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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 150 KB, 1263x603, freeEnergy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12305462 No.12305462 [Reply] [Original]

Since free and clean energy has been available since at least WWII why are people trying to claim climate change is a problem that requires communism to fix? Is something fishy here?

>> No.12305514
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I'm thinking the climate change narrative is psycho-spiritual innovation masked as technological innovation. Fitting in this age of ego, the Kali Yuga. It is a transition in thinking of man verses nature to that of man with nature, of oneness with the universe and cosmos, the apocalypse of the ego.

>> No.12305536
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I didn't know anyone this based was on /sci/

>> No.12305586

How do you explain the increasing incidence of hurricanes and drought that mathematical models pick up independently of human opinion?

>> No.12305590

>free energy


>> No.12305623


think in terms of necessity and sufficiency, and you may come to the answer you seek

>> No.12305682

>being so stupid to think we live in a reality completely made of nothing but energy that it is difficult to harness

>> No.12306497
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>> No.12306503

>why are people trying to claim climate change is a problem that requires communism to fix?

The knowhow is available.
People pulling the strings want "communism" as a means to control the flow of things. If you have free energy, you have a lot more independence.

The info is out there and the people could unpack unlimited energy if they collectively committed themselves.
I don't think they'll ever unglue themselves from the media drama though

>> No.12306505

also wtf is foo fighters

>> No.12306516

fucking zoomers, jewgle it


Applications Of The Torus – Anti Gravity

Thule, Vril And The Black Sun

>> No.12306524

also even einstein ripped e=mc2 out of the vedas
most everything we need to know is written in indian and indo-european history
if people are so inclined, they could end their own enslavement

get off the plantation

>> No.12306543

>How do you explain the increasing incidence of hurricanes and drought that mathematical models pick up independently of human opinion?
This is going to sound meme to you but in short, manufactured weather alteration

>> No.12306545

fuck off

>> No.12306552

>Hindus knew about electromagnetism
>smelted steel for jewelry for centuries before the Europeans showed them they could build stuff with it

>> No.12306556

>why are people trying to claim climate change is a problem that requires communism to fix
Because the free market hasn't chosen renewables because they aren't the most profitable option.
If the most profitable option isn't the one that is needed neoliberalism fails.

Also not everything that isn't Laissez-faire economics is communism but I don't expect you to understand anything about mixed economies or economics in general based on your post.

>> No.12306558
File: 233 KB, 750x932, DafoeFrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know the aryans that wrote the Vedas were euroids

>> No.12306561

Those people were probably God's enemies.

>> No.12306563

>>r/iamvery smart moment
I will make you look illiterate on any topic kiddo. I worded the way I did very specifically just because you are an idiot that doesn't understand the current political scene doesnt mean anything more than you are an idiot that doesn't understand the current political scene. Not surprising being an incel autist that has no real world knowledge

>> No.12306567

Ok I'm bored so lets play.

I would like to see all resource extraction on government land nationalized as it is the property of the people.

Agree? Disagree? Why?

>> No.12306570

Sanskrit is indo-european

>> No.12306571

>I would like to see all resource extraction on government land nationalized as it is the property of the people.
in reality, there will be those whom have to "oversee" these operations
what you're taught is to embrace a vehicle that ends personal ownership. it puts less power in the hands of the individual
(im not the guy you responded to)

>> No.12306574

I dont have time top tutor you mate and you aren't really interested in learning anything anyway. If you haven't figured out the communist agenda in 2020 you go through life with blinders on because truth and the real world scares you. If you want to learn I made this just for clueless mooks like you


>> No.12306576

> there will be those whom have to "oversee" these operations
Yes, right now we have many levels of government, the mining company and the mine manager.
Why does removing 1 of these matter?
>embrace a vehicle that ends personal ownership
But public land is legally owned by the public.
>it puts less power in the hands of the individual
How would "the individual" suffer from this?

