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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12259006 No.12259006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

From a purely scientific point of view, of course. Now, I mainly lurk /fit/ and /lit/ and come here from time to time, but I ought to give it a try here since I might get a more rational answer than the bs they’d tell me on /x/. I see these, things that one could classify as hallucinations quite easily. The thing is, I don’t have any other conditions. I’ve always live a life that’s considered normal within the average parameters. Minor traumas like everyone else but nothing I’d consider significant. I might have intrusive thoughts from time to time like everyone else but I never act or even think on acting upon them. Yet, I still see these, things. I’m going to call them “things” and not hallucinations since, even after strongly convincing myself they’re not there, I continue to see them. I don’t do drugs, don’t watch TV. I don’t really live a stressful life. Wake up, homework, eat, gym, work, girlfriend, sleep (5 hours most days but I try and get 8 or more on the weekends). Bottom line, I would like to know —and I’m thankful for the partial anonymity of this site— if there’s any logical explanation on this behavior. I’ve read about it but most stuff ends up on “it’s real you gotta believe it!!!” or “you’re def schizo go take some meds and ruin your brain”.

>> No.12259008

Now these “things” don’t affect me in the slightest, at least not anymore. I have always experienced it to some extent (as a white blob of hazy light or black, misty appendages coming out of dark places) but it wasn’t until a couple of months ago that I started seeing these things VERY detailed and clear. Even if is for a couple of seconds, they can last minutes, sometimes more. Lastly if you’re just going to comment “Ok schizo, less thread makey more mes takey” at least post some insight on what might be happening with me. I probably won’t make another thread about it, but feel worth it to give it a try. Pic related is a drawing of one that I saw at the market today following some lady, trying to grab her ankles.

>> No.12259013
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Apologies, had to post from phone to take the pic, hope it rotates right this time.

>> No.12259044
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Less thread makey, more meds takey ;)

>> No.12259075

how do you know that these are the only hallucinations you have?

>> No.12259100

Hello opie,

1. 5 hours of sleep is nowhere near enough, you need 7-8 every night. Sleep deprivation can cause alzheimer's, and it seems plausible to me that prolonged sleep deprivation could be causing your symptoms.

2. Don't take meds, it'd be better to be a schizo than a vegetable that can't get hard.

3 (mostly unrelated). I also get hallucinations from time to time. They've been caused by sleep deprivation, marijuana consumption, lsd consumption, or simply by being in the process of falling asleep. My hallucinations are primarily auditory in nature however (l hear voices that sound like they're coming through a radio with a bad connection, can't make out any actual words, just chatter). Once I heard a voice telling me to kill myself after smoking a lot of weed.

>> No.12259104

Could be sleep deprivation-induced, chronically getting 5 hours when your body needs 8 or 9 could lead to it.

Schizophrenia seems unlikely to me unless you also have delusions and paranoia. Do you believe in any conspiracy theories?

>> No.12259124

8 hours of sleep is a fairy tale packaged for the 9-5 wagecucks. Do you wear glasses? Do they change colors while wearings shades? You can deduce a lot with just a little bit of experimentation. I am guessing there is something wrong with your eyes and you are seeing an after image of sorts.

>> No.12259130

An after image would not be "very detailed and clear", that's neurological

>> No.12259184

>you need 7-8 every night.
I thought this at first too. I've always gotten good sleep, yet I've always seen these things, just not as vividly, as I mentioned. I only stated sleeping less about a year ago when I moved, bc too busy. I started sacrificing nap time with my gf about a month ago to get the 7 hours every night (big sacrifice, believe me) yet I can still see them.
>it'd be better to be a schizo than a vegetable
Exactly my thoughts, hence why I haven't really talked about it. I know I'm fine, it's just the whatever that is that wont go away. It's so consistent that It looks almost real. But I still can't believe it's real, so my mind must be truly amazing at creating these things.
>chronicay getting 5 hours
As I mentioned above, I've been improving the sleep part but they just wont go away.
>Do you believe in any conspiracy theories?
Not particularity. Although being on /fit/ and 4chan in general every once in a while I come across some stuff that's hard to deny. >>12259124
>8 hours of sleep is a fairy tale packaged for the 9-5 wagecucks
Agreed. Not a wagie in the "retail" or "burguer flipper" sort of sense but my jub is quite consuming.
>Do you wear glasses?
>Do they change colors while wearings shades?
Yep. They get slightly darker or change color like everything else. They also get distorted when looking at them through a camera with a fish lens, but they don't appear in the photograph.
>You can deduce a lot with just a little bit of experimentation.
I only recently (3-4 days ago) started experimenting, because If I'm honest, I was terrified when they became so... HD?
Hope these answers can give me some help.

