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12350257 No.12350257 [Reply] [Original]

>graduated in aeronautical engineering 5 months ago
>still can't find a job

at what point do you give up

>> No.12350264

You'd probably have a job if Trump didn't destroy the Economy

>> No.12350268

>at what point do you give up
2 years

>> No.12350385

If I miss out on this season of grad schemes I will be too old to get on any of them

>> No.12350398

an undergrad in aeronautical engineering? you're basically an overqualified aircraft mechanic. try again after your master's degree.

>> No.12350416


>> No.12350425

I have a masters lmfao. (intergrated masters, known as MEng in the UK)
unironically if I graduates with just a bachelors last year I would have better job prospects right now.

>> No.12350434

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.12350437

keep working at it
that industry is going to boom in the upcoming years/decades

>> No.12350487

If I could back the time, I would teleport beside you to encourage you to take compsci

>> No.12350584

took me 10 months to get my aerospace job. got hired right as the pandemic started, though my company is 'essential' so nothing changed for them, but I was getting tons of emails from other ones I applied to saying they are sorry but are in a hiring freeze. if you're searching now it may be a lot harder with all the competition

>> No.12350709

>orange man bad
yes, one person destroyed the economy.

>> No.12350719

You posted the same shit on /int/.
Why do you expect to find an engineering job in a rural municipality?

>> No.12350740
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why even try?

>> No.12350918

Trump was great for the aerospace industry. Lockheed, Boeing, and SpaceX did great under him.
COVID fucked commercial aviation though. It's going to be years before that bounces back.

>> No.12350920

How did you make it??

>> No.12351037

clearly he hasn't

>> No.12351141

I would be satisfied by having the degree alone. I'm in 3rd year and the I can't see any light yet. Anon can still join the military

>> No.12351331

that guy isnt me and Ive been searching all over the UK

>> No.12351386

What are you studying?

For learning, I suggest trying to cover the material you will learn before the lectures, on your own. Then 1. You will understand it better, 2. You will remember it better after its repeated in the lecture, 3. You will know what you don't know and will come up with questions

Obviously this is very hard to find the time for in uni, but if you're really struggling I believe its the most reliable way to get back on your feet.

For courseworks, I suggest keeping your strategy simple and doing something simple thoroughly and perfectly

>> No.12351554

Aerospace engineering. Thanks for advice. My strategy consists of studying intensively a different subject every day (monday for thermodynamics, tuesday for complex analysis etc...). Sounds efficient

>> No.12351574

Corona economy does not have much to spare. Keep recruiting but also spend your time earning more qualifications. The economy will eventually go back to normal.

If 2 years really go by and you finally give up, remember the names of those who locked down the economy and destroyed it. So you can buy a gun and kill them in minecraft.

>> No.12351690
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Trump is a complete faggot, but you are a low IQ zoomer retard if you think he's the problem with the economy. Our economy has been going to shit since the 70s and it's mainly because of industrial outsourcing and quantitative easing and the related problem of the Cantillon effect. Yes, the economy has taken a huge hit because of COVID, and Trump and Nancy Pelosi are largely responsible, but the problems with our economy stem from corruption, corporate lobbying, outsourcing/globalization, and corporate control over the media and government. Ask yourself, why did congress give a multitrillion dollar bailout to Wall street (right after we finished bailing them out 10 years ago), but the general population got nothing? There was a few billion allocated for small business and the $1200 check last spring, but that wasn't even a 1/10th of what Wall street received. You are politically, economically, and historically illiterates if you think Trump is the reason for our shitty economy, the decline in standard of living, and the stagnation in wages. This is problem that is bigger than any individual, any company, or any politician. The reason progress is never made on issues like this is not that people aren't aware of them, but because low IQ normies like yourself always want to pin all of society's problems on one person or one group of people or one economic system. Trump is a corrupt politician who values his own status and image more than the American people, but he is not the source of our economic troubles. He may have exacerbated the problems we face, but ultimately he was a pretty standard politician.

