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File: 597 KB, 1920x1280, dm-2 pad sunrise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12338558 No.12338558 [Reply] [Original]

Kennedy Scrub Center Strikes Again Edition

prev: >>12335909

>> No.12338563

ULA NROL-101 Stream

NSF stream for those sad enough to listen to those people.

>> No.12338568

Daily Reminder we will never achieve manned interstellar travel, interstellar colonies or "O Neil" colonies. These things are delusions for s o i b o i s

Try to prove me wrong. Space is ghey

>> No.12338574
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting a larger droneship for Starship to land on
>when instead Starship could be landing on a flattened version of THIS

>> No.12338582

Space is hard

>> No.12338584


>> No.12338594

That Elvish threw me for a loop there, forgot about that

>> No.12338608
File: 281 KB, 1600x941, BED3A0FF-566C-4ED1-90E0-472355B2DFAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that there is no capsule but Dragon, with Jim (PBUH) as its messenger.

>> No.12338612

>Joe Biden is the president
>NASA is back
>Moon Colonies will be a thing before the end of his first term
>Mars meme is ending now that Eron Pusk is out (because his buddy is not president anymore)
>Research and exploration, in one word science, are back

Incredibly comfy

>> No.12338614

>Why the NRO launching shit for Inda?
>Oh wait that's Elvish
>Wait what

>> No.12338615
File: 154 KB, 1200x769, comfyindaelephant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine, just the solar system is plenty for me.

>> No.12338627

The things that go interstellar will not be "men"
They're going to be demigods

>> No.12338631

lol yeah i bet
such delusion

>> No.12338634

kiwi rocket and terrorist cameos on ula stream

>> No.12338639

Space isn’t gay but other than that I agree with you. A mars colony is ambitious but possible- everything else like EM Drives and FTL and dyson spheres is gay and people here circle jerk over it like it’ll somehow be possible because of starship

>> No.12338644
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>> No.12338658

With our current understanding of the available technology for interstellar travel, you'd need beings that were effectively immortal and mentally impervious to the ravages of time. Those things will arise from humanity at some point, out of the accelerating union between man and technology. The machine demigods are inevitable.

>> No.12338660

>T-4 minute hold
>15 minutes long
that is some weird math. Why not just call it T-15m?

>> No.12338663

They did, I guess they can't be bother to update the graphic

>> No.12338666

have sex

>> No.12338667

>Hey what channel are we on?

>> No.12338668

They called out a time as "L-" a few minutes ago. I guess they use two different systems for counting down.

>> No.12338669

>Uhhh... Go?

>> No.12338671

Budget Insprucker needs to drink some fucking water. I feel like I’m watching a rocketlab launch

>> No.12338672

>everybody stands up, completely negating the screens between the desks
They're gonna catch it now

>> No.12338673

Oldspace livestreams seem to love cutting to shots of engineers staring at computer screens

>> No.12338674

sunset launch kino imminent

>> No.12338678
File: 476 KB, 332x292, launch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12338679


>> No.12338680
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>> No.12338681

uhh guys the ULA rocket isn't on the ground anymore, is that supposed to happen?

>> No.12338682

>camera covered with frost

>> No.12338686

Kino exhaust trails on LSF right now

>> No.12338687
File: 394 KB, 995x951, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12338688

cool, I forgot this thing uses Russian engines

>> No.12338689

Jesus CHRIST these callouts are awful
>we are... guidance.... we mach one
>ten miles altitud- five miles altitude

>> No.12338691

jeez, that roll

>> No.12338692


>> No.12338693

Wow ULA finally splurged on an on-board camera. Only about 10 years behind

>> No.12338695

>tumbling srb's in the shot

>> No.12338696

>fairing jettisons
>ten seconds pass
>"standing by for payload fairing jettison"

>> No.12338697

>though they look the same

>> No.12338699


>> No.12338701


>> No.12338702

>cutting away from rocket to listen to a couple of ladies give a lecture

>> No.12338704

>cuts away from launch to ramble about srbs
fuck you

>> No.12338705
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>> No.12338706
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>> No.12338707

Classified payloads, man.
At least it didn't blow up with the new budget boosters.

>> No.12338708
File: 662 KB, 712x583, ulw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd integrate her systems if you know what I mean

>> No.12338709

NRO requires cutting the feed and live coverage after fairing jettison. This is actually more footage than we usually get.

>> No.12338712

>tfw no qt gf that tries to convince me on the merits of srbs

>> No.12338715

looking back on the NSF stream now, they have some good shots and somehow better commentary

>> No.12338719
File: 62 KB, 608x648, confusedcia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that time between srb shut-off and srb separation

>> No.12338720

>The virgin reusable engine vs THE CHAD EXPENDABLE SOLID ROCKET

>> No.12338721

She’s a solid 10 by aerospace industry standards.

>> No.12338722

Nice of them to give the full rocketcam footage for the replay.

>> No.12338724

>Give us onboard cam ride at the end of the stream
>Cut stream before the fairing jettison so we don't get a full uncut
Well, thanks, but couldn't you have given us that extra few seconds more?

>> No.12338725

>NOAA blocks NRO from taking spy sat pictures of Earth

>> No.12338732
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>> No.12338733

>Not jettisoning the SRB's when they have a few seconds of burn time left to maximize the dramatic effect

>> No.12338736

I thought they fucked up for a solid minute there

power move

>> No.12338738
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>> No.12338741
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>> No.12338743

looks like a cheeto

>> No.12338747

I like all the leaping fish in the foreground, too!

>> No.12338782

are blacks going to be jivin n' shuckin all over the Mars colony?

>> No.12338783

Crew 1 Launch update LIVE

>> No.12338830


>> No.12338835

What, like right now??

>> No.12338838

surely fixed, right? Jets in particular because higher Gs

>> No.12338843

>NASA telling boaters to stay the fuck out of the recovery zone

>> No.12338851
File: 82 KB, 834x472, 1590860121829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets just send Joe rogan up

>> No.12338855

Only if he's allowed to get high while in orbit.

>> No.12338861

No, Alex Jones.

>> No.12338865

<NASA administrator Jim announces that the next SpaceX Crew mission will launch with Big Jim, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, and Alex Jones

>> No.12338869

>NASA tries to block Elon from going to KSC
>Elon lands on LZ-1 with Starship from Texas

>> No.12338878

I'd be nervous out of my mind

>> No.12338880

Only 3 more months until budgetary tout Jim Bridenstine is sworn out

>> No.12338885

Only 3 more months until another dark age of LEO fucking around begins.

>> No.12338893

But anon LEO stuff is important. How are we supposed to get to Mars if we're not sure about the long term effects micro-gravity has on daffodils?

>> No.12338904
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>> No.12338907
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>BREAKING: Joe Biden suffers a stroke and now believes that it is 1993 and begins ordering a new fleet of Space Shuttles.

>> No.12338908

The point is that there will be no path to Mars or anywhere beyond LEO, ever.

>> No.12338911

More like he gets kicked the fuck out to pasture, Kamala declares space is "racist" and declares you get to pay reprashuns for the rest of eternity.

>> No.12338923
File: 59 KB, 951x633, EmtkYO3VQAA68r7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protect her smile

>> No.12338924

>Kamala is president
>she incarcerates ever nigger
>forces them into slave labor to patch potholes in California for eternity

>> No.12338926

I'm writing a science fiction book. It's 2129, Mars has been colonized and is basically a fascist independent state controlled by the descendent of the founder of Mars. There is one other colony that strives for freedom from rule under the fascist government. Terraforming is underway but will take at least 1,000 years.

Earth is heavily populated, and divided into sectors. It's essentially globalism realized. People are without need, but many are heavily addicted to internet, drugs, food, pleasure, porn, VR, etc. It is guised as a democracy but is really a capitalist oligarchy controlled by a small group of extremely wealthy elites. They rule earth from Venus; where it's impossible to reach for commoners and thus impossible to overthrow.

Mining the asteroid belt is common, and early colonization of Jupiter's moons is beginning. There are rumors of a rebel base on an asteroid preying on cargo ships.

The founder of Mars was one of the most brilliant men to ever live, and it has long been rumored that when he died he had nearly complete plans for his dream project: a gateway to other solar systems.

When it's discovered that these plans are real and have been found, tensions between Mars and Earth are at an all-time high and war is looming. Whoever has the plans and builds the gateway essentially gets control over the future of humanity.

We follow a young soldier from Mars, a wealthy girl from Venus, and a poor boy from Earth as their fates intertwine in the involvement of gaining control of these plans.

Thoughts? Any advice?

>> No.12338928

Oh no, she's "black" now. It's your turn now.

>> No.12338931

Why does the colony want to be free from being based?

>> No.12338937

With every authoritarian society, there will always be rebels. The other colony is basically libertarian and seeks to replicate the idea behind the original United States.

>> No.12338943
File: 582 KB, 993x1623, 1598750086180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The other colony is basically libertarian and seeks to replicate the idea behind the original United States.
That book's been written already.

>> No.12338951
File: 35 KB, 746x646, dfadfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well with that attitude they can go back to urf. Simple as

>> No.12338953

>We follow a young soldier from Mars, a wealthy girl from Venus, and a poor boy from Earth as their fates intertwine in the involvement of gaining control of these plans.
kino premise

>> No.12338957

I'd move the capital of the inner system "democracy" from Venus, it's in a tactically disadvantageous position because you can use the sun's gravity to assist any object falling down the well towards it.
Why not put them on the moon? It's sterile but they insist on putting their capital there anyways, insisting on a large supply of resources to maintain extremely luxuriant colony structures which emphasize the parasitism of their government structure on the productive people of Earth itself, and the Moon is in a tactically advantageous position around Earth where it's easier to get down the well to Earth than it is to get up the well to the Moon.

>> No.12338964

True, but that's not really the focus point of my story.

That's a brilliant idea. I mostly went with Venus because I thought floating cloud cities would be cool as fuck.

I really like your logic behind them being on the Moon though, it makes way more sense.

>> No.12338973

A sprawling lunar colony is also the kind of thing that a frustrated Earth lad could look up and see every day, fueling his rebellious spirit because it's always up there in the sky like a challenge.

