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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 350 KB, 416x625, TheBellCurve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12257698 No.12257698 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this book make /sci/ seethe? Also I have yet to see it refuted

>> No.12257714

just look it up retard, there are a ton of debunks unless you just don't care.

>> No.12257721

it makes science look bad,

>> No.12257722

What is it, one of those books that says aptitude in school should be based on test results? preposterous! Burn it with Fire!

>> No.12257730

Just understand that IQ does not measure "intelligence", it measures IQ - whatever that is

>> No.12257743

IQ is "intelligence quotient", it measures your level of intelligence in comparison to retards and geniuses. Obviously it does a decent job since it maps to reality flawlessly.

>> No.12257748

It would be highly entertaining if there are genetic differences in IQ but those differences are not actually related to intelligence

>> No.12257754

>it's called "intelligence quotient" therefore it measures intelligence
No, it measures how adept you are at the specific tasks in the IQ test. That isn't necessarily the same thing as intelligence.

>Obviously it does a decent job since it maps to reality flawlessly.
It's highly correlated with income, but that doesn't mean it measures "intelligence", and there could be some omitted variable problem

>> No.12257770

>It's highly correlated with income, but that doesn't mean it measures "intelligence"
This is true. There are smart people that don't test well because the get nervous and such. Children that are exposed to testing early and get used to the experience would likely do better on a IQ test based on that alone in my opinion.

>> No.12257772
File: 93 KB, 644x644, 0CD73BF7-6F05-4E7F-A4C2-4E0362770955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highly correlated with income

>> No.12257806

Also, people who get nervous during test will probably get nervous during interviews and may in general try to avoid moving up the cooperate ladder, so there could be a correlation there.

>> No.12257812

>o, it measures how adept you are at the specific tasks in the IQ test
IQ can be used to map every imaginable measure of "success" in society from income to lower levels of STD. You are an imbecile just pulling n*gger tier level leftard arguments out of your ass that are not accurate in any way shape or form. You are like a child babbling in a college lecture about your second level of knowledge on a topic looking like a jack ass

>> No.12257815

*second grade level

>> No.12257817

Broad pattern recognition
Who wrote the test? What were their ingrained patterns?
How about the method of iq tests coming down to physical symbol recognition


>> No.12257820

Chicken or the egg

>> No.12257824

You can literally do that with any variable brainlet because anything you measure has some correlation with everything else. What I said in my post is that there could be omitted variable bias, so that there is some other explanatory variable that is correlated with IQ but is the real reason for the correlation with income

>> No.12257827

this image looks incredibly ancient. Can you provide a link to where it's from

>> No.12257830

It seems like if it didn't work it would constantly getting refined to do a better job. idk, maybe it is, but still, at some point or another exams will determine how far a person can go. Well, at least in the education system.

>> No.12257842

What I'm saying is, you have a standard of expectation that build an insular hub. Continually compound energy and apply resources and it gets bigger until this becomes the environmental standard which by to define people's "intelligence" relative to

>> No.12257845

If the bell curve is fake, why is it impossible for black majority public schools to get C averages?

>> No.12257863

What are the teaching methods. What's the background of those whom designed the curriculum. To what objectives are they for.
A standard is created then people are measured relative to.

>> No.12257869

>what is an /x/ factor
congratulations you are using entry level logic 101 level. Yes there is an x factor, intelligent people make better life decisions leading to more desirable outcomes you ass hat hack

>> No.12257878

Once again, you are assuming that IQ = intelligence, when it does not necessarily.

>> No.12257883
File: 892 KB, 1700x3854, haiti.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lesson on Haiti has put the leftard bumbling excuses to rest and proved the validity of IQ conclusively.


>> No.12257949

The standard gets created, people gravitate towards it, then are expected to self define intelligence in relation to it

>> No.12257955

>What are the teaching methods.
Trying to educate violent retards who think giving you PTSD is more important than an education
>What's the background of those whom designed the curriculum.
Same background for all public schools

>> No.12257962

What I'm saying is, the methods that work for some won't work for another
Some may incline towards different fields as well

>violent retards
It's all just conditioning. Look at the environment from which one is compounded

>> No.12257964

idk, I think iq test are less important then they were in the past. The only people I know who have taken them for a practical reason have been mentally challenged kids who's parents are trying to get them on disability.

>> No.12257966 [DELETED] 

No they are actually violent idiots thats why they have a consistent pattern of animalisatic behavior in public schools globally.

>> No.12257971

>By Dr. William L. Pierce
I honestly expected better bait

>> No.12257975

All of our lineage did at some point
The further you create the gap the more the problem remains
Nature demands diversity. Even if one successfully genocided, people would begin to branch off and develop in wildly different ways from the root. It's temporary relief at best.

