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File: 266 KB, 1000x562, Mars Base Alpha_humanMars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12311425 No.12311425 [Reply] [Original]

Hear me out burgers.
Biden will defund NASA and all programs of space exploration in order to pay for social plans for blacks and trannies.
The project to stablish a colony in the Moon will be defunded.
If Elon still wants to pursue his dream of a colony in Mars, he will be obliged to go to the only other country with an industrial base to make that dream true, and the country will accept him with open arms, China.
China is also more likely to build eventually some sort of heavy lifter like the Sea Dragon, and to adopt nuclear engines for spaceships since is not bounded by treaties.
China will colonize the Moon and Mars.

>> No.12311429

>source: my ass
awesome thread OP, can't wait for 200 replies each making shit up in their own unique ways

>> No.12311430

This election was bought by the CCP in part for that reason
The demoralization of western white men has only begun

>> No.12311433

Biden president, it's more money for real researchers (NASA) and less money for the retarded evil capitalist clown (sponceX)

>> No.12311441

this, people actually involved in research know that federal grant budgets have been cut dramatically during Trump's time

>> No.12311450

retard alert

>> No.12311464

shill post
NASA has always been a money laundering scheme

>> No.12311517

Elon can't move his shit to China because of ITAR.

>> No.12311571
File: 261 KB, 702x330, 1960s NERVA-type thermal nuclear rocket engine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real researchers (NASA) and less money for the retarded evil capitalist clown (sponceX)

Space X has achieved more in a year than NASA in a decade.
NASA had this in 1970 (pic). Why has it being buried?

>> No.12311653

based on this it doesnt seem like much will change. under biden as VP they actually started the switch to a more private based space exploration.

>> No.12312665

Yep this is what will happen. With bidens endorsement remember how he keeps saying: china is not our ennemy it's our ally.
Of course elon will succeed in china but it will take much longer to go over there, build, and follow the autism of the ccp's regulations.

>> No.12312671

all his other work is primarily in America, and he just had a new kid

>> No.12312682

why would he do that? NASA and other contract funding is miniscule compared to the rest of the Federal budget?

>> No.12312689

Does this mean JWST will get closer to being launched?

>> No.12312698

>Why has it being buried?

>> No.12312701
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

public perception
consider bidens voters, who he has to pander to, and what they expect

>> No.12312709

Your opinions and speculation are not fact. A fact is something you have the evidence to prove. You decisive shit. Either be an American or move. Stop trying to kill our country. You anti American schill.

>> No.12312713

America will own the moon and Mars. To speculate otherwise, under any leadership is anti American.

>> No.12312717

Great. Now Baltimore can expand to throughout the solar system. How inspiring.

>> No.12312721

Biden isn't a progressive he's just gonna do what his donors tell him to do

>> No.12312728

Sounds good for ULA.

>> No.12312734

"Universe." Is Baltimore that bad? I've never been.

>> No.12312740

at this rate, chinas gonna beat us

>> No.12312751

Then why are we not working harder. When did Americans become such wussy quitters. How did we allow our country to become so divided that China is going to beat us while Americans fight other Americans over stupid shit. Are we just going roll over in apathy and hate while other countries kick our ass at everything?

>> No.12312758

Good because his donors are we, the people. And we, the people, are very progressive.

>> No.12312775

who says im not lol
i don't work in the aero industry

americas going to rule the innovation landscape in the future, but chinas going to be better at unpacking it
even the act of colonizing space is going to be a robotic venture, either be it through actual robots or a really robotic state of mind
americas going to be the creative powerhouse, and those types are too chaotic to sit in a silent box in the middle of a black abyss

we didn't "allow" it, medias just fucking with us.
it's not hard to do when you have a ton of different groups with a ton of different values, and china has a singular identity

everyones fucking everyone right now, and the type of energy the youth has atm gets bored really easily. it won't be long before they get bored of their insular hub dogma

>> No.12312787

Bitchen answer. I hope America becomes better than that tho.

