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File: 888 KB, 650x987, SpaceX-Crew-Dragon-Nov-2020--e1605190635464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12341706 No.12341706 [Reply] [Original]

Crew-1 soon edition

Previous >>12338558

>> No.12341710

Fuck boing and fuck urf

>> No.12341711
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>> No.12341713 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 966x1200, space_F1_engines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Written by NASA Ames Research Center public-communications specialist Frank Tavares — along with a group of eleven co-authors including noted activists drawn from the fields of anthropology, ethics, philosophy, decolonial theory, and women’s studies — and supported by a list of 109 signatories, “Ethical Exploration and the Role of Planetary Protection in Disrupting Colonial Practices” lacks technical merit. It is, nevertheless of great clinical interest, as it brilliantly demonstrates how the ideologies responsible for the destruction of university liberal-arts education can be put to work to abort space exploration as well.

>With praiseworthy clarity as to their bias and intent, the EDIWG authors say that human space exploration must be stopped because it represents a continuation of the West’s tradition of resource development through free enterprise. “All of humanity is a stakeholder in how we, the planetary science and astrobiology community, engage with other worlds,” they say. “Violent colonial practices and structures — genocide, land appropriation, resource extraction, environmental devastation, and more — have governed exploration on Earth, and if not actively dismantled, will define the methodologies and mindsets we carry forward into space exploration. . . . It is critical that ethics and anticolonial practices are a central consideration of planetary protection. We must actively work to prevent capitalist extraction on other worlds, respect and preserve their environmental systems, and acknowledge the sovereignty and interconnectivity of all life.”

>The EDIWG authors are equally clear as to the means by which human space exploration and development can be stopped: the “planetary protection” bureaucracy.

Leftists, trannies, bureaucrats and social science majors should be ground up and used as propellant.

>> No.12341716

Yeah I agree with them, we probably shouldn't be genociding the indigenous Martian people.

>> No.12341717

Fuck off.

>> No.12341718

Didn’t know this happened

>> No.12341719

>starting the thread with this

Yeah I'm out, enjoy poltards and leftoid schizos screaming at each other for the rest of the thread.

>> No.12341720
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>> No.12341722
File: 380 KB, 1080x1273, Screenshot_20201114-114909_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pronouns in bio
>retweeting AOC
Yeah it's not about partisan politics guys. Just pretend Democrats aren't ideologically set against space exploration.

>> No.12341725 [DELETED] 

you forgot to add soibois and niggers and jews lolol go fuck yourself bigot troll

>> No.12341726
File: 29 KB, 520x326, lunokhod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the clunker look to the old Soviet space probes

>> No.12341727

Kerbal Communist Program

>> No.12341728


>> No.12341732
File: 1.65 MB, 3024x3024, BD6CCCD1-977F-409A-A615-0329DF0E05D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one did not happen, but was built. Russian LEM

>> No.12341733

>just posting twitter political bait screenshots that aren't even tangentially related to space

Just fuck off jesus christ

>> No.12341734
File: 2.15 MB, 750x1117, frogship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I stick my head in the sand, NASA will stop paying literal communists to write papers with women's study majors and "anti-colonialist thinkers" about why we should never explore Mars
These people are actively against the concept of humans as a multi planetary species. If you're too afraid to discuss that, get the fuck out. You are either anti-space or anti-woke, there is no middle ground.

>> No.12341741
File: 23 KB, 1397x219, mundusmillenialis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anticolonial space exploration

>> No.12341745
File: 533 KB, 1079x1543, Screenshot_20201114-115342_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aren't even tangentially related to space
I am posting the political views of the author of a NASA white paper demanding an end to all human spaceflight, in relation to a National Review article written by Robert Zubrin. These racial obsessed far leftists are employed by NASA and are writing policy. Do not ignore that.

>> No.12341746

Imagine filling out the captcha just to blaspheme...

>> No.12341747
File: 82 KB, 378x512, sls2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the political shills.

This thread is now dedicated to shitting on boing and the SLS

>> No.12341749
File: 1.49 MB, 3024x3024, 3DBCCFD1-57E7-44D4-AF49-106447B5111C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian Apollo concept

>> No.12341750
File: 71 KB, 440x434, guess-who-doesnt-care.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12341753
File: 171 KB, 660x990, y92n1y0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The LK was tested multiple times in Earth orbit and was the only piece of the Soviet moon landing project to be certified for manned flight

>> No.12341754 [DELETED] 

>You are trying to use logic to counter what is essentially a deeply racist rant. These people hate Caucasians and hate the West (they say as much themselves). If space exploration was done by Africa they would be all for it.
based reddit reply. expect it to get deleted and the user banned soon.

>> No.12341758

>I am posting the political views of the author of a NASA white paper

So by your logic I am free to fill up this entire thread with bait screenshots from every single lefty twitter account who participates in space activities? Want me to do that?

>> No.12341759

The more you know!

>> No.12341762

>akshully I don't CARE that there's a ideological fight inside NASA against even the very concept of resource extraction in space or human settlement
Then you don't belong in this thread. This is /sfg/, spaceflight general, not unmanned climate orbiters general.

>> No.12341766
File: 53 KB, 750x419, UAE rocket fountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard UAE is setting to change a bunch of fundamental islamic laws soon. Allowing unmarried couples to cohabitate, loosening alcohol restrictions and criminalizing honor killings. Here's a cool ass fountain concept they want to build to honor their Mars mission.

>> No.12341768

The lead author of a NASA Ames white paper referenced by Zubrin is hardly "every single lefty Twitter". The fact that you're dropping to such a retarded false equivalence is telling, though.

>> No.12341769

They just seem to dislike everything that we like for some fucking reason.

>> No.12341772
File: 972 KB, 1920x1080, 1583120270699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flying saucers

>> No.12341774

UAE will have a Mars colony by 2117

>> No.12341775

We don’t want politics here, even the ones you personally want to screech about.

>> No.12341777
File: 149 KB, 1520x1080, [Coalgirls]_Serial_Experiments_Lain_01_(1520x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[573CDDD6].mkv_snapshot_08.49_[2013.03.12_22.45.40].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 3 human beings presently in outer space
>Earth-- the only habitable planet in our solar system
>nearest star system is trillions of miles away
>massive amounts of energy locked in an atom and no way to harvest it (fission is pollutive, fusion nowhere in sight)

>> No.12341781

What a beautiful machine
post sovietwave

>> No.12341782
File: 271 KB, 611x1162, 243234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/spg/ - Space Protection General

>> No.12341783

Speak for yourself, fag, I've been here longer than you have. Ignoring an existential threat to space exploration because you're scared of politics is how we got to 2020 without another Moon landing.

>> No.12341784

>only 3 human beings presently in outer space
It's going to be 7 soon, possibly 10-15 next year.

>> No.12341787

And what exactly are you going to do about it? Seethe endlessly for the next four or more years and fill the threads up with politics? Protip, NASA doesn't fucking matter and if the Democrats decide to gas SpaceX there is exactly fuck all to be done about it. That you think the future of Spacex is determined by a handful of political cretins is pretty funny regardless.

>> No.12341791

You could for sure make this thread on pol and be welcomed with open arms. Why don’t you try it if you’re so exasperated with the results you’ve had here?

>> No.12341794

You're right. Let's post pictures of obsolete engines from half a century ago and pretend nothing matters.

Maybe you'd be more comfortable over on /hr/?

>> No.12341795

>Some NASA bitch rambling on
>Existential threat to spaceflight
>Impkying NASA matters anymore

Tell me how I know you are new.

>> No.12341798
File: 121 KB, 1520x1080, [Coalgirls]_Serial_Experiments_Lain_03_(1520x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[03B81F3C].mkv_snapshot_07.31_[2013.03.14_04.23.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>possibly 15

>> No.12341799
File: 176 KB, 1200x630, 1598575093202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shuttle actually looks pretty cramped with all those people on-board. SS is going to be ultra-comfy with all its room.

>> No.12341801

>Zubrin says it's a real threat
>Musk says it's a real threat
>some tranny on /sci/ says not to worry

>> No.12341803
File: 404 KB, 1638x2048, 1586109005306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say dozens or hundreds in the years after that, but we don't know how Starship will turn out.