>> No.12338978


To anyone who guessed ukraine would be the next to sign the artemis accords, collect your (you)s

>> No.12338983

What on earth could Ukraine possibly provide to Artemis?

>> No.12338996

Ukraine still has a good rocket industry inherited from the soviet union including the tsyklon, zenit and dnepr vehicles

>> No.12339003

lmao she stopped being black as soon as the election was over. Immediately after everyone started playing up her Indian heritage. Shit's hilarious and black people are pissed

>> No.12339005

Zenit is based but absolutely failed to live up to it's potential following the collapse of the Soviet Union

>> No.12339013

She's "black passing" like many jews/mexicans are "white passing", it's hilarious as fuck to see these kinds of tactics in action.

>> No.12339021

>Kennedy Scrub Center
>Space Shittle
>Scott Manlet

The mark of an NPC is one that can only speak in memes and can't use real names.

>> No.12339033
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>> No.12339037

god the worm logo is so cool

>> No.12339045
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>> No.12339055

It's badass because it looks like it's from an 80s movie or something. I wonder if it will get continued use after Jim. Kind of hope it doesn't

>> No.12339056


come to think of it SS would make the ISS a bit pointless. SS has so much room that it could simply launch itself with a ton of experiments, stay up in orbit for months, and come back down whenever it's ready

>> No.12339061
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>> No.12339063

>Kind of hope it doesn't
I'm the exact opposite. The continued use of the worm logo will forever be a reminder of Big Jim and the great work he did

>> No.12339066

Zenit is fucking cool but I don’t think they will be launching anything. Signing ukraine is like signing luxembourg; it’s just a show of diplomacy (I think?)

>> No.12339071

That’s why I want it to go away. The worm will be remembered as the based logo that made a brief reappearance with Big Jim. Pics of DM-2 and crew 1 will forever show the power of bridenstine. But yeah I wouldn’t mind if it stayed it is the coolest identifier for a government agency

>> No.12339072

Luxemborg signing actually makes sense. They're really ramping up their space program lately cause they want to get into asteroid mining asap.

>> No.12339081
File: 566 KB, 1536x2048, baby raptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's raptor's fate? For what /sfg/ and twatter speaks, it might need to be resigned or have it's interior downgraded to a known working design since apparently it's meting itself.

>> No.12339099

They also make the first stage of Antares. Basically the Ukraine have whole rocket factories that are looking for business.

>> No.12339101

holy crap, why does /sfg/ always to seem think anytime there is an issue with anything, the answer is "give up"? is it just shills or do people legitimately believe this?

>> No.12339103

God- with grimes as the mother, this child won’t learn to talk till he’s 12 years old. Double autism will be his downfall. Unless it skips a generation or cancels out from both parents

>> No.12339106


>> No.12339108

Kid will grow up hating hippies with a passion. Cartman will be his muse.

>> No.12339110

His hands are huge

>> No.12339113

Society has been cripplingly demoralized and undermined in the west to the point where nihilistic demoralization and defeatism are just accepted as a normal part of life now instead of the highly abnormal mental disturbance that they would be in nature.

>> No.12339118
File: 117 KB, 775x642, Banelon Musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Hullo

New Colab from Eric and smallstars

>> No.12339127

Manley’s videos are pure kino. Simple camera setup, barely any script, but he knows all the facts before filming. I can’t stand the 20-odd youtube guys who sit in front of their gaming mic with their norminal hats and half their face covered, and stumble their way through weekly starship updates
True lmao

>> No.12339140

If there's not a single-line offhand mention of rebellious bug-eating moon wizards in the deep tunnels, I'll be mad

>> No.12339144

The stuff leaking out from the bottom of snate was backlit/burning hydraulic fluid, not molten turbopump. What needs to be redesigned is the relatively trivial vehicle hydraulic system.

>> No.12339150

you see the simple fact is nobody who knows what they are doing exists anymore, the end of the soviet union signaled the end of spaceflight

>> No.12339162

It's shills. Look at the absolute state of the entire rest of the space industry and compare it to SpaceX, they're terrified.

>> No.12339171

Why would any company pay for someone to shill on this general of all places?

>> No.12339173

We need to convince SpaceX to give up. Same with Zubrin. Some things we are not meant to attain

>> No.12339180

Lol spooky oldspace is out to get us haha

>> No.12339193
File: 46 KB, 700x700, wormgray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to get your official NASA Worm merch before the new administrator removes it
>t. Not a NASA shill

>> No.12339226
File: 25 KB, 323x499, 41p0YvhuSeL._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I use to be one of the cringe Sagan/Degrasse cultists. Looking back it seems so embarrassing. Pic related was a major cure.

>> No.12339232
File: 276 KB, 940x418, padrepio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a God shaped hole in your heart you are trying to shove "space/i fucking love science!!!1" bullshit into.

>> No.12339240

state of amerimutts

>> No.12339246

>page 1
>urfniggers abound
Every time

>> No.12339248

I know that God exists and I know that I do not like him.

>> No.12339253
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>> No.12339265

The Abrahamic faiths in general are a Jewish trick, and not to be trusted. I found God elsewhere.

>> No.12339269
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>> No.12339286

>posts a gif of a jewish comedian

>> No.12339287
File: 307 KB, 1185x1029, 1475325569107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am wiser than the holy word of God The Bible

>> No.12339291

>trusting a collage of stolen metaphysics and memetic weaponry

>> No.12339295

Jesus was literally a jew my dude

>> No.12339297
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>> No.12339302

they're so fucking mad lmao

>> No.12339304

Yes, but he isn't like the modern jew. Jews then were actually not as sly, as there were good people among the cowards. It was Jesus's death that separated the men from the parasites.

>> No.12339306

i think they are shills but not paid shills, just people trying to get (you)s

>> No.12339307
File: 211 KB, 953x535, NerveGear_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can do SAO style "full dive" VR then you only need to slow people's metabolism down to ~1% of normal and have a virtual playground. Bam, sleeper ships without the full coma problem.

>> No.12339308
File: 546 KB, 724x748, Efkf7gJXYAU7Omj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

>> No.12339311

They absolutely do it for free, but they have a mental affliction. Some people can't get over what they grew up with.

>> No.12339316
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Not going to make it

>> No.12339318
File: 294 KB, 1280x1292, space_S-IVB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space flight general

>> No.12339319

High thrust magnetoplasma engines WHEN?

>> No.12339322
File: 304 KB, 678x678, 058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaceflight is just another way to get closer to God anon.

>> No.12339326
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>> No.12339328
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No gods up here anon

>> No.12339329
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>describing the Son of God as nothing more than a member of a religion

>> No.12339330
File: 355 KB, 2614x1000, coronadoexpedition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ and exploration has always gone together. You'll get it.

>> No.12339331

>the VR is so good the colonists all agree to stay onboard the ship and fake their disappearance so they can spend their lives in VR paradise as long as possible rather than have to do hard labor on a new colony

>> No.12339333
File: 851 KB, 200x200, 1604544723512.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't actually fly
>You're actually just free falling between gravity wells
Man will become gods

>> No.12339334

At this point I'd be happy if any meme thruster concepts made it to light

>> No.12339337

Supplies run out at some point and it's not turtles all the way down. If anything I could see "retiring to slow-VR" as something that happens when your physical body gets too old to support you anymore.

>> No.12339338




>> No.12339340
File: 594 KB, 900x900, space_WESTAR_VI_capture (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come no one cares about satellite capture?

>> No.12339341

They did back when the shuttle was being designed

>> No.12339346

>quoting the bible at a time when most of the country was Christian was considered a controversy
Fuck those new age faggots. Neil and Buzz having Communion on the Lunar surface before the first EVA is one of the most based aspects of Apollo 11

>> No.12339349
File: 75 KB, 493x498, nervous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I see an elder of the colonyship go through a door to the retirement module and a new Servitor comes out on the other side.

>> No.12339350

Why won't arrogant know-it-alls of the 21st century accept that we will have some kind of FTL in 500 years?

>> No.12339354

The only problem with Christianity inherent to itself and not a product of (((outside subversion))) is that some factions of it are anti-science... but Communion on the moon put that to bed as a concern for anyone but hat tipping fedoras.

>> No.12339355

How do FTL without break time continuity???????

>> No.12339362
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x960, fac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Communion on the Lunar surface

Long Live Christ King

>> No.12339370

>but muh causality muhfugga
>*grabs dick*

>> No.12339375
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>> No.12339378
File: 731 KB, 2048x1456, @InfographicTony Crew-1 mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12339383
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>> No.12339385

Christ is always on topic anon. God bless the members of Crew 1 for a safe journey

>> No.12339390

How hard would it be to fill the Dragon's trunk with air scrubbers and Super Draco propellant tanks for a lunar mission?

>> No.12339391

I'd insert my payload into her fairing. Top of her tank.

>> No.12339393

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

>> No.12339394

and then Word crashed so the Universe's real operator had to ctrl-alt-delete the thing

>> No.12339403

Which direction should the priest face when celebrating Mass on Mars?

>> No.12339405

I envy the Russians.

>> No.12339407
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>> No.12339408
File: 181 KB, 1882x739, virgin novus ordo chad latin right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Away from the congregation, towards the altar.

>> No.12339420

the bird is the word and the bird is the word

>> No.12339429
File: 256 KB, 900x509, uncron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god was a bird
>birds are avian
>so are dinosaurs
>jesus was basically god put in a human body
Jesus was a dinosaur.

>> No.12339437
File: 2.57 MB, 1280x720, 1580260315358.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting in a blessed /sfg/ thread. who knew /sfg/ was a christian general

>> No.12339444
File: 911 KB, 1360x768, starhopper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will Starhopper become the ultimate spacecraft?

>> No.12339453

Why does it steal a module

>> No.12339456

That's either a Cygnus or an HTV.

>> No.12339460

Snitches get stitches so don't you worry about that

>> No.12339467

What’s NASA gonna do? Send an SLS to get it back?

>> No.12339472

Cygnus and HTV are both retired

>> No.12339476
File: 273 KB, 343x986, Screenshot_2020-11-13 Cygnus (spacecraft) - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12339481

I could have sworn the last launch was hyped up to be the last one. Guess I was wrong lmao

>> No.12339482
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>> No.12339484

I'm a retard I was thinking of the ATV

>> No.12339495

never understood this book in the context it was written in. feels like an inconsistent narrative.