>> No.12257978

>Why does this book make /sci/ seethe?
It doesn't.
Lefties denying science

In amy case, stop pushing these political threads on /sci/.

>> No.12257990

why do you guys care about science when it has to do with race but don't care about science when it has to do when gender?

>> No.12257991

it's almost like science isn't a single person.

>> No.12257994 [DELETED] 

What the fuck are you talking about? Every black public school has the exact same hellish conditions as black american ones confirming its genetic african behavior. No one tells these black youth to rape each other, stab each other, or try to mentally abuse their BLACK teachers either. There is no environmental explanation for such a constant record of psychopathic behavior done by black teenagers and CHILDREN in black public schools end of discussion.

>> No.12258005

>Even if one successfully genocided, people would begin to branch off and develop in wildly different ways from the root. It's temporary relief at best.
Such a pessimist. Are you trying to give the neonazi's depression or something?

>> No.12258013

what gender science are you talking about? As far is I can tell /sci/ is equally bias toward everything.

>> No.12258021

>design IQ so that it literally always produces a normal distribution
>guy comes along fucking fascinated by the fact that IQ produces a normal distribution, goes on to assume this is how intelligence is distributed
It's still pretty fascinating that they wrote this entire thing without realizing how truly silly that logic is

>> No.12258024

I mean I suppose I'm curious if nature would actually allow a single group to genocide all other groups.
Microcosmic genocides seem to be a thing in the past, but not a singular group and a global scale. There's probably roundabout ways to do this I guess (selective slow poisonong?)
Aside from all that
The problems this guy listed just get worse if we don't find practical solutions. Genocide, desu, is usually pretty lazy. It's like you don't have to develop in any meaningful way to carry it out nor deal with the challenges of overcoming problems through actual processes.
Like imagine how retarded we would get if every time we ran into a problem we just killed it off.

>> No.12258032

The bias is too narrow
If you genuinely want to challenge your own belief system, there's plenty of Nigerian schools (just one place off the top of my head) that will refute this.

Genocides lazy
And just screaming NIGGERS is too
Thisnisnt developmental on your behalf either. It's a cope and a cop out to having to try and figure out how to solve the problem by stamping the whole thing with something nihilistic as a means to justify things like genocide. How dull.

>> No.12258068
File: 2.56 MB, 336x335, wwoo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self righteous. You bigotted privileged racist view their culture as a problem. Another place for you to colonize with your solution. It is always the fucking same. Their lifestyle isn't the problem, YOURS is.

>> No.12258088


>> No.12258091
File: 27 KB, 200x267, SOY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at the finger when it is pointing at the moon
I would expect a hack to say some stupid shit like this. I bet if it was by black science man or Bill Nye you would be glowing soi face right reading it. Doesn't matter doesnt change anything, truth stands on its own merit

>> No.12258095

>It doesn't.
This objectively false and you can see happening right now if you can't then this just reflects how incredibly awful hackish and retarded the people that post in this shithole

>> No.12258102

>Every black public school has the exact same hellish conditions as black american ones confirming its genetic african behavior. No one tells these black youth to rape each other, stab each other, or try to mentally abuse their BLACK teachers either
Not true all the retarded music they blast 24/7 does

>> No.12258113

Did you get triggered by a word?
The fuck are you talking about?
I said Nigeria shows plenty of successful black schools and students.
Am I missing something?

>> No.12258114

I used to call him Bill Nye the homo guy as a kid. I guess that now that is considered to be pretty insensitive now, so I'll change it to "Bill Nye the free to choose his own sexual orientation guy" if it will make everyone here happy

>> No.12258121

Stuff like this isn't getting addressed enough in culture and will continually cause downfalls

>> No.12258144

A bunch of educated white people telling teenagers in black schools they can't listen to rap because it is causing an environmental, yet non-racial related drop in their IQ test probably won't go down too well, just fyi.

>> No.12258150

Im aware
There's ways to work around it

>> No.12258159
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>> No.12258203
File: 630 KB, 528x444, antiftwats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12258211

haha, it's not that I don't agree that most rap music sends a bad message to kids, but I don't see how you could regulate it without it backfiring. It would be interesting to hear some ideas

>> No.12258215

Well we could have just gotten rid of the Jews that produced, marketed and promoted it first but now the apes got technology from the white man to put it out on their own that ship has probably sailed

>> No.12258227

You don't regulate it
Changes like that don't come from hard law control anymore
More like persuasion and influence

>> No.12258253

So your saying make it look uncool so people lose interest? I guess it could work as a long term strategy. I think some of the golden oldies back in the day were amazingly good and wholesome and were written by both blacks and whites. It would be nice if we could bring back a genre similar to that.

>> No.12258270

Less of "make it look uncool"
Usually this mockery just feels like a personal attack, and the person just turns off whatever is making them feel that way.
What you do is glorify something else, have representatives of it, and have accessible, achievable paths

Waves come and go. People will get bored of rap

>> No.12258375

Retard cope.

