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12357251 No.12357251 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/, I'm a very visual/hands on sort of learner and I don't do well with texts. Which is the absolute best and most complete chemistry book that I can get?

>> No.12357261

no such thing
someone is going to come in here and tell you that pauling's general chemistry is the way to go and what do you know? it has great reviews on amazon.

>> No.12357322

>I'm a very visual/hands on sort of learner and I don't do well with texts.
Drop out of higher education and learn a trade. You can thank me later.

>> No.12357341

>I don't do well with texts
What >>12357322 said, don't bother with trying to do chemistry for your bachelors or as a job. Find a nice trade and keep chemistry around as a hobby if you're still intrested.

>> No.12357355
File: 37 KB, 640x512, khlk234hkhl7kj2h54l7j4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "I'm a very visual / hands on sort of learner"

"Learning styles" are actually an urban legend. What actually impacts learning rate is the type of content learned. Chemistry is an inherently difficult subject, so don't beat yourself up.

>> No.12357679
File: 75 KB, 390x500, Chemistry - A Molecular Approach, 4th Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book will teach you Chemistry regardless of your antics

>> No.12357683

it is not comprehensive

>> No.12357692

What makes you say that?!

>> No.12357696

Yeah wheres my

"Chemisty: A Higgs Field approach"

>> No.12357703

it focuses only on molecular side

>> No.12357708

>Go to Library Genesis
>Julia R. Burdge Chemistry Mc Graw Hill
>Robert C. Fay Chemistry Pearson
>Julia Burdge, Michelle Driessen Introductory Chemstry Mc Graw Hill
They are 2020 editions.

>> No.12357709

sorry to break it to you bud....chemistry is molecules.

>> No.12358117

I recommend:

Then this book if you need even more information.

Engel and Reid is also an excellent source.

>> No.12358119
File: 816 KB, 1366x768, 1601944834404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorry to break it to you bud....chemistry is particles.

Fixed that for you buddy.

>> No.12358204
File: 34 KB, 317x398, C773D8F2-940E-4A15-BBA1-4418D7533049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t listen to
Anon, I remember I had books like the manga guide to molecular biology and biochemistry and they were helpful and fun to read. There really is not a one-book-solve-it-all for chem, as other anons said it is a difficult topic. But you can absolutely master if you put in the effort and study efficiently. Some repressed gags here will try to discourage you just because you enjoy learning on a different way other than the one that they forced themselves to learn in or because they themselves failed the subject. As for being a visual learner, I feel like I am the same, but what can help you absorb the material quickly (or at least worked on me) is to enjoy learning in general. Once you stop approaching learning as a tedious task and you begin to see it as an enjoyable activity, you brain begins to literally absorb more and allows you to recollect material and assimilate concepts at ease. Memorization is for niggers, conceptual understanding is for Chads. You’re gonna make it Anon, I believe in you.

>> No.12358326

Anslyn's Modern Physical Organic Chemistry.

>> No.12359068


>> No.12359255

Is Khan Academy plus an introductory book a good starting approach?

>> No.12359438

So would being a "hands on learner" mean that rather than learning things hands on, you're just better at learning procedural knowledge, meaning that you experience more success with learning things that are inherently learned in a hands on way?

>> No.12360091
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>> No.12361050
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I'd recommend the 14th edition of "Chemistry - The Central Science" by Brown, LeMay, and Bursten. It's really easy to read and flows nice.
Another option would be "Chemistry" 4th edition by Julia Burdge.
Both these books are great for foundational chemistry, but if you move up to organic chemistry, I'd HIGHLY recommend "Organic Chemistry" 3rd edition by David Klein. It's easily one of my favorite and most easily understandable undergrad chem textbooks of all time.