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12296715 No.12296715 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't we replaced most of the jobs with automation.
Are engineers even trying ?
not that the scientist are doing any better btw

>> No.12296720

I would assume they're trying to establish what it is the mass of humans would actually do without jobs.
How to keep them semi-organizational and not totally chaotic
I'm assuming they're going to soft roll it in

>> No.12296723

What jobs are people working that are automatable?

>> No.12296745
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the fabric of society would have to change if 90% of the workforce is eliminated. We'd have to figure out how to occupy the population. At the very least, food/shelter/entertainment would have to be provided. Aside from that im sure the wealth gap would explode in size as well creating extreme hard feelings. Im not sure how people would even develop if they didnt have something to work for. No purpose, no meaning, no pride. I dont know if people can instill these things in themselves. Most would be hollow hedonistic shells of human beings that would make the current average consumer seem liek the wisest most spiritual people. Civilization is tough to figure out. Socio economics is a fucking headache. I'm grateful to be schizophrenic and capable of keeping myself occupied at all times.

>> No.12296748

Because in many cases it is cheaper to use humans.

>> No.12296767

Because muh jobs

>> No.12296779

> I'm grateful to be schizophrenic and capable of keeping myself occupied at all times.
Same feels, different disorder. I'm glad that ADHD keeps me so distracted/hyperfocused on practically useless topics that when the machines take over and even programming is a "pointless" field I'll be too busy programming, learning chemistry, exercising, and doing other NEET shit to care.

>> No.12296787
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>> No.12296791

Still waiting for an answer to this. I look around me and none of the jobs I see people doing look like they could be automated. It seems like people who think all jobs will be done by robots think everybody works in a factory or warehouse

>> No.12296810

even in factories and warehouses you still need people. even the dumbest people can learn faster than automation can be reconfigured. and cheaper. the idea of automation taking over jobs really is ludicrous

>> No.12296937

ye there's no way this internet thing will ever be relevant

>> No.12296938

The real concern is that repetitive thoughtless low-iq jobs will be replaced (already happening in factories), which will leave a lot of angry retards without a job, money, food, or a home. Auto factories used ot have a lot more jobs before the conveyor belt, power-tools, and hydraulic arms were invented.

>> No.12296950

What are some of these repetitive low-iq jobs?

>> No.12296958
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>> No.12296974

Driving, aka the most common job in the US

>> No.12296983

> waiter
> those guys who move stuff around in warehouses
> most management jobs
> accounting
these are the most likely to get replaced with the CURRENT learning models and tech that we have. In some locations in Japan these are ALREADY replaced.

A good example of replacement in the previous wave of automation is how there used to be guys who would put the chassis onto the car's frame, or how there used to be guys who would do the CNCing. Nowadays machines handle those tasks flawlessly, and more replacement is on the way.

>> No.12296985

Almost all forms of food service

>> No.12296989

Not him but taxi drivers are gonna wonder why they spend 3k to get a license when the bot cabs start catching on.

>> No.12296991

>Are engineers even trying ?
the upfront cost of automation is rather expensive. i think the pandemic is showing that skeleton crews are enough for a lot of things
the goal of automation isn't to entirely eliminate jobs, but to remove the repetitive parts so that only one or two people would be needed for the difficult 20%

>No purpose, no meaning, no pride.
i don't think most people find purpose, meaning, or pride in their jobs. it's a distraction
>I dont know if people can instill these things in themselves.
most people would be the same as neets if they didn't have work to worry about. some will find arbitrary goals to work towards

>> No.12296993
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On the farm I work at we're already seeing a lot fo the jobs getting replaced by machines. Pic rel.

>> No.12296995

this is an important one, self driving cars will let a huge chunk of the male population jobless

>> No.12296996

i wouldn't be surprised if the current trend in faggy startups is remote business assistance software to elim most of those jobs
amazon dumps shitloads of money into automating away warehouses and ironically my job is to automate away IT jobs
service is one of those things you still need humans somewhere
not many but just a few.

