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12295595 No.12295595 [Reply] [Original]

>Trust the doctors.
>No, not that doctor.

>> No.12295600

Trump has confirmed multiple times that he's never made a mistake in his life. It's just a demonrat libtard media smear. He should sew them!

>> No.12295616

>up to 200,000
We're already past 200k and still rising.

>> No.12295624

The numbers are fake. Doctors are faking the numbers to make Trump look bad.

>> No.12295629


>> No.12295662


>> No.12295672

Millions of people die each year from diseases, what's the big news here.
> muh 200,000 lives !
Food stamps kill way more more that.

>> No.12295676

80 9/11s and counting

>> No.12295683
File: 87 KB, 1316x595, excess deaths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what's killing people?

>> No.12295702

good I wish more amerimutts die

>> No.12295999

Lockdowns are destroying the society, destroying the economy, closing small businesses, starving and completely destroying Africa, giving governments abusive tracking capabilities and enriching the billionaires.


>> No.12296006

do you have data for the last 10-20 years? it's hard to know if it's just noise

>> No.12296008

98% reduction in flu cases is curious

>> No.12296014

do you understand the difference between a healthy person dying from an explosion and an old person with 6 months life expectancy dying of a respiratory disease?

>> No.12296026

We have the all-cause mortality rate starting in 1933. The rise from 2019 to 2020 is the largest increase from one year to the next in that entire time span.

>> No.12296033

More young people have died from COVID-19 than the entire population that died from the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

>> No.12296035

These things are not the same
Stop trying to make them the same for your narrative

>> No.12296039

2019 was a low mortality year

>> No.12296044

so a bunch of genetic defects were taken out?

>> No.12296055

Bunch of scooter riding amerifats with beetus in the ripe young age of 45? Better shut everything down

>> No.12296065

what's the criteria for counting

>> No.12296072


>> No.12296092

>2019 was a low mortality year
It was higher than in 2018.

>> No.12296095

>These things are not the same
Of course not, and I didn't make the original 9/11 post, but it's stupid to claim 9/11 was more significant because some young people died, when the average age of death during 9/11 was 40, and far more people under 40 have died from COVID-19 than during the attacks.

>> No.12296108

9/11s significance is not the same as covids significance. Stop comparing these things it's completely disingenuous one way or another.

>> No.12296112 [DELETED] 

2020 8.880 1.120%
2019 8.782 1.120%
2018 8.685 1.220%
2017 8.580 1.240%
2016 8.475 1.270%
2015 8.369 1.270%
2014 8.264 1.290%
2013 8.159 0.090%
2012 8.152 0.090%
2011 8.145 0.090%
2010 8.138 0.090%
it looks like slightly more people are dying every year, 2020 is not an outlier at all

>> No.12296114

>9/11s significance is not the same as covids significance.
In terms of deaths, we can make a comparison.

>> No.12296126

It's a completely disingenuous thing to compare
The reason they're compared is because one group is trying to shame another group for not having the same response that they did for 9/11
9/11 wasn't about a death toll. 9/11 could have been 1 person that died. It was the fact that another country intentionally and maliciously attacked the US.
Your comparison reads more accurately if you're trying to say we should go to war with China over covid. That's how "patriots" or whatever would react similarly to how they did over 9/11

>> No.12296127

Where are they pulling those numbers from? They don't match what the CDC has released.

>> No.12296134

Why are you chastising me when I didn't bring it up? I only stepped in to respond to this >>12296014, who claimed that 9/11 was more significant because of the deaths of young people. Comparing *only* deaths, that person is wrong.

>> No.12296138

Dr. Birx is a /pol/tard.

>> No.12296139

Hes objectively right no matter how much you shill.

>> No.12296146

I still don't see anyone anywhere talking about health improvement as a direct response to covid. It doesn't exist, despite the vast majority of people dying being those with comorbities.
If people cared that much, they would really be doing all they can to help themselves and others.
90% of what some groups do is complain and expect other people to "fix it".

Our health care system is already on track to outweigh the cost of our military in a few years, and add the load of everyone nowadays requiring a therapist and we will forever financially struggle because people as individuals are generally quite poor at taking care of themselves.
Please spare me the pageantry on the fringe types that genuinely require assistance. Most people can be doing significantly more to help themselves lead a healthier life, they just don't and expect others to do it for them.

>> No.12296160

lmao I asked a question how could I be "wrong"

>> No.12296163

Unironically closing mcdonalds would save 100x more lives than if everyone wore a mask 24/7

>> No.12296166

>Hes objectively right
What you mean is subjectively, because based on the number of deaths, which is the only thing both he and I commented on, he's objectively wrong.

>> No.12296168

He's not comparing "only deaths". Reading comprehension? He's asking if people understand the difference between intentional, malicious, and an unprovoked attack by other people leading to innocent deaths through an act of war, versus people dying from an act of nature and disease
It's not the same thing and he's not referring to numbers. He's asking people if they can recognize the reason why people would have different reactions to different types of deaths.

>> No.12296177

It would also save us lots of money in subsidies and health care costs

>> No.12296179

mostly suicides due to lockdowns

>> No.12296184

He didnt comment on the number of deaths. He commented on how the deaths occurred and the resultant emotional reaction.

"do you understand the difference between a healthy person dying from an explosion and an old person with 6 months life expectancy dying of a respiratory disease?"