>> No.12339548

>With our current understanding of the available technology for interstellar travel

>If you assume scientific progress doesn’t exist

>> No.12339554

Burden of proof is yours.

>> No.12339570
File: 77 KB, 1005x899, 1581761664250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Marines got a new space unit as part of US Space Command.

>> No.12339583

>“Managing the Earth’s ability to sustain human life and biodiversity will likely, in my view, dominate a civil space agenda for a Biden-Harris administration,” said Lori Garver, a former NASA deputy administrator during the Obama administration, in a Nov. 7 speech at the SpaceVision 2020 conference by Students for the Exploration and Development of Space.

is Garver the one that was hostile to manned space exploration and lunar missions?

>> No.12339584


>> No.12339589

She's against government manned and madamed flights.
Not private. She's the one who started commercial crew.

>> No.12339591

I wonder why they need space marines

>> No.12339596

uhh what? madmanned flights? madlad flights?

>> No.12339602
File: 1.01 MB, 2432x3021, 352655main_road2apollo-15_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Madlad flights.

>> No.12339606
File: 511 KB, 1017x593, 1314699019560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If space marines are the answer, it must have been an awesome question.

>> No.12339617

I'm not sure if it's a reactionary decision or a preemptive one.

>> No.12339623

Fuck yeah space marines

>> No.12339625


>> No.12339627

Imagine if humans had eight testicles in a huge beanbag ballsack

>> No.12339654

lol this guy believes in magic

>> No.12339658

1000 ways to die

>> No.12339659

Ok Ted go back to your cave

>> No.12339665

I’m just takin’ the mick anon. Having a go. Although I have to be serious and say I never ever think of luxembourg and forget it exists unless their leader says some dumb shit or signs an accord with NASA lmao

>> No.12339668

I mean you'd have to have some mega testicles to fly that thing.
At least it would be a helluva way to go out, imagine plummeting towards the Lunar surface and knowing that you're about to become a new landmark on another world.

>> No.12339669

that's the N1 isn't it

>> No.12339689

Have these people never heard of the NOAA?

>> No.12339696

That's why she said "civil space agenda" and not NASA

>> No.12339702

Because the cupola is worth saving

>> No.12339705

How is it different from the Trump agenda for the NOAA

>> No.12339706
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>> No.12339707

go higher

>> No.12339712

Isn't the axiom station gonna have a full body Cupola though?

>> No.12339716
File: 259 KB, 2048x1536, Crew-1 F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12339721
File: 754 KB, 2400x1514, outer_wilds_ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the outer wilds ship

>> No.12339725
File: 150 KB, 1155x1059, 1585777704313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're working under SN8 right now. If they remove a raptor I hope we get a decent look at it

>> No.12339727

Looks like the Leonardo module, which is just for storage

>> No.12339732
File: 28 KB, 640x480, star_hopper_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need another madlad photographer

>> No.12339734

damn that thing got smoked. Wonder how SN8 is holding up

>> No.12339746
File: 40 KB, 640x480, star_hopper_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starhopper.... had a rough life

>> No.12339765

It's fine, it fulfilled it's primary purpose brilliantly.

>> No.12339771

>Crew-1 explodes
>c'mon man you can let private companies design these things, space is hard
>We go back to NASA designed crew capsule

>> No.12339777

>This is the quality of a rapidly reusable rocket engine after 30 seconds of use

>> No.12339778

Aristotle would have thought an iPad was magic. Don’t see your point.

>> No.12339781

that's not engine, dummy

>> No.12339782

>The company targets the mid-2020s for its first module to attach to the ISS and the late-2020s
They need to hurry up.
Also, RIP Bigelow

>> No.12339784


>> No.12339787

SNC is making inflatables now.

>> No.12339793

SNC makes a lot of things which end up nowhere.

>Axiom plans to provide human spaceflight services to individuals, corporations, and space agencies.
Maybe the Indians should just book a ride instead of creating their own capsule?
This is going to open up space for many countries without a space program.

>> No.12339802

SNC's inflatables are gorgeous; I fucking PRAY they develop a niche and make them for future use on stations and Starship expansions and stuff

>> No.12339816

Shut up Joe, ask Kamala before you speak.

>> No.12339832
File: 40 KB, 640x479, 97_640_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese SSME

>> No.12339835

>make swastika shaped station out of SNC inflatables
>name it Blimpin' Ain't Easy

>> No.12339846


one side builds the gateway, the other side just chills then once its built attacks and takes it over, i dont see how whoever builds it has any advantage whatsoever.
The advantage is who has the most powerful army once its built to hold control of the gateway...

>> No.12339849

Fucking kek this made me laugh so much
>Alternatively; Not the Hindenburg

>> No.12339863

God that statement makes me want to commit a felony

>> No.12339866

Anon, this is why we test

>> No.12339868

>not doing FFSC
shamefur dispray

>> No.12339869

So what happens now with Mars and Musk's plans in general?
Kamala is going to cancel all nasa contracts, and cancel SpaceX's operating licence for environmental reasons, right?

>> No.12339871

Joe Biden's only purpose is to sell out the solar system to China.
That's literally it. That's why it was rigged for him.

>> No.12339877

You shouldn't criticize Biden or praise Trumps space policy here unless you're looking for a ban

>> No.12339879

if humanity moves to the space very dark skin will become the default. whites are more vulnerable to radiation

>> No.12339887

>Kamala is going to cancel all nasa contracts, and cancel SpaceX's operating licence for environmental reasons, right?
we don't know but most likely not
all these hysterical doomposting is tiresome and as pathetic as the sjws wailing about trump turning the US into the 4th reich

>> No.12339894

You will never be a woman.

>> No.12339896

! This post about the future of humanity is disputed

>> No.12339897

>tfw I'm actually a Trump fan
I'm speaking from experience Anon. There are people in this general who mass report any discussion that they don't like

>> No.12339899

In that case I take it back, you are a very pretty lady indeed.

>> No.12339901

>trump turning the US into the 4th reich

I wish

>> No.12339904

>you are a very pretty lady indeed.
Thanks anon xxx

>> No.12339903

Weak tranny bait

>> No.12339906
File: 259 KB, 1260x560, rooba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still time

>> No.12339908

Elon has an ace up his sleeve - if the US cucks out, he'll pledge his loyalty to China.
Then when he sets himself up on Mars, he'll redirect Phobos into a collision course with Earth and see an end to the whole mess.

>> No.12339927

>we don't know
So why did you sacks of shit vote for him? Oh wait you didn't, it was all those fake votes found in bags in the middle of the night
Name one policy he has

>> No.12339936

>Name one policy he has

Green New Deal, which will waste trillions of dollars.
Or maybe not, because he said he doesn’t support it in a debate, despite his website saying it’s an important part of some retarded pie in the sky plan to become carbon neutral.

>> No.12339938

God, he's pathetic.

>> No.12339939

>So why did you sacks of shit vote for him?
Because he's a decent human being?
We can't let Trump keep the nuclear codes, there's no telling what he might do.

>> No.12339940

No one believes you’re serious FYI

>> No.12339951

Weak. I hate trump but if you are being serious an not just trolling, just know you are coming across as extremely gay and bluepilled

>> No.12339980
File: 413 KB, 2464x1478, wp4098405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politics are boring. Post more space stuff.

What space based backgrounds do you guys have?

>> No.12339998

Most space stuff has been discussed to death so it's hard to keep this general from diving into vaguely off-topic stuff

>> No.12340003

Why would you hate him

>> No.12340007


>> No.12340011
File: 68 KB, 602x612, Screenshot_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ELON-CHAN IS DAIJOUBU ft a book writer NPC nigger

>> No.12340025
File: 1.72 MB, 3840x1200, chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not many because finding anything in 3840x1200 is a nightmare. Right now it's this overexposed Chicago night sky, so you can see the Milky Way over the skyline.

>> No.12340030

Some factions of secular humanists/atheists are just an anti-science as many fundamentalist christians

>> No.12340038

that looks like one of the magallenic clouds

>> No.12340040

>pre-martial sex

Fuck off satan

>> No.12340042


You've got it the wrong way round


>> No.12340044 [DELETED] 
File: 454 KB, 690x298, notaking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So then... then the kids have to have SEX to save their PURITY
>Oh this coke is so GOOD. Oh I HATE this Trump guy! I HATE this Elon guy. WEAR THE DAMN MASK!!!!!!!!

>> No.12340045

he's just saying elon's positive, which he probably is

>> No.12340057

>liking tweets
Who's the NPC again?

>> No.12340066

>we will never achieve manned interstellar travel
if by we you mean people alive in 2020 you're probably right. If by we you mean humanity then... ooh boy you're going to see... it's not hard to beat the Apollo 10 speed record of 30k Km/h.

>> No.12340095 [DELETED] 

>magapedes literally comparing their orange orangutan to julius fucking ceaser

Get the hell off my website you conservacuck faggots holy shit.

>> No.12340101 [DELETED] 

The Republicans have enough state legislatures and delegations to Make Trump President Again but they're pussies and they won't

>> No.12340106 [DELETED] 

The knives are already out, it's apt

>> No.12340108 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 1200x900, Orange_Julius-SG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12340117
File: 101 KB, 879x485, 57DA6B0E-7255-4989-B82E-DEEEDA08CFAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayo I heard you was talkin’ shit

>> No.12340122 [DELETED] 


>> No.12340125

if launching from the equator is so great, why can a dinky ol electron launch from fuckin virginia? on top of that sea launch was a failure

>> No.12340126

So they essentially strapped four of these to a core stage with russian-SSME’s and that was the energia right? Jesus christ. The RD-170 is the swiss army knife of getting to space, just slap it on anything. I believe Elon is on the record as saying the Zenit is his favorite rocket

>> No.12340128 [DELETED] 
File: 505 KB, 816x684, 1604768575822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking annoying man, fortunately once this election shit is over, all the magapedes should be fucking off to whatever shitty cuckservative sites are floating around where they can discuss based black men and how to gain the Hispanic vote.