>> No.12297006

don't forget lawyers, machines are quite good at reading contracts

>> No.12297011

This is a correct answer, automation will overtake driving

I disagree with this. There will be some fully automated restaurants but definitely not all of them. Many people like the human aspect of eating out (probably true for taxicabs as well, though not as much). For evidence, go to a McDonalds or Taco Bell with touch screens and notice how some people will still go up to the counter, even if there's a line.

> those guys who move stuff around in warehouses
> most management jobs
False. Have you ever been a manager?
> accounting
Doubt it.
>In some locations in Japan these are ALREADY replaced.
You're telling me there are no more human accountants in japan? I' calling bulshit

>> No.12297013

>i wouldn't be surprised if the current trend in faggy startups is remote business assistance software to elim most of those jobs
there were already some food startups that have a conveyor belt making the fast food faster than human workers can, they needed very few staff.
>amazon dumps shitloads of money into automating away warehouses
> and ironically my job is to automate away IT jobs
even better.

There's already a GAN that can summarize lawyer-speak contracts into short human summaries. I was implicitly excluding it though because smart-contracts might make the job of lawyers and most other legal workers mostly irrelivant. For court stuff though they're not likely to go away anytime soon since law itself is highly qualitative.

>> No.12297018

Robots can jump around on a closed course, but not in the real world. They had to 'preprogram' all of those actions for the closed course. At the very least robots are awful at manipulating things. Especially things like flexible objects and things that come in different shapes.
and food service is a job that requires a lot of manipulating stuff. Sure there are specialized machines that can make one type of food, but they aren't that great and still require people around to clean them and deal with them when they break down.
>>hydraulic arms
are obsolete, electric arms replaced them because they were much more reliable. That's why Japan and Germany dominate the industrial robots market, because they figured out electric robot arms.

>> No.12297020

>For evidence, go to a McDonalds or Taco Bell with touch screens and notice how some people will still go up to the counter, even if there's a line.
i dont eat out but i can attest to this. i want to smash the fucking computer order thing. Give me a fucking person to talk to.

>> No.12297021

So in the future trials will just be two computer programs interfacing and returning a guilty/non-guilty verdict?

>> No.12297024

product development takes a long fucking time
i think all eyes are on software based automation now because software is just a much less risky investment than physical machines and because china still makes our shit for dirt cheap
>still require people around to clean them and deal with them when they break down.
get the guy who already fixes the grills to do that
hopefully not. like all algorithms people will find out how to game it

>> No.12297025

i work a job that could 100% easily be replaced by automation. Luckily management are literal retards so i don't have to worry about losing my easy money any time soon.

>> No.12297027

>Many people like the human aspect of eating out
with their friends sure but they treat waiters like shit or like a robot anyways so it would be no real change for customers. My hope is that with most of the food service jobs automated out that customer service work will actually be good for once instead of "hello, yes soor you wanted a borger soor? What is a "fries"? Oh yes soor, "PLEASE 10 FRIES FOR THE SOOR PLEASE"" so that its actually worthwhile to visit the physical location or talk with the cashier.

>> No.12297031

>False. Have you ever been a manager?
If this covid thing has proved anything to me its that most management positions are fucking baloney and if they disappeared tomorrow no one would notice.

>> No.12297032

robots are expensive so it makes it hard to justify the cost if you must have people around to fix them when they break.

>> No.12297043

t. butthurt ex-waiter

>> No.12297060

ironically it would be a better justice system than the existent one

>> No.12297063

To do that we would first need to make law quantifiable, which it isn't. Law is an inherently human invention, and its interpretation is often arbitrary.