>> No.12296188

>He's asking if people understand the difference between intentional, malicious, and an unprovoked attack by other people leading to innocent deaths through an act of war, versus people dying from an act of nature and disease
Kek. Do you have reading comprehension? I like how you left out some relevant tidbits like "a healthy person dying" and "an old person with 6 months life expectancy". It was clearly a point about healthy people dying who otherwise wouldn't have, compared to a bunch of old people who were already a lost cause, and it's bullshit.

>> No.12296194

the CDC's approach to calculating excess deaths is flawed
they add up [actual deaths - expected deaths] for each state/time period but set this value to zero if it's negative

this will clearly result in a statistically biased estimate and it's concerning that a government department is blatantly misrepresenting the data

>> No.12296199

>the CDC's approach to calculating excess deaths is flawed
The post I commented on was dealing with death rate per year, not excess deaths, and the numbers listed were wrong.

>> No.12296200

>average age of covid deaths: 80

>> No.12296206

can you post a link to the cdc death rates?
when the people publishing the data have bias it's hard to conclude anything meaningful though

>> No.12296215

>9/11 total deaths: 2,977
>9/11 median age: 39
>COVID-19 deaths under the age of 44: 6,379

>> No.12296222

The CDC posts summaries for each year, but they have to be pulled individually. Here's a summary for each year:


>> No.12296227

and how many of those 6000 people died of "covid related car accidents"?
of those who genuinely died of covid what was their life expectancy?

>> No.12296234

>of those who genuinely died of covid what was their life expectancy?
What was the life expectancy of those who died during 9/11?

>> No.12296235

so you made an argument based on death rates in 2019 but there is no data on the 2019 death rates?

>> No.12296240

the average 40 year old has 40 years of additional life expectancy

>> No.12296245

>so you made an argument based on death rates in 2019

>but there is no data on the 2019 death rates?
There is:


>> No.12296508

Cops and niggers

>> No.12296655

95-98% reduction in flu cases

>> No.12296795
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trips of truth

>> No.12296815

The virus doesn't kill people or cause permanent brain damage. If you get the virus it will actually make you smarter, richer, more handsome, and make your dick grow bigger. Trump himself said the getting the virus made him feel like superman.

The reason they keep telling you to not get the virus is because they want to keep it for themselves. So go ahead. Get some of the virus for yourself! You'll be immune and be like super man. Don't let the doctors keep causing all the problems in your life. It's all everybody else fault. Trump will solve everything if you just get sick for him and possibly die for him. Only the weak die from the virus. You're not weak are you? You're not a loser are you? Just do it!! Trump needs you to get the virus! Just fucking do it.

>> No.12296822


Man dies in motorcycle crash

Covid on death certificate

>> No.12296826

>permanent brain damage
is this part of the official lore now?

>> No.12296831
File: 14 KB, 478x361, 9nohQh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you put way too much effort into this

>> No.12296847

Trumps plan is herd immunity.
Which means as many people as possible need to get the virus.

If you support Trump, you must infect yourself. It's literally what he needs you to do. I might have added a bit of propaganda in there to support Trumps cause, but really and truly he wants you to get sick.

>> No.12296865

>Which means as many people as possible need to get the virus.

>> No.12296890
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>> No.12297704

Everything is a Covid death. Only @10,000 were just due to covid. To believe differently means your are a nigger jew bastard democrat. Enjoy 4 more years of Trump.

>> No.12297714

If you consider yourself weak, then stay the fuck home.

>> No.12297724

Every year you have thousand 9/11s or a half-Holocaust.

>> No.12297750
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>holocaust every year

>> No.12297762
File: 42 KB, 1366x603, covid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12297764
File: 43 KB, 1373x612, covid1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12297851

It will be interesting to see if there is new lows in total deaths during the coming months. If majority of covid deaths were people that were going to die soon anyway, then you would expect a drop equal in proportion to the excess deaths.

>> No.12297853

>or a half-Holocaust.
You trying to make the people here spontaneously orgasm?

>> No.12297863

Checked and very true

>> No.12297920

Lockdowns in Africa are the most ridiculous thing ever. They have like a couple of percents of old people, they will barely notice the covid without lockdowns.

>> No.12297958
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>> No.12298875

So she said that in March...what was her deadline for the 200k?

>> No.12298895

thanks sherlock

>> No.12298896

Coronavirus has exposed the biomedical field, anons. It turns out that the all-powerful progress results in
> contradicting ideas, contradicting articles, guidelines changing a couple of times within few months
> lack of viable prediction; it's all about maybe, maybe not; almost 50-50 in some cases, might have tossed a coin equally well
> lack of ability to predict if a drug works; throwing it at patients and hoping it will work, if it doesn't then oh well; results are inconclusive or the reflect the first point
> army of virologiest and microbiologists who can't fucking get things right
> retards in the academia who call it a conspiracy

seriously, I grew up as a passionate of science, a freaking adamant atheist, but the longer I live, the more I know, my faith in humanity gets weaker and weaker while the scientists get more arrogant.
pathetic, zero humility.

>> No.12298902

>if there is a hole in my roof the house is useless and should be destroyed
>that makes everything better!

>> No.12298912

>if there is a hole in my roof the house is useless and should be destroyed

>a hole, one small hole
> implying
being this delusional

>> No.12298957

If your roof completely collapses on you, then the roofmaker is shit.