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12359851 No.12359851 [Reply] [Original]

Assuming humans don't go extinct, what will the future of consciousness in this universe look like? And what do you reckon the higher intelligence entities currently in existence are up to right now?

>> No.12359883

A million year difference is literally just modern man vs Homo Habilis.
1 million is a baby in the geologic and biologic timescale

>> No.12359912

The use of '1 million years' is just to convey that I mean 'far future'

>> No.12359930

Don't even think about million years. Just compare the humans from 100 years to today. The two are different species almost.

>> No.12359935

You need to go as far as 55M for modern man vs first primate (it's the size of your fist)
Or 178M for first mammal

Dumbass. We still have old people from 100 years ago

>> No.12359959

>Just compare the humans from 100 years to today. The two are different species almost.
Yeah we're on average much dumber today compared to humans 100 years ago.

>> No.12360015

That's just due to the industrial revolution allowing the cattle classes to breed out of control. They were always retarded, they're just more now

>> No.12360037

You know too much.

>> No.12360043
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>> No.12360061

It’s also biblically inaccurate, contrary to popular opinion, ironically. Read Aquinas’ articles on angels in his Summa Theologica

>> No.12360078

We won't need eyes for where we're going

>> No.12360140
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>> No.12360175

Nice post retard, i bet it took you more than 3 seconds to both think of and write that

>> No.12360197

Biological nanotechnology emulating something akin to our central nervous system.

Our clothes will be our skin; essentially EVA suits meant to adapt to extreme environments especially the vacuum of space.

Future humans will be space faring cyborg skin walkers.

>> No.12360198
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Like this. Humans will look like whatever they're engineered to look like.

>> No.12360207

Human Instrumentality Project

>> No.12360334
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Like this. Or as sentient space-time constructs.

>> No.12360575
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Would you betray "pure" humanity for space engineered human elves?

Yes we can!

>> No.12360691

Unlike other species, humans adapt their environments to suit their needs, rather than the other way around.
Because of this, humans will be basically the same as today, except weaker and more prone to disease without medication

>> No.12360716

Jawlines are totally fucked compared to 100 years ago.

>> No.12360729
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>space engineered human elves
That's just russians, anon.

>> No.12360750
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>> No.12360865

>biblically inaccurate
>cites fanfiction by rando who lived centuries after it is written

>> No.12360871


>> No.12361048

>modern man vs Homo Habilis.
And they are incredibly different

>> No.12361053

This. People don't understand that for thousands of years, we were basically the same

>> No.12361075
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>> No.12361333

Not "that" different
Basically just Chimp vs Bonobos or wolf and dogs

>> No.12361337

>The two are different species almost.
In what way?

>> No.12361342

>what is exponential growth

>> No.12361344

eloi and morlocks

>> No.12361346

The hell you talking about.
Evolution is not exponential growth.
It's addition and subtraction with every passing generation

>> No.12361402
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Consider genetic engineering, cybernetics, nanoenhancements and mind uploading/AI creation.

>> No.12361407

Stop spouting buzzwords

>> No.12361411

I can give you genetic engineering but everything you said past that is a technobabble.

Go back to /x/ you popsci retard

>> No.12361432

space dust

>> No.12361436

>thinks we won't turn into horrific cyborg abominations for the machine's purpose

>> No.12361440

While human bodies might exist, something tells me human will won't.

>> No.12361521

None of the aforementioned technologies break physical laws. We already got BCIs, simulation of primitive invertebrates and medical nanobots.

>> No.12361555

You think that implants can be inherited by the child or something?

Go back to /x/ or /tv/ you bumbling retard

>> No.12361596

Evolution depends on mutations and the number of mutations depends on population (and amounts of mutagens). As population has increased exponentially it follows so will the basis for evolution.

>> No.12361601
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>alive in a million years
we will be completely dead, a memory. What survives of us will be an artificial consciousness, that exists at a stratum of physicality that we barely even know exists today, and is certainly beyond our wildest imaginations.

>> No.12361654
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>You think that implants can be inherited by the child or something?
Technically you could genetically engineer via parahuman XNA modifications for the clade to develop organs that functions as implants and you could engineer a child to grow within or aside a cybernetic system. That wasn`t the point though, cultural evolution has outpaced natural evolution.
Like the gut flora parents could give their offsprings their nanosymbionts, but I doubt that as I expect exowomb raising to be more common in the next centuries and you could just inject nanosymbionts in the early stages of the embryo development.

>> No.12361659
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>> No.12361723
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You may not like but this is how peak bio human looks like.

>> No.12362211
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>> No.12362935
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The Machine God has shown that this is the way forward.

>> No.12362946
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>> No.12362956

Why bother ask, such knowledge is useless and the answers are likely to be meaningless, nobody alive can see that far.

>> No.12363644
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>> No.12363667

Sure is science in here

>> No.12364776

1. 'devolved' and sickly due to poison environment/food, damaging social conditions, and generally an environment that makes us stupid and dysfunctional.
2. extinct
3. world collapses into localism and while we're still a bit fucked up because the natural environment is, we won't be 1 we'll be moreorless as we are today.

>> No.12364897



>> No.12365011

who cares, were not talking about natural evolution, were talking about humanity having the power to edit genes, be inmortal, make ai, transfer it conciousness to robot, make ais, animals and enchanced humans orders of magnitude smarter than anything we know and combine them in any way, both to experience life in the physical as well as in virtual world, and all of that is assuming no new physics that we missed.
nigga, in 1000 years everything we know will be completely unrecognizable

>> No.12365024

Boi you ARE part of that class too

>> No.12365055

Most likely humans won't exist anymore, and our replacement will be a virtual society powered by AIs to do the work for us. Human consciousness would still exist but it would probably change a bit considering the astronomical amount of freedom they would have over their own mind. What that would all look like in physical reality however, is probably impossible to imagine. When you are talking the most efficient method of powering a virtual society, you're probably going to have stuff that you couldn't hope to imagine because you're taking an extreme case for a super complex system.

>> No.12366275


>> No.12366343

>What will humanity actually look like in a million years?
Whatever it chooses to look like.
Seriously by then synthetic life will be possible and any freaky look you want is possible.
I doubt many will waste time in the physical world but instead spend all their time in the virtual worlds.

>> No.12366361

Me too. But I'm a good cog and know my place.

>> No.12366364

Can't wait to be a futa machine babe.

>> No.12366630

>trust what a filthy catholic whore has to say

>> No.12367441 [DELETED] 


>> No.12367459
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>> No.12367464
File: 480 KB, 719x900, thefuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the great reset the communist future will last a million years. Brown transgender goblins will make up the majority of people. Look upon the future of humanity and weep.

>> No.12368160
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>> No.12369582
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>> No.12370228
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>> No.12370461
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A good speculative read on potential human evolutionary routes.

>> No.12371209

Thats very different

> wolf and dogs
Also, not even in the same realm of difference as homo habilis and contemporary mankind. What are you smoking dear lord

>> No.12371265

>Homo sapiens faggot
>Homo sapiens doomer
>Homo sapiens niger
>Homo sapiens muttis
Pick your poison and add an Homo sapiens, finally, sapiens

>> No.12371311


>> No.12371352

AI is never gonna happen and if it did, I’d just kill it with a hammer.

>> No.12371354

>I doubt many will waste time in the physical world but instead spend all their time in the virtual worlds.

The peak of degeneracy.