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File: 36 KB, 400x500, Anthony-S-Fauci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12250656 No.12250656 [Reply] [Original]

Why do /pol/tards hate him so much?

>> No.12250666
File: 9 KB, 153x203, fatality_rate_COVID19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12250672

based, redpilled, checked

>> No.12250673

Hs physiognomy is very untrustworthy and he seems like a closeted homosexual

>> No.12250680

Post your face tough guy

>> No.12250829

even if this were true, vulnerable people can get a vaccine for the flu, we cannot for covid

>> No.12250843

He doesn't look Republican though

>> No.12250846

>be a first year retard loser
>v*ccine for chink flu comes out
>forced to get it

>> No.12250854


Because he exposes Drumpf as a buffoon.

Duh. You seriously didn’t know the answer to this question?

>> No.12250868

Lower fatality rate for now you drooling retard. The issue with covid is that it fills up hospitals with people gasping for air, which in turn strains the healthcare system, and if the healthcare system gets overwhelmed then the death toll rises because those in need can't get cured, be it for covid or whatever else one might end up in a hospital. Not that you care, American society doesn't give a flying fuck about human life, just profit, and healthcare isn't an exception. I sincerely hope that neither you nor anyone you love ends up on the wrong side of the statistics, even if you clearly don't deserve it.

>> No.12250873

>one of those "experts" retards who told everybody at the beginning of the pandemic that masks were not necessary
>millions have died because they followed the advise of "science people" like this retard
>we are supposed to idolise this fraud just because the orange man doesn't like him

>> No.12251073

>advises that the country doesn't have nearly enough masks
>gets told to lie, that everything will be fine
>gets thrown under the bus for not stating how dangerous the virus could be
>gets thrown under the bus for overstating how dangerous the virus could be
He's just an escape goat.

>> No.12251086


CDC told president to use defense production act to produce more masks, more PPE, more tests, and more ventilators but refused because using the defense production act.
Instead president ordered everyone, including Fauci, to lie and say masks weren't necessary for the public and were more valuable for doctors and "other VIPs"

The president would later go on to enact the defense production act .... but not for masks.... it was for meat plants. Cause if Trump can't stress eat his daily Whooper with side of bacon then he can't do his job as president and he becomes a threat to national security.

>> No.12251097

>it fills up hospitals
you have none.
there are none.

>> No.12251099

>millions have died

> - t. jidf

2 shekels have been deposited to your account

>> No.12251326

He's part of the group of people who orchestrated this entire pandemic in the first place, that's why.

>> No.12251337

Bingo. Trumptards believe 100% of what Trump says and ignore any/all valid criticism against him. Bunch of low IQ cultists.

>> No.12251358

Trump exposes himself as a buffoon though

>> No.12251403

He blocked a paper about the discovery of the HIV virus from being published until he could publish his own and be awarded all the patents.

>> No.12251424

the hate him because he speaks the truth

>> No.12251478

I hate how it’s gotten to the point where you must fully support everyone who disagrees with trump or else you’re a magafag. I think Fauci is a lying slimeball but I also think trump is an asshat.

>> No.12251487

Because he tells it like it is.

>> No.12251495

the truth has no place on /sci/ anymore though

>> No.12251497


>> No.12251504

you have to go back to facebook

>> No.12251506

yeah because it's /pol/ with a blue background

>> No.12251513

>if the healthcare system gets overwhelmed
surely they can afford it. where is all that money going?

>> No.12251521

long term investments aren't designed for once-in-100-years pandemics

>> No.12251536
File: 9 KB, 275x183, 432423423561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where is all that money going?

this is one of the criticism of commercial healthcare system.
Having a huge wing of the hospital designated for overflow in case of emergencies but is otherwise not put in use doesn't make sense from the perspective of a business trying to maximize profits.
This is why the military engineers have to build pop up hospitals in soccer fields and such. But this can only happen under direction of the president, and his new plan is herd immunity. Herd immunity means Trumps plan is to literally get as many people as he can sick with covid till no more people can get sick. With fully functioning hospitals, the math adds up to to around 2million deaths necessary for that to happen, but if hospitals get overwhelmed or they don't build out more space, it could get worse than that.