If you can't or don't want to defend your position on a literal public forum so be it.

>> No.12306580

I dont need to defend anything, you are the clueless one not me. I dont need your seal of approval kiddo. I know what's going on you are the one in for a rude awakening

>> No.12306584

Up to you mate, I want to convince people to support my position as like all political ideas it needs public support to survive.
If you think the best way to get people to support your position is to call everyone that disagrees stupid I can only wish you luck.

>> No.12306589

>I dont need your seal of approval kiddo
Then why have you been spamming your blog about pajeet superstitions here so much?

>> No.12306595
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I did the work you were too stupid and/or too lazy to do and gifted to you because your ignorance and stupidity puts me and mine in danger. If you aint with me you are against me and I will really hate to have to split your dome like a canoe during the boogaloo but I will do it and sleep like a baby if I have to

>> No.12306597

Bold words for a man who's dox are completely known

>> No.12306598

this is all extremely naive
i don't think you are remotely aware of the level of global ownership in the hands of a few, and what you propose means less in your hands, and more in theirs

do you trust your patriarchs? i am not talking about political theater and symbolic government office
a reflection of them is your major institutions.
food, health, media, finance, etc. These are some reflections of your true leaders whom don't operate in the the public domain.
do you think these institutions, among others, have been serving your interests?
they are harvesters for their own interests. what you want to usher in is idealistic, and im not denouncing the idealistic nature of it, but the pragmatic reflection in real-world context means you will be utterly powerless to the people in these positions

Tesla came out with these discoveries, these inventions, these tech.
Tesla wanted to give free energy to the world. Think about that. Think about how much autonomy that gives individuals and groups.
It is absolutely, 100% a real thing. It exists and is completely possible now, and has been for a long time.
So why hasn't it been implemented?
Because it gives groups less agency over you. That is the gods honest truth.

I'm sorry, I genuinely appreciate the idealism behind what you guys want to usher in, but you're being sold contextual-fantasy in order to surrender any and all individual and group power of self-autonomy and governance to make way for a system of global serfdom

These groups have gathered most of what they needed through this system that you see as "capitalism". It's just a buzzword that represents a certain set of values, laws, social operations etc.
And now, all of a sudden, communism is such a big word being tossed around?
Media is completely owned. The root narratives and ideas that get passed around are carefully cultivated. The people parrot them and internalize them.

>> No.12306599


So you can bet that if this ideology is making the rounds, that someone whom rules over you benefits from it more than they have of "capitalism". Let that sink in.

>> No.12306600

100% correct

>> No.12306601

I appreciate the content you represent, and I do think you have quality knowledge
But you are consistently hostile with people.
I'm not saying baby people and hold their hand, but its pure human nature to respond negatively to hostility and arrogance. People will flat our reject this information purely based off feeling alone, and I think that overall just hurts what you represent in the end

>> No.12306611

How did this /x/ thread get on /sci/?

>> No.12306613

>How did this /x/ thread get on /sci/?
Stuff like this is shill post or internalized clamp
Teslas free energy tech is absolutely real, and people whom have internalized this mind virus only hold us back from our own governance

>> No.12306615
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Well if you had an ounce of intelligence it should tell you something. Fuck around and find out

>> No.12306616

Honestly I really appreciate that full on /x/ schitzos attack AGW so hard. It really gives even the ones who pretend to be rational huge credibility issues when normies are used to seeing threads like this one.

