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12283575 No.12283575[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does watson have a point?

>> No.12283746

He never published research on the topic so this is just opinion and not him making an actual point. So no he doesn't have a point.

>> No.12283824

did you even watch the video yourself, the guy can barely get the words out, let alone conduct a relevant literature review

>> No.12283840

I have seen no evidence that he is wrong. I don't buy the muh poverty and oppression angle. There are many white people and Asian people who were or are poorer and more ooressded than blacks in America.

>> No.12283858

>he’s senile
seems perfectly lucid in the interview
>can’t make a point
his point is blacks are less intelligent than whites and the reason is that the genes coding for neurological traits implicated in higher reasoning are either missing or occur at a lower frequency in african derived populations. that is to say blacks are low iq, a well known fact, and that intelligence is mostly genetic, also a well known fact; so, blacks must be less intelligent due to genetics, easy deduction a 12 year old could figure out.

You would need to be very stupid or blinded by political bias to not notice these things desu

>> No.12283862

Opresssed ***

>> No.12283880

We know that IQ is almost completely genetic

>> No.12283885

Mongolia is one of the poorest countries in earth but has an average iq of 101

>> No.12283943

it's poor but it's still around world average if you are doing individual countries. Try living on a step with some nomads if you think it's easy

>> No.12283957

you're both missing my point, because he instantly get defensive over your race realist theories. There's no way this guy has an accurate overview on the current research on iq differences between races and their origin and even if he did, in no interview where he talks about he refers to any of specific research.
He might be right that there's a difference or he might not, but if he's right it's merely a coincidence, not because he managed to glean through the political correct fog clouding mainstream research.
These are just rambling of an old guy who at some point made key contributions to a related and nonetheless notable different field.

>> No.12283973

There's undoubtedly a difference - that isn't (or shouldn't) be disputed by any sane person. It's whether it environmental or genetic that's the problem.

>> No.12283974

[citation needed]

>> No.12283978

So genetic the IQ averages change on the scale of decades

>> No.12283983

Of course he's right, anyone educated knows it's the world's biggest dirty secret.

>> No.12283993

I'm not really a race realist theorist, it doesn't matter to me as I treat people as individuals. I'm simply saying that the muh oppression and poverty argument does not hold up. There are many people in Eastern Europe and in Asia, now and in history, who had much worse conditions that what American blacks had.

>> No.12284013

Yes. There is no reason to think this couldn’t happen. The Spanish completely changed south Americas genetic structure in less time

>> No.12284019

There ARE no research on the subject idiot, you aren’t allowed to. Instead what we do have is already collected data showing that IQ is genetic and that race is the biggest determiner of IQ, not standard of living

>> No.12284024

As a black anon studying population genetics, race realism was the hardest pill for me to swallow but all evidence indicates that it’s probably true

>> No.12284031

American blacks have a middle and upper class within the US. It's so prevalent fucking Obama was one of these american blacks. There's racist jackass cops and the constitution is treated like one big affirmative action program for poor white voters but overall black capitalism has paid off and the 90's empowerment push worked. There's a reason black people disdained the shit outta Bernie and preferred Biden, many blacks just wanna grill and Biden said he'd get the best grill so they vote Biden.

>> No.12284051

It's not the fucking 20's anymore, whites aren't going to chimp out and set a city on fire if black people wear business suits.

>> No.12284061

Well, they don't chimp out when black people wear business suits anymore anyways. Post-Civil Rights US found a way to keep a hierarchal structure of power just fine, but with a diversified elite to legitimize themselves. And it works, the commies mock it but it works.

>> No.12284067

No, don't trust scientists when they speak about topics that are not in their area of expertise. They are just as misinformed as your typical Trump voter.

>> No.12284070


> I'm simply saying that the muh oppression and poverty argument does not hold up.
I don't think a simplistic version of it holds up. Yes, not every poor ethnic group will be intellectually unsuccessful, but rather than just being based on genetic differences that could also be as a result of the very particular situation of that group. Those specific things could be related to aspects outside of their control such as the ways in which they are oppressed or it could relate to aspects they could control such as their culture not being conducive to intellectual achievement.
When it comes to African Americans my guess is that both of those have a very notable effect even if some part of it is genetic.

