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File: 73 KB, 811x455, iq distributions black white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12294088 No.12294088[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has this been debunked?

>> No.12294104

No, the only discussion is about the causes and possible solutions.

>> No.12294126

It hurts peoples feelings therefore it’s false

>> No.12294139

There's an entire rabbit hole on critiques of The Bell Curve.

There doesn't need to be an entire other thread for this.

>> No.12294257

there is no problem. there is no need for a solution.

>> No.12294261
File: 168 KB, 1044x864, 35yodeboonker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, pal. that has been deboonked by snopes. snopes said it. i believe it. that settles it.

>> No.12294266

Fuck off OP

>> No.12294270

There is much controversy around the topic. This doesn't mean blacks are inferier and it is because some biological meme.

>> No.12294282

There's a great need for it

>> No.12294292

there are lots of people who were born into poor and uneducated families. no reason to segregate them by race and help only the black people.

>> No.12294294


>> No.12294306

This is entirely true, but I personally believe that the cause for such a disparity in IQ is entirely rooted in environment with negligible hereditary factors. It's funny because white supremacists, being the low IQ morons they are, forget that Italians and the Irish committed the majority of the crimes in the mid 20th century - which is actually an indicator of low IQ. Today, Italians and the Irish live considerably better and are not regarded as savages, which may suggest that environment is more important than we think. Instead of blaming a group for your all problems, maybe we should help them before (((((they))))) come after you as well.

>> No.12294332
File: 644 KB, 1196x1387, privilege.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12294333
File: 505 KB, 1120x2499, genetics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.12294345

i dont really view whites in a good light so if im a burden on them thats pretty based

>> No.12294346

i saw you shill this image like yesterday? keep in mind that the number of alleles in a human is tens or hundreds of thousands so the fact you only list like 100 shows how insignificant this is in reality and how pathetic people like you are

>> No.12294350

>I- Im not a biased ideologue I swear!
kys hack you don't belong in an adult conversation. you are a clown easily exposed to anyone who isn't a double digit hack such as yourself

>> No.12294354

Usually the first thing to get cut is inner city budgets for education, law enforcement, ect. Minorities don't burden whites so much as they burden their cities and the Country, but we have plenty of tax evasion to get around any damage you might cause to us.

>> No.12294355

>low iq white mutt responding to the wrong post
i know its hard for your kind but try not to get flustered so easily

>> No.12294357

whatever inconveniences you is good in my book. now while you larp as a tax evading millionaire im going to go study.

>> No.12294359

I heard snoopes debooked this
proof by feelings?
1 = 0.999... hurts my fucking feelings
white men should be legally obligated to breed black women.
based snooper
>black parents beat their kid
>give them mental illness and make them socially unstable
>society rightfully treats them odd because they act odd
>get punished in ((((((((((cumpulsessorry edjewification)))))))))
>results in stronger backlashing against authority
>meet a bad crowd
>create a from home to school, to prison pipeline
>slchomo gets rich three times over

>> No.12294360

>fed up with nigger shit
>repeal welfare

>> No.12294362

If your genes are a reflection of your ancestors' environment, it stands to reason that by economically supporting the poorest through social programs, within a few generations, we can expect substantial gains in IQ. Just look at the fucking flynn effect. But of course, since we're not a homogeneous population like Norway, some /pol/tard will vote against his own best interests out of spite for minorities.

>> No.12294397

Please do.
The faster you graduate the faster you can go back to your own country (India or Pakistan)

>> No.12294769
File: 223 KB, 646x740, 1604000602474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When all the goyem get bred together into one homogenous group with no heritage or culture then our slavery of them will be complete.

>> No.12294711

your genes aren't a reflection of your ancestors' environment. They're your fucking genes. Genes mutate randomly. Sometimes these random mutations are detrimental and don't hold on in a population. The converse is not true. Blue eyes for instance is a completely neutral mutation, it does fuck all.
Also evolution takes place over thousands of years, not a few generations. We are nearly identical biologically to our ancestors 30k years ago save lactose intolerance and some other minor things. That's a little more than a few generations.

>> No.12294723
File: 275 KB, 896x3336, zimbabwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if whites stopped feeding niggers, not just in the us but aid too, 3/4 of all niggers would die in the span of a year. doesn't matter how you feel about us, you will always be the white mans bitch. you were just apeoid creatures in the jungles who had never seen a wheel when we found you just a few hundred years ago top kek

>> No.12294956

a nice shade of red on your face

>> No.12295020

>trying to use potatonegros and the crypto jews of southern Europe in an argument against white racist Americans
Have you ever even heard of the second klan?

>> No.12295026


>> No.12295029

shut up shitskin

>> No.12295032

That's because you're a slave to their pity. You're a slave to their pity because you're a dumb retard animal lacking empathy, courage, intelligence, and any and all traits that make men you little bitch nigger talking chimp

>> No.12295034

Why is this so hard to see for some people? This only sounds crazy if you don't know who owns the media.

>> No.12295035

>your genes aren't a reflection of your ancestors' environment. They're your fucking genes. Genes mutate randomly.
acting like random mutation is more prevalent than selective development

it's just conditioning
pols answer to everything is genocide and its pathetic
if we don't take a more proactive approach that isn't just chucking money at people, then they will never develop in any meaningful way, and we will leave the burden of these problems on the next generation

>> No.12295037

massive cope
you typed so much yet said so little. stop projecting onto others

>> No.12295040

shut up shitskin

>> No.12295041

>Also evolution takes place over thousands of years
evolution is going to happen/is happening faster as we engage in more developing and nourishing environments

evolution just=states of change. now that we have extreme mobility and access to information and numerous environments relative to the past, we can condition and change much faster

>> No.12295054
File: 649 KB, 638x580, 1603737099990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all true but if I force you to deny reality long enough, I can peacefully follow my wife into the grave before having to deal with the consequences of the massive mass delusion

>> No.12295277

yeah it's true. sadly evolution doesn't give a shit about IQ. It cares about breeding. And right know Black men are the most sought after males in this planet and it shows. Many white females are getting impregnated by them

>> No.12297122

Ok well just cite one valid one.

>> No.12297133

>by helping poor stupid people have more kids in the future people will be smarter