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File: 204 KB, 1280x834, 1589360472455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12288973 No.12288973 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>12285973


>> No.12288976

First for Kendra Horn

>> No.12288978

Second for lori graver

>> No.12288980
File: 166 KB, 1034x1060, 1475257702581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that SLS will reach orbit before Starship

>> No.12288982

Biden should make planetary protection even strict. Mars should be for scientific exploration. Let's focus on fixing Earth instead of fueling billionaires ambitions.

>> No.12288983

you do know that ritualistic posting like that is a bannable offense, right

>> No.12288986

Climate change is the most important challenge of this century. After we solve that we can think of space in the 22nd century.

>> No.12288989

Starship... is a spaceplane

>> No.12289002
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eighth for Zubby

>> No.12289006

shave your fucking head you bum

>> No.12289026

Does it count as a plane if its protrusions don't produce lift?

>> No.12289027

they do though

>> No.12289028

it's also a space capsule. change my mind

>> No.12289029

you are correct

>> No.12289030

There's some minute differences between drag and lift.

>> No.12289031

my dick produces lift

>> No.12289032

Fourteenth for shave your head you JUSTed looking motherfucker

>> No.12289033

Retards. Just look at bezos - that is what happens when your face isn't suitable for the bald look. Zubrin at least is self aware enough that he'll look ridiculous with shaved head and not sufficiently appearance obsessed so as to wear a wig.

>> No.12289034

Spaceplanes can't lift steel beams

>> No.12289038

Would it count if they launch sls on top of starship just to get it out to space and forget about this embarrassment?

>> No.12289040

Did they do this on purpose for a second helping of delicious luvverly gibs?

>> No.12289041

Starship only produces significant lift (beyond the "hey I kinda want to fall vaguely... thisish way" you're all thinking of in the terminal skydiver descent) during the thermal hypersonic reentry, where in order to stay up and out of the deepest and densest parts of the atmosphere until it's slowed down it lifts up, or alternatively, during interplanetary capture at Earth or Mars, where it pulls down to stay inside the atmosphere longer so it doesn't need to go as deep

>> No.12289047

the Super Heavy booster can lift SLS (without the solids, they won't fit) to space, but not to orbit. It'll just land in the ocean unless you can manage to air-start the RS-25

>> No.12289053

It will be sad if Bridenstein isn't the Admin after the election

>> No.12289057

What if you fill the tanks with just the boeing management?

>> No.12289061

it'll land in the ocean, slightly faster this time because the employees will be motivated

>> No.12289063
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>> No.12289066
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>> No.12289079

>unless you can manage to air-start the RS-25
isn't it just using a glorified spark plug?

>> No.12289080

aerojet and boeing claim that it's not that easy in rocketry, I don't believe them

>> No.12289086

Starship... is a space zeppelin

>> No.12289088

not until they put one in Venus

>> No.12289113

Graf Zeppelin was 44m in diameter
Starship is mere 9m

>> No.12289120

>Graf Zeppelin was 44m in diameter
He was a big guy.

>> No.12289126

I did some math and apparently it just barely can make it to orbit in expendable mode if you put those RS-25 to where they belong (in museum) and strip the core stage down some more or somehow manage to fit another 150 tons of fuel in super heavy. Given the obvious significance of such endeavor I think it could be managed.

>> No.12289134
File: 326 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201030-034449_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck does this tweet even mean? Trump decides NASA policy, not Jim. Congress decides NASA funding, not Jim. What the fuck does Jim's "policy" have to do with angering politicians? Not crapping on Obama's policy??? WTF republicans are majority in favor of commercial space

>> No.12289135

I mean "Graf Zeppelin" not "graf von Zeppelin"
he was a considerably less girthy

>> No.12289138

he made some good music

>> No.12289152

yeah he was a good lad

>> No.12289157

Have you heard Jim B crapping on Dems? No? That's the problem.

>> No.12289159

Apparently some Armenians are protesting SpaceX today. Anybody know if it's streamed somewhere?

>> No.12289165 [DELETED] 

anybody giving a listen?

>> No.12289168

What would that even accomplish

>> No.12289169

nobody cares about the Armenians
suck to be them I guess

>> No.12289170

anybody giving a listen?

>> No.12289171

>just rumors
so nothing

>> No.12289173

what does anything accomplish in Washington?
hint: nothing

>> No.12289181 [DELETED] 

>posting anime
>posting FOTM anime
double cringe
>having anything nice to say about SLS
unfathomably cringe

>> No.12289185 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12289187 [DELETED] 


>> No.12289191 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12289192 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12289195 [DELETED] 

You bet your ass it is, pedo

>> No.12289201 [DELETED] 



>> No.12289203 [DELETED] 

getting off topic guys

>> No.12289204 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 800x450, no anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end of discussion

>> No.12289206
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ALPACA on Luna!

>> No.12289208

It's called The Moon dumbass

>> No.12289211 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 533x800, e1736829dd038f9e1c6de83eb8f38b9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silence, Terran

>> No.12289214
File: 178 KB, 899x1074, big_mistake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to get back on topic. Here's a big expensive mistake.

>> No.12289217
File: 871 KB, 2000x2818, open-uri20150422-12561-1flh8w0_e8df4f17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit of a noob to this spaceflight thing. My question is could treasure planet actually happen?

>> No.12289219
File: 34 KB, 768x593, 79e2f1af8f27c5d8abe1dc475633188f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it spaceflight if you look up during the day and the sky is black?

>> No.12289220

no, it's looking like we're in a Gundam AU right now
Zeon will be formed on Mars this time around, which seems like a strange choice but I can buy it

>> No.12289246
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, MARS_KING_ELON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On Mars as it is on Earth

>> No.12289247
File: 64 KB, 601x600, 601px-ALSEP_Apollo_14_RTG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plutonium-powered seismometer
Those were the good days

>> No.12289249
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>> No.12289250

Where's an Ed Teller when you need him, huh?

>> No.12289265

The combover goes well to complete the crazy russian scientist look.

>> No.12289277

It's been years since I played but I spent enough time around here to get the ksp bug again, finally got it working with mods. Anyone use Realism Overhaul-compatible high tech stuff? I want to be able to build up to the likes of Project Pluto or Orion.

>> No.12289279

>Project Pluto
doable with 60s tech
doable with 50s tech

>> No.12289287
File: 206 KB, 600x338, 1590433824441.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12289288

I mean you're right and I have an Orion fetish so I should have worded it better. I just meant stuff outside the scope of the mod.

>> No.12289335
File: 299 KB, 2048x1536, EliT-0QU8AEV5uz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

‘You’re Killing Armenians!’: >Protesters Descend On SpaceX Facility To Denounce Turkish Satellite Launch



>> No.12289337

Yes, especially moe anime.
What effects would an Orion launch have for people nearby? I'm not one of them anti-nuclear renewable faggots, so I'm all ears.

>> No.12289341

it's like being nuked except it keeps happening

>> No.12289343

Twice in his life the jew cried sincerely - once when he was born, and the second time when the armenian was born, for he knew someone greedier than him has come to the world.

>> No.12289353
File: 2.85 MB, 960x1200, ItKeepsHAPPENING.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it keeps happening

>> No.12289357

mate honestly who cares

>> No.12289362

What a fuckin bird

>> No.12289383

If you build something good post it here so I can fap to it

>> No.12289385

>cave to protestors, set a precedent, expected to kneel to every shithole with an extrajudicial disagreement in the future
I hate roaches but they should launch

>> No.12289388

Russian ally country asks SpaceX to not launch NATO country sats. Lol

>> No.12289401

My Eelo mission failed due to long maneuver fuckery. I had the dV, but once those ion engines started pushing, the maneuver countdown was running at 1/3 the speed of the elapsed time counter.
I fucking spent all my fuel when it should have taken only 40%. I could have activated the unlimited fuel hack, but my player honor made me destroy the failed ship in rage.

WTF is this jewry? Are ion/NTP engines bugged/nerfed?

