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File: 286 KB, 2224x1668, 1600571953470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12248813 No.12248813 [Reply] [Original]

SN8 static fire edition

previous >>12245561

>> No.12248818
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>> No.12248820
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>> No.12248823
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>> No.12248824

"people are gonna ride that one day"

>> No.12248829

what is the oldest sfg meme?

>> No.12248839

Probably something about scrapyard rockets.

>> No.12248856

Was that the static fire test? I don't stay up and watch the stream.

>> No.12248859


>> No.12248862

It was a preburner test. Some think that it was the second preburner test, with the first one happening around 3:30am. They say the first test wasn't noticeable because the oxygen wouldn't have ignited like the methane did.

>> No.12248887


when do we put the dildo tip on this fucker? (SN8)

>> No.12248888
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>> No.12248893

Probably shortly after they're done with the static tests.

>> No.12248900

>wasn't noticeable
There was no fireball but it was pretty easy to notice with the white stuff shooting out from the side which always happens during engine startup. It was only hard to tell if it was all 3 engines or only one.

>> No.12248913

Assuming they do a full static fire and put the nose on, can we expect them to do another static fire using the header tanks?

>> No.12248915

>white stuff
>starship coom

>> No.12248924

Who knows? I don't work for them.

>> No.12248927

I want to say yes because playing it safe might be the way to go, especially since the engines are so expensive. But SpaceX is trying to get to Mars asap, so that could mean skipping a second static fire and going straight into 15km.

>> No.12248936

Is the pre-burner like the equivalent of a sparkplug or something

>> No.12248943


>> No.12248959
File: 441 KB, 1447x1079, Screenshot_20201019-055615_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spacex circa 2014
>here's your suppliers bro

>> No.12248963

They power the turbo pumps.

>> No.12248964

Can't read a fucking thing on that

>> No.12248970

see a doctor

>> No.12248979

Preburner has no analogue in combustion engine they are cans that do initial atomization and mixng of fuel far off proper mixture ratio so you end with 80% fuel 20% oxydizer mixture that heats up just to 600-800k and is used to drive the turbine downstream and later goes to main chamber hot gas manifolds where 2 gas streams start to mix going through 100+ centrifugal swirl injector elements into the main chamber that gas gas mixing is essential to stability and throttling of raptor as it both makes chamber shorter and combustion more uniform as vaporization causes most problems in LRE

>> No.12248980

Maybe you should see a fucking computer doctor if you think that image is of acceptable quality

>> No.12248999

Should have waited for 900.

>> No.12249003

you besmirch the great garrett reisman, sir, not i. i spit on you, blind man

>> No.12249046

>humanity spreads its seed by spraying other planets with white stuff from long, rounded, hard objects

>> No.12249054
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>> No.12249071

>flying mother nature's silver seed to a new home in the sun

>> No.12249074

What kinda ghosts will be on Mars? I’m betting poltergeists

>> No.12249086

Ghost of microbes past

>> No.12249093

This badboy ready to get frisky with asteroid Bennu tomorrow.

Dream on Mars Man

>> No.12249101
File: 81 KB, 640x866, spacexbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ghosts of people who hated space colonization. They would become the new gremlin on Mars with the colonists explaining away random odd failures as "the vengeful spirits of evil people who want us to come back to Terra sabotaging us". Various rituals would be made to ward off the ghosts with most of them being ritualized checks of the machinery explained as the spirit of human ingenuity and labor being toxic to those ghosts.

>> No.12249103

>despite making up only 10% of the twitter population....

>> No.12249107

Nose getting stacked onto fairing barrel

>> No.12249122

Men with a time machine: Elon move everything to Texas now and you will get twice your development speed at 1/100th the cost

>> No.12249136

Completed Starship by the end of this week?

>> No.12249148

>so the public no longer has a say in it
Is there ever a time when this is a bad thing? Especially in spaceflight of all things?

>> No.12249153

um i think the twitter experts know a little more about spaceflight than private aerospace corporations, sweaty

>> No.12249171

>read /sfg/
>hear loud jet noises
>turns out it's some military holiday
A MiG-29 literally just flew over my house.

>> No.12249186

When the fuck has the general public ever had a say in space exploration? like what fucking world does this guy live in? All that's changed is space exploration went from government run (private) to commercially run (a bit less private).

