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12355025 No.12355025 [Reply] [Original]

“What’s the largest prime number you know of”, how might He respond?

>> No.12355047

He would problably tell you to stfu and stop being a nigger, then wax you with his anger because humans are disobedient assholes in his mind.
Exodus 32:11-14

>> No.12355189

I'm thinking he would ask you what a number is...

>> No.12355209

He isn’t real and there are no rules to his existence, so there is no meaningful answer

>> No.12355226

Infinity hat

He's here on /sci/, you can ask him yourself.

>> No.12355239

God would instruct the METATRON to tell you that thats an absurd statement-god knows of all prime numbers, so speak of the largest He knows would be akin to putting a limit on his own nature, as both are Without End. The METATRON suggests you ask the One Above All better questions.

>> No.12355243

He would say 10^10^10^10^10^10^10 + 3.

>> No.12355247
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Retarded atheist spotted.
You are all the same and it’s fucking stupid. “He doesn’t exist”, yeah nice fucking response retard. “Dur I’m a fucking scientist and I love Neil degrade Tyson, his cock is so big and wild mmm have you heard of Carl Sagan, I’m a dumb fuckwit. Stupid cringe Christian”. You’re all the same it’s a meme at this point, get original. A lot of scientists, Infact most are agnostic or religious because that’s the most scientifically safe answer and they aren’t fucking cock sucking retards. “God doesn’t exist”. Yeah nice response that adds to the conversation. Congratulations, you’re a fucking retard.

>> No.12355250

Speaking as a math major, I genuinely hope you hand yourself you fucking loser. Ge

>> No.12355282

Atheists are enormously more intelligent than religious people on average, according to several conclusive studies.

You’re a gullible halfwit, no better than a monkey.

>> No.12355289

Scientists are much more likely to be atheists than the general population. Why is that?

>> No.12355296

> the poll of scientists finds that four-in-ten scientists (41%) say they do not believe in God or a higher power, while the poll of the public finds that only 4% of Americans share this view.

So scientists are ten times less likely than the general public to believe in spiritual nonsense. With decreased brainwashing in successive generations, that number will approach 100% among scientists. It’s impossible to believe in god unless you’re abused into it while growing.

I’m embarrassed for you anon. Religious people sure are terrible at arguing.

>> No.12355306

I believe that is a coping mechanism for their poor career choice

>> No.12355316

Then why are you crowing about most scientists being religious?

>> No.12355320

That literally means chicken shit and hardly a large margin. The average Christian, or relgious population is far more larger than atheists. 7 billion atleast. And clearly retarded. Majority of people are retarded what do you expect. How about taking a sample size of actual intellectuals and test it. Rieman, Gauss, Euler, Einstein, maybe even Heinz Hopf and Groethiendick. You’re a fucking idiot. And either way, it’s still fucking retarded and evades the point. Most atheists are fucking dim witted and you should do a study testing the amount of religious intellectuals.
You’re a ducking edgy teen who thinks, “there’s no meaning god is a lie”, yeah real fucking original. Fucking zoomer cunt. It makes no sense and pure atheism is fucking regarded. The study may also include agnostics which makes it all the more retarded. Being agnostic is intellectual, being a full hardcore redditor athiest is for Brain dead animal sheep who think they’re special. We are making AI, we are close to create general intelligence, and with quantum computing our processing power can exceed anything we’ve seen before, the possibilities are endless, simulations of a new universe with our own physics, neural networks, and we are also trying to map the human brain and mimick it. You’re an idiot. If that’s possible why wouldn’t a God be a strong possibility. How can you say we are going to be Gods but be a cringe edge lord and say, “God doesn’t exist. I have a brain tumor”. Stfu cunt. God may or may not exist and he may be an illogical cunt, you don’t know, nor does anyone. Plus that’s a relatively old study. Religiosity is coming back, Gen Z is more accepting of religions and the possibility than more, more are athiest, but they aren’t extreme millennial retards like you.

>> No.12355324

Your claim is that a population of rats get to define and then quantify something and then happen to claim themselves generally superior in that regard to horses. Opinion discarded. You are a gullible quarterwit, no better than a cat.

>> No.12355329

Because it’s retarded. Most atheists are fucking extreme idiots and aren’t agnostic, they are pseudoscienitists who fucking watch pop sci bullshit and think they’re some fucking intellectual unique snowflake. It’s retarded. No. Scientists are the opposite, and you are another average American idiot.