>> No.12306618
File: 257 KB, 850x400, bruce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just trolling a little for lolz mate, they poker me and I poke them back. If they look at the finger when it points at the moon it is a good filter. Fuck em. At least the smarts one are paying attention

>> No.12306620
File: 206 KB, 1000x1000, glowie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free and clean energy is schizo
you can leave any time no one will miss you. Looks like I have done a pretty good job these last few years which is why you all can't stop screaming /pol/ and schizo

>> No.12306623
File: 88 KB, 720x719, freethought.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the words of an initiate that knows exactly what he is dealing with. Cheers anon

>> No.12306757

>there will be those whom have to "oversee" these operations
I am and not a single one of them wants economic nationalism.
>do you think these institutions, among others, have been serving your interests?
No, the current economic system has allowed them to gain power and capital without serving the public interest.
>what you want to usher in is idealistic
It's happening elsewhere (inb4 everyone points at Venezuela while ignoring Russia, Thailand, India ect.)
And a quick quote from that article
>It’s long been recognised by the extractives sector that outright expropriation is less of a risk than it used to be, and this is confirmed by the research
Does this sound like something those pursuing the great good would say?

>Tesla wanted to give free energy to the world
That he did, if you think that it is possible to generate electricity and distribute it without any staff or overhead costs I'm not going to convince you otherwise.

>gathered most of what they needed through this system that you see as "capitalism"
I call it neoliberalism because that is it's name, it's a kind of capitalism just as what I would like is a kind of capitalism (the market has a place).
>And now, all of a sudden, communism is such a big word being tossed around?
It's a way of convincing people that moving the mixed economy towards more government ownership is communism because they have run anti-communism propaganda for the last 70 years.
>Media is completely owned
>So you can bet that if this ideology is making the rounds, that someone whom rules over you benefits from it more than they have of "capitalism". Let that sink in.
Why major media outlet is saying nationalization of resources is good? Let that sink in.

Sorry for slow reply, had a customer turn up and my business comes first.

>> No.12306761

spoken like a true naive blue pilled retard

>> No.12306773
File: 2.38 MB, 1468x7317, lemmings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see this is why don't argue with these fools >>12306757. It is like arguing with a child about nuclear fission. It would take far too long to try and educate someone like this who lives in a fish bowl about what is outside of that fish bowl. They simply don't have the knowledge to see things from a higher perspective anymore than you can teach a horse to count. They have literal blinders on and nothing you describe outside of that field of vision makes sense to them, it is just static. You can only drop links and bits of knowledge here and there and let people teach themselves. They will or they won't but either way you can't waste time on them. In the big scheme of things the useful idiot doesn't really matter because they are basically useless anyway. You need to train leaders who will actually accomplish things

>> No.12306786

I know I'm never going to convince you but just read this, it's not that long and is from an investor risk analysis firm talking about the threat nationalism poses to exploitation.

>> No.12306790

>Is something fishy
Your brain is just rotten fish

>> No.12306793

I'll address the rest in a bit but
>Why major media outlet is saying nationalization of resources is good? Let that sink in.
Because this allows group autonomy, independence, self sufficiency, and means that you are less dependent upon other countries that may have a completely different use tity and set of values than you, which inevitably leads to conflict and them being able to grab you by the balls.

Apply the perspective at an individual level, and I am of the mind that the individual should first learn reasonable self sufficiency, and shape world view relative to their own perception, and from there, enter the world. Trade and symbiosis happens voluntarily from there on.
And, in an idealistic setting, I would say any group with access to mass resources undertake a responsibility to aid less-resource-rich groups, whom have shown interest in their own development, with resources for their own development.

"Nationalism" doesn't need to mean imperialism and expansionism.
It just means you can be self sufficient first.
Japan is a great example.
The in-group of a nation has a symbiotic vested interest in making sure that it is healthy, develops properly, and is prosperous.
Groups that have their hands in other places, but are not part of that group, have their own interests, perspectives, and have no personal vested interested in assuring that the group succeeds. They can fuck with supply lines, gimp a nation, and make it bend to their will at any point.

Look how dysgenic they've made America as a vehicle to usher in this word you take as "communism".
They have made people useless and dependent through media so they will vote it in and outsource their agency. It's like an ultimate sugar daddy who controls what you do.
People who genuinely care about you want you able to be independent and your own human.

