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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1235477 No.1235477 [Reply] [Original]

OC time.

>> No.1235483

>Being able to basically read people's minds
>Classroom full of women.

>> No.1235485

>>Being able to basically read people's minds

>this is what phychologists actually think

>> No.1235487


>> No.1235489


Phycologists study algae.

>> No.1235492

Any job I want, $300k starting
Any job I want, $300k starting

>> No.1235498

>Electrical Engineering
>Groom self for the first half of semester, shower daily, shave
>see women
>never change clothes, stop showering

>> No.1235503


Statistics of Mechanics?

>> No.1235511
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>> No.1235513

It is a time-worn troll about how math majors think they world will bow down to them.

>> No.1235514


Or* not Of

>> No.1235549
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>> No.1235557

>Highly employable
>Completely and utterly unemployable

>> No.1235565

>Schrodingers equation

Physics > Chemistry

>> No.1235582

quantum mechanics and the Schrödinger wave function are essential to understand most of modern chemistry.
usually you learn that shit in 1st year

>> No.1235591
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>> No.1235600
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>> No.1235613

Looks like a butt hurt engineer....Its ok little guy!

>> No.1235619

I know. That's what I meant by "Physics > Chemistry".

>> No.1235623

What is that you got?

>> No.1235643
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>> No.1235650
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Better than the third one, I guess...

>> No.1235656

I figured that he wasn't actually a Physics major.
However, what are some jobs? I was looking at NASA because shoot for the sky, right? Well can you shoot any higher than NASA? I don't just want to work for some government thugs who'll just shove me aside to rub their dicks all over my work. I also don't want to work as a highschool teacher. Unless they pay me 300k starting that is.. ;)

>> No.1235658

i never saw somebody studying IT on /sci/ ... why?

>> No.1235664

they are all on /g/

>> No.1235669

That is the physicist's dilemma.

>> No.1235672


i see ... but i'll stay here. /g/ sucks

>> No.1235673
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>> No.1235674

Some sort of vector field.

>> No.1235701
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Fuck my corporate lifestyle.

That's it, I'm firing myself.

>> No.1235738
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Were you even paying attention when you saw that movie?

>> No.1235756
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>> No.1235768


Looks like heaven to me after working in a supermarket.

>> No.1235780

What I expected:
What I got:
Boredom beyond fucking belief

going to try to switch to engineering

>> No.1235790

>Expected boredom
>Did it anyway

Why would you do this?

>> No.1235831

Umm well, here was my reasoning:
1. Math is objective and the same everywhere. So, study, work hard, and I'll get a great GPA for law school (I always considered math my best subject).
2. School isn't about fun anyways (LOL)

then I realized...fuck law school, I still want to do politics, but I'm interested in science and its application. I don't want to take the easy way out anymore.

>> No.1235853
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>> No.1235860
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You guys saw this coming.

>> No.1235864
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>GPA 2.0

>> No.1235866
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>> No.1235886

Is it hard or do you just not care? Since your cumulative isn't that much better than your in-major GPA, I'm guessing it's the latter.

>> No.1235887

transforms everywhere.

>> No.1235906

My cumulative is low because I've taken only like ~3 classes that weren't ME, and I dont really give a crap about philosophy of industrial culture or Shakespeare literature
And yes it's hard. I fought my ass off for those C's. I go to a very good engineering college and I'm pretty much average. Some classes have curves as far as 10%=D-------50% = A

>> No.1235942

Also the cumulative gpa counts the major gpa in addition to non major, so yea.

>> No.1236023
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Not really about studying, but I had to...

>> No.1236324
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>> No.1236373
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>> No.1236389

nobody here who's happy with his choise?

>> No.1236394
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>> No.1236429

>shrodinger equation
>usually you learn _about_ that shit in 1st year, while avoiding all technical detail of how it works and focusing entirely on qualitative results

>> No.1236642

haha, no
my current assignment for that week is to derive the real equations of all d-orbitals from the complex solutions of the Schrödinger equation.