>> No.12289417
File: 484 KB, 1536x2048, Eli8J_bU0AA8sT_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame on Spacex

>> No.12289419
File: 149 KB, 1078x535, mars_chan_misses_her_rover__by_noctis_corvus-dd0e2ex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice that even wen she approached the actual portal, she didn't check and see if it wasn't another window like a sane person.
I wonder how many times she could have kept repeating before considering an alteration in her strategy.

>> No.12289422

>waah war is terrorism

>> No.12289434

Third world country trash crying about sending a TELECOM SATELLITE to orbit for another third world country? My sides

>> No.12289445
File: 87 KB, 576x1024, 20201030_064005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we cant stop them from killing our queen. if spaceflight kills her i dont know what i'll do. cenk cant keep getting away with it

>> No.12289446
File: 65 KB, 477x668, @TheFavoritist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

239 MilliYEETeons!!!
>Plus 30 million tip

>> No.12289456
File: 878 KB, 1680x1050, screenshot59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have HQ photos of Saturn in KSP? I'm playing on potato mode yet it still looks beautiful.

>> No.12289464

>You're killing Armenians!
With satellite TV broadcasts? Turkish TV is probably bad, but I doubt it's that bad.

>> No.12289468

I've slammed into a glass wall like that once in my life. In my defense, I have -4/-5 vision and was using very old reading glasses at the time.

>> No.12289469

Bezos WISHES he had people protesting his launch capability lmao

>> No.12289471

Are your ion engines solar powered? If you're farther from the sun, solar panels don't work as well.

>> No.12289474

Stuff like this is really creepy. I like Musk and the work he's doing but worship is cringy

>> No.12289475
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, 1543341635911.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In my defense, I have -4/-5 vision
Mine are both -4.
>tfw my dream of being a fighter pilot died long before it started

>> No.12289481

Don't use ion engines in stock KSP, they suck.

>> No.12289488 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 1062x942, brainlet_cherno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While the turn-over cart used during the procedure was in storage, a technician removed twenty-four bolts securing an adapter plate to it without documenting the action. The team subsequently using the cart to turn the satellite failed to check the bolts, as specified in the procedure, before attempting to move the satellite.

>> No.12289490

Skydivers can fly

>> No.12289491 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 795x156, BASED_MODS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based mods

>> No.12289500

Low iq. All sats are multipurpose. Use your imagination on what that word means

>> No.12289507

Too windy for a static fire? Sure it is, Elon.

And where's that update??

>> No.12289510

>SpaceX launches a comms sat for Saudi Arabia
>SpaceX launches a comms sat for Turkey
>‘You’re Killing Armenians!’
Something tells me that this is manufactured in some way.

>> No.12289513

I wish I was. I never reached that orbit. My ship was just out of Kerbin SOI.

>> No.12289514 [DELETED] 

Based mods(autistic space loving janny) deleting that post by the trolling anime faggot.


(anime site)

>> No.12289519 [DELETED] 

This other anon got it right
Russia has been trying to destroy NATO for ever. Now with trump in place, they are pushing everything they can to weaken it.

>> No.12289520

Every long maneuver is fucked up for me. NTPs also bleed dV, but I cluster them in groups of 5-6, so the effect is less perceivable. The tiny liquid fuel engine (ant) also does the same thing.
Could it be my settings? All other maneuvers with proper engines work as expected.

>> No.12289521
File: 2.20 MB, 3840x2160, @jack_meets Starship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Renderfag on Twitter

>> No.12289523
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>> No.12289527

Now I shall COOM.

>> No.12289528
File: 45 KB, 700x495, 205dcc138970cd7388faca3f013668ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zeon forming on Mars
Looks like I'm moving to Mars ASAP then. What's the best brainlet-tier job for a Martian colonist? Surely they need Space welders or space CNC mill operators or something right?

Also fuck Earthnoids the human soul must leave the surly bonds of gravity to evolve into a more pure form Federationniggers get fucking colonydropped.

>> No.12289531
File: 71 KB, 630x508, I_can_fap_to_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12289532

Who cares when taxpayers pay the repair bill?

>> No.12289540
File: 9 KB, 795x156, tHiS_iSnT_aN_aNiMe_SiTe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12289542

lol fuck off

>> No.12289545


>> No.12289547 [DELETED] 
File: 1.97 MB, 540x304, planetes_trash_disposal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually deleted it myself to not stir up more shit. Stay mad

>> No.12289558
File: 34 KB, 340x263, side1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(anime site)
based, anime is real, seen it down at L5

>> No.12289570
File: 2.42 MB, 3840x2694, 20201030_073948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know

>> No.12289571
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Another expensive mistake.

>> No.12289574


>> No.12289575
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>> No.12289577

>You Vs. The Guy She Told You Not to Worry About

>> No.12289578

is viacom (viagracum) paying for these actors? LOL

>> No.12289581

Fucking lmao this pasta will never die

>> No.12289582

>me on the right

>> No.12289586

Proud Earth-Mother born naturalist individualist post modernist here.
Not going to let you run away while we all rot here in poverty pollution and crime. If you do leave you must pay taxes though.

>> No.12289598
File: 2.61 MB, 920x556, space_flow_expansion.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12289601
File: 2.26 MB, 2040x2656, GRC-1963-C-67645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12289602

Rocketlab is the little company that could.

>> No.12289603

That is the opposite individualism.

>> No.12289605

Are these mockups or real? These are fucking huge

>> No.12289609

>when you are losing

>> No.12289617

Our pencil rendering is real. You’ve seen it on a frame down in Michoud. I don’t see anything for starship other than he’s taking some scrap metal and actually getting it in the air and that will be his rocket. It’s not that easy in rocketry.

>> No.12289618

Yeah, it's the largest hydromeme engine ever designed and component-tested

>> No.12289620
File: 1.94 MB, 2259x2804, GRC-1962-C-62912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12289621

That quote will be something that will be immortalized. I can't to see it applied to celestial body landings and colonization.

>> No.12289623

They're drawings, but the engine was close to being built.

>> No.12289624
File: 321 KB, 1280x1199, 1280px-M-1_Rocket_Engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's part of an M1 bell

>> No.12289625

looks like straight out of a flash gordon comic.

>> No.12289626
File: 801 KB, 2115x2085, NASA-TN-D-3373-fig-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12289628
File: 2.68 MB, 2357x3000, GRC-1968-C-02664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12289632

mmmm, imagine the expense.

>> No.12289633
File: 205 KB, 504x808, Apollo_ascent_propulsion_system_drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12289636

Are people taking the piss out of it elsewhere or just on here?

>> No.12289640


>> No.12289643
File: 154 KB, 497x700, AJ10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12289644

>sit right here, next the the injector ;)

>> No.12289648
File: 3.82 MB, 3000x2361, linaero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12289651
File: 168 KB, 991x670, RS-25_container.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12289654
File: 289 KB, 2184x1144, Raptor_SN20_tractor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12289655
File: 2.86 MB, 1987x2476, GRC-1959-C-52166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a big showerhead bros

>> No.12289658
File: 24 KB, 226x218, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12289662

I'd inspect her injector if you catch my drift

>> No.12289663

>how can they do that???
>it needs a clean room!!!
>where is the special equipment made for only one task?
>are they even going over budget at all?

>> No.12289665

Injector plates are stupidly complicated. Machining every hole using 50s tech must've been maddening.

>> No.12289666

There’s a fuckton of Armenians living in LA, while there’s pretty much no Yemenis living in the US at all. Makes sense that the presence of a local diaspora increases the likelihood of a protest against launching a satellite for that country’s enemy.

>> No.12289667

Into the cuck box RS-25!

>> No.12289671
File: 2.17 MB, 2249x1736, GRC-1957-C-46150-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early KSP alpha build

>> No.12289674

I dont catch your meaning.

>> No.12289675
File: 230 KB, 1920x1467, me_and_the_boys_playing_co-op_KSP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12289678
File: 419 KB, 300x900, 95562e6e10aef693e01bf706fc8f8baa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely we can get more dangerous, complex, and expensive with less TWR.