>> No.12284071

> fucking Obama was one of these american blacks
Fucking Obama was not Afro-American. He was independently American by birth, and half-subsaharian by his father. Biggest scam ever is to have sold him as muh black president.

>> No.12284082

Social expectation has more influence on educational outcomes than genetics, this has been proven. Someone who is black with crushing expectation to academically succeed, will perform much better than when that expectation is not there. So yeah by hypothetical black son you better get that fucking A or you get the belt got it?

>> No.12284091

what a bizarre claim, he’s a geneticist and he talks to other geneticists constantly. if I have read the open access intelligence research papers and gwas studies then he has probably seen or read some of them. he’s been saying this stuff for a long time and I’m sure he’s heard of Jensen and the minnesota twin study. It’s entirely possible for a scientifically minded person to have a good intuition for a phenomena well before it’s understood. Schroedinger understood protein physics and information theoretic/thermodynamic constrains on dna well before we advanced to that point in biophysics. darwin understood population genetics at least intuitively before watson and crick. such a stupid defensive, and cowardly insinuation to say it’s an uninformed opinion as if scientists don’t consult with people not working specifically on their interest for advice all the time.

>> No.12284102

Democrats, like with everything, went with a half measure. In a better world the first black president would've been Colin Powell or someone more dignified than some community organizer from Chicago who knows how to tickle the funny bone of liberal fee fees.

>> No.12284105

And who bent to the GOP so much you'd think he was their bitch by 2015. Very beta behavior from Obama, needless to say. Dork presidents for ya.

>> No.12284108

>and that intelligence is mostly genetic, also a well known fact
Except that this isn't a well-known fact, at all. Intelligence isn't even rigorously defined. Absolutely no intelligence researcher worth their salt would ever say this. The most commonly accepted stance among researchers is that intelligence is nature AND nurture.
That's the issue with your "any child could figure this out" - you're basing that on an assumption that is outdated and has been repeatedly disproven by results-focused experimentation. Autistic children can have their IQs permanently raised with reverse-feedback testing, for fuck's sake.

>> No.12284114

And that's not even getting into how intelligence is expectation based too. Humans are funny like that, put the right social pressures on someone and they'll often start believing it and working to fit that.

>> No.12284225


>> No.12284297

>I would say the difference is...
>it's genetic

>> No.12284306
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>Intelligence isn't even rigorously defined
>Absolutely no intelligence researcher worth their salt would ever say this.

>> No.12284312

looking out for incoming shitstorms

>> No.12284313

>Those specific things could be related to aspects outside of their control such as the ways in which they are oppressed or it could relate to aspects they could control such as their culture not being conducive to intellectual achievement.
>When it comes to African Americans my guess is that both of those have a very notable effect even if some part of it is genetic.
Same can be said for Eastern Europe and Asia.

>> No.12284440

>Haha better parenting go papaa

>> No.12284451

He's right and it's a demonstrable fact.

>> No.12284454

>Haha science says black People dum dum so it’s okay to treat them bad

>> No.12284478

And yet it can be accurately measured

>> No.12284482


>> No.12284492

IQ might be influenced by race. But why do you, an ordinary citizen who is neither a policymaker or scientist, need to know this information?

>> No.12284502

To an extent
IQ may be affected by genetics, but let's not forget that the environment can deeply affect the development of intelligence.

>> No.12284507

>IQ is a measure of intelligence
>IQ tests are legit and not just an autistic puzzle game

>> No.12284508

You started with science, but then switched to some morality nonsense. Go check your horoscope.

>> No.12284523

This is exactly why STEM majors shouldn’t make policy. Ethics systems they’re too up their own ass to see the value of.

>> No.12284526

Elementary! My dear Watson.

>> No.12284611

This, people shouldn’t be informed things, consume product!