>> No.12258467
File: 324 KB, 1043x800, cxv231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ is heavily infested with social '''scientists''' whose agendas depend on rejecting intelligence and genetics.
Needs a good delousing.

>> No.12258484

why is everyone on this board so emotional

>> No.12258514

when people lie because they dont want to face the truth that is what they do, sperg out.

“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”
― Carl Sandburg

>> No.12258532

So why are african public schools and west indian ones still violent smart guy?

>> No.12258536

>If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell
Lol, every other month I had a meeting that went like this in my previous job (legal).

>> No.12258548

That doesn't refute the corelation (its linear for both blacks and whites), it just implies that there's another one (poverty, which acts as a step) and thus IQ can not be the single factor to define income.

>> No.12258557

that was a joke you autistic motherfucker, obviously the culture produced the rappers to begin with you absolute tool

>> No.12258564

West Indians and Pure Blacks dont have hip hop retard.

>> No.12258570
File: 24 KB, 391x429, Mexi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the power of the autism, impressive

>> No.12258576

Anon, just because something is true doesn't mean it's not racist. We're moving to a post racial society and books like this get in the way. Why read something that is going to cause problems for society? There is more scientific knowledge out there than any one human could digest in a life time, why focus on research that is so problematic?

>> No.12258616 [DELETED] 
File: 487 KB, 722x6464, urban law.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sound familiar too?

>> No.12258620

Not reading it is what is causing all the problems you goddamn retard but you live in a bubble so you are too clueless too see it. You ARE the problem you fuckign retard that will cause the entire western civilization to fail

>> No.12258624

>truth is racist
tough shit I guess, God is racist. Get over it, the absolute state of (((science)))

>> No.12258627

>named her child latrine
fucking kek

>> No.12258629

I had no contact with negro people in my country (I'm not American). They started to pour in from Haiti only in recent years, and I'm currently in Asia. When (if) I go back I'll report back later.

>> No.12258639
File: 70 KB, 492x492, conniseur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didnt learn the lesson of haiti >>12257883

I will be waiting for you to report back fren

>> No.12258655


>> No.12258671

What I can tell you now is that general reaction to the newcomers is not positive. Lack of hygiene, laziness and victim mentality are two of the more common complaints I've heard. Mine is not a white/european country btw.
That's from me. Let's not derail the thread any further!.

>> No.12258672


>> No.12258679

It's largely correct. All 'debunks' are fretting over details and bullshit obfuscating superfluous theories. IQ is the best way of measuring intelligence, it's not perfect, but it works really well in the normal ranges.

>> No.12258683

based alt-hype psoter reking that lying shit bag suan skull

>> No.12258690
File: 2.67 MB, 414x322, joker4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12258695

wtf you cant cross link board comments anymore?


>> No.12258811

"blank slate" argument is most pseudo science, stupid anti-science anti-reality shit the left has ever come up with. These stupid fucks have the nerve to call IQ pseudo science. The left are blithering idiots to a point it is hardly believable if you didnt actually witness how stupid these people have become they are a cancer on STEM that needs to be removed before they kill the patient

>> No.12258866

IQ was designed by Terman to compare a child's score to the average score of other children his age on the Stanford-Binet test. If you just use raw scores, you can deduce that intelligence is mostly normally distributed.There's no need for the hypothesis that intelligence is normally distributed to develop an intelligence test if you just use the raw scores. You can convert those to IQ scose if you want to. Failed your IQ test boi ;)

>> No.12258871

We are winning and you will be cancelled. There is no place in modern society for racists and bigots. Science will go on without you.

>> No.12258924
File: 7 KB, 1140x85, giftedfemales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12258929

>Massive shitstorm ITT
>The main focus of said shitstorm is the big IdPol freak show cock fight that is less than 5% of the book
You fucks.
Anyway, OP, its OK. The basic gist is accurate, but not all data is correct and a large chunk is actually fairly outdated since it was written 25 years ago and based in studies even older than that, and it basically tries to become a libertarian primer after a while, so keep that in mind.
Also, if are interested in the subject, read Coming Apart. It is newer, have better data, and it is less controversial.

>> No.12258933
File: 148 KB, 744x1024, 1601694576336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12258975

Somehow I think an ideology centered around validating and glorifying your lowest common denominator is going to work.
People victimize themselves to the point of uselessness for the attention it gets them.
There's no development. Absence of development is waiting for the axe.

>> No.12259111

That's been debunked

>> No.12259274

There is only one way we are moving to a post racial world and it's by massive interbreeding causing us all to actually form a new homogeneous race. Otherwise we are not moving post racial at all

>> No.12259302
File: 220 KB, 1544x792, 1596637237622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are winning
what are you winning exactly? a future of negro bootlicking. enjoy your self-own because you have daddy issues.