>> No.12306794

oh look at this prissy little faggot we have here. Post your man tits

>> No.12306797

And just to tack onto this, America has an extremely generous citizenship program. Make sure you couple this idea when you speak about nationalism. Everyone is free to expand and develop in a place that has been of reasonably high quality for a long time, and they are then able to return home to help their kin if they wish.
But please remember to marry this citizenship when you speak about nationalism.

>> No.12306798

Ok this is national socialism what's your point lol? I am fully on board with a national socialist ethno society. Do you know what the Venus project is? If not check it out

>> No.12306799

>may have a completely different use tity
But use tity is pretty good too desu

>> No.12306801

That was a typo, I meant WHAT major media outlet is saying nationalization of resources is good?
If you can link anything from Comcast, News Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner or CBS saying nationalization is good I'll consider I may be mistaken.

>> No.12306809

So you didn't read it...
It's about how nationalization is a threat to profits and how tariffs and ending investment has been used to stop counties pursuing nationalization.

>> No.12306810

>literal communists rioting in the streets for the last 4 years
>kill 30 people and destroy billions of dollars of property the last 8 months
>communists running for president
>inb4 they aren't because you are politically illiterate on current events
>MSM completely runs interference for these communists and helps them cheat to attempt to steal the election
wew lad

>> No.12306813

>literal communists rioting in the streets
I'm against communism too, my earlier point was everything economically left of neoliberalism is called communism.
>communists running for president
Who told you that? News Corp?
>MSM completely runs interference
>and helps them cheat to attempt to steal the election

>> No.12306818
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I never said the system couldn't work, I have every faith if the right people doing it it can. As I said over and over you are missing the point. You want to complain because the crooked system has a large % of control of resources and think the solution is to give them 100% control of the resources. This is just pure stupidity but you are too rosy eyed with idealism to see the practical con being pulled on you. This is how all cons work. You get them focused on some dream promising them the world with a deal they cant refuse and while they are with the 1000 mils stare into the future you rob them blind in the mean time. It is a con, it was always a con for Jewish global domination and control. The communists have always been fully funded by the Jew bankers. You seriously think they are doing it because they love the goy so much?

>> No.12306819

No more time for fruitless arguments friend sorry. You are wrong period and you will never know it until you get kicked in the balls with a jack boot before you face it

>> No.12306826

>You want to complain because the crooked system has a large % of control of resources and think the solution is to give them 100% control of the resources
How does taking the profits from resource extraction and putting them in government coffers give the wealthy more power than letting them own the mines?

>> No.12306834
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open a thread on /his/ or /lit/ with your questions/arguments and I might jump in every once in a while OR you could actually start watching the videos in the playlist I gave you. Just a thought

>> No.12306858

Now they have the mines and the policy

The idea behind America was to prevent monolithic structures
"State" can be seen as a state of mind that compounds into values and identity.
United States was intended to be a place of many powers with less singular mode of operation.

It agitates calamity and drama, but that's part of development.
Reality is perspective and perception based. Unionizing should be choice symbiosis
If you first don't have independence, self sufficiency, and knowledge of self, then what is choice but a conditioning of the environments that others establish for you.

>> No.12306867

>The idea behind America was to prevent monolithic structures
This is impossible under the free market, if government doesn't intervene in the economy you end up with monopoly the game. Given enough time 1 entity be it a man or investment firm will own everything.
>Unionizing should be choice symbiosis
This is what happens to those that try to unionize where the government is brought.
>If you first don't have independence, self sufficiency, and knowledge of self, then what is choice but a conditioning of the environments that others establish for you.
Agreed, sadly these are things we have to learn for ourselves and many never do.

>> No.12306868

>The idea behind America was to prevent monolithic structures
>"State" can be seen as a state of mind that compounds into values and identity.
>United States was intended to be a place of many powers with less singular mode of operation.
This is why power was given more to the state level as opposed to the federal level.

An issue America faces now, though, is that it has to compete with more monolithic structures who can infiltrate media and sew divide.
This is further problematic when she has dependency on them for resources.