Yeah seething that you are comparing a historical giant and incredible man like ceaser to a one term monkey who couldn't even stop himself being censored by twitter, let alone do anything actually fucking useful like we elected him to do.

>> No.12340136

Electron is a really good rocket for its size.

>> No.12340137
File: 165 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefaultissspacexs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which flies first? Which flies last?
>Virgin's next test flight
>Starliner OFT
>snowflakes in hell

>> No.12340140

You can launch a lot of pigs with a Starship, and "snowflakes in hell" is basically what happens inside a hydrogen rocket's LOX tank.

>> No.12340141

The RD-170 strikes me as an engine that could take a 50 cal straight to the nozzle and still make it to space with minimal problems

>> No.12340143

(the rest will never fly)

>> No.12340144

Starliner OFT
Snowflakes in hell

>> No.12340146

Blue origin will make it to space before skylon even designs a single bolt for their engine lmao

>> No.12340148

Honestly don't care that I get called a seething SpaceX stan. Raptor did nothing wrong. Crucify me

>> No.12340149

>Get the hell off my website
You will never be a woman

>> No.12340150

anyone got smore o that outrageous twitter bait?

>> No.12340151
File: 245 KB, 684x756, 1572105059-20191026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question for the age.

>> No.12340152

kek he even has Zubrin's bald

>> No.12340153


He's actually going to go up on Starship

>> No.12340154

Yeah, because I'm a man, unlike whatever soi filled zogbot abomination you are.

>> No.12340155

How is this going to differ from, and exceed The Expanse? It sounds awfully similar

>> No.12340156

>yusaku maezawa chooses joseph rogan to accompany him on a journey unlike any other

>> No.12340159

cringe, not woke

>> No.12340160 [DELETED] 

I dunno man I live in Texas and all the people here have started calling him “Rubicon Don” and think he’s going to become world emperor

>> No.12340161
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>> No.12340163
File: 102 KB, 741x673, SLS is real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12340166
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>port in Southern California
The SpaceX ninjas are at it again.

>> No.12340167 [DELETED] 

Cool story bro, those same fat fucks probably could even point out Italy on a map, let alone the rubicon river.

>> No.12340168
File: 344 KB, 2048x1365, robert-zubrin-fondatore-e-presidente-della-mars-society-e-uno-dei-molti-esperti-che-hanno-contrib-741b87e58382d5f54e8652e604871a650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12340172 [DELETED] 

the rubicon is a river?

>> No.12340173
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>> No.12340174

Never gonna happen.

>> No.12340175 [DELETED] 

I think it's a cube.

>> No.12340176
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>> No.12340177 [DELETED] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1600x1400, american mccaesarism trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like a little baby, watch this.

>> No.12340179 [DELETED] 

That God emperor trump meme aged like milk

>> No.12340181

Virgin's next test flight
Starliner OFT
(Doesn't fly before 2023)
(Likely never flies)
you think SpaceX will never launch superheavy? lmao.

>> No.12340184

It literally doesn't matter since I won't be alive by then lmao.

>> No.12340186 [DELETED] 

way back in the day I met donald at a bbq in hollywood, just happened to graze him before i knew who he was. he kinda smelled like body odor, but the kind that reminds you of your dad. i apologized but he smiled and i smiled back after i saw his face. told him i was a big fan of the apprentice. he just said thanks for the support and we went our separate ways.

>> No.12340194

To put down the inevitable Mars secession movement

>> No.12340195
File: 2 KB, 125x125, bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sea launch
Why is the Zenit so shit guys?

>> No.12340196

>you think SpaceX will never launch superheavy? lmao.
No because their operating license is about to be cancelled.

>> No.12340199

wow, remember when NSF used to upload cool shit like this? those days are long gone. thank you paypiggies!

>> No.12340202

So Elon's fifth covid test (more accurate one) comes back positive.
Fug hope we don't lose him

>> No.12340205 [DELETED] 

It aged like fine wine because TRUMP IS THE BEST PRESIDENT EVER

>> No.12340206

fuck yes, as a shill I can't wait for this. raptor is a disaster, elon dies from covid, and the biden admin finally cracks down on spacex from polluting our skies. the future is dark (so astronomers can see the stars!)

>> No.12340208

Nah, the coof isn't that deadly unless you're old/fat/unhealthy.

>> No.12340211
File: 950 KB, 1229x767, ULA ice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice pic of the ice detaching from the last ULA launch

>> No.12340212

astronomers seeing the stars/night sky is racist because its a white escapist fantasy. we should light pollute the night sky as much as possible and fill it with anti racist messages in satellite constellations.

>> No.12340213

YES! now we can observe every hair on Orions ballsack! i fucking LOVE science

>> No.12340214

The coof is indistinguishable from a mild cold. That was the point of his tweet. To hint to normies that they're being lied to.

>> No.12340218

I have the chink coof, it's like a cold, with the body aches of the flu, and it hits the lungs harder than you'd expect, but it's not bad at all (I'm not a fat fuck/old/smoke)
The worst part is I can't smell anything at all lmao
Most Americans live unhealthy, their lungs can't handle extra stress because of stupid lifestyle choices

>> No.12340219

like trump? lol, if it didnt kill him it's fucking harmless

>> No.12340222

>The worst part is I can't smell anything at all lmao
90% sure my dad and I had this in January. It was all there. Weirdly strong lung attack, weakness, total loss of smell and taste, but without the nose being blocked at all. I could breathe through my nose fine, but not smell anything.

>> No.12340225

I'd rather not call it harmless as there are some significant tissue damages can happen and severe cases when not treated have a high mortality.
Combine that with the infection rate and it is an issue.

>> No.12340236

If it's culling the old and unhealthy, we really couldnt ask for better

>> No.12340238

It's also weakening the rest.

>> No.12340245
File: 757 KB, 684x2760, 1459176015-20160328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how do we get funding for Launch Loop and skyhook?

>> No.12340246

luckily most Africans are young

>> No.12340250

Lori Garver might just be the greatest NASA administrator since Bigger Jim (Webb). Time will tell, but I believe she could do amazing things

>> No.12340254

You don't LMAO

>> No.12340259

skyhooks are a meme and there are a lot of better solutions

>> No.12340261

the cia already built ufo with alien technology. you dont need anything else when u hav antigravity, thats why dumb scientist get no funds

>> No.12340262

at this point we can only hope in vitamin D deficiency to hold them out of our countries

>> No.12340275

Why don’t you like Africans? It’s not their fault that Europeans are pathetic

>> No.12340279

I don't hate them, I want them out of Europe, by any means necessary.

>> No.12340286

Nevermind all that, raptor's out

>> No.12340287


If you're in the US, then if your first reinfection doesn't fuck you hard, the second one definitely will. 3rd-4th reinfection will be a death sentence, or make you wish you were. Seriously try not to get reinfected bro.

>> No.12340312

There’s been what, like 100 reported reinfections out of this whole debacle? Clearly a non issue.

>> No.12340326
File: 429 KB, 884x820, space is over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emphasize climate science
>over lunar exploration

>> No.12340332

Why doesn’t NOAA do climate change research, since that’s its job and not NASA’s?

>> No.12340334

Because the point isn't to research the climate, but to cuck America out of getting into space. SpaceX will have to move to China pretty soon.

>> No.12340336
File: 116 KB, 900x716, 1598219919516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am sad

>> No.12340337

Don't blame me, I voted for JoJo

>> No.12340338

>SpaceX will have to move to China pretty soon.
SpaceX cannot move to China, all their IP belongs to the US government. If anyone could just move to China willy nilly Bill Gates' wonder reactors would have been built 10 years ago.

>> No.12340341

Then SpaceX will be quietly put out of business in about 2 years. The foreign policy goals of the new administration will be completely aligned with China's.

>> No.12340357
File: 8 KB, 208x242, anger_folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12340360

>doing illegal stuff is physically impossible!!11111

>> No.12340367
File: 175 KB, 1260x1760, f00dfbd358411300c4d8b7b38411563f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an engine got melty and damaging the fuel hot gas system
this resulted in a total loss of pneumatic control in the vehicle
this can only mean that the vehicle pneumatics run off of warm methane gas, which is a very bold choice imo

so no, it's not nitrogen pneumatics: it's methane pneumatics

very interesting, pic unrelated for visibility

>> No.12340369 [DELETED] 


>> No.12340370

Well, hot oxygen would be a little more dangerous...

>> No.12340372

How is wanting space exploration over climate "science" being a "migatard"?

>> No.12340377

Space is systemically racist

>> No.12340379

I think Leonardo is an ATV, right?
or was it a MPLM

>> No.12340381

Systemic racism isn’t real.

>> No.12340383

Saddam made own HARP program with help of original creator.

>> No.12340386

How so?

>> No.12340392

Only privileged whites care about nonsense like space.
Rest of us we got bills to pay?

>> No.12340394

Earth is systematically racist.
It kills millions of Africans by starvation and diseases.

>> No.12340398

>Only privileged whites care about nonsense like space.
That explains why China doesn't have a space program.

>> No.12340400

So we gotta fix that shit first

>> No.12340405

Agree, total blacks genocide it is then.

>> No.12340408

>Replying to trolls

>> No.12340411

it's a smart choice, the previous guesses were all cold nitrogen gas

>> No.12340419

the upside of hot methane off of the preburners: replenishable in flight, from the same reservoirs you're already using for Raptor spin-up and the hot RCS (which doesn't exist) and the autogenous pressurization system

>> No.12340429

>with help of original creator
...who was subsequently killed by the Israelis with American approval. If Musk sold out to the chicoms, the same thing would happen to him, and deservedly so.

>> No.12340433
File: 66 KB, 300x300, 6be863e04452d5416e65c37c1e53baa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic unrelated

>> No.12340438

Just like the US China is part of the global north, it's the global south whose resources are stolen and squandered on space programs while the population gets no say and won't see any of the benefits.
Space exploration that only serves a tiny educated elite from developed nations is the epitome of racism. Not only does it exclude the vast majority of human perspectives, it also ensures that those responsible for exploiting the global south will be the first to exploit the solar system's riches.