>> No.12284636

List of problematic statements he has made over time
>Some anti-Semitism is justified
>Whenever you interview fat people, you feel bad, because you know you’re not going to hire them
>Japan should be bombed for dragging its feet on supporting the Human Genome Project
>I think having all these women around makes it more fun for the men but they’re probably less effective
>And there’s a difference on the average between blacks and whites on I.Q. tests. I would say the difference is, it’s genetic…It’s awful, just like it’s awful for schizophrenics
>I’m not a racist in a conventional way
>There is a biochemical link between exposure to sunlight and sexual urges.. that’s why you have Latin lovers
>[The] historic curse of the Irish.. is not alcohol, it’s not stupidity.. it’s ignorance
>People say it would be terrible if we made all girls pretty. I think [doing so by genetic selection] would be great
>By choice [Rosalind Franklin] did not emphasize her feminine qualities.. There was never lipstick to contrast with her straight black her, while at the age of thirty-one her dresses showed all the imagination of English blue-stocking adolescents. So it was quite easy to imagine her the product of an unsatisfied mother who unduly stressed the desirability of professional careers that could save bright girls from marriages to dull men.. Clearly Rosy had to go or be put in her place. The former was obviously preferable because given her belligerent moods, it would be very difficult for Maurice [Wilkins] to maintain a dominant position that would allow him to think unhindered about DNA.. The thought could not be avoided that the best home for a feminist was another person’s lab
>The one aspect of the Jewish brain that is not first class is that Jews are said to be bad in thinking in three dimensions.. it is true


>> No.12284642

>Women are supposedly bad at three dimensions....[Rosalind Franklin] couldn’t think in three dimensions very well
>[Rosalind Franklin] had Aspergers
>People ask about [Rosalind Franklin] and I always say ‘autism'
>[Francis Crick] may have been a bit autistic
>I think now we’re in a terrible sitution where we should pay the rich people to have children.. if we don’t encourage procreation of wealthier citizens, IQ levels will most definitely fall.
>Men are a bit strange and their strangest quality is their ability to understand mathematics
>[Rosalind] Franklin couldn’t do maths
>Indians in [my] experience [are] servile.. because of selection under the caste system
>Women at Oxford and Cambridge are better than Harvard and Yale because they know their job is to look pretty and get a rich husband
>People who have to deal with black employees find [that they are equal] not true
>[As a female scientist] you won’t be taken seriously if you have children
>You can imagine a scenario where you make the decision, you’re going to be a mother at 45. And then you get an autistic child. Should you blame yourself? I say, yes
>East Asian students [tend] to be conformist, because of selection for conformity in ancient Chinese society
>The wider your face, the more likely you are [to be violent]
>We already accept that most couples don’t want a Down child. You would have to be crazy to say you wanted one, because that child has no future.
>Disabled individuals are genetic losers
>[With IVF] all hell will break loose, politically and morally, all over the world
>My former colleagues are pinkos and shits
>We should perform genome-wide association studies of women who have given up their children for adoption in order to find the ‘loveless gene’
>[X University]- it used to be such a wonderful place. And then they started admitting women!
>If you could find the gene which determines sexuality and a woman decides she doesn’t want a homosexual child, well, let her


>> No.12284658

there's no citation retard, that's the whole point. he's just saying muh feelings without any published evidence.

>> No.12284663

maybe but it's just conditioning at the end of the day so

>> No.12284669

>Intelligence isn't even rigorously defined
we should go back to what it meant etymologically

>> No.12284670

>There are many white people and Asian people who were or are poorer and more ooressded than blacks in America.
yeah but again their background conditioning

>> No.12284687

>I need to know how to create and where to obtain the chemicals for high-grade explosives
>why exactly?
>i-it doesn't matter, I just need to know

>> No.12284723
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>> No.12284724

>>why exactly?
e-educational purposes

>> No.12284731

Nothing more insufferable than racists who larp as caring about science but only when a study Looks like it agrees with them.

>> No.12284737

Yeah, sociologists piss me off, too.