>> No.12259187

beat me to it.

>> No.12259194

Is that image supposed to be one of the "things" that you see?
If so, could you elaborate a bit more about them,
what do they do?
do they just lurk?
do they have facial expressions?
make sounds?
how long have you been seeing them for?

>> No.12259271
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How old are you?

Do you ever feel paranoid or fearful, like that people around you or talking about you or laughing at you? Do you ever fear that people are following you, or that a nearby cop car is targeting you?

Do you ever hear weird sounds when listening to music or white noise?

You said you don't use drugs, but does that include things like nicotine and alcohol?

Do you see these things in all lighting conditions, and at all times of day, indoors and outdoors? It's odd that you see them outside in broad daylight.

Has anything non-real ever made any noise or tried to talk to you?

If you look at this album cover for 60 seconds and then look away, what do you see?

>> No.12259363

Losts of questions but I hope it helps.
>Is that image supposed to be one of the "things" that you see?
The drawing behind the female figure, yes, I know I'm not a great artist but it's the most accurate recreation I can do.
>what do they do?
Usually just stand around or follow people. Just random people I haven't been able to figure on a why. They can be children or adults. They don't seem to care much about animals.
>do they just lurk?
Sometimes yes. Sometimes they just stand there.
>do they have facial expressions?
Only recently I've realized some do, or at least resemble it. I haven't really looked since I just try to pretend they're not there so I don't end up on a psych ward.
>make sounds?
Again, haven't paid attention. But I don't think they do, or at least I don't hear them.
Don't know.
>how long have you been seeing them for?
As I said on >>12259008 I've always seen some form of it, since I was like 7 I think. Just not as HD as a couple month ago if that makes sense.
>How old are you?
>Do you ever feel paranoid or fearful, like that people around you or talking about you or laughing at you? Do you ever fear that people are following you?
Well when I was on high-school I had a phase where when girls would laugh I would think they were laughing at me, but then again most friends I talked to felt the same way. Never felt like that since. I don't ever feel particularly paranoid.
>Do you ever hear weird sounds when listening to music or white noise?
Not that I know of.
>You said you don't use drugs, but does that include things like nicotine and alcohol?
Yep, I'm clean.
>Do you see these things in all lighting conditions?
Yes, although the vast majority seems to favor darker places now that I think of it, some do appear at plain light.
>Has anything non-real ever made any noise or tried to talk to you?
No. This is the only concerning experience I've ever had.
>what do you see?
Things go wobbly for a second, that's about it.

>> No.12259385
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why you retards are replying to a schizo thread is beyond my understanding

>> No.12259387
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>> No.12259390
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There's a story about a shaman introducing an apprentice to the concept that there are shadow creatures leeching off of all of humanity and influencing our inner thoughts/talk in order to produce the perfect livestock to feed upon. Have you ever heard of this story, and does it seem like what you see has any relationship? i'll see if I can find a link

>> No.12259392

This is the worst place to ask for medical advice anon. If you do the opposite of what people say to do here it’s probably the best.

>> No.12259394
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>> No.12259395
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>> No.12259396

How do people get 5 hours of sleep and be fine when I get 5 hours I wake up and feel like complete shit. I get diarrhea with a bad stomach ache headaches and my whole mind is cloudy. Ruins the whole day.

