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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 244 KB, 1200x867, 1200px-Yersinia_pestis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12291994 No.12291994 [Reply] [Original]

Yersinia -edition
We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just see your family physician), make fun of premeds and shitpost.

old thread >>12250258

>> No.12292077

>yup now that was a real pandemic

>> No.12292118

Any other alternatives to Williams Obstetrics?

>> No.12292159


>> No.12292424
File: 5 KB, 150x150, 9b5da12f337a5f673c36686918abf938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sexual drive is 0 for 5-6 months. I can watch porn and don't even get hard,(can if i start to stimulate dick but ejaculation wont be joyful) no interest in girls and so on. After 6 months i get normal libido, i can cum 2 times a day no problem. Will get diamond from a thought and if i open porn site i will almost shake from arousal. This will continue for 2-3 weeks than it drops to 0 for 5-6 months again.

WTF /sci/, whats wrong with me ?

>> No.12292575

Nobody minded you the last thread. What makes you think this one will be different.

>> No.12292587

Sounds like a healthy postmodern individual. Just think you could have a dick in your ass but instead you chose not be flaming faggot. Bravo avocado.

>> No.12292724
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bros... they've cancelled all planned surgeries 3 weeks ago and now they've cancelled urgent surgery at my hospital too...
no more comfy anaesthesia, just an endless stream of 80 year old corona boomers and ICU work...
i didn't sign up for this bros...

>> No.12292754

I don't have a family physician, so:

Why is neuropathy so misunderstood by many in the medical field?

I go to try to get my celiac disease diagnosed and treated and the doctor thinks I'm trying to get opiates.

Then she thinks I have a heart condition and that that's more immediately important.

Now I say I wouldn't be surprised if my celiac disease was taking a toll on my heart, but the heart is not the underlying problem.
I think she wanted to run up my bill.

>> No.12292821

There was some schizo a couple months ago in this general constantly asking about his totally-not-alcohol neuropathy, are you that guy?

>> No.12293167

Any of you guys use Qbanks?

Thoughts on USMLE-Rx?

>> No.12293300

He's using the same reddit spacing and barrage of questions.
I'm 88% sure that's the ataxiaschizo.

>> No.12293303

i'm sorry to hear that brother
it's difficult times we're living in but it literally is up to you to stay strong and stay safe

>> No.12293336
File: 137 KB, 800x968, image767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice for MCAT self study?

I'm planning to take it in the spring and I figure a plan similar to that of Scott Young when he did his 4-year MIT CS program would be most beneficial.

Reading through the different textbooks on the topics I'm to be tested on and concentrating what I learned through studying different medical studies or cases.

Any advice from current doctors/med-students would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.12293379

This whole year I've been unemployed and exclusively studying for the specialist selection exam of my country.
I don't know shit about MCAT but I'll tell you my experience.
1. Get a quiet place
Sadly I live in the 6th world and my neighbors are human trash so they blast their stereos and have loud ass dogs. One of them as a fucking husky that howls screeches and barks 24/7 non stop. Chinkflu closed all libraries abd I don't have anywhere to go. Wanna murder that fucker.
2. Investigate about your predominant learning type and adjust your studying habits according to them.
Kinesthetic people as I have a better understanding at flipping cars, fidgeting with Play-Doh, doodling and shit.
3. Set realistic goals.
You're never starting with MLG radical topscore 8hr uninterrupted sessions. Set 2 hous minimum the first 10 days and then jump into the 3 hour mark and so on.
4. Wake up as early as you can. Go to sleep as soon as you can. Take naps as often as you feel like.
5. Keep water and sugar nearby.
6. Studying at night after a whole day of mental stimulation is idiotic. Start your sessions two hours after waking up.

>> No.12293466

Your chat bot needs maintenance.

Fuck you too!

>> No.12293505

Medically speaking, is one(1) whole bottle of whiskey too much for one man for one evening?

>> No.12293529


>> No.12293651

you can do half a bottle (50cl) in a evening, one whole bottle per week

>> No.12293861

I think I may have a case of factitious disorder on my hands
>late 30s male
>says he has intermittent numbness in his lower legs and hands
>strength intact, gross motor is fine, bloods ok, plan for neuro to see
>1 week later, calls with severe vertigo, dystonia, unstable gait
>neuro consult now asap
>MRI with contrast returns absolutely normal, neuro says they don't see any issues
>no dystonic movement or ataxia seen/felt by neuro, he seemed to simply make jerky movements on his own
>seems to stumble when walking, as if drunk
>fine motor is intact when he signs papers, takes cards out his wallet, plays with his phone
He is often seen driving perfectly fine, was seen walking from the hospital entrance to his car with no issue. I'm at the point where I'm thinking of a lumbar puncture as a last resort to see if he's actually sick in any way but I don't want to at the same time. Everything coming back to me says this guy is fine. He seems to believe he has MS. I wonder when to just give up with this guy.

>> No.12293871

Holy shit you found clampman

>> No.12293970
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>end of my last year before clinical years start
>last month and a half has been cancer
>two weeks to go
kill me

>> No.12293975

Do the lumbar puncture. Hope you're American so you can bankrupt him.

>> No.12294124

Sounds like the guy wants to get a Meniere diagnosis to retire early out of his job or get gibs.

>> No.12294158

I'm the celiac guy.

My legs feel wierd often, like it feels I've walked a few miles, so I often have a silly walk myself.

Build wise I'm kinda fit.

It is rare for me to have a vertigo feel.

>> No.12294284

You're a fucking idiot. Consider killing yourself.