>> No.12284770

They are and you are in denial

>> No.12284785

Exactly, we need policy makers to make decisions based on tarot cards, chakra alignment, and just pure intuition, not "logic" or "science" like these incel STEMtards use

>> No.12284916

Not an argument. The science indicates you are wrong

>> No.12285053

Protestant reformation of the Church of I Fucking Love Science

>> No.12285066

i dont know why, but the look of impending aneurysm/stroke right before he says "it's genetic" is satisfying as fuck.

>> No.12285086

"Science", i'm not sure you know what that word means. Cherry picked studies in the school of racial masturbation that your type indulges in, while claiming whatever science that isn't useful to making imagined barriers to societal progress or reform is fake? From everything i've seen, the science indicates you are wrong. You straight up ignore in group variation and the power of social/cultural expectations on individual performance in favor of wanting to have superior jeans. Okay overall boy, have those genes but you don't get to whine when people out perform you with the lesser genes as nature gave you all those advantages and you still fuckin' lost. Lol.

>> No.12285091

Presumably to elect more informed policymakers.

>> No.12285108

Shit. You know, you have a point. I'm voting Biden now, he likes science unlike the GOP who had astrologers running the country in the 80's.

>> No.12285122

>how dare you have a population composed of people with up to date information on science and politics
Is this why you americans dumped mandatory civics

>> No.12285126

But isn’t the education system informing people in the ways that give them the science that is against your narrative which is why it’s just all lib indoctrination camps instead?

>> No.12285154

Yeah, people were using democracy in the 60’s and 70’s to get reforms done that businesses were getting triggered by so they had to cancel civics.

>> No.12285227

He doesn't. He's also ~90 years old and should have been quietly excused from his positions as he was either abusing his position or senile and being allowed to tarnish his reputation. His silly views are not concordant with what the scientist community observes. Scientists are well aware of how easily data are manipulated, and rigorous scrutiny filters all of that. Racists and other irrational people willfully ignore all of the latter; the crucial part. An enriched environment throughout youth is by far the most important component of a healthy humans intelligence. Genetic influence is insignificant and is not based on "race", a weightless idea impotent to all but the shallow desires of ignorant people.

>> No.12285269

How fucking delusional can leftist be. All the IQ studies I've seen say that Asians and Ashkenazi jews are smarter than whites. You are the one who link smartness with "superiority", meaning that you look down on the lesser intelligent, a typical trait of academic leftism.
Of course the arguments and "science" he cites are basically mainstream media pop sci anyway

>> No.12285284

>He's also ~90 years
And probably held the same views since he was 30 and kept the secret because he knew they'd affect his career.

>> No.12285292

Your opinions are irrelevent.

>> No.12285315

IQ tests lack credibility due to the horrid causation and correlation in them. Data referencing is also inaccurate and people who retake IQ tests can score higher on them pretty easily.

>> No.12285316
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How can one be so based.

>> No.12285321

Additionally, Asians and ashkenazi Jews both have high academic expectation societies and norms. The results have a plausible non-genetic explanation.

>> No.12285327

Oh and Murray in the bell curve tinkered with the data to make a bell curve distribution. Assuming results before hand and manipulating data strains the credibility of the Stats based race fantasy.

>> No.12285341
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Why do you guys even bother humoring them

>> No.12285347

He's just saying black perform worse on IQ tests and that it seems to him to be genetic. Why is this a problem?

>> No.12285354

jews might be smarter but they are way less moral than us whites? Whats so hard to understand, the fuckers are smart but evil

>> No.12285360


>> No.12285363

Until race realists are called Race fantasists Instead I’m not stopping

>> No.12285376

yeah he's right. that's why I'm strongly against race mixing with blacks desu

>> No.12285382

how many children do you have?

>> No.12285386

If you deny race you are racist. You need to keep up with antiracism

>> No.12285396

2 at 24, children are plentiful in my family

just saying that Blacks are the most sexual race, especially the males. we have to keep them out of our gene pool

>> No.12285398

then why do you care about racemixing? If racemixing is abhorrent to you then keep that contained to yourself no need to spout it out to the world unless you believe you should be making decisions for how other people live.

