of money doing so once initial buyers bring the price down.

>> No.12366690

Because there's too fucking many people and there's no fucking way they would want that to continue. Do you really think the world would be stable if developed countries had longevity drugs?
Shit would hit the fan in a biblical way so fast you have no idea.

>> No.12366693

wait, is gabe giving money to rocket lab now? I saw that stuff about the gnome, or just a little publicity stunt for his charity and rocket lab?

>> No.12366694

This is a web browser version, but I highly highly suggest you download NASA's Eyes software. It's an easy download and it was made by JPL and it runs beautifully. You can click the link for a quick overview without downloading anything but it's a little more messy with info boxes everywhere

>> No.12366698

Mars will have chicken farmers and as many tendies as needed for every hard working martian.

>> No.12366711

>Because there's too fucking many people
Birthrates are still declining pretty rapidly in most places, and I doubt you'd need to have many children in a short timespan if lives are getting greatly expended.
>if developed countries had longevity drugs
If its just in developed countries then I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.12366714

I can clearly tell you're 25. You haven't put much thought into this.
It's only developed countries who will be able to afford something like this, it will be only be for the elite and the rest will go to war for it. The world will fucking burn. You think a separation into poor and rich is bad? Think about a separation into long lived and short lived.

>> No.12366718

>this guy doesn't get it.

>> No.12366724

sóy tendies are just as good

>> No.12366733

>no argument

>> No.12366734

>Because there's too fucking many people

Kill yourself first, misanthrope.

>> No.12366736

Please keep your onions back here on earth.

>> No.12366739

>gonna fund it with a raffle
>gonna fund it with a lottery
This is some Mars One energy

>> No.12366741

What the west does is one thing. There's no shortage of what's flooding us though.
That's not "misanthropy", that's just fact. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.12366745

> it will be only be for the elite
This assumes that the elite of every country would keep it for themselves, and not realize that there's potential geopolitical gain over other countries to be had by making generally available to at least their populations. It would allow countries able to afford it to have more human capital and the capital they already have for longer.

>> No.12366746

Like I said, grow the fuck up.

>> No.12366747

Rapid turnover is what keeps things moving, anon, not long lived underlings.

>> No.12366755

There are too many retards currently alive for us to just cap it off here. No one would get any smarter. The world would just stagnate. Imagine the next einstein or euler or newton not being born all because some 4 billion odd people decided to stabilize their existence and just go to a cubicle all day doing spreadsheets to make rent and grocery money. Go on twitter or reddit and tell me those are the people who should be given the opportunity to live forever

>> No.12366763

>>12366734 is not me, you're replying to more than one person.

The same kinds of technology that would extend lifespans are also the same ones that would be able to boost intelligence, or at least have a lot of applications.
Why wouldn't the techniques used to slow or stop senescence on a cellular level, not be used to enhance the brain.

>> No.12366766

I deduced your immaturity because you haven’t accepted your death, nilla.

>> No.12366782

Yeah well the same technology could theoretically reignite stem cell growth and give me an 8 inch schlong, or integrate neurons into a rocket itself and make a a starship girlfriend that can talk to me through my neuralink. But it’s all hypothetical. I’m just saying that not everyone deserves to live forever assuming we get to that point. Unless they want to upload themselves into their own digital world or something. Keeping useless fucks around in the flesh on earth is a waste of resources unless they are constantly contributing something to society which is only like 0.01% of the entire world population

>> No.12366811


>> No.12366820

Accepting your death is for fags.

>> No.12366828


>> No.12366848

>But it’s all hypothetical.
This entire conversation is predicated on the assumption that you have technology able to easily modify the cells of adult humans. If such thing isn't possible, than life extension as we're discussing is out of the cards.
> unless they are constantly contributing something to society
Which is why I bring up the fact that the same technology would have multiple uses, if you're messing around with the DNA of cells to prevent ageing you could modify ,you don't have the worry about useless fucks living forever if the same technology can make them useful

>you haven’t accepted your death
I never said anything about escaping death, such a thing isn't possible barring some massive revelation about the fundamental nature of reality, just that life extension of some sort might be feasible.

>> No.12366863
File: 61 KB, 482x454, bellyflop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the belly flop will be way to dangerous for humans for at least the first decade of operational starship. What do you think about transferring to an empty capsule for landing on Earth? What about using a descent only LEM on the Moon an Mars and only with an emergency starship already on the surface?

>> No.12366874

>I think the belly flop will be way to dangerous for humans for at least the first decade of operational starship.
Does it matter what you think?

>> No.12366878

It'll be dangerous. But plane landings are also ass clenchers. If we see it done 100-1000 times safely, which realistically will happen pre-2030 before the big waves of proposed colonization or cis-lunar traffic, it won't be so much a problem.

>> No.12366884

Who cares. If i’m given a ticket to mars but the only catch is that I need to have the balls to sit in a propulsively landing ship i’ll still do it. The first people to ride on the thing are going to know the risks; the first people going to Mars will too. Why would you go all that way only to pussy out and take a capsule down

>> No.12366885

I think ice creams should be given to everyone. What do you think?

>> No.12366889

It’s within your power to shoot for 100~ years old if you health max.

>> No.12366910

Okay, and? I was already going to keep myself in good health anyway, I've got no intention of dying at 50 due to carelessness.

>> No.12366919

>starship flies up
>opens bay
>pez dispenses 15 dragon capsules
>capsules used as needed

>> No.12366930

Wait, Chang'e 5 launch in three days?
When they announced exact date?

>> No.12366935
File: 493 KB, 800x800, junko anger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Tuesday, if nothing stops it.

>> No.12366956

Hopefully they stuck a decent quality camera on the lander this time

>> No.12366962

And that’s all you get.

>> No.12366979

Mostly probably, yeah. But I fail to see why I should stop thinking that life extension might be something we see in our lifetimes.

>> No.12366983

i eat up these posts where pussies say it's too dangerous. live a little lmao

>> No.12367018

... well I tried

>> No.12367019

>This entire conversation is predicated on the assumption that you have technology able to easily modify the cells of adult humans

Good thing CRISPR exists

>> No.12367025

Road closures again Nov 23-25. Static fire once more1

>> No.12367027

more like science-fiction general, amirite?