>> No.12312791


>> No.12312793

Good, elon can fuck off. Based Biden

>> No.12312809

so, my /x/ take is that all the "feminine" stuff is all the creative stuff. the root level conceptual discovery and creation.
it takes a particular type of sensitivity and inclination towards nature, i believe, to become more cognizant and connected to certain properties or behaviors.
this can require a certain subjectivity, which is again what I would call the "feminine" principle, where the "masculine" is objective.

china has a really industrial and mechanical culture afaik. you need only look at the art scene of a place to gather an understanding of this.
right now the american art scene is...not great, but i think people are going to become more and more aware of all the programming and conditioning through our art, get bored of it (since its largely ghostwritten by like 30-40+ year olds), and we'll probably see at least a mini art renaissance

when it comes to actually building shit, the "masculine" principle reigns, which is why i'm of the mind that china will probably be the people to do that.

the thing is, once AI and automation become more prevalent, the types of identities whom are industrious and unpack will have little use anymore.
I don't believe AI is going to be able to be as creative as humans, simply because it doesn't -feel- life. It cant experience things like psychedelics.
so, imo, china is going to write its own eulogy since the type of mind it houses will no longer be necessary.

what happens with space, I really can't say. I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't just make bots do the initial colonization process.

Either way, I think america will eventually, once again, become a bastion of innovation and creativity.
Only death pays for life, and the culture has been pretty static for awhile.

I suggest learning as many different fields as you can, and getting off the plantation so we can start experimenting, playing, and discovering more without knowledge being gate-kept by "eLiTe" families.

I'm excited for the future desu

>> No.12312810


>> No.12312842

Well, yeah. Hopefully SpaceX is still there, but it's not good news.

>> No.12312851

>If Elon still wants to pursue his dream of a colony in Mars, he will be obliged to go to the only other country with an industrial base to make that dream true, and the country will accept him with open arms, China.
Never. No amount of regulations can stop SpaceX from going to Mars, and SpaceX can't even move to China.

>> No.12312853

So what?
Listen OP, best case scenario of the future the US gets annexed by China.
Worst case we get fucking nuked and the earth is daed but chinks are like roaches so chinks will inherit earth.
War with China would be a distastes.
we lost a long time ago.
Trump will make that war.
Biden will suck China's small cock and be the diplomat we need.

>> No.12312861


>> No.12312868

Dumbshit, NASA is a Space-X customer. The Dragon capsule delivers supplies and astronauts to the ISS. Without Space-X NASA would have to beg the Russians for a ride.

>> No.12312872

>Without Space-X NASA would have to beg the Russians for a ride.
Not only that, but also the Russians are over charging for seats at around $85 million per seat, while SpaceX's pricing is around $55 million per seat.

>> No.12312886
File: 44 KB, 750x1334, 118t4d9ce3l51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biden will defund NASA and all programs of space exploration in order to pay for social plans for blacks and trannies.
Honestly if it was a choice between using tax money to help poor African Americans or transfolk needing reassignment surgery I'd choose that everytime versus corruptly lining the pockets of Enron Muskrat

>> No.12312901

Elon Musk is African-American. Your racism is sickening.

>> No.12312908

Not even the Africans wanted him

>> No.12312916
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, baltimore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baltimore is quite comfy.

>> No.12312917

Starlink can fund Mars if he gets the starship rolling in time to cut its launch costs.

>> No.12312919

The US doesn't have enough diversity yet. Once it achieves 100% diversity, scientific progress will go asymptotic. There might be some very slight declines as we get closer.

>> No.12312929

Space program? There wont be any ever again because you white retards have killed yourselves, mexicans and blacks dont give a shit about space.

>> No.12312930

WE all know Harris president becans Joe has alzeihmer.
I don't think she even know space exists.

>> No.12312937

I wasn't there when Constellation got cancelled.
I bet it's even more dramatic now.

>> No.12312943

SLS never?

>> No.12312953

It's space program, not USA program. The US is dead but Europe and China (Africa/Middle East soon) are here

>> No.12312958

>but Europe and China (Africa/Middle East soon) are here
Are you trying to mmake me cry?

>> No.12312967

ESA and Arianespace are serious business. China is stronger than ever too.

