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File: 31 KB, 576x576, BxwgnpNIMAEb5q5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12339779 No.12339779 [Reply] [Original]

If you upload your brain to a computer to achieve immortality, wouldn't you just be creating a clone of yourself?

>> No.12339798

a psuedo-clone because it's not even a real brain

>> No.12339801


I fully believe anyone who wants to do this to achieve "quantum immortality" is a brainlet who is incapable of internalized thought.

>> No.12339809
File: 8 KB, 275x183, SOMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the heart of what makes the game SOMA so melancholy (and what gives it it's biggest "twist")

No brain scanned simulation of you will be "you" as in the you that's reading this right now. From the perspective of all possible conciousnesses, you flip a coin each time a copy is made, but truthfully the person contemplating it will never leave their body. You just have to ask yourself if you consider that enough.

>TFW you're left alone at the bottom of the Ocean, literally the last man on a dead Earth after watching your copied conciousness blast off into space knowing you're trapped alone in a rotting husk with a draining battery surrounded by horrific monsters.

heavy game, highly recommend.

>> No.12339810

Ok dumbass. Lets say I create an artificial neuron perfectly capable of mimicking a biological one. The neuron is capable of working with other similar neurons to map out a brain structure ready for uploading. I replace one neuron in my brain with the artificial one. Only one neuorn has been replaced and I am still conscious. I continue this process until my whole brain is made of artificial neurons. Finally upload is ready and my consciousness remains intact.

>> No.12339812

The universe will experience heat death or humanity will face self inflicted apocalypse long before this ever becomes a reality/possibility.

Thus such an idea is irrelevant.

>> No.12339814

end of universe cope

>> No.12339930

i hope this video answers all your questions

>> No.12339934

The question is, will your consciousness upload into it? How could it? Where is the "self" located in the brain?

>> No.12340037

There is no "self". You're a bunch of random cognitive processes reacting to each other in some sort of loop

>> No.12340086

brain upload, immortality, and teleportation are synonymous with cloning

>> No.12340488

From the original's perspective, the upload would be "just a clone". However from the upload's perspective he would have had his consciousness "transferred" to the computer, and he would be right in thinking he was the same person as you in the past insofar as you are right in thinking you are the same person as you were in the past in general, mentally speaking. After all what is left about the fact that you are the same person as your past self? Memories and psychological continuity. And not in any kind of strict sense, we change and forget a lot as time passes. It's not like you have actual access to the exact past experience of yours.

>> No.12340629

>Ok dumbass. Lets say I create an artificial neuron perfectly capable of mimicking a biological one
Then it would just be the atoms of a nueron arranged in the way they already are.

>> No.12341322

Depends on the type of uplaod. The gradual process of the Moravec Transfer would presefer your Ego, the continous process.

>> No.12341328
File: 253 KB, 600x384, med_gradual_uploading2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fundamentally, there needs to be "bidirectional" thought for any transfer in order to preserve ego continuity. If we imagine a mind as like water or some fluid, and the brain as a vessel for it, then just "pouring" the mind into a new vessel doesn't preserve continuity; the new mind in the new vessel can't communicate back to old mind in the old vessel.
However, if we consider simply connecting the two vessels and siphoning the mind from one to the other (at whatever speed) while the new mind can talk to the old mind as the latter is transferred to the former, then continuity is maintained and death does not occur.
Thus the Moravec Transfer/Gradual neuron replacement or the Mind Shift are viable methods for a mind upload, but those two methods are far harder to achieve than simply creating a copy of one's mind. The Moravec Transfer only changes the substrate and the Mind Shift requires a full understanding of your own internal processes (autosentience).

>> No.12341342



>> No.12341505

If you construct an extension of the brain which allows you to move your awareness to it, then you might avoid the problem

>> No.12341628


SOMA as great a game as it is, got it wrong in that when you change bodies you carry on, and they say 'oh it's just a flip of the coin' when clearly it isn't, you That ending though

>> No.12342696

How does it deal with Moravec Transfering?

>> No.12343797

It is better to live a thousand years than a century.

>> No.12343909

whether the process is gradual or not makes no difference.

>> No.12344063

Neurogenesis tells us a different story.

>> No.12344140
File: 361 KB, 720x480, Dazzling Display Of Logic-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way to do this is to create nanobots that crawl in to your brain, analyze each neuron, and replicates its function. then the nanobots systematically replace the neurons until all organic matter is gone. There is no clone.

then the brain could be removed and placed where ever you wanted it.

>> No.12344173

Not exactly, as the virtual intelligence would theoretically have all your memories. Though I guess it might still have a very different personality give that it's not subject to the chemical and hormonal fluctuations our brains are.

>> No.12344177

>got it wrong in that when you change bodies you carry on
They didn't get it wrong at all.

>> No.12344367
File: 35 KB, 333x361, 1605230391407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an interesting concept and reminds me of this analogy: If you repair a ship to the point of replacing all it's parts one by one, over time, is it still the same ship?

I think visualizing porting the brain to be the equivalent of swapping a PC's plastic case to a metal one works well. The computation components are 'you' and the hard drive is your memories / thoughts. You being 'conscious' is an instance, the computer is turned on, and running 'you' programs and accessing memories, thoughts, ect. But the moment the power is completely turned off or unplugged, your instance is gone and thus, your 'conscious'. If you were to turn it on again it would be like nothing changed, the parts are the same, hard drive intact, yet you, the instance, are now gone forever.

But in saying that, would it truly be a seamless stream of consciousness being ported? Or would it be like turning off the pc to move the parts, because if you were careful you could do it without tripping the power.

>> No.12344528

cope. god exists.

>> No.12344537

you die when you sleep

>> No.12344567

No, brain activity does not cease to exist, the substrate and pathways remain stable.