>> No.12249201

If they want to have a say then they just need to buy some stonks

>> No.12249202

>they think apollo was cancelled to feed the niggerkin
and they arent completely wrong. thanks welfare state!

>> No.12249203
File: 374 KB, 796x792, mouthbreathers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you that anon that always talks about russia practicing invasion shit over your country? lmao
Never. Spaceflight twitter is a very niche subset of human degeneracy that get mad when they see others getting mad.

>> No.12249210

Space - X

>> No.12249223

These people really have no frame of reference outside of childrens entertainment

>> No.12249230

I don't think you could find a bigger fan of SpaceX than NASA. What did Robert mean by this?

>> No.12249233
File: 406 KB, 2048x1366, iss crew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name that band

>> No.12249242

Toilet cleaners.

>> No.12249244

I see that there is a static fire test now. What did I miss?

>> No.12249248
File: 417 KB, 2048x1536, EksrojgW0AMepo9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just the tip, just for a second

>> No.12249249

harness and the greenscreens

>> No.12249250

Witless and Weightless

>> No.12249260

Falling Perpetually

>> No.12249261
File: 81 KB, 601x665, 9aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god oldspace...why?

>> No.12249264

>I rode the demonator first

>> No.12249268
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>> No.12249271
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Mission to a black hole when?

>> No.12249273
File: 1.61 MB, 1819x760, wall-e_MoonMall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wall-e is based
unironically my optimal future

>> No.12249274

Endless Horizon
Point Traversers
Weightless Pilots
Residents of the Abyss
Deniers of Gravity
Always Falling

>> No.12249287

The Wholesome Keanus

>> No.12249304

does spacex even put up any space junk? To my knowledge everything from the falcon 9 is either reused or de-orbited. Their starlink satellites are also de-orbited so they don't contribute to the problem

>> No.12249306


Also Osiris-Rex is a really cool name

>> No.12249309

How does the crane attach? Internal magnets?

>> No.12249312


>> No.12249314

They said there will be a second static fire test after the nose cone is put on.

>> No.12249315

Double-sided tape

>> No.12249318


>> No.12249320

Ohh makes sense thanks. I assume it outgasses for RCS EM Drive thrust

>> No.12249332

once em drive is proven homo, the field is open for a serious visionary such as myself.

my theory of planck string sliding provides the surest path to FTL travel. I am currently in talks with DARPA, wish me luck

-Dr. T

>> No.12249334

Not 100 percent sure where I heard it from, but it was stated it would happen.

>> No.12249342

No, I'm from the Balkans. There is nothing here to invade for.

>> No.12249351

>apartheid emerald mine owner
Weird how NPCs repeat this verbatim without bothering to look it up

>> No.12249352

cmon man

>> No.12249353

even if it were true, that would make elon super based

>> No.12249374

Literal original sin talk, and very misleading-musk was broke and no bad terms with his dad when he left home at 17.

>> No.12249390

Exactly, the whole reason Elon left South Africa was to escape his abusive dad. Then he worked on a farm in Saskatchewan and a sawmill in Vancouver to make enough money to move to California and start Zip2. If he was so rich he wouldn't have to do this.

>> No.12249399

next time I visit your mom

>> No.12249402

Come and Fly with the White Guys

>> No.12249423

>worked on a farm
wtf did he do?

>> No.12249430

he had family there so he just did work around the farm I guess. I don't know details.

>> No.12249434
File: 316 KB, 1440x1652, 1603124411072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The visionaries that saved humanity

>> No.12249436

Magellan Speedrun

>> No.12249441
File: 1.36 MB, 5568x3712, cargo dragon iss captured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This explains Kanye's "dragon energy" meme. He's just talking about capsules.

>> No.12249452

>cybertruck shoes

>> No.12249455
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, Black-Hole-Max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we build sufficiently evil robots.

>> No.12249456

>nose is being stacked right now
>mary got a notice that spacex will be testing tonight starting at 9pm
we're so close bros

>> No.12249459

None of this is new information

>> No.12249472

we are far bro. fighting chance to make 2024. so far away

>> No.12249488

Dream On, Mars Man

>> No.12249508

wtf did Kanye do?