>> No.12341805

SpaceX isn't being cancelled or threatened in any way by NASA, if you want this whole thread to be political shitflinging then how about you go to /pol/ where it belongs you fucking election tourist.

>> No.12341806

>Outer Space Treaty says...
Pssh hahahahahahah

>> No.12341811

cool, the more competition the better

>> No.12341813
File: 1.74 MB, 3024x3024, 620B4049-33D5-4973-87DE-0184FF4CA842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12341815
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>> No.12341820

>there is nothing else to talk about other than apollo

Interestingly enough we managed just fine talking about the explosion of the space industry and all the news stories and updates before you election tourists decided this thread needed to be space politics general.

>> No.12341823
File: 1.54 MB, 3024x3024, CBD3974F-198A-4D89-B066-0B0858CE3664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12341824

go tweet at your e-celebs lmao

>> No.12341826
File: 31 KB, 157x105, bdd754dadf37480281234826d6c18d05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf who put a baby in space?

>> No.12341827

The harvest is bountiful as the seer has foresaw
Imagine the cosmic cuck it takes to sign into an outer space, deep ocean, or Antarctic treaty

>> No.12341828
File: 224 KB, 1041x1301, neil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao they designed the LM for one midget and stuffed two grown test pilots in it

>> No.12341831
File: 1.57 MB, 3024x3024, DC6C82E5-20C1-434F-9F19-5CA02BE98AF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s like he thinks he’s doing us a favor

>> No.12341835

Kek did the editor forget to label stuff?

>> No.12341836 [DELETED] 

For the next 600 posts the first thing anyone sees in this thread will be Zubrin's article on why you're wrong and psychotic leftists do matter. I'll make sure to do the same thing next thread. Enjoy :)

>> No.12341838

The vostok and voskhod were peak soviet aesthetics

>> No.12341840

No those are antennae, nilla

>> No.12341844

Okay that was my second thought

>> No.12341848


>> No.12341851
File: 1.51 MB, 3024x3024, BCECF4CC-ACC8-404D-AF6C-B48001262972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12341852

Stay tuned for the Crew-1 launch thread tomorrow!

>> No.12341853

>inflatable air lock
How does it stay inflated? or is it just the walls of AL that's inflated?

>> No.12341857

I've been inside the wooden trainer at the Museum of Flight and its super cramped. The flight deck barely has any room.

>> No.12341859

nice carrots

>> No.12341862

How the fuck do space radiators work, like do they actually cool down and heat up the cabin? Or are they just for instruments? Either way I have no idea how they actually work

>> No.12341865
File: 160 KB, 363x499, spacedabbing_and_Starships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's two sides here. One side wants anons to read a long form article by Robert Zubrin as to exactly how and why modern leftists are attempting to stop all human exploration and colonization beyond Earth.

The other side is a tranny who has a crush on von Braun despite the fact that the only use von Braun would have had for trannies is as slave labor, spent most of last thread screeching about "chuds", and just wants to look at pretty pictures of rockets as escapism for their crippling dysphoria.

One side wants to explore space. The other will age like Dany Devito in drag.

>> No.12341867

I guess it was hard for him to use because it wasn’t that well inflated.

>> No.12341873
File: 1.65 MB, 3024x3024, BC9289FE-B878-49DB-9415-E92697874C04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they work like an ammonia circuit in an RV fridge does.

>> No.12341875
File: 110 KB, 748x749, son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link? when is the launch?

>> No.12341876

Inside the cabin they work like normal. In the vacuum of space they only work by radiative cooling because obviously there's nothing to do convection with.

>> No.12341880
File: 633 KB, 1798x1865, ssttsret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weather scrub

>> No.12341888

>ammonia circuit
>RV fridge
No, they use a compressor based system with ammonia as coolant.

>> No.12341889

>"...revealing a hellish world, rather than the lush paradise which some had imagined"

>> No.12341892
File: 88 KB, 846x960, 1588303006006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a world where anatomically modern humans evolved a couple million years earlier and Venus was still habitable

>> No.12341896
File: 1.63 MB, 3024x3024, B4661D11-B48E-47C4-9B63-A735A95249C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips don’t lie

>> No.12341898

>tfw the soviets designed their first impactors to venus to float on the expected oceans
truly we are living in the worst timeline

>> No.12341904

Idk man we got some good RNG with the solar system I feel like

>> No.12341906
File: 1.71 MB, 3024x3024, D5DBD615-604C-47ED-A8CE-F449CD4D0CD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12341908
File: 605 KB, 1665x2528, friar lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never exit a capsule and stand mesmerized at the sight of lush verdure and friendly, cute ayys, who you will show the virtues of mankind, sharing mutual moments of truth, goodness, and beauty

>> No.12341909

YES! beautiful. Do you also have Mars 2 and Mars 3 in that book?

>> No.12341918
File: 1.55 MB, 3024x3024, 4C01667B-4729-47EA-B778-8A2A12BD3D8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?

>> No.12341922

If conditions were slightly different then Mars and Venus would both be ocean worlds

>> No.12341927

Yeah but Saturn is pretty fucking cool

>> No.12341933

Giant cold balls of hydrogen and giant hot balls of hydrogen are an innumerably common occurrence

>> No.12341936

I mean they were at one point. For a long time too. Half their lives were spent as ocean worlds. But the fact that they have become hellish landscapes (both for different reasons) is very interesting especially from a geological standpoint. Gives us something to study using Earth as a control. And we can still go to Mars and live, and live in Venus' atmosphere technically (even though it would be shitty lol). But yeah I think you and I agree that it would at least be cooler if we had at least one more water world in our neighborhood with an oxygen atmosphere to go visit

>> No.12341954

giant ball of hydrogen with the largest rings we've seen in the galaxy so far and a giant fucking color changing mystery cloud hexagon on top

>> No.12341965

Fine, if Saturn ends up being a massive supercomputer with lightningstorms coarsing through superconductive conduits of metallic hydrogen, containing stores of hidden wisdom and the secrets for exiting this solar system, maybe I'd be interested...

>> No.12341977

Ehhh it's a planet for astronomyfags to worry about. Titan though? Oh she's a beaut. Imagine all the fascinating geology peppered across the surface that we don't even know about yet. Meandering rivers, solid water deltas, an internal ocean or layer of slush. A world so big it outcompetes mercury and dwarfs our own Moon. Gravity so light and air so thick you can literally fly by flapping your arms with a basic pair of wings. Temperatures cold enough to make water act like lava and ice behave like rock, and methane flow and deposit like the seas here on Earth.

>> No.12341982
File: 301 KB, 1948x1010, 1583742803856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is really cool. A simulation of Apollo 12's eventful takeoff (struck by lightning twice).

>> No.12341990
File: 50 KB, 528x630, pete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK do they not even have a tremor in their voice? Every apollo astronaut was calm as a cucumber. I'd be nervous although that would not stop me from being an astronaut assuming I applied and got accepted in the 70's. Those men were a different breed

>> No.12341991

Implying you’d be able to see rings on an exoplanet?

>> No.12341993

Venus with an oxygen atmosphere and oceans would be an interesting case for manned missions considering that any Earth return craft would have to be as big as the rocket that launched it there

>> No.12341997

Jesus christ. Strapped to an explosive skyscraper running on hand wired computers. A flash of light and EVERYTHING starts going apeshit. And they're just like "hey ground this is the situation... got any fixes as we are heading to space at Mach 3 and everything is shitting the bed?"

>> No.12342003

If Venus had ~1atm pressure and Earth-like temperatures do you think we would have sent a manned mission there already? Might have gone right after the Moon landings, if not before. That would be fucking awesome

>> No.12342007

They have pipes that run liquid through them sometimes, that liquid transfers heat into the radiator panels, which lose waste heat through radiation, since convection isn't possible in a vacuum
Everything that is warm, but not so hot that it glows in the visible spectrum, is glowing in Infrared :)

>> No.12342011

Ahh. I assume they then pump that liquid through a cooling system again or something after it gets heated for recycling?

