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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12350222 No.12350222 [Reply] [Original]

> be me
> grad student in math
> online colloquium taking place for young researchers
> all the other attendees are making small talk about how awkward it is to present work that they're still working on
> qt3.14159 joins in the conversation
> she even looks like kurisu makise
> need to impress her
> we'll do math together and raise mathematical prodigies, it'll be so fucking cool
> some dorky asian guy says "i always panic whenever i'm in the middle of a proof, so if i freeze up go easy on me!"
> want to know what I say in response?
> "Yeah, I guess it's kinda like accidentally crapping your pants when you're really deep in a calculation"
> everybody goes quiet
> "i mean, has that happened to you before?" comes a tentative reply
> "Hasn't it happened to most mathematicians?"
> complete silence until the first speaker comes up

I feel like shit. I paid real money from my own bank account to get a place in this colloqium because my Student ID isn't recognized by the math department yet. We have to do group talks in the afternoon for discussions and I really don't know what to do.

>> No.12350231

cool blog post

>> No.12350254

cool blog post

>> No.12350260

cool blog post

>> No.12350270

>3 posters
>3 replies+OP
one of you is a samefag and OP is a faggot

>> No.12350289

cool blog post

>> No.12350890

So how is it going?

>> No.12351590

Cool blogpost

>> No.12351602

cool blogpost but it sounds like these guys need to lighten up

>> No.12351615
File: 2 KB, 100x125, 1598773089027s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool blogpost
> be me
> grad student in math
> online colloquium taking place for young researchers
> all the other attendees are making small talk about how awkward it is to present work that they're still working on
> qt3.14159 joins in the conversation
> she even looks like kurisu makise
> need to impress her
> we'll do math together and raise mathematical prodigies, it'll be so fucking cool
> some dorky asian guy says "i always panic whenever i'm in the middle of a proof, so if i freeze up go easy on me!"
> want to know what I say in response?
> "Yeah, I guess it's kinda like accidentally crapping your pants when you're really deep in a calculation"
> everybody goes quiet
> "i mean, has that happened to you before?" comes a tentative reply
> "Hasn't it happened to most mathematicians?"
> complete silence until the first speaker comes up

>> No.12351648

> be me
> am a girl btw
> grad student in math
> online colloquium taking place for young researchers
> all the other attendees are making small talk about how awkward it is to present work that they're still working on
> everyone seems cool
> one guy seems really awkward and quiet
> kinda cute in a sorta love him for his ugliness way
> some dorky asian guy says "i always panic whenever i'm in the middle of a proof, so if i freeze up go easy on me!"
> want to know what quiet guy says in response?
> "Yeah, I guess it's kinda like accidentally crapping your pants when you're really deep in a calculation"
> everybody goes quiet
> "i mean, has that happened to you before?" comes a tentative reply
> "Hasn't it happened to most mathematicians?"
> complete silence until the first speaker comes up

I feel like shit. I paid real money from my own bank account to get a place in this colloqium because my Student ID isn't recognized by the math department yet. We have to do group talks in the afternoon for discussions and I really don't know what to do.

>> No.12351701

thanks for asking. going alright at the moment, currently working through hartshorne because the problems are hard enough to take my mind off things. i've decided to just skip this colloqium because i'll definitely be too nervous to learn anything anyhow.

>> No.12351726

> trying this hard to get onto /r/greentext

>> No.12351756

Assuming that you're not a troll, as a PhD candidate in number theory I can assure you that I've seen fuckups that are monumentally worse than your blogpost. Math PhDs aren't exactly the most socially adept bunch.

>> No.12353978

Are you actually retarded you could of literally laughed it off and everything would've been fine

>> No.12354167

Learn to laugh anon.
It would be funny if you laugh smiled, and act like the other person is awkward not you.

>> No.12354325

cool blog post

>> No.12354562

it's too late now. i just hope none of those colloquium attendees remember me later on because i want a career in academia.

you assholes had time to type "cool blog post" but none of you even realised that i got trips. might as well just fucking hang myself at this point, i don't even get respect on 4chan

>> No.12354593


>> No.12354995

Wait. Have you actually crapped yourself doing math problems? Are you autistic or something?

>> No.12355052

i've been so focused on calculations before that i've sharted in my boxers unintentionally. it's really not that rare an occurance, friend

>> No.12355093

Cool blogpost.

