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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12295247 No.12295247[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>study engineering first semester
>understand all concepts of analysis and linear algebra taught to me immediatly
>can follow professor solving problems and tasks really well
>feel confident its gonna be easy
>get stuff to actually do on my own
>cant, just cant
>have implicit understanding of what to do, guess solution right, cant put it into math

anyone else had this problem when switching from highschool to university?
Does it go away?

>> No.12295268

Dude Uni started like 2 weeks ago?
Just stay in. you will get it eventually
Take every help you can at the beginning and solve a lot in your own
If you get it all but cant use the greek symbols n stuff well your highschool was shit

>> No.12295279

>understand all concepts
>can't actually apply knowledge
I guess you don't understand it like you thought you did. This is full blown pseud syndrome. You feel like you know everything but for some reason when it comes time to use the knowledge you always fail and come up with awkward excuses to maintain your illusion.

>> No.12295285
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>I guess you don't understand it like you thought you did. This is full blown pseud syndrome. You feel like you know everything but for some reason when it comes time to use the knowledge you always fail and come up with awkward excuses to maintain your illusion.

>> No.12295295


you aren't as smart as you think op, plus you're just on the easy shit, wait until at least 3rd-4th year

>> No.12295301

If you can't breeze through first semester you're fucked when you get to later years. Unironically consider an easier major now before you waste any more time.

>> No.12295306

You'll need to put the hours in. A lot of people who coast through HS get blind sided by Uni. It takes practice

>> No.12295310

dunno how its in the US but in germany they put the hard shit upfront so people quit
if you do engineering here you have all your math and physics at once in the first two semesters and after that you only have the economy, law and mechanical shit

>> No.12295402

redefine understanding.
Do lots and lots of questions but do it in the context trying to find what you don't know. Every time you get a question wrong write a few sentences on why you got it wrong and don't lie to yourself, don't be satisfied

>> No.12295416

no its not that i dont understand of how the stuff works its more like that i dont know what i am supposed to do when the tasks says stuff like
"show this"
"prove that"
and it seems kinda arbitrary to me what counts as proof and what doesnt
like, in one task writing a short text and drawing up the coordinates of the first 10 values is enough but in a similar task i need to do more complicated stuff to isolate the n and i really dont get what i am supposed to do when faced with these tasks

also it depends heavily on the professor that does the training units how thorough the evidence has to be

>> No.12295472

Same thing in polish polytechnics.

>> No.12295591

1-2nd year is the mathy shit like multivariable calc, fluid/solid mechanics, dynamic physics etc (what most high school leavers would deem 'hard'), the last 2 years is the ACTUAL hard part which is the bulk of engineering work you'd do irl (design work, project work, hard analysis, computational engineering, etc.) but revolves around the type of engineering degree you're undertaking.

>> No.12295711
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I suffer from the same type of probable case of delusion. You either just practice until you almost kill yourself, or you just stay content with the belief that you would be able to go through it if you "really" tried.

I'm procrastinating on the practice bit.

>> No.12295717

this is total bullshit

you just have to practise alot on your own and stick to it

>> No.12296051

was the other way around for me

>> No.12296150


I did practice brogramming (no kys thoughts though) so i can codemonkey almost anything but i'm retarded when it comes to any hard math.

How do i do maths? I believe i lack the discipline, programming was easier due to the fact that i don't need to carry out everything in my head.

>> No.12296157
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Truth is school is very boring. In the past, when you would go to university, you would DO something. You would be working on tangible stuff, real problems.
New university is a very elaborate machine (the more elaborate the machine, the less space there is for human creativity/uniqueness) made so they can take in the most amount of students. You end up with exam passers/people who execute orders instead of creative thinkers/builders of the future.
This is why many of the great man of the modern world aren't products of modern academia.

To come back to OP. My suggestion will always be this. Build something. When you encounter a problem, need to know more about something, it's then that you dive in the scientific literature, OUT OF NECESSITY. And that's when you realized FUCK YEA, there is so much scientific literature, compared to hundred of years ago. So many thing have been solved already, you can just go with it and continue.

Read philosophy! Read literature! MORE IDEAS! Always more IDEAS. Understand that these cocksucking academics don't actually know more. It's not about acquiring immense knowledge in one subject, it's about knowing more about life/truth. All of the different subjects are actually trying to figure out the same thing! TRUTH! And the road to truth comes from within.

God bless you anon. And remember. Life/Truth always take the simplest path, else it wouldn't work.

Math is SIMPLE. Physics is SIMPLE. It's all SIMPLE!