>> No.12367029
File: 2.59 MB, 239x320, yesYesYES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12367061

God damn this Sentinel-6 livestream is boring as fuck

>> No.12367063
File: 50 KB, 2318x465, 1586977295733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


neat. Apparently this time there's a bigass electronic sign telling drivers about the coming closures. Wonder if they'll push things and try to get the hop done during this time

>> No.12367066 [DELETED] 

Its all here


>> No.12367071


>> No.12367079

SpaceX Fan General

>> No.12367084

Can someone ban this bot please

>> No.12367105

by the year 2100 or whatever we'll have reached the AI singularity so as long as it's not physically impossible to extend human life indefinately, it's merely a solvable engineering problem.

>> No.12367119

That's the thing, CRISPR is being used for shit like gene therapy right now to treat genetic diseases.

The consequences of trying to escape all the non-science trash on a slow science board, by hunkering down in a general.

>> No.12367120

>Muh religious beliefs

No evidence of any singularity

>> No.12367123

In principle it is possible, but it is rather strange to assume that a self improving AI would have hard take off in terms of intelligence.

>> No.12367153

Unless there's something literally magical about what happens in a human brain, it can be replicated in a computer.
All advances in computers are exponential. And as long as human civilization exists, AI will continue to improve. To deny this is willfull ignorance.

>> No.12367156


>> No.12367173

If the "intelligence explosion" theory of singulationists is valid, general AI should be feared as the most certain and total apocalypse ever devised by man. If they aren't, it should still be avoided just in case and we should instead focus only on augmenting the abilities of human beings with limited AI-based tools.

>> No.12367187

>general AI should be feared as the most certain and total apocalypse ever devised by man.
True. It could be either the best or worst thing ever, but probably the worst.
>we should instead focus only on augmenting the abilities of human beings with limited AI-based tools.
If we do that, China will just make a true AI and beat us.

>> No.12367206

>willfully developing something that is sure to be our certain doom because of "muh china"

>> No.12367221

Would you rather have nukes or have China have nukes?
Non meme answers only.

>> No.12367228
File: 127 KB, 1049x1641, EnS-WPSXUAEwKiW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12367232

huh, that doesnt look like a static fire lol

>> No.12367237

static fire is 23-25 nov

>> No.12367251

Fuck the static fire I want a fucking annual starship update with new concept photos and design plans and changes laid out. I don't care if Musk uploads it all as a blog post to a super secret unlisted website for super dorks to check out by solving easter eggs. I don't care if the 15km takes another 2 months. I just want news

>> No.12367254

Just add some cable armor and try again!

How can SpaceX get away with this?

>> No.12367259

That's flight, possibly if things go right. Static fire is 23-25.


>> No.12367267


>> No.12367268

nigga just nuke China and Israel and you got your problem solved. Don't make A.I just because some else might do it. Would you suck dick because your enemy is doing it?

>> No.12367274

reckless capitalism. president harris will stop them

>> No.12367276

what if.... there is no news...because....starship is a......FRAUD

>> No.12367297

Sparse facts general

>> No.12367310

>fuck any actual development, I just want empty entertainment

>> No.12367313
File: 1.60 MB, 3803x2852, D37DFA56-0404-4F1C-A77F-CB2E3001F5FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12367326

>how DARE anything evolve to be superior to pure biological humans! We are at the top of evolution and must always be!

>> No.12367332

this but unironically

>> No.12367340

>In principle it is possible

In principle it’s possible to build a giant laser and melt the moon.

> but it is rather strange to assume that a self improving AI

Self-improving AI isn’t practically possible. It would have to have access to vast manufacturing facilities, robots, and logistics. Otherwise it’s limited to it’s starting hardware, and probably won’t even have access to the external world. Modern neural networks take days of processing training data just to make half-assed pictures of dogs.

>> No.12367346

>Unless there's something literally magical about what happens in a human brain, it can be replicated in a computer.

Neurons are different functionally and structurally from transistors, so that’s a bald-faced lie. They’re not the same physically and they don’t work the same either.

> All advances in computers are exponential

Hasn’t been true for years, and there’s zero guarantee improvements will continue indefinitely.

You’re just as religious as a Christian.

>> No.12367348






>> No.12367349

>how DARE anything evolve to be superior to pure biological humans! We are at the top of evolution and must always be!

Yes. Butlerian Jihad against race traitors when?

>> No.12367355

>Unless there's something literally magical about what happens in a human brain, it can be replicated in a computer.
Alright, tell me when you've replicated consciousness then

>> No.12367356

Harness the power of AI to evolve yourself even further or get left behind and disappear

>> No.12367359

they don't need to be the same physically anon, and besides we could just make hardware that matches, or even wetware. it's still a computer.

>> No.12367362

>If the "intelligence explosion" theory of singulationists is valid

It isn’t. Belief in AGI is equivalent in every sense to belief in the eventual arrival of Jesus Christ.

> and we should instead focus only on augmenting the abilities of human beings with limited AI-based tools.

Computers suck ass. Just get a bigger brain.

>> No.12367365

>Summon Satan; he’ll totally give you super powers haha

>> No.12367374

>they don't need to be the same physically anon

Consciousness being caused by a bunch of molecules bouncing around makes exactly as much sense as rubbing a lamp and a genie coming out of it. Don’t pretend to know how this shit works because no one does.

>and besides we could just make hardware that matches, or even wetware. it's still a computer.

Brains aren’t computers. That’s a godawful analogy popularized by fedora atheists.

>> No.12367378

>>Brains aren’t computers.
This, there's a reason we use computers and a reason we use our brains for the rest

>> No.12367379

>Computers suck ass. Just get a bigger brain.
Guess you never use a calculator, mr. badass? Emulated CFD in your brain recently?

>> No.12367382

because brains are filled with micro optimization bloatware that make bulk calculations slow

>> No.12367385
File: 92 KB, 753x603, elephant-in-the-room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK /sfg, time to stop fagging around and start addressing the proverbial elephant in the room:

While everybody willfully embraces, or at least discusses the latest memes to get to space and colonize other planets, how come nobody seriously dares to suggest we start investing in research to genetically modify the human DNA to give future colonists a leg up to adapt to foreign environments like in micro gravity and on other planets? Why always this gay assumption that those who go out there MUST come back to Urf instead of adapting and specialize and stay out there as a long term plan?
Biotech made so much progress but it's always
>muh ethics
while we all know that e.g. everyone would choose the healthier fetus as his offspring if given the choice with stuff like in vitro fertilization. On top of that specialization already takes place since millennia proven in sports like marathon running.

So how do we take off those shackles of hypocrisy and actually let ALL wheels touch the track to get this fucking train to get to other planets?

