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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12343844 No.12343844 [Reply] [Original]

What mathematical expressions have made you consider suicide?
What's his end game?
Also I'd like to know what some of you math guys think about the fact that in the neighborhood of infinity all the numbers are the same number and prime.
Also what's your opinion on pic related?

>> No.12343926

>neighborhood of infinity

>> No.12344076

It's true.

>> No.12344089

What's so hard about that expression?

>> No.12344110

op has a brain haemorrhage

>> No.12344133

I mean when it's even it's positive
when it's odd it's negative
that's so fucked up.
also if you do this
((-1)^n + 1) / (-1)^n
it's either zero or fucking two.
I fucking despise this expression.
also (-1)^(-1)^...^(n)
can you fucking believe that!?
this fucking guy is a cunt.
I hate this bastard so bad you wouldn't believe.

>> No.12344156

U ok man?

>> No.12344162

ok 2ker

>> No.12345425

Itô calculus and SDE's

>> No.12346297

I don't get it.
2k as in the year?
anno domini
I hate (-1)^n
and thinking about it makes me MAD

>> No.12347018

wait till you get a load of



>> No.12347096

Meh partials are whatever.
Imaginary numbers aren't even real I don't give a fucking about fake shit.

>> No.12347148
File: 13 KB, 396x203, fourier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, nigga?

>> No.12347175

imagicucks are not allowed in my thread.

>> No.12347191

Funny enough, I just read a short story by Ted Chaing in which a mathematician discovers that peano arithmetic is in fact inconsistent and the consequences of this (which are of course insane) drive her to attempting suicide.

>> No.12347424

>noooo you cant just shift between negative and positive values and open up Leibniz and cauchy stuff in analysis to make it infinitely easier nooo fuck you

>> No.12347452

Polarcoordinates is similar to devil worship

You shold hang

>> No.12347521

is she hot?
actually I'm over it now.
(-1)^n/(-1)^(n+1) = -1
I'm much happier now.

>> No.12347630

>(-1)^n/(-1)^(n+1) = -1
Are you actually fucking retarded
This, whilst technically correct, means nothing
It literally defys the spirit of why you would even put it there to begin with

I cannot think of another use of this expression than to go 1,-1,1,-1..... as you push forward the ns

Why are you like this

>> No.12347651

>neighbourhood of infinity
best /sci/ meme in a while

>> No.12347926

You're wrong. You don't see the beauty of this manipulation.
it turned something putrid into something lovely.
>Why are you like this
I dunno I think I might have schziophrenia. I just have a delusion that my mum said good bye to me and left the house, but she's in a different state, I realized this after feeling like something real just happened.
It's true you know.

>> No.12347947

It's a calc II meme
Absolute and conditional convergence shit

>> No.12347952

stop, get some help

>> No.12347965

>americans get this in Calc two
Nigger i only have engi math an i had this two weeks ago now starting with linear algebra and polynoms
I am in year one

Why is your country so shit at everything

>> No.12347974
File: 1.22 MB, 1626x912, FourHorsemenSchizophrenicdelusionsSpawnfromdepression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12348020


>> No.12348141 [DELETED] 

((-1)^17) / ((-1)^10) = -1/1 = -1

>> No.12348145 [DELETED] 

fuck... I fukced up
> ((-1)^17) / ((-1)^10) = -1/1 = -1
((-1)^17)^10 = -1^10 = 1

>> No.12348154 [DELETED] 

fuck. why is it so complicated.. fucked up again! (not a mathematician, but it's a school level)
((-1)^17)^1/10 = some i-shit

>> No.12348162

i^1/5 I believe.
why do you post this?

>> No.12348177

I thought I knew it. Now I'm shocked by my ignorance. i^1/5 seems to be right, but it's i^1/20:
(-1)^1/10 = ((-1)^2)^1/20

>> No.12348186

you're right.