>> No.12297066

>> Install the left headlight (but don't tighten the bolt, that is someone else's job)
>> (3 second pause while the next car rolls up)
>> Install the left headlight (but don't tighten the bolt, that is someone else's job)
>> (3 second pause while the next car rolls up)
>> Install the left headlight (but don't tighten the bolt, that is someone else's job)
>> (3 second pause while the next car rolls up)
>> Install the left headlight (but don't tighten the bolt, that is someone else's job)
>> (3 second pause while the next car rolls up)
>> Install the left headlight (but don't tighten the bolt, that is someone else's job)
>> (3 second pause while the next car rolls up)

>> No.12297067


relevant video

>> No.12297072

judges quantify the probability of an offender to do crime again

>> No.12297083

it would also be official AI takeover of society

>> No.12297087

are you a time traveler?

>> No.12297088

No they don't. They don't look at their genetics, current environmental conditions, how they were raised, past behaviour, current beliefs, etc in order to make a clear estimation of the likelyhood of a repeat offence. AI judges won't be much better since they'll just look at statistical averages, which is no better or worse than the current justice system. Even worse, some retarded humans might try and make an AI judge that decides whether you should go to jail or not BEFORE you do anything, which is bullshit. Even worse if the bot's heuristic is "touch justice" over "rehabilitative justice" since that will just keep people trapped in an endless cycle of prison sentences and poverty. Basically the current american justice system.

>> No.12297091


>> No.12297098

Very very few people have jobs like that

>> No.12297102

>They don't look at their genetics, current environmental conditions, how they were raised, past behaviour, current beliefs
all f that can and is quantifiable tho

>> No.12297117

>all f that can and is quantifiable tho
Yes, but judges don't do that.

And as I outlined, there are qualitative heuristics to be considered and prioritized so that such a robojudge wouldn't just create more crime, or do other stupid shit.

Ways it could go wrong:
> robojudge just kills people when they commit a crime, thus bringing the rates of crime to 0. This means getting your brains blown out for petty theft.
> robojudge had "tough justice" heuristic, so it sends everyone to prison regardless of crime
> robojudge uses arbitrary points system made by falable human to score how good/bad someone is, and then sends them to prison
> social credit system (big bro is watching)
and as noted there is a human component to law. How "bad" is a crime? How long should someone serve for a crime? These aren't quantifiable, they are qualitative and thus something some human has to decide.

Ideally such a bot will be built to prioritize/focus on reducing crime through rehabilitative sentences and aid rather than doing something that basically puts criminals into a system of crime and poverty ad infinitum. In other words: a bot that successfully reduces crime by helping people get out of the vicious cycle of crime, instead of pushing them further into it (or killing them).

>> No.12297128

>muh "humans would go mad and commit suicide without jobs"
You are all confirmed to have never worked a fulltime job. Get a real job for 6 months and then come back and pretend it's for any other reason but to make money. Real job = not sitting on your ass on a computer all day doing "IT work" lol. Or maybe you're just an NPC that finds meaning in that shit. In which case kill yourself.

>> No.12297139
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>> No.12297141
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>Get a real job for 6 months and then come back and pretend it's for any other reason but to make money
well fucking durrrr, what the fuck's your point? I like working for my food and shelter, it gives me dignity and character.

>> No.12297152

how safe will a career in teaching be? I'm strongly considering becoming a teacher, but will human teachers become obsolete and how soon?

>> No.12297154

It’d be wrong and ruin society.

>> No.12297157

>I’m a lazy bum and want to play video games all day


>> No.12297171

Once you've studied AI long enough you will understand that AI does really stupid shit and unexpected shit if you give it the wrong heuristics. You may be mocking me now, but if we give a robojudge the wrong heuristics it will genuinely do some really fucking stupid shit. Case in point:

>> No.12297174

>Robojudge just kills people when they commit a crime, thus bringing the rates of crime to 0. This means getting your brains blown out for petty theft.

I strongly support this.