>> No.12294788 [DELETED] 

Hi /med/, for as long as I can remember I have had reoccurring knee aches and the only way I get the aching to stop is by sleeping. It can't be overuse because some days I'm on my ass and it still flares up... It seems to be exclusively at night as well. Should I see a doctor?

>> No.12294890

Hey medfags, i have really realistic dreams and then afterwords i confuse the dream memories with reality so i frequently get completely false tidbits of information my brain made up confused with reality. Is this a really really minor case of some form of schizophrenia?

>> No.12294930

>Is this a really really minor case of some form of schizophrenia?
no, not even in the same galaxy

>> No.12294954

isnt schizophrenia the inability to separate reality from imagination? If i dont have a super super fucking minor case of it then whats causing my brain to do that

>> No.12294970

>isnt schizophrenia the inability to separate reality from imagination?
google schizophrenia diagnostic criteria
>If i dont have a super super fucking minor case of it then whats causing my brain to do that
many normal people share your experience with vivid dreams
you're good

>> No.12294972

nigger im not a medfag but you're seriously downplaying anon's condition, it sounds scary as fuck

>> No.12295350

Grow up

>> No.12295465

> im not a medfag
Your idiotic opinion was enough to tell.

>> No.12295563

Hey guys. I'm a current med student (US) but I wanted to get advice from someone with more experience/knowledge on some symptoms I've had.

In my childhood, every few weeks when I was concentrating on something, I would start to hear an increase in ambient noise around me. Then it would sound like very quiet whispers far away, then grow until it sounded like screaming. I could never make out what the words were saying, but the voices generally sounded angry.

These episodes continued with decreasing frequency with the most recent episode being about 3 months ago, with 6 months in-between that and the previous episode. The last episode came when I was in the shower and the voices sounded like they were coming from the sound of the water around me.

There are associated visual changes that happen with these episodes. Slowly, along with the episode's onset, my vision feels like it "zooms out" and everything looks far away. Anyone have any ideas? Feel free to ask my past medical history or anything else.

>> No.12295571

I saw that in the ER once. The hospitalist diagnosed it as transverse myelitis related to vitamin B12 deficiency due to using a tobacco vaporizer. But that sounds like bullshit to me

>> No.12295603

Could be from schizophrenia to epilepsy. Have an appointment with your family physician.

>> No.12295623

I'm a little bit worried about getting a mental diagnosis that could screw me later on down the line. Also, I've gotten an EEG and a CT before after a fall when I was in high school, and was evaluated by a neurologist then, everything came back normal. Would other tests be performed to determine whether I have schizophrenia or epilepsy?

>> No.12295630

>feels like/sounds like
usually saying 'feels like i'm hearing voices' is the same as saying 'i'm not actually hearing voices'
do you hear voices or not?
are they speaking to you or among themselves?

also don't go to your local physician if it's not something that disturbs you in your daily life. Nothing in your story suggests schizophrenia
>Also, I've gotten an EEG and a CT before after a fall when I was in high school, and was evaluated by a neurologist then, everything came back normal.
ah yes, you're good

>> No.12295670

I'll try to be more specific. Not every episode includes the whispering. I definitely hear voices (whispering) that are external in some of the episodes. In other episodes, there is just an amplification of sounds around me which becomes an approximation of white noise as the sounds combine. In nearly every episode, there is an internal yelling voice that follows my thoughts.

I can't tell if your second statement is sarcastic.

>> No.12295675

I forgot to answer your question of direction. When the voices are external and whispering, they're talking among themselves. When I was a kid, I thought I was hearing other people's thoughts. When the internal voice presents, it is my thoughts and it is very clear, the same as someone yelling, just inside my head.

>> No.12295688

>When the voices are external and whispering, they're talking among themselves. When I was a kid, I thought I was hearing other people's thoughts. When the internal voice presents, it is my thoughts and it is very clear, the same as someone yelling, just inside my head.
oh ok, i change my mind
you definitely may have schizophrenia
consult your physician

also avoid taking recreational drugs and not getting enough sleep

consult your doctor though and tell him all that

>> No.12295726

I don't take any recreational drugs. I am happy that the episodes are becoming more infrequent. I will probably contact my doctor if they start to become more frequent or intense. As it stands, I recognize when one of these episodes occurs and I don't want to deal with the side effects of any antipsychotics.

>> No.12295736
File: 144 KB, 636x632, 1553717081180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 quick questions regarding: oily forehead and dry(?) right eye. being in mid 20s it was rather odd why is my forehead so oily, so it turned out that washing my face 10 times a day wasn't the best idea (morning, after evey piss/shit, before sleep). so I stopped. how long until it stops being oily from "overhydrating" my face? second, my right eye feels like it has increased friction against my eyelids (when closed) and it tends to be irritated especially in the morning. so overall a lot mroe sensitive than left. while I do sit in front of my pc all the time, why is it only right eye? perhaps I sleep with it half open? dry eye, increased pressure or both? perhaps face washing also has something to with this since I would pay extra attention to washing the part of the eye closer to nose? gonna take a while I'll be able to schedule an exam thanks to rona

>> No.12295821

Do you live near an AM radio tower?
Or somebody with a CB or ham radio?

AM audio can be picked up by a surprising number of things.

>> No.12295824


>> No.12296040

Can anyone point me to a good debunking of statins?

>> No.12296057

alex jones

>> No.12296327

Worse, I'm a fucking leaf. But at least I'm in BC so most tax money is from the rich Asians.
Kek. I think I'm at the point where I'll pull a kinda-sorta legitimate sounding diagnosis from my ass just to make this guy happy.