>> No.12340439
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>> No.12340441

this sucks
problem: diminishing returns on velocity, needs lots of velocity
solution: make it really really big

>> No.12340445

>Nooo don’t side with the people who actually want to colonize space

>> No.12340454

>Don't blame me, I voted for JoJo

>> No.12340519

>any day bro! seriously gonna be deadly any day now

>> No.12340557
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the absolute madmen actually tried it, would it have worked?

>> No.12340560


>> No.12340564

One is important to to no one the other affects every decent human being on the planet daily. Both cost money.
You do the math.

>> No.12340569

Let's send humans to the moon to do long term in person observations of the earth's magnetosphere :D
We can see the effect solar radiation has on that, and how it can interact with man made climate change, to make models for the changing climate

>> No.12340572

Scientifically speaking how many more climate-observing satellites are required before we've solved weather?

>> No.12340617

It might inspire others to try reuse, but the project itself might just get canned after the fall of the union

>> No.12340694

>"Wokeists Assault Space Exploration"


>> No.12340708

>need a subscription to read

>> No.12340710


>> No.12340716

Learn 2 private window.

>> No.12340719

Well 'people' is a strong term.

>> No.12340738

wrong person, I didn't double check. gonna delet

>> No.12340740

Old or unhealthy, anon.

>> No.12340745
File: 331 KB, 652x410, 1604287878449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawn from the fields of anthropology, ethics, philosophy, decolonial theory, and women’s studies — and supported by a list of 109 signatories
>National """"""""Aeronautics and Space"""""""" Administration
Bridenstine has glued together various chunks of shit, he should become a lobbyist for SpaceX after he leaves

>> No.12340753

'decolonial theory' wtf. Just fucking buzzwords

>> No.12340757
File: 131 KB, 757x424, tavares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Frank Tavares, the main author of the "anti colonialist - anti white supremacist" paper

>> No.12340759
File: 322 KB, 1536x2048, OY VEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is his face, from his twatter.

>> No.12340765
File: 9 KB, 1123x59, tavares 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like clockwork

>> No.12340766
File: 17 KB, 466x349, 1605150215525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No words truly describe how much I despise this way of thinking

>> No.12340778

Anti-manned-spaceflight "people" should follow the conclusion of their nihilist misanthropic beliefs and remove themselves from the world

>> No.12340781

He's a softboy who's never looked at a heavy object in his life lmao, these are the DYELs trying to make humanity go extinct

>> No.12340784

If you talk about, post about, flaunt, or otherwise bring any attention to your own pronouns you will be left to die on urf and blacklisted from going to Mars

>> No.12340785

he's a literal kike dude he knows exactly what he's doing

>> No.12340786

I mean is it even worth pointing out at this point? It's literally every single time. I'd be more shocked if you posted his early life and it read he was mormon or something.

>> No.12340787

>Old or unhealthy, anon.
If the US case-fatality rate is around 20% for people who are fucking 80 years old, what percentage of those people do you believe to be entirely healthy with no existing medical conditions?

>> No.12340789

Nah mormons are fucking based once you get past their quirks

>> No.12340796

Mormons are the people who want to leave earth the most.
If Romney won in 2012 NASA's budget would have quadrupled.

>> No.12340807

Why do these people even hate exploring space so much? Doesn't it get depressing?

>> No.12340812

Everything that attacks white people is good

>> No.12340814
File: 1.28 MB, 1440x810, inshalla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I begin to understand the islamic SpaceX memes.

>> No.12340815

Some of the tenants of Mormonism is Polygamy, mass migration to every corner of the universe, and getting a personal planet after death lmao

>> No.12340817
File: 163 KB, 786x1024, 1605280092649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they can't handle anything that even *resembles* the success white people have achieved, and they intend to hold space back because they see it as a white dominated thing, as they see all scientists, because they are A) not scientists, and b) the real racists.

>> No.12340819

Yeah that's what' would make it shocking, members of the (((tribe))) shitting on spaceflight is just expected but if a mormon did it then that'd be weird.
We cannot be allowed to escape their prison.

>> No.12340824

I just realized that flag is english, fucking kek

>> No.12340826

Surely there is more to it than racism?

>> No.12340827

of course, attacking white people and agitating minorities is the only way to obtain communism

>> No.12340832

Racism is merely a tool for control, it doesn't actually matter.

>> No.12340833

Thank God for the military-industrial-complex

>> No.12340836

exactly, a tool for control and manipulation of the minds of the masses

>> No.12340837
File: 22 KB, 292x374, burgers_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Exploration...?

>> No.12340838
File: 26 KB, 298x372, youngwernher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tribalism. Woke culture is the new religion. They have their doctorine, they have their bible, they have everything. Blue checkmarks and news broadcasters are their preachers. Twitter is their church. Cancel culture is the new "shut down harry potter for being witchcraft" we saw in the early 2000's.

>> No.12340840


>> No.12340842

It's scapegoat racism, ironically very Nazi/Commie like. Find a shrinking group of people who everyone resents a little bit for being successful, start blaming and connecting all the world's problems to them, eventually the populace will hate and vilify them so much that it becomes easy for the state to justify exterminating them, and conveniently for the state, redistributing all the resources to itself necessary for that task, including money, machinery, political power, etc.
It's the resources that the wokeists are really after, they want to live in luxury and have the power to deny it to everyone else like every other shithead tinpot dictator wannabe in history, white people have the resources they want so rather than create their own, or negotiate to get some, they'll just stab an entire ethnic group in the back and steal them.

>> No.12340850

>Find a shrinking group of people who everyone resents a little bit for being successful
except jews were never successful in Germany except in nepotism, communism, lies and usury.
The only exception I know is John Von Neumann.

>> No.12340853

Nothing wrong with nepotism.

>> No.12340857

Based and Rogozinpilled

>> No.12340858

Every little bit for the war effort Anon, and if they got to expel/imprison/kill a group of people they already hated all the better. The same is already also true of wokeists, they will gleefully cannibalize one-another to concentrate power if there's no white person available to blame.
It's why they're always on the political/social attack, if they sat around and did nothing for a while they'd destroy one-another rapidly with infighting.

>> No.12340860
File: 248 KB, 1920x1920, smnfc9tmhdt41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a problem, bros. I have a pretty big crush on Wernher von Braun. I know he's dead and all, and has been dead for a long time, but he was such a man ahead of his time and such an adorable sperg on camera. He was talking about mars missions and space stations in the late 40's, helped engineer the most successful and powerful space program ever, and just seemed like a pretty nice guy.

How do I stop crushing on a long-dead ex-nazi?

>> No.12340869
File: 35 KB, 455x365, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat your meat to rockets instead.

>> No.12340870
File: 85 KB, 625x348, wernherwithsoldiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I agree with you. He is fucking fascinating

>> No.12340874
File: 7 KB, 258x213, Screenshot_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do you guy's think happened to it?

>> No.12340882

they already took it down? that was quick!

>> No.12340884

What would be a good design for a pack up regolith culvert manufacturing machine, one that can fit on a heavy lift rocket yet still produce strong, customizable culvert building blocks for first in colonies?

>> No.12340890

Right? He just seems like someone it would be really rewarding to sit down with and explain modern space discoveries to him. Sure, we might not have moonbases or impressive manned missions, but the astrophysics we've learned since he died... I would love to see his mind blown
It's not even sexual attraction, I just think he's adorkable and would be good husband material.

>> No.12340898
File: 67 KB, 419x558, wvb and hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I stop crushing on a long-dead ex-nazi?
don't stop and take the red pill

>> No.12340901

fluid hammer blew out her oxygen line? no corroborating evidence just going by the confluence of events

>> No.12340903 [DELETED] 

>good husband material
are you a tranny?
there are no women on the interwebz

>> No.12340905
File: 326 KB, 2100x1400, x-37b-vandenberg-2100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see the nazi thing as a negative honestly. I'm not a nazi but it's not like he had much choice in anything. It's not like you can really say no to hitler.

>> No.12340906


>> No.12340908

eh, why deny it? Yeah.

>> No.12340910

Hitler was a great guy

>> No.12340917

>It's not like you can really say no to hitler
It's not like you can really say to the american interrogation team after WW2 that you were a real national socialist and believed in that political model and maybe you still did after the war...

>> No.12340918
File: 66 KB, 624x478, wernheroffice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost on a daily basis I think about him and how I wish I could sit down and have a conversation about him about NASA after apollo and shuttle and the shitshow we are having today and who Elon musk is and starship and stuff. Probably 99% of the Wernher pics you've seen in the last two weeks have been from me lmao

>> No.12340925

*with him about NASA after apollo...

>> No.12340927

doesn't the absolute egalitarian ideology typical of most trannies create a sort of cognitive dissonance with your positive consideration of the ex-natsoc Wehrner Von Braun?
did you already get your pee pee cut off?

>> No.12340928

You *clap* will *clap* never *clap* be *clap* a *clap* woman *clap*

All trannies will get the exterior airlock cycle.

>> No.12340937 [DELETED] 
File: 3.18 MB, 1914x1080, scottmanlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl? who likes space exploration? Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO FUCK *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka *masturabtes furiously* ohhhh my gooooodd~

>> No.12340941

>A girl?

>> No.12340943

There are no girls who like spaceflight, sorry anon. It's a dude.

>> No.12340949

>There are no girls who like spaceflight

There’s been quite a few female astronauts

>> No.12340951
File: 184 KB, 750x723, 1C9921A6-6B9A-4E05-98A5-B18DA192E76A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I understand he signed up with the Nazi party because of patriotism in an era where germany was in the shitter, and I assume he liked totalitarianism because hitler would give him anything he wanted to work on rockets because it was “for the war effort”. there is conflicting evidence on how he treated his slave laborers- but the general consensus is that he just saw them as workers. Once he made it to america he was really big on equal opportunity especially for young black physicists and engineers in Alabama.

>> No.12340952

I think he meant that there are like 100 on the entire planet

>> No.12340954

Astronauts are a tiny tiny tiny minority of people so if there’s been several female astronauts there must be plenty of other women who have aspirations and interests in such things

>> No.12340956
File: 42 KB, 600x394, 1603397123980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

removed raptor SN32. I see some people saying that the plumbing below the methane turbopump is missing, but I'm not sure if that's correct.