>> No.12259398
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not being a little bitch helps

>> No.12259399

Never heard of it. And honestly I don't know. They even seem to follow each other around but I've never seen them "feeding" or anything like that. They try to touch people or things sometimes.
I'm aware of that, but as I said, is a site that I'm familiar with to some extent and the anonymity is perfect for my question. If you mean /sci/ then it's because I really wanted the more logical explanation and not the "Dude demons lmao" that I'd get on /x/

>> No.12259403

ya /x/ is pretty insufferable

>> No.12259406

Why do schizos post facebooks memes. Is this common in the schizo community

>> No.12259407
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>> No.12259410
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>not being a little bitch helps

>> No.12259412
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>> No.12259454

My unfounded armchair doctor guess is that you don't have a psychotic disorder like schizophrenia but could possibly have some unusual neurological issue. The fact that you saw it clearly in broad daylight makes me think it's not just some quirk. Also, schizophrenia often can start to come about around 23, so it's not impossible that you're developing it, but it seems like you have none of the other symptoms so far so I'd put it low on the list.

I guess just to follow up with a few other random things:

Does anyone in your extended family have any mental issues, that you know of?

Do you ever see it or similar things in dreams?

Has it always appeared at a distance, or has it ever been close to you or touched you?

Do you remember the very first time you saw it as a kid? Is it possible anything triggered it, like a weird or bad experience?

>> No.12259669


>> No.12259707


Have you read the Book "Chains of the sea"?

If not, you should do so. It might explain to you what is going on.

>> No.12259725


You are most likely able to the inhabitants of earth's shadow biosphere.

>> No.12260891

Hm, I figured I could be developing it. It's scary but I guess I'd chose to keep living with it as I have rather than med-blasting my pfrontal cortex.
>Does anyone in your extended family have any mental issues, that you know of?
Not that I know of. My mom was very OCD but nothing crazy.
>Do you ever see it or similar things in dreams?
Well when they became more vivid I had dreams about them for a couple days but I believe that was of pure shock. Like, I was a bit scared desu man.
>Has it always appeared at a distance, or has it ever been close to you or touched you?
One time this one (very amorphous one, but with a clear, white area resembling a face) was standing in the door of a subway I was entering with my friends so I kinda just close my eyes and tried to walk through. And it seemed to be purely ethereal but I didn't look back to see if it was still there.
>Do you remember the very first time you saw it as a kid? Is it possible anything triggered it, like a weird or bad experience?
Good question, and actually, maybe. I think the first time I saw one of the white blobs of mist was around my 7th birthday, when only one friend showed up to my party because another, more popular kid had a party that same day. I wouldn't say it was traumatic but if I recall properly it was the first time I ever saw one. I went down with my friend to the garage of the building, which was partially underground and poorly lighted, and she was kind of hiding behind a motorcycle when I saw the first misty white mass appear from a corner. At first I thought it was some sort of dust coming from the fluorescent light-bulbs until some sort of long, twig-like appendage that vaguely resembled a hand extended from the bottom of it. I told my friend right after but when she said she didn't see anything I just, kinda brushed it off.
>Have you read the Book "Chains of the sea"?
Anon thats... fiction. I might give it a read if it can help though...

>> No.12260904

damn, the drawing is actually quite clear. can you do some more? I'm not a doctor or anything but I'm a bit into the occult and might be able to help a little.

>> No.12260929

>can you do some more?
um, I can try, but I really don't want to get into occult stuff and all that. The less I believe it's real the better I am.

>> No.12260956
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So exhibit 1 is a shadow casted by a clutter of objects in my room. I acknowledge that my brain, naturally, makes it look like a face of sorts. But I know it’s not real. I turn the lights on and it’s gone. Not the things with exhibits 2 and 3 is, although I still believe they’re not real, and not actually there, they don’t go away. 2 is one of the amorphous ones, I can barely make a shape out of it other than an avian looking leg sprouting from the bottom. 3 is one of the nerve wracking ones, since it’s a bit anthropomorphic, it makes my brain go into that “uncanny valley” sort of paradigm and makes it twice as unsettling.