>> No.12348205

>why do you post this?
my bad, wrong thread

>> No.12348221

It is fascinating and to me has mystical tones when it shows up so often combinatorial expressions

>> No.12349260

>neighborhood of infinity
ok schizo. take your meds.

>> No.12349398

Literally retarded

>> No.12349407

Nigga are you the same fucking guy on every god damn post. Shut the fuck up you incessant cunt. Kys.

>> No.12350076

how do i become this autistic
non-mathbrained here
help me become autistic

>> No.12350169

Explain please, I quit the path of maths barely 5 months ago and can't get these memes anymore

>> No.12350269

You wish.
seethe more imagicuck
open book.
develop unhealthy emotional attachment to numbers.
hate everything that isn't just natural numbers.
Every number in the neighborhood of infinity is prime and the same.

>> No.12350341

>develop unhealthy emotional attachment to numbers.
this is what i am trying so hard to do, catch up with some peers of mine who unironically have this, and it is mystifying to me and it interests me, as it is pretty literally the fabric of everything and an endlessly deep pit of tangents, but it just feels so hopeless, i am so far behind, math was just not part of how i was brought up. i just found an epub of alan graham's basic mathematics and i am already feeling so impatient on the first few intro pages. i just deeply regret not doing this when i was 15

>> No.12350451

>initial thoughts: eh, its just an ODE with some noise, how much different could it be?
i was very wrong

>> No.12351112

What about the suburb of infinity?

>> No.12351135

I don't see what's so hard about him. You rarely get to manipulate it in complex algebra. Just plug it in and don't touch it

>> No.12351797
File: 224 KB, 521x937, 1604219463185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fourier is based fuck off

>> No.12351822

You just need to have been neglected by you single mother who worked all day so she was basically a stranger to you.
then discover safety in numbers at a young age.
>lmao I'm admitting to how fucked up it is

>> No.12352117
File: 418 KB, 600x620, 1498943845105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frequency domain is the truth anon, you can't deny it. We live in a dual world.

>> No.12352118

(-1)^n is basically the reason that matter exists. Fermionic parity wouldn't be a thing without this bijection between the 2 representations of Z_2. Without Pauli exclusion you wouldn't even exist to be able to be upset about it.

>> No.12352121

>non-unitary definition of FT
Absolutely fucking disgusting. Engineers really find a way to butcher absolutely everything they touch, huh?

>> No.12352150


what about in the country of infinity?

>> No.12352166

(-1)^1 = -1
(-1)^2 = 1
(-1)^3 = -1

So (-1)^n is 1 or -1. Wow such math, so difficult. This truly is a board of brainlets.
t. /biz/

>> No.12352186


>> No.12352196

It's not -1 or 1 at an moment.
It's EITHER -1 or 1.
and that's the fucked up part.
tell me, at a moment n, is it -1 or is it 1.
what does it's series add up to?
In the neighborhood of infinity are the numbers positive or negative because of this?

>> No.12352246

>neighborhood of infinity

>> No.12352350

literally all of tensor notation.

I loved analysis, but the amount of fucking epsilons. It was my intro to proofs, and my prof assigned some of the hardest problems from our books (Rudin and Johnsonbaugh). I easily dropped +20 hrs a week on that single class

>> No.12352422

It's true you know.

>> No.12353772

Bro just use cos(pi*x) where x is an integer

>> No.12353842

no it isn't, stop repeating false bullshit here schizo retard.

>> No.12353856

>what does it's series add up to?

it doesn't add up to anything, it's divergent

>In the neighborhood of infinity are the numbers positive or negative because of this?

a neighborhood of infinity is all numbers > n, so for example all numbers bigger than 5 is a neighborhood of infinity, which is clearing nothing strange or special, fuck off with this bullshit we don't need another .999.... doesn't = 1 bullshit.

>> No.12353868

Now you understand why Americans are so obsessed by A's while we Europeans are sometimes happy to have passed with a D.

>> No.12353877
File: 17 KB, 796x205, prime number.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What mathematical expressions have made you consider suicide?
pic rel