>> No.12297179

> be me, 2050
> robots handle all crime
> robonews says crime is at an absolute 0
> be me, in the park with friends
> accidently drop my icecream
> ohfuck.jpg
> robocop beings shooting at me for littering
> bleed out on street
> get shot more for additonal littering
> be dead

>> No.12297184
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ain't it interesting how hard it is to differentiate whether someone is mocking you or actually giving respect?

>> No.12297186


>> No.12297189

Fuck criminals. I feel no empathy for them.

>> No.12297193

wait for the depopulation and social-distancing measures to sink in.

>> No.12297197

It really is. I often see the big-brain meme being used mockingly so I assumed it was mocking.

>> No.12297208

I have a fulltime job faggot. Playing video games is far better lmao. Enjoy your 6 am wake up forcefeed and shit. I'll probably kms in 10 years after taking out a huge loan for (((college))) cosigned by a guy with terminal cancer.

There is no dignity in doing dumb busywork bullshit.
Yeah the character to be unrecognizable among the other teeth-chattering coffee-swilling gotta-get-that-overtime livin-the-dream boomer/genx fucks. Lol god I hate wagies.

>> No.12297209

>robots are expensive so it makes it hard to justify the cost if you must have people around to fix them when they break.
all of these are quantifiable. i think what will happen is some company will just start selling automation machines with metrics such as that
but i'm a pseud who just pretends to know business

>> No.12297216
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You have the emotional maturity of a 6 year old making your opinions irrelevant.

>> No.12297223

if people cannot find jobs the current wageslavery based economy will have to fall apart. either ubi and lots of handouts, everyone gets bullshit jobs that just exist to waste your time, or riots will happen as a result of mass unemployment

people don't want to work. people get angry that other people don't have to work while they do

>> No.12297224

Can you explain why?

>> No.12297226

The people that make them are too lazy to innovate and do business on the side and would rather work for some guy paying them to keep making incremental improvements to the robots.

>> No.12297232
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Why you have the emotional maturity of a 6 year old? I don't fucking know how God operates. You know better than i do.

>> No.12297257

Nah I'm asking what you based your assessment of me on, besides not telling myself the same lies you skinnerbox mice do to convince yourself you have value.

>> No.12297268

>I have a fulltime job faggot. Playing video games is far better lmao
>I'll probably kms in 10 years after taking out a huge loan for (((college))) cosigned by a guy with terminal cancer.
on top of assuming i work a nonsense job and have my whole life to provide myself with things i dont need. I hate working as much as you, probably even more so. I've cycled through over 15 jobs at this point because it's more fun to quit jobs and start new ones over and over as opposed to staying at the same one long-term. All i care about is food and shelter so i can fester in isolated psychosis. I dont want to spend money if i dont have to. And it is definitely worth it to slave away for 4 walls a roof doors and windows i can lock and food. I dont want to fucking live in a shit shelter in the woods eating bugs. I like comfort. I dont need much.

>> No.12297269

Also we'd have to start sterilizing people to avoid the population growing to the point of physical resource exhaustion. This is already happening now. Imagine how bad it would be if completely automated systems just did whatever was possible to supply megacities full of retards who just watch streams and fuck all day.

>> No.12297304

the industry already does this. The most important number for industrial robots is 100,000 hours mean time between failures. Industrial robots need to last longer than 100,000 hours or their cost is not justified.

>> No.12297315

based. have any more /comfy/ numbers for me?

>> No.12297520

Please grow up.

>> No.12297521

>people don't want to work

Speak for yourself, lazy bum.

>> No.12297538

>Speak for yourself, lazy bum.
what do you work as?

if the government offered you enough money per month that can cover your living expenses, how many people do you think would take it vs not take it?

>> No.12297546

if electric actuator torque density becomes high enough anime becomes real. Power density is already fuck high

>> No.12297553

that's pretty comfy. what are the applications?

b-but when can i become an anime girl?

>> No.12297568

If 90% of humans are no longer needed, why do you think that they will get a happy fate?