>> No.12249509
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>> No.12249511
File: 2.11 MB, 5568x3712, dsc_2923orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>core stage is stacked right now
>going to preform a wet dress rehearsal in a few days
we're so close boeing bros

>> No.12249527

How fucking hilarious would it be if they didn't secure it and it fell over

>> No.12249531
File: 479 KB, 1500x500, 1601750910371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the RS-25s explodes on startup, taking the orange tank with it
>entire test stand tips over and falls into the ocean, killing Senator Shelby

>> No.12249545

>he gets a depot-shaped gravestone

>> No.12249550

Now there's something to get excited about! Rooting for those guys!

>> No.12249559

Why do they need to stack the nose cone for a static fire test?

>> No.12249569

they arent

>> No.12249573

they're not testing it tonight? they'll likely static fire then attach the nosecone later this week.

>> No.12249577


>> No.12249581

>Elon worked on a farm
Lmao he grew up wealthy in Apartheid South Africa where black servants did all the work around the house.He would’ve been absolutely useless if he was really employed on a farm with those soft hands.Its most likely a PR cover story.

>> No.12249587

Growing up in South Africa is why Elon recognizes America will not continue to be an industrial and technological power if this critical race niggery keeps being pushed.

>> No.12249593

based elon

>> No.12249615

Strange.Since all the bad experiences he had in South Africa was at the hands of white South Africans(more specifically the Boers).It was the reason he left.

>> No.12249617

Niggers are much more violent than whites.

>> No.12249620

Tony and the TIGERS.

>> No.12249622
File: 496 KB, 634x635, SouthAfricaorUSA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah those dirty violent boers am I right fellow progressives

>> No.12249627

That's why Elon went to America instead of Europe. He realized that Eur*s are the niggers of western civilization.

>> No.12249629
File: 291 KB, 1904x1346, elon musk who owns the press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, use your brain. What would happen to Elon if he came out and said that niggers are a civilization destroying plague right now? He'd be immediately ineligible for all federal contracts.

>> No.12249635

Cute projection, since we're talking numbers how many people have whites killed since the start of the 20th century?

>> No.12249638

>Eur*s are the niggers of western civilization.
Brown american lips uttered this sentence

>> No.12249642
File: 78 KB, 700x734, bobybvll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The media told me intraracial violence doesn't count and jews are white, so that doesn't count

You wouldn't go against the mainstream media narrative, would you fellow citizen?

>> No.12249643

Not enough

>> No.12249646


Blacks are more violent. You can’t defend your position. :)

>> No.12249654

Lol that's not even a tenth of what euros did to themselves in the first World War and we haven't even started on the colonial numbers

>> No.12249663

>Muh war

Yes, we all know whites are smarter and more technologically sophisticated than other races and therefore more able to inflict casualties in organized large-scale wars.
Niggers are still more violent. :)

>> No.12249668

>t. eur*id seething with envy
>thinking that's anything but bait

>> No.12249678
File: 1.18 MB, 4619x2599, k0ik6vb7xdt51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sprays a concealing cloud all over the test stand to escape in the chaos*

>> No.12249680

a question ive always wondered is why dont we have ANY drones in space.Why no drones on the moon.
If we are to build structures in space then you'd need to get thousands of robot drones working to move equipment and weld shit.

>> No.12249682
File: 81 KB, 1210x2104, starship ika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what, that's not my image.

>> No.12249693

/nigger general/
Every fucking time

>> No.12249696

>a question ive always wondered is why dont we have ANY drones in space

There’s a few rovers, landers, and probes active right now at various locations in the solar system, but it’s all scientific and very small in scale. Nothing like a mass deployment like you’re imagining.

>> No.12249698

uhhhh did the Delta IV launch yet

>> No.12249700
File: 107 KB, 500x451, 20-000-30-000-civilians-were-eaten-decisive-tang-strategic-victory-https-en-wikipedia-org-wiki-batt-le-of-suiyang-31316608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Africans are individually violent and low impulse control creatures, but are incapable of the organizational logistics required of a proper war or a real genocide. Their genocides are messy, ad-hoc affairs like Rwanada.

Europeans are masters of technology and logistics, but killed most of their brave and strong specimens during two cataclysmic wars of technology, industry and machinery.