>> No.12351695
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Very based post. Pic related is how I feel about graduating next year.

>> No.12351775

We all thought STEM would give us job security, as it turns out every college major is a meme because the economies of western countries in general are a meme that's propped up by bullshit tertiary industries that don't really produce anything.

>> No.12354472
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>mfw my mums job might soon be outsourced to pajeets
>team shrunk from 13 to 5 in the last 2 years while the pajeet office grew
Fuck this gay economy. If there aren't enough jobs to go around globally we should pay basic income and reduce working shifts

>> No.12354488

The rich keep getting richer and (not but) the average population isn’t

>> No.12354495

Lower your bar
Work outside your field

>> No.12354563

do people actually do this? I just went to lectures and did the assignments then whatever I hadn't learned from that I studied in preparation for a test. really though the assignments should cover all material on a test so there shouldn't be any studying needed except maybe a refresher

>> No.12354684

People have different courses and subject loads. I did manage to coast through by revising closer to exams but got shit grades as a result so what that guy is doing is far better

>> No.12354696

if he's engineering he's always on max load of 6 per term though

>> No.12354699

start applying for EE positions, and not just aero-related work. Also OP, try getting into contact with recruitment companies in your area. There are many bloated HR departments that will only recruit through another company. If you're going to be spending 9 hours a day searching for a job, you might as well let a team help you out.

>> No.12354737

>start applying for EE positions
unfortunately in the UK you have to have a certified EE degree to be hired in this
>recruitment companies
Good suggestion though, I have tried some already but will keep trying

>> No.12354779

i'm OP but 3+ years.
someone give me advice.

>> No.12354797

Based Trump's denial of Covid science has caused a world of problems

>> No.12354809

You're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.12354817


Keep things in context. Rolls-Royce laid off 9,000 civil aero workers this year due to COVID. Luck was not on your side graduating in 2020.

The good news is, it's not down to lack of capability. I would look at other engineering disciplines or a career change as a Plan B if you don't get in.

>> No.12355266
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Rolls-Royce laid off 9,000 civil aero workers this year
Holy fuck what

>> No.12355279
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You are not as SNEED as you think you are, tranny. Sorry if I offended your normie tier centrist political sensibilities, but everything I said is true. If you had an actual argument, you would present it. Instead you responded with shit tier bait.

>> No.12355366
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Nice 275 words essay my friend, but I won't read it

>> No.12355564

Yikes, I'm studying Aerospace Engineering in the UK. Will being competent at python help? Or should I do a masters in another type of engineering?

>> No.12355571
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>> No.12355626

>da joos
>Globalism BAD
>Le everyone bad false equivalence
>muh normies
You are are a pseud anon. 90% of your "intellect" is just you inhaling too many memes. Sorry it took this long for someone to call you out, but I guess you're too afraid to express this autism to anyone in fear of getting laughed at.

>> No.12356146

I honestly don't know what the job market will be like after covid. I've been told through highschool and universities that engineers are welcome to do finance and coding. Indeed, I am applying to grad schemes in big banks called 'tech connect', made specifically for non-computer science STEMs to be trained into software development, and jobs in software development in other places just test you with entrance exams rather than on your degree. So, if you really want to do software dev, I suggest getting good at python now so you slam the tests.

>> No.12356391

hahahah get fucked retard. I'm pretty sure you are one of this annoying elitists who shit on CS. Enjoy your shit-tier job prospects in your dying(stagnant at best industry) while CS BVLLS get extremely lucrative jobs without even trying

>> No.12357024

man fuck you

>> No.12357180
File: 70 KB, 850x400, the-specific-political-distinction-carl-schmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump's denial of Covid science
Lol, I remember at the start of the year when liberals were far more worried about trump using corona as flimsy justification to shut down the border permanently and to seize near-dictatorial powers more than the actual affects of the virus itself. While conservatives wanted him to take rather drastic measures to stop it, at some point both sides switched their positions, without acknowledging that they had they did or that they had ever held the opposite stance.

Imagine thinking anyone, including those in the government, have actual beliefs.