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12305922 No.12305922 [Reply] [Original]

>19 yr old with ADHD, 1st year uni student getting the newfag treatment online
>Diagnosed with ADHD when I was about 9 yrs old but my parents didn't want me to take any amphetamines medications such as Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse, etc. They thought they had opioids in them
>Went through my high school years with some pretty good grades
> Couldn't manage to have a social life due to the extensive amount of time I would spend in studying at the library, which others spend less time and would the same or better grades.
>Eventually the quarantine happened and the ADHD got too fucking strong with the isolation
>At least did some biking all around the city to stay sane
>Uni starts, newfag treatment.exe starts running and workload greatly increases
>I couldn't auto-regulate myself at home and I would get distracted very easily with anything.
>Specially if I had to study on a fucking pc and having full access to media, video games, and porn.
> Had enough of this ADHD-procrastination shit
>Asked the doctor for a prescription and got it instantly, 30 mg once a day
>Parents can't do jackshit because I'm overt 18 and live in my own place. Big boy
>Constant fear of the unforeseen consequences this shit might bring

The main thing I'm scared from amphetamines is to develop a dependence in them. In particular, I'm fearing that I will develop a chronic or a permanent dopamine dependence on these fuckers even if I will be in the appropriate environment to study.
So, what was your experience with this medication in specific?

TL;DR: What was your experience with this medication? Did it help you focus but made you horribly dependent on it? Tell me about it, nigger.

>> No.12305954

going to leave this thread as my experience probably wont be relevant, but
>Tell me about it, nigger.
fudge okay

sniffed it at a party once, could tell it doesn't produce focus, but steals it from ones future.

several friends with 'adhd', more like drug fiends, all have done rehab or are in rehab.

one friend with legit 'adhd', seemed more balanced and respectful of it

>> No.12305962

>/sci/ - muh blog

>> No.12305994

Personally I like to microdose 10mg of amphetamines when I'm tired and my parents kept that crap away from me while my brain was developing due to some nonsense ADHD disorder.

Shit does nothing for focus, to be honest all I do while on it is masturbate. Also I take benzodiazepines (Klonopin) every night, and I buy opioids (tianeptine) for every morning I don't take Adderall to prevent boredom. I also take a caffeine pill every day and some beer.

If I need to be productive I don't take anything. Now I don't think I'm overdoing it or w/e but I don't really see myself stopping either. Do with this information what you will.

>> No.12306333

I've been taking for close to 8 years now. For the first 6 years I was taking it pretty much everyday and it helped me a tremendous amount. I went from nearly failing high school and being shit at math/school to majoring in economics, receiving several highly competitive scholarships and then getting a Masters degree.

Addiction is definitely in my DNA as half the people in my family are former/current addicts of some sort. I randomly went cold turkey on it earlier this year and stopped taking it on weekends. The decision was mostly based on the fact that is makes smoking cigarettes super enjoyable and smoking is taking a toll on me. When I don't take it, I don't have a major urge to smoke (which I've been doing the entire time I've been on it, 4-5 a day).

I personally wouldn't be too worried about the dopamine dependency. Then again, everyone is different and it could very well become an issue for you, who knows. Maybe try to see if you can stick to weekdays? I went from 50mg to 20mg over the course of a few years because it was affecting my sleep and thus my attitude.

Anyways, my advice would be to develop some serious discipline for yourself. If you're going to take it, realize there will most certainly be consequences. So when you decide to use it, make the most of it and don't fucking jack off and play video games like some kind of faggot. Take it at the same time every morning, set up a routine, work your ass off, study, ignore your faggy video games and then when the day is over and it has worn off you can fuck around.

>> No.12306487
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Shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.12306494

Thank you, I appreciate the lengthy response. It is very wise in regard of discipline and moderation

>> No.12306717

Been on it for 2.5 years, for the last year and a half ive been taking it every day.

I had the exact same fear as you, but i have to say that this stuff works much more mildly than adderall, it has a regulated release mechanism which curbs the high you might expect from regular amphetamines.
Also i have tried stopping for two weeks to see how i feel, and i sinply went back to being my old lazy self. I have also speculated how a higher dose would feel, so i have tried taking more than perscribed, and it felt exactly the same as rhe lower dose.

>> No.12306726

ADHD is not real. It's made up. It's not fucking real. What a meme "disease".