>> No.12340958

He would also take more than one woman out on a date at a time, had a relationship with a french woman when stationed there (a big no-no that the Nazi’s didn’t like) and eventually married his cousin and ended up a christian. I think he was just an autist born in a strange point in history

>> No.12340959
File: 115 KB, 1759x1035, 1600149305451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12340962

Sure is a lot of cock gargling going on in this general

>> No.12340963

Being an astronaut doesn't necessarily mean you have autistic level interest in spaceflight itself, it's just a profession.

>> No.12340966

seems like tomorrow's launch is not happening bros...

>> No.12340968


Why do you chuds hate reading so much? Lots of good points in this paper

>> No.12340969

Cock is nice but so is pussy

>> No.12340971

>it's just a profession
well you have to be pretty much into it... at an almost autistic level to learn everything it takes to be an astronaut

>> No.12340972
File: 672 KB, 1575x1583, 52026ADE-0FF8-4C5B-99C2-AC449A529791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic, am brainded

>> No.12340973

I ain't clicking that LMFAO

>> No.12340977

Kill all alien life.

>> No.12340979

>A girl?

I hate to break it to you, anon....

>> No.12340980
File: 44 KB, 593x443, queen of sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You disagree with me? Don't you know how to read?
>Lots of good points in this paper
I hope this is bait, remember that you can't lie while Alex is watching you

>> No.12340983

Killing alien bacteria isn't genocide, it's disinfection

>> No.12340984
File: 121 KB, 861x331, so tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lot's of good points in this paper

>> No.12340987
File: 672 KB, 764x418, 9a12b3c5-69ef-40ce-a8ba-49f4922ee3ea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops wrong pic

>> No.12340988

50 % is not 0 %... don't despair fren

>> No.12340989

Lmao I want to email them and ask them why they wash their hands and wear masks. They are genociding viral and bacterial life here on Earth! Very sad!

>> No.12340994


>> No.12340997

is this jurassic park? kek

>> No.12340999


>> No.12341001

God dammit I knew it. Why do these people exist

>> No.12341008

>our planet is dying, whitoid
my hatred is undying

>> No.12341015

We still have to separate spaceflight enthusiasts from professionals as people are able to learn and study things without being explicitly interested in it and there are numerous reasons why people choose a certain profession that isn't related to their interest in the field.

A lot of astronauts are very high achievers that weren't that interested in it during their youth but later on were attracted to it because of how technically challenging it is and the exclusivity. I'm fairly sure if we asked the average person if they would want to become an astronaut if given the opportunity they would say yes.

>> No.12341021
File: 85 KB, 900x460, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will miss the launch on Wednesday, if it happens to be scrubbed tomorrow. Am very scared, fren.

>> No.12341024

I don't think he was ideologically very into the whole aryan theory. I doubt he was on board with slave labor and stuff. Either way, idk, even if he was, who cares? Something something omelette something something eggs, and are we truly losing much if we are without tranoids? Also, no, and I don't plan to, lol, I'm /sci/zoid, so I plan to wait till either genetic engineering gets to that level where we can just grow our own organs and transplant em in, or even better just epigenetically change things on the bod. Failing that, I guess I can hope for longevity escape velocity in order to make it to the tech that'll let us play with our appearance.
Not with that attitude. Have some optimism for the future, man.
Yeah. The only souring thing about him is that he became an evangelical.

>> No.12341030

Atheists are more likely to blow their brains out and be depressed losers. Evangelicals are based.

>> No.12341032

Nazis were probably the greatest thing to happen to the world in the 20th century, so much advancement in so little time

>> No.12341033

>slave labor
slave labor is sometimes necessary during a WAR

>> No.12341036

yeah, but Elon works 120 hour weeks at multiple companies. He is a total stress puppy, just waiting for the last straw to break his back.

>> No.12341037

Konrad Zuse's prototypes.. Wehrner Von Braun... the magnetic tape etc... all stuff stolen by the americans during and after operation Paperclip

>> No.12341041
File: 42 KB, 860x481, 1579273690179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is, they can't comprehend that they will be the first up against the wall when a dictator climbs to the power vacuum at the top caused them by not knowing how to fucking run anything.

>> No.12341043

it already has, see raptor

>> No.12341045

Yea, but he can pause that.

>> No.12341056
File: 978 KB, 4256x2832, Soyuz_TMA13_Launchpad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't companies sell advertising space on rockets?

>> No.12341059

>Not with that attitude. Have some optimism for the future, man.
I mean if you're going to make the tech advancement deus ex machina argument, why not wish for just a simple pharmaceutical treatment for your gender dysphoria? That treatment will probably be available long before the technology that would allow you to actually become a woman, which is currently impossible regardless of what you think by mutilating your sexual organs and forcing people to refer to you as ma'am...

>> No.12341061
File: 484 KB, 490x1764, soyuz-tm-11_pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, wrong image.

>> No.12341062

This post was typed by tranny fingers.

>> No.12341064

because it would be trash, and Musk for example has enough money to avoid doing it

>> No.12341065

Slave labor is probably the shittiest possible option you can chose, especially if you're already an industrialized nation. Pre-industrialization it could at least be argued that it was the less evil choice than say, simply slaughtering POWs or criminals (although that argument is fucking weak since freedom is more valuable than mere life), but once you have machines to perform wrote labor, slavery is just an exercise in barbarism and sadism. Only the mentally deficient or mentally deranged still engage in it in the modern age.

>> No.12341066
File: 1.37 MB, 1128x753, horten ho 229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All their shit was ambitious

>> No.12341071
File: 77 KB, 1172x1416, 1546980937748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be scientific and economic superpower
>budding scientists all over the world are forced to learn your language
>A*strian subhuman gets into power
>sends the best among you to death camps
>makes pseudoscience state doctrine
>kills off 1/5 of your population
>lose everything and end up as a third rate colony
>wow the Nazis did so much for science

>> No.12341075

>Slave labor is probably the shittiest possible option you can chose
Not when most of your working age men are fighting as soldiers, and a slave can learn to work in an assembly line and do a repetitive task very quickly. As you say in the modern age it maybe would be work done by machines, but not in 1940. We're speaking about 1940 here anon.

>> No.12341076

See, I'd be willing to have a discussion with you if you didn't just go right for the straw man. It's up to an individual whether they gender me one way or the other. Sure, I'd prefer it one way, and I won't be as nice to people who are obviously doing it to make a point/broadcast their views, but I really don't give a fuck about what most people think. Also, I've literally already discussed not wanting surgery. Why is that what people focus on so hard? Most trans people don't want that surgery, you just hear about the crazies who do.

>> No.12341085

>muh strawman
fallacy fallacy

>> No.12341086

>wasting time talking to an unironic tranny
Someone who has that loose of a grip on reality isn't worth a second of anyone's time. Just stop

>> No.12341088

>Muh opinion on morality is fact

Moral realism has never recovered from David Hume fucking it in the ass centuries ago. Shove your moral opinion up your urethra

>> No.12341097

Fuck off back to Libya you pair of sub-90 IQ savages.

>> No.12341103
File: 3.84 MB, 5568x3712, space_raptor_42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's in better shape then most people here were expecting. Better then starhopper remains at least.

>> No.12341102

Attacking stereotypes. Whatever.
Hey man, I just came here to gush about Wernher.

>> No.12341105

I liked the deepness of your last argument, brainlet

>> No.12341108

That didn't answer what I was suggesting, would you take a pharmaceutical treatment for your condition over the alternatives or do you truly insist that you're a woman in a man's body? If the latter, there's no rational conversation that can be had anymore than I could have a rational conversation with someone that insists they're actually a dragon.

>> No.12341109

>Dr Von Braun
>I am German Reich

>> No.12341110

>Fuck off back to Libya you pair of sub-90 IQ savages

Moral realism is demonstrably false. You can’t say slavery is “evil” with any rational or empirical justification. It’s just your opinion based on feelings.

>> No.12341111

Are you actually a tranny or are you just playing devil's advocate? Either way Von Braun was based we can agree on that

>> No.12341123

I would rather have the new body than the brain scrambling, thanks. Do a little research on trans shit, not from the humanities but actual medical journals. You'll find that neurological tissue conforms to the patterns and architecture of the identified gender, and what we are coming to learn about pre-natal development is that epigenetic of the mother play a huge part. Basically, if the wrong hormones get released at the wrong time, or there's some kind of nutrient deficiency, stuff starts going haywire. Ergo, my brain developed the way a female fetus's would have because either my DNA (xxy btw, enjoy chewing on that) or my mom's DNA blasted me with certain hormones at a time crucial for my brain's development, so poof, female consciousness. Just cuz I was socialized male doesn't mean I am one upstairs; consider that one guy raised to be a girl and who hated it and wanted to be a boy even when he was told he was a girl. Trying to conflate two chiral genotypes to fantasy creatures or animals is ridiculous.
Actually a tranny.

Mmk yeah but anyway rockets.

>> No.12341134

>I’m a malformed mutant with a birth defect


>> No.12341136
File: 77 KB, 1680x430, 1602602710480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in regards to SN8 some people claiming that they've spoken to people at the site say that the issue isn't actually a big deal and that testing should resume in a few days. And there's also pic related.

>> No.12341137

Yeah I won't press you on it, you're free to do what you want. Some early Catholics cut off their dicks because they saw it as a way to fully give up sin. Just live and let live; that's the basis of classical liberalism so long as it isn't effecting me in any way.
What do you think was von braun's most ambitious achievement? I own the Mars Project and it oozes autism. Really makes me envy people who are that smart and that focused on a goal

>> No.12341139
File: 329 KB, 1300x2048, 1576720842813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really don't see any damage at all from this angle

>> No.12341140

>Just live and let live; that's the basis of classical liberalism so long as it isn't effecting me in any way.

A great attitude to hold if you want society to completely collapse.

>> No.12341142

Its all inside.

>> No.12341150

My uncle works at elon's junkyard and SN8 just flew over my house, true story

>> No.12341151

>SN8 just flew over my house
told you guys it was a spaceplane

>> No.12341162

>SN15 carrying pigs with neuralink implants

>> No.12341163

If you admit your brain has been malformed, for whatever reason, why wouldn't you admit that "scrambling" it back to normal would be preferable to altering your body to match your malformed brain and perceived identity? At what point will you just not admit that your desire to be female is the root of your belief and it's not indifferent than people who desire to be something other than human.

