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File: 10 KB, 200x300, Robert_Kardashian_Sr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12343475 No.12343475 [Reply] [Original]

>smart intellectual lawyer who successfully defended a nearly impossible murder trial
>his children became the dumbest women in america
Do the Kardashians disprove that IQ is genetic?

>> No.12343479

what makes you think the kardashians are stupid?

>> No.12343543

Because they only made $200 million off their mobile app the first year. If they were smart, they would have made at least $250 million.

>> No.12343552

Being a lawyer requires no intelligence at all

>> No.12343683

I'm beginning to think that extreme financial security is dysgenic in many ways

>> No.12343686

No, they just reaffirm regression towards the mean.

>> No.12343788

He only had to convince 12 American retards, not a stunning feat. His whore daughters overachieved as whores, no one doubts they're at the top of their niche globally. Kim also wormed her way in with the Trump Whitehouse and managed to effect some policies, an objective political achievement few can boast of.

>> No.12343796

You have no idea how genuinely dumb people act, Kardashians likely have 105 IQ.

>> No.12343858

Because they're interests are 100% social.

>> No.12344181

IQ is a performance test, not a genetic potential test.

>> No.12344186

>>his children became the dumbest women in america
>rich women coasting thru life are dumb

seethe more ugly incel, you will die alone and miserable

>> No.12344202

Kardashians literally became the richest women in the world by not doing anything
Probably 120-140IQs

>> No.12344229

What about aristocrats?

>> No.12344591

Aristocrats reinforce his point.

>> No.12345010

110 IQ over-achievers.

>> No.12345015

Aristocracy was dysgenic when they did nothing all day but consume, such as 18th century France. But when Aristocracy had to fight in battle, the system worked well enough.

>> No.12345022

There's an old saying: rags to riches to rags in three generations.

>> No.12345025

So which social groups still have a eugenic for intelligence selection gradient?

>> No.12345034

natural selection isn't the same as eugenics. Today groups that compete and take risks are probably those that will only increase in intelligence and power.

>> No.12345038

Retard, aristocrats were the educational elite during the Middle Ages and early modern age. Financial safety implies dysgeny only in hedonistic societies, such as ours

>> No.12345039

Regression to the mean accounts for the difference between genetics and education.

>> No.12345042

Aristocrats were literally dysgenic. Their families are riddled with genetic diseases.

>> No.12345043

Scratch that, aristocrats were the educational elite from the rise of complex farming societies all the way to the early modern age with the rise of the burgs and more meritocratic capitalism and politics

>> No.12345047

Some of them were because of inbreeding, retard, not because of lavish lifestyle
Read a book

>> No.12345048
File: 530 KB, 1334x694, female brains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it doesn't prove sexual dimorphism, and that women are dumber than men

>> No.12345050

Kill yourself anglx saxonex tranny, you’ll never be civilised

>> No.12345052

inbreeding is not inherently disgenic it's arguably eugenic by purging deleterious alleles.

>> No.12345056

Wealth keeps dysgenic families alive. Do you think those aristocrats would have fared well if they had to actually perform manual labor to support their retarded families? Not likely.

>> No.12345067

there's a study on italian principality wars about how the system selected for intelligence

>> No.12345100

Aristocrats were warriors before their pussification by the French king in the Old Regime
Read a book, again

>> No.12345285

Robert Kardashian received his bachelor's degree in Business Administration, which is a low IQ degree. And a law degree requires high-average IQ at best. The Kardashians are just average IQ people who got lucky

>> No.12345935

armenians are smart ppl

>> No.12346029

They're lightweights. The superior Jenner genes created a billionaire.

>> No.12346082

this is absolutely fucking retarded and false. humans have on a range between 60 to 100 billion neurons. are they comparing newborn brains in this unsourced study.

ps nevertheless women are less intelligent, we already knew that

>> No.12346093

>triple digit iq

>> No.12346121

The success of the Kardashians is proof of the existence of God.
There literally is no reason for these nobodies to have become famous. They are famous for being famous. The only reasonable explanation for their fame is one or more of them sold their souls to Satan in exchange for fame. Satan can only exist if God exists. Therefore, the Kardashians are proof of God.

>> No.12346296

Remember how Bruce Jenner killed a woman by hitting her with his car then the next week he came out as a woman and the sheer onslaught of pr about female empowerment and trans rights following it while never actually getting a sex change....I wonder who else remembers?

>> No.12347727

Remember when the first self-driving car fatality was due to the person whose job it was to supervise the car's driving and override if it did anything unsafe was playing on their phone instead of doing their job? Remember it turned out to be a tranny and the news media that had been hyping up the first SDC fatality, immediately dropped the story and put it deep in the memory hole? Good times!