>> No.12251596

This place was better when it was filled with undergrads asking for help on their engineering homework than with /pol/tards who try to think google and online schizo postings are a superior substitute for what they see as indoctrination from liberal marxists homo jew universities.

>> No.12251605

trump/gop made the stats a secret in July
USA is turning into a north korea type shithole

"Dashboards last updated as of July 14, 2020"

>> No.12252095 [DELETED] 


>> No.12252150
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>> No.12252152
File: 126 KB, 212x272, jack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice projection fuck tard, you are literally in a thread about worshiping fauci's cult of personality rather than the facts that show he is a fucking lying retard. I would take a fat steaming dump right in your face you pseud NPC

>> No.12252158
File: 313 KB, 750x487, globohomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trust the Jesuit goy

>> No.12252160


>> No.12252167

white nationalism, Holocaust denial
into the trash it goes


>> No.12252169

china during the initial wave, italy during initial wave, america atm

>> No.12252171

go back

>> No.12252172
File: 13 KB, 320x232, puti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething hebe

>> No.12252173

/pol/tards hate anyone that bases their opinions on facts and tell the truth.

>> No.12252174

>i have no argument

>> No.12252183

Your 5 ruble is in the mail

>> No.12252184
File: 1.28 MB, 2199x1200, OKJOOMER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes a post saying stupid shit as an "argument" against an article he didn't even read then when he gets laughed at for being a moron inverts and projects
massively retarded motherfucker, ok joomer

>> No.12252189

awww, it's retarded

>> No.12252190
File: 287 KB, 546x483, EyeOfAnubis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, I prefer this one personally though

>> No.12252198

you can't be fucking serious lmao only chink and wop hospitals ever filled up

>> No.12252201

>+spain and nyc
stop being retarded.

>> No.12252202

Not him but what's wrong with unz? I get most of my news from there they are an impeccable news outfit

>> No.12252203

I live in new york it was never close

>> No.12252205


>> No.12252209
File: 422 KB, 871x716, wikiedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>owned by a jew
>white nationalist
wew lad, wikipedia is literally just digital grafitti you arent actually trying to use this as a source are you? You may as well post a picture of spray painted train in Chicago as a source you retarded faggot rofl. You should be shamed for all your days everywhere you go as a moron and hack my friend. May your children be cursed with autism for your stupidity inshallah

>> No.12252213

wow, a raccoon that shitposts.
back into the trash can you go
>slams lid shut

>> No.12252214
File: 24 KB, 320x306, CQdNkzBWIAAr0IJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fpbp, i liek this anon

>> No.12252216
File: 80 KB, 600x600, covid-19_911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12252218

>I live in new york
And? Some of the hospitals were completely overwhelmed.

>> No.12252219

you literally just sourced one of the most pseud and retarded websites on the internet with their entries literally created by discord trannies. You are the biggest joke on /sci/ friend. That website may as well be called "leftypol discord tranny politics and pseudoscience" it would be much more accurate. You are a fucking clown I would be embarrassed until the day I died for trying to use rationalwiki as a source for anything. The act in itself shows you are a complete buffoon. Die in a fire friend

>> No.12252220
File: 22 KB, 216x615, DiscordTranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic rofl, literally leftypol trannies running that website

>> No.12252222
File: 36 KB, 635x219, snowflake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12252229

none of the "overwhelmed" hospitals were at capacity, some were gonna be there soon the way things looked, but it didn't happen

>> No.12252232

>escape goat

>> No.12252234

You can be overwhelmed but still not be at capacity champ.