>> No.12342019

Not necessarily. Observe that there’s a location on Venus about 60 miles up that has perfect earth like weather. Have we Sent men there? No. And that would be easier than if it were a landing

>> No.12342020

Lol they took out a Raptor huh? Guess we're waiting 6 months after all

>> No.12342023

Honestly at that point you wouldn't be sending your astronauts back considering A: It's habitable and B: You need Nova grade rockets and NTR technology to return the crew from the surface. Though i guess you could do it with orbital assembly and rendezvous with todays tech.

>> No.12342031

L2 bro can you pls give us the deets??

>> No.12342032

this isn't oldspace we're dealing with. Will probably be a few weeks at most

>> No.12342033

Oh come the fuck on anon. You're telling me if there was a planet right next door with welcoming conditions that we would not have sent men there already? Von Braun would not have written the Mars project; he would have written the Venus Project and PLEADED with NASA to do it. Only problem would be what >>12342023 said. You'd be living there permanently

>> No.12342038


>> No.12342063
File: 885 KB, 1242x1047, Starliner cucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12342069

I mean you can appeal to common sense as much as you want, but that doesn’t convince me. NASA has been pants on head since directly after Apollo. Nothing has been done correctly or with common sense in mind. Why would this situation be different

>> No.12342078

Yeah that's true. Although it would be different of the Soviets were aiming for a landing there. At the very latest we would be preparing for a venus landing NOW with the concept of sending a starship there and somehow landing a superheavy there too and mating them on the surface for a return trip

>> No.12342094

>raptor was removed
Oh boy, I can't wait for another 2 months of pressure testing and static fires.

>> No.12342096

I think the outlook on space would be pretty different if there was a perfectly habitable planet next door. The whole trajectory of space exploration would be so radically different following this discovery that it's hard to speculate what NASA would look like in such a timeline

>> No.12342104

That would be one of the easiest ways to go about it. Another option that would never see the light of day would be a chemically launched Orion drive that can launch with pulse Bombs from the surface of Venus.

>> No.12342109

i hope so!

>> No.12342111

Did you think Raptor would be staying after shitting it's guts out on the pad?

>> No.12342114

Marcus House based or cringe

>> No.12342125

It's interesting how little actual communication is being sent to the astronauts from mission control during that whole event. When you see movies like Apollo 13, it's easy to forget that the only part of the conversation going on in the control room that they hear is being relayed by CAPCOM.

>> No.12342129

Agreed. If there was an accessible environment that could innately support humans, you'd see an international rush for colonization on the scale of the initial explorations of the New World.

>> No.12342139

>dragon in the background
Anon fucking delivered.

>> No.12342162
File: 442 KB, 1500x1500, 1604938230623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has science gone too far?

>> No.12342179

saturn doesn't have the largest rings in the universe though. the largest ring system is on a planet in the V1400 Centauri system with a ring system 0.6 astronomical units in diameter

>> No.12342188
File: 4 KB, 870x868, 1SWASPring system diagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one pixel in this diagram is 0.01 astronomical units.

>> No.12342236
File: 2.43 MB, 4500x2006, J1407_RonMiller_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting art that truly shows how comically large the rings are
The planet itself is larger than Jupiter, by the way.

>> No.12342322

>Doesn't have a rocky surface to land on and study
Not my department. Gaaaaaay. Geology is cooler than stupid roche limit mechanics and ring systems

>> No.12342358

>ywn fly like a bird around Titan

Why live?

>> No.12342360
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1017, scr00103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a few screenshots from the game SpaceEngine to show the scale some more.

>> No.12342364
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1017, scr00104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty fuckin wild

>> No.12342368
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, Starship landing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick updated his most recent Starship re-entry and landing animation following Elon's notes

>> No.12342376
File: 798 KB, 1357x697, 1588502534905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12342391

Bwahahah I wish I recorded my reaction watching that. I was laughing my ass off. Not at the animation or anything- I'm laughing because it looks absolutely batshit CRAZY. But I know Elon is going to do it anyways. Starship is fucking unreal

>> No.12342396

>70 degrea AoA
Fucking hell, that's gonna be a hell of a ride. Gonna take balls of steel, N1 sized ones.

>> No.12342397
File: 3.18 MB, 5100x3300, SLS_vs_F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is outdated, but should demonstrate the difference in cost and capability well enough

>> No.12342401
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1017, scr00093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, space engine is pretty great. you can get some really nice screenshots if you know where to look. here's a surface view from a moon orbiting a brown dwarf as an example.

>> No.12342410

ULA fags if you want a new phone WP

>> No.12342412

Nice. I think there's an episode of Star Trek Enterprise where they land on the moon of a rogue Brown Dwarf. It's just a dark jungle. Really cool

>> No.12342414
File: 657 KB, 1454x2048, EmvV4u1UcAAnvjg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12342415

that gonna be one hell of a view from the windows

wouldn't it be easier to belly-flop reenter and then immediately after go vertical and just fall like an F9? Of course you'd have to change the flap configuration and maybe throw in some grid fins.

Going vertical seconds before impact is really ballsy.

>> No.12342427

I believe staying horizontal the whole way helps kill velocity. Remember that you are reentering from orbit so you have a FUCKLOAD of kinetic energy to bleed off

>> No.12342429
File: 148 KB, 1536x2048, 1599924653784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad that mission went well for them. They may be oldspace but successful launches still give me a good felling

>> No.12342434
File: 2.25 MB, 1079x1359, rice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've seen worse

>> No.12342436

Curious why they removed that connection running along the body between each forward and aft fin

>> No.12342442

remember the actual cost of the falcon 9 to launch by SpaceX is 28 million dollars

>> No.12342445

Hell, I was raised on that shit. My mother was armed with recipes from that era. I laugh in the face of death.

>> No.12342463

How did the orion cost more than the rocket?

>> No.12342464

If they don't need it it's just dry weight for no reason. If it snaps in half maybe they add it back

>> No.12342477
File: 196 KB, 500x377, milled_orion_pressurevessel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike the SLS, Orion was a relatively new design with new tech. Still over-bloated with cost-plus though, but at least it was done before SLS.

>> No.12342481

SPACE IS [math]HARD[/math]

>> No.12342490
File: 945 KB, 1000x1000, StarCHOMPper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"guys! this spaceflight thing is getting expensive, we need to be more slim about our funds."
>proceeds to make the most expensive launcher in the world
>"spaceflight is so expensive and hard"
>makes the most expensive man-made object in LEO
>"there's just no way to do things cheaply"
>throws $30B at a rocket to nowhere
>"it ain't that easy in rocketry"

pic unrelated

>> No.12342504
File: 172 KB, 2048x894, Boeing's SLS vs Elon's Flying Silo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12342507

Am I the only one that thinks this is what blue origin should of done. A fucking roller coaster like that? This beats sky diving honestly. Just to say you have done that? Like what a rush that must be

>> No.12342509

tag: vore

>> No.12342512

good point. On Mars I'm sure that belly flop the whole way is the only viable method, but on Earth surely you could go vertical a bit sooner. We'll see. Maybe the "crazy Elon" isn't actually as hard to pull off as it looks.

>> No.12342521
File: 2.99 MB, 800x1026, orion and sls contractors.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12342523

Yeah you could probably afford it on Earth. When I was watching that video the whole time I was thinking “what if the engines don’t fire? Could you at least use parachutes as a last ditch method?”... but by the time the engines fire you are low as fuck. Better pray those raptors ignite and you get into the correct orientation lmao

>> No.12342525
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>> No.12342529

Kek, the official reentry attire for starship will be a brown jumpsuit to help hide the shit stains

>> No.12342530

cute space whale

>> No.12342532
File: 2.40 MB, 1600x900, JOBS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12342545
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>> No.12342554
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>> No.12342557

>Am I the only one that thinks this is what blue origin should of done.
Skip New Glenn and go for a fully reusable vehicle from the start? I've thought that for a long time now.

>> No.12342577

Not quite that. But who wants to buy flights on the new sheperd. Fuck that, man. Save up money for a starship flight. Like even if it crashes what a great way to die.

>> No.12342600
File: 818 KB, 1536x2048, EfR1OQPXsAQMebK-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right.... New Glenn. How's Jeff Who little project doing lately?

