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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12251417 No.12251417[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12251427

anon come on. many of us know about “water memory” pseudoscience—a lot of homeopathic “””medicine””” is based on water memory. but in that context the pseudoscientific hypothesis is that somehow the inter-molecular structure of water molecules gets changed because of stuff that once was dissolved in it. okay, standard pseudoscience. but claming that water is sentient? that’s just schizo

>> No.12251454

Most water is inanimate, the sentient stuff originates from Lemuria

>> No.12251456

plants are sentient also

>> No.12251462

water gets fucked with impurities
it needs complete distillation and sunshine

>> No.12251465

Yes, watch this.

>> No.12251471

> 8 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
haha a biologist. idiot

>> No.12251475

look, /sci/, i like u
but u need to hop in the corvette
the jalopy ur in is intentionally designed to crawl at snails pace

>> No.12251479

nature is god and so are u

>> No.12251483

a piece of shit automobile. true /sci/ chads drive mustangs and smoke you on the track

>> No.12251485

this is also acceptable im just saying
get in the fast car because a lot of this bs u r sold is meant to hold u back

>> No.12251501
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cmon sci

>> No.12251505
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>> No.12251510

>says the corvette driver
okay, tell me about your “fast car”. details. if it involves water memory or homeopathy or chakras i can tell you in advance that you are retarded

>> No.12251511

Does your piss water remember being your piss?

>> No.12251518

it members everything

>> No.12251528

well water memory is a thing
idk how one is even going to sum up homeopathy. like is all that chinese medicine pure dog shit? u r what u eat ofc
did you know, that in placebos, if they r administered through injection, that the results improve? (big #s too 25%~) did u kno that even in using this method, u can tell the patient "hey bro, this is just a placebo for X treatment, legit just sugar pills my man", and has still been shown to react as if it were legit to a number of test patients?

so chakras idk. the indians mapped out a ton of the body. they r basically big nerve centers.
but if there is such a thing, and there is some kind of "optimal way" for current to run through our body, then maybe there is merit to that stuff.
the bible talks a lot of shit basically about how to activate your kundalini lol, take it up with jesus or somethin

>> No.12251542

water memory is not a thing and chinese qi medicine is bullshit. live with it.

and the rest of your poorly written post just shows that you got memes by newage bullshit. that’s sad. i hope you will read some actual science and come to grips with the error of your ways

>> No.12251547

u have chosen the jalopy
poor choice friend but maybe u will get some crumbs off the table

>> No.12251562

how about the sentience of plant matter
is it bullshit to u too?
hm how does a vine know how to reach in the direction of the nearest branch

>> No.12251566


>> No.12251568

only cucks perceive the mechanical as superior to the bio

>> No.12251569

a vine knows because the gravitational force exerts its force on the cells of the plant. no magic here. no magic anywhere, in fact, this just in: magic doesn’t real and newagers can fuck off

>> No.12251570

jk they have different intended uses and are ultimately one, but the power of the bio is something science seldom gives respect to in comparison to the mechanical

>> No.12251572

its not magic its sentience lol
pls elaborate though, im curious abt ur thoughts on gravity

>> No.12251582

>its not magic its sentience lol
no anon, vines are neither magic nor sentient. strangely enough the cells of vines react to the natural force of gravity without any magic involved. *mind blown*

>> No.12251587

hm did u know that plants will have stress responses to you having the intentful imagined thought of burning them

>> No.12251593

you mean that lie detector experiment? it was not reproducible and even mythbusters did a show about it and mythbusters concluded it was BS

>> No.12251595

mYtH bUsTeD
my favorite is all the myth busting done against aether to force atomism down ur throat

>> No.12251611

if you don’t like mythbusters then feel free to look over the more scientific literature. the original “hook a lie detector on a bush and have someone think about burning it” experiment was attempted by others and it was not corroborated. i just assumed you were a normie who never reads scientific literature so i thought i’d start with an accessible source.

>> No.12251617

lol the results have been replicated

>> No.12251624

heres more for u

search around Alexander Dubrov and Marcel Vogel

>> No.12251627

no, they haven’t, in fact there have been cibtradictory results. and even if the “plants are conscious and can telepathically detect what people are thinking” hypothesis could find any experimental support (which it can’t) then nobody would believe it anyway because it is fucking ridiculous. seriously, even if plants were telepathic, then what brain-like organ do they have to interpret the thoughts they can intercept?

>> No.12251635

mans first issue is assuming is processes are the only processes lol
i would assume something pertaining to THE SENTIENCE OF WATER lol, and electricity.
but whomst the fucc knows what else. nature is ancient and plants could easily have evolved aspects that are magnitudes more competent than our own abilities

>> No.12251637

i mean as i said somewhere earlier each thing has its own function, so i really dont want to fall in this fallacy of "better than's" that man falls prey to
but just to comment that plants have their own aspects that we cant yet fathom


>> No.12251648

Save your energy and sanity, don't bother with these retards. They need to find it on their own path. Instead you should use your greater capacity for knowledge to develop ways of either protecting yourself from them in a very possible near future, or dominating them outright. They don't deserve to be handed truth on a silver platter, and it can't even be done anyway.

