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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 24 KB, 609x297, ballots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12318019 No.12318019 [Reply] [Original]

Are the last states to be counted prone to be statistical anomalies?

>> No.12318035

North Carolina 2012: 2,178,391 voted for Obama
North Carolina 2016: 2,189,316 voted for Clinton
North Carolina 2020: 2,658,274 voted for Biden

Missouri 2012: 1,223,796 voted for Obama
Missouri 2016: 1,071,068 voted for Clinton
Missouri 2020: 1,242,851 voted for Biden

/pol/ is a notoriously example of a group that is unable to fact check statements.

>> No.12318037

Biden is the single greatest and most loved president we've ever had, better than Obama.

>> No.12319011

kek no one likes biden. they only hated trump, and it was only because of 4 years of the media and twitter seething that we had the largest turnout, for both democrats and republicans, in recent history. Biden has the record for most popular votes, but Trump has the #2 spot now too.

>> No.12319580

Was this true as of Nov 6th, 2:30pm?

>> No.12319601

Is it relevant? We're comparing final counts of 2016 and 2012 to what? Partial count of 2020? Many super blue states are still not fully counted yet knowing they are in no hurry since election isn't hanging on them.

>> No.12319624

trump is genuinly hated .. this what the small and disfunctional brain of poltards fails to grasp. nothing more to it.

>> No.12319655

Is there a chance for an audit in any of these states? PA rejected a direct order from the Supreme Court to separate late ballots. Even if they recount without an audit, nothing will change. I don't know enough about American politics but all of these youtube vids and social media posts are meaningless if there isn't a case in the court. And I doubt the court can order an audit and recount in time before the EC vote in December

>> No.12319677

>PA rejected a direct order from the Supreme Court to separate late ballots.
They separated late ballots before the court order even came through. There is a record of every vote and batch of votes that came through.
Biden won without the late votes. This is why the entire PA court order fell flat. If the vote was close, this would be much, much bigger news. Because Biden won *without the late votes even counting*, it doesn't really matter anymore.
The vote counts coming through over the days after the elections were mail-in ballots that had been received prior to 8pm election day.

>> No.12319687
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It's even "worse" than that.
This is why no one with an education respects magatards.

>> No.12319847

huh.. all states being questioned are clustered together.

>> No.12319850

Yes Biden won the states Clinton marginally lost, or managed to just hold on the states she barely held on.
That's why one of them will be a president and the other won't

>> No.12319866

or it actually supports fraud claims because they were lost by such slim margins that there's not much changes needing to be applied.
that said you should cross reference it with Trump's votes

>> No.12319998
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>if unlikely thing happened, then i can explain it in convoluted way!

>> No.12320002

It's over, Joe Biden is the president and everything will be alright now. Take the science pill.

>> No.12320072

>convoluted thing happens
>Why would this have a convoluted explanation?
cope tbqh. wanting to verify the vote that is this close and has suspect errors occurring like machines given thousands of votes to the wrong person is valid.

>> No.12320085
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Hi everyone,
I am your typical incel cuck /his/ and /sci/ poster. I used to be a libtard and believed all the Jewish medias brainwashing just like you. I used to rage at my monitor screaming "POL!!!!!" just like you do whenever someone would post facts that I didn't want to face. They caused a painful reaction I later learned is called cognitive dissonance.

When a poster here called someone /pol/ I wouldn't even read the memes and infographs they posted let alone click any links I didn't want to be associated with an out group and shunned by my peers here and ostracized.

One day I realized "what the fuck am I thinking? This is an anonymous board, no one will know if I read them" so I started to click on them to peek at them through my hands covering my face. At first I only did it with one eye, then after awhile I would even use both eyes! After a time I removed my hands altogether and even actually clicked links! I was so proud of myself for the first month!

I slowly started to realize there is only a small number of people who scream "pol" "x" and "schizo" at people here and that most of them are actually paid to come here and do it which is why they are in every thread every hour of the day. Sounds cray right? I thought so at first too but if you actually pay attention you can easily see it is true.