>> No.12296620

This is good advice

>> No.12296625

Toxoplasma in the brain

>> No.12296651
File: 146 KB, 1466x768, shit-poster.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me when I was a kid, I'd hear ringing in my ears, & thought it was because someone was using magic nearby. Your experience is completely and totally normal, and you'll find its easier to conjure them up with a white-noise generator nearby (or in the shower). The noise makes your brain invent something in between what sounds it recognizes, coordinating with all the other senses. Its nothing but a trick of selective perception. Its like instead of staring at your laptop screen, you leaned in real close and then saw red and green and blue lights. Stop messing with the equipment, junior.

>> No.12296661

Sounds like a functional disorder

>> No.12296669

What's the tiny pit under my foot and how do I get rid of it?

>> No.12296702

It's a hole, walk away from it

>> No.12296845

Take a hammer and smack the top of your foot arch until it's flattened

>> No.12297014

blepharitis can be in one or both eyes. examine your eyes every morning in the mirror and use warm water on a towel to gently wipe the crud from your eyelashes.

>> No.12297022

If you have hypertension and planning on continuing to eat meat and drink alcohol, then statins are advisable but won't cure whats wrong with your brain. For that, Haldol

>> No.12297029

If you don't tell me I'm gonna post a picture of it

>> No.12297038

never saw these on my eyelashes, but will keep an eye out

>> No.12297039

are you over 18?

>> No.12297041


>> No.12297080

post pics. Make it with some Michelangelo-level chiaroscuro so we can clearly see the 'pit'

>> No.12297137
File: 3.58 MB, 5472x3080, foot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You asked for it.

>> No.12297144

They cancelled urgent surgeries at your place?

We are still doing routine, we have never refused urgent or emergent surgeries ever here in Alaska.

It’s so silly, the risk to the newly diagnosed cancer patient waiting biopsy or surgical excision is astronomically higher than the risk of screening them and taking the necessary precautions.

Who’s making these decisions at your hospital? You can make the case, talk with your CFO and explain the lost revenue. It’s usually OR ED and Cath lab / procedures that make money

>> No.12297149

That just looks like there was a splinter or a wound there and the rough sole skin healed around it
Were you just looking for an excuse to post your foot, anon?

>> No.12297150

It's been there for months, so I got curious.
Don't go projecting too hard now anon, not everyone here is interested in feet like you are.

>> No.12297181

>here in Alaska
Probably because they don't have any options there
It's a 3 million city here, so they were just offloaded to other hospitals
Up until September my hospital wasn't accepting covid and was one of the 'second line' hospitals, mostly operating as usual just with extra screening and infection control in admissions; now finally in early October the city health administration decided that 'first line' hospitals can't handle the load, so they activated us too
>It’s so silly, the risk to the newly diagnosed cancer patient waiting biopsy or surgical excision is astronomically higher than the risk of screening them and taking the necessary precautions
It is, especially since my hospital has a major proctology center and used to have like 5-6 colectomies/proctectomies for cancer or Crohn's every week; basic urgent shit like appendicitis can be diverted, but for those big ones we have some of the best colorectal surgeons in here, who now lost a lot of their income (and we did too)
>You can make the case, talk with your CFO and explain the lost revenue
Yeah, I, a fresh anaesthesiologist just working my second year, am not gonna walk up to the hospital administration and be like
>ayy, how about you tell the city to fuck off?

>> No.12297371
File: 30 KB, 594x426, Image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed, superficial chiaroscuro keratinitis

>> No.12297421
File: 1.42 MB, 2668x1450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys scum

>> No.12297464

Be a native english speaker who's read a large range of topics for the past 15+ years at a variety of levels.
t. CARS 132 who didn't study for CARS
Don't try to cheat - that's for pajeets and bugs. You're better than that
Note the approximate breakdown of categories - don't waste all your time on Org. Chem. even if it's a thing you're struggling with.
If you're able, have distinct place you use just for studying. It conditions you that when you are there you are there to study.
Don't be fat or eat poorly

>> No.12297500

>native English speaker with long and extensive reading experience
On it
>breakdown of categories....wasting time
I suppose the question extends into what's the best way to really concentrate my understand of the topics and apply it, as opposed to doing problems on narrower topics

>> No.12297501

Or it was the question

>> No.12297783

ah, so you think Merck gave the placebo group the statins instead. Very sneaky. You sure got them, OP.

Subjectively, patients on statins for hypertension report feeling better and overall increase in quality of life. Objectively, their numbers are good so we know its working, mmkay?

>> No.12297796

>best way to really concentrate my understand of the topics

undergraduate courses in the subjects

>> No.12298044

Looks like a plantar wart (verruca vulgaris)

>> No.12298066

>have ADHD
>doctor is very reluctant to let me try any drugs besides Concerta
>tell her it's not working very well, she gives me a slightly higher dose of Concerta
>fast forward 5 months
>doctor quit, get assigned a new doctor
>doctor very enthusiastically recommends I try high doses of Vyvanse and maybe Adderall when I say Concerta isn't doing much

Should I be worried that my new doctor is liberal with controlled drugs, or happy that he's letting me try different, more powerful meds? I respected my old doctor for trying to take it slow and safe, even if I personally wanted to try different stuff, and the sharp difference between the two is making me wonder which doctor's method is correct.

>> No.12298711

bring up your concerns with the doctor

>> No.12298805

Medbros... What if I inject my cock with VEGF (Vascular endothelial growth factor) will my cock get super veiny? Perhaps it will grow bigger since the erectile bodies in the penis are largely made up of blood vessels?

>> No.12298822

>erectile bodies in the penis are largely made up of blood vessels?
they arent really. but if you try it make sure to post results.

>> No.12298833

I'll try it soon enough. Even if there's no size increase and just more vascularity that'd be pretty neat

>> No.12298842
File: 31 KB, 300x403, 300px-Angiome_annulaire[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah my fellow benign growth

>> No.12298859

That'd be a sick cock vein.