>> No.12259313

Brazil indiciates otherwise.
When everyone is a shitskin mutt, people still argue over who's whiter than who.

>> No.12259314
File: 444 KB, 662x5691, guns germs and steel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12259349

I can guarantee you almost all people seething about it have not read it.

>> No.12259465

It's doesn't cause problems because we talk about it, it causes problems whether or not we talk about it. Talking about it is the only way to potentially solve those problems.

>> No.12259502

alt hype is so fucking good. really need more people like him

>> No.12259554

Who the purple haired trannies? You people are imbeciles. Indoctrinating children and morons who dont know any better isn't "winning" tranny. You can deny reality but you cant ignore the consequences it always catches up to you. Your little cult that built up in the hidden shadows is already falling apart because you got exposed to the light. Do you though tranny no worries, I wouldnt expect a job in STEM though or those free government gibs anymore orange man cut off the gravy train

>> No.12259624
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>> No.12259632

his autism allows him to do great work, it takes a lot of work and time to do that kind of shit and if no one is paying you to do it it is a real labor of love for your people and nation. Believe I know I spent many years researching the truth and collecting all the evidence of what the Jews are doing and hiding and you get little appreciation for it by way of any kind of material award. In fact you get just the opposite you costs you quite a bit to do and you mostly only get drooling fuck tards running lip to you for it. If you want "more people like him" support their work anon, do something for them. This is a tough fight out here and only a few of us are sacrficing to fight back. Not asking for money and not trying to play the sad violin just saying this is an uphill battle and everyone should be something to play a part. If we lose we lose everything

t. bodhi mantra

>> No.12259685

I would love to drop off the nigs and their leftard retarded nig worshipers into one or two states, wall it off and put up millions of cameras and leave them to their own devices and watch it devolve into mad max in less than a decade as a reality show

>> No.12259689 [DELETED] 


Good thread

Dumb pit pull Kikes are pulling ITT though

>> No.12259701
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 91E02DCE-F9E0-480A-BD2C-BAD3E3FAEA46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hebrew hands typed this post

>> No.12259723


>> No.12259732

>it's actually not a real source
i dont even disagree with the overall point but your image is wojak tier in terms of credibility

>> No.12259745
File: 954 KB, 638x1044, libtard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12259761 [DELETED] 

The idea that Africans have any human intelligence at all has been thoroughly debunked.

>> No.12259765
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>> No.12259776

>what are you winning exactly?
Power over you.

>> No.12259780
File: 353 KB, 486x619, fucktrannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont have power over your own bowels which is why you are always pissing and shitting yourself tranny

>> No.12259788

>No, it measures how adept you are at the specific tasks in the IQ test.

Yes, in the same sense that a ruler just measures how many dots you compare to against it. Hold the ruler one way and it measures length, hold it another way and it measures height.

But they both measure an underlying quality, and this is shown by different IQ tests converging on the same score and the g factor.

>> No.12259795

Just the invading poltards

>> No.12259799



>> No.12259801
File: 77 KB, 620x413, PepeChan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is a right wing website, you are the one out of place here. I know you want to push this meme as hard as you can to try and create an out group through social pressure but you failed and it will never work. Go back to redit or discord kosher tranny

>> No.12259888

It's not the book, it's you making these shit threads too often.

Get a life.

>> No.12259890

>4chan is a right wing website
Who said you were the one to decide? Fuck off, 4chan is neutral/lulz-leaning.
Also back to >>>/pol/

>> No.12259893

>Who said you were the one to decide?
The fact that you are too stupid to understand the irony here is why this board is such a joke

back to trannyville with your double digit IQ >>redit

tell them never to come here

>> No.12259905
File: 11 KB, 236x226, frog read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based but somehow also cringe.

>> No.12259920

All online forums are right leaning by default. The only way they become left leaning is through leftist moderation. Look around the internet and you'll see this pattern fits everywhere.

>> No.12259938

You getting banned for behaving like a monkey has nothing to do with your left/right culture war

>> No.12259955

Almost like trolls are everywhere, and lack of moderation helps them.

>> No.12259967

He's also disingenuous and selects evidence that makes him feel good.

>> No.12259986

He literally says, that if you are good at cock sucking your are somehow intelligent.
Plz explain this correlation op

>> No.12259988
File: 3 KB, 113x125, 1598188423927s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it proves that any merit, any achievement /sci/fag has comes from a cosmic D20. How can you be proud of yourself if everything you have done was in reality on your rich parents? Intelligence is the same thing, smart people want to feel that they've deserved success, that they're above others while in reality they just got lucky

>> No.12259993

4chan == Reddit
Prove me wrong.

Based is a synonym for cringe.

