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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 97 KB, 1260x840, 200530-trump2-1260x840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12304681 No.12304681[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The end of an era

Previous: >>12302028

>Biden wins election
>GOP holds Senate

>> No.12304683

nah he'll still pull it off.

>> No.12304685

he won the ballot printing contest, not the election.

>> No.12304686

Trump is finished and needs to concede, he’s going to curbstomped by mail in ballots

>> No.12304687

>ballot printer go brrrrrr
ha ha

>> No.12304688

This isn't /pol/

>> No.12304691

>Imagine talking about spaceflight without talking about political.

>> No.12304693

>won PA, GA, NC, WI, and MI
>ok this will give us time to cheat some more
>miraculously find biden ballots the next day

>> No.12304695

yeah, would be nice.

>> No.12304696

I still don't see any talk about spaceflight.

>> No.12304701

This isn't /sfg/, this is the chimpout thread. We doing this over or what?

>> No.12304702

I really did want Trump to win but i think it's over, all the remaining vote heavily Dem voters, it's time to move on.

>> No.12304705


Will a tunnel boring machine fit inside a starship? How does Musk plan to make his tunnels on mars?

>> No.12304706

>Will a tunnel boring machine fit inside a starship?
Flatpack it

>> No.12304709

They're fraudulent.

>> No.12304713

Demoralization attempt is live. Cope. Trump isnt going to concede or leave office because these votes are all fake. Biden was losing so bad it wasn't even funny last night and suddenly everything pauses for 12 hours so they have time to drop off truckloads of votes with no means to verify their legitmacy. It's time for trump to suspend habeas corpus.

>> No.12304717

Fox just flipped Michigan blue.

Based Jim and Artemis are as good as dead.

>> No.12304718

>Not knowing that all Biden voters are part of a hivemind and they all sleep and get up at the same time

>> No.12304725
File: 47 KB, 640x353, intergalactic-pulsar-navigation-640x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every article I read on pulsar navigation compares it to GPS and says it's basically the same with natural sources.
But when I read actual scientific papers on it I never see how it is actually similar. Can someone please tell me if this is right? And if yes, why does this anaolon make sense?

>> No.12304726

It doesn't matter what Fox declares. They're not the arbiter of this. The supreme court will be, or trump will be if he suspends habeas corpus.

>> No.12304727

This might be the best possible Biden victory. SLS is preserved thanks to republican senate. Artemis is safe as well. Jim may be gone, but Lori/Kendra wont be able to do much damage

>> No.12304728

Is artemis and big jim in danger?

>> No.12304729


>> No.12304735

At least SpaceX will be safe from the clutches of the Democrats as they defund government space across the board.

>> No.12304738

fundamentally it is similar, a pulsar is a known time reference at a known position. The actual methods by which you resolve your position and time from that are obviously going to be pretty different from GPS. For one, a pulsar navigation system would rely on the user having a highly accurate time reference (cesium atomic clock or similar) where a GPS receiver is able to synchronize its time using the superior clocks on the satellites.

>> No.12304739
File: 43 KB, 900x436, Ek9VTI8XYAYOwUu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Kamala will nuke Artemis Ares I style, she then will use the Biden puppet to disband NASA and use all the money plus another 16 trillions for some gay ass fake environment program. After that they will go for Elon. Then China will reveal themselves as the masters behind all..

>> No.12304740

Jim will probably be out sometime next year or the year after, so we've got him for a bit longer.

>> No.12304745

Thank you! Could you please point me to a resource that explains how these methods work on a pulsar navigation system? I found the ESA papers but they went a little over my head with the mathematical description of the used algorithms. I just want to roughly understand how a spacecraft could determine its position just from a couple of pulses.

>> No.12304746

They've both reportedly committed suicide with a shot to the back of the head.

What would we have to gain from going back to the moon. NASA's mandate is going back to diversity, monitering climate change and spreading an interest in science in the Islamic world where it belongs.

>> No.12304747
File: 16 KB, 1200x800, marsflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough politic, more space. Here's a mars flag I designed, based off-of the original mars flag. It uses the basic design of the Texas flag (Boca Chica) and two stars for the two moons of Mars.

>> No.12304750

Learn basic heraldry and how contrast works. It's a horrible design on the most basic level.

>> No.12304751

it's just triangulation bruv
looks like some kind of latino shithole, hate it

>> No.12304752

why do you think it will take so long to appoint a new admin?

>> No.12304757

>it's just triangulation bruv
I got that (well acktchually its trilateration), but how do you get the exact distance from just a bunch of high frequency pulsating xray signals?

>> No.12304758

Imbecile. It is very impactful for space travel, especially considering the best window for a Mars mission for decades will occur in the next 4 years. If trump is cheated out, space travel will be set back for decades.

>> No.12304761

NASA is a low priority so it will take awhile for them to replace Jim.

>> No.12304763

NASA will be set back, not SpaceX

>> No.12304764

He can be replaced by an interim administrator immediately after inauguration.
A permanent administrator requires Senate approval, and right now the Republicans will probably hold it. On one hand, that may complicate Biden's appointments. On the other, it may mean winning certain Republicans (such as Shelby) to get something done.

>> No.12304765
File: 641 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20201101-201504_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12304775

Concede breathing faggot

>> No.12304778

What happened with the SN8 test yesterday? I went to sleep when there was frosting on the tank.

>> No.12304779

Rep. Kendra Horn lost the election!

>> No.12304780

Uh oh, Trumpian! Jim is gone, and Trump is gone! Time to face the facts and cry to sleep

>> No.12304781

More scrubs, raptor on suicide watch

That leaves her perfectly free to lead NASA :)

>> No.12304784

Here's a dissertation from UCLA, can skim through to find some good descriptions of pulsar nav methodology:

Otherwise, this presentation has some information about the history of pulsar navigation projects at NASA and around the US military. Could check out one of these projects to see if there are some good papers written from them.

But the tl;dr is essentially: I start by knowing where I started, and what time it was. Then, lock on to the pulsar signals to determine their reference signals, then by comparing my received signal to that reference, I can use the phase and doppler shift of the received signal to determine my position and velocity.

>> No.12304786

I forgot to link the presentation:

>> No.12304789

meant for

>> No.12304791

except SpaceX is already operating under the assumption that certain space policies will be put forward to allow them to do what they want to do because it's not currently covered by any international agreement besides the artemis accords which could easily go out the window as a Trumpian excess. China says "all we need to do is delay US commercial enterprise and we can snag a bunch of space firsts for national pride" and Biden says "sure, national pride is against my ethos and I literally don't give a shit about space so we can hold up space industry indefinitely except the NASA jobs programs that will never amount to anything while we 'negotiate' a better international treaty"

>> No.12304800
File: 232 KB, 946x601, elon_pisses_on_mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12304817

Cryotest happened.