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12334839 No.12334839 [Reply] [Original]


Is this legit? It must be fake, right? How would oral vitamin supplements result in the adult penis growing?

>> No.12334844


>> No.12334847

What would be the advantage of a bigger penis?

>> No.12334854

Being in the sun makes your sick bigger
Explains some things

>> No.12334856

You could probably pee harder

>> No.12334859

I swear man we really need to reevaluate sunlight in our lives
Like yeah if you sit outside at the equater for an hour, MAYBE you're gonna fuck your shit up

But like you know, if you catch some rays periodically throughout the day???

>> No.12334862

> They also agreed to have the senior author measure their flaccid stretched penis or to provide digital photos showing length and circumference of their erect penis initially and at 3 and 6 months.

>> No.12335027

nah its stored in the balls. ;)

>> No.12335120
File: 26 KB, 598x574, 677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to take any vitamins.

I see booba and my penis gets bigger.

>> No.12335126

That 75-year-old must have been a porn star in his heyday. 8 inches to 8.9.

>> No.12335187

Nominate this nigga for a Nobel Prize in Physiology

>> No.12335195

50k IU per day seems like a hell of a lot.

>> No.12335216

>50 000 IU daily
RIP liver

>> No.12335230
File: 101 KB, 500x611, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12335246

To pwn the femoids

>> No.12335257

>scientists and doctors constantly state that you need to avoid all contact with the one thing in the entire universe that makes life possible
The bugmen truly didn't think this one through

>> No.12335259

t. organlet

>> No.12335267

>Forgetting the k2 that the article clearly states as important

>> No.12335280

From 6.3 inches to 6.8 inches max 7.8 inches

That means the newer male generation will have a bigger dick than us...

>> No.12335288
File: 107 KB, 841x629, Screenshot (234).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to
the study is absolutely fake. Also the author is a Vitamin D merchant:
So you can totally trust this "doctor"'s opinion on whether overdosing on vitamin D is good for your goy dick.

>> No.12335317

It's sad... Poor world !

>> No.12335396

Aw man, you sure are a buzz kill.

>> No.12335404

>flacid penis that just hangs long and limp, point straight down, and reaches the bottom of your balls
every anatomical art and sculpture used by academics depicts the penis this way but mine doesn't do this and I have a 5 inch pee pee. is this normal, or do 5" penises usually hang like that, or do most people actually have 6+" pee pees and I've been lied to?

>> No.12335406

Some are showers, some are growers.

>> No.12335408

Everything on reddit is big fucking lie so this actually works.

>> No.12335425

maybe you have very big ball, I certainly do and they make my dick look smaller

>> No.12335434

no my balls are on the small end and they usually don't hang all the way down like in OPs picture either.

>> No.12335436

Be careful: vitamin D is fat-soluble, so it's possible to overdose on it.

>> No.12335597

No one cares about flaccid length. Maybe you just have low-hanging balls.

>> No.12335607

I suggest direct dosage of vitamin D into your tight bioypusscksaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.12335610

advantage during the annual sword fight tournament

>> No.12335622

When you do strictly non-homosexual buttsex with your bros, generally the dude with the bigger dingdong gets to be on top (it's only natural)

>> No.12335672

...but that means its a disadvantage

>> No.12335777

what, you got laughed out of /fit/ again?

>> No.12335860

> Black men get insufficient levels of vitamin D
Damn. Imagine how hung the brothers would be. White people would stand absolutely no chance at all.

>> No.12336227

>believing reddit

>> No.12336257

50,000IU is actually a prescription dose that you can get if you’re severely deficient. Shit, I think mine may have even been 80,000. Explains why my cock is so big

>> No.12336264

Usually 50k IU is once a week to once a month, not every day. They said in the study no change in blood calcium, but they explicitly mentioned avoiding calcium supplements. Even avoiding high calcium foods would likely be a good idea on such a high dose.

>> No.12336273

Biolet here. Why?

>> No.12336277

>once a month
This is idiotic. Causes wild fluctuations and f**cks you up.

Google bolus dose.

>> No.12336449

Cover more space in the vag giving it a tighter feeling.

>> No.12336451

>obsessed with penis
You're on the wrong board.
>>>/lgbt/ >>>/b/ >>>/trash/

>> No.12336453

I have a perscription for D megadose, no change.
sorry homie but you gotta get over your dick size one of these years.

>> No.12336468


>believing 4chan

>> No.12336915

I don't want to make my penis any bigger, it's 7.5" and I'm already having problems that dicklets don't have.

>> No.12337142
File: 196 KB, 720x1280, zipper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try it, seriously

I found this a while ago and tried it, can't say for sure my dick is bigger but i get rock hard ragers now, no problem. Feel like I'm 14 again. I take 3-6 vitamin D pills a day.