Singular identities are very powerful at imposing their will on both the environment and humanity, and while they may spawn temporarily, nature expects diversity, but the balance shifts.

The tower of Babel, for example, isn't a "comment on pride", as it's been reduced to meaning.
It's basically saying that totalitarians will always be subverted by nature, because diversity is a necessary component of expansion. Perceiving and acting in fundamentally different ways that prevents us from remaining stunted in one singular mode of operation.

Imo, America personally needs independence and nationalism because America already has the bases covered in terms of diversity.
Homogenous, expansionist cultures that preach nationalism are what need to be of "concern". They will never completely succeed their vision, but the vision affords a course of action.

>> No.12306875

I know that got a little OT, but more to the point

Purchasing and producing at home is a great way to ensure economic sustainability as everything gets made in, and stays in house. Couple this with primarily pure exportation, and you're always going to keep your economy healthy while ensuring (under American standards), that the goods are made with more respect to the workers and the environment.

It allows us to monitor things like human rights and pollution, where many other countries simply do not give a fuck, and will abuse their working class and the environment as a means to get ahead.
China's made talk of going more green, but they're following the same procedure Reagan and Nixon did of selling out their dirty work to other countries at cheaper costs.

>> No.12306877

Do you know what happened under communism when the people tried to unionize top kek. They rolled in with tanks. You are blind with ideology and you are too young to really understand any of this because you never lived through it. Same con for fresh faces. This has been practically completely scrubbed from the search engines too rofl. I was alive mate when it happened

>> No.12306878

I am not supporting communism, I have never supported communism, why do you think everything left of neoliberalism is communism?

>> No.12306880

>This is impossible under the free market, if government doesn't intervene in the economy you end up with monopoly the game. Given enough time 1 entity be it a man or investment firm will own everything.

Sure, but neither of these are then monolithic, are they? That's the point. All pf these groups at play have their oen power and sway in the course of things.
Having more links in the chain, both top down and laterally allows for more dispersion of power.
Why do you think there's been such a big effort to destroy the middle class?
Now watch the "rich" that you and I and the public know about, start to get dismantled as well.
This all creates more distance between power structures.

This is extremely disingenuous and I'm inclined to think that you're a shill after this post.
Systems and structures are empty shells that different identities operate within. The results will have significantly more to do with identity of the people than the actual system.

Do you think if the indigenous Americans, with their strong familial web, powerful relationship with nature, and overall connection with different tribes (takg the romantic perspective) employed "capitalism", that you would see the same results you have in America?
This is an identity and a values problem far above all else.

Tbh, after this comment, I think I'm going to check out of this conversation now.
This is not a sincere discussion

>> No.12306882

this was in yugoslavia btw.

look it boils down to something real simple. A separation of powers. Everything always corrupts because there are people who work in teams to do it. That is all there is to it. You want to give dictatorial powers to people with no checks on their power and I am telling you it never works out, in fact it always ends in misery and death. It is really that simple, no other arguments to be had. Never concentrate power and never trust anyone with it

>> No.12306884
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Stop smoking or injecting whatever the fuck it is you're smoking or injecting while you still have some functional brain cells, dumbfuck OP.
>hurrdurr COMMUNISM
>hurrdurr FREE ENERGY

>> No.12306888

>This is not a sincere discussion
it never is with these types

suck my balls bitch

>> No.12306891

Are you Yugoslavian?

>> No.12306896


>> No.12306898

Jc, my family hails from that region

>> No.12306901

nice, I have a of Bosnian friends. One I met right after the war in the mid to late 90's. He and a few of his people moved to the US right after the war. He told me a lot about it shit was horrific. He had even been raped

>> No.12306909

>but neither of these are then monolithic, are they
So Google isn't monolithic?
>Having more links in the chain, both top down and laterally allows for more dispersion of power.
>Why do you think there's been such a big effort to destroy the middle class?
Because paying a decent wage hurts the bottom line.
>Now watch the "rich" that you and I and the public know about, start to get dismantled as well
Depends what you call "rich" millionaires will be destroyed by inflation alone if they don't invest to increase their wealth. Billionaires on the other hand will be able to become effectively lords of old owning all land in a large residential area and collecting rent from his subjects.

