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File: 326 KB, 1224x1632, Vaccines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12277611 No.12277611 [Reply] [Original]

I just got this text book and it is making me lose my trust in the medical establishment. The potential adverse effects of vaccines, particularly some aluminum based adjuvants, have been known for decades and yet they are still marketed as safe.

Incidents like this do not inspire confidence in our medical establishment either:

It would be interesting to see which, if any, populations or ethnic groups are susceptible to which vaccine-induced syndromes and diseases.

>> No.12277619

anon let me give you a reality check. despite any crap you can say, the smallpox vaccine was a historic step in history because it worked. the polio vaccine was historic because polio was terrible but the vaccine fixed it .

a covid vaccine would be great. if you disagree you are on the wrong side of history

>> No.12277627

Read the excerpt. Adjuvants in vaccines have been known since the 1980s to cause multiple sclerosis in susceptible individuals. Later in the article it cites a study on several people who developed lupus after receiving a HPV vaccine.

These things happen in practice. Stop blindly shilling and address the data or go and shoot yourself in the head with a high caliber rifle please.

>> No.12277639

as far as i can understand your argument it revolves around HPD and “roflmao HPD vaccines had some small hiccups and therefore i think all vaccines are bad”

let me tell you that in fact smallpox and polio vaccines are good, and any performant covid vaccine would be kino

anti-vaxxers are basically domestic terrorists

>> No.12277650

You didn't even read the excerpt. Please, vaccinate yourself with jenkem. Faggot.

>> No.12277652

good comeback. high IQ right there

>> No.12277658

You've offered no data to validate any of your claims, just childish ad-hominem and appeal to authority. So you get what you give.

Again - go suck-start a shot gun, you retard.
So much for /sci/ being an intellectual board.
/pol/ has more intellectual rigor than you faggots.

>> No.12277664

sigh. i think instead of what you propose. i counter with that you should kill your self. if we have degenerated to that level of argumentation then i hope reasonable anons will see that anti-vaxxers are schizos

>> No.12277668

I never said I was an anti-vaxxer.

What I did say is that you're a faggot retard with zero reading comprehension only here to stir up shit.

How's the weather in Tel Aviv you greasy rodent scum?

>> No.12277674

>going full schizo on jew conspiracy theories
ok the anti-vaxxer reveals his true colors. keep going anon, this is hilarious. what are your thoughts on Q?

>> No.12277680
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you are a huge retard anon. one guy posts "hey this study which is published in a scientific journal seems to show certain vaccine formulations can cause adverse effects" and you immediately go to "HES AN ANTIVAXXER REEE"

Man probably just wants to take a look at potential issues with vaccines as they are and try to fix them rather than sweep them under the rug. Ever thought about that?

>> No.12277681

>despite any crap you can say, the smallpox vaccine was a historic step in history because it worked. the polio vaccine was historic because polio was terrible but the vaccine fixed it .
the polio vaccine was made by altruistic people
smallpox vaccine was made in a completely different era

you need to look around dude
life isn't like that anymore
the people who pull these strings poison you at every corner and yet you want to put your faith in them?
most the food in a grocery store is intentionally designed to give you cancer and hosts of other health complications because pharma can then turn around and profit off of it
same thing with a lot of GMO foods (not GMO as a concept, stop shilling the stupid response and letting abusers get away with it)
same thing with a lot of not only what you're taught, but how you're trained in school. people don't learn actual skills, they are conditioned to be, mostly lab rats.

its *the current year* dude, look around
if there's health complications, we need to be addressing health

the biggest fucking kicker to me, that despite ALL of this going on, not a single media feed anywhere is talking about our diets. Not one. Why? Because it's insane profit and because it slowly kills you and harvests your energy.
We have a pandemic going around where it's something like what...90% of deaths are co-morbids? And no ones addressing diet, lifestyle, anything like that.
All the conversation is the fastest way to pump you with a vaccine.
I'm not saying addressing health is the total solution, but no one discusses it.

>> No.12277685
File: 63 KB, 1300x742, 100920404-clamp-with-human-brain-3d-rendering-isolated-on-white-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to leplebbit

>> No.12277687

good points anon but the guy you are defending already went into “muh jooz” territoryq

>> No.12277688

this guy is 100% reddit tier don't both

>> No.12277694

nice rant schizo. tl;dr it for me please because your deluded ranting is not at all an easy read

>> No.12277699

You were the one that went into that territory by acting like one.

>> No.12277701

lol and?