>> No.12313013

You're sucking kidding me.
All ariaanespace does is nukes for France.
I know first hand.
They have no interest in the Ariane program.

>> No.12313093


>> No.12313307

Rockets are rather phallic so she might be interested in them.

>> No.12313468

NERVA had a high isp but low average thrust and would only be useable to propel large craft in interplanetary space.

>> No.12313477


>> No.12313483

Well yes, that`s the idea, to build spaceships that are usable in space only, with nuclear propulsion, and conventional rockets that would move cargo and people from earth to orbit.

>> No.12313491

feminime=enables creation (e.g.: blank paper)
masculine=triggers creation (e.g.: pencil)

None is more creational than the other. They are both needed for creating.

>> No.12313684

Sadly, the Biden base, will never relent to having a mokn base, and as such, the curious race will be stunted by the drab earth lubbers, sadly.

>> No.12313780 [DELETED] 

if these dumb destitute lazy idiot niggers would stop making an endless stream of more dumb poor nigger babies, there wouldn't be any "starving children"

>> No.12313794

I understand but there is different "creation" that happens
One is sort of like the structure, and the other is the energy, mood, play, etc.
They always require each other, but withour both you get neither.
Thing is, America did a lot of the innovation work for China, and they're taking it from there.

>> No.12314026

Biden performed poorly among Blacks and Hispanics. Why would he care for them? He's the one who passed the laws that mass-incarcerated them.

>> No.12314042

I'd rather my tax money go to Bezos' golden toilet than welfare and trannies

>> No.12314348

Not going to happen Chud

>> No.12314535

>I know first hand.
how ?

>> No.12314537

Biden can and will cancel Commercial Crew, won't he?

>> No.12314544

Why are you still running propaganda? Polls are closed mate, or are you just trying to recruit for the civil war?

>> No.12314547

>the Biden base
Bidens base is bankers, no one on the left wants another neoliberal corporate democrate they simply see that as a better option than Trump.

>> No.12314568

>The neoliberal bankers that own US media told me that the neoliberal banker candidate is better than the guy who isn't a neoliberal banker candidate.
>Oh no I'm not really for neoliberal bankers but I have to do what the neoliberal banker media that owns my ideology tells me to do, the options would be too horrible to consider.

>> No.12314569

>the guy who isn't a neoliberal banker candidate
Remind me again, how many trillion did the Trump government give to Wall Street?

>> No.12314575

No, Obama didn't cancel it, so i doubt Biden will

>> No.12314578

Obama was in office when commercial crew started.

>> No.12314581

How will he be able to do it from his prison cell?

>> No.12314589

Obama literally started commecial crew so I don't see why his right hand man would can it.
>Orion superseded the Orbital Space Plane,[6][7] which was specifically designed for ISS crew rotation.[8] In 2009, the Augustine Commission appointed by President Barack Obama found that the program's funding and resources were insufficient to execute its goals without significant delays to its schedule and an increase of US$3 billion in funding,[9] which prompted NASA to start considering alternatives to the program.[10] The Constellation program was officially cancelled in 2010,[11] with NASA repurposing Orion for exploration beyond Earth,[12] and collaborating with commercial partners for ISS crew rotation and other crewed activities in low Earth orbit following the retirement of the Space Shuttle program in 2011.


>> No.12314599

Biden won't but President Harris will.

>> No.12314604

People on Biden's level don't go to prison regardless of what they do. Who's the highest ranking person in recent times to go to prison? Scooter Libby? Don Seligman?

>> No.12314605

Hillary should have been over the emails and Trump should be over giving his own hotels government contracts.
They don't lock eachother up because they are all guilty as sin.

>> No.12314608

>it's not hard to do when you have a ton of different groups with a ton of different values
In a scenario where the US fails, this exact logic would probably be applied to"why it failed".

>> No.12314609

African growth is amazing these last few decades and we can expect they will start their own space programs in the coming years. One or two countries redirecting funding to more immediate issues doesn't mean the end of spaceflight as we know it.