>> No.12260011

>le eberyone who doesn't agree with my retardation is a troll meme
how'd the latest figures from SJW Hollywood and SJW comics confirm that bias for ya sport? Last I checked the lost a few billion and are in the process of doing an about face to narrowly avoid bankruptcy

>> No.12260013

>muh essjaydubyayoos
Not science or math.

>> No.12260017


>> No.12260019

why do rightoids present facts and stats as arguments whilst leftoids screech, whine, lie and appeal to emotion?

being a smooth brained imbecile isnt science or math either yet somehow here you are

>> No.12260027 [DELETED] 

Mods do your job

>> No.12260030
File: 650 KB, 900x473, nigged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the power of the handful of incel /pol/ trolls in their parents basement apparently, impressive

>> No.12260040
File: 25 KB, 491x417, AOC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No! they are ruining the illusion we are trying to create that our view is the majority. We are losing our power to try and pressure the the smooth brained midwits on this site into conforming to our brainwashing. Do something! Shut it down!

Eat shit maggot

>> No.12260043

holy shit is that who I think it is

>> No.12260045

>everyone I don't agree with is a /pol/ incel
The civilization sheet is thinning.

>> No.12260047

Yeah it's George Bush Jr.

>> No.12260050

no it's shopped you moron

>> No.12260052


>> No.12260056

I still want an answer to this, how is being an obedient cock-sucking, corrupt fagg, intelligent which it should be according to the book.

>> No.12260062
File: 526 KB, 595x600, image(14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it isnt, that is her at her bartendering job before she got voted into office my a legion of trannies. It was at applebbes if Im not mistaken

>> No.12260076

so is it real or shopped? I plan on fapping to it I'll skip if it's shopped

>> No.12260108

How the fuck isn't it obvious that her head is shooped God damn coomers.

>> No.12260173

Because statistical science frames data in terms of the conclusions it's already chosen, and the data was an afterthought.

>> No.12260260

We still didnt figure out jet how cock-sucking is related to intelligence?
I am also pretty sure that you find at the right and the left the same amount, of people who prefer an dick in the ass if it means social status.

So now i really need to know how is, pretending to like and or agree with someone, whom you dont like or agree with, correlated with intelligence?

Fair to say that you might be just an npc who agree anyway.

But lets assume you are not an npc, how is cock-sucking intelligent?
Becoming rich is ultimative correlated with breed some kids into reality, which is funny, if you think about it this way. You are an corrupt cock-sucking bag of shit, and you know exactly how many people around you are as well. Still you give a shit about breeding kids into this world, which might be an other sign of intelligence?

Just plz explain me how is being an conformist, with no own ideas, and as close to an npc ans you can get intelligent?

>> No.12260294
File: 3.91 MB, 400x224, strozkd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know sucking dick is based and high IQ

>> No.12260484

Apparently /pol/ shut down pro basketball and football too from their basements. Wizards those lads are

>> No.12261185
File: 44 KB, 332x499, 51ekZGmxSlL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why stats is a trash science, especially in objective realms

>> No.12261523

iq is not science, anon. iq is pseudoscience.

>> No.12261553
File: 48 KB, 508x585, 1595876165550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a dumb nigger.

Statistical reasoning is at the absolute forefront of human cognition, it is one of them most recent additions to the brain via evolutionary encephalization.
It's not even introduced to most people until college because of how abstract it is.

Yes, it is possible for people to be misleading with data.
But if you are misled it is because you are a retarded, 85 IQ monkey with has no experience in one of the most rigorous intellectual fields that human being have conceived of: statistics.

>> No.12261569

This. Statistics is probably the best framework available for any intellectual endeavour.

>> No.12261577
File: 16 KB, 576x392, anova.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely based and statspilled
the people that say "you can make data say whatever you want it to" have never taken a single stats class

>> No.12261583

it's the best at a total shit aspect of the sciences, and so much gets structured on top of it
there's way too much projection and implicit bias. it's not worth it.

>> No.12261600

>"you can make data say whatever you want it to"
you don't make data do anything you fucking retarded, you frame it in such a way that is supports whatever you want. If you ever had to secure funding from a spource you would know that.

>> No.12261609

It's funny how they think that talking about how people CAN use statistics to mislead is a refutation of The Bell Curve. They will grasp at straws anywhere they can in the hopes that it convinces people that IQ is suddenly a bullshit measure. It has its own problems but this sort of autistic shrieking only consolidates my resolve as to its effectiveness at filtering out the retarded.