>This is extremely disingenuous
It's an example of zero government interference, I don't think this is about to happen in the west but given our current path I wouldn't rule it out long term. After all Ford shot unionists in the US and got away with it.

>Everything always corrupts because there are people who work in teams to do it
Agreed, the difference is you seem to think competition will favor the non-corrupt.
>You want to give dictatorial powers to people
No, I want the resource sector to be government owned.

>> No.12306913
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>Agreed, the difference is you seem to think competition will favor the non-corrupt.
Never said this, I said the more hands it is in the better. This is econ 101. The problem is you think this is actually happening and don't know what cartels are.

>he doesnt know the "government" is a crown corporation of the dutch east india company
pic related

>> No.12306923

>So Google isn't monolithic?
Google has competition, there is options.
And right now, the other power structures are addressing Google because it's going too far.
Monolithic means nothing can check it. No other power structure has the means to take it down a peg.

>> No.12306929

Given the nature of the OP
I think it's high time we start getting more invested in innovation. It's the nature of submitting to these gate-kept non sustainables that maintain our enslavement in the first place, which is why we ought to keep unpacking teslas brilliance.

Speaking of Ford, check out his hemp vehicle, and the biodiesel engine he was having made.
Check out all the hemp plastic replacements.

Much more can be done with what's around us than we know, I believe, but our focus is always prodded to look elsewhere

>> No.12306949
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>he knows about Ford and his hemp bio plastics and bio fuels

Check out his hemp steel for a real kek

>> No.12306952


>> No.12306962

I wanted to add that but I recall reading somewhere that it may have been a fusion or just the panels

Either way, the plant is extremely disruptive to many of these non sustainable, gate kept power structures that fuck up our environment and health, and remove individual power.
Hemp is extremely cheap, high nutrition, grows like crazy pretty much everywhere.

I'm person ally getting sick of paying so much energy to these institutions one way or another, and would prefer to come up with developments in both innovation and social that render them obsolete/more obsolete.

Too much energy is surrendered every time we focus our efforts in the way we have ITT, and nothing of value really came of it other than arguing our own positions, which is pretty much par for the course in terms of internet opinion discussion.

>> No.12307050

it was the stamped pieces.

I'm person ally getting sick of paying so much energy to these institutions one way or another, and would prefer to come up with developments in both innovation and social that render them obsolete/more obsolete.

Too much energy is surrendered every time we focus our efforts in the way we have ITT, and nothing of value really came of it other than arguing our own positions, which is pretty much par for the course in terms of internet opinion discussion.

It will require a breakaway civ situation the masses are too stupid for this kind of thing. Even the ones like the idiots here are in reality little more than memorize and recall bots, they dont have nay vision and can barely understand simple concepts desu. Some of the most retarded people I have ever met had a PHD. I worked for a literal rocket scientist at GA TECH ATDC and his lack of common sense would make your jaw drop often times

>> No.12307073

>in reality little more than memorize and recall bots
This is really concerning to me in general
The idea of education needs an absolute overhaul, and I would turn to the renaissance for ideas.
It'd also be of benefit if we could figure out how to fast-access "enlightenment", as this is the most genuine state of truth and self-knowledge there is. I suppose promoting competent psychedelic use in the meantime is reasonable.

Anyway, people that are conditioned the same, to perceive the same, and hang out with the same who have all received the same, will all come to the same conclusions. This is akin to what I was talking about with "diversity", which is really just about individuality at whatever scale.
The sciences have also become static partly from conditioning rather than curious experimentation or unique approach.