>> No.12298886

It would be yeah.

>> No.12299037 [DELETED] 

>picks the 1 out of 7 trials that shows the result he wants it to
>which also happens to be the oldest trial
>which also is the only favorable study published prior to the new clinical trial guidelines in 2004 requiring _all_ studies, regardless of favorabiity, to be published.
>patients on statins for hypertension report feeling better and overall increase in quality of life
moving the goal posts this much? pathetic

>> No.12299045

>picks the 1 out of 7 trials that shows the result he wants it to
>which also happens to be the oldest trial
>which also is the only favorable study published prior to the new clinical trial guidelines in 2004 requiring _all_ studies, regardless of favorabiity, to be published.

>>patients on statins for hypertension report feeling better and overall increase in quality of life
moving the goal posts this much? pathetic. doctors truly are just simpleminded pill pushers.

>> No.12299158

Dr. Nadir Ali - 'Do statins prevent or cause heart disease? Should LDL be called "bad" Cholesterol?' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_QdNX9etCg
Dr. Maryanne Demasi: My Experience of Exposing the Statin Controversy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2dHQSj90-A
Stents & Statins - Do they work? A top cardiologist's view https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eb5SmhY30kw
How much longer will you live if you take a statin? https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2015/10/27/how-much-longer-will-you-live-if-you-take-a-statin/

>> No.12299182

Pure degeneracy that there

>> No.12299454

>Be a native english speaker who's read a large range of topics for the past 15+ years at a variety of levels.
This is the key to 132 CARS. Literally just be well-read. Practice and analysis might help, but not really in 3-4 months.
t. 132 CARS

>> No.12299458

vyvanse is an excellent drug

>> No.12299619

Statin's aren't some sort of miracle drug but they do successfully lower HDL and LDL [when titrated to the correct dose], and can potentially have a neuroprotective effect on the brain.

What do you want to debunk?

>> No.12299641

If your current dose of Concerta is not helping you, you either need to a) increase the dose, or b) switch to another drug and try again.

Remember there are non-stimulant options for AHDHD, e.g. Atomoxetine. Although dependant on the severity of symptoms a stimulant might be more beneficial.

>> No.12299767

>do not offer advice
What a fucking piece of shit. Bet you're one of those sissy americans who let UTIs spread fucking everywhere because you need to see a RMI to give the guy a few ciprofloxacines.

>> No.12299777

US doctors are fucking garbage. Their practice is guided by whatever the insurance affiliated to them wants, so of course they would shill a "heart disease" over skipping a heartbeat here and there without ever developing symptoms.

Find a latin american doctor instead. Avoid cubans and venezuelans.

>> No.12299780

If you're not a graduate you can fuck off right now.

>> No.12299800

>Fucking MRI
>Lumbar puncture without purpose
Do you guys usually leave tests without knowing what you're looking for?

What's the blood sugar, lipids, does he have anxiety, raynaud syndrome, etc? What kind of vertigo is it and what triggers it, what toxic shit is he exposed to, occupation etc?

>> No.12299808

You notice they're false. For a schizo reality is reality.

>> No.12300046

>t. Any advice for how to not be depressed cause you put your hopes in worthless things?

Don't worry bro, there's a light at the end of the tunnel

>> No.12300322
File: 112 KB, 1115x1200, lääkeapustaja85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barking up the wrong tree there buddy, we just don't want these threads shitted up by ameripoors asking for medical advice

>> No.12300328

history and exams are a given you fucking tard

>> No.12300660

Slightly overweight guy
I ate a bunch of food on Sunday like ALOT
And I feel like it’s hard to breathe and I might be having a stroke or some shit
Like chest pains
Should I be worried? I’ve felt like shit since then

>> No.12300671

>Slightly overweight guy
>Should I be worried?
Yes being overweight is unhealthy in any form. Go to a dietist and exercise asap.

>> No.12300678

Fuck everytime I get a chest pain I think this is it
I don’t want to be unhealthy but pizza is so good

>> No.12300920

How much water does someone need a day to form consistent stool that isnt too hard or too soft?

>> No.12300974

Take it slow, a dietist will help you out, she won't remove everything you love right away.

>> No.12301026

Sup kikes, I need some advice.
I don't know what I want to do but I have some medchad friends (from another job) trying to talk me into a career in medicine.
My chemistry advisor despises premeds and he's trying very hard to steer me into pchem research.
I'm interested in both, but for very different reasons. How do I handle this situation if one of my potentially most important academic reqs is trying to control my career.

>> No.12301044

You can always lie to them and laugh.

>> No.12301049

Did you confirm the former were absent? What vertigo is it, central or peripheric?

Americans have the most absolute worthless semiological education out of all the medical schools in the world. Mutt doctors are trained to pass tests and memorize irrelevant biochemical trivia instead of being taught to identify and scrutinize for signs and symptoms in live patients.

>> No.12301058

If you don't go into medicine to deal with people, you're asking to get your life fucked over. Go whichever work you like the most.

>> No.12301729

How do you guys find research projects to work on as a medical student?

>> No.12301733

>a dietist will help you out
Dietists might as well be witch doctors.
There's two forms of dietists I know of.

The young woman beaming one that runs a marathon twice a year but think it's their diet that keeps them slim.
And the fat woman ones that have me imagine every patient referred to them going through the t-rex scene in Jurassic park before they are called into her office.

They write a 5-15 page entry based on every patient that visit them yet no patient actually manage to lose weight. I think the only success they have is with making underweight old people gain weight by recommending them to put cream and butter in everything.

