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File: 164 KB, 1300x867, 100870804-a-glass-of-coca-cola-with-ice-on-wood-plate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12307240 No.12307240 [Reply] [Original]

coke, pepsi, whatever...

Why does it taste so good? It's miles ahead from any other drinks i tasted. And i dont even like caramel.

How bad is is for your health though ? I would happily drink a lirle of it everyday.

>> No.12307566

>Why does it taste so good?
It's something like over 50% sugar
>How bad is is for your health though ? I would happily drink a lirle of it everyday.
I wouldn't drink more than a glass per week, but yeah it does taste so good

>> No.12307573

>How bad is is for your health though
Very. There's a reason it is called the liquid Jew.

>> No.12308863
File: 394 KB, 1142x2879, julmust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Julmust

>> No.12308881
File: 53 KB, 910x677, meirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it so unhealthy? is it because of the phosphoric acid?
i dont mind the high sugar amount, cola is the only sweet thing i consume (except for apples and bananas)
should i make my own cola so its healthier?

>> No.12308890

>is it because of the phosphoric acid?
No, it's the sugar. It doesn't matter if it's the only sweet thing you have, it's still very, very sugary and that fucks with your hormones.

>> No.12309001

>It's something like over 50% sugar

it is 95% water

>> No.12309009

Did you literally just drink soda for the first time? It's just sugar and various flavors and spices. You get used to it after a while and it just becomes normal. It's not magic.

>> No.12309027

Fanta is the red pilled choice

>> No.12309040

Water and Tea are the preferred beverages of my gods. your gods are fags.

>> No.12309052

What about the no sugar alternatives? I drink a ton of Coke Zero, and from what I understand it's just carbonated water, caffeine, and assorted chemicals/dyes.

>> No.12309096

Without said acid, you wouldn't be able to consume so much sugar at once probably you'll vomit.

>> No.12309263

why? orange juice has a similar sugar content to cola but nobody says anything against orange juice in general

>> No.12309903


>> No.12309912

you have about a teaspoon of sugar in your blood at a given time.

A 12 ounce has like 10 teaspoons of sugar and a 48 ounce has 40.

This shit literally fucks you up, at best if you are young makes you fat.

>> No.12310025

Just drink water man. It's way better for you.

If you need some caffeine, make a cup of coffee.

>> No.12310062

You can make your own but I think you will be surprised at how much sugar actually goes into it, its pretty offputting

>> No.12310097

soda is for kids who are addicted to sugar. as you mature you should start desiring soda and other excessively sugary products less and less. anyone past 20 who still regularly drinks soda is a manchild. also I can't imagine a liter of soda in one day is good for your digestive system. thats way too much sugar and gas.

>> No.12310159

Everything edible is assorted chemicals.

>> No.12310213
File: 333 KB, 687x1024, Double_Gulp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Double Gulp of Coke and then hit the raves to party and fuck all night

>> No.12310252 [DELETED] 

>Why does it taste so good?
because it has caffeine in it

Personally I like prefer tea myself.

>> No.12310259

>Why does it taste so good?
because it has caffeine in it

Personally, I like tea.

>> No.12310261
File: 19 KB, 460x460, 6000200192697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could this possibly be bad for me? Its just aspartame.

>> No.12310438

My question is why is cola so much better than mountain dew?

Coffees good and all but i drink plenty of soda cause its delicious. Im not fat and im not too worried that itll kill me.

>> No.12310451

Lol no it’s the drink of the morbidly obese

>> No.12310464

>better than mountain due
Actually fuck off
Fucking colafags and their niggerdrink

>> No.12310465

Mix it with whiskey so it tastes even better

>> No.12310466


>> No.12310468

Sorry bro i drink dew occasionally and its got lots of caffeine but an ice cold coke after a long day is like nothing else.

>> No.12310843

Fair enough

>> No.12310858

Gods of tooth decay and diabetes, maybe.

>> No.12310859

maybe when it had cocaine

>> No.12310902
File: 58 KB, 800x300, cognac-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12310977

yeah man i reckon you should make your own just for the fun of it. There are recipes and carbonating beverages is easy enough. Looking at the recipes it looks tasty as fuck. Also don't take health advice from 4ch/anal/

>> No.12310989

Based and Christmaspilled

>> No.12311625

oerhört baserat

>> No.12311682

The taste is good, but the reason you want to keep drinking it what the refined sugars inside do to your brain.

>> No.12312247
File: 218 KB, 416x1200, Linie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Pic related is. Just never get drunk on this, that would be its own punishment for such barbarism.

>>12310989 >>12311625

>> No.12312291

No, water is.

>> No.12314064

OJ and other fruit juices are also bad for you. Fruit juice, especially orange juice, was shilled hard by corporations to generate more demand for fruit which didn't need to be perfect looking. The meme began when concentrate distribution technology was developed. Heavy marketing lead to an explosion of consumption and the cementation of fruit juice as a household staple.

>> No.12314456

its not made with caramel, its made with lemon and lime extracts

>> No.12315478

Pepsi is way too sweet
Coca cola is streets ahead

>> No.12315501

Check the known ingredients, caramel is used, as colouring. It will also impart some flavour.

>> No.12315531
File: 49 KB, 600x458, 3u7mQUz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video of cola being boiled and leaving the lump of sugar behind
>video of cola can being eaten up by acids to leave behind the inner plastic bag
>hearing about the insane number of cans being produced every second
>the absurd amount of water required for the operation
>all the ignorant people addicted to the taste
I hope sugar will get cigarette treatment soon.