>> No.12342603


>> No.12342608

Still working ferociously working towards a first launch next year. Although no one knows how much the coof delayed things.

>> No.12342627
File: 45 KB, 640x480, Keklon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elon still rustling Covid fag jimmies yet getting more support for it.

>> No.12342635

There's plenty of unexplored material on earth too, y'know.

>> No.12342682

Exploring Earth will not be sufficient to preserve humanity in the event of a mass extinction event, establishing permanent self-sustaining colonies off of Earth will.

>> No.12342728

Your mom is explored material.

>> No.12342730

I don't think they'll use that for humans at all.

>> No.12342734
File: 356 KB, 1196x2542, 1577917871627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give them credit if they one day just pull out a massive, functioning rocket from their mystery factory. But that sounds ridiculous.

I'm guessing that they'll build in enough redundancy to cover for problem. If one of the SL raptors went out they could maybe fire up a vacuum to compensate. It's not comparable to, say, the Space Shuttle where they just HOPED that crumble-in-your-hands heat shield tiles wouldn't break and placed them right under a fuckton of ice and insulation. That shit was fundamentally flawed

funny how he's getting to the bottom of it and bringing attention to important ideas far faster than journalists have done all year. I mean:
>For example - just the way the cycles are reported can differ. Abbott m2000 for example cuts off ten cycles in reporting. So a 24 reported is actually a 34...
the fuck????

>> No.12342742

people in the RGV patreon are saying that the pad under SN8 has taken an obvious beating - concrete debris and such laying around

>> No.12342767

Remember how and why they ditched propulsive landing for the dragons?

>> No.12342771

Didn't they ditch it cause nasa didn't like it?

>> No.12342794

Brutal mogging

>> No.12342796

I think so. Not even shitposting here, but in actuality boeing probably wrote them a memo telling them not to do it because it would make starliner look like a bitch

>> No.12342802

This, gas giants are only as interesting as the moons that orbit them

>> No.12342808

reminds me of this video. Infuriating how there's a ton of hardware that's built and ready to go but it's all useless as of now because the actual rocket is in green run hell


>> No.12342821

This is what happens when your vehicle is worth its more than its weight in fucking iridium. The thing is too precious to test.

>> No.12342826

Question can instead of a starship, super heavy lob a much lighter giant pressurized hab module into space, with a smol engine and similar size to regular starship but mostly empty space?

>> No.12342838

Probably, if you just strictly used enough propellant to circularize in LEO you could probably put a substantially more massive payload with Superheavy.

>> No.12342843

The problem with 'giant' is air resistance eating your thrust and the structure being able to withstand the forces necessary to get it into orbit.
It's more cost effective to pack everything as densely as you can and build it once you get up there.

>> No.12342850

Your hab module still needs a fairing and if it's a unique one to fit a bigger payload that's huge added cost, your smol engine would probably suffer from gravity losses meaning you'd need to expend the booster to have a chance. Better off with expandable habs on star cargos.

>> No.12342868

spacex should buy a decommissioned aircraft carrier and land super heavy on it.

>> No.12342870
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>> No.12342875

what about one raptor, and smol tanks inside, and no header tank. And just a more circular nose cone.

>> No.12342882

wish they'd show ASoG already it's been like 2 years of waiting.

>> No.12342884
File: 122 KB, 1400x800, _D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, run it like von Braun's space station project with simple cargo ferry rocket (in this case cargo Starship) packed with segments of something like vectran, just a double layer balloon which can later be injected with stiffening insulation from pressurized tanks. It can be studded with posts to which external reflective aluminum plates can easily be affixed during EVA. The only rigid components which need be involved will be airlocks so the whole thing can be joined together into a single pressurized structure. Airtight zippers around the outer circumference will allow the individual pieces of the ring to be sealed together for extra structural integrity.
Relatively cheap, massive in scale compared to any previous station, and huge amounts of the supplies can be rapidly delivered to orbit and even held in parking for long periods of time using Cargoship, to assemble pressurized volumes many times the size of a Starship with relative ease.

>> No.12342936

that landing is wayy too slow compared to the actual sim

>> No.12342939

>someone fulfilled my request of updating the image with SEXYN8

>> No.12342944

While I'm not quite sure about something like your 'smol' engine habitat, I do know that the NASA HAVOC (venus hindenburg mission) could utilize the Superheavy.

>> No.12342951

supposedly it's right under our noses. surprised some /sfg/ autists haven't found it already. maybe losing our touch

>> No.12342957

Inspiring :)

>> No.12342958

Rockets are only part of the equation. Where’s the R&D on Martian spacesuits and Martian cars and shit?

>> No.12342969

now you see the true bottleneck. the answer is never ever

>> No.12342977

Cars/rovers/whatever can be pretty easily adapted from Tesla tech, it's not very hard. Suits are the real roadblock, how the fuck they plan to achieve any amount of surface work with the absolute state of 2020 suits I have no idea. We need mechanical counterpressure suits yesterday for fucks sake.

>> No.12342979
File: 1.90 MB, 4032x3024, 1590551136975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Digital nomad" will take on new meaning with Starlink

>> No.12342991

The Artemis suit looks pretty okay. What's wrong with it? Obviously other than cost.

>> No.12342999

>Suits are the real roadblock
They’re a roadblock to widespread colonization, but not having professional astronauts work on the surface. The A7L was more than sufficient for the Apollo astronauts to set up surface experiments and operate the lunar rover. A modern EVA suit shouldn’t be any worse.

>> No.12343002

Energia is absolutely the most based rocket ever built

>> No.12343003

We need a cheaper privately made suit

>> No.12343011

These things will be instantly stolen by niggers if you leave your vehicle in a public place

>> No.12343013

I also want an MCP suit yesterday but current gen tech will absolutely do what they need it to. The biggest roadblock there is getting the tech in-house. Needing to partner with NASA would hamstring the mission beyond repair, too expensive, too low volume, too many 'I don't care if the engineering works I'm scared' complaints.

>> No.12343014

An adapted copy of Tesla's Dojo neural net training computer will be used to procedurally generate suit patterns for individual people, based on body scans, and a fully-automated production line will produce better-than-tailor-made mechanical counterpressure inner suit sleeves.
The whole scanning rig and production facility will eventually fit in a single Starship, so that you can make more suits onsite at colonies as need arises.

>> No.12343017

>but not having professional astronauts work on the surface

Aka not doing any useful work, just wandering around collecting samples. Who gives a shit, we need to BUILD stuff.

>> No.12343024

>rural pnw
>black people

>> No.12343027

>but current gen tech will absolutely do what they need it to

It absolutely fucking won't. Good luck pulling a few hour stint of manual labour in one of those without fucking dying or needing surgery. Let alone the fact that gloves are absolutely useless for any kind of fiddly work (there will be a lot of this)

>> No.12343036

I've had this thought before as well. An inflatible station is already safer than whipple shielding- and you can add plates on the outside to add more shielding, act as thermal regulation, and a fixation point for solar panels

>> No.12343037

Get a vehicle with a fiberglass roof; put the ground station inside; profit.

>> No.12343039

Heatshield tiles didn't hold up well to the static fire.

>> No.12343046
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>> No.12343049
File: 73 KB, 640x428, artemis suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehhh it kind of looks like shit. WAY more functional than the apollo suits. But the apollo suits looked kino

>> No.12343053
File: 82 KB, 300x100, JUST.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korolyov has the ability to build a superheavy rocket
>only gets meager funding for the N1 after the politburo autism puts Brezhnev into power.
>he dies before it ever flies, fails 4 times after his death, get canceled.
>over a deacade later Glushko gets the go ahead to design a competitor to the STS
>makes the good call to make launch vehicle separate from the orbiter
>Energia flies twice, as more autism causes the USSR to fall apart
>Energia never flies again

>> No.12343057

? looks fine to me

>> No.12343058

Could the N1 have ever worked?

>> No.12343059

t. shuttle engineer

>> No.12343064

That suit sucked ass desu. We need more maneuverability

>> No.12343067

They had ambitious plans to make it 100% reusable. I swear to god the USSR could have honestly BTFO’d the united states continuously even after Yuri and Soyuz if they had a game plan.