>> No.12355341
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>> No.12355342

Everything from your impotent rage to your terrible logic to your poor command of language validates the beliefs of people who know the religions are inferior to atheists. Most of not all atheists are agnostic. It would take a while to unpack the sheer amount of stupidity crammed into your post so I’ll just point out that you’re from /pol/, and that I know this because your exceptionally low intelligence is on display.

>> No.12355349

Very close to 100% of atheists are agnostic. You’re confusing atheists with religious people, who are basically never agnostic (blind faith being the foundation of their belief system).

You are less intelligent by far than every atheist I’ve ever met.

>> No.12355351
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The claims of athiests are as unverifiable as the claims of theists. Even if a meme-tier reddit tard was dumb enough to misapply Occam's razor the result is unchanged. Both sides are idiots. No further explanation is needed.

>> No.12355353

I am more agnostic than religious you fucking idiot. I’m just tired of this stupid arrogant rhetoric athiests produce. It’s fucking retarded how cocky and confident they are, “There is not God heheh I’m a onions boy pop sci faggot, and Carl Sagan says there’s no God, he’s a physicist don’t listen”.

Yeah physicists are retarded. Speaking as a pure math major you’re a fucking idiot to perpetuate this bullshit.

>> No.12355357

Atheists don’t make any claims, they just don’t believe because they’re not retarded.

>> No.12355358

That doesn't explain why you were boasting about scientists being religious, then said they made poor career choices. Try again.

>> No.12355361

the only right answer

>> No.12355363

This quite literally just goes against your argument that intellectuals are more athiest. Learn how to argue fucking retard. This shows that scientists, who have done the rigorours research and study of the universe, suprisingly make a majority of religiosity.

>> No.12355371
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>stupid arrogant rhetoric

>> No.12355374

Atheists aren’t arrogant, it just seems that way to stupid people because of how ridiculous religion is. It is DEFINITELY true that the Abrahamic god doesn’t exist in the same way it’s definitely true that Harry Potter isn’t real. If this seems arrogant to you it’s because you’re stupid. Zombies, magic and souls are not real.

>> No.12355383

I’m boasting because you’re a cocky little shit who thinks you are automatically right. And to the other guy that’s fucking stupid that one would view intelligence in that manner. I’m in a pissy mood, but it doesn’t imply low intelligence. It implies I’m being an irrational idiot. I did the work and I am actually pursuing and academic career. What have you done your whole life. Be a fucking pathetic loser NEET and blame everyone else and their “inferior IQ” for your abysmal success.
Take terry Davis. Who is intelligent by some margin and has proven himself to be a competent programmer, yet he babbles like an incoherent monkey because of his schizophrenia. Poor argument reddior, try again.

>> No.12355394

Your interpretation of that data suggests you’re from /pol/, with an IQ around 75. If people who study the universe are ten times more likely to break free from religious brainwashing in a country where 4 in 10 people believe Earth is 10,000 years old, it’s proof intellectualism and religion are at odds. Scientists are of course not immune to religion, but their massively decreased tendency toward it is telling.

>> No.12355397

>I’m boasting because you’re a cocky little shit who thinks you are automatically right.
Nice projection. It seems like you have a lot of issue to get through.

>> No.12355402

>He isn’t real and there are no rules to his existence, so there is no meaningful answer
> Abrahamic religions are Harry Potter

Yeah yeah, atheists aren’t arrogant clearly, as you have displayed you are confident and cocky in your shitty accusations, more did I say Christianity was the de facto religion.

>> No.12355404
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>Atheists don’t make any claims
Then why is this thread not dead?

>> No.12355410

>souls aren't real
Proof, please.
>magic isn't real
You're just doing it wrong. It works on my machine.
>zombies aren't real
Heh, what about those damn [insert opposite of your political affiliation here]? ez

>> No.12355411

> pol user
Nice generalization as hominem to discount my argument. I’ve never touched lol nor do I care. I think they’re all moronic and ruin this board with their shitty pseudo scientific questions and pseudo math. You’re a fucking retard.

>> No.12355420

>4 in 10 people believe Earth is 10,000 years old
Do theists really?

>> No.12355434

It said 40% are atheistic. Meaning 60% are religious. What? Did I misread? Or did the poster misread?

Nor do. That’s a stupid generalization. Many theists believe in evolution and science. I am one. The Bible is about spirituality, not science. Notice how disjoint the first stories are. Clearly they don’t give a shit about science and it would be dumb to impose difficult science that took thousands of years to come up with, rather than telling something about how to better yourself. Try again retard.