>> No.12314611

Yes, at that level it's a cross between Mutually Assured Destruction and a gentlemen's agreement to overlook each other's crimes.

>> No.12314617

African growth in what? Population? You're going to need to be more specific about what type of growth is going to enable them to have an independent space program. If they're buying everything from outside, it doesn't really count for much.

>> No.12314619

So, immediately on January 21?

>> No.12314620

I actually prefer the way Putin does it, he recently gave all former presidents complete legal immunity then retired.
It's a more honest approach.

>> No.12314643

>Putin... gave all former presidents complete legal immunity then retired.
What former presidents? You can see the way putin does it in real time: the election fraud is totally his methods. Some americans were convinced that the commie spook who suppress bourgeoisie in his own country will side with a top-level bourgeois are delusional. Euronews said today that Trumps occusations of fraud are completely baseless (and russian government owns that fraction of Euronews company which broadcasts for Russia)
also this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoaT9jmpfPo

>> No.12314762

>What former presidents?
Russian ones.

>> No.12314787

Yeltsin? It was twenty years ago, and both faggots are crypto-commie scum and conspirators.
https://www.rferl.org/a/bill-on-ex-presidents-immunity-proposed-by-two-russian-lawmakers/30931912.html speaks of putin preparing grounds to being immune to prosecution he deserves once he decides to retire.

>> No.12314794

That was the point I was making in >>12314620

>> No.12314815

It's common because it allows for the peaceful transfer of power. It's also been found that giving former presidents a good pension helps keep them from trying to hold on to power. This has worked very well in African nations where an ex-president might end up destitute after spending their term living in luxury. The head of one of the big telecom companies started a fund that is used to pay pensions for ex-presidents. So far no one offered the pension has attempted to hold on to their office illegally, as was once very common.
Of course with people like AOC saying she wants Trump and his supporter rounded up for re-education camps and punishment, the US is headed in the opposite direction.

>> No.12314819

And what the point it was? Okay, doesn't matter, do it at /pol/

>> No.12314821

They'll give him a year, at which point Pelosi will spring her 25th amendment trap. They'll let Biden be the president that defeated COVID19 and once she gets into office, you'll never hear about it again.

>> No.12314824

wait let me post a RT article to counter that

>> No.12314825

>AOC saying she wants Trump and his supporter rounded up for re-education camps
Going to need source on that one.

>talking about US corruption
>say I prefer the Russian way where they don't even pretend they aren't above the law
That's all it was.

>> No.12314889
File: 154 KB, 719x959, Fujimoripresidente.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be judging, I don't even know what it is other than the first find.
>I prefer the Russian way where they don't even pretend they aren't above the law
Dude, that's perverted af.

>> No.12314893

op is right
you burgers deserve it hahaha

>> No.12315025
File: 186 KB, 419x364, 1501882716950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have a source OP, overall we don't know what the Biden senile will do, but i doubt it he will put any money into Space exploration, he will make excuses like muh climate, covid, blacks, illegal alliens , etc

>> No.12315027

I bet Papa Biden is flat earther
he's not the sharpest tool in the shed

>> No.12315028

>China is also more likely to build

Blah blah blah. The Chinese have closed down the only company who have demonstrated a fully functioning hovering rocket, rumor says it's becasue the state run space corporations panicked due to how fast Linkspace was developing advanced technology.

>> No.12315278

Speak for yourself - my state got a flipping massive plasma science grant from the Trump administration

>> No.12315293

>Going to need source on that one.
Look up AOC's twitter feed over the last few days. She and other politicians have been un-ironically suggesting that the government should be making lists of Trump supporters, barring them from holding public office, etc

>> No.12315333

Obama is the one who put in place the commercial crew program, and given Biden is pretty Obama 2.0 I wouldn't worry about that.

>> No.12315395

The thing is, is that it's an intuitive concept to life.
I know the D word is memes right now, but nature expects diversity

When humans are undergoing massive feats of building in a singular direction, such as constructing a society, or going to space, then a singular identity starts to take the stage.
There will still be identity diversity, just less, and more of it funneled into a singular direction.