>> No.12251650

okay, that gives away that you are a troll of the lowest degree, a reddit troll

> i would assume something pertaining to THE SENTIENCE OF WATER lol, and electricity.
again, water is not sentient. the molecule H2O does not have anything magical going on. it is as ordinary as CO2 it HCl. we understand these molecules and the atoms that make them up and magic is nowhere to be found.
>but whomst the fucc knows what else. nature is ancient and plants could easily have evolved aspects that are magnitudes more competent than our own abilities
okay, if you believe that, then go become a botanist and find some super intelligent plant. like a plant with an advanced brain-like structure. until then, you’re SOL

let me guess, you smoke lots of weed and watch thunderbolts youtube and browse r/holofractal. how close am i?

>> No.12251655


>> No.12251658

i am concerned about the number of recruits the modern "sciences" have been able to indoctrinate and what they end up fueling

>> No.12251660

What about for those of us who are lost but still seeking the truth? Some of us don't have enough pieces to have an aligned picture of the world

>> No.12251664

They're fueling a rewrite of the fundamentals of reality. If they convert enough souls to the religion of modern science then everything that came before it will vanish

>> No.12251666
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>nooooo modern science bad! we can only trust the good sources that post on /x/

>> No.12251667

>geniuses don't excel in other fields

>> No.12251668

I feel they cannot be convinced, they lack the basis to comprehend and will continue following the script laid out for them. I explained how I've weighed it out.

I'm relatively convinced they don't exist. If they do, they're silent, and I had little tangible proof my actions were worthwhile. This puts the act on the level of prayer, yelling into the void.

>> No.12251669

im just playing around man dont expect adherence to your native tongue, its part of what got you stuck in the first place

again it is not magic lol
is consciousness magic?

i'm concerned that people see these things as lego blocks, and that power ultimately exists "outside" of them or purely in "material" form

do urself a favor and let it go

all plants are "super intelligent" relative to the generalized perception of them lol
a plants "brain" is not going to mimic this shape and structure in your mind that you have of which constitutes a "brain"
have u ever heard of liquid brains, anon?

>> No.12251671

its not "modern science" itself, perse
it's how its being wielded, and its accompanying narrative

it's more about what isn't being shown than what is being shown
and im not talking bombs and fighter jets, but tools that u have at ur own disposal.

>> No.12251673

It's even worse with zoomers, they lack any critical thinking at all and can be easily deceived with any claim aslong as it's made by a well established scientist, the scientific method and logic doesn't matter but the person behind it does in their heads

>> No.12251674

We're silent because we've been stripped of language anon. They've shuffled us off onto our own personal islands with little in the way of navigating back to land.

>> No.12251677

Eternal children.

Eh. I don't know, man.

>> No.12251680

>again it is not magic lol
>is consciousness magic?
no, consciousness is not magic. it’s also not special. it’s just what happens when you have a big brain with tons of neurons firing together following the usual laws of nature. in that sense it is completely not magical and anything that bestows anything beyond that would qualify as magical and is this bullshit.

> have u ever heard of liquid brains, anon?
no, lol. tell me about them, sounds like a great new stoner meme

>> No.12251684

i also agree that "modern science" has become "nu god"
i'm not saying humanity should "turn to religion"
there are "realms of experience" where one can know "truth", it's undeniable there. it is not static
and before anyone @'s me, t. i've never done drugs

nature is god anons
it is sentient, it is alive. it's moving. its HAPPENING. pls understand what i mean by this nature is HAPPENING, and u happen with it
so much of our science conjured this frame of mind that all the power is outside u and in something "material" that is outside u and ur own ability
and u are constant fed lifestyles, foods, frames of mind, dogma, and media bs that will sever u from being able to get closer to these things

the plantation isnt just outside u, its internalized

>> No.12251691

Nature pulls the strings, it is the conductor, the audience, the instruments and the musicians. All this individualism is like a cancer, unless its being used to fuel a greater goal that we don't understand?