>> No.12285405

Because Blacks are subhuman, they aren't people

>> No.12285409

Race fantasist is not about if you go by race as a categorization, it’s when you rely on shitty IQ studies that break since anyone can practice for an IQ test to get the results you want and I’ve never seen any psychometric hack refute that,
Iike ever since they have to constantly alter their data to fit the results they’re looking for. For instance going to a third world country and doing IQ tests with poor miners only and say that’s the black IQ while going to oxford in Britain, than do the IQ tests there and say that’s the white IQ. It’s easy to lie with stats. It’s just race fantasy shit using dork stats since the great chain of being and the curse of ham lack traction anymore.

>> No.12285411

If you can make babies with black people they’re people. That’s the definition of a species. Black white couple doesn’t make a mule even.

>> No.12285413
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>> No.12285416

The day your tiny petite white daughter brings home Malqome Tyrone and he breeds her white womb with his Big Black cock you will start to see things differently

>> No.12285420

Take the hand out your pants Anon

>> No.12285433

imagine writing things like this and thinking you're not mentally ill

>> No.12285471

The current definition of species is not wether two populations CAN produce offspring, it's wether they DO produce offspring. That's the reason chimps and bonobos are considered two different species even though they could reproduce with each other (and have been reported to in captivity).
Interestingly according to this very arbitrary definition, sentenelese would not be considered the same species as other humans.

Also this definition only works for sexually reproducing organisms.

>> No.12285477

Because the wealthy white people require obedient, productive menials, and when other white people insult their menials with science it rials them up and reduces profits.

>> No.12285483


>> No.12285510

This whole thread is a religious argument about if and how to protect sub human black retard gorilla niggers from the reality that they are talking chimpanzees. Nobody in believes niggers are capable of very much. Some people want to pretend this is not true and take care of the retard races as if they were children. Some people want to return them to their native land of dirt. The greatest irony of modern Leftism is that if the succeed in replacing as many white people as possible with as many of the dumbest most retarded Congo Muslim baboon niggers the world remaining with be VERY cruel to the remaining Leftists and the values of Leftism will parish along with everything else of value including humanity itself.

>> No.12285514

what are you on about, the nigga is black

>> No.12285517

It's really unfortunate that it's come to this. Instead of accepting and celebrating our differences like we used to just a few decades ago, we now have to pretend they don't exist. Why? I think it's to do with the limits to population growth, but who knows. In any case it's destined to fail spectacularly. Part of me wonders if it's by design, since instead of blaming the corporate psychopaths who brought us to this point by being hell bent on maximizing short term profits (mostly white men), we're going to blame each other while they slither off with all their money.

>> No.12285526

How does anyone love blacks so much? They cause so much death and destruction. They have nothing interesting to say. They bully and lie pathologically. The single handed are the reason America is not exploring space. They smell like shit. They have no ability to plan. They lack empathy. They can't even raise their own offspring or they don't want to. ANYWHERE the black population reaches a certain threshold everything falls apart. And they can't fix their problems because they're far to stupid and retarded and selfish. They would be MUCH happier raping each other and playing in the dirt in their native Africa. Why not force them back? Every, except the Jews, wins. This is not a joke. I don't hate the beasts. How do you hate a crocodile or a shark? But why do liberals/leftists insist on treating them like humans when it only results in MAXIMUM suffering for EVERYONE?

>> No.12285528

all they do is think about things like this and then go to every board not their containment board and spew stupid stuff like this and make low effort racial threads

>> No.12285530

>Why not force them back?
Native Africans hate African-Americans more than white supremacists.

>> No.12285531

No you retard. Obama is half white and half African. He has nothing biologically or culturally to do with black Americans. He did not grow up with black Americans. He is not the descendent of slaves. He spent zero time culturally assimilating into black American culture. How do you not know this? This guy was the fucking president

>> No.12285532

>they cause so much death and destruction
remind me which race were the ones initiating TWO world wars? Maybe remind me which country had nearly 1/4 of the planet under colonial rule? Remind me which country peddled opium to the chinese? The black community has violence MOSTLY in it's community probably to the scores of tens of thousands. Whites have murdered millions over the course of human history.