>> No.12289682

He wants to look down her engine Bell.

>> No.12289684

Just throw in a mercury afterburner for more thrust.

>> No.12289685

He wants to flight test her thrust structure.

>> No.12289686

Hydrogen-Lithium-Fluorine TriPropellant when

>> No.12289689
File: 137 KB, 4048x1273, launch-profiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no orbital path for New Shepard

>> No.12289692

How can one man be so based

>> No.12289699
File: 1.11 MB, 4606x2591, vonbraun_family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elon or von braun?

>> No.12289702

>Machining every hole using 50s tech must've been maddening
I wonder if the reverse is true in that they were experts then but now the skills have been lost

>> No.12289703

Men only want one thing

>> No.12289707

whip niggers and breed nubian queens?

>> No.12289709

Glad to see Charlie Bucket is doing well

>> No.12289711
File: 651 KB, 3299x2552, Advanced Chemical Rockets Talk-page-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I wish we could go to a conference during the dawn of rocketry

>> No.12289713


>> No.12289722

>"welcome to the... uuuh third annual rocket conference and uh yeah"
>"for the first discussion point... uummm placing the *cough* rocket engine after the propellant tanks does NOT result in a uh more stable rocket"
>everyone gasps

>> No.12289726
File: 880 KB, 2400x2946, robert_h_goddard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.12289730

Nuclear Thermal Metallic Hydrogen SSTO Pendulum Rockets with Nuclear Torch SRB Boosters WHEN BROS

>> No.12289731

with metallic supersolid hydrogen afterburners

>> No.12289741

You forgot the positron injectors

>> No.12289743

antimatter drives are pie in the sky

>> No.12289748

Shoot a high powered laser into thick gold, it generates positrons that you collect and inject into your metallic hydrogen NTR engine combustion chamber for greater efficiency and burnup

>> No.12289754

Uh huh. (((Berger))). Every single time.

>> No.12289756

>positron injectors
Pussy. Antiprotons are the way to go.

>> No.12289762

How so?
We know antimatter exists (unlike dark matter despite everything). We know it reacts violently with regular matter, annihilating both when they come into contact with one another and generating a lot of energy in the process. We know it can be controlled, thus allowing for stable and consistent energy generation. We know of proven ways to obtain and store it. It would be like saying nuclear power will never be real in 1949 just because no one had built an actual reactor yet.

>> No.12289764

Unironically if we figure out how to make Muon injectors we can catalyze fusion at room temperature. Power AND thrust.

>> No.12289767

Before starship what? Before it reaches Alpha Centauri? Possible but unlikely.

>> No.12289771

Shuttle at least looked cool.

>> No.12289774

space colonisation is the solution to climate change

>> No.12289779

It was sarcasm bro

>> No.12289781

welp i'm finally all set up in COADE. anyone know why your default propellant seems to be methafluorine even though you have nuclear propulsion?

>> No.12289792

As depicted, no, but moon spaceports and ships powered by a combination of sails and glowing blue thrusters is a real possibility.

Probably a bit of both. That's why oldspace keeps stepping on their dicks and why Elon's approach to Starship is the correct one.

>> No.12289795

>nobody has built a reactor

>> No.12289800

ehhh i agree with them, turkey should be kept as a pre-indsutrial society with no access to modern tech forever
troublesome roaches

>> No.12289803

They keep the Russians in check. Thats why we need them. Let the Armenians, who are allied with the Russians, suck Russian dick to get something done.

>> No.12289808

First nuclear power plant that wasn't just experimental was built in 1954.
Still, make it 1947 and the point works perfectly.

>> No.12289815

Well if you want to be technical the first known reactor was 1.7 billion years ago in Oklo. Take the geologypill.

>> No.12289831

>We know of proven ways to obtain and store it.
None of which get you to breakeven on total power costs even with a perfect reactor unless you're just spamming positron and electron beams at each other.

>> No.12289835

They don't. They're a NATO country that's playing both sides. Fuck them.

>> No.12289841

>Nuclear Torch
This sounds like a good idea

>> No.12289853

I hope you guys write to the Biden campaign to support Big Jim as NASA admin

>> No.12289856

Yes, and? We generate the antimatter and then use it to fuel a rocket like we do with other fuels. We don't need to go from nothing straight to self-sustaining infinite in-flight ISRU antimatter reactors.

>> No.12289858


>> No.12289860

Why would Biden even consider that?

>> No.12289861

we have to try

>> No.12289866

With modern tech, do we even have the ability to create a dense positron beam and shoot it into an electron beam for thrust? If so why don’t we use this over xenon thrusters- I feel like a matter-antimatter engine like this would BTFO any other form of electrical propulsion (even if it is super power-demanding)

>> No.12289873

You'd have to convince Kamala, Joe's not the candidate merely a figurehead. Moot point anyway as they're not going to win.

>> No.12289877

only if the ACS is also made from SRBs

>> No.12289878

>even if it is super power-demanding
That's the constraint on every other electric thruster, though. We don't even need antimatter for getting to the outer planets if we can just get lightweight molten salt reactors working in space.

>> No.12289882

i was inspired by this opinion piece in the hill. maybe it can be spun as a gesture of bipartisanship. it's not like biden cares either way about space

>> No.12289884

The literal only thing politicians care about is the opinions of voters. If enough voters support big Jim, Biden will support him to. Politics is that simple.

>> No.12289897

Here’s hoping someone important reads it. Bridenstine is the most competent person to head that organization in decades.

>> No.12289904

There's zero reason to swap him out now and if they do then they're faggots.

>> No.12289921

It's not unprecedented for a new administration to keep a previous NASA administrator, see Thomas Paine. But if the word on the street is to be believed Nixon only kept him on to be a Democrat fall guy should something tragic happen with Apollo 11

>> No.12289954


>> No.12289958

Would make sense to keep some of the old administration so they can say that they don't care about party lines bht doing whats best for america.

>> No.12289960

>doesn't know about the Old Ones

>> No.12289962

If this picture was taken now these guys would be wearing some reddit-tier T-shirt and jeans and 8lbs of fucking facial piercings and unkempt hair and one of them would be a greasy fat bull dyke with pink hair.

Society went wrong somewhere.

>> No.12289970

They'd all be looking towards the camera with their mouths gaping open too. Why are people like this.

>> No.12289986
File: 909 KB, 2400x2400, df3f3ba8-3d2a-49ee-8cd5-f29537cc13b5_1.e2db65d4efe8bd9dd7e14fe0b9fdfe94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jim Bridenstine is THE GREATEST NASA Administrator since JAMES FUCKING WEBB. He fought for us bros, he fought for space when it mattered most. Now we gotta fight for him, or else who the fuck are we??


>> No.12289992
File: 691 KB, 994x947, lugenpresse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn we've come a long way. Remember when every fucking journo in town was typing out a hit piece as fast as they could the second he got nominated? Glad everyone likes him- even hardcore lefties support him because he's a good fucking administrator

>> No.12289993

>waaah why are things different
seethe and cope

>> No.12290000

God he looks so cute there. I want a full body shot of him so I can print it onto a body pillow and snuggle while we watch SpaceX livestreams together.

>> No.12290001

>James Bridenstine Space Telescope
Bros....I will fight for Jim

>> No.12290004

Actually I was born in '92. So my entire adult life all iv'e ever known was grungy people in t-shirt & jeans outfits with too many tattoos and shitty hair. The 60's picture is the "different" from my perspective.

This is what the Left does not and will never understand. You "people" have been in charge so long that entire generations have been raised thinking that degeneracy and slob-tier clothes and socialist policies are "normal" and conservatism/right-wing ideology is "rebellious."

>> No.12290007
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They literally lie through their teeth and then refute their own claims in the third paragraph. Fucking lying press

>> No.12290020

That's the definition of conservative ideology

>> No.12290024
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>> No.12290034

>imagine unironically thinking this
What you just said is the equivalent of me reducing all leftist ideology to "progress is bad" or something.

