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12271182 No.12271182 [Reply] [Original]

Will the pandemic ever be over?

>> No.12271195

no anon its going to be like this forever

>> No.12271196

>when will the flu disappear

it wont

>> No.12271200
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not really, it'll basically just be like the flu but it spreads faster. idk if governments will continue to enforce shutdowns even after we get a vaccine. they probably wont but its possible.

>> No.12271202

>there never was one
heh nothing personal kid

>> No.12271212

People will be allowed to stop panicking about it after the election, beyond that it'll probably take another year to fully die down

>> No.12271222

The pandemic will never be ova. But at least the masks help to prevent stupidity oozing out of the mouths of the npcs.
We are cheering people who injure and harm them self, its called sport, thats how truly deep the rabbit hole is.

You think its ova? It will never be ova. Did you know that the first light bulbs had a duration of 150 years?
It will be never ova it just will become worse...

>> No.12271228

Not as long as it is useful for authoritarians to keep you under their control.

>> No.12271229


>> No.12271234

The pandemic is just the opening act of the apocalypse.

>> No.12271272

God I hope not

>> No.12272765

this unless trump wins. then hell be blamed for it forever and it'll be his fault that it ever existed

>> No.12272848

Not completely but keep in mind that the first time a new influenza appears it can be severe but after a time everyone has had it once, built up some natural resistance, and it will become more like a typical flu. Just to be clear, it will become an endemic disease but it's nothing to worry about since the future waves won't cause as many hospitalizations

>> No.12273451

The Spanish Flu did disappear

>> No.12273465

I hope trump wins then maybe america can go into civil war and lose a bunch of its GDP

>> No.12273490

Is it even a pandemic still, technically speaking?

>> No.12273505

it wasnt a flu tho
also the Covid-19 will mutate to Covid-21, just read latest Time Magazine, related to the Great Reset, at best it will continue 3 years from now, but they expect it to last until 2026 with up to 800M deaths annd world economies to shift to centralized socialist style "people ceneterd capitalism" bs, no cash, no borders, no walls etc. the new age shctick.

>> No.12273906

I am ugly, I love going outside with my cool dark mask and eye protection. I don't want this pandemic to be over.

>> No.12273932

>spanish flu
>wasn't a flu
Influenza strains appear and disappear all the time.

>> No.12273935

It respawned as swine flu dipshit

>> No.12273943

what pandemic?

>> No.12274045

I hope not.

>> No.12274048

I hope not, workig in logistics has never been more profitable

>> No.12274323

To be fair, those light bulbs last so long because of their thick tungsten filaments. Tungsten reserves aren't looking great, and making billions of light bulbs with similar thickness tungsten filaments would be a massive waste.

>> No.12274340

it is in china

>> No.12274372

As soon as the current election is over. Thats literally the only reason its been dragged out.

>> No.12274458

awww it's retarded

>> No.12274504

Do you american think you're the only one panicking?
You do know other country exist?
Despite not having Trump has a president the covid is what our lives is currently centered arround.

>> No.12274522

Honestly what it seems like. So much dread and conflict. Whole thing seems engineered to bring the people down to the doom and gloom the media has been spinning up for years. Before, everyone could go out and live their lives and easily brush off the hysteria.

>> No.12275647

Uhhh based???

>> No.12276238

I assume you're in the US?
>holiday season
>massive increase in travel
>rona spreads like wildfire
>new year's day 2021
>record number of new cases
>guberment says "now, more than ever we need you to stay home"
I've been staying home since January 2020. Fuck that. I didn't sacrifice a year of my life just so that a crowd of anti-maskers could fly all over the country and spit on their family's thanksgiving turkey. We need to euthanize the idiots before I have to waste the rest of 2021 inside too.

>> No.12276303

My mother told me yesterday that she will not take the vaccine because it is a plot to reduce human population by some Illuminati shit. I hope it gets worse and wipe this fucking race from earth.

>> No.12276317

How long will it take for you to realize that overpopulation is the issue, and this "pandemic" is another symptom of many.

>> No.12276381

You are the problem

>> No.12276385


>> No.12276386

There's gonna be a few more waves this winter, and throughout 2021. each wave will be slightly smaller as vaccine is rolled out, until coronavirus becomes endemic in small areas 2022, instead of pandemic.

>> No.12276485
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I've been enjoying my time inside.
ahhhh nice and relaxing.
see you niggers later ima play some skyrim during my lecture.

>> No.12276498

Please explain this to a brainlet: As I understand people that have been sick and gotten well, have in some instances gotten sick again with covid? Wouldn't this indicate that you don't actually develop immunity from exposure? Why would a vaccine work if that's the case?

>> No.12277884


how do you get sick again if nobody else has it?
Vaccination will work by giving it to everybody, so instead of hiding at home for half a year you get the same effect by having a vaccination that is good for 6 months.

>> No.12278796

Eh, we might have to deal with the worst of it for another 2 years or less before it becomes this thing that is just another part of our lives.

