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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12308001 No.12308001 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain how come penguins that are very slightly different from each other and live in different parts of antarctica are different species, but humans that are obviously different from one another and live in different parts of the world are all the same thing?

>> No.12308011

Rhetoric that's part of an ideology originating in humanism. It's sort of obvious, isn't it?

>> No.12308028

Those scientists are wrong, because gentoo can interbreed with each other to produce fertile offspring.
It's entirely possible for "scientists" to forget the definition of species.

>> No.12308031

Also, OP, why the fuck are you thinking anything written by the BBC outside of the lifestyle section is accurate in any way?

>> No.12308032

penguins stick to the pole
you should fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.12308044

Humans has gradients. Asians and Europeans have eurasians who live in between them. Africans and Europeans have meds that live between them, and there’s the Afro-Asianics. We haven’t been isolated long enough.

>> No.12308050

So can wolves and dogs, or polar bears and brown bears. Fertile offspring usually means they have the same chromosome number, and implies a certain degree of divergence, but it's an arbitrary criterion.

>> No.12308056

Are you saying that if they found some "intermediate" gentoo penguins, then there would no longer be gentoo species?

If there are a few polar bear-grizzy bear hybrids wandering around, does that negate the fact polar bears and grizzly bears are distinct species?

>> No.12308088

yes, it makes them gentoo races and bear races

>> No.12308257

Subspecies are a thing. They hold about the same genetic place as race in humans. Like canis lupus, which has over 30 subspecies including wolves and domestic dogs, the different species of gentoo penguins as in the article will likely be regarded similarly.
Race exists in part because for the vast majority of modern human existence, which still continues, many humans see themselves separate from the animal kingdom to some degree. Another part is that the majority of people who insist that human races have notable differences are also the types to be complete asshats that nobody in a position of power wants to associate with.
"Species" as a word requires concrete definitions. Definitions that nobody wholly agrees on, and have long been in a state of flux.


>> No.12308342

bro this is a Science and math board, you gotta at least try to make this relate to science or math.

>> No.12308397

That's funny how you switch from reasonable analysis to a generalization you pulled out of your ass. Bait and switch.

People in power are just avoiding associating with what's politically inconvenient, not responding to the personalities of people they've never met or attempted a dialogue with. They're just interested in the short term stakes, they don't actually care about the long term societal trajectory and how ignoring HBD might impact it.
Let's not even get into the double standard (would you take a dim view of non-white race realists, I wonder?). You're a fool. A somewhat informed fool, but a fool nonetheless.

>> No.12308408

It's not that they are same thing, but you shouldn't deny humanity based on race, to cheap people it's easier saying that humans are same things, otherwise they couldn't behave.

>> No.12308489

>"People in power are just avoiding associating with what's politically inconvenient"
Congratulations. You've seen the point, while completely missing another: generalizations for the sake of making fun of OP.

Also fallacy fallacy: doesn't make what I said wrong.

>> No.12308846

i don't think you know the definition either lmao

>> No.12309429

These different species of penguins can't produce fertile offspring. Humans all around the world can. The capacity of producing fertile offspring is how we tell species apart.

>> No.12309443
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>Asians and Europeans have eurasians who live in between them. Africans and Europeans have meds that live between them

>> No.12309498

this thread is gay bc pmuch everyone on sci knows fuck all about taxonomy or epistemology so instead we should discuss why penguins are so heckin cute, look at those round badasses

>> No.12309516


Genetics, man wow.

>> No.12309522


>> No.12309567

>These different species of penguins can't produce fertile offspring
How do you know ?

According to this avianhybrids.wordpress.com/sphenisciformes/
>A genetic study reported gene flow between the Northern Rockhopper Penguin (E. moseleyi) and the Southern Rockhopper Penguin (E. chrysocome), and between two subspecies (chrysocome and filholi) of the Southern Rockhopper Pengion (Mays et al., 2019).
Gene flow means fertile offspring. It's another kind of penguin but it's probably the same situation.

>> No.12309586

Are you saying they're not different species but rather different distros?

>> No.12309622

So can wolves and coyotes

Species is just a term for visibly different populations, and has nothing to do with reproduction

>> No.12309668

Imagine if penguins were a species that would frequently go to war with other penguins whether of the same or different species and that they would frequently(on a geological timescale) migrate to other parts of the planet.
Now it happens to be the case that there is one species of penguin that is the best at going to war because they are the smartest. Over time they extinguish all over species of penguin and come to be the only species to be found all over the planet.
That's basically what happened to humans. There's used to be other human species living along us, like the neanderthal and the denisovan, but we killed all of them! So we are the only ones left.

>> No.12309683

>because they are the smartest
More like mongols destroyed their competition and spared whites because their leader coincidentally died

>> No.12309698

accurate depiction of a med scholar