What a fucking retard you are. Don't bother replying because any opinion you have is utterly worthless.

>> No.12290044
File: 434 KB, 1328x1488, dark-wojak-light-grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read an article in reuters that two people within the biden campaign said they were specifically looking to appoint a woman to NASA. they dont care at all about merit, they want to score brownie points with the base, just like how obama appointed a nigger, despite charlie being a total retard. time to get woke, whether garver or horne, a gash will be at the helm.

>> No.12290051

Nice quads

>> No.12290057

Okay Incel

>> No.12290066

Imagine having a random man fill a very specific niche, and it turns out he is one of the best men possible for the job, only to replace him because of muh optics. Gentlemen the end may be near. NASA is already in a struggle for survival with the boeing parasite at critical mass - and a new administrator might very well be the final nail in the coffin. Whether he leaves office in 4 months or 4 years, I hope Jim finds a comfy job at spacex and we can share a beer with him on Mars

>> No.12290070

I hope Trump wins so we can see those moon landings.

I'm not an American but can some of you who are genuinely supporting Biden cheer me up that he won't brutalise as much as he can to deny any bragging rights to Trump.

>> No.12290075

I wish they at least let the X-33 attempt to fly

>> No.12290079

Genuine idiot

>> No.12290083

The only way the X-33 could fly would be to use the Li-Al composite tanks, which would've been too heavy for the actual production model.

>> No.12290084

>A sixty year old man hobbles into the overlook lounge hab
>He has a six pack of Papenburg trappist crafted by the monks in the outskirts of Mars
>It's Big Jim holy shit
>"Hello anon. I just downloaded some pictures from Europa Clipper off of the Deep Space Network. NASA hasn't even gotten them yet. Want to check it out?"

>> No.12290085

forget the moon, and forget nasa. elon is taking us to mars, come hell or high water. we shouldnt have put our faith in bureaucrats anyway.

>> No.12290086

>use the Li-Al composite tanks
*instead of the composite tanks

>> No.12290089

Big Jim and Elon being retirement buddies on Mars is the comfiest timeline.

Trump will win. If you ignore public polls (which you should, they're abhorrent this cycle, shit like N < 800 and MOE > 6 is being pushed as real data), every metric including early vote data indicates Biden is going to get spanked like a disobedient avocado.

And that's my last politicspost for the thread.

>> No.12290095

Dumbass. Everyone "plays both sides." The question is when they play with our side in curbing the Russian activities.

>> No.12290098

Other NATO countries don't "play both sides" when it comes to weapon systems and so on. Go away before I fetch the spray, little roach.

>> No.12290100

Yes who will all the numales fawn over over when he’s gone?

>> No.12290101

>genuinely supporting Biden
I'm not sure how many people there are like that. Sure there's plenty of people who hate Trump's guts and will vote specifically against him, but passionate pro-Biden people? I'm still waiting to see one irl.
Your question is good though, and I'll add to it: Is there anything stopping a President Biden from just deleting Space Force because 'fuck drumph'? Or is that pretty well protected? Same question regarding Artemis, I really want to see that happen and having another cancellation/restructuring/postponement would fucking kill me.

>> No.12290104

Again, dumbass. Look at what Germany, France and even Americans have done to get Russians to their tune. Everyone plays "both sides." The question isn't why they do it, its are they doing it at this moment. In this case, they're not. Turks are stomping on Russian allies. Thats good for business.

>> No.12290105

We should abandon NATO and ally with Russia and China, then draw up plans to carve up the entire planet into three different spheres of influence.

>> No.12290107

Euros are doing that.

>> No.12290108

Will we see 1984 again?

>> No.12290109

It’s literally the opposite though. If you are bold enough to create a strawman of generalized numales (which yeah they exist) they will be celebrating Biden’s new pick

>> No.12290110

Similar magnitude, different map. Minnesota will be red this time because joggers have been burning it down.

>> No.12290114

Thanks, yea I hope Trump wins. It is amazing that SpaceX has got to that point.

Space Force I'm less worried about as it was supported Bipartisan in the Senate or whatever, I'm not all that well versed on the US system but I have no doubt that the Dems will crush Artemis as soon as they can.

>> No.12290117

Built by God.

>> No.12290118

Yeah, not buy Russian missile systems.

>> No.12290121

Russian missiles pointed at Russian allies.

>> No.12290122

>I have no doubt that the Dems will crush Artemis as soon as they can.
I imagine that at first the moon landing will be pushed back to 2028 and then gradually the whole program reorganized to focus on Gateway

>> No.12290123

Scientifically this couldn't happen lol. Europa Clipper is mandated to fly on SLS. Meaning it will still be in a warehouse on Earth in 2042

>> No.12290124

Or threaten war repeatedly with a neighboring fellow NATO member for that matter.

>> No.12290126

>draw up plans to carve up the entire planet into three different spheres of influence
Why would the US choose to do that when they already hold most of the planet within their sphere of influence. It'd be retarded to give free control to lesser states.

>> No.12290129

EU should do something about it but they won't because Muslim problem.

>> No.12290130

Based. It was just a little experiment

>> No.12290131
File: 56 KB, 720x539, american mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*most of the Solar System

>> No.12290140
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1080, American Space.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the Sun belongs to the United States and it is by our generosity alone that the rest of the world can have daylight.

>> No.12290143

Damn. Ariane should be taking all the civilized euro nations to space... but I guess they wont beheading to Mars any time soon

>> No.12290144

What the fuck does EU have to do with NATO? Or Turkey to do with EU for that matter? You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.12290150

NATO don't deal with internal conflicts. They deal with external conflicts. EU has to deal with non-EU country creating issues with EU country but they can't cause Turks are holding back the African Muslim hordes from coming to Europe.

>> No.12290153

>EU has to deal with non-EU country creating issues with EU country
No they don't. EU is a fucking trade league that grew too big for its britches. It has nothing to do with military actions.

>> No.12290154


>> No.12290161
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>> No.12290177
File: 23 KB, 1590x90, 1577031139436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck were they thinking trying to make a carbon composite hydromeme tank? What a nightmare. They were trying to shove as many technical hurdles into the craft as possible. What they should have done is focus on the aerospike etc and make everything else as simple as possible.

>> No.12290191

is there anything that can be done to pressure whoever wins to let Jim stay?

>> No.12290202

Do you have the unedited one too? The part where he is sitting on a planet got kinda cut out.

>> No.12290204

Space fans should “““peacefully protest””” at KSC if Jim gets replaced.

>> No.12290207

Call/write to local congressmen/senators.

Hello <representative>,
I am a constituent of yours and my main voting issue is the NASA administrator. If you push to keep BIG JIM in the head honcho seat at NASA, I personally pledge I will vote for you in the next <local state> election.

Thank you and shadilay,

>> No.12290209

Since Jim's position probably isn't too critical in Biden's eyes, it would probably take less pressure than you'd think to keep him, though probably more pressure than could be organized.

>> No.12290215

ULA snipers

>> No.12290217

>though probably more pressure than could be organized.
It would take a big name space e-cleb to get things moving in all likelyhood. Which probably won't happen.

>> No.12290220

>a big name space e-cleb

>> No.12290221

I don't sadly, can't remember what the source was and didn't make it myself.

>> No.12290228

We should start a change petition, and spam it to popular rocket people like estronaut or musk

>> No.12290240

Has any Change petition done anything ever?

>> No.12290245

that or scott. Maybe even angry would be good enough

not that I know of. At best change could be used as a way to get the ball rolling and spread awareness. All in all thousands of messages like >>12290207 would probably be more effective.

>> No.12290246

Yes, but you still need to contact you representatives and explain why you think Jim is good for Nasa. Petitions are a tool.

>> No.12290260

pardon my ignorance, but how does appointing an new admin work? President puts forth a nomination and congress approves?

>> No.12290274

President nominates someone, then the senate votes to confirm them. Jim passed with a 50-49, which is much more partisan then is common.