>> No.12355132

Cool blog post

>> No.12355140


Cool blogpost.

>> No.12355945

cool blog post

>> No.12355949 [DELETED] 

Holy moly


>> No.12355954

clog blogplog

>> No.12356372

I mean people will forget it. Actually no, because it's so fucked up they won't, but anyway that's no reason to be afraid to talk to your peers anon. Just act like it never heppened and they probably don't even know who said it anyway. I, for one, always have trouble keeping track of who is who in those online things. But even if anyone brings it up again just say the truth that you were joking, you were joking r-right anon? Anyway try to make friends and think that what happened was awkward but it is even more awkward to dissapear after that. The only way to save whats left is to go back and hang out with them. Don't let your efforts and dreams go to waste for fear of how others see you, it's actually very hard to get people to dislike you (unless you are trying to make them like you). Oh and learn how to save those situations to avoid them in the future, it's preatty simple, usually a laugh would be good followed by "sorry I wasn't being serious". Anyway good luck with your studies, and don't let anything bring you down anon!

Also at least you didn't do this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4P-C_z1rwRk

>> No.12356398

you for sure ain't getting respect with that attitude

>> No.12356401

very romantic

>> No.12356436

i laughed

>> No.12356531

i really appreciate this advice. i've been down since it happened, not being able to concentrate on anything at all. i'll take your suggestions into account, thank you for being so kind to me

>> No.12356571

This isn't even that bad. If you weren't an autist this would have just been a funny little awkward moment and everyone would have laughed.

>> No.12356665

Anon, you have to tell us. Have you ACTUALLY shit yourself doing a math problem?

>> No.12356706

as i said in >>12355052, it's really not that rare an occurance. i spend most of my time doing math and i work on really fucking difficult problems. i'm talking about generalizations of generalizations, problems that you need to be deep in to even attempt. the higher up you go on the mathematical ladder, the more you'll find yourself in states of extreme concentration. and yeah, you do have accidents sometimes.

>> No.12356730

You're shitting me right now (figure of speech but for you I feel the need to clarify). What the hell kind of math do you do that put you into such a state of autism that you *literally* shit yourself when solving problems?
> inb4 bait

>> No.12356922

>Ever bringing up that you shit yourself
I would call it a larp but I don't know why anyone would make up such a pathetic story

>> No.12356946
File: 319 KB, 477x530, 1586204330127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool blogpost

>> No.12357000

good job outing yourself as a brainlet whose never had to think extremely deeply before, then. this is a common issue with abstract thinkers.

>> No.12357788

Yeah you're real smart for telling people you poo your pants

>> No.12357820

cool blog post

>> No.12358070

Hawking, Feynman, Einstein. In literally any good biography/diary/memoir this is briefly mentioned though often euphemistically. Feynman's auto-bio mentions "foregoing addressing certain basic bodily functions". The kind of demands very taxing problems place on you disqualify someone who will break concentration for something relatively far less important.

>> No.12359515

>too autistic to understand what a blogpost is

none of them openly admitted to pooping themselves.

>> No.12359579

Eat shit bitch

>> No.12359604

Don't tell me you let it hang there. If noone jumps on your cock you gotta wiggle it around a little. The problem is your delivery, lack of personality, and inferior genetics - any chad would have slayed out with an ongoing repartee following that comment.

>> No.12359711

> having to make excuses for the excellence of big brain chads because of ones own intellectual insecurity
face it, retard, you're not as smart as you think you are.

also, cool blog post

>> No.12359716

I never pretended to be super smart, you dumb pantshitting autist

>> No.12359817

>Be only girl in this online math cocklocker thing
>Join kinda late, as I was getting done having sex with my mechanical engineer boyfriend
>The other researchers are making small talk
>Some Asian kid makes some remark about freezing up during proofs
>Suddenly this sperg pops up and instantly replies
>obviously everyone goes silent until the first speaker began

Sometimes I wonder why I went into math grad school

>> No.12359842

>"foregoing addressing certain basic bodily functions".
Yeah, sex, eating and drinking, you overbased turbo autist.

>> No.12359843

>I'm so le busy having sex right
just cringe, dude

>> No.12359844

>mechanical engineer
100% made up story.