Dietary science itself is some self-promoting dimwit that randomly picked a hypothesis and decided that this thing is what we'll call mainstream dietary science and all their little minions keep being retarded and blindly recommend people to continue their high carb diet despite the T2 diabetes and whatnot else going on.

>> No.12301738

Keep doing chem.

I regret going into medicine 3 times per day on average. I am particularly sick of the government institutions that constantly loom above me and demand I send in applications and shit to their unelected bueraucrats that barely finished highschool yet now sit there to decide if I'm allowed to work or not and constantly change the rules and papers they require.

>> No.12301745

just go talk to profs

>> No.12302669

3rd world medicine is a world of pain. A lot of times the lack of lab/image support makes you diagnose on feelings rather than evidence.
T. fellow 3rd world doctor
Follow your heart, and if ur heart tell you to do medicine ice-pick it. This career is a world of pain and unless you were already a schizoid without meaningful relationships you'll regret it daily.

>> No.12302789

firstie here (scandinavia), a lot of those advanced lab work/imaging has it's uses, but kind of overrated and rare
90% of the diagnosis is between the doctor and the patient and it's very important to be able to diagnose 'on feelings'
and with fairly basic and cheap ultrasound, CD and a blood gas you can do so much (most thirdies have those and more)

not a doctor quite yet, but we are actually being taught to rely mostly on our own clinical findings and the patient history instead of a scanner.

americans tend to be way more conservative and use a lot of imaging and blood tests - at least that's what i've heard

which part of the world are you practicing in

>> No.12302896

Mexico. Our literature, semiology and pedagogy comes from the French School.
Senior Doctors and teacher will babble whole day about how "clinical findings are king" and how "kids these days just don't know how to elaborate a proper clínical history/physical examination".
It's a good school but honestly requires teachers with an organized thought process that can teach their methods and intellectual organization to 1st and 2nd year students.
Most students rely on memorization, which has a limit and can't be properly applied to the actual patient in the actual practice. This students later struggle in the formative curriculum and therefore struggle in their specialist exam and eventually in their general practice. Being a general practitioner is hell. That's why most of us aspire to become specialists.
Sorry of my prose is wacky and doesn't follow an organized train of thought. I'm high on metilphenidate rn.

>> No.12302962

>Senior Doctors and teacher will babble whole day about how "clinical findings are king"
they are right
>Sorry of my prose is wacky and doesn't follow an organized train of thought. I'm high on metilphenidate rn.
lmao dude xd drugs

>> No.12303096

>lmao dude xd drugs
I'm 5 days away from doing the specialty admission exam. Last year I was unemployed, living with my parents and studying without getting out of my house or meeting with friends.
Hope I make it this time (2nd). I can't stand this anymore. I need to become a specialist to get out of this insecure hellhole country.
It's not an ego thing, it's a survival shit.

>> No.12303182

Lmao nigger, hasn't living in Mexico taught you anything of how to get around in life? You're wasting your time if you think some specialty admission test will decide if you get in wherever you want. If you don't personally meet with a fucker who is capable of getting you in you're going nowhere. 70% of the probability to be accepted comes from Networking, the rest 30% is to feed the leftovers to autists.

>> No.12303476

So are you a specialist in Mexico?

>> No.12304567
File: 44 KB, 640x603, 1578987999031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK do I act less autistic on my rotations? What am I meant to do when all the staff are just sitting around discussing how they all went mini golfing or some shit on the weekend and I'm just awkwardly hanging around reading a textbook or reading patient notes?

The student educator even pulled me aside at the end of my last one and told me that I NEED to be more social and should try practicing more in my personal life (no I am not joking).

>> No.12304601

Practice mate. I was a straight-up autist until my GP rotation where I had to small talk to patients all the time every day for 6 weeks, working in retail and hospitality jobs in summer also helped.

At the start, you will feel like you are putting on a persona to do it but after a while that just becomes how you naturally act in public and professional environments.

>> No.12305244
File: 54 KB, 800x659, 1484752535699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to med school with the sole goal of eventually being able to create a treatment regimen that increases penis size in adults. Is this retarded? Could it be done?

>> No.12305552

>Is this retarded?
>Could it be done?
Not anytime soon maybe in the future.
>I went to med school
I doubt it.

>> No.12305577

>tfw you fuck up because you didn't listen to your intuition
why am i so insecure and constantly doubting myself

>> No.12305852

Why is it retarded?

>I doubt it.
I started 1 year ago

>> No.12306360

Can't help you. At all.
It all depends on how much you like and how similar you're with your fellow residents and interns.
I did like shit on IM because I'm too dumb and not an anal type A normie cunt so I spent most of my time there isolated. Did my best in trauma and orthopedics, ER and pediatrics cause the folks working there are more easy going so we had a lot of cigarette breaks to talk about some pts treatment or whatever plans for the weekend/next year.

>> No.12306672

do they command you ie command hallucinations. do you ever have thoughts put in or taken out of your head.

>> No.12306677
File: 156 KB, 280x373, Messages Image(3583775408).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys i think i got the covid foot. doesnt help that i walked through stinging nettles in crocs that week and didnt know it.

>> No.12306679

two bumps on the left are moles

>> No.12306682
File: 1.82 MB, 1022x1378, Screenshot 2020-11-05 at 04.57.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12306686
File: 3.41 MB, 1840x1390, Screenshot 2020-11-05 at 04.59.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the foot now and how it fits in the crocs. that area was exposed when i walked through the stinging nettles, but 4 weeks early I was in a major city

>> No.12307549
File: 807 KB, 2880x3840, ajh28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12307583

Nope, never commanded. Thoughts are never added or taken away.