>> No.12290286
File: 34 KB, 640x640, tired cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jim passed with a 50-49

>> No.12290296

Democrats all need to be ground up and used as fertilizer for Mars colonies.

>> No.12290301

>much more partisan then is common
Well that's pretty much to be expected with anything these days

>> No.12290312

Lol., cope britlet

>> No.12290315

Take the mulch-pill

>> No.12290336

>how to great filter yourself with soil contamination: the post

>> No.12290338

Oh right I forgot they're full of toxins and carcinogens.

>> No.12290358

why are republicans so fragile and pathetic?

>> No.12290364

based, trumpistanis on suicide watch from this post

>> No.12290367

>wahhh republicans are so fragile wahhhh
>literally wants to replace a competent and non-partisan NASA administrator with a diversity hire for the sake of diversity
Why are Democrats subhuman?

>> No.12290375

Because this is their safe echo chamber now when there’s no launches

>> No.12290379

Shitpostius Maximus today.

>> No.12290383

EU anon here, as a outsider it's obvious that that the dems have not the best intrest of space exploration in mind.
The republics are corrupt, sure, but at least they let people like musk and big jim do some good too.

>> No.12290394

It's really incredibly simple. Democrats and their handlers hate spaceflight and see it purely as a diversity checkbox. Republicans think moon bases are cool. That's it. That's the entire discussion. Democrats are actively against everything this general exists to discuss.

>> No.12290397

I wish Ares I had worked just for the YEEHAW factor of the cowboy meme President (Bush 43) giving us manned SRB space rodeos.

>> No.12290406

It really was beautiful. What about a full 5 meter wide SSTO srb?

>> No.12290417


>> No.12290422

It’s impossible because it’s got a lot of thrust but no isp?

>> No.12290426

You can do an all solid TSTO (like OmegA lmao) or liquid first / solid second TSTO (like Antares) so I think it's just the mass penalty.

>> No.12290427


>literally the ONLY Trump appointee who isn't roiled with corruption or scandal
>get rid of him next administration

I fucking hate this. He's the one GOOD thing that somehow came out of this massive Trumpian clusterfuck, and in the name of Democracy, we're going to kick him to the curb. Jesus christ.

>> No.12290428

No. The rs-25 also can't be restarted because it clogs itself with water ice after stopping.

>> No.12290429

>t. gets all his news from twitter and 4chan

>> No.12290430

is it possible to have a rocket with a million pounds of thrust and 1 ISP

>> No.12290433

>as a black man,

>> No.12290434

Democrats just in Obama's term have done more for Science than anything the bible thumping redneck conservatives have the last 200 years.

>> No.12290437

This is bait.

>> No.12290438

A gentle if a bit oversized spring device ejecting something can do it.

>> No.12290440

Based democrats

>> No.12290441

I'm not British. There are NATO members who were never part of the EU.
But would you care to show me the EU military mandate? Maybe its standing forces?

>> No.12290446

Yes, as long as F = g·m.

I cant bother converting pounds of thrust to Newtons, so I won't do the math.

>> No.12290471

Dumbass, EU is a trade bloc, so use EUs economic powers. Point is they won't because theres so much to lose.

>> No.12290473

>Point is they won't because theres so much to lose.

Just stop posting. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.12290474
File: 203 KB, 1200x1200, old man cheney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Gore sponsored program flying under a Republican government???

Not on my watch son.

>> No.12290483

SLS's flight profile actually makes sense to use an aerospike. They should have just gone with a NON-HYDROGEN tank and said "fuck shuttle harware we are going to go with a new aerospike design". At least cost-plus would have made sense and their slipping to 2024 would at least be understandable. And we would get new tech out of it. Instead we are stuck with "cheap legacy hardware that will be fast" that is in fact not cheap, and not fast.

>> No.12290486

>They should have just gone with a NON-HYDROGEN tank and said "fuck shuttle harware we are going to go with a new aerospike design"
Anon, the entire point of SLS was to keep Shuttle hardware contractor jobs alive. The rocket is a side effect.

>> No.12290488

Omega wet workshop

>> No.12290490

Oh I know but they could have at least hired aerojet shekeldyne to do the job and boeing to build the tank and just rehired everyone or something. Don't kid yourself, SLS is NOTHING like the shuttle aside from pillaging and raping its engines. The tank was designed from scratch.

>> No.12290491

The cancellation of X-33 was Ivan Bekey's fault. He testified before Congress that the X-33 existed to test technologies like composite tank structures, and the composite tanks didn't work with the technology of the era.

>> No.12290493

I am ashamed to say this but I am just now realizing that SLS brings the entire orange tank into orbit only to actively go out of its way to push it back into the atmosphere and kill it

>> No.12290496

EU wants their own army
they wanted it since the 50's, but the Brits and Americans always diplomatically blocked it and shilled NATO instead, which primarily serves the US interests
I bet French will escalate things with Turkey and use it as a justification for because Turks are in NATO therefore we need new alliance instead - it's the only logical conclusion

it's on the EU people's party agenda - all part of the Pan-European plan to unite the continent created and coordinated by the house of Habsburg
this isn't a shitpost btw I unironically believe this

>> No.12290498

Dude it’s worse than that. It brings the orange tank halfway to GTO.

Also what’s happened to the foam? Isn’t it bad to leave the tank out like that for over a year?

>> No.12290499

>EU wants their own army
Yeah, for internal policing. They don't have one.

>> No.12290501

>I bet French will escalate things with Turkey and use it as a justification for because Turks are in NATO therefore we need new alliance instead - it's the only logical conclusion
That's going to end as badly as the Sinai incident did for the European powers. They literally can't get over being sidelined by the US.

>> No.12290503
File: 50 KB, 750x750, aaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally hate this rocket so fucking much it isn't even funny anymore

>> No.12290507
File: 258 KB, 603x1232, shuttlestack tuuuubes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude it’s worse than that. It brings the orange tank halfway to GTO.
Big Jim desperately needs to convince Congress to let him wet-workshop them as a GEO manned mega station. Holy shit.

>> No.12290509

at the time they didn't have nukes
US or the Russia won't threaten Europe with nuclear war to save Erdogan

>> No.12290510

Imagine if they build it with the F1B and experimented with making that into an aerospike, and decided to fly it on experimental fly-back landings for reusability. Literally boeing and aerojet could have milked SLS to the extreme for the next 20-30 years while still making advancements. Instead they have dug themselves into a corner to the point where Jim has testified against using it for certain missions lmao

>> No.12290512

Imagine replying to trolls unironically.

>> No.12290516
File: 13 KB, 320x268, elg_1088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also what’s happened to the foam?
Don't worry, anon. Here is your foam. Boeing is working hard at it. And this time it will be environmentally friendly.


>> No.12290521

>reading about interplanetary piracy speculation
>"it simply wont happen because the image of the offending spacecraft would be posted on the interplanetary internet for all to see"
Is this true?

>> No.12290525

Empty gasoline tank wet workshop where scientists breathe in fumes and think of crazy ideas when?

>> No.12290528

Dead men tell no tales

>> No.12290533

It won't happen because a human in the loop won't be necessary for guidance. A 'hijacked' vessel would just be remotely disabled and rerouted. We're already getting to this point with cars, some dudes hijacked a Tesla and had to abandon it when the owner restricted the speed remotely.

>> No.12290540

>Implying I wont just smash the coms panel with a wooden baseball bat
Also as long as I have a weapon I can just demand the crew to give me all their food and valuables. Learn 2 pillage you terran dork

>> No.12290544
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>> No.12290546

>Creator was predicted by Von Braun himself
Is this taken out of context or does it verbatim say "Elon" in it?

>> No.12290551
File: 104 KB, 523x538, elon von braun mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Direct quote from von Braun's book.