>> No.12277705

tldr it'll be refreshing when people like you suffer the effects of OPs post for being the dogs you are

>> No.12277710

sure, OK. people like me will suffer from imaginary shit, while the redpilled clamped anons love on in infamy believing vaccines are evil and 5G is mind control.

have fun with your life anon

>> No.12277717

lmao only the clamped believe in letting someone put that shit in their body

lets assume, alright, your perspective about how we all need to get vaccines.
why is no one ever taught about things like OP's post before they make that decision? shouldn't they be treated like adults and given the opportunity to weigh the options for themselves? but no, they aren't taught about this. its kept quiet.

idk how people expect us to ever have our independence and freedom from being controlled, governed, presided over, etc., if we first never get access to information to make our own decision making.
all you ever hear is "vaccine good", and when people question that with solid evidence, you just criticize them with "vaccine good".

reddits like a full on pavlovian propaganda machine
i bet if i said fascist you would have a mild aneurysm

>> No.12277724

sounds like a really advanced 3rd grader’s attempt at being an anti-vaxx shill.

>> No.12277727

i'm not anti vaxx conceptually
i'm anti-an abusive culture that decides they want to give me a vaccine, and does so while obscuring and hiding information from me
any sane human being who hasnt been engineered by reddit would feel the same

>> No.12277728

So imaginary that it's in a medical textbook published by Wiley Blackwell and written and edited by people who are leaders in the fields of immunology and vaccinology, and in fact sit on the boards of institutions dedicated to research in those fields.

The fact is that 2 out of 3 of the authors of the posted textbook are Israeli Jews, and Jews suffer from autoimmune diseases more frequently than others.

That doesn't change the fact that you are a paid shill for liberal American Jewish causes. You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.

Even the normies on /sci/ can see you.

>> No.12277729

>any sane human being who hasnt been engineered by reddit would feel the same

>> No.12277734

>me smart let me talk about textbooks
i love the new conspiracy. it’s hilarious. tell me about how Christianity was a jewish trick now

>> No.12277737
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>> No.12277741

sometimes i wonder if there is some benevolent company that hires shills to shit on you once you've come across some truth in order to indirectly help affirm the truth for you
its like the argument becomes stimulation and that heightens your connection with the subject

>> No.12277742
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>Christianity was a jewish trick now
I don't involve myself with Christianity, so I wouldn't know.
Although neanderthal predation on early cro-magnon an their subsequent blending into the eastern european khazar bloodline rather than going extinct does have some grounds and evidence supporting it.

>> No.12277745
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No, people with clout and money genuinely don't want the truth getting out.
Do you think the Sacklers wante people to know how dangerous their opiate derivatives are?
Too bad they never come with any real evidence or words with any real weight, instead just mindless autistic screeching.

>> No.12277747
File: 818 KB, 1024x876, v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last history lesson on your people and/or masters you piece of shit, then back on topic

>> No.12277755
File: 761 KB, 1681x3194, vax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now come with the ad homs again. I like it.

>> No.12277758

the neanderthal jew meme is hilarious. thanks for posting that. of course jews/semites are neanderthals and aryans/nordics aren’t even though semites never overlapped with neanderthals but germanics did

>> No.12277766

i would look into tantric history. a lot of the stuff i read like this seems to be carried over
check this out
#4 for starters

>> No.12277785

Not even anti vax, but there’s no way I’m getting the covid vaccine as soon as it’s released. I’m not letting you use my body to beta test your brand new vaccine lol.

>> No.12277798

It’s was only a matter of time before /pol/acks became antivaxxers.

>> No.12277804

why can't people ever understand context

not wanting this abusive and manipulative culture to put a rushed, beta vaccine in my body =/= anti vax

for how much we've talked about covid, is seriously have not seen a single, A SINGLE post about improving physical health and diet in relation to covid, despite ~90% of deaths being comorbid

>> No.12277836

Half of this stuff is outright wrong lol.

>> No.12277845

Ashkenazi Jews are from Germany and the surrounding area, and they are the ones going around acting like predators, occupying Gaza, causing problems everywhere they go, masquerading as Semites and making a bad name for the rest of us Jews.

Can you give me some specific examples?

>> No.12277896

You can compare with this online resource that I found when studying for my high school bio exams: http://www.biology-pages.info/F/FramesVersion.html The guy was an immunology professor/researcher and has published a college-level biology textbook too, so definitely a reliable source.

I really don't feel like reading the entire damn post, typing out every link, opening it and reading it, but generally the poster seems to be putting a lot of stuff out of context, or even trying to mislead. A telltale sign is how they don't mention the smallpox or polio vaccines at all (the smallpox vaccine was so successful that smallpox was eradicated, and polio has virtually been eradicated from first-world countries, again, because of the vaccine.) If the poster was actually well-read in the field, they would certainly mention how those two vaccines worked very well rather than completely excluding them.