They are trying to use ridicule and the illusion of being a majority here in order to try and keep sheeple who are easily influenced by social engineering from listening to what these people had to say. It only works on dumb/lazy people mostly but for these kind of people it doesn't take much anyway to get them to continue being dumb and lazy, it is their natural state.

>> No.12320093
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Anyhow after I overcame my initial fear of being called racist and ostracized here I even ventured out to redit, twatter and faceberg and started reading memes and clicking links there too! It seems these people have called everyone alt right, nazi, racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, antisemite etc etc so much no one really gives a shit about being called these names anymore, not even normies!

This was such a relief to me because I didn't have any irl friends but now that I started reading and interacting with the "racist Nazis" and their posts I have met so many great people who have really treated me like family. I even met a gf and got to touch her boobas once!

I don't want to ramble on too much I just wanted to share my story of how much I have grown as a person over these last 4 years of Donald Trump's presidency and how it opened my eyes to how much power the Jews have through the media and how much all these ungrateful sub humans in white nations hate the people that have provided them with every modern comfort and convenience in order for them to shit out babies like rabbits and be absolutely worthless in every other respect as they destroy white nations and white living spaces voting in communism to be slaves to the Jew while white people subsidize it.

I found a new home and a new family who love me for being white and know my genetic potential absolutely dwarfs every other sub human on this planet in comparison. They appreciate me for being me and for being white. If you anons wake up to the threat of niggers and kikes you can have all of this too! All the boobas you could ever dream of to touch on beautiful fashy white women! You can have purpose, drive and pride just like me. It really changed my life and I wish all my anons here to have what I now have to escape their hopeless existence. Heil Hitler!

>> No.12320104


>> No.12320113

not close at all, you'd need to overturn tens of thousands of votes in multiple states. completely invalid.

>> No.12320296

>cari kelemen
fucking lmao at the big brains on /sci/

>> No.12320304
File: 1.03 MB, 1200x1032, 1604825456581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

court case starts tomorrow
they don't even have to prove anything, just make a plausible case and then appeal to the supreme court

>> No.12321437

idk OP have a bump good thread

>> No.12321474

Every single word true, this still however has nothing to do with the thread topic.

>> No.12322657

What about as a ratio of the total votes cast? No ones cares if the total votes went up due to essentially having a vote month. Did Biden perform better than Hillary in all non swing states?

>> No.12322783

>boo booo bad media
Trump is just hated.
Not only in the us but also throughout the world.
Only place where he is loved is I think Israel (because of how much he has been sucking this country) and that tells a lot.

>> No.12322949

Every four years Americans find out that their voting system of "the winner takes all" is fucking retarded. They then proceed to do nothing about it until they are reminded in the next election. Every single time.

>> No.12322980

it's called 'cliff hanger' in the showbiz argot
and this is all a fucking show for retards

>> No.12323094

is anything going to be accomplished by complaining about perceived injustice anonymously in an internet echo chamber that nobody reads?
this thread will be deleted pretty soon, its completely inconsequential.

>> No.12323124

Share of the two party vote isn't the parameter OP posted about. The post questioned vote totals. Keep /sci/ a high standard board and don't play loose.

>> No.12323152

Well now, in a democracy grievance conspiracies are successful and necessary. Trump turbo-charged the Birther nonsense against Obama and became president in 2016. Democrats invented from wholecloth a Russia stole the election cosmology and took back the House and Presidency with a shot at the Senate over 2018 and 2020. Now Trump is doing the same with a voter fraud narrative. This is the democratic way, the public mind thinks in terms of mythological conspiracies and is deeply motivated by them.

>> No.12323167
File: 34 KB, 397x600, Schmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winner takes all is the optimal system. You elect people to rule over you, not a graduated everyone gets a prize award. Governance means some one making a decision, democracy is picking that one person.

>> No.12325423

>Winner takes all is the optimal system
rofl yeah super optimal having the opposite party just repeal everything every 4 years

>> No.12325476

what if I told you it was possible to maintain executive power while still having representation of the minority groups?