>> No.12343078

The engineers at OKB-1 though that they had all of the failures worked out after the 4th launch, but the whole program was canceled after that. No idea if a 5th launch would have actually gone well,but in generall things probably would have gone smoother of Korolyov had still lived, the project had been funded better and sooner, and/or if he was able to get Glushko's cooperation.

>if they had a game plan.
The sovok was nothing if not giant stunting and mishandling of Russia's potential, so it shouldn't be too much of a surprise that this happened.

>> No.12343085

Which place has the most powerful space autism? NSF? /sfg/? r*ddit?

>> No.12343088

>cooperate with the guy who sent you to a gulag
I doubt korolev wanted to cooperate with glushko

>> No.12343089

NSF uncontested by a huge margin.

>> No.12343091
File: 1.01 MB, 748x975, sfgproposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlikely. It had more corruption than it had problems- and it had a lot of problems. Design roadblocks can always be mended given enough time and resources. Unfortunately decadence and nepotism is much harder to root out.

>> No.12343093

>Which place has the most powerful space autism?

>> No.12343100

He didn't, but had few alternatives. The only silver lining to be found in all of it is that closed cycle engines came out of it.

>> No.12343123

the final nail in the coffin for cities

>> No.12343132

If I remember right the 4th launch could have succeeded if they just staged early. But the controllers who were supposed to make that call just sat on their ass and watched the 1st stage take down the whole thing near the end of its run

>> No.12343136
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>> No.12343153

>TFW your launch team doesn't have estranged nazi rocket scientists willing to hold back range safety officers or make sure everything stages correctly

>> No.12343155

Cities are still better for anything that needs personal presence: orchestras, stage plays, or orgies for instance.

>> No.12343160

All those things suck

>> No.12343162

okay bernard marx

>> No.12343170

Cities are disgusting and make people go crazy and depressed.

>> No.12343179
File: 3.85 MB, 5505x3617, 1591363206594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good view of the removed Raptor's methane turbopump.

>> No.12343182

SN42 on its way to be installed? I recognize the BLACKED

>> No.12343184
File: 763 KB, 892x471, superwernher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exciting and beautiful

>> No.12343186

Rural losers one and all.

>> No.12343187


>>12343179 is SN32, the one presumably leaking molten metal. No idea if they're going to replace it with SN42. More raptor images that are too large to post on this page: https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=51332.2900

>> No.12343190

Thank fuck, cities are the big gay.

>> No.12343192

People who live in cities are more likely to be depressed, mentally ill, and have developmental defects if raised there. Cope harder.

>> No.12343194

Yeah, I think for the original von Braun wheel the point of the outer plates was probably to reduce the thermal load on the station when it's in sunlight, because it relies completely on atomic power for it's actual electricity, which we could also do today using a slightly larger version of a kilopower reactor which would only require minimal radiators compared to the overall size of the station.
An upscaled version of kilopower that put out 100kWe would mass in the range of a mere 15 tons, and could probably be sent up in two parts allowing it to be delivered by Falcon 9 or similarly sized medium lifters. And that's assuming you use the shitty low enrichment cores, if you attached the same sterling-electric generator to a more energy dense reactor like a light MSR you could probably be putting out quite a lot more energy, maybe 1MWe/2-2.5MWt which wouldn't require much in the way of radiating surface compared to the enormous size of the station it would be powering.
Solar would also be fine for LEO use, either way power wouldn't be an issue. I could easily imagine eleven Cargoship launches putting enough material into LEO to zip and weld together a 10,000m^3 station. Crew Starships would also be sent up with teams of up to 25 aboard and a large supply of EVA equipment to rapidly complete the work as well as test out remote control EVA units.

>> No.12343195
File: 234 KB, 525x1139, 1591771381301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's all this shit? I've always wondered why rocket engines tend to have a clusterfuck of tiny pipes in places.

>> No.12343200

They modulate daddy’s cummies.

>> No.12343201

I'd assume these are for the hydraulic systems and the thicker pipes on the bottom may be for the pressurization system. I can't remember if the newer raptors are using Autogen-pressurization now or if they're still using helium, but some of those pipes should be for that, cables may be for the engine computer and/or igniter.

>> No.12343202
File: 26 KB, 400x220, citation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who live in cities are more likely to be depressed, mentally ill, and have developmental defects if raised there. Cope harder.
Got one?

>> No.12343208

Thought it was common knowledge.


>> No.12343209
File: 187 KB, 640x480, 1590980171394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, anon
>engine computer
I've wondered about this as well: apparently there are mechanisms inside the engine to read status such as pressure and temperature. But it can't be trivial to have a device inside that 1. performs accurately, 2. doesn't break in the extreme environment, 3. is unintrusive enough to not interfere with the internal flow, and 4. can do all that and transmit to a computer outside the engine. Does anyone know how this aspect of rocket engine design is done?

>> No.12343216


>> No.12343222 [DELETED] 

it's obviously true, spiritual redditor

>> No.12343226

Imagine not believing that this is true. I almost pity you but you refuse to get rid of your ignorance.

>> No.12343231

>t.citydwelling deadman

>> No.12343241

Rural dweller for the last three decades, anon. Cities are where the action is.

>> No.12343243

tiny tube and a hole in the side of the pipe

>> No.12343249

>Rural dweller for the last three decades, anon.
Same, and 'action' can suck my cock. Fuck every bit of that.

>> No.12343255

You can't keep up, but that doesn't mean that the rest of us should give up.

>> No.12343257
File: 213 KB, 773x1031, 99723290_SSME_Blk_II_Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another controller, this time from the SSME. I also haven't a clue about the computer, honestly I'd imagine that's probably one of the most ITER parts of the rocket, since I'd imagine it's probably one of the hardest things to design and integrate considering how important it is.
If sensors do penetrate the wall of the engine I'd assume that they do so in the same way spark igniters do, and that they are likely either almost completely flat or placed with symmetry to prevent them from causing unpredictable flow instability.
Other sensors might simply be affixed to the outer wall of the engine, like temperature and vibration sensors, the gimbal controls don't have to perforate the engine they just attach to the armature that actuates it. Here's how a pintle injector works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8xsqomDQWI
As you can see there's no need to actively move it with an electric motor, it's opened by a certain range of pressure in the line. In a rocket injector you would set the injectors to the range you determine to be necessary for your engine between it's minimum and maximum operating powers and then a powered valve further up the line away from the engine will regulate liquid flow to the injector, no need for controls to ever enter the powerhead itself to do that. That regulator further up the line is what's actually throttling your engine, the valve simply determines the range of throttling.

>> No.12343264

Anon, please, how many times do we have do bully your phoneposting ass for posting ITER instead of ITAR.

>> No.12343265

Limp try, stay in your hive little bee.

>> No.12343271

Didn't know somebody phoneposted ITER before, I think I just sleepyposted. After 9PM my typing goes to shit.

>> No.12343274
File: 379 KB, 1600x900, pia20602-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Endless broken red wasteland

Bros, its literally perfect.

t. Australian

>> No.12343278

how does that even happen? vibration shattered the tile?

>> No.12343279

Don't you have cows to tip, anon?

>> No.12343282

>I assume they then pump that liquid through a cooling system again
the liquid cools off inside the radiator, that's what a radiator does. If you really don't know this stuff read a wikipedia article, don't ask /sci/

>> No.12343286

City or rural aside, we can all agree the suburbs are absolute dogshit, right?

>> No.12343291

No, racist.

>> No.12343294

Learn how to write man. What your saying is interesting but you’re butchering the language

>> No.12343300

Depends on the suburb.

>> No.12343302

What do expect? They were the humanity's best

>> No.12343303

What would be a good design for a pack up regolith culvert manufacturing machine, one that can fit on a heavy lift rocket yet still produce strong, customizable culvert building blocks for first in colonies?

>> No.12343307

Suburbs are just an extension of the city. Better in that you have less proximity to niggers I guess.

>> No.12343312

Fuck off.

>> No.12343313

They realized it wasn't worth the effort and they could just skip to focusing on Starship development.