>> No.12261611


>> No.12261616

i don't care about iq or comments about race
stats is still largely feces paper

>> No.12261649

Of course, since data manipulation and outright data forgery would never have existed if statistics were to be eliminated. It is, by definition, the source of all evil. Statistics personally loaded a gun and then pointed it at the researcher's head, forcing him to go against his morals by putting out bogus research to save his own life. The researcher cried out in pain as the act of lying caused scars on his body as his yearning for the truth was physically tearing his body apart as he wrote down on the piece of paper
>"4 out of 5 dentists agree"

>> No.12261678

it's not even hinged upon intent
the implicit bias of any and all humans is present in the setup and reading. there is, bar none, no escaping this.
even if you are "aware" of it, there isn't shit you can do about that
conscious or unconscious doesn't matter, projection is still rampant
you can give a figure and then say "but remember the bias!", and it won't matter because the figure appeases to ease of organization and becomes a reference point for decision making.
it's larpy autistic hypnosis so people can feel comfy in their choice

>> No.12261686

seriously i don't really give a fuck about this race and iq shit but you guys are going to catch a rude awakening once you realize how much of your bias is present in your empiricism. this whole train happening in culture is going to slap the sciences
for good measure too. this is part of why they've stagnated. the personal biases are baked into the language and structures themselves

>> No.12261695

I am glad you typed this out because I wanted to a few hours ago but was too lazy and knew anyone who would say something like this >>12261185
was too retarded to understand anyway. Yes you can frame data to fool morons that have no idea what a margin of error is or how to calculate it, but that is how you fill retards not people that actually know wtf all this means and how it works. Lying with numbers is no different than lying with words, it only fools people to lazy or stupid to do their own research and verify what they are being told to believe

>> No.12261705


>> No.12261708

Compare your average negroidic black, in any country, to a Chinese person.

>> No.12261711

it's not good enough nor will it ever be good enough to constitute even 25% of our decision making processes
humanity would have to be so absent any objectives, opinions, expectations, etc., and be able to account for near infinite variables
it's mostly pseud.

>> No.12261716
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this, I could care less about "owning the libs" or proving my race is smarter than another race or one race is dumber than another what I care about is the lying and bullshit going on in the "sciences' in order to push an agenda that is designed to disenfranchise white people in their own nations in order for the jew bankers to collapse them by importing millions of third world retards they can get to vote for socialism by offering them gibs. That is what these threads have always been about and what the shills spend all their time trying to avoid with their non sequiturs and autistic screeching trying to get the threads removed. These people want to ruin the sciences by putting politics above the science to destroy truth and put us back in the stone age to make sure people are too stupid to figure wtf they are doing

>> No.12261743

> Lying with numbers is no different than lying with words, it only fools people to lazy or stupid to do their own research and verify what they are being told to believe
Case in point is these idiots who post videos where they outsourced actually knowing what they are talking to known lying fuck tards with an agenda. That video is shit and you are an imbecile for even posting it because it shows you are too stupid or too lazy to fact check to see that guy is a moron and liar. Not only that video but if you cant figure out that guy is pure ideologue you are way too low IQ to be discussing any science anywhere

>> No.12261756

Most science is absolute dog shit and pointless without statistics. It is insane they allow people graduate with a STEM degree without understating statistics and it shows in their dog shit papers and unduplicable results that is now an alarming crisis. You are fucking stupid and will always be undergrad tech tier in any feild if you dont under statistics hack

>> No.12261758

Yes, a ton of angry journalists shouting about how dis buk be raycis nigguh.

>> No.12261779

>Don't use stats!
>Instead use woo and gestalt impressions! That's so much better!
Praying that you get raped to death by gorillas.

>> No.12261786

They have already pretty much succeeded look how stupid most of the people on this board are they can barely understand simple concepts. Anything not in some texbook they read makes them have a mental breakdown and sperg out and redit is even worse

>> No.12261791

criticizing one thing doesn't imply that I am camped up in your, again, projection of an alternative

>> No.12261805
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>how to lie with statistics
>step 1: find someone who doesn't understand statistics

>> No.12261807

I just go with gut feeling personally makes the papers much easier to write up

>> No.12261852

"Data" is from 2008.
It's from a guy that make a bunch of books on white nationalism.

The college board don't have income and race data according to my knowledge. If they do we can easily make a 2020 chart. It's always the same chart never any new data.

>> No.12261870

Trash science?
Stats is just Math + uncertainty.

>> No.12261878
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>> No.12262009

People gravitate to the hard sciences either because they have an objective interest in it (which is the case for very few people), or because they failed in every other aspect of life and hope that by becoming good at some hard science they will be redeemed, which happens.
Saying that they can't even have that because of a number is cruel and would me make upset too.

There are also some people who chose a easier education and like to tell themselves that it's not that it's easy but that it requires a different kind of intelligence. Which can be true as well, but it is often not.

>> No.12262217

It has been debunked by independent fact-checkers

>> No.12262274

I don't doubt the scientific underpinnings, IQ is one of the most proven cognitive comparative tools ever developed.