China killed 20+ million of their own in the Taiping Rebellion but nobody cares because there's always more Chinamen where that came from.

>> No.12249708
File: 141 KB, 640x896, 46669392-7D36-4939-89CE-ED71A6C26BD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon,you do realize in 1990 there was still Apartheid in South Africa and that for the majority of people the police were seen as the enemy?

>”Elon attended Bryanston High School when he was a teenager. However, a group of boys assaulted him so badly, he ended up at a hospital in Sandton.”

>”After being kicked in the head, pushed down the stairs and beaten further, Musk was relocated to Pretoria High, but it didn’t do much to alter his perceptions. It’s alleged the school asked him for a R1 million grant, and he agreed – but only on the condition that they never contact him again.”

>”Musk had made his mind up on South Africa then and there, it would seem. The whole Musk family felt let down by the school and the country in general – according to Elon’s father, Errol, the attackers weren’t punished and the incident was passed off as a case of “boys being boys”.

>> No.12249714

What was the murder rate in South Africa in 1990?

What is the murder rate in South Africa today?

>> No.12249720


>> No.12249721

Space Sausage

>> No.12249722


>> No.12249723

Inb4 kaputt

>> No.12249724

welcome to reddit

>> No.12249729

Nope, whites just found a smarter way to be violent, you just cant stop it, what with all the wars in the Middle East, Vietnam and the drug wars instigated by the us govt in South America. It's called being evil and it's worse than violence.

>> No.12249735

Blacks aren't as good at being violent, but they're at least as evil if not worse. See Rwanda. Incompetence is not an excuse for black behavior.

>> No.12249736

>What was the murder rate in South Africa in 1990?
As per article:”South Africa currently has one of the highest murder rates in the world at 36 per 100,000 people.”

“However, the data shows that there was a sharp downward trend in the homicide rate after the country abolished the apartheid system in the early 1990s.”

>> No.12249738

>“However, the data shows that there was a sharp downward trend in the homicide rate after the country abolished the apartheid system in the early 1990s.”
Citation fucking needed.

>> No.12249741

Lol don't even try to compare, whites cross their own borders to be violent, you create reasons to be violent, Rwanda genocide actually happened because of the mess the French left there, look at what they're doing in West Africa killing presidents who want to break away from there choke hold, look at what they and the US did to Libya, for every violent black story I can tell you a white violent story behind it

>> No.12249745
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>> No.12249748
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>> No.12249755
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>“However, the data shows that there was a sharp downward trend in the homicide rate after the country abolished the apartheid system in the early 1990s.”
They can't be serious

>> No.12249756
File: 33 KB, 566x550, RS-72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also known as Aestus II.

>> No.12249757

>actually niggers murdering other niggers en masse with machetes is the fault of the french
lol ok darkie
>for every example of black violence I can make up bullshit to blame whites
yeah that's because you're a perpetual victim making up stories, not because of any actual reality

also Libya isn't black retard, and if we want to count Arabs as black you're going to have a lot more black violence to make excuses for (the Iran Iraq war, the Barbary Pirates, everything involving the Ottoman Empire for centuries...)

>> No.12249758

they didn't find out about that during the test lmao, the test went exactly as planned and everybody learned nothing
Ares 1-X was literally just spending half a billion dollars in order to waste an SRB

>> No.12249759
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>> No.12249763
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>> No.12249765

Nobody said they were black, you're just deflecting to avoid the truth about all the wars your people have instigated around the world.

>> No.12249767
File: 73 KB, 671x699, f1b booster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many years until aerojet rocketdyne goes under and we can see the F1B fly at least once

>> No.12249768
File: 59 KB, 787x600, LR-91-AJ-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12249769

in a field with a box of scrap
Elon's Junkyard and Spaceship parts (the image came later)

>> No.12249770
File: 259 KB, 636x902, 250B097E-E7E7-449B-A20D-E2BFC8EEC918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Citation fucking needed.

Do you really believe police in Apartheid South Africa bothered investigating crime in black townships?