>> No.12297569
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they wont LOL

>> No.12297572

People are cheaper than robots for most menial labor.

>> No.12297573

Human labor is dirt cheap. Why bother with expensive robots that never work.

>> No.12297584
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It's already been slowly happening. The way the world is reacting is with surrogate jobs. Think about every chick that you know with a government job. Would the government stop working if they suddenly got hit by a truck? It's all just busywork. Have you heard of "communications" jobs? What about all the social science professors and students? Teaching classes on shit like "the philosophy of the mind".

These people get paid by virtue of the insane amount of liquidity that floats around our system. They live out their lives, sacrificing half of their life for this surrogate activity and not affecting humanity in any way, shape or form, much like cattle.

The world is in three sections: productive, innovative, creative workers (Software engineers that work on actual productive systems, research scientists, doctors, lawyers, business owners), low IQ workers (food preparation, drivers, security guards, replaceable by drones) and surrogate workers. Which one do you choose to be?

>> No.12297598

Because robots are still really stupid and generally are incapable of adapting to a situation outside of their parameters like a low functioning autistic child. Additionally, they're expensive and have a high maintenance cost... you consistently need to service the unit, replace parts and in order to do that you need a highly qualified specialist who not only can do that but will be able to replace the model as time goes on and tech improves (another expense). Compare that to employing Chinese workers in a foreign factory who at the very least have a premium high school level education for criminally low wages and you've got the perfect solution.

>> No.12297611

I run my own business pitching solar panels to homeowners (setting up meetings with financial experts). It's a job that theoretically could be done by an algorithm but in practicality needs an actual human to read social cues/body language/sub-text/etc. in a personal conversation. People typically who haven't spilled out cash for a system yet are the ones who need a human being to actually convince them to do so by more or less playing mind games with them.

>> No.12297617

Being a business owner is a creative endeavor. You are creating a money printing machine by correctly identifying an exploitable gap and taking advantage of it. What you do is sales, and sales is one of the things that will never get replaced by automation.

>> No.12297618

>what do you work as?

Military police.

>> No.12297640

My official title for tax purposes is "independent contractor" but yeah it's is sales... I'm hoping to eventually have a team under me so I can make income off of my cut of their sales commission.

>> No.12297697

interesting. the amount of people that despise their jobs and would rather not work them is not a minority. boomers spend their entire life slaving away so they could do nothing of worth with their lives in retirement
the difference between a neet and a wagie is how much they were enabled

>> No.12297702

do you know how fucking expensive it is to buy one of these god damn robots.

>> No.12297749

I think a life of leisure leads to moral corruption so I have no interest in it.

>> No.12297776

>please be a brainwashed wagie like me who LIKES taking it in the ass from shekelstein
No thanks.
Enjoy having your "meaning" in life automated away by a machine LOL

>> No.12297810

>The Jews are the reason I’m an unemployed failure!11

>> No.12297823

Did you not read above? I have a job faggot. The "jews" have nothing to do with it.

>> No.12297830

humans would not go mad and suicide without jobs, "they" wouldn't care if they did.
humans would instead throw off "their" control

>> No.12297981

all office work, investing, construction, factories, military, police etc with the last two things like drone tanks vehicles and ships are what is likely

>> No.12297985

we have replaced 90% of jobs. Just look at IBM.

But new ones are always created.

>> No.12298007

Because Engineers don't work for cheap, and most industries are too small to afford an engineer, the cost of buying the equipment etc. They run with a small margin of profits which makes it more feasible to steadily grow through human effort than leap to automation.

Besides, all service jobs require human interaction. For example >>12297981
>office work
Call centers are services in which stupid people need to be guided to fix their issue, and the operator is told to scam the user whenever possible. These scams are a sizeable part of the company's profits. Other bureaucratic work is mostly archiving for legal purposes and filters based on reading comprehension, which can't be automated.