>> No.12343315

The problem with using regolith for stuff is that you need some kind of binding agent, and a substantial amount of it. I guess if you wanted a totally ISRU solution you could melt the regolith into a mould but that would require outrageous amounts of energy consumption, even compared to the kinds already being discussed for farms and methalox production. Take the tunnelpill for habitable space.

>> No.12343318

not far enough

>> No.12343322

Suburbs are the worst of both worlds, anon.

>> No.12343323

Yes, take a normal Starship propulsion section with the normal number of engines but no flaps and no legs and put a nose cone + additional forward cylinder section on the front. Basically long Starship Expendable. Once in orbit you can haul up the guts of the station using a different Starship.

>> No.12343328
File: 2.93 MB, 2736x3648, The_aviator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schools are usually better and less crime.

>> No.12343333
File: 146 KB, 300x375, 1578853920139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn anon, I wasn't expecting such a detailed response. Thanks!

>> No.12343345

You have fun with your “”action”” (crime and riots)

>> No.12343346

>less crime

Yeah, that's what I said, less proximity to niggers.

>> No.12343354
File: 3.32 MB, 4567x3296, Martin_Farmstead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you're right. I need to get new glasses.

>> No.12343356

Please take it all with a grain of salt though, all of that is speculation since I'm not well versed in the control system part of rocket design. I'll see if I can find some more detailed explanations in the public domain and post 'em here tomorrow.

>> No.12343360

when's the next launch?

>> No.12343363

>Yeah, that's what I said, less proximity to niggers.
White trash is the rural equivalent of urban niggers, anon. There's plenty of crime out in the sticks

>> No.12343365


Exurbs (the outer most suburbs that are the transition zone between the suburbs and cities) are alright.

>> No.12343368

I like pseudo-rural suburbs where you can have a row of standard houses in the same view as a field of cows

>> No.12343374

i don't have the knowledge of the technical details and the engineering, but it was well written English anon, don't listen to that guy

>> No.12343375

Not violent crime

>> No.12343377

Some exurbs are like that. Anyways, usually exurbs are old towns that have grown enough and are close enough to a city that they aren't rural anymore, but they mostly grow organically and still are much less dense then cities or suburbs.

>> No.12343378

Wanna bet?

>> No.12343379
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>> No.12343380
File: 3.88 MB, 5568x3712, 1573900090195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can see a lot of concrete bits on the ground here. So I guess those flying "sparks" really were just the raptors pulverizing the ground beneath

>> No.12343383


>> No.12343384
File: 59 KB, 550x412, AllAlone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like having a house in the suburbs, but also owning 50 acres in a rural area.
That way I can get away on the weekends.
(NYC->Upstate NY)

>> No.12343387

Who do you think you're fooling? Try to find one city that's "in the sticks" on this list

>> No.12343395

>in the sticks

>> No.12343398

Why is the rape so high?

>> No.12343399
File: 824 KB, 1167x602, 1596395251647.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12343403

>Why is the rape so high?
Because there's three guys for every girl.

>> No.12343409

Can you try to not be a tedious fag and just argue semantics? Go ahead and find me a "town" or "locality" or whatever jurisdiction you want that fits your qualification for being sufficiently distinct from those urban areas with higher or even somewhat comparable violent crime rates. Hint: it doesn't exist

>> No.12343413

Rural applachia and other "white trash" areas don't even come close to rampant nigger wasteland of cities. Most rural white crime is drug related and theft, not rape and murder.

>> No.12343414

We should have gladiator fighting on Mars

>> No.12343419

>Hint: it doesn't exist
Feel free to post counter examples, anon. I grew up surrounded by rural white trash. It would take more than you can collect to change my impression of those pieces of shit.

>> No.12343420

I agree.

>> No.12343422
File: 48 KB, 800x450, burg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no point in arguing with that anon, he just wants to /pol/ so let him punch the air and /pol/ on his own

>> No.12343423

Nice anecdote, doesn't change the facts.

>> No.12343425

>Appealing to unverifiable personal anecdotes


>> No.12343432

Thanks for admitting defeat, anon.

>> No.12343434

The counter evidence is literally every crime statistic available from the FBI and DOJ. Urban, diverse cities have by far the highest violent crime rates in the country. Thanks for letting us know that you have some weird personal grudge against the people you grew up with that's causing you to ignore all data and common sense though

>> No.12343441

>higher population densities with people basically living on top of each other has more violent crime than flyovers with 1 person per square mile

Why are we arguing about this

>> No.12343443

Do you not know what per capita means? What fucking board are we on again?

>> No.12343444

Point out the per capita crime rates, anon.
Rural America is as fucked up as the tribal regions of anywhere else in the world.

>> No.12343452
File: 21 KB, 456x247, 910C27E9-4796-4984-A119-6EA450E5917A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t look so good right now.
Are you sick?

>> No.12343453

density it hugely important when discussing this. These things aren't just happening in a vacuum.

>> No.12343459
File: 16 KB, 300x243, zubrin_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a Zubrinite, anon?

>> No.12343460

2020 is giving everyone mental illness.
I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.12343462

>Rural America is as fucked up as the tribal regions of anywhere else in the world.

Now this is advanced level coping.

>> No.12343466

>Just now getting a mental illness
Fucking newfags

>> No.12343467

im fine im fine im fine

>> No.12343469

That's what it's controlling for retard. It's comparing the amount of crime committed by 1000 Jamals vs 1000 Billie Bobs, as opposed to comparing the absolute number of criminals which would obviously be misleading

Imagine thinking corn farmers in Kansas or ranchers in Oklahoma are committing acts of violence similar to third world tribes-people. When you subtract blacks from the US population, the national murder rate resembles that of most of Western Europe.

>> No.12343471

Tribal regions are where it’s best.

>> No.12343473
File: 318 KB, 1107x1536, vonbraunbust2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay tranny jannies are literally deleting any mention of Zubrin's National Review article, while letting the rest of the thread rot.
von Braun would have ground jannies up and used them as rocket fuel.

>> No.12343485

Words, but no numbers.
And the idiots chime in.

>> No.12343497

The numbers are freely available on the FBIs website, I notice your lack of numbers for comparing Idaho with Somalia.

>> No.12343500

this post is off-topic

>> No.12343508

ok hear me out


>insulation foam of the orange tank strikes the shuttle
>detonates ERA tile
>explosion blasts the foam debris and the ERA tile clear of the shuttle stack
>protecting the more delicate original tile beneath
>repeat until in orbit where all ERA tiles are jettisoned after the ET is separated in order to shed weight for OMS

>> No.12343509
File: 64 KB, 659x787, 2avfbw13j0w51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That post is literally the only on-topic post in the last two dozen. Zubrin is spaceflight related. A bunch of gay commies writing an Ames white paper about why space colonization is evil is spaceflight related. Autistic sperging about rural cucksheds versus urban bugman hives is not spaceflight related, unless you want to discuss the relative merits of distributed versus centralized infrastructure on Mars.

>> No.12343513

calm down

>> No.12343519

Way too heavy. Consider that even TUFROC would probably be too heavy. Shuttle TPS was as fragile as it was because it's magic zero mass bullshit.

This post is extremely low quality, off topic, trolling outside of /b/, and almost certainly underaged

>> No.12343531
File: 1.90 MB, 2048x2048, timdoddestronaut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double dubs checked

>> No.12343536
File: 804 KB, 1280x674, sx7ilp2hc0d51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been 413 days since the last official Starship Update from Elon.

>> No.12343542
File: 495 KB, 1920x2400, 1590416653293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-human spaceflight, anti-capitalist commies are seriously trying to weasel their methods and views into NASA by way of the Planetary Protections office

holy fucking shit, just shut the entire office down, it's holding humanity back and threatens to be a foothold on which such utter garbage wokeshit would have a platform at NASA

these people, these fucking people don't deserve to hold humanity back, although its not even humanity they will be holding back, just the USA, China will acquire all the resources they want and mine the moon as much as they want if we don't, these people are short-sighted emotional fools that would seek to lay the path for America's financial ruin just for their twisted ideology

>> No.12343546
File: 137 KB, 2132x704, 1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't recall if Zubrin's article touches on it but the white paper he's critiquing literally compares public/private partnerships to the British East India Company and demands that they be stopped.