>> No.12249772
File: 20 KB, 320x314, 14c7ad9b52bc78755cc7186b4aa602d989c3884a196c45eb9ebf258b7d720c3e_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they didn't even discover an obvious and fatal flaw in Ares 1 despite flight testing it at a price of billions
I can't be angry about niggers when Ares 1 existed, Ares 1 is worse than niggers

thank FUCK omega finally died so we can nail that coffin for good

>nobody said they were black
you did nigger stop being retarded
look at what they and the US did to Libya, for every violent black story I can tell you a white violent story behind it

>> No.12249773
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>> No.12249777
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>> No.12249778

I said around the world idiot, just because I used Rwanda and Libya in the same post doesn't mean I meant they're black, God you're dumb

>> No.12249779
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>> No.12249780
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>> No.12249784
File: 21 KB, 509x400, Bell-8247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some kind of white coating on the inside of the nozzle. Looks interesting.

>> No.12249786

>I said around the world idiot
No you didn't, your post is right there, we can read it, what the fuck is wrong with you? The word "world" does not appear in your post. Period. Stop being a dumb, lying nigger.

>> No.12249787

>Nope, whites just found a smarter way to be violent


Nope. Blacks are just outright genetically more predisposed to violence.
I think it’s a good trait myself. Passive people are eternal victims.

>> No.12249789
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>> No.12249790

just weld it on there bro

>> No.12249791

>Niggers have no personal responsibility for their actions


>> No.12249795
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>> No.12249797
File: 32 KB, 512x450, Riplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Ursa Major Technologies.

>> No.12249800
File: 1.52 MB, 540x360, spacex_boom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was /sfg/ like when pic related happened?

>> No.12249801

9/11 2

>> No.12249802
File: 55 KB, 816x450, Hadley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here.

>> No.12249804
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>> No.12249807

What does cross borders mean? And what countries did the French involve in their wars in Africa retard? Libya and Rwanda does that imply they're both black, why are so retarded anon?

>> No.12249809

/sfg/ is newer than the last Falcon 9 RUD

>> No.12249811
File: 134 KB, 900x600, Delta-IV-Heavy-Orion-Exploration-Flight-Test-1-EFT-1-Cape-Canaveral-Air-Force-Station-Space-Launch-Complex-37-SLC-37-Photo-Credit-Mike-Deep-SpaceFlight-Insider-Copy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for every violent black story I can tell you a white violent story behind it
>tfw i've been a white guy my whole life but have yet to be let in on the machiavellian scheme of my people to target minorities
what gives bros?

>> No.12249812

>claim you say X, which was a lie
>pretend Y meant X
Put on a trip so we can filter you, fag.

>> No.12249813

You are pol schizo making connections where they don't exist, take your antipsychotics and get off the internet

>> No.12249815
File: 31 KB, 451x500, XLR-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"How can we make a throttleable engine without actually throttling it?"
>Hold my Ballantine, I have an idea.

>> No.12249819


>> No.12249821

wut about proto sfg and launch breads?

>> No.12249822

Reported =/= properly investigated. It's arguable that murders are even less likely to be properly reported now than in a more orderly South Africa but this isn't the thread for it so stop posting your bullshit.

>> No.12249824

From General Electric.

>> No.12249829

be the change you want to see

>> No.12249830

don't forget /kspg/ which for a long time was the only place on this website to have serious discussions about space exploration

>> No.12249831
File: 38 KB, 591x522, X-405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From General Electric.

>> No.12249833


>> No.12249834

>serious discussions about Mexican cat rapists

>> No.12249838
File: 52 KB, 779x550, RL-10A-3S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are too many RL-10 variants.

>> No.12249840

dream on, Mars man!

>> No.12249842

Can't refute my argument about whites going out of their way to induce violence around the world so you latch on to a stupid misunderstanding about Libyan Arabs being black because that's all you can contribute, you can't face the truth so you cope the best way you know how to

>> No.12249845

Excuse me?
What all was wrong with /kspg/?

>> No.12249847
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>> No.12249850

Wait, Epsilon is just a baby SRB? Cute!

>> No.12249851

Are you still going darkie? niggers have a lower kill count because they're awful at organization and Africa was colonized because you spent multiple centuries doing absolutely nothing of value, Muslims bootstrapped themselves from nothing in a desert with camels and yet African blacks are perpetual victims. Japan benefited immensely from interactions with the West because they controlled the terms. China has a higher kill count than all other races combined but your small darkie brain never mentions them. QED.