>> No.12367397

>Extrapolating data based on logical trends is religion
>It just is

>> No.12367400
File: 513 KB, 749x1200, mechan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12367403

t. freewheel apologist

>> No.12367409

I am fully on board with bioforming, I just tend to assume it will be too distant to be relevant at the current stage.
>not wanting to eat radiation and survive in the vacuum, or live as a symbiotic parasite in the belly of a space whale

>> No.12367410

Look, I get that you're afraid of robots taking over the world, and I understand that you think you're the prime example of the best possible arrangement of atoms, but don't pretend that AI isn't real just because it makes you uncomfortable. Better minds than yours have already understood it.

>> No.12367414
File: 35 KB, 746x646, dfadfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah now keep on moving servitor bugman

>> No.12367416
File: 127 KB, 700x487, 0_cFH2r-wQb6WbAjcO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how come nobody seriously dares to suggest we start investing in research to genetically modify the human DNA to give future colonists a leg up to adapt to foreign environments like in micro gravity and on other planets?
Because mankind should bend the cosmos to our will rather than alter ourselves to suit its needs. Growing a bunch of test tube babies just to cope with Mars is cowardly and gay

>> No.12367422
File: 57 KB, 1096x616, skynews-elon-musk-weed_4414031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engineers: we can launch in Q2/21 after another series of static fires with the replacement engines, Elon
>Elon: we fire the engines in McGregor, we've fired the tankage already, just launch the fucking thing, the worst it can do is explode and we can post that on youtube for ad revenue

>> No.12367423

Eh i wouldn't mind making uberchads in the image of man instead of bug people that can live on radiation

>> No.12367424

>Horseless carriages travelling faster than horses? Men travelling outside the Earth? Balderdash! Indeed, quite as erronious as a mainstream religious belief, I'd say.

>> No.12367425
File: 203 KB, 1280x1280, terraformed_inner_system_overlay_by_ittiz_ddtfzxb-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because mankind should bend the cosmos to our will rather than alter ourselves to suit its needs.

Terraform every fucking planet

>> No.12367430

What a fucking chad, like for real.

>> No.12367431
File: 222 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-TerraformedVenus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12367433

Based. Let the virgin spacesuiters seethe.

>> No.12367434

>I have no mouth but I must shitpost

>> No.12367435
File: 2.25 MB, 2193x2238, the_moon_terraformed_by_ittiz_d2a2zst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12367438
File: 481 KB, 2000x2000, TerraformedMarsGlobeRealistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12367443
File: 137 KB, 1280x1280, terraformed_mercury_by_ittiz_ddtfuzj-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I forgot Mercury

>> No.12367445
File: 1.05 MB, 1013x1004, Terra_Europa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12367446
File: 1.89 MB, 1883x1387, furge wurld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the virgin forests & oceans
>the chad forge world

>> No.12367450
File: 532 KB, 1024x768, TerraformNeptune-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey I like Coruscant too but Sol should be Soul not soulless

>> No.12367451

Terraform the Sun. Could it be done? Serious replies only.

>> No.12367453

>Guess you never use a calculator, mr. badass?

Show me a conscious computer, or a computer that can make it’s own art. You can’t.
Brains are so much more efficient than computers in both terms of space and energy that it’s absurd.

>> No.12367456

>hehe everything is like my comfy safe earth, so much SOUL
No, go to your spinny cuckcan

>> No.12367457
File: 95 KB, 750x332, Venus_map_terraformed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I like terraforming too but Sol should be Sol not Sol-less

>> No.12367458

>Extrapolating data based on logical trends is religion

>Today was five degrees hotter than yesterday therefore it will be over a thousand degrees in a few months

>> No.12367461
File: 402 KB, 1280x1920, terraforming_earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Futurama intensifies

>> No.12367466

Europa looks really nice.
What program did you do to make these screenshots?

>> No.12367473

>Muh shitty neural networks that train for years to make blurry pictures of a lizard

>> No.12367479

just found these on deviantart mate

>> No.12367485

Gondwona fags always filling up the general with shit. Laurasia chads only

>> No.12367486

>Then you add salt to the oceans
What kind of stupid shit is this?

>> No.12367489

>the prime example of the best possible arrangement of atoms
literally me

>> No.12367497

I didn't say "computers are better than brains at every single possible task". I said non-AGI AI should be used for tools that benefit humans. What the fuck is your problem with that? That's the state of the world today. Machine learning is being put to work optimizing everything that can be optimized.

>> No.12367500
File: 3 KB, 97x116, 1375865520745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to terraform Neptune
>get rid of the gas giant
>build the rest of the fucking earth

>> No.12367520

an absurdly alpha move

>> No.12367522

Sure, I mean it’s not like nasa even does anything any more so no harm bringing in as many people as possible.

>> No.12367523

>this train is getting closer
>oh its still coming
>now its nearly on top of me
>what so you mean its going to hit me?Don't be silly.

>> No.12367526
File: 57 KB, 1040x521, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12367552
File: 514 KB, 799x462, pqcwtt0bh8061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are spaceX gonna land on Mars's oceans?

>> No.12367557

Is their any other spacecraft organisation that actually does anything?

>> No.12367560

salinated oceans are a pretty key component to life on earth mate

>> No.12367568


>> No.12367580
File: 414 KB, 922x922, HAZ KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pre-launch streams cuts when the bald femnigger stars talking about SLS

>> No.12367585

Why not freshwater oceans on Mars?

>> No.12367590

link pls

>> No.12367593


>> No.12367599

Because the planet itself is basically rust?
It's just salt everywhere to paraphrase.

>> No.12367600

I was watching too. Made me kek out loud

>> No.12367605
File: 154 KB, 1370x947, EnPmrIfXMAEvThj-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of the twitter/youtube render fags working on Starship interior?

>> No.12367613

I can work on one, I just got my rendering software to work. What should an ideal starship include? (No I won't do the tunnel)

>> No.12367614

What I meant was that the quantity of salt to be added is ridiculously high

>> No.12367642

>he fears the SHAFT

>> No.12367659

stuff you'd want on a week long train ride. cabins, small gathering area, 'food area', cargo, viewing area. then I guess you need the specialized space stuff which would be life support, special cargo, exercise equipment

>> No.12367675

Elon refuses to pay for proper launch pads so probably never.

