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File: 165 KB, 458x690, state-assigned bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12308565 No.12308565 [Reply] [Original]

>chip in right hand
>plastic clip in left hand
>go to put chip in mouth to eat, suddenly hesitate as my brain switches to anticipating eating the plastic clip, 'feeling' its awful texture and tastelessness
dude i think i got faulty hardware. either that or whoever created this biology thing is a fucking retard

>> No.12308912

It's the best nature could do, it's up to us from here on

>> No.12308948

>ywn be assigned to a petite qt nurse gf
why live

>> No.12308963

Now I want to be chinese.

>> No.12309987
File: 41 KB, 808x208, Sex_ratio_at_birth_in_mainland_China.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get this, there are a lot more men in China than women thanks to one-child policy and the natural sex ratio (1.06 male). The divide is even wider in cities. Are there any studies on why in such conditions "leftover women", as the chinese call them would exist?

>> No.12310225

>I don't get this, there are a lot more men in China than women thanks to one-child policy and the natural sex ratio (1.06 male).
no there's not. there's just a bunch of undocumented women. and thinking in plain population is obviously dishonest because not everyone is looking for a partner or with a partner at the same time. men are older than their partners, there's more older women, etc. never mind the horde of men worldwide who are single more than not (unlike most women who are partnered more (in terms of time) than single) or men who cannot get partners at all.

clearly between her being 30 and working as a nurse, she hasn't managed to get a bf that sticks around. at her age she wants one that is going to be her husband fast. most men will marry around that age or younger, to women younger than them. so she's in a tough spot.

>> No.12310279

>"leftover women",

Chinese men marry to start a family.
If they just want sex they get a prostitute. Women over 30 have almost ZERO worth as wives.

>> No.12310284


She's actually quite cute.

>> No.12310288

same thing in japan

is it the same in korea?

>> No.12310301
File: 324 KB, 1200x878, 1200px-Pieter_Bruegel_the_Elder_-_The_Tower_of_Babel_(Vienna)_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whoever created this biology thing is a fucking retard
yes, thats what the tower of babel story is about kind of.

>> No.12310991

>no there's not. there's just a bunch of undocumented women.
in authoritarian china? Perhaps among peasants but leftover women are a city phenomenon and I doubt there are many undocumented career women.

>and thinking in plain population is obviously dishonest because not everyone is looking for a partner or with a partner at the same time
but the pool of single men is always going to be bigger than the pool of single women, it's only dishonest if you can come up with a reason why large numbers of men would exclude themselves from the dating market and even out those numbers.

>there's more older women
This is because women live longer and it only really starts to make a difference around age 60+. Until then, the natural ratio is at 1.06. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_sex_ratio , for China you can see that the sex ratio doesn't flip until around 60

It seems to me that this problem of "leftover women" is really just leftover men, and the Chinese government should ask why career women are choosing to be so picky and ending up single in a dating market that favors them.

>> No.12310997

I lived there for a year.

The men all have prince syndrome and think they all deserve some perfect qt. If she is over 26 then nope, if she doesnt have chopstick thin legs then nope, if she isnt subservient then nope.

I'd say the women have high standards too, but they don't, its just that most chinese men are shit and they don't want them, they don't want to be bossed about, they don't want to hear him brag about his daddys money, they don't want him to go to the bar and get drunk every night while she is at home.

>> No.12311016


>> No.12311046


sounds like a match made in hell in a nation forged in shit.

>> No.12311077

>is it the same in korea
not really, very few women under 30 get married at all

>> No.12311078

I don’t think so anon. I have never been to China but when I was in korea they saw women older than 25 as pretty much completely undesirable, from the men I spoke with. If they aren’t married by 30 they were useless, dating or marrying a woman that old wasn’t even something they would consider. Which makes sense, women who give birth at that age have a significantly higher risk of their child having birth defects etc.