Also, Jews aren't white.

>> No.12249852

A general that was so derailed that it was banned from a board where people regularly derail threads with fap bait.

>> No.12249857

Looks like they pushed it back a day? New stream is a Q&A before the attempt tomorrow

>> No.12249859
File: 39 KB, 549x418, AJ-260_onthemove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine seeing this going through your neighborhood.

>> No.12249860

if you try to start a thread on /vg/ with KSP in the title it will autosage because the thread was so terminally awful they managed to get permanently banned from fucking /vg/.

>> No.12249862

>tfw stopped posting there before everything got FUBAR
dodged a bullet

>> No.12249864

niggers can't into space lol

>> No.12249866
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>> No.12249869

We are talking whites compared to blacks idiot, there you go again retard deflecting, you have a talent for it, you really don't want to see how much violence have brought into this world, you want to bring in the Chinese too and also sweeten your people's deeds with the scientific contributions they made, as if that erases all the violence they've done

>> No.12249872

>darkie is still mad
have you tried being competent as a race?
your peoples have invented nothing of value and continue to be disproportionately criminal in every country you reside in to the present day, go be black somewhere else

>> No.12249873

The autosage was lifted, but the general died because it kept getting buried by the faster gacha and mobile games threads.

>> No.12249874

>Citation needed
>NOOOO....Not That Citation!!!!

>> No.12249877
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>> No.12249878

still samefag

there is literally one (1) angry niggerposter shitting up this thread with how much he hates whites

>> No.12249881
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>> No.12249882
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>> No.12249884

If you can't talk about the subject violence then fuck off and go read the definition of violence you fucking retard, you probably have terrible concentration, you have to keep bringing up stupid deflection about other topics because your brain isn't rigorous enough with simple definitions

>> No.12249885
File: 76 KB, 512x396, hammerhead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is literally one (1) angry niggerposter shitting up this thread with how much he hates whites
It's a pretty regular occurrence. Just ignore it

>> No.12249887
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>> No.12249888
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>> No.12249891
File: 3.53 MB, 306x172, space_shuttle_ignition.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12249893
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Also known as Zubrin's Cocaine Fueled Nightmare.

>> No.12249895

>wahhh why can't you limit yourself to my narrowly defined subject wahhh
lol black fragility, take the blinders off nigger, you don't need them, you aren't in a cotton field lol, you can discuss a topic more broadly than laser focused on screeching about whitey as if that's original and not just angst for failing to develop like every other race

>> No.12249897

i don't get the point at screaming about your hatred for the race that has produced like 99% of space achievements in a spaceflight thread

>> No.12249899
File: 42 KB, 351x550, RS-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: The engines on any particular Shuttle are labeled one, two, and three. During the start-up sequence the engines are lit one after the other in order of three, two, then one.

>> No.12249903
File: 71 KB, 240x312, 1407284648752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this but with an SRB

>> No.12249904

You can see it pushing up against the clamps. Neat.

>> No.12249905

That wasn't me. Multiple people in this thread think you're a retard who should stop posting and race baiting.

>> No.12249906
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>> No.12249907

if I was born as obsolete farm equipment in a world where everyone else is inherently superior I'd be angsty too

>> No.12249908

Stop being paranoid.There’s more than one poster.You asked for citations and now you’re pissed that it doesn’t conform to your preconceived beliefs.

>> No.12249910
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>> No.12249914

At last I have weaved hay into copper. Took me 20 years.

>> No.12249915
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>> No.12249917

>there's more than one poster
>thinks I posted something someone else did
lol stop being paranoid darkie, the Klan isn't behind you...right now anyways...

>> No.12249918 [DELETED] 

You people are really blind aren't you, so that erases your history of violence doesn't it and you can comfortably replace it with black violence, no wonder you are surprised the west is falling, you really can't figure out why you have to import Immigrant who keep destroying your countries

>> No.12249920

Violence is good, now shut up lol

>> No.12249921

>Jeff Bezos shows up for his annual visit
>All the BO employees pretend to work diligently and assure him that his money is well spent
>He leaves
>The employees relax and spend the rest of the year doing nothing.
Such is life at Blue Origin.