When humans are doing less of this construction process, then they sprawl out into more individual settings.

Reality is perception and perspective based. It's the drama between groups that helps agitate them into action and development.
Through the individuals unique lens on reality, they are able to perceive in a unique way that allows them to see things that other identities may not be able to do.

Identity, race, culture, etc, it's all just compounded values, states of mind, perspectives, etc. So the USA mimics this by giving many groups many different places to develop and unpack themselves.
So it's a pretty intuitive design relative to the nature of things, and its part of why the US has been such a powerhouse of innovation.
However, when it comes to unpacking that innovation, then singular identities take the stage, often more industrious and mechanical ones.

As I said earlier, I do believe the sprawled out identity right now could lead us to more innovative and fundamental creative aspects, but not if all our "unique identities" are staring at a phone that designs identity, values, etc. for them.
Same thing with the education system designing their perspective on a subject.

If the USA wants to succeed, Elon is right, we need to innovate. And to do so, we need more individual curious exploration and less "being taught"
IE a Renaissance approach.

>> No.12315432

I really wish people would learn to wield what we have to work with instead of fighting it.
If you want to be apart of how China is, go be China.
America has a blend of these "energies" that still makes it a contender, but we're leaning more into the creative side.

Americas failure would be brought about by a lack of understanding how to work with whats happening with it.
Buddha said something like all the things that arise, arise because they were necessary.

Learn to work with the wave, wield the lightning. Fighting it is only siphoning energy from both you and it into neutrality, which reduces its potency and gimps us all come game time.

Its time to understand what we're dealing with, what's holding us back, and what we can do to advance.
We have a lot of potent creative energy arising that China simply doesn't, and we need to learn how to wield it into our strength, instead of fawning over a non-existent past, or getting nihilistic and defeatist.

Many aspects of our institutions are holding us back and "both sides" are sharing that same feeling.
It's time to figure out what to do about it.
See it as a challenge and solve the problem.

>> No.12315462

Honestly NASA has done impressive shit lately. I don't give a fuck about telescopes and sending bots to sand land. Just send man to the moon again you fags

>> No.12315487

Hes going to get us ready for the future. He cares about science and technology.

>> No.12315571

Lot of words just to say you don't understand why importing several billion third worlders with sub-90 IQs isn't a bad thing for scientific progress.

>> No.12315584

Not particularly interested in defeatism, as I said.
Anyone can learn. Sometimes it comes down to methods of teaching and language of expression.

>> No.12315594
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, Robert Reich Pube Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robert Reich, who served in the Clinton and Obama administrations, has also made statements recently about wanting a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to go after anyone who supported Donald Trump.

>> No.12315612

You need to get out of your suburb and spend time in the third world, and not at a party resort. Your belief that everyone regardless of intelligence can be scientists is not supported by reality. All you will succeed in doing is turning the United States into Zimbabwe. There's not a whole lot of scientific discovery coming out of Zimbabwe.
It's amazing that a person can have so little experience in the world that you can be either ignorant or simply in denial about the huge differences in intelligence between population groups.
How about a trial run? Go down to the local refugee resettlement center and offer to let a dozen of randomly selected refugees live in your house. We will see how much scientific output comes from your new science lab populated by these people. You'll also get to enjoy a year of celebrating the vibrancy of their diversity in your home.

>> No.12315626

Anyone can improve their situation, learn more, and have more to offer.
Intelligence arises out of compounded learning. Defeatism on the subject just sweeps it into a corner until the gaps are even more disparaging.
It's no different from what elite do, aiming to keep people less developed so they have advantage. The whole is stifled, as a result.

All I am expressing is that people have the capacity to learn more, and we need to understand how to work with the context in which we find ourselves.
I'm not in a position to control immigration, I try to improve my, and our situation from where I am and what I am capable of.

Ask yourself if your perspectives are doing anything to develop us

>> No.12315734

Nuclear engine is waste of energy.

>> No.12315791

You'd expect shit like this from venezuala. The fuck is going on?