This is fucking retarded. The idea behind investment is to gamble, if you come up with some safest automatic approach to investment you'll either be wasting time or simply move the goalpost if that approach becomes widespread.

Relies in situational awareness that comes cheap from underpaying a blue collar worker.

Already automated

Situational awareness. Besides, the point of the military is to kill people to solve conflicts. This implies the need of a conflict in the first place and the killing of people. Whole industries revolve on solving the first part and the second part can be achieved through terrorism.

Situational awareness, which mutt cops don't even have.

How the fuck will a drone capture a suspect? You may want to kill the suspect, but then the idea of the judicial system goes moot and the police as well since people could also kill the fucker with no qualms.

>tank vehicles
What for? You already have tanks driven by someone, what difference does it make?

>> No.12298052

no matter what someone out there will end up in a position where they don't have to work. they are the benefactors for the labors of others that will always exist

>Just look at IBM.
what happened to to them?

>> No.12298465

Most people won’t need to work. Finally we can return to monke

>> No.12298472

>Why haven't we replaced like 90 % of jobs ?

If they keep pushing minimum wage up to $15/hour they will also be encouraging businesses to automate as much as possible.

>> No.12298841

>Are engineers even trying ?
if you think you can created an almost fully automated business, go ahead

there is no "automation tax" in this economy you would be swimming in cash

>> No.12298879


because humans consume cheap and abundant fuel, possess self repair capacity, have an inborn capacity to improvise and extract functional patterns from observations without supervision (albeit not without errors) and they spawn from other humans, not from a complex industry which requires rare materials.

the only and true objective of automation is to make people work less miserable jobs and to live more efficient lives, if you were to automate everything you'd still have a massive economic problem and you'd end up giving things for free to people.

which is the true endgame of automation, to create inorganic slaves which never complain and for whom we feel no empathy.

>> No.12298955

We're getting there. If robots/"AI" can fly planes, flip burgers and preform surgery, it is only a matter of time before those jobs are replaced. It's all about confidence in the robots handling any situation, so it's all about having enough programing rather than any futuristic technology that needs to be invented.

I for one welcome our new robot overlords.

>> No.12300388

Yeah true. Well they might as well just go down to part-time jobs and centralize more to reduce cost of living but the chinks and russians did that and it killed 30 million people.

>> No.12300398

Because there is a very thin gap between the "robot who can do 90% of human jobs" and "robot who can do 100% of human jobs" with the latter quickly leading to robogod.

>> No.12301816
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>> No.12301834

Most of paper works can be replaced by Excel macros and he like.

>> No.12301920

We have replaced many jobs in those jobs where human labor can easily be replaced with robots. In service sector this is not so easy.

>> No.12301927

Simple Buckminster economics. If 90% of jobs were eliminated an equivalent increase is societal malaise managers would be required during the generational transition. These would be public works payroll positions, not community led efforts.

>> No.12302025
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It's not up to engineers to replace workers with automated labor.
These automated options already exist.
It's up to *employers" to decide to cut payroll and invest in them instead.
Many could do this but don't, for reasons similar to why you could stop working for a living and automate your income through other means like taking out loans to buy properties and using them as rentals, or buying vending machines and collecting money from them.
Overall the main thing you're not getting is that automation is a risk and an investment someone has to decide to put money into to make use of. Just because automated solutions are able to save money in the long run compared to having live workers doesn't mean employers everywhere are going to immediately cut their staff and put all their money into automations options. If they're already doing well with live workers then they're not going to feel much pressure to try fixing what isn't broken even if it might get them more money in the long run to do so.

>> No.12303274

We did
90% of the population used to be farmers

>> No.12305192

>This is fucking retarded. The idea behind investment is to gamble, if you come up with some safest automatic approach to investment you'll either be wasting time or simply move the goalpost if that approach becomes widespread.
1) the goal is to maximize profit and minimize risk, which is functionally the inverse of gambling
2)the majority of investment these days is already done at least in part by algos and at speeds you cant comprehend. Investment assisted in this way consistently outperforms traditional investments. Additionally indexed funds have long outperformed traditional funds for decades prior.