>> No.12315533

Phosphoric acid is really bad for your teeth. Sugar isn't healthy either.

BTW. What if you made a cola with less sugar so you wouldn't need to add phosphoric acid to make it less sweet? Would that be even-stephen?

>> No.12315817

One can of soda a day will have zero negative heath impact, you people are hysterical bimbos

>> No.12316698

Aspartame being bad for you was sugar industry disinfo the whole time. Drinks should be 1g sugar per 50ml max. Bottles should be 600ml minimum and made of glass. There should be a one dollar deposit with a 5¢ loss per however much glass it takes to produce a 600ml bottle. Yes, a fucking dollar. Yes, you lose the 5¢ if you drop the bottle in a bin rather than reuse it.

>> No.12316819

No it doesn't.

>> No.12316824

It's not.

>> No.12316883

There was some kind of Christmas pepsi back around 2002 or so. It had Christmasy spices, and it was great with rum. Also great with So Co if you were a fuckhead college freshman at the time

>> No.12316887
File: 166 KB, 720x810, D8D077D7-7A3D-48F2-8F37-D59C7904FF3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cranberry juice is my favorite drink

>> No.12317523

Spotted the nazi.

>> No.12317530

its bad for your microbiome. anything that fucks your microbiome fucks you

>> No.12317896

How does it fuck your microbiome?

>t. fucked microbiome

>> No.12317904

National socialism is unironically a great idea. The people should be given a great deal of freedom as long as their actions can be reasonably justified as being good for the people. Collections of people (organizations, corporations) should be given extreme scrutiny such that they always work for the public good, not for profit. Would be immigrants should be told to fuck off 9/10 times. If the nation has enough success to take more in, then it should instead expand.
Free market capitalism and regular socialism have both been absolute failures, as witnessed by the state of the world. National socialism was killed in the cradle by retards who didn't know what they had. I'm of course talking about the Nazi party. Absolute dumb asses. However we're probably at a steep local maxima which will require WWIII to get out of. Humanity is fucked on the short term.

>> No.12317920

This may just be the most scientific thread I've ever seen.
Fuck you, OP

>> No.12317989

I too enjoy a glass bottle coke. Cola nut is tasty, it has a nice blend of herbs and spices and is fizzy/sweet. On a nice day a coke is great. The hfcs stuff is worse, and aluminum cans make it worse. The issue are regular soda drinkers and diet sodas. My ex would drink 4-5 a day. That’s how you get brain tumors and diabetes

>> No.12317996

They’re good for a fast easy vitamin intake. If you do full pulp or use them as a quick energy boost they’re fine. A naked juice is a fine breakfast if you’re active. Not a daily thing, but nowhere near hfcs and other sodas with chemicals and weird sugars. Any real juice with pulp is superior regardless of calories or sugar

>> No.12318010

you do recover copper sulfate, do you?

>> No.12318235 [DELETED] 

>4chan, the pylon on science
since when ?

>> No.12319329

>not for profit.
Profit represents how much they've manufactured, unless the capital was stolen.

>> No.12319341

I don't think coke tastes that good at all. It's sweet, tart with an unpleasant carbonation bite and some misc cleaning-chemical-ish tastes.

>> No.12319543

>1.9 liters
That’s fucking insane, doesn’t that swell the shit out of brain if drunk in one go? I remember this news story about a woman dying that way.

>> No.12319554

And cinnamon and vanilla extracts too.

>> No.12319594

Hyponatremia kills people every year.

>> No.12319632

Honestly I've never had anything better than coke, in high school I was drinking at least a litre per day. I am european though, and its not that I realized, I always knew this is bound to be unhealthy.

I still love coke, its fucking great, but I have it rarely, maybe twice per month and usually with alcohol. Americans dont seem to understand the concept of moderation and that nice things can be harmful if overdone. Yes that includes sex too.

>> No.12319684

i knew sci ppl were autistic retards but damn

>> No.12320053

fuck you schizo

>> No.12320325

Profit is fine, but is secondary for doing the right thing for the people. Any corporation caught doing sociopathic shit will have their profits "stolen", yes. It's not really stealing, but taking back what was lost from their damaging behavior.
I would have corporations have to walk on eggshells and ask explicit permission for new things. This, rather than just doing them and lobbying super hard with the profits to bootstrap even more horrendous shit.

>> No.12320333

I don't understand how people can justify drinking gallons of this shit everyday. I rarely drink any of this. 1 can and I feel terrible

>> No.12320368

Caramel is burned sugar, you nigger! The cola flavoring comes from the kola nut.


>> No.12320512


>> No.12320520

As with most things in health/nutrition science, the jury is out.

>> No.12320541

Not exactly free. The acids are still bad for your teeth, but died soda is unironically healthier than orange juice.
>Muh vit C
Eat a real fucking orange then.

The jury will forever be out if you listen to cunts who have been paid off by the sugar and corn lobby.

>> No.12320579

store bought colas are awful for you. smaller company's colas are less bad (usually have less sugar/use real sugar and better ingredients).

the best, though, is to make your own cola that's mildly sweet. THAT is the drink of the gods.

>> No.12321241

soda will gum up your veins don't drink that frog vomit

>> No.12321285

Anyone tried carbonating tea?