>> No.12367680

they're literally building the superheavy pad right now you numb digger

>> No.12367684

Finalized version will probably only ever launch from sea, no reason to invest heavily in launchpads. Plus launching from expendable pads is just a learning environment for offworld launch/landings.

>> No.12367692
File: 62 KB, 900x600, article_photo1_319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood the reusable launch pad meme

>> No.12367705

Another cryo test, then month later static fire where engine shits itself.

>> No.12367718

>desalinify the Martian ocean
>build a giant salt crystal ring around Mars purely for aesthetics
gamer move

>> No.12367720

Not going to happen dude. In case you haven't noticed the peak happened some decades ago. Since then we have continued an international policy of breeding up stupid people and shitting on the planet. We are not getting off world in any meaningful sense, rather we are going to slowly regress to 19th century living standards other than a few isolationist high tech enclaves. In the meantime a few more probes, some more data about space rocks and that's the lot.

The only possible exception to this outcome is if the Chinese can successfully make a play for hegemony. And that is provided they then immediately recognize the need to severely curtail world population numbers and pollution output in time to avoid ecological collapse. Possible but rather unlikely.

>> No.12367735


>> No.12367739
File: 88 KB, 960x639, ELON_MOSQUE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only we had a white south african billionaire who could see such a thing coming and start spending his fortune on an Asimov style Foundation on Mars

it sure would be great if he openly talked about the potential peak and decline of civilization in multiple Starship talks and mentioned how if we fall from the current level of technology we'll have depleted Earth too badly to get a second shot

even better if he was to reccomend almost explicitly white supremacist literature on Twitter like Durant's Lessons of History that attritube the fall of Rome to mass migration

>> No.12367752
File: 577 KB, 576x432, leutenant nerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12367755

>I have nothing to say.
Shame your 14 year old school boy fantasies about space have dispelled. Reality sucks for you.

>> No.12367759



>> No.12367760


>> No.12367763

Lmao, the official theme of Ares I-X

>> No.12367786

>7 launches schedule between now and SN8 hop
It's going to be busy.

>> No.12367788

planes can often attempt a second landing

Starship is a suicide burn

>> No.12367807

Okay? Just don't ride on a starship then lol

>> No.12367823

Possible, but like the Chinese scenario its a long shot. The efforts of an individual organization pale by comparison to the potential of an entire superpower nation. That's not even taking into account the vulnerability of his organization to interference on Earth.

Even if you get a mars colony established, where some humans can eak out a dreadful existence it still doesn't get humans out of the solar system. When Earth declines to subsistence levels the very continued existence of the colony then becomes problematic. Hardly conducive to leap frogging to outer planets, and without an industrial base and support network capable of launching interstellar missions.

>> No.12367830

>the bridge would basically be a combination of a something you'd see in a cargo freighter bridge, a space shuttle glass cockpit, and a tesla dashboard
>individual cabins would look like a hotel room
>large rooms like the gym the have the same design motif as the spaceX dragon
>the galley and storage rooms look like something you'd see in the ISS

>> No.12367863

ngmi if you have no shaft dumbass

>> No.12367867


>> No.12367903
File: 262 KB, 850x940, __aino_minako_bishoujo_senshi_sailor_moon_drawn_by_nui_inu__sample-1ae7b1e2631c0a962b0624bfd695cb4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the venus pill /sfg/

>> No.12367905

did you miss the part where they get rid of the majority of neptune's mass in order to be left with the stripped-naked core? adding a bit of salt would be literally nothing to a civilization capable of that. Of course it's still a stupid thing to say because A: neptune's core will be made of heavier elements including all those elements salt is made from, and B: nobody is going to go to all the effort of strip-mining Neptune down to its core just to stop at terraforming that core, they'd just keep strip mining until the core itself was also disassembled and could be used to build more rotating tubes.

>> No.12367908
File: 121 KB, 220x163, sailorvenus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be the first man to explore Venus

>> No.12367918


>> No.12367924

Already have mate. Underrated next door property

>> No.12367925

It’s that easy m8

>> No.12367936

>inhospitable surface and no moons
>b-b-but it has kind of okay conditions in a certain altitude if you ignore the 300mph winds and acid

>> No.12367967

We have metals and even plastics that can stand up to that acid just fine

>> No.12367976

>it's a cyanide pill

>> No.12368003

Venus is an inhospitable childless planet who took too many comets in its formative period. Now its old, hellish and poisonous to life.

>> No.12368016

I get that, but what's the point? With no solid surface to walk on within its entire sphere of influence and a paltry profile of available resources, if you just want to hang out in a balloon I don't see how Venus offers you anything that you don't get from being on a rotating station.

>> No.12368031

The atmosphere at ideal heights for earth temperature and pressure are under constant hurricane force winds and have a haze of sulfuric hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid clouds, you can't walk out without a special pressure suit, and the winds would generate insane, constant turbulence
If the balloon fails, you fall into literal hell

>> No.12368044
File: 553 KB, 960x540, large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which lunar gantry is the best /sfg/?

>> No.12368105

>NASA is investing time and money to solicit ideas from the public on how to protect astronauts from lunar rain
kinda based ngl

>> No.12368111

I'll either need a pressure suit for the cloud base, or to wait 150-200 years for the atmosphere to precipitate out with a solar shade.

>> No.12368115

For what purpose?

>> No.12368123

this looks dumb as shit lmao

>> No.12368128

>tfw a glass robot would do just fine

>> No.12368133
File: 822 KB, 1148x311, muskyboi pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Public Notice of Cameron County Order to Temporarily Close State Highway 4 and Boca Chica Beach
Primary Date Nov 23, 2020 9:00 am to 9:00 pm Closure Scheduled
Secondary Date Nov 24, 2020 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Closure Scheduled
Secondary Date Nov 25, 2020 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Closure Scheduled
Primary Date Nov 30, 2020 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Closure Scheduled
Secondary Date Dec 1, 2020 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Closure Scheduled
Secondary Date Dec 2, 2020 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Closure Scheduled

>> No.12368141

what's in the box

>> No.12368148

>do not stack more than two high
>stacks three high

>> No.12368149


>> No.12368162

lunar rainstorms are a much harsher mistress than the (((media))) lets on

>> No.12368167

Whenever I see that acronym I always think of Sonys failed media format for the PSP

>> No.12368183
File: 214 KB, 1218x1282, 1589658079691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fault in last test was caused by ceramic coating on pad which kicked up rocks that severed the avionics cable and caused bad shutdown and stopped the feed valve from responding
>Musk says its easy to fix but also they need to do a complete redesign for parts of Starship for some reason
What aren't they telling us. A pad failure does not require a rocket redesign as massive as musk is implying is in the works..