>> No.12252241

>Why do /pol/tards hate him so much?
you'd think they dislike him, but that just coincidentally happens to be the kind of noises /pol/tards make when they're choking on trump dick

>> No.12252242

>>we are supposed to idolise this fraud just because the orange man doesn't like him
trump actually lieks fauci

>> No.12252244

>He's just an escape goat.
are you fucking 15 or foreign?

>> No.12252246
File: 2.17 MB, 1962x1822, chudposters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a leftypol tranny hahaha, dont try to deny it you retards stick out like sore thumbs. They arent going to give you free hormones after the "revolution", sorry to tell you. They are just going to execute you wet brained retard

>> No.12252249
File: 187 KB, 720x576, ad-hominem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12252250

I mean, i guess the bataids can be considered a terror attack from china.

>> No.12252252

it was portrayed as people dying in waiting room chairs which didn't happen anywhere

>> No.12252253
File: 92 KB, 407x524, germ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you literally just sourced one of the most pseud and retarded websites on the internet
Not him, but how is unz.com not a holocaust denial white supremacy website?

>> No.12252261

Really? I think it's pretty bad if a lot of people die in a short amount of time regardless of it being in a chair in the emergency room or in the ICU ward.

>> No.12252274

Um .... because it isn't and that is stupid to even suggest. They do actual journalism, do you think actual journalism is "white supremacy"? How is investigating the holohoax "holocaust" denial? You post a screenshot that has the name "Hitler" and so now it is "white supreme"? Define white supremacy?

You zoomers are so retarded it scares the shit out of me. You are programmed stimulus = programmed response NPC. You want to make the claim then the burden of proof is on you friend. Post evidence for your claims in this thread all you want I will watch it it til dies.

>> No.12252288

/pol/ does not necessarily like trump
While i have seen trump people that follow 100% of what he says.
A lot of trump voters are very harsh critics.
He has a lot of moderates under him.

But hey all I can say is these have been some fun few years and i would like to see 4 more desu.
After that Kanye would be nice.

>> No.12252289
File: 119 KB, 236x307, AllFake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have never seen real journalism so they dont know what it is. They have carefully defined parameters of what is and isnt acceptable to talk about given to them from the high priests of scientism and disseminated to them by the ministry of truth and anything else is "witchcraft" and scares them. They will string the heretics just like Salem (they are probably so uneducated they wont even understand this reference). The same discussion is in this thread >>12251417

>> No.12252302

>How is investigating the holohoax "holocaust" denial
Let the mask slip there m(148)8. WEAR THE DAMN MASK.

>> No.12252305
File: 559 KB, 435x574, HoloHoaxProof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont wear a mask tranny, it is quite amusing you think you got a gotcha. I use my words to say what I mean and mean what I say. What do my personal views have to with unz? You are an imbecile as originally pointed out this just further cements how stupid you are

>> No.12252311

>You are programmed stimulus = programmed response NPC
Oh the irony

>> No.12252319

nothing ironic in that post other than your response you empty headed simian. How can someone be as stupid as you? It is astounding how stupid you are a true wonder of science.

>> No.12252321

>denies holocaust happened
>gets upset when called a holocaust denier

>> No.12252323

Who is upset? Fuck off with your pilpul fan fics you retarded kike/ Only kikes continuously make fictitious accusations instead of actual points. you are a clown

>> No.12252327

>Who is upset? Fuck off with your pilpul fan fics you retarded kike/ Only kikes continuously make fictitious accusations instead of actual points. you are a clown
Totally not upset.

>> No.12252330
File: 19 KB, 264x277, 1558062620491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he just keeps doing it
>he doesn't even realize it
Holy shit anon you made my day.

>> No.12252331

I'm not the one with a dead end job getting paid to troll anime forums trying to trick stupid kids into believing nonsense why would I be upset? You are a pathetic shit stain and you know it rofl

>> No.12252333

Why don't you have a job?

