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12362181 No.12362181 [Reply] [Original]

Do we know anything whatsoever about the long term side effects of an mRNA based vaccine? Serious question. What could happen? How do we know?

>> No.12363698

mRNA vaccine is virus modified to eat brains instead of lungs.

>> No.12363813

>how do we know?
we test it. It's called the scientific method. You should've learned it in school unless you went to a special one.

>> No.12363823

Is it really a test of we're testing it on billions of people?

>> No.12363854

no, you test it on samples. I see you're a little slow, buddy. Let me explain it reaaaal slooow for you. The reason why we don't have a publically available vaccine yet it's because it's in the testing phase. You take a sample and you test it on them. Got it?

>> No.12363868

How do we know what happens ten years after they get injected?

>> No.12363871

we test vaccines for tens of years before forcing people to get them? didnt realize that

>> No.12363875

we don't. We can speculate, but nothing concrete. Do you want to be in lockdown for the next 10 years? I don't. The risk is worth it to me.

>> No.12363903

>bro you haven't done a 200 year
longitudinal trial to investigate the effects of the vaccine on the children of the children of the people who got the vaccine
>how do you know it’s not safe for them?

>> No.12363918
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this unironically should be the standard for all innovations in food and medicine

>> No.12364488

So your answer is just "idk".
You don't have to be so condescending about it.

>> No.12364502

how do you know the effects of not vaccinating on entire populations? do you know that vaccinating would be potentially more harmful? do you have any evidence?

>> No.12364506

we evolved cooking meat, cats did not

>> No.12364610

I'm not the one making claims you obnoxious midwit

>> No.12365725
File: 86 KB, 720x1119, 118615020_3315809685198773_3131338701506380513_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>lockdown 10 years for a 0.2% fatality rate


every single bureaucrat and politician forcing lockdowns on humanity unironically deserve to be executed in the game of minecraft. all you snoy chugging braindead plebbitor retards are in for a huge shock when the horrors of communism unfold. you're not safe you faggots, you're on this sinking boat too.

>> No.12365754

>bro you haven't done a 200 year longitudinal trial to investigate the effects of the vaccine on the children of the children of the people who got the vaccine
We have most of the data from the last 70ish years, would you compile and take a look at the trends?
>nah bro that would be like unethical or something
Would you tell people there is always an individual risk and the positive is for the total population via herd immunity?
>but.. that would be like, counterproductive to our goals, they're dumb troglodytes anyways they should just shut up and take the 600 vaccines

>> No.12366012 [DELETED] 


>> No.12366017 [DELETED] 


>> No.12366019


>> No.12366022

>The risk is worth it to me.

Contrary to what you might think about yourself, this shows that you are nothing but a dummy.

>> No.12366051


We also dont know about the long term side effects of covid. If I have to choose between covid and covid vaccine, I would take the vaccine.

>> No.12366169


How about waiting for a while longer for vaccines with better understood long-term side effects? There are different vectors in the last stage of clinical trials already, the very experimental mRNA approach will not be the only option soon.

>> No.12366173

Why? Do you have a preexisting condition that has a high comorbitity rate or are you in a susceptible age group? Do you live in a high population area or in a place that see lots of tourism?

>> No.12366181

Now the government knows how to make you do anything it wants you to do.

>> No.12366201

Why not the best of both worlds? The left wants to give the vaccines to oppressed minorities first. Let them be the ones who suffer the consequences of the vaccine having negative side effects. After oppressed minorities get it, leftists will want it as long as they get a 'I got vaccinated' sticker they can wear around town to demonstrate their virtue to each other.
If the vaccine works, those two groups getting it should reduce everyone else's risk of infection by an order of magnitude or two, especially since neither of those groups has ever been good at social distancing or basic hygiene. They believe magic masks slung loosely under their noses is the only way to prevent passing it along so vaccinating them actually will be a good return on investment.
If the vaccine ends up giving them all liver damage or sterilizes them, that's a good thing.
So wait and let the dregs of society who don't wash their hands and rub up against each other in crowded cities be the ones to test it.

>> No.12366203 [DELETED] 





>> No.12366216

wypipo will get blamed after minorities suffer ill effects from the vaccine, even though they were cudgeled into letting them have it first

>> No.12366394 [DELETED] 
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where can i sign up?

>> No.12366412

It's mrna. It's unstable and its the precursor to the protein particles that we currently inject. It's not mysterious and unknown, we use it all the time in cell bio. There is no "long term effect" because, again, its just mrna. You inject it in a small location, it gets translated by your machinery and/or degraded. Nothing is left after a few days if that. It's localized to the injection site.
If more people took cell bio 101 they wouldn't think it mysterious or unknown.

>> No.12366419

then they can inject the full protein instead of the mrna duh

>> No.12366426

>just inject the protein instead of mrna
....that's how normal vaccines work

>> No.12366433

>just alter your dna bro

>> No.12366440

>thinking mrna = dna editing