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1234681 No.1234681 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1234691

Seriously, what does it matter what is after my life? I'm fucking dead after my life. Nothing matters when you are dead.

>> No.1234696

word OP, word

>> No.1234705

Altruism, look it up. Selfishness is a trait of the imature.

>> No.1234708
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good work op

>> No.1234714


I know what altruism is. I just don't agree with that concept.

And no one is imature just because you say so.

>> No.1234719

Www._anon_+_C_-_C_+_Talk_.sE xwhzq wwaspds xwhnue qk sdyrj w cp

>> No.1234727

So you don't see a trend between imaturity and selfishness? I know correlation does not imply causation so until I dish up some hard evidence feel free to ignore me. If you wanna be honest though, I think you'll agree.

>> No.1234730
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As far as I'm concerned, world is here to entertain me :>

You can call me immature, I'll call you a faggot

>> No.1234731

>implying ANYONE EVER does somthing that isn't selfish on some level

>> No.1234737


>> No.1234743

The fact that people feel good about doing something good doesn't make the act selfish. It might make it non-selfless, but that's immaterial.

>> No.1234745

>Implying altruism isn't deceitful selfishness.

Let me guess you give all your money to the poor, and feed the homeless out of the kindness of your heart? Or is it because evolution tells us women go for the caring guys who will defend them but at the same time put his own needs to the side lines for the needs of others.

TL;DR you are sub consciously selfish because evolution instilled in us women like selfless men.

>> No.1234752


"imature" is one of the most subjective words out there. Now watch what I do:

I'm defining Altruism as an indicator of imaturity.

Now I call you imatur for being altruistic.

Ta daaaa

>> No.1234753

What's happening subconsciously doesn't decide if it's selfish or not. If a person does something to benefit another, it doesn't matter what evolutionary history is behind that behaviour, it's still non-selfish at the level of the awareness of the person.

>> No.1234760


So you still fail to tell what's wrong with selfishness. "Because it's imature" doesn't apply here.

>> No.1234759
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>> No.1234764


So I fail at english.
You fail at discussing

I think I win.

>> No.1234767

I didn't set out to tell you about what's wrong with selfishness; I was clearly addressing your accusation that the previous poster is selfish when acting kindly. Learn how to spell.

>> No.1234771

The motive is what's important, concious or sub concious.

And concious thought usually is the opposite of sub concious thought

"I should really give that guy some change"

"I should give that guy some change, there may be some girls around to see how nice I am"

>> No.1234773


Do'nt cry. I'll raping yo're laguage any time i will want

>> No.1234774

checkmate, christfags

>> No.1234776


>> No.1234784

Selfishness as a trait requires a conscious agent. If evolution were a sentient process, then you might call it selfish for making the person behave selflessly to impress women. In that case as in the reality of the situation, the person who does the act without any awareness of the esoteric selfish goal cannot be selfish because that person doesn't hold any motive in mind besides goodness. If the motive is important, then I am still right.

I ain't even mad, I'm just selflessly encouraging you to learn English, since you won't get far spelling like a 10 year old.

>> No.1234786

Clearly immature and an honerless dick. Enjoy sexing the stupid girls..
I've never flown a plane, that does however not make me think no one else has ever flown a plane. See how that works?
it does, altruism is complete selflessness. It's an ideal you strive towards, regardless of wether you'll actually reach it.
holy shit.. are you a wizard?
it does matter
u mad?
it hinders progress and it makes you generic.

>> No.1234805


So selflessness doesn't require a conscious thought but selfishness does? Way to logic bro

>> No.1234810


>> No.1234895

When did I say selflessness doesn't? I have tried to avoid the concept of selflessness completely because it seemed an irrelevant complication.

>> No.1235073

You fail to realize that nothing is ever done by a human without it being selfishly motivated.
People who are nice to others are doing so either for the good feeling it gives inside or for acceptance by others, who expect them to be nice.
And fuck you, doing something so that you can feel good about it is selfish.
It doesn't make it douchefaggotry, but it's still an act for the self.

>> No.1235090
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>> No.1235972

>Implying most people who do good things are actively seeking the good feeling it gives them.