>> No.12261007

Bump. I know this is schizo shit but we let Tooker talk about “muh infinity hat” for months at least this is interesting. Try to communicate with them and see how that goes. Maybe you can get some utility out of them regardless of if they’re real. If they’re a figment of your sub conscious leaking out there’s still a chance you can still derive valuable insights from them since some dreams have that effect.

>> No.12261031

But wouldn't that be a bit counter-intuitive? If I try, or even think of trying to communicate, and this is really my subconscious leaking vividly, wouldn't that just aid on me spiraling down into more deranged states, and make it obvious for others as well, ending up on my either locked up or med-fucked?

>> No.12261079

hmm, have you into japanese folklore, anon?

>> No.12261088

>have you into japanese folklore, anon?
If you mean anime I've only watched a couple long time ago. If you mean like, folktales and stuff then I'm not very well versed on it.

>> No.12261094
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i'm asking because your #2 drawing kinda reminds me of a kasa-obake, a japanese spirit. pic rel.

>> No.12261168

Well it seems that your model of the world is still intact and functioning normally except for this one glitch. What I’m saying is what if that glitch has some utility you can exploit? Most of us don’t have access to our subconscious and there’s a lot of extremely powerful computation that occurs there. It’s worth giving it a go and experimenting with these creatures and seeing if you can access some useful information from them. Now if you’re scared that doing this is a risk to your sanity I would argue that you have no choice but to integrate them into your model because they’re already there. Incorporate them by addressing them as a glitch in your neurology and you’ll adapt to deal with them.

>> No.12261209

>addressing them as a glitch in your neurology and you’ll adapt to deal with them.
Ah this is actually a pretty sensible approach. Wether they’re real or not I should approach them as a part (or glitch) of my personal reality, since everyone experiences reality differently and philosophically speaking it can be said that some aspects of personal experience count as reality to some personal extent. Idk if I’m projecting with that reply but I guess what you said is kinda what I wanted to hear. Thanks Anon. I’ll stick around this thread in case someone else has any other useful insight until the thread is gone.
Thats fucking crazy, it does resemble it in shape, but the terrifying part is the chicken leg... it was just like that damn. Maybe I’ve seen this somewhere before and my subconscious picked it up?

>> No.12261227
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Do they follow black people around too?

>> No.12261256

I am >>12259100

OP, do you see one right now? I think it would be very interesting to try to communicate with it (like other Anon's have said about a window into your unconscious mind)

Since you only get visual hallucinations and not auditory like me, you could try listening to radio static or other white noise. Or you could communicate more empathetically/telepathically (since it's in your head anyway lol).

If you can I'd be curious to read about the results, though I understand if you don't want to try to exacerbate your hallucinations.

>> No.12261281

Yes? Hope this isn’t racist bait.
Not right now but it won’t be long until I encounter one. I’ve tried to reason with my own mind like (it will sound silly) saying things to myself like “go away” or “I know you’re just part of my imagination just disappear” but it has no effect. I could write about the experiences as a project but I’m not sure if 4chan is the best place to share that or something more like a personal journal. That if I decide to explore that possibility, for now I rather ignore it as not to make it an affront to my sanity.

>> No.12261299

I think there’s an advantage to recording your interactions with these creatures here on 4chan. Since the vast majority of us are neurotypical, we can act as an anchor for your own model to some degree. I think this minimises the risk of you falling for your own delusions which is higher if you’re going to keep it all to yourself. You’re better off consoling a third party for their take instead of reinterpreting the data within the same model that generated it. It’s also quite interesting that your mind is generating external agents so consistently. Keep us updated anon

>> No.12261345
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reading this thread OP

what I would say is that the kinds of things you're describing might make you think that they're real, that other people can't see them but you're not crazy. what I'll say is that I've seen some very insanely real hallucinations while on high doses of lsd, stuff I couldn't dismiss at the time, but that I am able to dismiss now because I feel intuitively that I am more clear-headed after the trip.

I think you should seriously consider the possibility that you have a neurological issue, and there may be anti-psychotic medication that will not only stop this from happening to you, but also that will make you feel more clearheaded and sober (maybe a way you've never completely felt before if this has been going on your whole life). my point it, you might be paranoid that this going away is a bad thing, which is also a symptom of a lot of people with issues like this.