>> No.12337160

i noticed better circulation in my feet, to the extent where they were warm rather then cold in the evenings. whether this translate to massive p p i cant say ive noticed though. 4000iu a day.

>> No.12337174

More vaginal surface area, harder cum

>> No.12337501
File: 198 KB, 1024x755, 5175069363_a8653b0813_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont care. Tell me when they can install this bad boy into me

>> No.12337521

But are you really enslaving women to your cock if it's not your cock to begin with?

>> No.12337646

>Believing the BBC meme

>> No.12337688

>get a bigger penis because you're insecure
>penis now dips into toilet water everytime you go to shit
no thanks

>> No.12337689

dicklet cope

>> No.12337750


>> No.12337757

Average is 5.5" IRRC, as other guy said there's showers and growers.
Mine is somewhere in between, 4 inch soft, 6.5 inch hard.

>> No.12337763

Different anon but I've read that there's not a lot of correlation between any of the races and dick size.
I don't know what to believe desu.

>> No.12337802

How long is your penis when flaccid?
I have a flaccid penis of about 6" and it definitely hangs over my balls. (though it's obviously bigger than average, 7.5" hard)

>> No.12337869
File: 533 KB, 1198x1769, 1BB58A7237234E46AAB1CD1AC3ACCB6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine looks like a fucking baby-dick bean but it gets to normal size when hard
Being a grower is suffering

>> No.12337886

I'm also a grower, except my flaccid comparable to normal.
Grows almost a decimeter

>> No.12338339

>peer-review is the defining aspect of what makes science trusted

What a brainlet, its reproducibility. Who cares if the clergy agrees

>> No.12338435

Vitamin D increases calcium absorption in the intestine. There's mechanisms to throttle excess vitamin D synthesis from sunlight, but oral supplementation bypasses them. Kidney stones are another potential risk along with the hypercalcemia.

>> No.12338442

It looks awesome.

>> No.12338809

white people are allergic to sunlight though

>> No.12338820

whitemasc/asianmasc cope

>> No.12338834
File: 547 KB, 1560x1720, yamnaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blacks aren't vitamin D deficient.

D has a binding protein just like Test. That's why they say "free" T, to refer to the T that isn't bound up by SHBG. For D, there's basically its own version of SHBG

Turns out that 90% of Blacks produce half as much of this D-SHBG. Only 50% of Eurasians do

So basically only 90% of Blacks are vitamin D sufficient even without supplementing. This is because there are genes that literally make your body produce its own vitamin D. You can see this gene gets lower in Europeans as they get lighter over time, picrel

>> No.12338860

D3 can put up testosterone levels, thus the result. QED.

>> No.12339388
File: 96 KB, 1962x1324, 0D83B10C-CC4D-4275-A941-BF450BAB1A66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related will make it real

>> No.12340854

>ghost dick

>> No.12341073

You s(n)eed it with human cells

>> No.12342375

>vampire dick

>> No.12342470

just go outside and stand in the sun lol

>> No.12343152
File: 66 KB, 586x434, Shieeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, native Africans and other types of niggers are famous for having huge dicks right? I suppose that would be due to their constant exposure to the sun, which they have adapted with all of that melanin on their skin.

>> No.12343415

it's due to stretching of the tunica albuginea by priapism caused by sickle cell anemia

>> No.12343629

>sickle cell anemia
an extremely rare trait.
Also priapism can lead to necrosis of the dick.
doesn't sound like an advantage.

>> No.12344361

You can have a huge dick, but only for a short while before it rots and falls off.

Do you do it?

>> No.12344377

Brazillian transsexual porn tells me otherwise. Motherfuckers have horse cocks and take it in the ass.

>> No.12344382


>> No.12344386

>Do you do it?

>> No.12344393

D3 vitamine is probably carcinogenic. This is why tissues enlarge

>> No.12344395

That much text and not a single word is used to actually refute the study. It is all attacks on form and person. This is exactly why I hate re*dit so god damn much. I wonder how many farts he huffed while writing that shit

>> No.12344399

Well, then I'm doomed, because without it my vitamin D always reads under 10 ng/mL if I do not take the supplement. Could I be a vampire?

>> No.12344423

>Causes wild fluctuations and f**cks you up

>> No.12344463

i wont tell you because i feel you are a normalfag

>> No.12344693

>under 10 ng/mL
is this the limit to not be superated?

>> No.12344740

under 20 is deficiency. My lowest was 5. And I don't have fragile bones.

>> No.12347931

Obviously a fake study if it were real then all those self improvement gurus who take 8 million vitamins a day would have reported their improvements by now. Also people who spend all day in the sun increase their D levels more than they would taking a billion suppelments.

>> No.12348666

>Also people who spend all day in the sun increase their D levels more than they would taking a billion suppelments.
Why are you saying this?