>> No.1236651

>genetic engineering
>switched the fuck over to evolutionary biology

>> No.1236676


I only saw and analysed it in the 2nd year.

>> No.1236686

Derive the Schroedinger Wave Equation then.

>> No.1236712

And I love it

>> No.1236747

actually did in lecture.
Quite simple, from the kinetic and potential energy of the electron, then including that light is quantized, and then using the complex plane to describe the wave.
but i'm sure as hell not going to do it in detail here, that shit took almost two weeks in lecture, especially since half the chucklenuts didn't get it and constantly asked stupid questions.
We used quantum mechanics to derive a whole lot of other shit two, like the model of the harmonic (and then, for better accuracy anharmonic) oscillator for describing molecule oscillation, particle in a box for the energy of delocalized electrons (among others), participle on a ring and rigid rotor for molecule rotation, all completely with derivation, and ever step until we arrived at the equation we needed in the end.
Obviously we only do stuff we actually need in Chemistry later, but what we do, is assure you, i understand quite throughly.

>> No.1236773
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>> No.1236786

Lets be honest, chemists, you don't get a real understanding of the Schrödinger equation until physical chemistry. Everything done in basic chem is fluff for the sake of explaining orbitals and covalent bonds.

>> No.1236790

Chemistry is sadly just a knowledge database science. :(

Not predictive like Physics.

>> No.1236803

>Lets be honest, chemists, you don't get a real understanding of the Schrödinger equation until physical chemistry
What i'm talking about here is actually a part of physical chemistry >>1236747

>> No.1236839
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>> No.1236885
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Also have a shit GPA. No idea what I'm going to do about grad school....I guess go to a shitty one..

>> No.1236909

I've already learned all that from doing hobby stuff in the garage, so I'm taking that class in uni.

>> No.1236921

bump for OC

>> No.1236922

Just finished freshman year planning on studying Civil Engineering and Statistics. I won't know what I got for a while :-/

>> No.1236941

I am referring to my Digital Logic class. You may know a good amount of the material, but wait until you design an entire CPU from gates and d flipflops and have to create all the instructions and shit and program it in assembly. Shit gets complicated. I doubt you have done all that in your garage, but good luck its pretty fun.

>> No.1237124
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Not very pleasant...

>> No.1237138
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>> No.1237202

>Experimental Physics
>Nature publication!
>Good wage making cool medical devices

>> No.1237309

>Chemical Engineering.
>Enter data, enter some other data, push "go" button. Record.

>> No.1237348


Hmm currently following the bachelor "Biochemistry & biotechnology", might follow the master "Molecular Biology" after completing my next year.

Really that bad working in the field?

>> No.1237422

>civil engineering
I hope you like soil because it's like 90% of what you do.

>> No.1237455

>lotta flibber flabber about feelings
>behavioral neuroscience

>> No.1237465

Doing Physiological Sciences (read, 'Biomed') next year. What should I expect?
(third topic of first term is 'coitus and orgasm' so sounds good...)

>> No.1237471


>> No.1237513
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>Derive Schrodinger's Equation

>> No.1237588
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>> No.1237611
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I have a question. Does someone have a link or the name of some music that is just a mash-up of scientists like carl sagan speaking and turned into a song. I've seen them before but I don't remember what they're called. It would be really helpful. I'm trying to show them to a friend.

>> No.1237725
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I dreamed about making awesome robots, instead I'm making retarded cellphones and shit.

>> No.1237740

>Computer Science.
>Interesting programming exercises and algorithms.
>Boring ass lectures, programs are tedious, horrible student body is awkward as fuck, teaching assistants are mostly dicks, and NO FUCKING WOMEN. WHAT WAS GOING THROUGH MY MIND OH SHIT I CAN'T TALK TO PEOPLE ANYMORE BECAUSE I SPENT SO MUCH TIME WITH PEOPLE WHO THINK IT'S OK TO BRING 4CHAN OUTSIDE.