The good news is that commies can't stop the most powerful organization in the world – American military logistics.

>> No.12343549

I think we should have “houses” on the Martian surface connected to eachother by underground tunnels and communal areas like cafeterias and whatnot

>> No.12343551

I worry what kind of woke bullshit the Biden Administration will force on NASA, these people are fringe for now but this could become NASA's ruling principles for 4 years at least if they get their way

I see Kamala as someone who would promote this stuff for NASA and care more about NASA being "woke" than about returning America to the Moon.

Losing Trump/Pence and possibly Big Jim may end up being the worst thing to happen to NASA in a decade, fuck...

>> No.12343555

NASA will spend the next four to eight years (depending on 2024) as a completely redundant second NOAA that occasionally launches a Mars rover.

SpaceX will spend that time partnering with the US military to complete Starship development, and then it doesn't fucking matter what NASA says because Starship is to space travel what the DC-3 was to air travel.

>> No.12343568

Would the Planetary Protection faggots try to stop Elon and SpaceX from their Mars goals?

Its just unknown how much influence they will have right now, hopefully they and their commie allies stay as fringe laughingstocks and nothing more

>> No.12343584
File: 504 KB, 4096x2377, 50595472801_de91491ff7_4k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Launch thread will be up tomorrow morning. Go Crew-1!

>> No.12343593
File: 29 KB, 399x385, download (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope, it will scrub

>> No.12343606

You know they will ban private space exploration :)

>> No.12343654
File: 1.65 MB, 1118x630, Von Braun Station.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expanded on my idea. I'll add struts later (obviously there would need to be ones in the middle).

>> No.12343670

that doesn't look very big... how fast would you have to spin it for 1g or at least some reasonable g?

>> No.12343693

I'm gonna be honest building this simple model took way longer than expected so I only made it 16-segments big (I wanted to do 24 or 32 but I would have been up late lol) but just for fun I can run some numbers based off of what I have here. Give me a sec to calculate everything

>> No.12343695

1g in that station would be very unpleasant

>> No.12343698
File: 42 KB, 1080x375, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA emphasizing climate science over manned flight and b*d*n admin labeling countries as being "climate outlaws" (of course except china) all while china ramps up it's manned space activities and economy.
JUST fucking lol

>> No.12343703
File: 257 KB, 1280x960, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one mod in particular that frequently lurks /sfg/ and literally deletes things just because he disagrees with them, then bans the poster. It has been happening for over a year but most of the people here don't care because it hasn't yet affected them so nothing ever gets done about this faggot abusing his unpaid position.

In a just world, jannies would be put under the exhaust of rockets lifting off and cooked to death. FUCK JANNIES.

>> No.12343705
File: 368 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20201115-025249_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fags its was fun...BIDEN says no space exploration..we told you faggots... well i guess making earth a multiplantery species was never going to happen anyways. Trust me they will come after spacex for some BS soon

>> No.12343715

I hope you're wrong.
But the sentiment seems to be that Elon bad. And then drag him through the media.
This has been getting setup over the last few years, as there was random articles or posting about how bad Elon is and that he will fail or that they're not his achievements blah blah blah.
If I were Elon I would be keeping quiet on twitter.

They will find any excuse to shit on him as he goes against their interests.

>> No.12343720

look at how much power they have amassed. People who think its just a few weirdos are delusional or worse trying to gaslight because they actively work for the left and disarm the right into not rooting these people out and hanging them on lamp posts.
They will find some bullshit to ground spaceX at which point musk will have to choose whether to stay in America or say fuck it and move SpaceX to china knowing he will never be allowed to step foot in America again.

>> No.12343721
File: 58 KB, 224x216, 1601675169427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12343722

elon needs to hide hundreds of tungsten rods in orbit with starship as soon as possible to be used as blackmail against the US gov if they try anything

>> No.12343723

China doesn't have the metallurgy for Raptor.

>> No.12343726

>china doesn't have the metallurgy for Raptor.
But a potential ally does

>> No.12343727

whats the point of spacex without with NASAs resources to develop and build colony base infrastructure. Can musk do it on his own and say fuck off to the US government and land and colonize the moon or mars.

I don't like the trajectory of this. My thinking is theyll find some bullshit way to dismantle or destroy spaceX. Maybe some whack regulations

>> No.12343730
File: 643 KB, 1355x552, 16 segment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could launch up each individual segment one at a time. Inflatable habs can theoretically expand to three times their size given a solid core. You could fit a 5m by 15m into a cargo bay that would expand for more room and be 15 meters in length. 16 segments of 15m in length would give you almost an exact diameter of 75 meters. Yeah you would probably want more segments becuase you would need a tangental velocity of 60 miles per hour to get 1g (in other words, 3.45 rpm, or 0.058 rotations per second)

>> No.12343735

>NASAs resources

What fucking resources, they are a joke organisation. Spacex will have the money to do this on their own thanks to starlink. Of course if the government cucks them then that's a different story, but all the fucking retards in this thread doomposting about NASA are imbecilic zoomers who somehow forget that NASA has done absolutely nothing of use for half a century and holds no real relevant authority over space activities anyway.

>> No.12343739

I think you may be right.
The media are already starting to build the narrative that space needs to be regulated. Plus if twitter is whinging, that's where It starts.
I want the vibe I'm getting to be completely wrong

>> No.12343744

Anyone who mentions politics should be banned

>> No.12343745

Barely anyone uses Twitter lol

>> No.12343747

They don't ban all the other trash on this board and haven't done so for years, don't get your hopes up.

>> No.12343752

>A Biden administration is likely to
So there is no actual news and this guy just posted his headcanon of future reality? Fuck, I wish I could get paid for that.

>> No.12343758

As much as I love getting angry over things only tangentially related to me at best, there's a point I'd rather /pol/ and /sfg/ stay separate and we have clearly passed it

>> No.12343774
File: 84 KB, 720x1040, El5K2bhVoAAtZIu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Soyuz really a tsundere?

>> No.12343777

It's not the twitter spread it's the reposts of screencaps

>> No.12343778

This is very relevant.
What is sfg going to posts about if the doomer pessimists are correct.

>> No.12343780

Considering the fact that soyuz literally killed people in space, but is now a reliable workhorse that has even saved lives with its LES... I’d say yes

>> No.12343783

Ballistic nazism philosophy and proonting spaceplane arguments

>> No.12343786

Oh yeah 3D printing
Since 3D printing is obviously the best way to produce Mars habitats, when will Elon invest into them?

>> No.12343787

Never. Just smash an entire starship on the surface and use that as a base

>> No.12343793

>Anyone who mentions politics should be banned
So you want a space safe space? There is always going to be space related political discussion here that rapidly spins out of control like the rest of 4chan, and while I have great respect for the severely autistic, if you want a space to only talk about your favorite rocket engine for the millionth time it's probably best you make another general or a thread specifically related to that.

>> No.12343800

>Best way
Pssh yeah, and the outer space treaty is the best law document to follow when I get to Mars. Printing is the big gay. I will be digging trenches and putting my comfy home into the regolith when I get to Mars

>> No.12343801

I mean if we are going that far, the politics belong in the hypothetical other thread. This place started as starship autism general. But I like the political talk it’s interesting. I think people just reply to bait way too much

>> No.12343803
File: 3.12 MB, 1848x1485, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tiles came out really good after multiple static fires this time!

>> No.12343804

Shut up Sperg lmao, this thread isn't the rocket equivalent to jerking off to trains, if you want a hyper specific autism discussion go to reddit haha

>> No.12343806

>the forbidden smores
yes it is, I was here at the beginning
it was always about jerking off to yeet trains

>> No.12343811

>thread specifically related to that.

That’s what this thread is. Go away

>> No.12343813

Why would the static fires have any effect on the tiles?

>> No.12343817

Starship pulling a Columbia when?

>> No.12343818

you haven't been here for very long, I can tell, but I'll spoonfeed you anyway
It's because thermal heat tiles are traditionally made out of fairy farts and unicorn hope, and tend to shatter if you glare at them sternly. It appears SpaceX have finally found a mounting method that doesn't cause them to detonate.