>> No.12307088

>The idea of education needs an absolute overhaul, and I would turn to the renaissance for ideas.
>It'd also be of benefit if we could figure out how to fast-access "enlightenment", as this is the most genuine state of truth and self-knowledge there is

Indeed, gotta teach sacred geometry and the dhammapada and vedas at any early age. That was the first thing I thought when I first read the dhammapada "why the hell dont they teach this in schools"

I agree whole heartedly with your conclusions mate. Ever heard of information theorists? Something new me and some other engineers.scientist are working on

>> No.12307204

>Google has competition, there is options.
Well this is only half true. Silicon valley is itself a monolithic jewish cartel for all practical purposes

>> No.12307929


>> No.12308158
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>why do you think everything left of neoliberalism is communism
can't tell if this bait or this anon is really this retarded

>> No.12309644

quality post

>> No.12310175
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>> No.12310586

I forgot to reply my bad

I think just reproaching subjects from a personal experience as opposed to being taught is super important in order for us to make new discoveries.
There are many methods of perception and measurement that the academic and scientific communities will reject.
Regardless of what people think about Tesla, for example, the guy perceived in aether, and theres been no short supply of people trashing the concept. And yet Tesla was able to make discoveries and come to understandings in part due to perceiving in this manner.

The farm kills creativity.
Ancient India as a whole needs to be taught and discussed more. So much of it is not only relevant, but personally applicable to ones life in a way that can enhance their experience and attunement with reality.
I've read into a bunch, but I hadn't heard of "dhammapada" before. Honestly, there's so much to go through. I didn't even know that Sanskrit was indo-european recently, and that language has been calling out to me.

I haven't heard of information theorists. To be honest, I've been weary about learning anything from anyone else.
I'm interested in so many topics but it seems like I have to learn them entirely for myself, so I am just continuously experimenting. The trouble is that there is no floor nor ceiling on the breadth at which you can learn a topic.

If you don't first have a personal relationship, though, you will always be subject to learning something through others, their relationships, their languages, etc.

>> No.12310634

Let's say I'm a Lemming. If I do have all my luxuries, why should I indeed revolt? For some higher ideological good? Seems more like these are people intent on destroying the current system so that they can place themselves at the top of the new one.

>> No.12310641

>Seems more like these are people intent on destroying the current system so that they can place themselves at the top of the new one.
This won't happen
Ask yourself who is building a new system and what use they have for those whom have conditioned themselves to be a catastrophic force? Whom were the bottom rung of the last system?

To your first point, there's more to life, living, the world and our connection with it than luxuries.

>> No.12310657

>there's more to life, living, the world and our connection with it than luxuries

Well, there is, but to a certain extent all the needs of the human brain can be turned into 'luxuries', so to speak. Though we like to think otherwise, we are still animals. Every single desire of ours can be traced back to some sort of emotion or basic instinct, as the brain optimises for certain goals based on how it was molded during childhood or because of its structure (decided by our genetics - as in, fundamental characteristics of humans that exist regardless of nurture.) Logic is simply a tool used by the brain to link these basal instincts to more complex ideas, and to control, to some extent, the expression of these basal instincts. Simply put: there are no purely logical people in this world because the very formation of a goal to achieve is an emotional task. Any deeper meaning in the world is simply one constructed by our brains in order to make it easier to achieve certain goals, or a spontaneous creation from interactions between brains.

There is no fundamental meaning to the world other than the ones we give it. This fact is only rejected because of what it entails, not because it can be disproved. There is no reason to live other than because our brain tells us not to die, a behaviour inculcated over millennia as the organisms without it do not flourish as well as those with it. The only reason mothers care for their children (and occasionally, some even don't) is because of the motherly instinct ingrained in our psychology and nurtured by society.
(cont. in next post)

>> No.12310662

Since every goal, desire, and need has now been shown to be a fundamental quality of the brain or a learned behaviour, it means that they can all be identified and fulfilled given enough study and enough resources. The need for socialising, for advancement, for meaning, for nutrition, and so on. All can eventually be turned into 'luxuries' and provided to someone in return for some of their labour, or another price. Everything that is desired can be turned into something to be provided.