>> No.12315796

Power fixations
For all the "muh patriarchy" talk, a lot of them just want to be the one at the helm

>> No.12315836

>like this from venezua
You mean Venezuela? Do you have a source that anything like this has happened in Venezuela?

>> No.12315934

Communists in power so Venezuela and USSR is their goal

>> No.12316145

Once again you've spouted a bunch of nonsense without acknowledging the real world impact of importing billions of low intelligent people.
That a bushman could go from effectively a 50 IQ to a 55 IQ with a lifetime of training costing society hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollar isn't productive. Importing the bottom of humanity and improving them slightly doesn't magically make them the top of humanity. It makes them a bit less terrible in our context than they were before but also drags down everyone else in the process.
None of this even touches on these people being happier in their native environments instead of being seduced into one that they're ill equipped to succeed. You seem to want a bunch of pets that you can feel morally superior for forcing society to dump all of its resources into reproducing. Not sure what you think the outcome of all of this will be but it won't be bushmen becoming the builders of spacecraft. You're in 100% complete denial about biology and have completely fallen for the nurture only fallacy.

>> No.12316224

It was started through Bush. Obama inherited it and his admin accepted the commercial crew, thus enhancing it further. I doubt it will be cancelled by Biden.

>> No.12316538

Com Crew won’t get cancelled, but I guarantee Artemis will get pushed back another decade so NASA can go back to prioritizing climate science shit

>> No.12317607
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>> No.12317706
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Correction: America will start building colonies and other countries that can afford it will follow.
Fast forward a few years and someone will stage a coup and claim ownership over a big part of whichever celestial body they're on, thus becoming privately owned.
Isn't there a treaty in place anyway which makes it illegal for nations to own shit in space?

>> No.12317823

Diversity initiatives that Obama started will once again become NASA's top priority. Everything else will be secondary to that goal.

>> No.12317828

Yes, but the treaty has no enforcement behind it. Nations agreed to it because at the time none had the ability to permanently occupy any off Earth base. There was no need to raise tensions in the Cold War further.
Once the treaty becomes inconvenient, it will be ignored. Leaving a treaty is typically as easy as saying you're no longer going to abide by the treaty. There's no enforcement behind it.

>> No.12317843
File: 52 KB, 470x317, 1582580153367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how fines and sanctions wouldn't solve that, atleast for nations other than China.
Chances are that owning a celestial body as a nation is worthless anyway for anything other than prestige/novelty.
The obvious solution would be to let other bodies govern themselves, atleast until a method of faster space travel like FTL is discovered (if it even exists).

>> No.12317961
File: 117 KB, 1200x1200, Black Intellectuals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space programs are racist because they take away welfare money from Black people to spend of White ambitions of scientific advancement and grandeur

>> No.12318007

Gil Scott herons a pretty good poet though

>> No.12318449

no offense but you are a brainwashed capitalist

>> No.12318478

Musk is rich enough to go to Mars alone if he wants as of now. Nothing will stop the madman.

>> No.12318499

he is at least in part right, competition and he mind of Musk are what made SpaceX succeed. Imagine Elon being forced to work for the state, maybe never becoming a leader because nepotism.

>> No.12318571

There is no competition. Capitalism in your books and capitalism IRL are two very different thing. Society should never ever give its keys to companies.

>> No.12318582


If he does this, he will have massively pissed of BOTH sides of the political spectrum.

In these divisive times space exploration is one of the handful of things that both the left and the right look to for inspiration. If he openly codndemns humanity to die on Earth wallowing in its own filth then his own voters will turn on him like wolves.

>> No.12318754

Of course competition exists. When I was a teen I mowed lawns in the neighborhood. After hearing how much money I was making, Robert Granada started mowing lawns too. He charged a dollar less than me. I responded by placing several small river stones in a yard he mowed near their living room window. His mower didn't have a bag on it. When he ran over one of the rocks, it flew up out the side of the lawnmower and broke the large bay window that was in the living room. He had to pay for the window and no one wanted to hire him anymore. It took him a year of his allowance to pay back his parents for repairing the window.
Now that's good capitalism and good competition!