Psychology and Biotech for the win.

>> No.1237790
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>> No.1237812

first year student trying to pick courses:
How many EE related courses did you take first semester/what courses did you take? I really want to learn the material, but I hear it's easy for an individual to get swamped with those kind of desires?

>> No.1237868


First semester: Calc II for Engineers/Sci/Math majors, General Chemistry I, Calc based physics I, C++ programming. It was difficult bro.

>> No.1237879

haha oh wow. glad i researched my major.

>> No.1237881

That looks like a bitch, but thanks.

>> No.1237897

symphony of science

>> No.1237905
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Fuck computer science I always used to defend it saying it's not about computers and shit, then I get to college and we're doing fucking powerpoint slides about ecommerce.

Fuck that. I'm switching to maths.

>> No.1237913


Where are you studying?

>>1237905 here

>> No.1237937 [DELETED] 

REMOeV YuOr illgeaL_cLoen_fo HTtp://TiNyuRl.cOM/3ykPhf3 iMmeIDaTely. xm a u uz plunz gcfvycal ix bapc cbpw h v e

>> No.1237933

You've got to be fucking retarded. I've done practically no work at all and coasted through mechanical engineering with a 3.5

>> No.1237965

Yeah I haven't done computer science, but I think when it comes down to it its all about programming
Maybe they'll teach you ways to solve problems more efficiently with programming
But its all about programming none the less

>> No.1237980

Why? It's so boring. I thought you wanted to be a scientist?

>> No.1237982

I have, and I can assure you it isn't.

>> No.1238011

>Computer science or computing science (sometimes abbreviated CS) is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation, and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems.
>and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems.

>> No.1238012

Engineering faculty courses: 32
Science faculty courses: 8
Other: 4

Cum. GPA: 3.5
Major GPA: 3.7

>> No.1238027

go to georgia tech and see if you get those grades. to do that you no longer can possibly live a life i would be jealous of, as you would sacrifice all enjoyment of life.

>> No.1238032

No one asked, bro.

>> No.1238033

1) "their implementation and application in computer systems" does not reduce to "programming"
2) Notice the "and" between "the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation" and "of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems", which means that it certainly isn't ALL about programming.

>> No.1238062
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>> No.1238066

>of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems
So how would you implement an application on a computer system?
Well programming is apparently out of the question so...

>> No.1238076

I'm getting them at Toronto fine. Which I believes USA News ranks as a better program. Although maybe you just mean your school marks unusually strictly?

>> No.1238083

By programming, but the quote you cited has a wider meaning than that.

>> No.1238088

That's not depth of field

what the fuck am I looking at

>> No.1238093


>> No.1238102

I don't know, just got it from google images.

>> No.1238103

>My job is to implement computer systems via programming
>There's more to it than that
>Still hasn't explained wtf computer science is supposed to be

>> No.1238127

Well, "practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems" can also mean, for example, inventing a new virtual memory system, or the math magics behind 3d graphics, which are not programming yet are very much (applied) computer science. There's also, of course, the theoretical computer science branch ("the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation") which you conveniently ignored.

>> No.1238134
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>> No.1238155

mite b kool

>> No.1238163
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>> No.1238165

where do you use energy-mass equivalence in biology?

>> No.1238168


>> No.1238197
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>> No.1238232


eh, I' just image searched whatever came up first for physics chemistry and microbiology.
The general education of the sciences is useful for the "big picture" of biology and interesting at times, but I am in it for the animals.

>> No.1238263
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>> No.1238592

Well, I'm thinking of switching from math to double-majoring in biomedical engineering and computer engineering. Any info on what I'll learn, what to expect, whether or not I should make such a huge leap, etc?

>> No.1239062
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>> No.1239121
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>Accurately describe/predict societal shifts and behaviors among individuals and social groups
>Just a bunch of leftist garbage with a few nuggets of actual scientific analysis here and there.