I would like to hear more about this stuff, for instance it looks like they are touching people in the picture you drew, can you elaborate? but most importantly, I think you should seek psychiatric help. you can go under the pretense of anxiety/depression, and if you open up about this stuff you're not going to get thrown in a looney bin. just downplay aspects so you do not come across as wanting to harm others or yourself (it doesn't sound like you do, so you can probably just be honest).

>> No.12261357

Didn't even need to read the thread but yes.
Basically this

>> No.12261365

It's genetic, something like 16% of people have a mutation which allows them to sleep best with ~6 hours.

>> No.12261379

You'll only go to the loony bin if interacting with them makes you dangerous. Plenty of people commune with spirits without being considered more than weird.

>> No.12261388

This. If I were you I'd treat them as subconscious dream characters leaking into your waking conscious state and probably be curious to see if they have any useful info. Also people that take psychedelics report speaking to creatures and entities all the time. It must be a phenomenon common to many people's brains, it's just not "switched on" all the time for most people. If it's asshole I'd probably just ignore it though after that.

>> No.12261395

>Keep us updated anon
Is /sci/ a good place to keep this updates? I wouldn't like posting the progress just for it to get jannie'd.
>you're not going to get thrown in a looney bin
That's my biggest fear with opening up and leaving the anonymity on this aspects. I might do this at some point if it escalates or becomes an issue that affects my daily life other than "spooks" but first I would have to find a professional that I REALLY trust.

>> No.12261407

If it's not causing a problem then don't go to the shrink. They'll MAKE a problem to solve.

>> No.12261417

Unless at any point you feel like harming someone or yourself.

>> No.12261491

>we can act as an anchor for your own model to some degree
4chan would NOT make a good therapist

>> No.12261497

I'm not a psychiatrist OP but I've done a little research on schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders from a biochem perspective.

First of all, don't listen to the anons trying to convince you you are psychic or something, they are fucking with you.
Do you have any family history of mental illness?
How would you describe your stress level/ stress management skills?

Your symptoms sound like chronic sleep deprivation but I would probably talk to a psychiatrist.
Pharmacology has came a long way since we started treating psychiatric disorders, they won't put you on antipsychotics unless you want to take them.
It could be a good idea to try a newer generation anti-depressant to see if the hallucinations go away rather than waiting till you potentially have a psychotic episode, because then you may not get to choose what you take.

>> No.12261534

The idea is not to be a therapist but to provide a framework to analyse the data from OP’s experience outside of the framework that generated it. OP should definitely seek professional help if he finds that these hallucinations are interfering with his life. But in the event that he is able to draw out useful information from these experiences and without them being a detriment to his quality of life, it would be cool to analyse them on here. Especially if these hallucinations behave in a consistent and logical manner. Anon has unlocked a new layer of consciousness/perception. That’s what I meant by a glitch. It may or may not have any utility but the scientific thing would be to study that glitch and see what comes of it.

>> No.12261540

You only have hallucinations an nothing else, to be schizo you need more symptoms (four others are delusions, disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, and negative symptoms which are like apathy, anhedonia, etc.)

>> No.12261544

There must be a reason why OP’s brain is generating these figures. He’s just interpreting something from his subconscious visually.

>> No.12261555


Some people see colors when they hear music. We don't automatically put them on anti-psychotics tho.

>> No.12261570

I agree with what you say here. I just took issue with the idea that fucking four channel would fill the role of
>an anchor for your own model to some degree. I think this minimises the risk of you falling for your own delusions
while trolls and bait posts thrive. I'm all for seeing updates, though, as long as OP has a trustworthy irl reality anchor. I think well-managed crazy can be turned into a positive force of expression and creativity.

>> No.12261587

Yep. Remember OP believe anything someone on 4chan has to say even LESS than what your shinigamis are saying.

>> No.12261637

How often do you see these things?