>> No.12290558

I now believe in reincarnation

>> No.12290559

You made me chuckle. Have a (you)

>> No.12290560

>It brings the orange tank halfway to GTO.
>carrying a skyscraper-sized, highly insulated, and highly reinforced hygrogen tank halfway to GTO
...isn't that INCREDIBLY inefficient? What the actual fuck is this rocket? It's like the SLS is the very manifestation of the west's decline in physical form. Thank god there are people like Elon who still fight against it. von Braun and his Saturn V are spinning in their graves.

>> No.12290561
File: 160 KB, 363x499, space-dabbing and Starships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12290562

The F-1 couldn't throttle at all. Adding 40% throttle and relight capability would make it an entirely new engine, to say nothing of an aerospike nozzle... but that'd be a really fucking cool engine either way.

>> No.12290564

I am beyond giving a fuck. Shuttle was bad because of stupid stipulations from the airforce and stuff... but SLS is bad on purpose? It's like they wanted to make it wasteful. I just want it to FUBAR on its maiden voyage

>> No.12290565

who is the green head?

>> No.12290566
File: 480 KB, 4000x2400, starship centaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like the SLS is the very manifestation of the west's decline in physical form.
It really is. Every force that pushed it in a bad direction is a cause or symptom of civilizational decline. Starship blowing SLS the fuck out is going to be hugely symbolic of revival.

>> No.12290568

I'm not trying to invoke voodoo magic or anything but I'd like to think that the F1B would be capable of low throttle and relighting. It was supposed to be a million times simpler than a 1970's F1. I guess we will never know because they won't build the damn thing

>> No.12290572

Me :)

>> No.12290573

That just means thieves will become hackers too

>> No.12290576
File: 29 KB, 480x360, From where&#039;s you&#039;re kneeling it must seem like an 7-carat run of bad luck..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Parlimentary system
Musk defecting to UK/Aus/Canada when?

>> No.12290577
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>> No.12290578

Just break the ability to receive transmissions lol

>> No.12290580

He started off as a Saffer and previously lived in Canada. Von Braun got that one wrong.

>> No.12290581

There is no physics reason that SLS can't be left in orbit for Starship to salvage. They just actively chose not to do that.

>> No.12290582
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>> No.12290583

>robotic ship leaves for port
>pirates intercept and take out the ship's propulsion
>ship owners lock pirates out
>pirates cut a hole into the cargo hold
>pirates go "owo whats this" before taking the goods and leaving
>maybe even vandalize the ship so it'll be worthless

>> No.12290584

someone needs to swap the green head for Shelby

>> No.12290585

>implying essential ship systems haven't been tamper proofed and backed up with automated overrides
Of course if you want a ship's resources badly enough you can just plunder them, but I was talking about taking control of the ship specifically. Anyway space is not a friendly environment to starving niggers that rely on unpredictable methods of resource gathering, if you need piracy to get the basics you're just gonna die out.

>> No.12290587

>Also what’s happened to the foam? Isn’t it bad to leave the tank out like that for over a year?
It's part of the local environment now. Probably has things actually living in it.

>Starship blowing SLS the fuck out is going to be hugely symbolic of revival.
the doomer in me says that the post-election government is going to do all they can to make Starship development hell. ..But come to think of it there are plenty of people who would adopt an "over my dead body" stance if they really did try to pull that.

>> No.12290592

I'll figure out a way. I will be more famous than Black Beard. My name? Digger Nick.

>> No.12290594

>It'll just land in the ocean
SLS actually can't do much more than that.

>> No.12290595
File: 43 KB, 960x960, doge no sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be a space pirate

>> No.12290598


>SLS: Right wing/Conservative traditionalism
>Starship: Left wing/Liberal progressivism

>> No.12290600

Shelby hates depots that much.

>> No.12290605

>that massive solar farm
yeah, solar will be fine at first but if the moon starts getting crowded it's going to have to go. Simply too space inefficient. Best option is to put panels on all building surfaces and use nuclear as the primary power source.

Would a staging system be better that a single bigass tank? Or would the extra weight of another set of engines, less tank volume, and added complexity make it not worth it?

>> No.12290616
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You might be able to be an earth pirate.
Privateers are pirates operating with the support of a sovereign nation. The United States gives the Senate the power to issue letters of marque.
In response to Chinese aggression on the seas there have been calls to begin issuing them again.
I doubt it. But we'll see.

America hasn't officially had any privateers since the War of 1812. Although we did use Goodyear blimps to hunt U-boat in WWII.

>> No.12290617
File: 897 KB, 250x251, made_in_abyss_we_dont_know.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a billionaire's private space program
>left wing progressivism
What the fuck are you on about retard

>> No.12290622

HOLY FUCK imagine the /sfg/ privateer starship. We basically scam the US government into buying us a starship and we make constant trips to Mars in the name of "anti-piracy" but in reality we are just enjoying the ride. Name the vessel.

>> No.12290624
File: 55 KB, 854x592, 1578346787854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is 94 tons decent considering the tank's size?

>> No.12290625

Black Perl

>> No.12290628

Legitimate Salvage

>> No.12290629
File: 1.62 MB, 1494x1096, 1580446785294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing that future versions will have to have more reinforcement in the core stage

>> No.12290636

SLS's core is well within the lift capability of Superheavy. Idk what dV that stack would get but I'm pretty sure "direct Jupiter insertion" is in the ballpark

>> No.12290637

Unknown Object

>> No.12290643

Space Wolf Den

>> No.12290644

Pale Drooping Maiden

>> No.12290645

>future versions
cute. SLS won't even get a block 2
Titanic II

>> No.12290646
File: 47 KB, 1000x750, space_gemenei_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use a small, throwaway boarding craft.

>> No.12290647

SLS kinda sucks because it's not designed to do any one thing particularly well. Wish they would have chosen a specific focus. Would have been pretty amazing if they tried to just maximize dV from the start or something.

Also Superheavy with SRBs would be pretty insane, but of course that's silly as the entire point of the craft is reusability.

>> No.12290649

>Also Superheavy with SRBs would be pretty insane, but of course that's silly as the entire point of the craft is reusability.
A fully reusable SH/SS stack with four SLS SRBs could probably put 500 tons in orbit.

>> No.12290650

*fully expendable

>> No.12290651

No, not SRBs on Superheavy, I meant literally putting the entire SLS core and upper (without SRBs) on top of a Superheavy ad a second and third stage. SLS would unironically have ridiculous dV as a massive expendable upper stage.

>> No.12290655

>We just made in-space transportation even easier. After deploying 10 sats to perfect orbits for our customers on the #InFocus mission, the Kick Stage had one more trick up its sleeve. For the first time, we demonstrated a plane change maneuver.
Classic Rocket Lab with their post-flight announcements

>> No.12290661

>Choose Electron and get launch plus space tug in one, or fly a Kick Stage on another launch vehicle and still enjoy tailored in-space transportation to your perfect orbit.

This is by far the more important point in that tweet chain. RocketLab knows they can't compete with Falcon 9 or Starship long term, so they're pivoting their business model to survive as a rideshare bus provider for "other launch vehicles" (meaning Starship and F9 rideshare)

Very smart business choices, I like it

>> No.12290685
File: 127 KB, 289x1114, 1592480157915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, not SRBs on Superheavy, I meant literally putting the entire SLS core and upper (without SRBs) on top of a Superheavy
5 lifetimes in paint

>SLS would unironically have ridiculous dV as a massive expendable upper stage.
it's honestly a real shame that we'll never see the RS-25 live up to its full potential as an extremely efficient upper stage.

>> No.12290686


Artemis is too far along at this point to be cancelled.

>> No.12290688

I love how SpaceX and Rocketlab complement each other.

>> No.12290693

SLS is so fucking big for a rocket that can do so fucking little.

>> No.12290696
File: 115 KB, 700x888, pyra max nut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit imagine a 50 ton RocketLab rideshare bus for Starship.

That's hydrolox first stages for you. Lighting the thing after you already made the gravity turn means you can put that 450+ ISP to proper fucking use. You could probably yeet the entire core stage to TLI with those RS-25s air lighting. It is COMPLETELY CRIMINAL nobody ever bothered making the RS-25 or RS-68 an upper stage engine, which is the ONLY GOOD USE of hydrolox.