If I could, I would amend my post to say "half of this stuff *seems* outright wrong".

>> No.12277904

Oh yeah: and the actual paper (the first one) has an entire section on why vaccines actually do work. Turns out they're a lot more complex than just stimulating a type 2 response.

Paper: https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/32/1/76/311106

>> No.12277905
File: 40 KB, 1125x613, Polio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smallpox vaccine was made out of cowpox pustules, with no modern adjuvants. As for polio, you should look into the cutter incident. That vaccine was not without unintended consequences.
Also, polio was nearly gone already before widespread vaccination started.

>> No.12277951

>polio was nearly gone already before widespread vaccination
Not in the third-world. India is now practically polio-free because of the vaccine. Also, the smallpox vaccine wasn't *just* cowpox pustules, obviously it'd have some adjuvants as well (the cowpox thing would have been 200 years old by then.)

>> No.12277972

So why then do we need mass vaccination in the first world? For everyone's kids but those of the politicians and rich people?
Surely not because the leaders want to import cheap third world laborers with lower standards of sanitation and hygiene while still protecting themselves? And let the consequences for the rest of us be damned?
Ya don't say?

>> No.12278015

If you run that graph back further you will see there was a large outbreak in the 1910s. What anti-vaccine people like to do is start their graph at the peak of the last huge outbreak. This makes it look like there was already a steep downward trend before vaccinations started. What you don't see is that there used to be huge outbreaks every few decades and that pattern stopped after vaccines.

>> No.12278018

Post the graph showing the pattern of previous outbreaks then.

>> No.12278044

Vaccines were always first and foremost a population control measure. But it's interesting to look at them to explain many things happening in the world today.

Since the very beginning when this shit has been tried on rural farmers there has been a lot of opposition to it. This was of course correct, even simple people could see it makes people sick and causes them to die.

So then, they came up with a lot of convoluted stupid bullshit that you suddenly can't destroy with just common sense alone because they are using all these big words (I'm a CS PhD before you throw ad homs, im writing this from a simple persons perspective) and the shills can pretend they have arcane knowledge you don't have and convince the rest - exactly like tribal shamans and witch doctors.

Vaccines are where the modern cult of scientism began and you can see stupid faggots on /sci/ especially buying it hook line and sinker, hardly anyone has an actual title on here, 99% of the userbase are just larping reddit faggots who will believe anything.

If you want science come over to /pol/, we are doing some amazing shit there.

>> No.12278047

I tried to post this thread on /pol/ and a transgender hot pocket enthusiast archived it almost instantly.

>> No.12278069


>> No.12278074

the sciences need to overhaul their languages in general
it acts as a gatekeeper, slows down understanding, and forces you to condition in a certain type of....identity? in order to absorb it.

nothing convoluted has achieved its final form, and oftentimes convolution is an intended feature to fuck with you

>> No.12278096
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>> No.12278103

>Vaccines were always first and foremost a population control measure

>> No.12278132

Thank you. I am still not completely convinced that this isn't just correlation with other forces at play (i.e. modern sanitation and hygiene, along with common hand washing and knowledge of germ theory), but I appreciate the information.

>> No.12278237

Okay, explain how smallpox was eradicated and polio nearly eradicated then.
>If you want science come over to /pol/, we are doing some amazing shit there.
Education != intelligence, summed up in a sentence.

>> No.12278425
File: 119 KB, 725x1024, Vax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is true of multiple diseases, even ones that they did not vaccinate for?
>correlation with other forces at play (i.e. modern sanitation and hygiene, along with common hand washing and knowledge of germ theory)
seems more likely...

>> No.12278594

>Headline implies total incidences of infection.
>Graphs show incidences of death.
This pisses me off. It's right - vaccines are not the only things medical science has developed to fight illnesses, and occurrences have generally gone down...
But it says so in the WORST possible way. It's alarmist, misleading, and while I'm not going to look up every statistic, even at a glance it's at least somewhat incorrect (a scarlet fever vaccine has existed since 1924. It was eventually discontinued because it sucked and anti-bacterials were far better). Fucks sake, the number 1 non-vaccine way of preventing typhoid fever is dumping chlorine into the water supply. This, from people who can easily be imagined wringing their panties over fluoridated water.

Fuck doctors who think vaccines are Panacea's personal gift to medicine, and fuck alarmists who peddle this misleading bullshit.