>> No.12306734

Put down the phone and the adhd reduces desu

>> No.12306746

Retroperitoneal fibrosis

>> No.12307363

>Diagnosed with ADHD
>my parents thought amphetamines had opioids in them
Yeah I'm thinking that you should have been diagnosed with genetic retardation.

>> No.12307368


>> No.12307371

Have you tried microdosing just one line of cocaine?
Apparently some people like to combine it with a microdose of a pint of beer.
For optimal synergy you can add a microdose of nicotine, like one marlborogh red.

>> No.12307392

>Was able to sit down and focus with studying
>microdose 10mg of amphetamines
>Ends up wasting time in another way
But it's a step in the right direction

>> No.12307415
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Bad idea, anon

>> No.12307863

Abused it in school, was an awesome high for a little but eventually just made me super tweaky. Had a psychotic break on meth a couple years down the road and never looked back at amphetamines. To this day probably my least favorite drug. Too tweaky for someone with my brain chemistry

Know a kid who went through like 150-300mg a day, definitely had adhd but was already exposed to drug culture and abused it. Made him super productive but he doesn't take it anymore because didn't like how it felt after awhile

Know another severely adhd individual, this kid would constantly screech and do other cringe tier shit. He's prescribed concerts, a little different but similar. He doesn't take it when his family doesn't tell him to or he doesn't need focus. When he takes them he just gets mellow as all fuck. Almost seems like he smoked a fat joint. Kills his appetite and just kinda turns him into a robot. Hence why he dislikes it

>> No.12307933

if you sniffed it no shit it didnt produce focus, you take it orally so its slower release, snorting it is like doing meth you loon

>> No.12308043

Tried it when released but under another name, it sounded good on paper but for me the promises didn't really add up.

To explain more in detail, if I recall correctly it did work pretty good shortly after taking it but the maim gripe I had was that it was said that it would work the entire day which couldn't be further from the truth because for me it started to die down somewhere around 12-14 if I took one in the morning and by that times things got even harder so it didn't really work out to take it at work, sure it got better at higher dosages and taking an extra when it died down (per doctors prescription) and adding other stuff but I tend to forget the time and feel like it's almost better without it than getting that dip but I'm sure it's not the same way for everyone but I have my doubts that it could last from morning to night for anyone with just one taken in the morning but I can't really answer for other people as this is just from personal experience.

Don't think there's really much of a risk of dependence as there's minute amounts if any of Levoamphetamine and Dexamphetamine is completely useless when it comes any sort of high as it doesn't produce any euphoria whatsoever if any it causes anxiety which is in stark contrast to racemic amphetamine which you can't really get as a medicine in a lot of countries, I think the closest might be Adderall (which has three salts one of which is S-amphetamine) if you're lucky enough to be in the US.
Not saying that Lisdexamphetamine/Dexamphetamine is without worth as it does help but for me I'd rather skip it in a lot of cases if that's the only option and taking it every day no not a chance.

Some people seem to sniff it for some reason but if I remember correctly Lisdexamphetamine breaks down to Dexamphetamine in the stomache but I'm not sure.

>> No.12308072

I beg to differ on paper it says that it should but if anything it's more erratic than Dexamphetamine or Methylphenidate (can't speak for Adderall only regular racemic amphetamine which can be more stable).
Lisdexamphetamine has a sort of initial not really kick but still a bit higher effect when you take it and it begins to work which lasts for an hour to maybe a couple which then starts to die down and at around 6-7 and a half at most 8 hours it's pretty much all gone and at least I feel worse than I would have if I didn't take anything which is exacerbated by excessive or more or less anything but small amounts of caffeine intake.

>> No.12308086

Methylphenidate works slightly similar or at least the closest to Cocaine that isn't it but might be remembering incorrectly.

>> No.12308110


Can't say I'm surprised, for me Concerts (extended release Methylphenidate in those weird shapes with is it three layers?) is like concentrated anxiety in pill form, yes it doesn't really make sense seeing as it's just Methylphenidate and other medicines such as Ritalin which also has a bit of extended release doesn't give the same problems at least not for me but if it has to do with placebo or other ingredients is hard to say.

>> No.12308114

Meth is a completely different substance

>> No.12309720
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Opiates usually cause pain relief effects. Amphetamines cause dopamine stimulation.
Pic related to you

>> No.12309726
