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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12278332 No.12278332 [Reply] [Original]

Are some of you really retarded/schizo or just pretending to be ?
>Brain chips will be mandatory
>Vaccines are evil
>5G is evil
>Retarded IQ and consciousness threads all over again
>Somehow autism makes you a superhuman for some reason

I legit can't tell if it's retardation or just pretending to be retarded
How can you claim 5G is evil while literally holding a 4G capable phone 5cm away from your cock
Also what the fuck is mandatory brain chip about that doesn't even make fucking sense, the illuminati aren't trying to turn you into some Star Trek cyborg

>> No.12278338

Blame 2014, Gamergate, /pol/, and /x/. The /sci/ oldfags mostly aren't schizos.

I don't necessarily mind consciousness threads, though. They're often filled with a lot of retards but they also contain some smart people and good discussion.

>> No.12278349
File: 965 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200918-113603_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its legit retardation and its getting worse.
The morons are on a crusade to show the world that thier mindless drivel is just as good as real science and they are simply too stupid to notice that they've failed.

>> No.12278357

This sounds like schizo boomer facebook posting
I just wanted a board with people talking about evolution, the mysteries of space etc

>> No.12278364

im not sure if ignorance and idiocy are more widespread or if people are less ashamed of being stupid and therefore we just see it more often. perhaps its just a lack of education. but i swear to god if i hear one more 5g causes covid (fucking how would electromagnetic waves cause an organism with a long evolutionary history?!) or vaccines have microchips (why? just why? your iphone 12 knows more than enogh about you), im going to start killing people. or myself

>> No.12278388

/sci/ is 90% midwit retards that can't accept how fucked up the world is becoming

>> No.12278420

Science is a shit
It has turned into a good ol' boys club where the faggots in the 'in' club play musical chairs on the review boards of scientific journals and performing made-to-order 'research in the field' to prove the foregone conclusions of their corporate sponsors.
In short, OP is a faggot an so are you.

>> No.12278437

yes. now all science is wrong. gravity is caused by gods big fat belly, lighning is just shiny jews and covid was made in area 51 which is actually the israeli branch of NASA, controlled by the illuminatis freemason branch.

>> No.12278440

>make valid criticism of science
>a 16 year old boy responds with a strawman

>> No.12278446

the criticism is valid. The absurdity is trying to illustrate, that a problem with the burocracy of science, does not invalidate resaults (except for cases of confirmation bias), and that things taht are completely nonsensical, do not suddenly become posible.
Covid still can not be caused by 5g, and jews lightning is still waht it is.
But i do agree. academia is a shitshow, and reform is needed.

>> No.12278457

>Covid still can not be caused by 5g
why do you keep bringing this up?
there are plenty of valid criticisms of 5G and governments' response to covid but you keep mentioning bizarre conspiracy theories

>> No.12278463

Better reform that grammar.

> got em

>> No.12278466

You took the bait Newfag, lurk moar. It's all ironic.

>> No.12278470

So let me get this straight
If you're looking at a piece of shit that has a peanut and a piece of corn sticking out of it, you categorize it as shit, and also partially food?

>> No.12278495

well for one, this thread is about the prevelance of stupidity, and that is a prevelant and stupid idea. but to be honest, i rag on that beacuse iv personaly heard it from people, wahts more, from people i expected to be smarter. basicly im just venting
fair, english is not even my second language.
im not sure. conspiracy theorys are more and more prevelant. on this bord and irl. i cant help but be peeved. though the thread does have a bit of a "im so smart" vibe. But how deos one criticise the spread of arogant ignorance, withot being an elitist prick...

>> No.12278503

i dont get this metafore. is the piece of shit science? and the peanut and corn food? so a problem with replication in fucking social science, and some parts of medicine means all or most of science is shit? that doesen make much sence to me

>> No.12278514

Replication problems have become the rule rather than the exception. There are a plethora of articles now about how scientist don't even follow the fucking scientific method anymore. Science is a shit.
Just because there are kernels of truth (mostly from older studies from back when "scientists" actually did real science) within the scientific literature does not make it less shitty.

Unless you think a peanut in a piece of shit is edible food and not a piece of the shit.

>> No.12278515

Everything is schizo boomer Facebook posting these days, /pol/ is basically all Facebook boomers at this point.

>> No.12278524

have you ever considered perhaps you are the one who is retarded? No? well, there's your problem. that is the reason you are retarded

>> No.12278529

he's right though so this proves you are an idiot?

>> No.12278532

>food analogy
And a shitty one at that

>> No.12278533

this is why sci is shit. because most of the people here are too stupid to engage in an actual conversation

>> No.12278534

I love that there are still some of you here even after that thread.
Keep trying mate, I'm sure you'll convince me eventually

>> No.12278538

pee pee poo poo

>> No.12278545

i dont disagree with you in so much that if a study cant be replicated, its worthless. I also believe you in that this is a problem at the moment.
what im disagreeing with is the ratio of shit to peanut, and the solution. And your analogy.
science has been around for a long time. and its achievements ar everywhere. entire fields of science arent shit beacuse some modern studies are unreplicateable. those studies are. give more funding to replication studies and weed out the shit. A building with one rusty nail doesent collapse. remove and replace that nail.
what percentage of physics or biology or maths do you think are bullshit?