>> No.12368193
File: 56 KB, 382x358, 1465139337419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caused by ceramic coating on pad
>ceramic tiles
its happening again bros i can feel it

>> No.12368199


>> No.12368205

musk isnt hyping anything, all he said was armored pipes. big whoop

>> No.12368213

Maybe they just decided that scrapping large parts of the current design and starting anew is a more fruitful option.
A lot of Starship's design details are still very much up in the air, this probably isn't that much of an upset compared to when it became Stainless Steel and was scaled down.

>> No.12368216

Don't know what you're talking about. It's safe. No need to check them. It'll be fine.

>> No.12368234
File: 31 KB, 640x360, Columbia_AP_promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know, there is nothing we can do about damage to the [thermal protection system]. If it has been damaged it's probably better not to know. I think the crew would rather not know. Don't you think it would be better for them to have a happy successful flight and die unexpectedly during entry than to stay on orbit, knowing that there was nothing to be done, until the air ran out?
This will forever remain the most heartless and soulless statement ever made in the history of manned spaceflight. On Apollo 13 the greatest minds in the country came together to get those men home, plus other nations like the USSR offered their expertise. For Columbia the NASA management threw all that away for a "hope for the best" mentality

>> No.12368314
File: 12 KB, 480x360, Larry dinndu nuffin Mulloy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well Thiokol when the hell do you want me to launch next April!??!
>You cannot change the launch commit criteria the day before a launch!

>> No.12368321

Dude is probably mixing up the hinted changes to the finalized design with the minor adjustments for the prototype because he's (willfully) retarded

>> No.12368329
File: 15 KB, 255x244, 1579447937571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if neptune were further from the sun would it freeze completely?

>> No.12368350

The entire fucking shuttle program ran on lox and liquid hopium.

>> No.12368355
File: 1.20 MB, 2560x1320, 1604352071444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 failed launches so far
are we going to hit 10 before the year's out?

>> No.12368359
File: 93 KB, 1200x675, 6ED05CDD-DF14-4E32-9558-6D25BD831D82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Great big human launch system, the first of its kind, funded at great expense
>Rapid launch cadence required to offset cost
>People don’t give a shit anymore about spaceflight and human exploration
>Use rocket to appeal to the public
>Plan to launch everyday men into space
>Celebrities, artists, politicians, teachers, you name it
>Get caught up in the rush of maintaining good PR and saving face
>Fuck it we’ll do it live
>Be Challenger
>Pic unrelated

>> No.12368377
File: 12 KB, 404x246, Roger_Boisjoly_obituary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Why didn't you let me stop it?"

>> No.12368384

Starlink launch delayed by a day. No double header tomorrow.

>> No.12368386

>Pic unrelated
Very, otherwise it would be a litany of midwit false equivalences.

>> No.12368394


bros i want to see a moonbase so bad

>> No.12368403

Could have been done with chutes, but Elon insists on burning precious fuel

>> No.12368408

>Musk says its easy to fix but also they need to do a complete redesign for parts of Starship for some reason
No he didn't. He said they need to design out this sort of issue from happening. Aka hide/protection/shield for avionics cable.

>> No.12368422

You know what's really sweet? With stronger of mostly uniform shaped tiles you can simply carry a pack of spares and slap them on in an emergency.

>> No.12368425

If he put in a flame diverter that would call into question a lot about what Starship can do in terms of rough terrain takeoffs on other worlds.

>> No.12368426

Hes holding off the presentation because the design changes wont properly represent what is being changed. If that's not a sign that a major design change isn't in the works I don't know what is.

>> No.12368433

Oh look I was right >>12368321

>> No.12368438

It's too bad China isn't gung-ho with their communist ideas. They are capitalists with communist history and a one party state. If they were super keen on communism they would want to spread it to the Moon and Mars. And it would scare the western world enough to dumb a fuckload of money into getting there now, right now, and setting up permanent human presence. We need another space race but we have no enemy to perpetuate it

>> No.12368447

I think geopolitics will be a decent enough motivator.

>> No.12368455

the greed and envy in capitalism is enough of a substitute

>> No.12368497

All economic systems involve greed.

>> No.12368536

>After the shuttle's breakup, there were some initial fears that terrorists might have been involved, but these concerns were shown to be baseless.[100] Security surrounding the launch and landing of the space shuttle had been increased because the crew included the first Israeli astronaut.

>> No.12368538
File: 572 KB, 1920x1080, 1605293828044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They (China) will land a manned mission on the moon eventually just for the national prestige. That will be enough to kick start another space race.

>> No.12368561

that is ksp-tier

>> No.12368566

American private industry will get there first. China's current roadmap doesn't even have humans on the Moon until the mid 30s, and I don't think they've had any plans to advance that timeline.

>> No.12368567

plastics in general resist acids better than metals, so I don't know why you chose that phrasing.

>> No.12368578

Maybe not but chicoms on the moon will stir the space force and the air force a fuck ton, at the very very very least. They will go before congress and PLEAD for more money to manned space presence on other solar system bodies. Be it by pumping money to spacex and bezos or giving cost plus incentives to boeing (ugh) or even establishing military bases off world. Watch. Just one manned mission by china, even if it's just for science, will stir a lot of heads here at home

>> No.12368579

FUCK your waste of delta-v
Venus is literally only good for atmospheric harvesting

>> No.12368583

You need to go way out of the galaxy in order to get to a cold enough ambient temperature equilibrium to allow gaseous hydrogen to start freezing.

>> No.12368586

>They are capitalists with communist history

>> No.12368598

western timelines will keep on extending until something lights a fire under their butt
china returning man to the moon first will be that fire

>> No.12368599

Yeah but they won't do anything until the mid 30's. SpaceX will have Starship up and running and setting a new cost/kg standard 100x lower than the modern day by the mid 20's. That means by the time China does even one manned Moon mission we may already have a thousand people (Americans) on the Moon.

>> No.12368605

I'm saying that American government space initiatives might be mostly irrelevant in the second space race. Even if Artemis is kill, the US's private sector is moving right along and will probably beat China to the Moon. Without Artemis or something similar, national endeavors will follow private ones into space, not lead.