>> No.12290697

>stop transmitting
>course correction

Congratulations nobody knows where you are and where you are going outside of very rough "in this solar system orbit". Bonus points if the maneuver involved double digit change in velocity.

>> No.12290699
File: 230 KB, 674x570, 1597374834302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair that's block 2, which will never happen. Block 1 is noticeably smaller.

SpaceX using a bunch of kickstages to deliver satellites in massive bulk to multiple orbits would be pretty sick

>> No.12290703

All the non-American rockets in that image were cancelled before lifting one single person to orbit.

>> No.12290704

>the right wing example is a government welfare program
>the left wing example is a hateful billionaire's pet project

>> No.12290705

So Much for Subtlety

>> No.12290706

Block 1B and Block 2 are identical except for the boosters AFAIK
>Block 1
SLS core, DIV upper stage
>Block 1B
SLS core, EUS
>Block 2
SLS core, EUS, meme paper boosters

>> No.12290718

no, long burns are less deltav efficient due to the lack of Oberth effect, and because you're spending it raising your periapse as well as your apoapse instead of solely raising your apoapse like with an instantaneous burn

>> No.12290727

Eric Berger is a known quantity in the spaceflight community
his connections are the real deal for hardware details but I'm doubting on this one

>> No.12290780

>Block 1B and Block 2 are identical except for the boosters AFAIK
ah, you're right. I mistook the larger interstage as an expansion.

>> No.12290804

Block 2 was killed in 2014.

>> No.12290810

They can revive it whenever if SLS actually gets used enough to justify it, because Block 2 really just means "better boosters".

>> No.12290814

It was killed off for Block 1B in 2014, 1B also has "better boosters". Block 2 was supposed to have "advanced boosters", namely liquid fuel boosters.

>> No.12290824

Wait, isn't 1B just Block 1 with EUS? I thought it used the same 5 segment boosters.

>> No.12290825

Slightly upgraded solid boosters.
They're probably never going to be flying that configuration though, because the current plan is to fly 5 segment shuttle SRBs until the end of the 20s.

>> No.12290854

>Block 2 was supposed to have "advanced boosters", namely liquid fuel boosters.
that's interesting. Is the any more information on what they were planning?

>> No.12290857

Nope. That was it. Plans discarded as "too dangerous because too powerful" in 2014. Block 1B takes it's place and it's a slightly different SRB with inward facing nosecones unless that has changed. They believe that's "good enough" for the planned mission profiles.

>> No.12290868

>Eric Berger is a known quantity in the spaceflight community
He's a Jew. Anything he says about Trump is suspect.

>> No.12290876

Ok /pol/, so is Kushner

>> No.12290885

A man's son in law has no power over him.

>> No.12290889

>Kushner has no power
>Kushner orchestrated the largest Middle East peace process since the Mandate system
one of these things is true

>> No.12290891

nice reading comprehension, retard

>> No.12290906

>reeeee jews
>except that jew, he's powerless
>noooo you can't point out the things he's done
ok /pol/

>> No.12290909
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>> No.12290920

Why are you doubting rumors from a trusted source? Its not like he confirmed anything other than a rumor. Are you doubting that any of the officials aren't talking about replacement of Bridenstein because Bridenstein is immune somehow?

>> No.12290928

I'm not doubting that oldspace is salty about Bridenstine, because they are, and want him canned, because they do. I'm doubting that Trump gives a shit when Big Jim has been consistently getting shit done and making Trump look good.

>> No.12290935
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>> No.12290938

Big Jim on working for Biden:

>> No.12290945

Trump will trade Bridenstein for some other political win. If Trump can make use of Bridenstein to win some other favors, that's a big win for him. There's absolutely no evidence of Trump having a love affair with Bridenstein or that Bridenstein being his son.

>> No.12290946

>FUCK that guy I'm not gonna sit here while he sells us out to the Chinese

>> No.12290952

>There's absolutely no evidence of Trump having a love affair with Bridenstein or that Bridenstein being his son.
There's also no evidence that Trump wants him gone besides Berger's "Dude trust me"

>> No.12290974

1) Trump has no special attachment to Bridenstein. If he can get something from nothing, he'll take something.

2) Berger didn't say Trump will replace Bridenstein. Only that there are talks amongst the political clout. And there's plenty of little titbit reasons for wanting to change Bridenstein. Most of all from the oldspace congressmen/woman, both the democratic side(Kendra) and the republican side(Shelby). with Talks could fizzle out if the trade isn't worth it for Trump, if there's enough pushback, if Trump isn't re-elected, if Trump gets sick, etc.

>> No.12290981

Also Both Kendra Horns/Richard Shelby may get control over the space funding and both are heavy pro-Boeing.

>> No.12290993

So again just baseless speculation with no concrete evidence. If Bridenstine was really such a torn in the side of oldspace then they could have already gotten rid of him. Mid-term changes in NASA administrators isn't unprecedented. And when it comes to the space program I'd say Trump is more concerned with appointing someone who will get him the ego-boost of a moon landing over appointing someone for political favors

>> No.12291003

>So again just baseless speculation with no concrete evidence
How many times do I have to repeat it. Its some talks reported by a trusted space journalist. Its not a "baseless speculation with no concrete evidence."
1) Obviously Berger isn't going to give away his trusted sources.
2) Its from a trusted source, thus not a "baseless speculation"

>If Bridenstine was really such a torn in the side of oldspace then they could have already gotten rid of him
New election = fresh start. That's a "plasuble reason" to get rid of someone without being called an obvious Boeing shill. You know you're beginning to sound like a Boeing shill trying to defend this sort of action in advance. Or a collosal retarded nigger.

>> No.12291005

all told, no one fucking really knows what trump would do and berger is rumormongering for whatever reason

>> No.12291014

>berger is rumormongering for whatever reason
Its called being a journalist. Not "whatever reason." If you doubt his credibility, there's something wrong with you.

>> No.12291017

>1/5 odds
I want whatever bats these guys are smoking.

>> No.12291022

Journalist and credibility are opposites these days.

>> No.12291023

>Its called being a journalist
True, but journalists aren’t supposed to rumor monger, despite its increasingly widespread occurrence in that field.

>> No.12291028

>If you doubt his credibility, there's something wrong with you.
If a journalist claims something without any evidence then there's something wrong with you if you believe it on principle

>> No.12291030

so berger was just reporting on a rumor

>> No.12291037

people attribute magical powers to chinks, even here. pooh bear tells them to their faces "moon no earlier than 2030" and they hear "chink supremacy it's happening"

>> No.12291038


>> No.12291041
File: 622 KB, 1481x4096, 1581868616813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how exactly will Starship's orbital refueling work? Launch SS, circle the globe, and then launch the tanker from the same pad? Or conduct two launches around the same time at different locations so SS does less waiting?

The latter would be pretty cool, but would mean that SpaceX would have to construct a number of launch pads in multiple countries so they could quickly launch a line behind SS as it moves in its parking orbit.

>> No.12291044
File: 776 KB, 598x863, Screenshot_2020-10-30 U S Navy on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>service rivalry IN SPAAAAAAACE

>> No.12291047

Half the reason they're using methalox is so they don't have to worry about boiloff. They'll probably use same-pad tanker launches.

>> No.12291048

I thought the US military wasn't allowed to enlist people under 17, let alone put them in charge of an official media account.

>> No.12291051


time @ ~50 mins

He's not twitting, he's done a long 2 hour podcast on it. So he trusts his own source. He argues that its almost due to Boeing not winning HLS.

>> No.12291052

There's not much difference between 16 and 18 in shitposting. It was probably some enlisted zoomer.

>> No.12291054

17 year olds start enlisting a year later. Makes sense to appeal to them with dumb shit like this.

>> No.12291056

What a homosexual post

>> No.12291066

Could be worse, he could have start talking to some camwhore while in the official account or something.