>> No.12252335
File: 349 KB, 850x446, kikeArgument.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh here comes IDF agent number 2 summoned from the discord tranny server. How is the weather in tel aviv this morning? You get your hormones ok last night? I hope you have an amazing day until the depression sets in at what a pathetic life you have and you have to drink yourself into a stupor crying alone to sleep like you do every night.

>> No.12252343

Dance monkey, dance!

>> No.12252350
File: 700 KB, 928x8800, 1496873787770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does every race, every culture and every nation hate you all through history everywhere you go?

How you like this dance Moshe? I can do the boogaloo

>> No.12252357
File: 3.46 MB, 1280x2700, Voltaire1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but he is right you people are pathetic, I understand why you are so miserable. I would be too if I was you. You are pitiful and disgusting creatures and you deserve to be cursed by God

>> No.12252374


>> No.12252392
File: 48 KB, 598x274, 1501912410292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jew here, these anons are right we do deserve to be cursed by God because we turned away from the Torah and Hebraic tradition to the demonic Babylonian Talmud. The Rothschilds are demonic kiddie fuckers and purchased Israel to destroy us and our true tradition after the third temple is built and destroyed. They are heretics and will destroy our people if we dont wake up brothers. Our hubris will be our undoing for the 400th time and this time it will cost us everything if we don't listen to the prophets. The amalek will destroy us all at g_d's will. You betray our people and g_d with your evil deeds. shalom

>> No.12252401

Honestly it has amazed everyone how easy it is to manipulated the entire world, this "pandemic" did not require this kind of response at all after the first few weeks.

Sadly it's being supported by the people who are enjoying working from home, or that have jobs that benefit from it. Oh and the edgelords who think the masks look cool.

>> No.12252463

Netherlands and Ireland suing for false news about a nonexistent pandemic covered in this video. Netherlands equivalent of the CDC says it is literally the flu

Massive Big Tech Suppression, New Lockdowns & South Africa To Erupt?

>> No.12252469

>source: my ass

>> No.12252492

just gave you a video of the source you massively retarded faggot

the press conference footage starts at 1:31:07

>> No.12252500

>Netherlands equivalent of the CDC says it is literally the flu
>it's actually just some random redpilled doctor from the netherlands

>> No.12252506
File: 61 KB, 1028x944, EjxdDSrX0AAVVxz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they want him to make Drumpf look like he's got the pandemic under control.

>> No.12252511

rofl I didnt know what doctors for truth was I only remembered the interview in passing when I first watched the vid. They are still medical professionals suing the state close enough fag

>> No.12252516

>my ass is beautiful
ok sweetie

>> No.12252519

also it is a multinational panel at least 9 countries I saw

>> No.12252528

>the flat-earth cuckoo society
oooh scary

>> No.12252530
File: 57 KB, 688x430, Guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yah, but you watched it didnt you? Goyim are so easy to get what you want them rofl. The funny part is you think you chose it and are the one that "outsmarted" me lol and now you will deny it up and down until your dying day how easy it was to get what I wanted from you

>> No.12252534


>> No.12252545
File: 41 KB, 850x400, bernay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like pottery

Now your ego won't allow you to admit that you did what someone else wanted you to do and it wasnt your will that it. It is because of your ego which makes you so easy to manipulate. You are only resisting now because I showed you the game, it is simple marketing 101 kiddo and you are getting played every day all day by corporations and media using these simple tactics with no clue it is even happening. Learn and grow from it rather than being a petulant child about it and trying to deny it. You should show some gratitude there are people here willing to teach you these kinds of things even though you are some twenty something ego maniac and nobody gonna tell you nothing right sport?

>> No.12252551

>trying this hard

>> No.12252585
File: 52 KB, 850x400, twain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like pottery

>> No.12252597

getting lazy huh

>> No.12252710

I'm not a corona downplayer, but I have to agree that we'd be better off if everyone put terror attacks into perspective. Probably would be fewer attacks, too.