>> No.12307659
File: 14 KB, 480x360, how.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brother of friend's girlfriend wakes up and screams with auditory hallucinations
>get brought to hospital in UK they send him home unable to help him
>friend asks me right away to go check him
>He is very thin so I check his thyroid
>could it be affect his brain since is hormone system is affected
>don't want to dismiss other things
>Huntington disease

>both friend and GF have all sort of genetic problems baggage
>heart, bones, brain,
>his gf is currently pregnant
What do I tell them?

>> No.12307662

punch gf in the belly and friend in the nuts

>> No.12307821
File: 759 KB, 704x526, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Foam cells, also called lipid-laden macrophages are a type of cell that contain cholesterol. These can form a plaque that can lead to atherosclerosis and trigger heart attacks and stroke.[1][2][3]

>Foam cells are fat-laden M2 macrophages containing low density lipoproteins (LDL). They can only be truly detected by examining a fatty plaque under a microscope after it is removed from the body.[4] They are named because the lipoproteins give the cell a foamy appearance.[5]

as i understand it, a healthy macrophage consumes OxLDL and disposes of it safely. in the pathological instance, the macrophage becomes a foam cell. is this correct, or does consuming OxLDL necessarily lead to becoming a foam cell? if the former, how does the macrophage neutralize the OxLDL and why does this process fail?

>> No.12308055

your good

>> No.12308500

the process fail because the endothelium is also damaged and it plays a role in the regulation of inflammation

>> No.12308508

not really answering my question but thanks for responding

>> No.12308517

When will there be a cure for chronic pain and fatique?

>> No.12308544

The cure is stop being a low t bitch

>> No.12308569

How can you be sure that testosterone supplements would help`?

>> No.12308582

make sure you don't have mold poisoning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcsas5zCma4

>> No.12308591

Because I'm a high T man and I've never had anything as absurd as "chronic faitgue"(with no underlying, real cause)

>> No.12308640

Real causes are for example fibromyalgia or ME/CFS

>> No.12308655

but none of those are real

>> No.12308715

How do you know that when there are millions and million americans who suffer from it. Are you saying that their fatique and pain is fake?

>> No.12308781

anything that can't be verified by lab tests or functional/imaging diagnostics goes straight to the psychiatrists

>> No.12308799

Fibromyalgia is a neurological disorder

>> No.12308801

Mate people always say "just talk to professors/consultants" and "just find a mentor" and I thought there must be more to it than that

That is literally all there is to it. I went to an MDT and asked an oncologist about an interesting patient and whether it was worth writing a case report on. She said no, but has now given me a completely unrelated project to work on with her.

Just be nice to them, show some interest, and show you're willing to do research (though say its with the goal of getting a presentation/publication so they're less likely to just give you grunt work) and they'll just throw shit at you.

If you already have a doctor you have some rapport with, email them. The worst that can happen is they say no.

>> No.12308813

ALS, meningitis and myasthenia are neurological disorders
They're real
'Fibromyalgia' is not real
It's a psychiatric disorder

>> No.12308824


>> No.12309540

I reject the mere notion that you and I are the same species. You're not human. You're a golem.

>> No.12309554

I understand you love the cool word you learned, but you should really learn another so your posts aren't as repetitive

>> No.12309682
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1200, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is truth. You are as raw material, in large part because you have allowed yourself to be. A man chooses, a slave obeys. If you claim you generally choose to obey, not only would that further prove my point, I also wouldn't entirely buy it.

>> No.12309795

prob not schizo then, or mild schizo. maybe epilepsy

>> No.12309801

hey guys. Covid complete particles found in the gut 3 months after infection. Is it chronic? was it the flying bat aids we were told?

>> No.12309850

some form of spaced repetition to keep the knowledge fresh, look into Anki and a good pre-made deck or two. Keep up with it every day

buy a bunch of practice exams. Do the official practice exams 1 month out

CARS is the hardest section to improve. Psych/Soc is the easiest to improve

practice your unit conversions, and memorize all the amino acids cold

physics and orgo are the least prevalent topics, but don't slack on them either

>> No.12309966

Why does nobody want to sell clemastine fumarate anymore? What the hell OTC seizure alternatives are there?

>> No.12310244


>> No.12310271

Redpill me on neurosurgery in the US. Is it worth doing a 7 year residency?

>> No.12310361

>The hospitalist
Never heard of one of the joe shmoes before

>> No.12310364

Neuros problem now

>> No.12310372

Sounds like your body compensated. Producing more oils to replace those being constantly washed off by your hypercleaning routine. You stopped and the body kept producing high levels of skin oils. How long have you been having this issue? This is definatly a case for some derm bros out there.

>> No.12310377


>>12298711 <<<< What this guy said

Although doctors tend to have their own preferances to treating subjective cases like ADHD. I would make sure you can trust your doctor outline clearly what is not working and what is.
If you are on the upper limit of concerta then trying a different drug is the only option but Im curious to know what the problem is with your current medication.

>> No.12310388

Fibro is real dude. My uncle died of it.

>> No.12310407

Macrophages can become oversaturated with LDLS. A few LDL's harmed nobody but the macrophage is hungry though and eats a bunch. Read your pathoma

>> No.12310412
File: 33 KB, 613x533, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>brother of friend's girlfriend wakes up and screams with auditory hallucinations
>>get brought to hospital in UK they send him home unable to help him
>>friend asks me right away to go check him
>>He is very thin so I check his thyroid
>>could it be affect his brain since is hormone system is affected
>>don't want to dismiss other things
>>Huntington disease
>>both friend and GF have all sort of genetic problems baggage
>>heart, bones, brain,
>>his gf is currently pregnant

>> No.12310711

years. at least 10. since puberty and til now. I ignored it purely because I would wash my face by default. now I wait for it to stabilize

>> No.12311038

That won't help.