>> No.12341170

Fuck science, Nazis were first rate engineers

>> No.12341171

No that would be libertarianism, the dumbest thing to infect people who fancy themselves as freethinkers

>> No.12341172

That's... not really true lmao. Have you seen german guns from the 40's? Some were cool but lots of them were overdesigned pieces of shit

>> No.12341176

This guy is a liar, /sfg/ told me it was just fluid being backlit, not molten at all. Raptor looks fine because IT IS FINE. Anyone saying otherwise is a BO/ULA shill.

>> No.12341180

If next engines have green bell, then you're a massive fucking faggot, no refuting that.

>> No.12341181
File: 243 KB, 1920x1080, 1581790626921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuck pens

>> No.12341182

Green engine bell, WHAT DOES IT MEAN

>> No.12341184
File: 100 KB, 1000x715, 1601107343341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12341188

I would say his greatest achievement was the pioneering of gyroscopic stabilization, closed cycle engines, modern turbopump/preburner architecture, and of course, the saturn V. The V was a testament to what could be achieved if literally an modicum of money was devoted to space, but it was absolutely wasted on the time period. It was complete overkill for the moon landings, as it was actually designed with Mars in mind. Wernher really wanted to do a Mars mission by 1980, but congress wouldn't let him. It's so sad hearing his incredibly optimistic predictions for 2000.

>> No.12341189
File: 1.95 MB, 3872x2592, 1575679192475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, but green

>> No.12341190

Okay c'mon, it at least needs thicker sliding doors. How else am I gonna yank one out in private?

>> No.12341193

Calm down, if pepetor shows up I'll be thrilled

>> No.12341195

NSF pays a dude to do flyovers near McGregor lol, it's not some mystery

>> No.12341197

Whoah momma

>> No.12341199

true. German engineers bragged that the Bismark's fire control system was so complex that only a few people could use it. Of course that wasn't a good thing and on the battlefield it was completely unusable. They had to redesign it from scratch. American fire control was far superior.

the white light that appeared under SN8 after the static fire was maybe a oxygen/metal reaction

yeah, this rumor will be easy to tell if it's legit

>> No.12341201
File: 979 KB, 2009x2100, Nassau_crater,_Apollo_17,_1972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today in history:
>1969 – Apollo programme: NASA launches Apollo 12, the second crewed mission to the surface of the Moon.
>1971 – Mariner 9 arrives at Mars orbit becoming the first spacecraft to orbit another planet.
>2003 – Astronomers discover 90377 Sedna, the most distant trans-Neptunian object.

>> No.12341202

wat is this piece of shit?

>> No.12341204

I don't see any hardware for an Energia, except that he's going to take four Zenits and put them together on a core and that becomes the lifter. It's not that easy in rocketry.

>> No.12341206

I think that no one really care if Elon didn't say anything on Twitter, that guy couldn't keep his mouth shut for a few days, like all Covid things.

>> No.12341207

this isn't official right? it's from that guy who does all the CG mockups and what ifs?

>> No.12341208

150 million dollars

>> No.12341210

Where is that, L2?

>> No.12341215
File: 27 KB, 216x418, RD0120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are uglier engines in the wild

>> No.12341216

>colonizing Jupiter's moons
I hope you like death by cancer in under a year. Anything that close to a gas giant is an irradiated wasteland.

>> No.12341217

there haven't been any official interior mockups or plans as far as I know. Probably don't want to jump the gun when there's still so much about the design that's going to change.

>> No.12341218

It is a mystery for those who aren't willing to pay shitloads of money to some sjw cuck.

>> No.12341220

I forget which one is the closest, but there's one inside Jupiter's van Allen belt.

>> No.12341221

>Some of the Russian design features, such as the simpler and cheaper channel wall nozzles, were evaluated by Rocketdyne for possible upgrades to the SSME. It achieved combustion stability without the acoustic resonance chambers that the SSME required.
I swear to god if the Russians and Americans ever co-develop a rocket engine together in unison it would be the most powerful thing ever built by humans

>> No.12341223

what kind of materials/alloys are green, anyways?

>> No.12341231

Just a guess on my end but I assume the green color would just be protective tape or something that would be taken off later. I don't think they would change the alloy because that isn't the problem Raptor has been having

>> No.12341233

looks like cauliflower

>> No.12341236

>I hope you like death by cancer in under a year

Live underground and edit genes to be more cancer resistant, like elephants

>> No.12341238

How does it achieve combustion stability with resonance chambers?

>> No.12341240

Did crew 1 scrub?

>> No.12341244

>One is important to to no one
Yeah climate science is retarded

>> No.12341246

they delayed it yesterday, next try Sunday

>> No.12341247

rescheduled for sunday. That may or may not happen >>12340972

>> No.12341255

copper and boron ions, for example

>> No.12341264

I wouldn't say no to Hitler. If i was Hitler's guy. I would be like. "Woah Hitler needs me?....Okay ill do it. I'll bat for you Hitler."

>> No.12341268

If you have resonance chambers that are tuned to have destructive interference with the frequency of your combustion instability, you eliminate that frequency.

>> No.12341287

my wife just texted me and cuck pens are on, I'm so excited

>> No.12341293

Sorry I meant without combustion chambers

>> No.12341295

This is so god damn stupid. The little hallways between the cabins are pure wasted space, you could create half a deck of common area by making the bunks a solid block with end access, beehive-style.

>> No.12341308

Actually, wait, you could get an entire deck freed up because there are two decks shown there with the suboptimal cabin spacing. I'm even more mad now.

>> No.12341310

I don't quite understand, why would they not have combustion chambers?

>> No.12341315

The quote says the russians achieve combustion stability without resonance chambers

>> No.12341316

>He types it out wrong AGAIN

>> No.12341330

Yea, but resonance chamber =/= combustion chamber.
You can see resonance chambers pretty well in the injector plate of the F-1 engine.

>> No.12341333
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>> No.12341336

Okay but how do they achieve it without resonance chambers?

>> No.12341344

I'd assume it's just painted green or has green tape or green insulation or something like that.

>> No.12341346

Are there any good space sim games apart from KSP that let you manage an agency?

>> No.12341352

I reposted the entire article to reddit let's see how that goes I hope they eat their own

>> No.12341353

That's the big question.
It's probably something with the injector plate or the combustion chamber, but you're asking me stuff that even Rocketdyne couldn't figure out...

>> No.12341357

ironically enough you are the result of the very jewish subversion National Socialist Germany fought against.
And remember
>You will never be a woman

>> No.12341364

every internal mockup I've seen has this problem. And they all seem obsessed with THE SHAFT in the middle, which is even more wasted space.

>> No.12341368

that is a different raptor engine anon, see the big white 42 on the engine bell?

>> No.12341370

it's not wasted space because in micro gravity you can hang out anywhere

>> No.12341372

Wow. I thought /sci/ out this whole shit site would understand the ideals of egalitarianism and science. Fuck off bigot.

>> No.12341381

Callisto has very safe levels of radiation, ganymede has manageable radiation levels on the equatorial regions, and for the other moons you can live underneath the ice pretty easily. The only moon I doubt there will be much settlement on is Io.

>> No.12341382


>> No.12341385

everyone complains about the SHAFT but nobody proposes an alternative, are you gonna stick a fucking spiral staircase in there or something?

>> No.12341386

egalitarianism is based off emotion, not science

>> No.12341388

Elevator/ladder to one side so shit can be loaded/unloaded while maintaining maximum continuous space

>> No.12341390

can't argue with that

>> No.12341392
File: 474 KB, 998x1297, 1605082434627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some fun science facts!
>You will never be a real woman.
>Climate science is NOAA's job, not NASA's
>Democrats are objectively worse for space exploration and their woke cult is literally against the concept entirely

>> No.12341394

Facts. The most scientific groups the classical liberals made egalitarianism. So stop being backwards.

>> No.12341396

Egalitarianism isn’t scientific. Keep your emotional BS to yourself.

>> No.12341399

Io is fucking awesome IT HAS SEAS OF BOILING LAVA

>> No.12341400

>everyone complains about the SHAFT
It's one dude. The shaft is love, the shaft is life. Give yourself to the SHAFT.

>> No.12341402 [DELETED] 

>stop being backwards, says the medical disaster who thinks any male (much less a card carrying, jewish slave labor using Nazi) would be interested in marriage with
Even the trannies who pass at a young age, age like men. Nobody will ever marry you. You will suffer male pattern baldness and wrinkling. You will die alone looking like Danny Devito in drag.

>> No.12341404

>Facts. The most scientific groups the classical liberals made egalitarianism

Irrelevant. Egalitarianism isn’t scientific.

>> No.12341407

Maybe we dont need space and should stop caring about what a bunch of rich whites feel about the stars?

>> No.12341408

Vodka-fueled drunken vatnik space magic, it's the same way they figured out how to make staged combustion work a full decade before we did.

The Russians are just about the best engineers on the planet when they actually give a shit about something.

>> No.12341413
File: 78 KB, 1200x747, 680F9AAD-E5C8-46BA-B035-580F1CC06C00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the tranny, you niggers
>Mfw we build a full ecosystem biodome on the Martian surface and it works

>> No.12341415

Then why are you in this thread, tranny?

Maybe we should stop caring about "decolonization studies" and start putting people up against the wall so we can actually make progress.

>> No.12341419
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>> No.12341421

How can you make progress if you're a backwards bigot.

>> No.12341423

>In a wide-ranging Law360 interview with SpaceX general counsel David Anderman, he revealed he is creating a constitution for Mars.
>“Our goal is to be able to send 1,000 starships with 100 people in them every two years,” Anderman said in the interview, which was published on October 14th. “We’ll start with 100, then a couple hundred, then 100,000, then a million until we have a truly sustainable colony. It will happen in my lifetime. Faster than you think.”
Got it from this article, https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/11/elon-musks-martian-way-empire-not-included/#slide-1
Apparently the full interview is here but you need to make an account.
Anyways, seems like SpaceX employees are quite optimistic about the whole mars colonization plan, which is good.

