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12278713 No.12278713 [Reply] [Original]

What's psilocybin's effects on schizophrenia?

My state is ontrack for making it legal (at least for research and medical purposes), and I've heard promises about it for people with depression and anxiety. But I'm on diagnosed on the schizophrenic-spectrum, and psychedelics effects on those disorders have a funny history with it to say the least.

>> No.12278951

Don't do it. Please do not. It most likely will cause a psychotic episode.
If you are interested in trying it, wait for professional medical help to weigh the benefits and risks.
You should only do them under direct supervision/instructed by a doctor if you have a schizofrenic type disorder.

I don't have schizofrenia but I've tripped many times and it feels very similar to how psychosis or schizofrenia is described. I can't imagine what would happen if someone with an inclination towards that took some.

Psychs will give you a broader view of the world and your life, but you can always come to that realization on your own, and psychs will not cure you magically. Maybe try meditation, strict sleep schedules, and/or martial arts. All of those can give you plenty of benefits like psychedelics but are much safer for someone like you.

>> No.12278959 [DELETED] 
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>wait for professional medical help to weigh the benefits and risks

>> No.12278964
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>wait for professional medical help to weigh the benefits and risks

>> No.12279053

You run the risk of having a schizo-episode that you may not recover from as it has happened to a good number of people who were and were not diagnosed prior to their use of psychedelics.
On the other hand proper use of them can have positive benefits for a wide variety of mental disorders, the most commonly known is addiction in the form of alcoholism.
Since its pretty much impossible to know a prioi what dose may lead to a severe, possibly endless schizo episode I'd severely caution against it since the benefits likely don't outweigh the risks.
This being said you may want to look into microdosing with those who are far more experienced than you (and by that I don't mean your druggie friend who lives in a van by the river, I mean the body of literature that's been created as laws in several countries have lessened on the criminality of the drugs).

>> No.12279119

Psychedelic trips aren't like schizo hallucinations. Meth can cause paranoid psychosis that is much more similar to what schizophrenics experience.

>> No.12280166

Don't do it. Chances are really high it will trigger a psychotic episode that can turn out chronic. This means more and longer medication and less quality of life, too.

t. psychosisfag
and btw. I'm not >>12278951 , idk if that matters.

>> No.12280334

I am very pro-psychedelics but i dunno man, if you are on anti-psychotics I wouldn't go looking for some additional way to medicate yourself since it's not clear what the interactions will be, and you can't exactly ask a doctor

if you really want to try it I would try an incredibly low dose (<1g) while hanging out with friendly stoners who are into it, and will make sure to be understanding with you. I agree with >>12278951 and >>12280166 that trying a full dose is probably quite dangerous, but also i don't know if your psychosis is mild

whatever you do, do not try acid instead. shrooms are MUCH easier to weigh out and handle, taking a single tab of acid can be too much for some people, and cutting them in half is unreliable because they may not be evenly dosed. I took a few tabs once and during the END of my trip after I thought I was safe I started experienced what I can really only describe as psychosis for a few hours

>> No.12280708

>"Acid is harder to control..."
Wth i thought it was the other way around. Shrooms TAKE you on a trip while on acid you control the trip albeit if you are mentally clairvoyent, not scared and relaxed.

>> No.12280913

on lower doses I agree that lsd is straightforward, while shrooms you can get very emotional even before visuals. I do feel like on moderate/higher doses though, acid is pretty exhausting. especially the physical sensations on acid are way worse than the nausea I get on shrooms.

in my opinion, shrooms are much easier to microdose because you can weight out 0.5g or something fun, while a whole tab of acid has been pretty draining for some of my friends

>> No.12280925

Im interested in the emotional side actually. I love music and listening to music on LSD is honestly lifechaning and i felt such a deep emotional connection to everything about it the instruments, the vocals, the groove, the arrangement, the sound design ecc. Literalls every sense is turned up to 11 but also beyond all the auditory and visual stuff i felt so emotionally bare and open to grasp any concept or themes it threw at me. I was literally repeating this one song i listened so many times to see will there be a time where it wont make me cry and every single time it managed to. I wanna explore that feeling deeper

>> No.12280932

Acid can have a more intense feeling but I never know what the fuck is gonna happen when I take shrooms.
I might enjoy nature, or I might get in a violent altercation, who knows.

>> No.12280948

“I wanna explore that feeling deeper“

Meditate consistently.

>> No.12280955

Don't ever touch psychedelics if you schizophrenia. That's all

>> No.12280962

Shrooms legit helped me overcome depression.
I said fuck you to my psych and my doctor and refused to take any pills
After a year of suffering i tried shrooms thinking its similar to getting drunk or stoned

Boy was i wrong
But hey i got better after that
Because i came to this epic conclusion - hey youre not actually depressed like thats not you thats a fault in your brain !
So i started meditating and in a couple of months i felt like new and wasnt depressed anymore
Whenever i would feel the onset of symptoms , i would just breathe deep and meditate and recover

I will admit though, and this is kinda the point te me writing my journal here - you do feel psychotic and it can be unbearable at times..

Later on in life ive grown my own shrooms and ate so much one time with my friends in the forest - that i was on the edge of just walking off into the deep forest and killing myself
I had to stop ALL drugs, even drinking - to stop this paranoia and OCD that i have developed - admitedly more from smoking weed i didnt really do so much shrooms to fuck myself up

So the tldr is - shrooms can be a good source of inspiration and it is interesting to see your brain malfunction live and to realise that you are just the sum of your parts and that your ego is just a tiny little piece interwoven with everything else in your body

But if your a schiso - i would not risk it man..
Some strains of mushrooms will induce a paranoia so high in you that you will imidiately start wishing upon death - and if youre a sciso you will probably have an episode from that

All my life ive spent clubbing - you can meet like 80 percent of druggies that way - clubbers simply have the closest relation with all kinds of drugs and most of club goers or festival goers do drugs - and the one advice ive heard multiple times from all sorts of druggies was always - dont do shrooms or LSD if youre paranoid or a sciso

>> No.12280965

Any tips or suggestions on that?

>> No.12281287

Psychonaut here. Don't do it

>> No.12283009

Sounds like a terrible idea, do it. Report back.