The book itself is mixed, there's quite a bit of social science/political speculation in it, which makes me question the authors' honesty with presenting their scientific synthesis.

Nevertheless, the basic conclusions ring true when you look at the absolutely horrible academic records of African Americans and Hispanics compared to Whites, Jews, and Asians.

>> No.12262300


>> No.12262324

Debunked. If you faggot racists allow blacks to beat their kids like they do in Africa the gap would simply not exist. Black parents regularly call into public schools and give verbal confirmation that the teachers may beat their kids if they misbehave, but the white teachers don't do it because they are fag judeo-christian slave moralists.
Stop enforcing your fag pigskin culture onto everyone on the planet not everyone is gay.
>hurr durr low IQ is a disorder
For which the cure is beatings.

Also Nick Land debunked most of the book. You don't even have to read Nick Land himself for confirmation, just read the introduction section of The Accelerationist Reader pdf, those are your search terms. Reading the intro will only take 15 mins tops.

>> No.12262336

racism is based anon, you have to have something wrong with your brain to not be racist, this in itself has been scientifically proven. Your mind is broken if you arent racist

>> No.12262344

>Also Nick Land debunked most of the book. You don't even have to read Nick Land himself for confirmation, just read the introduction section of The Accelerationist Reader pdf, those are your search terms. Reading the intro will only take 15 mins tops.
you could just give us the low down

>> No.12262352

if having to smell a negro close to you doesnt make you throw up a little in your mouth you indeed have something wrong with your brain

>> No.12262363

Nobody is seething, they are just laughing at you.

This book has been debunked by a number of Independent studies. The fact that you keep latching on to it is funny.

It's pseudoscience at it's finest.

>> No.12262367

>This book has been debunked by a number of Independent studies. The fact that you keep latching on to it is funny.
>It's pseudoscience at it's finest.
But the rebutals themselves have been debunked by facts an science and independent studies.

>> No.12262369

>I am laughing at a random person who made a thread on anime forum fan fic
>I'm not seething

>> No.12262372

no way fag
I grew up in public schools anon, I couldn't have vomited everyday that'd be unsanitary.
Idk I kinda forgot, I haven't read it in a long time. Something about capitalism, hyper-reality, and how in the future everyone will be a gay autistic catboy 6' with a 6" cock and 150 IQ, gay luxury space communism, brave new world was actually an instruction booklet, illuminati did nothing wrong, paperclip universe, esoteric noncism, berserk theology.

>> No.12262391


But they havent


>I am seething at a random person who made a thread on anime forum fan fic
>I'm not laughing

>> No.12262399

Its not debunked until reality doesnt agree with the bell curve, if you have lived around black americans which your sheltered white leftist ass hasnt, you would realize that blacks really are under >86 IQ morons as a majority in any black majority area in the US. It is very hard to find blacks who dont behave like violent retards in America outside of universities or workplaces where as for whites it is very hard to find whites who behave exactly like the typical ghetto denizen as even most white criminals have some era of sophistication to them rather than impulsive rage which is the case for most black criminals indicating even the IQ of black and white criminals is vastly different on average.

>> No.12262407

>But they havent
Of course they did, just google iq debunked by facts and science debunked by facts and science.

>> No.12262414

> blablabla here have some vague anecdotes
> just trust me bro

Thx I almost forgot I was on /sci/

>> No.12262435

>dont be rayciss pigskin fag culture
Looks like you only have a problem with racism when it is white people doing it

>> No.12262439

Until reality agrees you, your idea if pure moral supremacist horseshit, you leftist. If the IQ meme made sense where in the fuck are the feral impulsive whites destroying living spaces in the US? They do exist but there are so little of them due to the white bell curve that they basically dont matter statistically.

>> No.12262440

Haven't in any meaningful way

None of the studies used as sources n the book have been properly peer reviewed.

>> No.12262446

> just trust me bro post guy calling someone else a just trust me bro poster
/sci/ indeed

>> No.12262448

>None of the studies used as sources n the book have been properly peer reviewed.
What about the study that shows neuroplasticity (which is genetic)to be greater in high IQ individuals?

>> No.12262449


> you dont agree me with me cause ur a supremacist leftist
> "reality" proves me right
Ok schizo

>> No.12262454
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>> No.12262456

First indication that blacks have very low intelligence is the shortage of blacks in STEM majors, the STEM percentage shows the right side of the bell curve of a race where as most whites dont like STEM they still do dominate STEM in their nations, and even minorities like asians dominate STEM in white nations, so the question is why the fuck do blacks not dominate STEM? Simple there are so little blacks with the IQ required to like STEM that it is impossible for them to dominate STEM without forcing brainlets(Affirmative Action) who get ok scores in maths into STEM positions then calling this insanity "diversity". Meanwhile the typical black has an even higher anti science anti education sentiment than the typical white.