>> No.12278638

This is what I mean though, in the first world we have methods of preventing and treating these diseases that are better than vaccines, and most of them are simple hygiene and sanitation techniques. These diseases would be out of vogue with or without the vaccines, so why do infants need 20 of them in their first 2 years?

>> No.12278664
File: 10 KB, 200x140, It's just a meningitis bro Charlotte_Cleverley-Bisman_Meningicoccal_Disease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have methods of preventing and treating these diseases that are better than vaccines

Differences from disease to disease to disease. In many cases easy prevention hinges on mass vaccination for herd immunity and effective treatment means we have something that reduces the risk of DEATH, but might still leave you with significant lifelong disability after expensive and extensive treatment.

Pic related

>Charlotte Cleverley-Bisman developed severe meningococcal meningitis as a young child; in her case, the petechial rash progressed to gangrene and required amputation of all limbs. She survived the disease and became a poster child for a meningitis vaccination campaign in New Zealand.

The bacteria die really well when you finally hammer the body with intravenous antibiotics, but until then your brain is swimming in a sea of pus that also spread to the bloodstream and different parts of the body.

>It's just a treatable disease bro.

>> No.12278695

>meningococcal meningitis
This is why you don't let disgusting third world subhumans with no concept of personal hygiene into your countries.

>> No.12278730

Because New Zeeland is totally such a hotspot for this compared to Europe/US.

But go ahead please. Change the immigration patterns, torpedo all the boats in the mediterranean sea and build a great wall of US-Mexico border, then after that try your meningococcal vaccine abstination experiment.

>> No.12278771

If everyone took their vacations and viral diseases were eradicated their would be no need for vaccines.

>> No.12278804

>what are animal reserviors
>what are de novo mutations
>what is inside your empty head?

>> No.12278807

>Change the immigration patterns, torpedo all the boats in the mediterranean sea and build a great wall of US-Mexico border
I can fap to this. Please don't stop.

>> No.12278939
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>> No.12280569

thoughts on the rotavirus vaccine in infants?

>> No.12280582
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>Uhh thunderf00t proved this is a scam bro
Good enough for me.

>> No.12280677

>muh polio vaccine

>> No.12280682

>let's just eradicate symbiotic organisms
these are the same retards complaining about carbon lmao

>> No.12280785

>blindly shilling
dude you're literally saying "several people" had bad times, while 10's of millions did not. and this equates to the other party is shilling?
wtf dude

>> No.12280791

look little one, don't go pulling "ad-hominem' if you're prone to do it in like your very next reply.
learn yourself. then you'll be able to put that self up against others

>> No.12280800

perhaps read
or eat your ideal diet and let me expose you to some novel (to your immune system) viral loads
just let me
simplest way for you to see how off base you are
you can't build muh healthy natural immunity to viral code you've never been exposed to retard

>> No.12280831

>most the food in a grocery store is intentionally designed to give you cancer and hosts of other health complications because pharma can then turn around and profit off of it
oh the laughter of all of us in countries with no for-profit healthcare system
but you're so smart, look at you form those 'connections'

>> No.12281030

>This is what I mean though, in the first world we have methods of preventing and treating these diseases that are better than vaccines, and most of them are simple hygiene and sanitation techniques.
We have methods of treating to prevent death, but that deaths graph is misleading. I only bothered to look up measles cases, but there were still many cases in the 50's and 60's. When the vaccine was released, cases look like they fell off a cliff. It was not going away, and hygiene would do very little to prevent it since it's contagious as hell.

>> No.12281041

I don't think there's anything wrong with the OP's post, but it's disturbing how quickly a few abrasive responses immediately revealed the anti-Jewish agenda.

>> No.12281069

these subhuman's can never keep it in their pants. I can only imagine how his total lack of self control and critical thinking ability has destroyed his life.

>> No.12281077

the weird thing is all these schizos would also gladly die to prevent socialized medicine. They never shut up about how amazing our for profit healthcare system is and how we need less government regulation.

>> No.12281516

And yet people are dropping dead from being given that vaccine as a control for the Covid vaccine the corporate fascists are looking to make mandatory for everyone: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-10-22/astrazeneca-oxford-brazil-trial-volunteer-dies-covid-19/12802396
>A source familiar with the matter in Brazil told Reuters the trial of the AstraZeneca vaccine would have been suspended if the volunteer who died had received the COVID-19 vaccine, suggesting the person was part of the control group that was given a meningitis jab.

>> No.12281543
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0.001% get sick from the vaccine get we have to let millions die then