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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12337153 No.12337153 [Reply] [Original]

How we can help women to develop in science? we should help the Feminist and LGBT group to lead in a scientific breakthrough.

>> No.12337163

Back to the kitchen you go
Just tie the noose and kick the stool already. You’re gonna off yourself anyway soon enough and the rope doesn’t make a mess

>> No.12337231

that one girl took the first picture of a black hole

>> No.12337235

einstein's first wife came up with all that shit and he dumped her and took the credit

>> No.12337256

Women are driven only by sex and self righteousness.

>> No.12337316

>Women are driven only by sex and self righteousness.

>> No.12337333
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>> No.12337360

>How we can help women to develop in science?
Well, I'd start by passing laws that allow women to attend university, just the same as men do. Also, I'd legalize the employment of women, as well as the right for them to have bank accounts, so they can work hard, save up and pay for a post-secondary education. Giving them the right to vote and participate in politics will also help give them the opportunity to shape how these laws are worded and enforced. Wait, what do you mean we did that nearly 100 years ago? Great, I suppose all of the necessary groundwork is done! All that's left for women to do is to go get themselves an education and pursue careers in science! Wait, they've already done that too?!

>> No.12337497

>Wait, what do you mean we did that nearly 100 years ago
It takes time for the change to have effect. Also in general academia is not worth persueing for both men and women a like.

>> No.12339088

A sacrifice to Satan always goes down a treat.

>> No.12339094

Make sure as little as them get in as possible.

>> No.12339674

Is that what a vagina looks like? Holy shit!

>> No.12339695

I fucking hate women getting into detail about the parts of the vagina. Fuck you you know what I mean I don't give a fuck if it's technically a labia majora

>> No.12339772

Women have been into literature and have wrote novels and read novels despite it being wrong before these laws were passed, in addition to writing some scientific literature and theories.

But mostly classical literature. They have had the choice. Stop being a faggot retard. Like, I was in this camp, I really wanted to find more women in math, but I couldn't. They just don't like STEM as much, and if that's so it's a medical doctor, or psychology, or biology, or chemistry.

So really math and physics. They don't just like it as much, you're a retarded socialist, I would say marxist but that word has been beaten to death, stop trying to advocate for equality of income.

They have had the opportunities, and many women like Marie curie have made their contributions, even while being in a patriarchy, but it's just generally less so than men. Kys, stop this nonsense.

Women's IQ are also equal, I would like to state that, I had some idiot go in a tangent argument of that, but no, I don't argue that. They're smart in their own right it seems, but they just have diverging interests. If they have different parts, and different evolutionary roles, ex they tend to be more nurturing than men and self-conscious, it wouldn't make sense to deny more differences in psychology.

Please fuck yourself. Fuck the left, I'm a mathematician, and I love ted kazynski, people like you encourage me to want to learn chemistry and live in a cabin.

>> No.12339783

That was a little rude and off the rails, so I apologize, I am sorry, I didn't mean to direct it to you, you may have good intentions and may not be one to spew the standard leftist rhetoric, but I just loath them and got reminded.

Sorry, again. That wasn't directed towards you. It was a little extreme, a lot, and overboard.

>> No.12339851

Unironically the healthiest post I've read in the last 2 hours on this site.

>> No.12339872

I wish we had a SCIENTIFIC picture of her blackhole, spread and labeled like in OP's pic.

>> No.12339889
File: 186 KB, 845x912, women in STEM inequality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women only succeed in STEM under patriarchy

>> No.12339918
File: 127 KB, 1200x1200, alan-turing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no help needed

>> No.12340240


For the good of all, we must remove women's ability to vote. This will give them the patriarchy they need to succeed in STEM.

>> No.12342004

Her algorithm wasn't even used iirc

>> No.12342024

Did you just assume that women don't have penises? RIP OP.

>> No.12343632

Why it doesn't show its R^2? Oh i forgot:
>shit tier regression model

>> No.12344957


>> No.12344959


>> No.12344965

If you want to give women the greatest impact on scientific achievement possible then the smart women need to have more kids and raise well educated and inquisitive sons
This will do way more for science than anything else they can do.

>> No.12344974

this isn't to say they themselves can't contribute to scientific achievement it's just they need to prioritise kids as well.

>> No.12345054

Splashing half the pretty girls with acid in the face will make them go into science.
We should not splash all the pretty girls, since then the unsplashed ugly ones will become the pretties and stop doing science.

>> No.12345065

This thread isn't actually related to science or mathematics and is a social issue and belongs in /pol/