>> No.12318760

>In these divisive times space exploration is one of the handful of things that both the left and the right look to for inspiration
Only white people care about going to space. The left is the party of minorities and they never have and never will give a damn about space exploration. White leftists are going to have to accept that they cannot have the Star Trek future they dream about because their tanned skinned allies do not support anything that is forward looking.

>> No.12318771

>We could feed a starving child for $8.
I'll assume this was from 1969, the year of the first Moon landing. Adjusting for inflation, that $8 comes out to $56.74 in current dollars. Why the fuck would it require over fifty bucks to feed one child for a day?

>> No.12318773


Biden protecting the beautyand majesty of our moon and planets from delusional sci-fi fans.

Put an end to this Musk-Space and sci-fi fetish shit.

>> No.12318777
File: 72 KB, 600x467, SEViewManchesterDayes11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good post.

>> No.12318788

>Put an end to this Musk-Space and sci-fi fetish shit.

>> No.12318802

That is to feed an American child

>> No.12318864

NASA aren't scientists, they're engineers. Bad ones. SpaceX are also engineers. But godlike ones.

>> No.12318883

Didn't Obama almost completely defund NASA and the NSF? And yet everyone is screaming about Trump who gave them their funding back.

>> No.12318896

IIRC NASA saw a relative budget increase under Obama, but most of it went into climate change research and (muslim) outreach. Most of NASA's space projects were either cancelled, shrank in scope, or left alone but barely working

>> No.12318907

We tried to warn you but you said we were just being nazis.

>> No.12318926

if you get lucky and have research related to defense then this is true. however most research isn't defense (or covid) related

>> No.12320045

>Do you have a source that anything like this has happened in Venezuela?


>> No.12320054

>Musk is rich enough to go to Mars alone if he wants as of now. Nothing will stop the madman.
government regulators block your path..
why no diversity white bwoy...you neeed to make sure half your engineers come from innercity failing math schools or yousa rayciss

>> No.12320070

>be white
>develop concepts of tolerance, equality, power sharing
>strive for a better world
>think your efforts will be appreciated and adopted by all
dem white bois weak ass mutherfuckers, gimme

>> No.12320242

>lets just sit on this shitty rock for all eternity
No! Establishing atleast a foothold on Mars is unironically the next step.

>> No.12320320

Almost no American children were obese in 1969. Sounds like they wanted a lot of extra funds to skim off the top for administration fees.

>> No.12320334
File: 56 KB, 777x437, Clock-boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Remember that Obama invited Clock Boy and his family of Muslim grifters to the White House as an example of youth he wanted running the nation's science programs.
Once the gifts stopped and they found out their lawsuits weren't going to be a jackpot they were looking for, they moved to Qatar. These are the type of people Obama saw as the future of NASA.

>> No.12320347

i really hope this is bait

>> No.12321205

to hell with biden SLAY THE FROG

>> No.12322181
File: 365 KB, 1531x1966, Imagine thinking that your fate is anything other than to live out you threescore and ten and die on this lonely rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will the man that worked as vice-president to the man that made spacex possible do a complete 180 and destroy spacex?
Gee, I just don't know.

>> No.12322189


amazing post

>> No.12322206
File: 470 KB, 245x326, 254131256312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2020 and still no Moon colony or Mars base
so tired lads, the only hope is Space X or maybe Chinese, Nasa is a lost hope at this point.

>> No.12322262


lmao are you really trying to imply that trump was not a yes man to neoliberal shills but biden is?

they both are retard

>> No.12322294

>musk hypebeast

>> No.12322931

>Nasa is a lost hope at this point.
found the raycist!

>> No.12322976

>the man that made spacex possible
You mean Bush Jr?

>> No.12323585

why shoud SJW bunk get funding?

>> No.12323611

Wow, even back then blacks were predicted to be joggers. Incredible foresight.

>> No.12323649

>making random shit up about biden to demoralize white men
>god, i can't believe china is already demoralizing us!

>> No.12323759
File: 151 KB, 1000x1249, 1585517533976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TURBOPUMPS is an anagram for TRUMP BUSOM

just sayin