>> No.12311185

what happens to the LDL absorbed by a non-oversaturated macrophage? does it get digested or just persistent forever?

>> No.12311552

Degrades within the macrophage.

>> No.12311743
File: 101 KB, 768x1280, IMG-20200925-WA0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin end my life with this COVID shit REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.12311755

At my hospital, you don't need to wear a visor if you are four-eyed.

>> No.12312030 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12312656
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, 1587476914246[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any other vitamins coenzymatic with or cooperate with vitamin b12 in metabolism other than folate?

>> No.12312773

Cute desu

>> No.12312923
File: 14 KB, 616x583, folate-cycle[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12313183

HNPP? Get him on a nerve conduction study surely?

>> No.12313645

Surely, this is not the only metabolic cycle in which cobalamin is involved

>> No.12313749

Don't call me Surely

>> No.12313751

nor Sherley

>> No.12313796

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot.

>> No.12314297

what was god thinking when he created os sphenoidalis

>> No.12314332

>We discuss research
>medic subhumans doing any research
lmfao stop pretending you have anything to do with science.

>> No.12314362

my diagnosis is butthurt

>> No.12314365

>wait til these niggas hear about the temporal

>> No.12314374
File: 83 KB, 800x512, TNtLVESwhNT4VuL78eA0Q_structure-of-sphenoid-bone_latin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this shit bro
looks like an alien vertebrae

>> No.12314378

see, zero experiments performed and evidence provided, and this subhuman already gives a diagnosis, kek truly pseudoscientists.

>> No.12314469

guys can yall give me advice for the counselling osce stations in med school?
We got our osce coming up in 2 weeks and thats the part im sorta stressed about
like the domestic violence/sti counselling/depression/alcohol stations and that?
Thanks in advance from a aussie 3rd year

>> No.12314615

If I have loose and frequent stools from something I ate, is taking an antidiarrheal safe?

>> No.12315061

'This interaction is not in the literature, therefore it's doesn't exist' is which faulty attempt to know everything? Closely related to the argument from ignorance, it's the... argument from silence. Which of you morons does this when doling out medical advice?

>> No.12315066 [DELETED] 
File: 1.71 MB, 2472x1289, CVC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm... look who clamps, vaccinates, and circumcises? Besides you guys of course.

>> No.12315114
File: 80 KB, 1246x896, circ595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>snipping tool

>> No.12315134 [DELETED] 

Yep, total golem. The internet has worked to expose more clearly than any other medium, how stupid, reflexive, and logically deficient people really are.

>> No.12315187

>domestic violence/sti counselling/depression/alcohol stations

They are quite a bit different Anon. But use oscestop.com for help

>> No.12315212

Tomorrow, after a year of unemployment and studying by myself I will do my specialty entrance exam. Statistically there is a 1/5 chances I manage to get in, which can be narrowed even further considering the corruption and the lobbyists that train their favored medics to pass the exam.
I post it here because I don't have social media or a lot of friends.

>> No.12315223

Lol, what shithole country do you work in where a doctor is unemployed, revising for a year for a 1/5 shot at a job that is also corrupt?

>> No.12315240
File: 30 KB, 739x415, images-103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexico. We also have a 90k+ Kobe death toll and a +40k homicides.

>> No.12315258

Verruca vulgaris, look at the little dark spots

>> No.12315263

Well, good luck anon. What speciality are you going for? Tbh I bet surgeons could go down to Mexico for a couple of months and get some great trauma experience like many do in South Africa

>> No.12315265

Is that due to a ring?

>> No.12315271

It's probably GERD

>> No.12315276

I'm targeting anesthesiology. I want to work hard, half retire with a night shift in my late 40s, opening a bonsai nursery and a powerlifting gym.
Also, becoming hokage.

>> No.12315296

Nice one lad, I'm going for anaesthetics (what we call anesthesiology) in the UK too. If I find a Mexican anaesthetist wearing a Naruto shirt at a conference one day I will know it is you

>> No.12315356 [DELETED] 

>your anaesthesiologist is a narutard
God help you...

>> No.12315391
File: 69 KB, 430x903, IMAG2779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again /med/ general proving itself to be anaesthesia chad central

>> No.12315402
File: 78 KB, 1100x1007, terrorpep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the dude responsible for your life has 4chan memes and konosuba running through his head

>> No.12315467
File: 32 KB, 425x430, chadlan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Naruto shirt
C'mon doc. I'm more professional than that.
I'd use pic related.
As always naruchads living rent free on moetrannies minds.

>> No.12315544

Gib milkies :3

>> No.12315637

Whose milkies?

>> No.12315861

I'm not looking for med advice I'm in contact with doctors and taking their advice seriously I guess it's more of a vent and wanting opinions, not medical advice because you are all just anons
So my doctor referred me for CBT after about a year and a half of stomach problems (struggling to eat, nausea, pain, panic attacks) but I'm having trouble accepting something that for me has been debilitating (lost 20kg, lost the energy to workout, ended up barely coherent due to not being able to drink water) could just be in my head, I feel the pain I feel the nausea I feel my throat closing up etc. food seems to be the trigger but so can liquid be when I'm worse than normal, type of food or volume doesn't even seem to effect the outcome it almost seems to just be how relaxed or confident I am at the time of eating. does anyone have any advice or anything?

>> No.12315872

why are you posting patients on 4chan you moron
yes i saved the image and am fully intending to spread it around until whoever is laying there sees it and you get your rectum resized

>> No.12315916

>could just be in my head
You should know that your brain functions on the same mechanics as the rest of your body. A mental illness is still very real, eventhough it maybe a "software" malfunction.