Human societies, however, are not built simply to fulfill the desires of its inhabitants. They first come about due to the mutual association of bands of humans, developing further and further as desires themselves develop due to circumstances. I cannot really express in words what more I want to write, so I might add it later.

>> No.12310708
File: 75 KB, 482x427, ECABD1DB-29B4-4B8D-B1CA-07F8643CCD46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hoping for a fission thread
>haha nope just schizoposting
It really is over isn’t it? Renewablefags have sealed our fate. See you all at +5 °C.

>> No.12311618

Because in capitalism nobody would use clean energy.

>> No.12312027
File: 32 KB, 293x449, anthony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hoping for quality posts not the typical /sci/ simpleton hack
>never expect to find more than 4 people on this board that aren't complete tools
It really is over isn't it? Most of you really are too worthless to accomplish anything

>> No.12313260

bump for the truth seekers, wading through the darkness, bump for those resilient to dogma, groupthink and doublethink, bump for those who'd rather make their own mind about things. Bump for those who decide to see with eyes unclouded by hate. Bump for you OP

>> No.12313398
File: 88 KB, 640x640, nietchze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12313404

>If I do have all my luxuries
for now, when you dont do what you are told and are sent to the gulag I think your opinion may change. What do you think?

>> No.12313417
File: 673 KB, 1258x648, blackmirror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch this select episode 2

look like a fun future to you? How about the hunger games? Because that is where it is headed

>> No.12313678

That's a religion not a people group. What are Aryans and what relation do they gave to the subcontinent?

>> No.12313702
File: 547 KB, 1560x1720, yamnaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Aryans were brown.

They also didn't invent anything, they were simply steppe conquerors. Same as the Mongols except taller, earlier, and Caucasoid.

take your meds.

>> No.12313712

hydroelectric, solar and geothermal are free energy, just because they charge you for it doesnt mean it requires the expenditure of resources to create beyond initial construction of the facilities to produce it. Are you mentally retarded by chance?

>> No.12313716

No, the aryans were not brown. They were europeans and they invented things you cant even image because you are stupid. Caucasoid is literally means white people you imbecile, Take a bullet to the face

>> No.12315272

You are an idiot holy shit. You sound pathetic right now. "Caucasoid" comes from the Caucus region

>> No.12317184 [DELETED] 

You are an idiot holy shit. You sound massively retarded right now. I minored in anthropology did you? Fucking moron

>> No.12317186 [DELETED] 

>You are an idiot holy shit. You sound massively retarded right now. I minored in anthropology did you? What race are the people who come from the Caucus region? Fucking moron

>> No.12317188

You are an idiot holy shit. You sound massively retarded right now. I minored in anthropology did you? What race are the people who come from the Caucus region? Fucking moron

>> No.12317204

no one seriously claims communism will fix it. Nuclear energy is great, but so are renewables if storage and baseline is fixed.

>> No.12317211
File: 100 KB, 670x632, 1578371902423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh university indoctrination
>muh dogma muffugguh

>> No.12317223

Lmao the fuck is this thread.
You know you can prove basic physics right?

>> No.12317229

he's right Caucasian is literally a synonym for white person and you are an idiot

>> No.12317238
File: 188 KB, 1268x1313, YouAreAMoron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe how stupid the people on this board are sometimes. You idiots can't use a fucking dictionary

>> No.12317264

Not people, communists. Communists claim that climate change requires communism to fix, because they believe Marx is correct that communism is "the end of history."

>> No.12317340

Where do I find plans how to build it?

>> No.12317366

hutchison effect. seal effect generator, nitinol. Jewgle them


>> No.12317373

you do realize there are built models you can see fucking working right egg head retard?



>> No.12317382


>> No.12317936

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