>> No.12285535
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>Whites have murdered millions over the course of human history.

>> No.12285539

The reason the media and academia 24/7 try to brainwash white people into accepting negroes and their destruction is because NO ONE willingly wants them anywhere near them. Anyone not brainwashed wants blacks as far away from them as possible.

>> No.12285543

Exactly I remember when libtard news(thats what I call cnn and Msnbc) where running 34/7 bbc specials on television only reason why the quakers even wanted to free the negroe HELL The quakers probably hated the negro more than me!!!!!11!!

>> No.12285546

>The current definition of species is not wether two populations CAN produce offspring, it's wether they DO produce offspring.
so they do produce offspring, racemixing is a common thing and becomes more and more widespread with time, meaning that your "muh species" "argument" is not true

>> No.12285552
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>They cause so much death and destruction.
>remind me who was killing each other for centuries before africans were introduced to the mix?
>85 million people
>World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history. An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, or about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion).
and that was just ww2

>> No.12285553

i am not from the usa, so i dont treat your presidents as celebrities and care fuck all about tabloid shit
his skin is black
he is a nigger, and according to poltards itt that means he is a retard because "genetics"
even if he is only a half nigger as you say, then he should be a half retard

>> No.12285555

Not the guy you were originally replying too. So you agree then that inhabitants of sentinel island are not the same species as us? Their is no reproduction happening between our populations after all. Also I guess native americans prior to european settlement would also have to be considered a different species?

>> No.12285558
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>> No.12285562

>let's argue over words and semantics and pretend we're being productive!

>> No.12285566

That's basically what the species debate is, I agree. Also this whole reply chain has been about that.

>> No.12285568


>> No.12285573

it's not just IQ, blacks have smaller head circumferences and brains which seems to correlate very well with IQ. There's no reason for me to believe population evolved in different environments for tens of thousands of years are equal in their average intelligence

>> No.12285579
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>> No.12285585

maybe its just common sense- like the sky being blue. Have you read the latest research on the colours of the sky? No. Does that void your stance on the colour of the sky as 'merely an opinion' ?

>> No.12285588

This is a jewish argument and here is why. Up until white people ultimately civilized the world it was right of conquest. EVERY group on the planet tried at one time or another including Africans to genocide their neighbors. The Bantu more or less genocided most of the other African ethnicities and are the resultant majority Africans today as well as African Americans. The fact that white people were the best at this and most recent does not make them somehow more bad or guilty. No other group of people have dominated so many others and then felt bad about it. This might be the single most indicative fact of white superiority. Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun are some of the "greatest" conquerors of all time and no one is trying to beat their descendants into a guilt ridden submission. There is a massive statue and park dedicated to Khan in Mongolia. Khan killed some insane number of people, something like 30% of all humans on earth at the time, lol. They are not sorry. I am not sorry and white people and Europeans should not be sorry for being strong and intelligent and victorious in an age before modern feminine civilization. White people outlawed slavery. White people functionally outlawed war.

There is no logic or integrity to your argument. Niggers have always been barbaric. White people and Asians were once barbaric and now are not. I have destroyed your jewish argument and your pathetic leftcuck globohom religion. You can't argue against this. What I have said is a statement of fact. I don't even need to have an opinion. The fact that on one hand you know you lost and on the other hand refuse to change your mind illustrates that you are part of a religion.

>> No.12285592

Only religion can make you subject yourself to constant nigger rape I guess. You kind of prove my point again.

>> No.12285593
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double infinity of truth

>> No.12285595

His nigger dad was an upperclass African nigger. There are a very small number of smart niggers. I never said there were not. MOST niggers are BRUTALLY dumb and animal like. Plus his mom is white. Sometimes mulattos get more of the white genes, sometimes more of the nigger animal genes.