>> No.12368631

i just don't see it
US private sect, while promising, is far from achieving a pre mid 2030 timeline
fucking hell, initial funding for lunar landers came from govt initiative

>> No.12368640

Are you implying starship won't be ready until the 2030s at the earliest?

>> No.12368651
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This but completely unironically.
This is what Venus would actually look like after terraforming.
The Greeks and Japs would have a fucking field day with it.
Couldn't we easily terraform world that have too much gas if we just built a coronal focusing laser to blast away their atmospheres to acceptable levels?
Doesn't Neptune have an absolutely fucked rotation though?

>> No.12368652

The secret sauce is Starlink, and the billions it will funnel into Starship starting in the next two years. If a trip to LEO is under $100/kg, that industry will move at a frightening pace. A particularly enterprising private company could assemble a lunar excursion ship from a few modules launched on goddamn rideshare missions.

>> No.12368660

their won't be a lunar landing until after that
i don't mind being wrong

starlink's money printing ability is overhyped

>> No.12368664

There's no fucking way that's an even remotely real quote.

>> No.12368667
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>NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) Program rescheduled the final two tests that will culminate the Core Stage Green Run campaign for December after successfully repairing one of the liquid hydrogen (LH2) prevalves inside the engine section of the stage.
>The Wet Dress Rehearsal is now targeted for the week of December 7, and if that goes well the Hot-Fire test of the stage could occur two weeks later during the week of December 21.
Any year now guys....

>> No.12368670

so you're just a doomer who conveniently sets back starship for no apparent reason other then to make it so that china can land on the moon first. got it

>> No.12368675

boeing can't even send humans into space yet and they think they can send humans to deep space before SpaceX?

>> No.12368677

>The Greeks and Japs would have a fucking field day with it.
>implying we aren't going to patrol Venusian oceans with US Navy strike groups

>> No.12368679

>starlink's money printing ability is overhyped
OK, buddy.

>> No.12368683

>eternal pacific war with unending island hopping but across the entire globe
Absolutely kino.

>> No.12368684

The US should take the Japs with us wherever we go in space. I like them.

>> No.12368686

wouldn't venus have a much larger "tropical" climate zone and a much smaller temperate zone then earth?

>> No.12368687

>pre-20th century Japan is stuck being China's little brother
>post-20th century Japan is stuck being America's little brother

>> No.12368690
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Great news!

>> No.12368696

They make a great younger sibling nation. Also we dropped the fury of God on them twice, so I'd feel bad about just leaving them on Earth to rot with the hordes.

>> No.12368698

>the ability to serve actually good Internet at a reasonable price to the whole fucking planet except the poles is overhyped in its ability to print money

Yeah ok bud, just watch as they can't manufacture the fucking terminals fast enough to bring in the hordes of people who HATE their ISP.

>> No.12368702

I am sick and tired of you 4channel people ripping on my rocket. I work hard every single day on Space Launch System. It is a rocket being built by Americans, for Americans. It is the largest rocket in the world, and as such it is taking a long time to ensure the utmost safety and reliability for astronaut lives. Yeah you might be upset about the slip to 2021, but in reality 2022 isn't that bad- and there is a reason we will be launching in 2023 because 2024 is the closest we can do while still staying on-schedule. So keep your calendars marked for 2025 because 2036 will be a big year when the rocket leaves the pad in 2047.

>> No.12368705
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That's already the plan as of right now, for both civilian space and JSDF/USSF cooperation, plus bringing them along on SpaceX crew missions, plus Dear Moon.

Japan has an Ameriboo aspect the way we have a weeaboo aspect.

>> No.12368711

>Mountain Dew
Fuck I'm going to miss him bros... Do we know where he's going next?

>> No.12368712

Not necessarily, biomes depend very heavily on wind patterns and ocean currents, which would be an enormous hassle to map out for Venus with how few true oceans it has and how many random islands and seas it has. It could absolutely be done and would be very helpful to know though. Look up worldbuilding videos about climate on youtube if you want to know more about how it might work.

>> No.12368713

why do they hate their specific impulse

>> No.12368716

Yeah that's a good point. Also by "Us's private sector is moving along" I think you mean literally just SpaceX lmao. But yeah Starship will BTFO everyone. A hypergolic chink moon landing will be insignificant when we have Americans back there already and initial colony cargo already landed on Mars

>> No.12368718

They use hydrogen first stages.

>> No.12368720

>Japan has an Ameriboo aspect the way we have a weeaboo aspect.
A lot of people seem to underestimate just how long weeaboos have been around, too. They just used to exist almost exclusively among rich people. So many Japanese gardens in public parks around the USA exist because rich weebs in the early 1900s kept paying landscape designers from Japan to come over and build a fancy garden.

>> No.12368721

Yeah good point

>> No.12368722

Starship will enable rapid, regular transportation to the moon. A hypergolic chink superheavy rocket will enable annual expedition style missions to the moon that cost billions of dollars.

>> No.12368757

>Starship will enable rapid, regular transportation to the moon. A hypergolic chink superheavy rocket will enable rapid, regular transportation of Chinese villagers to cancer wards from sniffing orangecloudbad.

It's almost like something out of a shonen anime. Ameri-kun kicks in Japan's door and demands that Japan come out to play with him. Over the next few seasons they become friends and grow up together, and then come into conflict. They have a ludicrous shonen power creep battle arc spanning half a planet with special moves capable of destroying entire cities... and now they're pals again.

>> No.12368798
File: 102 KB, 1015x552, firefly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Firefly Aerospace's Alpha Rocket.
Planned maiden launch date is December 22 at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.

Say something nice about it!

>> No.12368805

damn, how many up and coming small sat providers are there?

anyways, looks pretty cool

>> No.12368806

Will they let me acquire a kiwi waifu?

>> No.12368811

>proonted engine is called Reaver
They're sneaky I'll give them that. Also those look a lot bigger than the Rutherford engine.

>> No.12368812

Firefly Aerospace is based out of Austin,TX anon. No kiwi gf for you this time

>> No.12368818
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> Austin,TX

>> No.12368819

Kiwi here, our women are the most repellent thots on the planet. Avoid.

>> No.12368828

Fuck Austin, it's bad a bad luck BLM liberal city. The geology is out of this world though if any of y'all ever get a chance to visit

>> No.12368830

>Alpha is 29 meters tall with a 1.82m diameter and weighs 54,000 kg.
>Theoretical payload capacity is 1,000 kg to LEO.

Way bigger than Electron.