>> No.12355437

>God does not exist
>God exists
Both are claims with no backing. The real intellectual choice is "I don't know"

>> No.12355470

I know many theists and none of them believe the Earth is anything other than 4.5 billion years old except for the odd one who thinks it's a simulation/boltzman brain (in God's dying universe, of course).

>> No.12355475

> Forty percent of U.S. adults ascribe to a strictly creationist view of human origins, believing that God created them in their present form within roughly the past 10,000 years.


Yes, theists do really. And that’s just the dumbest part. There’s plenty of nearly as dumb people who believe only slightly less ridiculous stuff

>> No.12355490

Not really. “God does not exist” is far more intellectually valid than the opposite. Among countless other reasons, our world is little more than endless, meaningless suffering for innocent living things.

>> No.12355506

I am not innocent, and I do not suffer. How can you say there is no God when you have no proof? You are just as dumb, clueless, and self sure as your opponent.

>> No.12355519

I can’t, it’s certainly possible something sparked the universe. But I am positive there is no god watching over us and intervening in our lives, positive there is no soul, etc. you can always backpedal to unfalsifiable claims

>> No.12355531

The 41% are the midwits. The 59% are the geniuses.

>> No.12355544

You are delusional.

>> No.12355553


>> No.12355559

/pol/ is always right and more intelligent than /sci/, by a huge difference

>> No.12355587

if you think anything close to this I have some bad news

>> No.12355645

-2 = ...9998

>> No.12355647

This is what literal unironic seething looks like.

>> No.12355673

God exists and Xe's a genderfluid POC

>> No.12355701

This thread is literally just dimwit atheists jerking themselves off. The answer is pretty much given in the fifth response. The rest of the thread is just irrelevant crap.

Do something with your life and take pride on something else other than "hurr durr internet says that most people are retarded. Me has
high IQ". I am so tired of seeing IQ posts, and the fact that they are being worked into the stupid atheist rhetoric makes it even worse. Learn to move beyond middle school or kill yourself faggots.

>> No.12355755

What is the nature of God putting a limit on his own nature? It seems were meant to assume God is unlimited in natural power, but then an inability to limit that power would seem to suggest itself as in fact being an already existing limit. But then Gods nature is in fact limited. Help

>> No.12355758

>Do something with your life and take pride on something else other than "hurr durr internet says that most people are retarded. Me has high IQ"
Welcome to /sci/ anon, please spend more than 1 day on here before posting. Also you are retarded for believing in god, in fact most people ARE retarded anon.

>> No.12355787

You would expect scientists to have a strong midwit distribution. Very few intelligent people choose science as a career because it pays so poorly, the bulk of any mass group will always be middling, and a lowerbound on intelligence ought to apply, hence midwittery as the sci norm.

>> No.12355788

>I am so tired of seeing IQ posts, and the fact that they are being worked into the stupid atheist rhetoric makes it even worse

I have spent more than one day here, clearly. I am just very disappointed by the average post/discussion quality. I just want a relaxed place to talk about things that interest me, and a group of people who are fine with less civil humor. However, /sci/ is just a constant shitpost bin that rarely has anything interesting to offer.

>You are retarded for believing in god hurr durr. I also don't understand that "most people are retarded" is a major flaw in the studies.
Indeed most people are retarded, and you seem to be one of them

>> No.12355814

all the religious people in this thread and all the atheists are both midwits
Religion is based on FAITH, not logic
Atheists trying to use logic to disprove god are idiots
Religious people using logic to show how atheists are wrong are idiot
Read kierkegaard
faith is believing in something like God even if there's no evidence, that is what gives it power

>> No.12355844

Absolute non sequitur. Newsflash, if you don't like this thread, don't post in it! You do realize there's a small button with which you can hide the thread right?

Of course I'm retarded to some degree, but thankfully I'm not retarded enough to believe in god.

>> No.12355856
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>> No.12355885

faith is believing that gods are impossible with no evidence, that is what gives it power

>> No.12355897

If you have that belief, sure, but don't use "muh logic and science" to support it

>> No.12355968


>> No.12356285

>god isnt real
>find me one rule

>> No.12356463

>Religion is based on FAITH, not logic
Yes, which makes it illogical. Saying that logic doesn't apply to your beliefs because "FAITH" is called special pleading.

>> No.12356495

you are the definition of a midwit
intelligent enough to think about logic and logical fallacies but not smart enough to realize what I'm saying, I guess nietzsche and other philosophers are dumbasses

>> No.12356579

>Zeus does not exist
>Zeus exists
Both are claims with no backing. The real intellectual choice is "I don't know"

>> No.12357589