>> No.1239134 [DELETED] 

REmOEV_Yuor_ILlGeal_cLoEN_fO HTTP://TINyUrL.Com/3yKPHF3 iMmeIDAtEly. li juennycprv v dqzhyd qya owipybu r

>> No.1239136
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>> No.1239159

lol... this is the only period in history when any species gave priority to inferiors.

>> No.1239171

ReMOEv_yUOR illGeal_CLOEN_fO_http://TinYUrl.Com/3ykpHF3 imMEIdateLY. f xdiisccs eqybeilptni w ph lf u pqidjup

>> No.1239174


fucking flow rates, how do they work?

>> No.1239182

In industrial settings almost always purposely turbulent

>> No.1239210

Which Universities do you guys go to?

>> No.1239218

>Grade 11 Physics
>Mechanics, Electricity
>Mechanics, Fields, xkcd and Theoretical Physics
felt good, man

>> No.1239224

pretty fucking simple homie:

u is velocity
dA is differential crosssection of pipe.

for general case, consult navier stokes

>> No.1239231


does this account for turbulence and non uniform speeds of the fluids?

i think not. Let the chemes handle this.

>> No.1240179


>> No.1240197

>Applied Economics
>Memo Writing 101

>> No.1240201

All people who primarly study chemistry are mostly dumbasses who can't handle actual physics.
Compared to a Physicist, doctors are complete dumbasses when it comes to math and science.

>> No.1240216

NASA is a shithole right now. They're concentrating on climate change satellites, the real money is in private companies and large corporations. Get some work study programs in.

>> No.1240541
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>> No.1240561


Who the hell would want to study signal transduction pathways?

>> No.1240570
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Me, shits epic.

>> No.1240695

cant tell if this is bad thing or good thing

>> No.1240737

>volumetric flask overfilled

>> No.1240763

for 1st semester?
your crazy bro.
but yeah LOL cal 1 phys 1 Comp sci 1 writing EE ( hardware)

>> No.1240787
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>> No.1240814
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Yo dawg! I hurd you like phosphorylating your kinase, so we made a kinase for your kinase so you can phosphorylate your kinase while you phosphorylate your kinase.

>> No.1240929

Shouldn't the last frame be a corpse sprawled across a drafting table with coffee stains on his clothes/hands/drafting equipment/models?

>> No.1240947

HAHAHAHAHA MapKKK, MapKK and MapK, I seen't it

>> No.1241003
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>> No.1241034


derive all real equations from complex solutions of the schrodinger equation.

I assume you mean:

1) look up the full electronic wavefunction (available at about 90 billion websites)

2) enter in the proper eigenvalues

3) norm squared


>> No.1241055

1) chemists dont learn shit about quantum mechanics.

2) I am a chemist (major)

3) I took 1 single "advanced math for physics majors class" and got an A+ in 2nd quarter P-chem (quantum mechanics)

4) after taking upper division quantum (not p-chem, but actual pure quantum chem, you know, where there are like 4 other undergrads in the class?), I can tell you with absolute certainty that fully 99.9% of chemists dont know jack shit about quantum mechanics and FUNDMANETALLY misunderstand almost everything about it.

3 quantum chem UD electives
2 quantum physics UD electives
1 Math PDE UD elective
1 math ODE UD elective
1 condensed matter physics UD elective
1 statistical mechanics chemistry UD elective
1 photochemistry UD elective

(none required, all electives)

chemists dont know fucking jack shit.

"hur dur, I can use g03 an Charmm, winrar"

"you dont know how to derive the Kohn Shamm equations so you are basically just a monkey entering numberes"

>> No.1241064


but I admit, at the same time:

physics majors dont know jack fucking shit about symmetry.

ask a physics major about group theory and they will have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

ask a physics major about molecular orbital theory, or basic computational techniques, and most couldnt answer.

most physics curriculum study variational theory as the VERY VERY LAST THING in the 2nd quarter (which is typically as far as a BS requires) in QM.

and variational theory is used WAY THE FUCK more than perturbation theory in practice