>> No.12368844

I hope they can scale it up to boost a Cygnus or HTV sized cargo carrier to the ISS. That'd be fantastic to have another real space hauler provider that isn't using foreign engines.

>> No.12368853

they are going to go out of business when starship comes around anyways

>> No.12368962
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>> No.12368972
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Not so fast Musky boy

>> No.12368973

The Sun doesn't have a surface to terraform, so the best way I can think of is to wait for it to go nova, and then terraform the white dwarf it leaves behind.

>> No.12368980

Fuck that's sexy

>> No.12368984

Use it to cull some of the idots we have around here.
Put up advertisements for a colony on the sun and get a few thousand volunteers to sign up
Then fly the colonyship straight into the sun Battlestar Galactica style.
Pitch it is as being environmentally friendly and the left would probably be all over it.

>> No.12368988

SpaceX is inspiring :)

>> No.12368989


>> No.12369010
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>Elon retweeted the X-59

God DAMN look at this thing



>> No.12369021

It looks like it was designed by an engineer that was bored at his desk one day, looked out the window, saw a hummingbird, and got inspired.

>> No.12369048

There's a launch tomorrow at Vandenberg AFB, including a stage 1 recovery landing attempt.
What are the odds it gets scrubbed? I'm considering driving 166 miles to go see it.

>> No.12369081

>I'm considering driving 166 miles to go see it
Is there even a public viewing area at Vandy close enough to make the drive worthwhile?

>> No.12369096

You'll see it from the highway.
Check the launch weather violation probability

>> No.12369107

There is but turns out it's closed due to corona :(
Looking at 80% weather favorability. Do you think the view from the highway is worth it?

>> No.12369133

>Worth it
Would you rather watch from camera or experience it in real life?

It's up to you to decide if it's worth it. You can watch it from youtube or experience it real life. Imo, real life experience is always better.

>> No.12369150

Fuck it. I'm going. I'll post pics in the thread tomorrow.

>> No.12369158

Plan out the proper roadway/angle/timing of the launch. Have multiple cameras with stabilizers taking video/photos/relapses/etc.

>> No.12369173

Strangely there's alot of space companies in the middle of Texas.

>> No.12369178

Manned V1 is back on the menu, boys.

>> No.12369187

Ah, right.

>> No.12369192

brain computer interfaces allowing acceleration of the human mind will arrive before pure agi.

>> No.12369210
File: 1.12 MB, 909x698, mxc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4ASS news network on it again

>> No.12369213

Might as well. Launch from west coast is rare as fuck.

>> No.12369214

>Dies of old age before finishing his post

>> No.12369216

>If we do that, China will just make a true AI and beat us
Do you not want a war between quasi-human techno-demigods and a murderous Chinese AI?

>> No.12369225

Chad symbiote quantum computer neuralink collective USA vs. the Virgin hypergolic electronic abacus China. I'm thinking yes.

>> No.12369226

the whole meme is trying to spread a sonic boom over the length of your plane instead of have it all happen at once
see if that doesn't make it quieter or something, I dunno

>> No.12369230

what does 4ASS stand for again

>> No.12369232
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>> No.12369234
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>> No.12369236
File: 2.28 MB, 1290x1800, 0aec0f51091b918cd5f10dc2e709c247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking dipshit, you aren't supposed to capitalize the 'c' in 4chan

>> No.12369248

>spread a sonic boom over the length of your plane
I thought the spike was supposed to disrupt shockwave formation in front of the aircraft. Gulf Stream was working on a similar project a few years ago before they remembered they exclusively built business jets.

>> No.12369251

yeah that's what I said

>> No.12369264

I didn't make it

>> No.12369306
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I'm training for it bros

>> No.12369376
File: 87 KB, 695x864, screenshot-spaceflightnow.com-2020.11.21-03_25_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big week for the big 3.

>> No.12369390

Do we know the progress/status of the second test stand or the orbital launch mount?

>> No.12369502

>You know, there is nothing we can do about damage to the [thermal protection system]. If it has been damaged it's probably better not to know. I think the crew would rather not know. Don't you think it would be better for them to have a happy successful flight and die unexpectedly during entry than to stay on orbit, knowing that there was nothing to be done, until the air ran out?

Source: https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/columbia-shuttle-crew-told-problem-reentry/story?id=18366185

>> No.12369509
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Disbelief doesn't quite describe it.

>> No.12369511
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>> No.12369525

Its time to take off your engineer hat and put on your management hat anon. Don't you know how expensive rescue missions are? And they aren't even in our current budget or schedule? What line item will you charge all the work to? We simply can't, as a responsible government agency, do such a thing.

>> No.12369526
File: 2.18 MB, 4288x2848, S133E010398_-_STS-133_-_Fly_around_view_of_ISS_-_DPLA_-_140bffb411d9027bee4a48dc2260da4d[sharpened].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12369535
File: 2.77 MB, 4288x2848, S132E012207_-_STS-132_-_Flyaround_view_of_ISS_after_undocking_-_DPLA_-_0b53e0fe7954d5589a9d71a4d779efb9[sharpened].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12369543
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>> No.12369545
File: 2.28 MB, 4288x2848, S119E010358_-_STS-119_-_ISS_Flyaround_views_from_STS-119_-_DPLA_-_7ce8cc56b80a6d04f5b72fe7d83aaefb[sharpened].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12369547

>Starlink launch got pushed back a day
fuck, I wanted to go down to the beach to see it
I could have taken lunch on Saturday but I can't on Sunday

>> No.12369552
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>> No.12369593

They literally couldn't have launched a rescue mission before the crew ran out of air and it was impossible for the shuttle to have reached the ISS to use as a shelter. I don't know why people in this thread are so shocked that Mission Control decided not to tell them there was a possibility that they might die on reentry and there was nothing they can do about it, I think that's completely justifiable and it was the best option for everyone involved.

NASA's safety culture was already overburdening to the point it's greatly holding back progress and unironically not enough people are dying in space. It would be far more efficient to have higher chances of astronauts dying but much cheaper and more advanced missions. Insurance payouts of a few million but a higher chance of death would still have a very large pool of astronauts and the faster we advance the technology the sooner we'll reach a point where spaceflight has a similar risk to flying on a plane.