>> No.12251695

>by a well established scientist
whats crazy is no matter where u go for sciences u will always have like 50% of people shitting on tesla who was a true genius
and u still have all these guys "proving" aether "wrong"
these titles bestowed on scientists give the impression of authority. it's part of the illusion

>> No.12251697
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>> No.12251699
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u'll get closer to understanding u part when u know thyself
it's the only "true" measure u will ever have with objectivity
its one big mystery and perhaps u arent meant to completely unravel it, but play ur part, and u will get a more resonant understanding throughout that process
but not if u dont know thyself
and if u want to know, go naked into nature. strip yourself of what "you know". Don't know. Know nothing. Then u can begin to know

>> No.12251701

never fails
its weird seeing propaganda in the sciences yet here we are

guess what tesla was also obsessed with
observing nature lol

>> No.12251702
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>> No.12251704

u keep saying this word magic lol
u influence this thing u live in more than u realize

>> No.12251714

keep believing in magic anon. chakras and qi and all your unobservable wishful thinking. hopefully you will die a happy man while the rest of us can focus on reality

>> No.12251715

who needs to die?

>> No.12251717

aside from the necessity of sacrifice

what's real, anon. lol

>> No.12251719

I'm sorry you're destined to live such a narrow life constructed for you by others.

>> No.12251722

What's so pseudoscientific about it? It follows the scientific method and numerous tests and replications were made of it. Sounds like a cope by modern scientism to claim everything that is not within their doctrine is pseudoscience without clarifying

>> No.12251724

i’m sorry you live in imagination town. some of us prefer reality

>> No.12251725

>I'm sorry you're destined to live such a narrow life constructed for you by others.
sometimes i think the egoism and elitism in the sciences has been intentionally sewn to deter any type enquiry that doesn't color within certain lines

>> No.12251727

>and numerous tests and replications were made of it.
not true. it was not reproduced reliably and in fact many tests refuted it

>> No.12251730

what's real anon lol
ur living in illusions and you want to dictate this word

>> No.12251732

>not true. it was not reproduced reliably and in fact many tests refuted it
citation needed

>> No.12251734

i think newagers who like to believe in what they want to believe in recite this crap as a mantra so they can cope with being objectively wrong

>> No.12251739

citation needed for your crap. i already said mythbusters and if you want to dig in more then you can cite at least one source first

>> No.12251748

i already gave u 2 people to look into

>> No.12251750

>objectively wrong
ur "objective" methods are limit to ur sense perception lol. u chose the jalopy friend
the fallacy of man is most present in the sciences
just wait till u find out that "telepathy" isn't a maymay

>> No.12251756

>citation needed
also im pretty sure he's mocking u lol

>> No.12251758

and to add
ur senses have been dulled friend
the more convoluted it is, the further from truth. its like hypnosis for autists and it works quite well

>> No.12251760

I knew you were full of shit lol but don't worry unlike you I have my citations ready





>> No.12251763

emoto was such a pimp honestly
im gonna dive into these more, thanks anon

>> No.12251766

>"telepathy" isn't a maymay
you aren’t helping yourself anon. just keep going more schizo please

honestly now i feel like i’ve been trolled. but the sad thing one that the troll things you’ve said are actually what some people believe. so trolling this stuff is not harmless

>> No.12251771

hey man its harder to access without belief, or at least an open curiosity
u ever wonder why placebos work?
the modern era kills off belief in "the beyond", but it's right there to fill the void with modern "materialist" science

>> No.12251831


>> No.12252078

you mean this tier board of hacks and retards? Yah I have been telling the faggots here this for many years. Sadly most of the people here are really stupid however as well.

Stupid + blind allegiance to corrupt institutions = dangerous and retarded NPC

>> No.12252081
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you have been initiated anon, you are now a black sun druid. It is a crushing responsibility but someone's gotta do it


>> No.12252235

let him believe in telepathy, anon. schizophrenia research could always use a bigger sample size

>> No.12252704

Clamped and vaccinated.

>> No.12252708

Just another institutional buzzword to draw in lab rats for pharma

It's real. u guys are approaching an era where your outlook on science is simply too slow.
your community is continually fucked by narrative, hucksters, and frauds. they constantly get u to focus only on the science outside u (which also exists obv.) because this is the science where, if u apply ur effort, it benefits them. any "science" that u have at your disposal, in your hands, without having to buy things (for the most part) will be mocked to no end, and it's to keep power out of ur individual hands.
u become and echo agent of it.
as I said earlier, im pretty sure the egoism and elitism in the sciences are intentional so people are afraid to ask more curious questions because they don't want to be ridiculed as "stupid" for questioning off the script.
color inside ur lines like a good boy.

this thing u are in is a lot more alive and HAPPENING than u and most people realize. u influence it more than u realize. not "religious", but did u think prayer in the bible was just purely to condition u? u influence this thing. so who influences u? who writes your script? is it u? now u go forward giving energy to other ppls scripts and u want to mock me lol.

The sciences have you guys slaved doing material work for their own end game gains. You get crumbs off the table and you are lied to about the truths of our reality. E.g. the food industry and the pharma industry are in bed together. 99.999% of the pharma industry would not exist if humans were offered their optimal diets.
The plantation isn't just outside you. It's in you too.

>> No.12252718

And belief as you're speaking about it isn't without any results.
In fact it's not even belief, but an absence of your roadblocking disbelief in your own senses and your inborn ability to communicate.