>> No.12252713

you may as well source reddit or 4chan as that piece of shit website midwit faggot

>> No.12253014

I can tell you don't visit 4chan much.

>> No.12255612
File: 947 KB, 470x720, 1594400977180.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because he's a faggot

>> No.12255626

Anon, I didn't see him putting a cock in his mouth after removing the mask.

>> No.12256813

that's not the full clip

>> No.12256918

he did make a fool of you and every post you make proves him right. Odd how ego maniacs can't see these things while running their scripts. The NPC meme is real

>> No.12256949

Provide sources of this strain we keep talking about. NY City for example just sat tons of ventilators in a warehouse because nothing happened. The vast majority of people have either no symptoms or mild symptoms. The few that get severe symptoms are disproportionally represented in the media causing panic.

>> No.12256995

trips never lie

>> No.12257006
File: 122 KB, 1664x1078, urban scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People died in New York due to stupid choices by their governor therefore everyone in Wyoming should be forced to wear masks everywhere.

>> No.12257018

Yes. Everyone has to agree to the same policies.

>> No.12257097

this is why libertarianism is the only acceptable form of federal government

>> No.12257130

He's vehemently anti-economics and so tort averse simple solutions like herd immunitiy are beyond the scope of his office (head of infectious disease macro response)

>> No.12257147

>simple solutions like herd immunitiy
We know you're in a death cult but come on.

>> No.12257174
File: 102 KB, 762x761, 1601334665813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There can't really be people that still believe the virus is anything but a bunch of overblown bullshit can there? I just assume anyone harping on about "muh 6 gorillion dead" is a paid shill. Nobody that I've talked to personally believes any off the shit pushed by media and their goons.

>> No.12257183

People with parents who have health issues.

>> No.12257198

>200000 dead
who cares

>> No.12257240

underrated post

>> No.12257337

keep talking to your buds. cant take that many retards to figure out how the world works.

>> No.12257346

still waiting for the centrist uprising where all the edge dwellers get glassed for good

>> No.12257353

>200k elderly boomers have perished

Why is COVID bad again?

>> No.12257384

Tranny detected. You'll never be a real woman.

>> No.12257392

You don't have family or do you just don't care about them?

>> No.12257441

Wyoming has shutdown all of their public transportation therefore NYC must also shutdown their subway system. Everyone must agree to the same policies.

>> No.12257446

Why don't you care enough about your elderly to keep them safe at home in a quarantined safe space?

>> No.12257461

How do you build herd immunity if you have to isolate 1/3+ of the population?

>> No.12257464
File: 394 KB, 680x287, QArmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never underestimate how stupid the people on this board are how strong the pull is for NPC to do what people they perceive as authority figures tell them to do. They are rats to the piped piper, it is their nature

>> No.12257472

>healthcare system
What system? This is supposed to be America and now we're using words like this? You can't overwhelm the free market.

>> No.12257492

>here in Corporatistan people don't go to the hospital because they'd go bankrupt if they did

Here in Italy, where we value human life and give everyone access to healthcare, some hospitals are already reaching capacity again https://m.republicworld.com/world-news/europe/naples-hospital-under-pressure-with-rising-virus-cases.html

>> No.12257494

>move on to
didn't you start with ad hom? I guess he won right out the gate. You gotta be a Jew only a jew would logix like this

>> No.12257495

This Hebrew gets it.

>> No.12257522

>There can't really be people that still believe the virus is anything but a bunch of overblown bullshit can there?

You should visit the covid threads at pol.
Then realize that pol is by nature subversive and it still have covid shills. Imagine a community like reddit. Then imagine the real world NPCs that don't have any concept of how to double check or independently search information.

>> No.12257536

>Then imagine the real world NPCs that don't have any concept of how to double check or independently search information.
Yah that IS redit moron

>> No.12257540

god damn you're right. This board is fucking terrible now. It's impossible to have a thread about science without 60% of it devolving into racist bullshit and iq nonsense. The only thing left is /mg/