What if you video recorded one of your sightings? When you play it back would your brain recreate the hallucination in the playback? (Probably not right?) But what if you zoomed in on it to the pixel?

>> No.12261653

I guess I could give it a try. I don’t know how I would go about it, but I can try and give an update. There’s one of those things right in front of me (about 7 meters away) but if I try and go talk to it people might think I’m crazy. What would be the best method to approach one of these without falling deeper into the rabbit hole? Just tell myself “ok this isn’t real and just part of my mind, so just like I’d talk to someone in a dream I’m gonna go talk to it”?

>> No.12261662

>sleep (5 hours most days
This is probably making it worse. That's way too little sleep

>> No.12261666

>How often do you see these things?
Quite often, it’d be wear if there’s a day I don’t see them
>What if you video recorded one of your sightings?
I tried. With both pictures and video. And different kinds of cameras too (iPhone, android, my Nikon, my gf’s Polaroid) they show in none of them, confirming my theory that it’s just a leak from my consciousness.

>> No.12261682

just create a word document where you record your experiences and experiments. use the scientific method and make a hypothesis then test it out and write the outcome. then just make a thread, paste the relevant info and link this thread to it so we can follow up. simple as. I don’t guarantee you’ll get any help or your condition will improve. but it will be interesting form a scientific point of view. and we’re all autistic about shit like this so just bring it on.

>> No.12261701

Well first describe how they interact with the environment. Do they just stand there? Are they always around people? Are they aware that you can perceive them? Try to understand what it is your mind is generating. Also how clear are they

>> No.12261707

>if I try and go talk to it people might think I’m crazy
Hold a phone up to your ear while you talk to it.

>> No.12261738

Sounds fair
>Do they just stand there?
Some of them do, but I’d say a good 70% of them move arund.
>Are they always around people?
Not always, but mostly.
>Are they aware that you can perceive them?
Haven’t tried that one yet, I pretend (and believe) they don’t exist, physically speaking.
>Also how clear
Like... 95% clear? Idk if that makes sense. Some are more clear than others but as I mention before they all became VERY clear a couple months ago. Like... take a person and make it look just slightly fuzzy but that’s about it. Sorry if I’m not making sense, I’m tired rn, I might report back later if thread still up.

>> No.12261746

Oh shit. That’s actually really fucking smart. Thanks I’ll definitely try that on my first attempt.

>> No.12261780

Or just do it in a place without people around. or do you only see them around people?

Have you ever heard any auditory sounds from them?

>> No.12261785

nvm you already answered the question about people.

>> No.12262044
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Sleep if for pussies

>> No.12262147
File: 128 KB, 766x937, ABBE0F20-51DE-4BE8-9852-72B1B229D9D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are we just waiting for OP to talk to one of his imaginary friends and post results? Bump.

>> No.12262224

Pretty much. Hope he delivers but reading the thread he might not, he got to hear what he wanted.

>> No.12262421
File: 34 KB, 317x398, 46325038-6FF6-46F3-80D3-063723BB9F31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Bump.

>> No.12262457

research about hypnagogic imagery
to me it seems thats the case because youve been basically doing sleep depdivation for a long time
i would skip sleep from time to time and have similar effects.

>> No.12262558

> I think the first time I saw one of the white blobs of mist was around my 7th birthday, when only one friend showed up to my party because another, more popular kid had a party that same day. I wouldn't say it was traumatic but if I recall properly it was the first time I ever saw one. I went down with my friend to the garage of the building, which was partially underground and poorly lighted, and she was kind of hiding behind a motorcycle when I saw the first misty white mass appear from a corner. At first I thought it was some sort of dust coming from the fluorescent light-bulbs until some sort of long, twig-like appendage that vaguely resembled a hand extended from the bottom of it.

I'm not one to buy Freudian psychoanalysis bullshit, but it's possible it really is some psychological imprinting thing due to this bad memory + strange experience.

Your brain and mind is extremely malleable as a child, so some neurons could have somehow connected "see weird ethereal apparition thing" to certain emotions or psychological/neurological states, or maybe when you see shapes or locations that resemble that initial experience.