>> No.12285597


>> No.12285601
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>blacks are devastating us all the way in their ghettos!!
>Our new data-driven best estimate is a death toll of 56 million by the beginning of the 1600s — 90 percent of the pre-Columbian Indigenous population and around 10 percent of the global population at the time. This makes the “Great Dying” the largest human mortality event in proportion to the global population, putting it second in absolute terms only to World War II, in which 80 million people died — 3% of the world’s population at the time.
>A figure of 90 percent mortality in post-contact America is extraordinary and exceeds similar epidemics, including the Black Death in Europe — which resulted in a 30 percent population loss in Europe. One explanation is that multiple waves of epidemics hit Indigenous immune systems that had evolved in isolation from Eurasian and African populations for 13,000 years.

Native Americas at that time had never been in contact with the pathogens the colonists brought, creating so-called “virgin soil” epidemics. People who didn’t die from smallpox, died from the following wave of influenza. Those who survived that succumbed to measles. Warfare, famine and colonial atrocities did the rest in the Great Dying.
>North American colonists’ warfare against Native Americans often was horrifyingly brutal. But one method they appear to have used—perhaps just once—shocks even more than all the bloody slaughter: The gifting of blankets and linens contaminated with smallpox.

>> No.12285602
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>At the beginning of the 20th Century, much of the anti-black propaganda found in scientific journals, newspapers, and novels focused on the stereotype of the black brute. The fear of black men raping white women became a public rationalization for the lynching of blacks. Lynching is the illegal, often public, killing of an accused person by a mob.

Most of the victims were hanged or shot, but some were burned at the stake, castrated, beaten with clubs, or dismembered. In the mid-1800s, whites constituted the majority of victims (and perpetrators). However, after the Civil War, blacks were the most frequent victims. The great majority of lynchings occurred in southern and border states, where the resentment against blacks ran deepest.
>can you believe nigrahs do all this violence with their guns and rap music

>> No.12285603

>bro just let yourself get genocided by nogs!

>> No.12285605
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>Blacks just devastate everywhere they go!!!1!!!!!
>The Opium Wars arose from China’s attempts to suppress the opium trade. Foreign traders (primarily British) had been illegally exporting opium mainly from India to China since the 18th century, but that trade grew dramatically from about 1820. The resulting widespread addiction in China was causing serious social and economic disruption there. In spring 1839 the Chinese government confiscated and destroyed more than 20,000 chests of opium—some 1,400 tons of the drug—that were warehoused at Canton (Guangzhou) by British merchants. The antagonism between the two sides increased in July when some drunken British sailors killed a Chinese villager. The British government, which did not wish its subjects to be tried in the Chinese legal system, refused to turn the accused men over to the Chinese courts.

>Hostilities broke out later that year when British warships destroyed a Chinese blockade of the Pearl River (Zhu Jiang) estuary at Hong Kong. The British government decided in early 1840 to send an expeditionary force to China, which arrived at Hong Kong in June. The British fleet proceeded up the Pearl River estuary to Canton, and, after months of negotiations there, attacked and occupied the city in May 1841. Subsequent British campaigns over the next year were likewise successful against the inferior Qing forces, despite a determined counterattack by Chinese troops in the spring of 1842. The British held against that offensive, however, and captured Nanjing (Nanking) in late August, which put an end to the fighting.

>> No.12285607
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>> No.12285610

The jewish media pilpul never stops. It's almost like jews can only speak in lies.

When I saw the Reuters link "debunking" murder rates I took the bait and read the article. I thought they might have challenged the 13/50 statistic, ie 13% of the population (niggers) commits 50% of the violent crime, or that MASSIVELY disproportionate interracial rape statistics. No. They chose to debunk some made up post the found on the internet to make it look like they were debunking a broader "myth" of insane amounts of nigger crime. They didn't do this. INSANE amounts of nigger crime still exist. While account for 13% of the population they still commit 50% of the violent crime. And if you really want you mind blown look up FBI rape statistics. There you will find that on any given year there are something like 50000 reported rapes of niggers on humans and a dozen or so reported rapes of humans on niggers. The fact that this is hidden from talk by the BigJewMedia and the fact that this does not put you into a genocidal rage (which would be a healthy response) is indicative of the presence of great evil. The modern world is moving beyond evil, it is moving towards Talmudic.