>> No.12252865

bump for mama nature

>> No.12253544

Based Thales

>> No.12253556

shit i didn't even know about Thales
thanks homie

>> No.12253901

>actually its scientifically verified
>also its just denied by “scientism”
If there’s lots of tests verifying then scientismists wouldn’t have a problem with it would they. Plenty of people trued to reproduce that jap’s experiments and failed. This ideology is made even more pathetic by the fact that its mechanism isn’t conceivable with even the most basic understanding of intermolecular interactions

>> No.12253911

Eeew, so the water that came out of my ass when I had diarrhea last week remembers the trip through my intestines?

>> No.12253916


>> No.12254528

mi dick is pretty much sentient too, why don't you swallow a bit?

>> No.12254544

People are sentient and carry memories. People are 70% water.

I guess OP is 70% right.

>> No.12254989

if telepathy exists then tell me how I can experience it first hand, and then I will believe you

>> No.12254995

nobody outside 4chan and some shitty flat earth forums knows what you mean by scientism

>> No.12255080

there's a few ways. there's probably tons of ways but i don't know them all

firstly, you need to share each other in some fashion.
this can be personality attunement, biological fusion (dna/fluid bonding)
next, you need to be profoundly open to each other. it helps if you are very sensitive people, and then open to one another. you will begin to pick up on and be able to communicate. eye gazing while in these states is very helpful, but proximity is not necessary and you can do this across great distances

if you want to go more mind control route, you can introduce your dna to them, shatter their identity, and you can work from there. so like putting them on lsd and then make them play russian roulette. they will then have 0 confidence in themselves, and, the theory is, they will rely on your dna. like it's known that this happens, just not how, exactly.

if you want more personal access within yourself in these sorts of manners, to be able to access a sort of...awareness, then im quite certain you need to shatter/dissolve in some way

we are all "effecting" one another in this manner. we are all projecting onto one another, and it effects each of us.
to gather more awareness of this is another story. this isn't just about rationalizing your way there.
when you do things like face death, or you dissolve your identity so no "you" exist, you get extreme awareness. from there, you play around and you start to notice you have more abilities than you've been taught

the "you" that exists is largely culturally conditioned, so when you go through "dissolving" or "shattering" experiences, or are profoundly open, you will begin to become aware of more innate abilities that exists beneath all the cultural clutter.

>> No.12255085

science needs to understand how blah blah. i just know "can", that's all that matters to me.
the sciences will intentionally fuck over anyone who starts to come forth with shit that is extremely personally empowering, or heading down more "powerful" avenues that literally any human being can access, then the "sciences" will completely trample it
all the egoism and elitism is, imo, intentional in the sciences because no one wants to be "made a fool of" by going down all these "kooky schizo avenues". it's just bullshit you're taught to keep you away from it.
re:tesla and aether, as I said earlier, and the amount of hammering that has been done against aether

if you'd like to learn more, check out akashic records and indra net. it's not mythology in the sense that we consider mythology today.

>> No.12255090

idk why it's such a leap for people to consider these ideas with how strong of a relationship humans have with water
maybe its not you thats conscious. maybe its the water and you're just the electrical meat sack with certain hormonal properties

>> No.12255921

Ah, so to experience telepathy first hand i must drug someone on lsd, force them to play russian roulette and then inseminate them. after all of that i will have the telepathic experience. yes you have convinced me!

>> No.12255929

i don't know about telepathy but remote viewing, the ability to sense information anywhere in the world without using your senses, has been tested by the CIA and several other scientists like Russell Targ and Harold E. Puthoff and it was confirmed to be real to some extent with training. it's a really fascinating subject

>> No.12255939

Is this related to how pressure is a lagrange multiplier that enforces incompressibility for water? In an information theoretic perspective meaning it can transmit information infinitely fast as the speed of sound is much much larger than the disturbances in the water velocity?

>> No.12256005

i'm not sure i know what u mean
>In an information theoretic perspective meaning it can transmit information infinitely fast as the speed of sound

this isn't related to what i've been talking about ITT, but if you read up on "indras net", basically water used to be super pure and you could transmit information instantly through it anywhere around the world. this is just "mYtHoLoGy" though so don't come@ me for a source. akashic records, indras net, mahabharata

we evolved from monkee tho oo AA A AAA OOO O OOOOOOO

>> No.12256008

lol no thats just if u want to control them. this is what some abusers do.

to have access yourself. its tough to say you have to like...break your own walls, u kno? there are many ways to do this.

>> No.12256010

its a lot more real than u realize bucko

imagine the material reality as a riddle, metaphor, or representation of "other similar things"
now think about all the surveillance that exists

>> No.12256060

you sound like SUCH a blithering IDIOT fucking hell please leave aaaaaaa