>> No.12341426 [DELETED] 

Did you know that niggers are more likely to have a gene that causes psychopathy?

>> No.12341427

trannies and the ideology that spawns them are a genuine threat to making humanity a multi planetary species, to the point that even Old Man Zoobs has recognized it.

>> No.12341431

Uhhh an art deco spiral staircase? Yes.

>> No.12341433 [DELETED] 

Wow. The n word? Thats how I know you're a low IQ drumpie.

>> No.12341434

I've done some paper sketches and to me the central shaft seems to be the most efficient method, if you have the shaft on an edge you waste way more space in corridors to access the other end of the deck. It also functions as a solar storm shelter if you make the walls of the shaft your water tank.

>> No.12341436

Bait is too obvious. Give up.

>> No.12341439
File: 318 KB, 1107x1536, vonbraunbust2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand that the founding father of space exploration was literally a Nazi. Your words have no power here.

>> No.12341441
File: 2.50 MB, 4032x3024, DED1614E-2D3E-478D-814A-63641B19CF51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this thread, we figure out how to reliably fly into and colonize space
The nigs and trannies left behind can be pelted with asteroids but that comes later

>> No.12341442
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>> No.12341445
File: 187 KB, 448x464, cnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my (you)s out of you guys

>> No.12341446


>> No.12341452

>> 12341407
That is exactly why we need space, the best way to prevent conflict between groups too different to coexist peacefully is to separate them entirely. I won't care if one planet out of trillions is infested with the degenerate mentally ill as long as they don't come anywhere near me.

>> No.12341453

Based? I think yes

>> No.12341461

Based? Based on what?

>> No.12341462

the real bigotry is thinking we'll ever "solve" all our problems
ask someone from 100 years ago if we've solved all the problems and they would say:
"you've virtually eliminated war? You can travel anywhere on Earth in under 24 hours? You can talk to anyone anywhere in realtime? You've stepped on the moon? You've eliminated Polio and Measles? You've given everyone a say in the direction of their country? You have regulatory standards that stop food being full of poison? Everyone can read and write? Yes, you've fixed ALL the problems."
In another 100 years nobody is going to think they have all the problems fixed, they're just going to readjust their concept of what a problem is and it will continue to grow increasingly petty and insignificant, as our modern problems would be petty and insignificant to the person living in the 1920s. If they do think they've fixed all their problems, that in itself is a much worse problem than any problem we have today.

>> No.12341466
File: 82 KB, 1724x868, BG-4U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk about spaceflight, you niggers

>> No.12341469 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 236x236, images (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is this fucking electionshit going to be over? Getting real tired of magatards and bunker trannies shitting everything up, you have a whole board for this now fuck off.

>> No.12341470

War is cool. We need more of if

>> No.12341474

We can't do anything unless we lockdown to eliminate covid

>> No.12341476

>When is this fucking electionshit going to be over?
We've entered the nightmare of the eternal election. No matter who ends up getting the office we're never going to hear the end of it

>> No.12341480

You've just been conscripted, here's your gun now go charge that machine gun nest.

>> No.12341482

as much as I don't care about politics it does have effects on the space community.

>> No.12341484
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>> No.12341491

December 14th

>> No.12341495

Yes, some political discussion and a little /pol/ leaking has always been a part of this general and is fine. What is not fine is



>> No.12341496


>> No.12341503
File: 29 KB, 644x500, asdfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe Tranny

>> No.12341515

>You've given everyone a say in the direction of their country?
Most people back then would think of that as introducing a new problem, and they'd be right.

>> No.12341523

>being this triggered by soft balled in bait.

>> No.12341524
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>> No.12341529

>Posting bait

>> No.12341530

only if you count "most people" as in the people that already had a say, sure. The majority of people did not have a say and wanted it.

>> No.12341533

There won't be a habitat for every ideology or religion, space is a zero sum game. Which is why it's so important to have a consensus on space exploration that takes into account ALL voices.

>> No.12341537

bro, you just posted cringe

>> No.12341538

Most people in america were white by an overwhelming majority, and most women actually opposed suffrage.

>> No.12341543

>Which is why it's so important to have a consensus on space exploration that takes into account ALL voices.
Space is going to be a military hierarchy for a long time. The commander will have the final say in everything because in the tenuous existence of an off-world colonization it's more important that everyone is on the same page than everyone being on the right page.

>> No.12341548

that's because women were and always will be fucking stupid

>> No.12341557

Sorry sweetie, but in space the only voices recognized will be those who contribute positively to the survival of their fellows, and since your type do nothing but consume everybody else's resources and drag down and diminish every other person around you, there probably won't be any of you in space at all.
This, all pozzed colonies will die because they spent too many days holding group singalongs and creating new committees to maintain the air circulation system rather than just delegating the responsibility to the person good at doing the job and moving on.

>> No.12341561

They weren't wrong for opposing suffrage though.

>> No.12341562

ITT: the children of pol larp as warhammer 40k as they save the galaxy from the ebil left

>> No.12341568


>> No.12341575

imagine being a seething anti-space leftist on a spaceflight thread on 4chan

why even bother?

>> No.12341584

>The only moon I doubt there will be much settlement on is Io.
Nuclear-powered EVA mini-mecha with personal EM radiation shield.

>> No.12341585

You can't take into account all voices anymore than you could have million kids screaming over each other and make any sense of their demands. Whether you like it or not, certain like-minded groups will go off into space, eventually gain self-sufficiency and completely leave behind the whiny faggots on Earth. Over time there will be even smaller groups or individual who are completely self-sufficient. This should be satisfactory to everyone who isn't in the aforementioned whiny faggots clan trying to force everyone to believe their whiny faggot bullshit.

>> No.12341587

>replying to bait

>> No.12341588
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, 1583049019404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and for the other moons you can live underneath the ice pretty easily
underwater cities when

>> No.12341595

It’ll be pitch fucking absolute black outside of the floodlights, and if there’s anything alive in there larger than my dog we should drop the moons into their parent gas giant

>> No.12341598

you don't even have to live in the subsurface oceans, you can just live a few meters underneath the ice

>> No.12341599 [DELETED] 

I know you’re mad you lost but I’m not a leftist. Just laughing at you

>> No.12341604

imagine submarine warfare between colonies on europa, would be kino but scary as fuck.

>> No.12341606
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>> No.12341609

How did Crew-1 go?

>> No.12341611

It didn't

>> No.12341612

Wouldn't that be pretty much the same as submarine warfare on any other planet including Earth?
>smart homing torpedoes basically being a death sentence
>fixed microphone arrays in defensive locations
In fact, if you teleported a submarine to Europa and didn't tell the crew, it might take them a while to figure out something is wrong.

>> No.12341613

delayed. Hopefully launches tomorrow but the weather forecast is only 50% favorable

>> No.12341620

tomorrow, maybe

>> No.12341633
File: 41 KB, 1680x176, 1599559681825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, I didn't know this

>> No.12341634

Imagine claiming to be redpilled but your entire existence is based around shitting up non political boards with two party system sloganeering.

>> No.12341637

“Where’d the seafloor go?”

>> No.12341642

>This person did a thing therefore they base their entire existence around it


>> No.12341655

>sperg sperg sperg sperg
we get it you hate space you can leave now

>> No.12341657

yeah but it'd be a little different because of lower gravity, and the crew would notice the low gravity very fast
shills btfo'd

>> No.12341668

If you like space how about you actually talk about it instead of rapid spamming and getting baited?

>> No.12341675
File: 84 KB, 720x960, 1476383996005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are posting bait retard if you don't want people responding to it don't post it

>> No.12341676
File: 54 KB, 600x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me just pay you pennies to mine your resources so i can take them for myself
>oh and all that publicly funded research? i'm taking that too
>this planet is ours now and privately owned, we planted our flag
>keep slaving away to send us supplies tho
>we will also need your best people to make all of this work
>now that our hypercapitalist colony is self sufficient and Earth is stripmined we will sell you what you need to survive at a modest markup
>don't like it? why don't you pull yourselves up with your bootstraps just like us white billionaires did?

>> No.12341677

>you hate space!
You think that’s gonna make him feel bad?
Imagine if someone said that to you, you’d think “wow, what a faggot”

>> No.12341679 [DELETED] 

I'm shitting up the thread in the hopes that mods actually remove some of this junk, you are the problem for replying to it.

>> No.12341681
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>> No.12341682
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>> No.12341688 [DELETED] 

I like space and spaceflight discussion, so stop fucking shitting up the thread by giving 50 (you)s to every low effort political bait and responding with more political bait. You have a whole board for this asinine game so go back there.

>> No.12341694

the only part where this is wrong is the part where the resources of Mars and the Belt are wasted on dirty Urfers instead of glassing the planet once and for all

>> No.12341695

Page 10
Stand by for Stage Separation

>> No.12341699

>and all that publicly funded research? i'm taking that too
Oh no what a disaster, the Earth would surely plunge back into stone age now that the research is all taken away

>> No.12341701
File: 51 KB, 650x366, information_slave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole discussion started because a literal NASA "diversity and equity panel" put forward a manifesto demanding all human spaceflight be stopped because the Moon has a "spiritual and ethical right to be unchanged". Fuck that, and fuck you for defending it and conflating it with empty trolling. Even Zubrin can see that, why can't you?

>> No.12341702


>> No.12341707

That was a picture from many threads ago and has no bearing on you screeching about trannies and them screeching about chuds with one line bait replies for half the thread. That's not a "discussion"

>> No.12341708

Thanks for championing for all of us Anon, I don’t know what we would all do without the contribution of posts like these. We need you to fight for what’s right anon.

>> No.12341709


Stage Separation confirmed


>> No.12341714

>im only pretending to ne retarded
>im actually a hero

>> No.12341723 [DELETED] 

>still replying after thread separation


>> No.12341724

>I'm smearing shit on all the walls so that someone will come and clean it up
Fucking retard, delete yourself.

>> No.12341737

You've already shit all over the walls for this entire thread cunt

>> No.12341789

I expect nothing more than baseless projection from a retarded person. I'm surprised you managed to fill out the captcha in order to post.

>> No.12341949
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, Hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I recognized that model