>> No.12369601

>The CAIB determined that a rescue mission, though risky, might have been possible provided NASA management had taken action soon enough.[70][71] Normally, a rescue mission is not possible, due to the time required to prepare a shuttle for launch, and the limited consumables (power, water, air) of an orbiting shuttle. Atlantis was well along in processing for a planned March 1 launch on STS-114, and Columbia carried an unusually large quantity of consumables due to an Extended Duration Orbiter package. The CAIB determined that this would have allowed Columbia to stay in orbit until flight day 30 (February 15). NASA investigators determined that Atlantis processing could have been expedited with no skipped safety checks for a February 10 launch. Hence, if nothing went wrong, there was a five-day overlap for a possible rescue. As mission control could deorbit an empty shuttle, but could not control the orbiter's reentry and landing, it is likely that it would have sent Columbia into the Pacific Ocean;[71] NASA later developed the Remote Control Orbiter system to permit mission control to land a shuttle.

Remember that space is hard

>> No.12369627

>NASA expediting anything
Kek, didn't know Wikipedia was pure fiction.

>> No.12369659

Could they have gotten a Soyuz up there to rescue them? This is about russian readiness in few days/a week time and the actual capability to get to it and dock or do an EVA transfer, ignoring the political suicide that it would be (but it should not be prioritized over human lives).

>> No.12369669

>nasaspaceflight has a launch calendar
why didnt anyone tell me?

>> No.12369679
File: 105 KB, 1200x801, 1200px-ISS-59_Progress_MS-11_approaches_the_ISS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Columbia carried 7 astronauts, you would've needed 3 capsules to get them all back. Maybe 1 could've been taken from the ISS to rendevous with Columbia but that still leaves you with 2 more needed.

Maybe a Progress capsule could've replenished the Shuttles fuel tanks and air to allow them to go to the ISS.

>> No.12369695

My bad, I thought they could move off some of the life support systems to accomodate more people but it's already cramped enough, no way they'd have fit inside, 7 people in a spacecraft were a lot at the time outside of the STS. The propress resupply would've been cool.

>> No.12369749

In the rescue timeline given by the accident investigation board, it would have required near immediate action by the crew perform an EVA to look at the damages and then conserve resources so they be able to stay in space long enough to be rescued. While it may have been technically possible for them to be rescued or to have fixed the damage before reentry, the whole thing pretty much assumes they would have had to known it would be a major problem and it was different than the foam shedding events that they became accustom to in previous launches.

That article someone linked makes it sound like mission control knew full well that they were going to die and I think it's more likely that most people at NASA had no real idea and they weren't even planning for the situation beyond the meeting where the possibility of damage to the wing was discussed and mostly ignored. I think the whole thing is more an episode of hindsight being 20/20 rather any great incompetence during the mission or neglect to try to save them.

>> No.12369756

>I think the whole thing is more an episode of hindsight being 20/20 rather any great incompetence during the mission or neglect to try to save them.
Yeah. I remember reading some heat tiles damage was common so that may have played a bit into it too. Looking back it's easy to think "at least they didn't live their last moments in anxiety knowing their impending doom, and departed near instantly".

>> No.12369762

IIRC Columbia was at a lower inclination away from the reach at Baikonur. Using a Soyuz from the ISS would have been out of the question. It literally would have been impossible.

>> No.12369770

>departed near instantly
did they though?
I remember reading Challenger were alive and conscious right up to when they hit the water. Would your shuttle cracking open during re-entry really instantly kill you? You're suited up. The shuttle breaks into big chunks, cockpit should have held together a few moments. There was probably 15 seconds of "well, we're fucked" that happened before they got cooked.

>> No.12369810

The main problem is this:
>the foam shedding events that they became accustom to in previous launches.
At the beginning of the shuttle program they were shitting themselves because of lost tiles and stuff like that, then because nobody died, they considered that there wasn't any problem.

>> No.12369812


The wiki article actually has a pretty good description of the accident board findings. As soon as the wing failed the orbiter would have been spinning violently and their heads would have smashed around in their helmets. Also their visors were likely up so the depressurization would have killed them to.

They were alive through all the alarms due to temperature in the wing and the landing gear falling apart, but as soon as the wing actually broke they were killed instantly

>> No.12369817

e.g. STS-27
>One report describes the crew as "infuriated" that Mission Control seemed unconcerned. When Gibson saw the damage he thought to himself, "We are going to die"; he and others did not believe that the shuttle would survive reentry. Gibson advised the crew to relax because "No use dying all tensed-up", he said, but if instruments indicated that the shuttle was disintegrating, Gibson planned to "tell mission control what I thought of their analysis" in the remaining seconds before his death.

>> No.12369847

I want Based NASA to come back

>> No.12369894

>Observers estimate the satellites weigh close to 5,200 kg and have very large (estimated 100 m diameter)[2] radio reflecting dishes. NRO L-32, which is seen as the fifth satellite in the series, is according to NRO director Bruce Carlson "(...) the largest satellite in the world".[3] It is believed that this refers to the diameter of the main antenna, which might be well in excess of 100 m (330 ft).[4]
what the fuck, so there are a bunch of football field sized spacecraft floating around geostationary orbit we don't know about??

>> No.12369932

launch thread going up in a bong. vandy launch!

>> No.12369953

Imagine what dod will put up the hill once they have starship payload capacity available

>> No.12369956

Satellites the size of two, nay, three football fields!

>> No.12369966

well, yeah
Hubble is basically KH-11 spy satellite pointed the "wrong" way (with some extra instruments bolted to it)
I wouldn't be surprised if the spherical flaw was intentional screw up, just like civilian GPS being 10 times less accurate
or if CIA gave NASA the faulty one out of the batch instead of just throwing it away

>> No.12369984
File: 30 KB, 360x240, caveman-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even explore the distant mountain range? We have problems here, in the cave. Why do you insist on wasting resources traveling to these distant mountains? Those resources are better spent here, on cave problems.

>> No.12370000
File: 12 KB, 236x214, grug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me Grug find it funny how long nose shaman is one telling tribe to not go to mountain range. Me think we succeed if we bring food and water. If do right, no one lose breath and sleep early.

>> No.12370003
File: 870 KB, 2048x1522, Dshys0GVYAA5LKG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's there

>> No.12370005

Threads are staging: >>12370001




>> No.12370009
File: 555 KB, 1920x1118, Lk-aluni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could have been there

>> No.12370106
File: 77 KB, 1597x1124, orion-satellite-d75c5352-51fa-4e06-b8b7-7d29ceaa441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12370127

It wasn't unexpected. They died when they hit the ground they had painful agonizing minutes knowing the worst fate awaited them.