If so, it's probably nothing to worry about too much. Just spitballing, but maybe saying to yourself something like "this is a bullshit Freudian imprinting brain bug that my higher cognition has ultimate control over and can squash" very loudly in your "internal monologue" each time it happens will help make it disappear. Maybe thinking about that initial day and experience, with the exact emotions and sight of that garage, as it happens will help, too. Kind of like forcing some exposure therapy + "self-affirmations" or whatever.

Also ignore all the schizo anons, this site and board are filled with many literal schizophrenics and other psychotic people. Stay far away.

You're pretty good at drawing, by the way. Maybe you can turn lemon into lemonade and draw some weird fictional beings on tumblr or something and make some money.

>> No.12262590

Hey OP, I used to have quite vivid visual hallucinations like this as a teen. They were from sleep deprivation. Sometimes I still have hallucinations right as I'm falling asleep or waking up that look very similar to yours. Just keep an eye on it and get more sleep. If you start hearing shit, or seeing things that actually trick your perception of reality then I would worry.

>> No.12262601
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>draws shapeless “spooky” stick figures
>You're pretty good at drawing
the absolute state of /sci/ddit

>> No.12262674

Ltws consider this logically. We can logically deduce one of two things.
These things are real or they exist entirely within your own mind.
If the former then you have an ability not many people have. If the latter then its a malfunction of your brain.
Either way, just chill out. Obviously you are smart enough to keep this to yourself. All you need to do is decided upon which belief you want to follow.

If you decide they are real. Then just continue observing them. Think of it as discovering some new form of life which you are privileged to see. You can choose to just accept them as background noise or pursue further, discreet, investigation into their nature.

If you decide they are just creations of your own mind then think of it as being like any disorder. Like being short sighted, lame, deaf, severe tinnitus, etc. Its a bummer, but so is getting run over a bus. It happens.

>> No.12262705


Yes it's fiction but the concept is not.

Search for "Shadow Biosphere".

You might just be able to perceive things that most of us can't. There is a reason scientists are looking for this parallel biosphere.

>> No.12262740

If it's not interfering with your life and not draining your emotional energy there is no need to take meds.

If you want them gone try to get more sleep and talk about them with someone who would understand, irl not on 4chan.

>> No.12262743

Am I on /x/? Get more sleep retard

>> No.12262786
File: 76 KB, 626x640, 1587700813002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god you niggers really don't know how to read

>> No.12262787

shit nigger it takes a lot of motivation to read through a thread instead of just shitposting

>> No.12262793
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Pure conjecture:
I’ve heard that subconscious stores all information you’ve ever encountered. Imo autstic savants like Steven Wiltshire have a glitch that let’s them access a greater portion of that information which is normally walled off. Why is walled off? Probably so you can can focus on what’s going on in your present environment and not get overwhelmed by a cacophony of external and internal stimuli. Maybe if op has a back door into that system and it cooperates with talking with him it can serve up information that he didn’t know he remembered, or was so subtle that it didn’t register consciously. Or it might not serve him in any useful way at all.

>> No.12262812

On reddit it would be nothing but the “most socially responsible” suggestion to go to the psychiatrist get medication all the way down. And then like 2 hidden posts at the very end downvoted to hell that suggests anything except take your meds.

>> No.12262827
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>mfw op wont update because spiraled into schizophrenia