>> No.12262460

This entire thread is mostly filled with people posting unsubstantiated claims. Feels like I am not the first one you should point fingers at.

>> No.12262468

I am fine with just trust me bro posting if you are willing to back it up, what is bitch tier is calling someone else out for it after you just did it yourself.

>> No.12262471

Listen moral lunatic, we dont care about being superior to blacks we are simply pissed off the truth about them is censored because it gets in the way of the dopamine you leftist nutjobs get when you defend the "oppressed". Do you have any idea how much destruction you have caused to America for censoring the truth on blacks? We have wasted billions on a race that will never trying to turn America into their West African hellhole homeland.

>> No.12262472

Couldn't there be socio economic reasons why blacks dont attend stem?

Feels like your mixing up causation and correlation there buddy

>> No.12262478

No, holy fucking shit live around blacks you sheltered fuck they dont FUCKING CARE ABOUT EDUCATION. The tiny amount who make it to STEM ultimately dont matter as its the genetic majority of blacks who ruin the US.

>> No.12262485

What exactly are you post-christian secular humanist faggots going to do when the godless chinks finally uses crispr to genetically engineer some gay autists with 9" cocks and 160 IQs to emigrate, btfo you out of your job and have consensual sexual relations with your open-relationship partner? (even worse, the saudis might do it)

One of jesus' own disciples wouldn't believe in his resurrection until he poked the bloody hole, and now, all 1 billion christcucks get is a poorly translated book.
Et tu? brutus? will you believe in a genetic intelligence only when the cock is in front of your pathetic face? will your boipussy be able to handle the genetically engineered cock? will you seethe or cope, when the cock finds you??? you know not the day nor the hour, and yet the cock will come, with a mind of its own. A AGI cock. A cock beyond good and evil, beyond based and cringe, beyond seethe and cope.

Habeeb and you will be saved. Render unto the mother nature that which has always been hers, and the clay which annihilates all impulses under the purified lust, the distilled will, resulting in a breathless heave only illuminated by the late sunsets of the smokey mountains. Will you buy the shit that silicon manchildren sell you? That the future is robotic? That there can be nothing to be done with humans? That humanity cannot be improved? Indeed brothers, no more can the cock crow three times, then you will find yourself in a sea of regret, waiting to die alone in the universe.
Somewhere out there, another One cries silent tears.

She was IQ, plain IQ, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was racism in slacks. She was HBD at school. She was Eugenics on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always The Fourth Reich.

>> No.12262491
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>> No.12262494

I mean there is what I am saying. Which is studies show that the bell curve is bunk.

And then there is whatever the fuck this is >>12262471 .

I am just saying there are degrees to how much heavy proof there is required for each claim. You know the bigger the claim the bigger the burden of proof?

I suppose If you want a source "Inequality by Design" is a good read

>> No.12262500

Apathy can be due to socio economic reasons. I am sure white trailer trash dosent give af about education either

>> No.12262507
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>> No.12262509

When I stop seeing blacks causing all the crime in my WHITE MAJORITY state Ill believe the bell curve is bunk. Do you have any idea what is to see their minority causing ridiculous disproportionate violence relative to the impoverished of your own race?
You are on /sci/ you and I both know interest in education is based on IQ, fucktards dont care about education, midwits can care about it, and geniuses only care about high tier education.
>trailier trash
Why mention them? They dont cause any problems in America comparable to blacks you anti white shit.

>> No.12262524

>You know the bigger the claim the bigger the burden of proof?
psued redit response. A claim requires it be proven, how "big" the claim is and how "heavy" the proof is is completely subjective based on how small the mind absorbing the information is. Something "m,ind blowing" to you could be something mundane to me. In fact I have been called "schizo" on this board for years for sharing my work about the holofractal nature of reality yet now the people on this board arent droolers are starting to realize I am right. I knew I was right all along yet the small minds here couldn't process it without years of rewiring their brains to undo all the brainwashing and pseudo bs they were indoctrinate with in school

>> No.12262695
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>> No.12262941

Bodhi mantra I presume? I understood your work the first time I ever read it, it just took me time to verify it. You can't be too hard on people here it was quite a shock and difficult to fully process it. I am sure you already know this though. Give them time, they are young and dumb and didn't figure it out on their own like you did. Figuring something out on your own is completely different than having it being told to you and it going against everything you have ever known. I am not trying to defend how dumb people here are because I know they are annoying but I know you understand the hurdles they have to overcome to be able to accept and process the kinds of things you write about. Just my two cents

>> No.12263704

I read the first two chapters with an open mind and was pretty disappointed. One section talked different types of intelligence and referenced something called "musical intelligence". Confirmed my hunch that academic psychologists are just bullshitting

>> No.12264137


>> No.12264583

wtf I love IQ now