>> No.12278546
File: 7 KB, 193x261, cenk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to convince an imbecile he is an imbecile
You are the idiot, not me. I would sooner put my nuts in a vice than try to convince a fool like you of anything.

Making fun of how stupid you are and how oblivious you are too it is still fun. The fact that you think someone calling you an idiot is them "trying to convince" you of something is icing on the cake that shows how massively retarded you are. There is something legit wrong with you friendo. I will wager you are the same idiot that made that horrendously retarded tesla brain meme. Your aggressive attitude coupled with how stupid you are is a rare combination

>> No.12278569

That's how you know he's from /v/

>> No.12278576

Ok, maybe I should narrow my complaint to more subjective fields like medicine, and pseudo-scientific fields like psychology and social "science"

>> No.12278599

absolutely agree. especially about pseudoscience like social science. how do you even desigen an experiment for that?! how can you possibly take evry relevant factor into acount? im having enough trouble taking everything into acount when designing a simple experiment to id a simple enzimatic interaction in a fucking plant. know tissue, known mecahnismes... and still

>> No.12278611

i supose that extends to medicine, bacause a human is an insanely complax system, and not everything is fully understood. i understand you dont always have to understand everything fully, a medicine is considered as souch if its possible adverse effects ar guessed/ calulated to be lesser than its measured benificial effects

>> No.12278617

do you have any ideas on how the replication problem can be fixed? i mean we cant just bin all of science beacuse of it, and it could grow into a bigger problem. (though we could by all means just bin social science)

>> No.12278619

Medicine is one of the fields where the replication crisis causes the most problems.
And let's not even get started on climate "science"

>> No.12278647

Most instances of stupidity and alleged insanity (whether here or elsewhere) are neither faked nor intentional.

>> No.12278648

fuck me im taking ecology 2 and 3 this semester. god i hate that shit. i prefere things like biochem and cellular biology and genetics.
but now you hav made me curious as to what extent you distrust medicine and as you put it "climate science"

>> No.12278662

The medical and climate science establishments are as reliable as a Perkins Coie dossier compiled by Fusion GPS and funded by the Clinton Foundation

>> No.12278693

ok, so just to gage this, if yo dont mind, ill rattle off a few things off the top of my head, and you tell me if they are turstworthy or not. ok?
antibiotics, chemotherapy, phages (to kill antibiotic resistent bacteria), surgery, traditional weakend/dead/realted viruse vaccines, differing refractory properties of gasses, rising average global temperature

>> No.12278711

Antibiotics - good for some things, but rife with unintended consequences
Chemotherapy - basically poison
Phages - Playing with things we don't understand, asking for more unintended consequences
Surgery - if it's not life-saving, or significantly life improving then it's predatory
traditional vaccines - depends on the use and the needs... if you're going somewhere there's an ongoing pandemic then maybe it's worth the risk
refractory properties of gasses - not as well understood as people think they are, IIRC most of the experiments our current science is based on took place in the 20th century
Rising global average temperature - probably a good thing for humans, doubt we have much influence over it.

>> No.12278758

ok, thats reasonable, i think a lot of conflict comes down to people tinking you either believe 100 per cent science says (as if it were a monolith and not a shitton of people doing there own thing) or you deny all of it.
just to clarify my positin, which is quite standard and boring
Antibiotics - good for some things, but rife with unintended consequences - there are side affects, and once again humans as systemas are insanely complicated, but the whole point of trials is to see what unintended consequences a medicine has and trying to fix the problems, or just putting them on the lable. its better to have headaches than to dye of pneumonya.
Chemotherapy - basically poison - referes to anything thats a chemical that kills microbes more than it kills you. sulfamide antibiotics are technicly chemotherapy. onece again, same stroy, if it kills the bacteria faster tan it kills you, and the bacteria would kill you, its worth it. some are mostly harmless (sulfamides), some are realy harmfull.
Phages - Playing with things we don't understand, asking for more unintended consequences - yeah ,fucking with viruses is very dangerous. they have a very fast rate of evolution, and can get out of hand quickly. they also have immense promis in what they could do. should fear stop us from achieving gratnes? should we risk it? i honestly dont know
Surgery - if it's not life-saving, or significantly life improving then it's predatory - absolutely 100% agree. fuck plastic surgery and "sex change" and shit like that
traditional vaccines - depends on the use and the needs... if you're going somewhere there's an ongoing pandemic then maybe it's worth the risk - disagree, trad vaccines work pretty well. especially if you do them without the heavy metals

>> No.12278764

refractory properties of gasses - not as well understood as people think they are, IIRC most of the experiments our current science is based on took place in the 20th century - i dont know, im not a physicist. but optics are quite well understood, we use those equations every day through shit like microscopy, and they work.
Rising global average temperature - probably a good thing for humans, doubt we have much influence over it. - im not sure about this one. too many factors. the warming is not out of period, but greater than what tipifyes souch a period

>> No.12278815

>phone screenshot

>> No.12278980
File: 232 KB, 531x600, q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not real sharp are you mate? You should probably keep to yourself so people don't notice so quickly