>> No.12285611
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>White people and Asians were once barbaric and now are not.
>The massacre left somewhere between 30 and 300 people dead, mostly African Americans, and destroyed Tulsa's prosperous Black neighbourhood of Greenwood, known as the “Black Wall Street.” More than 1,400 homes and businesses were burned, and nearly 10,000 people were left homeless

>> No.12285620

What is the point of all this text? Do you not even read what you post? According to your small wall of texts many people died because their immune systems were weak. This is not white peoples' fault. How are you this dumb? Are you black?

>> No.12285623

Everyone want to live near white people. No one wants to live near niggers. How is this still confusing for you? Do you live near niggers? I bet you don't lol

>> No.12285627

My sisters husband is black :)

>> No.12285631
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Strawman. Justify why Ashkenazi Jews have a much higher IQ than 'pure' jews, if euros where dumber than jews why the fuck would a half jew half euro be smarter than a pure jew. No serious race realist thinks its 100% genetic, if you follow through with the idea that jews are generally an upper caste than it makes sense for their improved education to beat the averages of an entire white population.

>> No.12285636

wtf I hate white people and want white countries to collapse into third world shitholes now

>> No.12285647

funny how you use niggers being 13% amplify the violent crime "argument" (but forget the interracial aspect of it, meaning the proportion of violent crime done by niggers on niggers)
and at the same time for the rape "argument" you tell about the disproportion while forgetting that there are 10 times more white women vs nigger women, so of course the statistics would be skewed
and we are disregarding social aspects at all here (ie why rape a nigger who would willingly spread her legs for big white cock)
your "approach" is not scientific and you manipulate facts to strengthen your beliefs in the same way as ((they)) do, so please go back to /pol/ sheeple

>> No.12285650

Your sister won't have a husband for long then

>> No.12285675

There is no argument here. You keep failing. You are arguing for lies and with lies. The 13/50 statistic is valid because black commit 50% OF ALL VIOLENT CRIME REGARDLESS OF RACE. It doesn't matter who the victim of nigger evil violence is. It doesn't matter if the victims are white or black or yellow. When looking at ALL violent crime black sub human niggers commit 50% of ALL it yet they are only 13% of the population. This is basic math. The interracial rape statistic, of which I have forgotten the exact details of, is also a valid comparison. It is a different comparison form the statistic above but none the less valid and indicative of the differences between humans and dirt niggers. There should not be a MASSIVE difference in rapes by perpetrator race vs victim race IF race doesn't matter.

The fact that you are making excuses for a sickening amount of nigger rape is mind blowing. You are excusing rape because jews, the most racist people on earth, have told your racism is worse than death. Do you not see how you are spiritually destroyed? You really are making excuses for nigger raping the females of your own race. This is insane. You are enslaved brother. This weakens you even if you can't admit it. You can't be a man if you can't even tell the truth.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

Nigger violence, ESPECIALLY RAPE, is evil. Evil. There is no excuse for this. Slavery is not an excuse. Black single motherhood aka African Domestic Patterns is not an excuse. These statistics should be nightly news until things are fixed. And yet the opposite is portrayed. You can't make the world a better place by lying. You are part of the problem. YOU enable this evil for which with the will could be ended very quickly.

>> No.12285683

I have seen no evidence you're not a faggot so you must be a faggot

>> No.12285703

You're angry because of overwhelming cognitive dissonance.

>> No.12285772

every single statistic and real life experience shows blacks on average are stupider.
Yet you defend it by staking a claim "it must be due to racism" for which you provide no evidence

>> No.12285796


>> No.12286104


>> No.12286140

why are all your arguments from hundreds of years ago?

>> No.12286151

the ranges between the races stayed the same you stupid cunt. Learn how to into understanding data.

Yes you can improve IQ with education and nutrition in a range but when ti is controlled for other races range moves at the same proportion

>> No.12286159
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>ha ha black people dumb so it is okay to give them positions of reprehensibility and when they fail let them blame white people then violently attack them and destroy billions of dollars worth of private property