>> No.12262879
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>OP update
Alright everyone. OP here. Sorry it took long to get back, for one I have a very busy life, and then there’s what happened. It’s fucking terrifying. I’m still feeling very uneasy as I write this, not on the way you feel when seeing a ghost or when seeing a tiger in the wild, it’s a... very hard to describe sort of uneasiness. I don’t do greentext very well so I’ll just update like this. Soon after I woke up I was determined, as some anons suggested, to approach this entities from my subconscious and write down the experience. At first I didn’t know how to go about it properly so I did it where there were not many people around. I saw one of the larger ones, around 2.5 meters tall I’d say (I attempted to recreate its shape to the best of my ability in pic related) and I approached it slowly. It was turned around and didn’t seem to have any very anthropomorphic features (because those ones are the hardest to look at) and as soon as I got close enough, I pulled out my phone just in case someone walked by. Everything I said I did with my phone to my ear so I went like “hey” or something like that. Immediately it turned its head to me and there’s this —it’s just very hard to describe, bear with me please— elongated human like pale face with a long mouth crooked or something. Anyway, it seemed I caught its attention so I went ahead and said “can you hear me?” and all fine until there but what happened next is what generated the whole distress. It opened its mouth and said “can YOU see ME?” In this —again is hard to describe— echoed like voice, hard to tell whether it was inside or outside my head. So, naturally, I started to panic. I started to think “oh shit maybe I’m not as though as I thought” but then I was like “it’s just a glitch on my consciousness. My mind is strong enough” so I went ahead and said “yes I can” and this thing gets like. Man idk angry or some shit

>> No.12262898

>OP update 2/2
So it gets all mouth-breather and starts to move and shake a bit, and rapidly becomes what I perceived as aggressive and of course, I’m terrified at that point and I’m like “ok my mind can play pretty scary tricks on my let’s call it a day” so I pretended to wave to the other side of the street to some random group of people walking by and said “yeah I see you dude, you’re the one wearing the red puffer right?” And it became less aggressive like my mind doesn’t want me to be aware of this thing. So I swallowed my heart and walked through it like of it was nothing. And kept pretending to talk like “yeah! Oh really? Damn what did she say then?” And once I was far away enough I just felt. I don’t know. Defeated? I don’t know what to say really. But I don’t think I will be trying this ever again. Apparently my mind doesn’t want me to acknowledge that and I’m fine with that. I’ll just keep maning up and pretending it ain’t there. Thanks everyone on the thread for suggestions. I’ll stick for a bit, I’m glad I could share at least. Good to take it off my chest I guess.

>> No.12262900

The single chicken leg demon is also known as baba yaga in slavic folklore.

>> No.12262901

Why are you asking random anonymous strangers instead of getting a genuine diagnosis or researching your symptoms?

>> No.12262904
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will niggers ever learn how to read?

>> No.12262910

>It opened its mouth and said “can YOU see ME?”
It spoke in ENGLISH to you.

I have a similar problem OP. I see my farts. They are pale puffs of air, a bit like clouds. They speak to me. Call me God. Ask me what my divine will is and shit like that. Sometimes they go on Crusades, without even asking me first. They just say they are going to defend me and off they go. You might think this is a good thing, having my own personal army of crusading farts. But its not. I have seen what they are capable of doing. Sometimes they smoother infants. Its a terrible thing to see.

>> No.12262923
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>> No.12262931

Its only going to escalate, your only two options are:
1. Seek psycgiatric help.

2. Investigate further, in order to establish some facts about this before your condition deteriorates uncontrollably. That way you get to at least analyze it while you are still somewhat rational.

>> No.12262953

>It spoke in ENGLISH to you.
I didn't expect that either. I appreciate the humor thought, quite needed right now.
>Its only going to escalate
I'm still rational. I'm confident my mind is playing tricks of me and this is entirely my fault since the ideas some anons in the thread presented aligned with my own and gave me a sense of courage. But I'm confident that I wont ever do that again.

>> No.12262965
File: 24 KB, 395x628, 1603370029215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BEHOLD! this is one of the creatures I see that NO ONE else can see. It's called the NIGGERFAGGOT, it whispers to my ear that OP is a NIGGER and, wait for it, A FAGGOT! LO!

>> No.12262981
File: 66 KB, 678x960, bravo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a diagnosed schizo on meds this shit always makes me lol.

It's very common to have so called 'hallucinations', which you are taking way more seriously than you should bc you don't get out enough. Get some sleep, exercise, and drink more water brotherman.

>> No.12263038

I really invested into op’s story but this made me kek

>> No.12263116
File: 226 KB, 470x388, 1589748850004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I was credulous, but by now it's obvious that OP is a larping faggot trying to write a bad /sci/-approved creepypasta.