>> No.12291072
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>> No.12291076

And Berger doubled down recently too on his source. So its more than just a "rumor." Even if you like Bridenstein, it doesn't mean those in powers do. Being ignorant about the possibility leaves you in a retarded position. Its just like the retarded "America #1" people who claim China's still 1950s weapon and think the Chinks aren't close peers. Reality is gonna bite them hard in ass.
Chinks have goal, money, leadership, ambition, people, progress, etc. CNSA's budget for 2020 is $11 B USD nominally. Given that 100% of products made/used by CNSA is homegrown and 100% of employees are homegrown in China, that number is likely close to 4x for its real value. 1 USD = 6.6 YUAN. A $500 can get you 2 bedroom in a 10+ story building in any of their cities, barring the most expensive places. They also don't have legacy programs like diversity programs, expensive health care coverage, expensive pensions, etc. By 2024 their budget will likely be close to $20B USD nominally and ~10x NASA's budget after inflation.

>> No.12291081

trump will indeed replace jim if reelected then

>> No.12291091

>Chinks have goal,
Sort of.
Well, they do have someone telling them what to do.
Numbers? Yes. Anything else? No.
No. China doesn't invent. If no one creates a way to get to Mars that they can replicate then they just won't do it.

>> No.12291097

>noo the buying power is stronger if you adjust for its strength in styrofoam apartments down in potemkin avenue
alright anon, use that logic convert to your theoretical severely deflated bugbucks into $/kg into orbit and see what it looks like. you're literally arguing that the chinks already spend 5x more on space than NASA despite the fact that being 30-40 years behind is all they have to show for it.

>> No.12291107

Barring SpaceX's commercial/internal launches, Chinks launch 3-5x more than NASA does. That's been growing for few years now.

>> No.12291109

>Barring SpaceX's
Stopped reading there.

>> No.12291110

listening to the podcast, it's not set in stone
berger mentioned a guy named dewitt who works on the trump campaign not seeing eye to eye with jim and this dewitt, according to sources, may help in replacing jim
as to how and why, closest explanation berger offers is that trump and republicans were spewing rhetoric about going to mars which jim didn't echo and NASA has no actual plan for mars so trumo will appoint someone to pursue the rhetoric

>> No.12291112

SpaceX commercial/starlink are not a US Gov program. Whats the issue?

>> No.12291126

I'm not >>12291097.
If you look at strictly NASA alone vs China then yeah, they have been launching more, but that's a near useless way of viewing things outside of showing that NASA has gotten tripped up in a lot of bureaucratic bullshit.

>> No.12291127

CNSA launches payloads for third parties too. Count both or neither.

>> No.12291141

this, basically
and the chinks are what, going to ignore the guys in dominant position until they goes away? SpaceX hegemony in space is US hegemony in space, ask ITAR about it. once Mars independence is established we can start talking about them as a third party, but by then chink irrelevance will have long been sealed.

>> No.12291150
File: 9 KB, 247x204, 194472F5-095F-4E02-BA27-17B7AE322A4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... Is Elon planning to skip the Moon and head to Mars directly?
You would think that Elon would want to test everything by colonizing/setting up a base on the Moon first as a proof of concept before making the long journey to Mars

>> No.12291151

China will dominate the world and eventually the universe

>> No.12291163

NASA just recently gave SpaceX $135 million to make Starship moon-viable. Sounds like they're going to try both.

>> No.12291166

Why do you keep calling them Chinks instead of Chinese?

>> No.12291171


>> No.12291181

Because it's funny

>> No.12291184

i'd say OK Chang but that would give you too much credit, Chang is probably your bull
why not

>> No.12291185

because chicom is too long

>> No.12291186

CCP =/= china
Taiwan is chinese for example but they are bro's.
Just remember that mainland china population has been brainwashed&deprived of any morality by communist ideology.
Dont fall in the narrative of the CCP where they want you to shame you for hating china&chinese and deflecting the blame away from the CCP.

>> No.12291188
File: 103 KB, 720x540, 1510766529982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yangs will beat Kohms.

>> No.12291189

Its a litmus test to stop being called "chang." Its stupid but gotta roll with it.

>> No.12291191

Chinese people have no morals.
Many of the wealthy Taiwanese support being taken over by China.
Many Taiwanese are just traitors for the mainland.

>> No.12291195

[X] Doubt

>> No.12291196

Elon is only going to Luna if NASA pays him for it, he has no desire or plans there

>> No.12291197

Long march 9 has been canceled?

>> No.12291200

Read a history book retard.

>> No.12291204

Cringe; call it the Moon, we all know which fucking moon you are talking about anon.

>> No.12291207

This, it's not like people will call earth terra in the future.

>> No.12291209

Because gongfei doesn’t sound sufficiently insulting in English.

>> No.12291211

I will be in the future and I am currently calling it Terra and will continue to do so

>> No.12291216

I call them zipperheads, but that's being too kind

>> No.12291217

not that i can tell. since it only exists on paper right now it should be desu, before they commit to a lengthy and expensive project to produce a rocket that will be woefully out of date in its time.

>> No.12291225
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 02f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anything happening tonight

>> No.12291227

post space music

>> No.12291230
File: 220 KB, 2048x1364, EXstio7XsAArYua.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post space stuff.

>> No.12291238

It's more insulting. Fuck chinks.

>> No.12291240


>> No.12291241
File: 23 KB, 310x760, 1579824386802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's check the happening-con

>> No.12291255

>United Rentals
what's their endgame lads?

>> No.12291258
File: 987 KB, 3000x1996, marscraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gah I couldn't think of the best one to share but I will be piping Minecraft music into my helmet when I'm mining on Mars.

>> No.12291260

it's slightly easier to type. Same with others:
>American -> burger/burg
>Japanese -> jap/nip
>British -> Bong
and so on.

static fire on sunday

rocket engines look so sexy. And I love how pragmatism spacex is at moving them around.

>> No.12291263
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>> No.12291266

equipment rentals throughout the solar system

>> No.12291267

>not listening too

>> No.12291273

Nah that's the shit that gets me too pumped up. I'll get cocky and drive the cybertruck off of a cliff

>> No.12291278

What the fuck, I want to get paid to test out the Artemis suits all day

>> No.12291283
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>> No.12291289


>> No.12291296


>> No.12291301



>> No.12291302


>> No.12291319
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>> No.12291321


>> No.12291352
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>> No.12291355

>One issue involves one of the four liquid hydrogen (LH2) prevalves that isolate the LH2 tank from the LH2 inlets of each of the four RS-25 Core Stage engines before engine start. The prevalves open just before engine ignition and then feed propellants to the engines while they are firing. The SLS Program is continuing to discuss troubleshooting data and options to resolve the issue.

>Another issue was reported with the performance of the thrust vector control (TVC) system during test case five, where the Main Propulsion System (MPS) hydraulics were thoroughly exercised.

>> No.12291362

What infuriates me the most is that SLS is supposed to be "slow on purpose" so that it can work right out of the gate. But it isn't fucking working. All this money for a fucking orange cylinder that needs to hold hydrogen and get to orbit in 8 minutes only to be destroyed shortly after

>> No.12291367
File: 1.06 MB, 1126x487, shelby sls galactic senate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that it gets halfway to GTO and then gets PURPOSELY SENT BACK INTO THE ATMOSPHERE TO BURN UP has ascended me to a new level of mad at orange rocket.

>> No.12291370

Cant be having any talk about wet workshops with SLS anon.

>> No.12291371
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>> No.12291379

>The prevalves open just before engine ignition and then feed propellants to the engines while they are firing
is this a description of the issue or description of the function of the prevalves?

wht is the specific issue with the TVC?

>> No.12291401

Ground Control to Major Tom, prepare for staging
New Thread, rendezvous here:

>> No.12291404

Fuck I got too cocky

>> No.12291420
File: 242 KB, 804x1024, 1603295455190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You fucked up anon.

>> No.12291462

Based Stoner rock anon

>> No.12291497


>> No.12291683

Russels teapot