Protip, if you dont know anything about the current state of capital investing just dont spew your uninformed garbage.

>> No.12305194

>the goal is to maximize profit and minimize risk, which is functionally the inverse of gambling

>> No.12305200

anon, all of your counter points are just "situational awareness" which you seem to think is something more than just data collection and parsing. It isnt, and machines do it much better and faster than humans.

>> No.12305208

Business is stupid, and institutionally slow to implement changes. Remote working has been a thing for almost 20 years, and working from home has been prophesized since the mid 90s. It takes a global pandemic to actually realize it.

In the short term there is a glut of cheap labor with minimal initial costs. For a robot to be useful in something it has to be able to perform a task enough times, with enough certainty of future performance to justify the purchase. People can be hired and fired at no cost.

>> No.12305212

>why haven't we made 90% of people jobless

should communists be killed simply for their stupidity?

>b-but they'll get to be comfy neets because everything is automated!!
shut the fuck up

>> No.12305372

Blue chip, indexed, and institutional state investing are all functionally zero risk because any disturbance large enough to destroy them is large enough to destroy a given economy as it exists.

>> No.12305376

Because capitalism made jobs a resource. And more resources = better.

>> No.12305394

>Real job = not sitting on your ass on a computer all day

Butt hurt tradie detected. Should have gone to college.

t. Working from home master race

>> No.12306015

Nah not a tradie. What do you do at home though?

>> No.12306510

Why? So we can have the world economy collapse? Homelessness 1000, 10000, 1000000 times worse?

>> No.12306515

human labor is cheaper the robots, especially in the third world

>> No.12306922

You sorely misunderstand what both of these jobs do.

>> No.12307210

Science, repetitive factory work, driving, programming, politics

>> No.12307833

Try being a NEET for a year or more and we'll see how your mental health is afterwards.

>> No.12307837

>bins have QR code on them
>drone takes them to the bin lorry and puts them back

>> No.12308532

When the entire world is automated there will be no choice but for the governement to issue funny money that can be traded in for goods.
Can you really trust the people who own the machines?
What do you need people for at that point?
I don't think this heaven on earth shit will be good for our minds

>> No.12309517
File: 153 KB, 550x711, Temple of Trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that would make the current average consumer seem liek the wisest most spiritual people
the virtuous wage slave that defends the principle of private property has soon to become a spiritual being
the lack of rainforest and star trek replicators will make a future consumer society impossible

>Civilization is tough to figure out
we all adhere to the trash temple
that which was left behind by the consumer, our ancient forefathers, which they thought is worthless
embrace trash

>> No.12309534

ive been rolling neet for 12 years np, my lowest points were when I tried doing normie shit

>> No.12310017

Because slave wait no migrants who so jobs Americans wont do wait no migrants who work for shit wages that Americans won’t accept are cheaper than robots.

>> No.12310088

the irony. you want people who's labor is no longer valuable in this scenario to stay employed which is essentially welfare but making them feel good about it. a true capitalist would say to do whatever is cost effective.

>> No.12310089

living standards in china are improving and with it working conditions and wages. human labor is getting more expensive and manufacturing is already starting to be done in other countries (which this will eventually also happen to as well).

>> No.12311577

>don't forget lawyers, machines are quite good at reading contracts
Patent attorney reporting in.
Yes, the legal industry is aware and concerned about the development. People do realise automation is also coming for well paid white collar work.

>> No.12312839

AYRT here, I was a NEET for 14 months and I hated myself but then I got a job and by the 5th day I hated it. When coronavirus first started I hoped I would catch it and die. I'd just come off the flu so I figured even if it was that but worse I would take it if it meant deat hthat wasnt suicide.