>> No.12359856

that guy is autistic but "certain bodily functions" definitively refers to pissing/shitting

>> No.12359880

then don't speak for those who are. maybe if you stopped being a normie and started caring about doing intellectual work that actually mattered you wouldn't be running your mouth off speaking on behalf of your betters you fucking midwit

lmao cringe, mechanical engineers are universally shat upon as the least interesting and capable of the engineering disciplines

no high level mathematician will admit it, but we've all experienced some kind of accident when in the middle of deep work. this is so much more common than you think it is and the only reason you think otherwise is because you're a normie

>> No.12359913

My body is an exquisite and eloquent symphony of mathematics. An orchestral composition where nothing is left to chance. Working long on a particularly hard problem, you forget your bodily functions and shit yourself. I am peak efficiency, I shit myself to save time.

>> No.12359915

Gotta roll with it now
You say stupid shit that doesn't mean you can't also say smart shit

>> No.12359952

> mechanical engineers are universally shat upon
I mean, the only person upon whom somebody shits is you, by yourself. You literally, in actual reality, shit on yourself and you are presumably a math autist instead of an engineer, so...

>> No.12359965

Definitively not. Feynman meant sex.

>> No.12359982

>mechanical engineers are universally shat upon
You're the only person being shat upon here, mate

>> No.12359983

> definitively

>> No.12360035
File: 109 KB, 1043x697, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is op

>> No.12360077

Look at the post I replied to, brainlet.

>> No.12360082

>the only reason you think otherwise is because you're a normie
My record is working 51 hours on a problem with 1 hour of "sleep" im between. Even in hyperfocus, your body sends you signals that will make you go to the toilet (albeit at the latest possible time). You notice it, run to the toilet, shit, get back to work.
You're only trying to get people to admit they shit themselves to laugh at their stupidity.
Unless you're literally a bed-wetter.

>> No.12360208

are you an undergrad? you clearly don't work efficiently if it takes you 51 hours to work though a problem with "hyperfocus". i don't think you know what hyperfocus actually entails, so why don't you stick to your 110iq puzzles

>> No.12360234

need to go and solve some math problems

>> No.12361028

I worked on a problem that I patented and am making money off of now.
>meaningless ramblings and baseless accusations
>>>/b/ is for trolling.

>> No.12361229

> bragging about achievements on an anonymous vietnamese animation support board

>> No.12361243

start belittling people for not shitting their pants. like they arent skilled or serious enough about math

>> No.12361647

Not bragging if it serves the argument that you're a delusional faggot.

>> No.12362208

> trying to win arguments on a north korean rice farming association worker's forum
cringe, there's no way a blatant pajeet-tier engineering student like you got through the patent process lmao

>> No.12362239

You have to shit yourself to excel at maths.

>> No.12362400

OP here, that's not what I meant. You don't just unload a fucking soil pile right there and then to continue. It's like this:
> Deep in a mental calculation, really working those abstract muscles
> Feel a fart coming on but pay it no mind.
> Reacht the crux of the problem and, through some sublime illumination, cut right through the theory and find yourself at gazing at the solution.
> Your entire body relaxes with that post problem-solving euphoria, but unfortunately so do the muscles that you've unconsciously been clenching to keep the fart in.
> it's not a fart, bro, farts obey the ideal gas law at an approximate level
> it's... oh god, it's soft matter, it doesn't have a straightforward consitutive relation
> You panic, both due to the lack of your continuum mechanics knowledge and due to the fact that you've literally just shit yourself a little
> You waddle to the washroom, trying to be safe because - as you lack the relevant continuum mechanical knowledge, you can't tell how extensive the damage will be
> You unload the rest of the cargo into the toilet and try to plan your next moves
> It is an extremely unpleasant experience.
I believe that this is a lot more common than one would think. It's obviously a traumatic experience though, so nobody talks about it.

>> No.12362999

Dont worry brother, all these other uppity cunts are only half men, because they are too insecure to admit their mistakes. Perhaps their minds went to the worst place and imagined you working through the shat in pants, which would be odious, but what you describe friend-that happens to the best of us. God speed, it exalts my calculation of human goodness to hear your story. And the autism problem? Just put concerted effort into being more sociable in your day to day life. Working at a resturaunt helped me learn how to talk to people competently.

>> No.12363188

> blessed trips
Thanks friend, your understanding is much appreciated

>> No.12363826

cool blog post

>> No.12365555

>> trying to win arguments
>an argument
Not what happened here. Thanks for proving you're downright retarded, so I don't have to bother anymore.

>> No.12365762

oh shit you got quads
guess you're right lmao