>> No.12311298

based koreans

>> No.12311675

Cope, the difference between childless men vs women shows that it is sour grapes

>> No.12311693

My wife is a 20 year old Chinese woman and I get glares from Chinese guys every time they see us. I think there is more to the story than "leftover women". There are less women than men because of the historic one-child policy and Asian women are much more likely to date outside their race. Asian men almost all fall into two categories, at least in China: 1.) manchildren who do nothing but play video games and 2.) kids with rich dads who do nothing but spend their money on stupid shit like cars and play video games. Most Asian women don't want to date them because of this reason. It's probably sour grapes like >>12311675 said

>> No.12311695

Makes sense, Korea is super highly educated. They're not even fully in adult society until 35.

>> No.12311752

>same thing in japan
A lot of my unmarried colleagues, especially from the West, got married there, mostly to Japanese women at 25+. This is the Christmas Cake syndrome but they really are cute well after 30.
Especially women who want a professional career end up marrying late.

>> No.12311774

>A lot of my unmarried colleagues, especially from the West, got married there, mostly to Japanese women at 25+. This is the Christmas Cake syndrome but they really are cute well after 30.
Married Japanese women, especially those that have already given birth to a kid, become frigid. Your colleagues better be ready to become salarymen who never have sex with their wives and instead have to engage in enjo kousai

>> No.12311784

Women who chose a career over getting married and having kids deserve to have nothing. Asian countries are right to ostracize them. The only reason they keep doing it is because they can get away with it due to simps like your colleagues.

>> No.12312311

I keep in touch with two or three colleagues from back then and they are all still married.

Well, they get a degree and then start looking for a hubby. That takes time and by the time they have switched over to looking for westerners they are late twenties or early thirties. Most of the these couples I know have children.

I did a postdoc in Japan and in this particular city Westerners met on Friday evenings for socialising (otherwise we socialised with Japanese to learn the culture). In this particular place Japanese women came mainly to scope us out and I felt I was being examined *very* thoroughly. Anyway, many got married and were happy to find a Japanese wife.

>> No.12312463

>Enjo-kōsai is a type of transactional relationship. It is the Japanese language term for the practice of older men giving money and/or luxury gifts to attractive young women for sexual favors.
>Furthermore, in a 1998 survey by the Asian Women's Fund, researchers found that fewer than 10 percent of all high school girls engage in enjo-kōsai
I need to move there

>> No.12312718

They don't. The problem is actually that careerwomen have lots of money and status that the pool of men above them is very small and all married by the time a woman is 30. All women, no matter the country, marry upwards never ever downwards especially not a careerwoman who is economically-minded and may even think of it as a transaction. This is less prominent in Western countries because people aren't so intent on the transaction idea and more romantic.


>> No.12312722

Korea is probably too westernized (contemporary west)

>> No.12312741

>Women who chose a career over getting married and having kids deserve to have nothing.
Agreed. Women shouldn't look to have any kind of individual success, those selfish bitches.

>> No.12312745

Retard. Korea was completely undeveloped until the 1960s. Japan was completely undeveloped until the 1860s. There's a century of Westernisation between the two, surface level stuff doesn't mean anything. Japan copies old Modern European style of society. Korea copies American pop culture possibly as a way to expand their softpower as you see kpop tries to make it self appealing to a wider audience by piggybacking off that.

This has no bearing on the actual culture, which is much deeper. It's telling that the Korean language retains a more complicated system of formality than Japanese (they're very similar languages) which Japanese dropped postww2 and was edging away from before then. Indeed, Imperial Japan is Westernisation incarnate, everything is in line with creating a European-style nation. Nationalism is European. Korea had none of this, being old feudal style which is decentralised and local community based.

Firstly don't mistake surface-level trends for actual culture. Secondly don't mistake conservation of European sensibilities as traditional when the people are not European.

>> No.12312801

Which city bro?

>> No.12312845

Tsukuba. It has its own wiki:

>> No.12312912

>Single nurse, 30, asks china to 'assign' her a boyfriend as a reward for helping Wuhan fight killer coronavirus
>she just made a fucking joke on social media
I fucking hate commies but as time goes on I'm realizing capitalism is a fucking joke

>> No.12312985

She must be very lazy with how skewed the male-female ratio is in China for her to no be able to find a boyfriend.

>> No.12313017


Yup the quirky girly asian waifu stereotype is nothing but a meme.

>> No.12313022

Chinks have single men due to their hideous faces and micropenors.