>> No.12343822

Never. It’d have to actually fly to space for that to happen.

>> No.12343826


>> No.12343841

They are testing various mounting methods to see which one is the cheapest and also works.

>> No.12343851

i think the issue is we are confined to a thread but if we had an entire category like /pol/ or /g/ that be different. You could have all the space related discussions fragmented by topic.
Is there any reason why we have a fuckig hentai and ecchi categories by themselves by not space

>> No.12343853

>I think people just reply to bait way too much
That problem is completely separate from the political discussion itself. You can't remove politics from spaceflight as much of spaceflight is political, including Starship. Things will quiet down soon as we move further away from the US election.
No, this general is for spaceflight related discussion which obviously includes a bunch of topics that are political. If you want /sfg/ without that, you're going to have to make your own general because trying to force everyone to meet your demands is not only unreasonable but it's barely worth considering because it will never work. I suggest you try /n/.

>> No.12343856

i want to be like you anon...completely delusional. Completely ignoring every bits of information from your environment and saying say its gonna be fine.

>> No.12343859

we'd get kicked out of /n/ because Starship isn't doing point to point yet
ask me how I know

>> No.12343861
File: 382 KB, 1920x1277, 1592015072648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12343865

Just pull a "China card", all PP faggots will shut up.

>> No.12343870

Nasa is a joke organization which can ground spacecraft for whatever reason they desire. Remember when musk wanted to use retro thrusters for dragon for landing and nasa said no put in parachutes that not so different from DOT or FAA demanding vehicle have certain requirements.

Like it or not NASA will be the new FAA of space flight and just like the FAA they can come up with and enforce new regulations.

>> No.12343871

China are our friends and business partners they are also developing country and we can't blame them for the environmental destruction caused by the uncontrolled capitalist industrialization in the west. Take responsibility. Save the environment.

>> No.12343875

hence why we should have a /space/ general.

autitsts will be able to talk about a variety of spaced based topics without clogging up a thread.

>> No.12343878

We could split /sfg/ off into two generals, one that is is basically space general and another one for rocketry and spacecraft, but I don't think there is enough traffic for anything more than this.
That's unfortunate but maybe a thread about rocketry as a whole instead of Starship would stay up. I feel for people who really just want to dig into the technical aspects of spaceflight without any other bullshit but it's fighting a losing battle because as it becomes more popular normies will join into the discussion and focus on the industry and business aspect.

>> No.12343891

He's going to die, isn't he?

>> No.12343895

This has been broached numerous times but nothing has ever come of it, I guess people are worried about splitting traffic to the point where it kills both /space/ and /sfg/. We could take a vote on it and see where people stand.

My suggestion is for a true split to where /sfg/ no longer exists so that one of the two generals wouldn't have to build a community from scratch. Something like:

/rg/ rocketry general
/sg/ space general

>> No.12343914


>> No.12343934

Okay then, watch as the post quality on /sfg/ keeps getting worse and more related to politics and space in general rather than the technical aspects of spaceflight. It's going to be people interested in the latter who will be put out, shitposters and trolls will thrive either way.

>> No.12343936
File: 79 KB, 653x653, 617960cfa3101bf2ed6ca9501f63b4c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-Elon? He'll be fine.

>> No.12343941

>musk wanted to use retro thrusters for dragon for landing and nasa said no
They said no FOR NASA USE. They couldn't give a fuck what he does on his own, just what NASA astronauts go up in. If he did get them working reliably enough to certify on his own then they would look at them. But he won't be putting money into it because F9 is the old and busted, and not worth spending money on new capability.
Are you intentionally being a retard?

>> No.12343943

If he did get them working reliably enough on his own for NASA to certify them
fixed because I know some retard is going to fixate on "certify on his own"

>> No.12343956

>Cracked tile
>who knows how many fell

>> No.12343958

>Remember when musk wanted to use retro thrusters for dragon for landing and nasa said no put in parachutes that not so different from DOT or FAA demanding vehicle have certain requirements.

That was just for use with NASA astronauts. They’re real picky about that

>> No.12343959

none fell

>> No.12343969

Hey just thought
Where do you get soap on Mars other than imports?

>> No.12343991

I guess it would be the old-fashioned way, boiling dead animals to render fats into them long-chain molecules. You did bring some animals along, didn't you?
The good news is you don't need much soap until you start making a colony, so no need to boil Ralph who slipped and tore a hole in his suit.

>> No.12344017

You can produce soap from oil from palms,olives.

>> No.12344019

why the fuck would you use animal fat?
a bioreactor could produce more than enough fatty acids literally from thin air
I'm sure some sodium for lye wouldn't be too hard to find

>> No.12344025

And you think they can just pop over to the olive grove?
Don't call me when your precious bioreactor breaks.

>> No.12344028

>why the fuck would you use animal fat?

Because animals also produce delicious tasty meat and the fat can also be used in cooking

>> No.12344058

Woke citizens

>> No.12344064
File: 145 KB, 1920x1080, Triple-determinate-mutations-Lippman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just eat the marbled bits

animal farm in space is complete fucking utopia and you all know it
self-sufficient Martian/Loonie diet will be GMO plants, fungi, some kind of bioreactor slime/yogurt and maybe cell culture tendies or a handful of aquarium shrimps once a month

>> No.12344090

>animal farm in space is complete fucking utopia and you all know it

What kind of Somalia-tier poverty stricken colony do you envision where it’s impossible to make some animal stalls?

>> No.12344104

>he doesn't envision Mars colonies as nothing more than pressurized shanty towns

>> No.12344132
File: 681 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20201115-123321_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New raptor making its way to the launch pad. Boing shills and doomerfags BTFO

>> No.12344147

LAUNCH thread

>> No.12344149


>> No.12344199

Yes, if they had had a bit more funding and time for quality control it could have worked. Among their problems was that batches of engines weren't even checked over at all before being prepared for launch.

>> No.12344205

Two dragon capsules connected with a hose. Face it physics prevents anything more than that it's just the hard limits of technology.

>> No.12344228
File: 250 KB, 250x210, Boeing sniper shoots SN8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12344232
File: 168 KB, 991x670, RS-25_container.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using the cuck box to transport engines

>> No.12344234

Is it gonna eat itself like its predecessors?

>> No.12344236
File: 275 KB, 236x152, Starship SN8 fate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12344240

Did they replace SN8 engines before?

>> No.12344241

>expendable engine-coffins

>> No.12344253


>> No.12344302

Sulfur would be the binder for any regolith concrete mix
Tunnels are only good for bunker habitats and possibly hospitals. You’ll need surface buildings for an installation, especially for a spaceport or a river garage. And culverts would be useful because they’re simple, strong, modular and easy to construct buildings quickly with.
A Martian town would be a semi underground Lego building

>> No.12344460

for me, it's crab bombs

>> No.12344469

Where will they get toilet paper on Mars? Imports?

>> No.12344473


A bidet + sponge + towel would be a better combo. Just wash the sponge and towel on a regular basis.

>> No.12344511

what's the best youtube channel/stream service for crew-1 launch live?

>> No.12344517

Isn't it a massive waste? Those capsules will only ever land on Earth.

>> No.12344523

Either SpaceX or NASA, fuck grifters chatting over everything

>> No.12344527

2 of 3 engines SN8 replaced. The absolute state of SpaceX haha

>> No.12344553

That's why NASA is better. They haven't replaced the engines for the SLS core stage.

>> No.12344557

those are flight proven SSMEs ya zoomer

>> No.12344599

does sfg have a worm logo? This is important

>> No.12344600

>For SLS, the engines will experience increased propellant inlet pressures and temperatures. In addition, the existing inventory is receiving new engine controllers with contemporary avionics, and new exhaust nozzle insulation for the higher heating environment.


>> No.12344617

wish we knew which one this was. SN42? Or has SN36 made a comeback?

>> No.12344629

What I meant to say was flight proven chambers

>> No.12344630

Staging threads, next thread has ignited: >>12344625




>> No.12344852

vegetable oils and sodium hydroxide solution makes liquid soap

>> No.12344869

Salt would work too, and for tunnels deep enough underground and far enough from the equator you can use frozen water as your binder.