>> No.12278827

its not covid that kills you, its literally your own body trying to clean it up, the virus happens to be able to kick the immune system into overdrive in some cases.

>> No.12278844

Just wait until the headlines start reading
>How you can prepare for the next wave of covid endemic!

>> No.12278845

Pandemic? What pandemic? 0.05% death rate is not a pandemic.

>> No.12278882

>Will the pandemic ever be over?
The global warming, climate change, climate crisis, climate apocalypse meme that have been going on for 60 years should give you a clue about how likely the public is to wake up and doublecheck the data. They'll keep eating this shit with amazing appetite.

>> No.12278948

Surely the tungsten isn't so scarce that we need to make thin ass filaments for light bulbs. The real reason for this is planned obsolescence.

>> No.12278958

You can make a Bulb with a really thick tungsten filament that lasts forever. It won't cost much more.

It won't be a Light bulb though. Just a Bulb.

>> No.12278962
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>Most known public figure in the world, the leader of the free world who is in his mid 70's and medically considered obese making him the highest risk category gets wuflu and doesn't even take off a single day of work

>> No.12279025

>Wouldn't this indicate that you don't actually develop immunity from exposure?

Think of the virus as communism.
Communism infects the brain of people and make them produce a lot of communist propaganda to infect more minds. A virus infects a cell and makes the cell produce copies of the virus. They are very similar. Eventually the communist virus kills the host after converting all the host resources to propagate, but by then there's a lot of communist propaganda out there, and probably more minds infected by the deadly commie mind virus.

There's two way to purge communism from a functional society. One is education against communism, this works like antibodies, you tell people about the innumerable crimes that communism have committed and people will not think "this time it's different, let's try ""Real"" communism". Education will circulate in society and will remove communist propaganda before it can infect another human brain. For this anti communist education to be produced we need a reason, best reason is dragging a dead communist and some samples of his evil propaganda to someone willing to educate the public, this figure is the B-cell. The B-cell clones itself, and start producing anti-commie antibodies.

The other means to inhibit the spread of communism is to find the communist and kill them. In the body this is done by NK-Cells. NK stands for No Kommunism(or Natural Killer).

In a functional society the NK cells are all over the place and will rapidly find communists and put them where they belong: against the wall. But thanks to the effectiveness of these good folks there's not so much dead commies or propaganda that reaches the willing educators(B-cells), thus there's not so much anti-communist material in circulation either. Without so much anti commie material in circulation, the risk of someone thinking communism is good and "have to be tried for real this time" is much greater, thus the immunity of communism is lower.

>> No.12279030

.. And of course. If someone have been properly exposed to the horrors of what communism means, they are either dead, or properly immune and educated about how evil it is.

I hope you now understand why communism is bad. Also something about immunity.

>> No.12279040

I woul just love if those fat retarded mutts suffer and die.

>> No.12279720

Haha, thanks for the elaborate reply. Still don't understand though, but as I said I'm a brainlet.

>> No.12280630

Do you understand that socialism is bad and we need tax cuts for the rich while 90% of people work for 10 dollars an hour?

>> No.12280674

depends on who becomes president

>> No.12280707

imagine still fucking thinking this isn't some weak minor flu strain blown to high holy hell for other nefarious purposes

>> No.12280729

you're all essentially ~200 pawn pieces in this game right now. the soft nuclear option button got hit earlier this year

>> No.12280734

Presidents can't fucking just control what people do. Did they control the protests? No, etc.

>> No.12281360
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>The other means to inhibit the spread of communism is to find the communist and kill them
This is the only solution

>> No.12281366
File: 1.51 MB, 1202x893, oops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

die commie scum

>> No.12281518

Based SQQQ holder

>> No.12281542

I think we will need to get a vaccine every year like the flu
I wonder if they can put em both in one shot
I'd hate to get one after the other

>> No.12281567

Lol nice thumbnail retard

>> No.12281607

trump controlled the sunbelt quarantine ending in may, a shitload of red states started pretending that it's all over - well big fucking surprise, the sunbelt corona stats turned to shit
>b-but protests
they happened outside and people wore masks
there were plenty of protests in New York, but no covid spike

>> No.12281683

Get a load of this ignoramus.
You aren’t going to like what comes after America.

>> No.12281690
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>> No.12281698
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ty for the proof

>> No.12281708

When we eliminate all the cold agents.
We had that shit for millenia, we recently called it "common cold", now we learnt to be a little more specific.

>> No.12281716
File: 86 KB, 1028x695, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tourism efffect.
stats from today

>> No.12282102

Yep, ETA 2.5 years

>> No.12282437

That would actually be pretty based tho

>> No.12284047 [DELETED] 


>> No.12284053


>> No.12284054


>> No.12284326

the democrats are saying if you vote for biden itll be over

>> No.12284327


>> No.12284335

Should tell you all you need to know.
Reminder to shoot anyone attempting to enforce lawless lockdowns.