>> No.12315930

It's just kind of hard to accept I mean I know you're right but then it feels like I'm just making my own problems, hopefully the therapy will help me come to terms with mental problem causing physical problems

>> No.12315976

>mental problem causing physical problems
They're really the same. Ask yourself if you think having the flu is making your own problem. Same answer applies to the mental side as well.

>> No.12317556

medicine is a joke and medcucks are pathetic nurse tier morons

>> No.12317564

Medcuck here and I agree

>> No.12317566

Had you asked me this pre Covid I would have disagreed but it turns out we've progressed nothing in the last half millenium

>> No.12317587

UK medcucks, how much should you revise per day during pre-clinical? I’m in y13 and I’m thinking I should follow this schedule:
>Weekdays: Study from 5:00 to 5:00 pm, then gym on mondays/wed/fri and vidya on other days, sleep at 9-10pm
>Weekends: Study from 3 to 11 am, do random bs in the remainder of the day like chores, hobby, linking up with friends

>> No.12317705

>chores, hobby, linking up with friends
reddit is that way, normie

>> No.12317797


>> No.12317798

I don’t actually do any of those things though. Am I still reddit?

>> No.12317986

how much did medfags study in their pre-clinical years per day? I'm doing 4-6 hours and feel like I'm doing great but what about you guys?

>> No.12318081

The night before the exams. I stopped giving a fuck.

>> No.12318096

5 hours a week at most however attending lectures and labs
and 2-3 weeks before the exam where i do several hours/day

>> No.12318191

You will not be able to maintain a 12hr per day revision plan for very long.

>Study from 3 to 11 am
Do you mean from 0300 to 1100?

You should just start doing Anki cards as soon as you begin.

1. Start with 50 new cards per day with all due reviews
2. See how long that takes and whether you think you can manage more
3. Up the daily new cards to 100 slowly over about a month so reviews don't fuck you up
4. Maintain this as a baseline workload +/- reading/preparing for small group sessions/anatomy labs/grinding question banks/more new cards

Aim for a plan you can maintain for your whole degree. If you start from day 1 at 5+hrs hard work a day you will burnout and desu I bet your revision habits a shite at the moment as you are doing A-levels so that 5 hours will be of poor quality.

>> No.12318204

the fuck? are you guys high IQ and doing well in exams or bottom of the class?

>> No.12318213

I'm >>12318081. I'm mediocre as fuck.

>> No.12318214

Planning your study schedule without being in medschool.
200 IQ

>> No.12318227

Yeah you are bitch XD
Gunners going for top grades make me want to be sick. Medicine is a vocation, a marathon not a sprint. Do what works for you longterm. All the best.

>> No.12318254

Call me a bitch but I haven't seen a single patient since February. I've lost most of my interest in studying this shit because online classes are soul-sucking.

>> No.12318283

>the fuck? are you guys high IQ and doing well in exams or bottom of the class?
i was somewhere in the middle of the class
my iq is 135+ but what really helped me coast was my good memory
though i DEFINITELY regret not putting in more effort now that i'm nearly done

my advice to you is to really get good at anatomy and the clinical stuff and a bit of physiology
biochem, a lot of pharma etc is just pointless shit to memorize, but anatomy
i regret not learning it properly

>> No.12318337

>vidya and gym

Balanced lifestyle

>> No.12318372

Q banks for a 1st year in need. Or somewhere I can practice chest xray interpretation.

>> No.12318455
File: 22 KB, 442x332, c6080b4e01b04c54113fc5f2fef607_gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have a bump on the vertex of the skull (pic related).
It's not soft and it cannot be moved when pushed, feels like part of the skull (bone). What it could be?

>> No.12318493

>You will not be able to maintain a 12hr per day revision plan for very long.
Yeah, that’s 100% true tbf.

>> No.12318627

>What it could be?
people's skulls are very differently shaped
could just be how your suture ended up healing up there

>> No.12318629

>What it could be?

>> No.12318645

why do you regret it?

>> No.12318669

>What it could be?
anatomy is super important to know and i kinda half-assed that so now i have to revise it again

>> No.12318701

>anatomy is super important to know
not really, unless you're in surgery

>> No.12318707

I see
what else is going to be important to know down the line? besides anatomy

>> No.12318808

or in gp, radiology, pathology, neurology, nuclear, cardiology, emergentology
also surgery is a huge field with many specialties
so i disagree
though i don't think you need to know little meaningless facts that anatomy has plenty of
just the morphology and the placement of different structures in space
>clinical exams
>clinical signs
>symptom complexes
if i told you an organ, or a symptom, or a disease you should have a battery of clinical tests already in mind and the ability to do them
and by clinical tests i mean tests you can use your own eyes, ears, nose and senses to perform
that's just my take and what i'm going to be focusing on in the last few months i have as a med student
i could be wrong and am open to criticism and suggestions too

>> No.12319509

Based, it looks like bone.

>> No.12320287

I just came back from my spec admission exam. I was buttraped and got a 61/100.
Last year entrance score was 67 but the formulation of the exam changed with this new government so it's a toss up.
I feel weird. Not defeated as last time but even if I failed I know I did my best.

>> No.12320626

ok questions

1) is pathology just a meme specialty for brainlets??? like is there a specialty that nobody wants and people just have to do it?? except like two freaks who do like it? not being mean just am IMG med brainlet and will get shit match

2) why the fuck did you go into this career fr like what was the point ?

>> No.12320685

>I just came back from my spec admission exam. I was buttraped and got a 61/100.
just what happens when you do drugs

>> No.12320735

Nigga I can quit the Ritalin any day.

>> No.12321210

bump for the love of knowledge!!!