>> No.12249922
File: 121 KB, 1024x680, QM-2_SLS_SRB_Test-1024x680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The AJ10 is my favorite hypergolic engine, especially the Apollo SM variant.
>90kN of spicy bone cancer
>dead simple and reliable

Last week /sfg/ actually ran the numbers on a NSWR-style fission torch version of the Shuttle SRB and it was terrifying. Something like 64G acceleration with a 100 ton payload for two minutes.

>> No.12249923

>you people
>your history of violence
The funniest part of all this is that the angry nigger is the only one here who actually believes in fundamentally racist concepts like the sins of the father. Imagine if we held all blacks responsible for all black crime in America. Every rape, every murder, every robbery, every looting, every arson.

Maybe it's time for another holocaust?

>> No.12249931

Was the nerva rocket program based? I know almost nothing about it. It ran on hydrogen right?

>> No.12249934

Looked promising until they axed it.

>> No.12249935
File: 159 KB, 1491x757, 2016-04-26_15-16-16 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely based. Shooting hydrogen through a reactor to heat it to seriously high temperatures. There was at least a couple proposals for an air breathing version, like Project Pluto, the Fifth Horseman.

>> No.12249943

Russia‘s still working on this. Mildly contaminated a village when one blew up on the pad.

>> No.12249953

Sounds like a legal nightmare, especially for the commercial market. I guess it’s one of those things only the government can really build and test. I have two more questions about it though: 1) how does it compare to something like an RS-25? I assume you are still using hydrogen but it’s way fucking better in terms of thrust? And 2) would a fusion version function the same way? Shoot hydrogen through a fusion (instead of fission) reactor?

>> No.12249957

We need megacorporation takeover

>> No.12249959

>Jesus take the wheel
Please take your meds.

>> No.12249960

I'm just gonna pull stays from Wiki here, all stats vacuum
>841 isp
>dry weight 18 tons

>452 isp
>3.5 tons

>> No.12249963

who are you quoting

>> No.12249964

>841 isp
I think I just took the nuclearpill bros

>> No.12249967

>dry weight 18 tons
>piss all thrust

>> No.12249974
File: 606 KB, 772x597, wLc2MqJFkY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using it for a reusable transorbital shuttle would've been awesome and enabled the delivery of large large (40-ton+) payloads to the lunar surface with one saturn V launch's worth of propellant.

The version that would have flown in space would have had around double the specific impulse of an RS-25. The ISP is higher because you have only hydrogen in your exhaust instead of heavier products like water from hydrolox.

Also NERVA is a closed-cycle reactor where the reaction mass isn't being shot THROUGH a reactor - just heated by it. The real limit on its ISP is how hot you can get the reactor without melting it, not unlike the problem with controlled fusion reactors.

>> No.12249975

efficiency is key when interplanetary

>> No.12249979

>there are "people" on /sfg/ who are just learning what an NTR is
Is this why we have an entire thread arguing about niggers?

>> No.12249985

nobody on 4chan can resist replying to "we wuz kangz, reee whitey" bait

>> No.12249996


>> No.12249997

NTR is a sophisticated man's taste. Vanillafags are for low IQ niggers.

>> No.12250014

cucks get the rope, your fetish is dumb and gay

>> No.12250016

can you people shut the fuck up and talk about something at least partially spaceflight related; senator Sh*lby for instance.

>> No.12250017

Well that's craft brewery sorted. Now about those rockets...

>> No.12250019
File: 941 KB, 627x502, 1599851233012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is probably a team of Chinese engineers looking at this picture trying to figure out how it works.

>> No.12250020

Wraparound plumbing is sexy

>> No.12250025

Everyone knows how it works because the basic principles are available freely online. The problem China will have is metallurgy. They're still struggling to make modern jet turbines, much less an oxygen rich full flow turbopump.

>> No.12250032

What's the point of the sparky things

>> No.12250034

Anon who originally asked here. I should state that I KNOW what an NTR is. I just haven't thought about it in like, 5 years. Anything I learned from a single hullo video and a rabbit hole googling after playing KSP has been lost from my brain in that time.

>> No.12250035
File: 60 KB, 680x680, 1598727069879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to keep orange foam orange and not crispy

>> No.12250036

>team of BlueOrigin engineers

>> No.12250039

Ignite any excess hydrogen, they talk about it here: https://youtu.be/vFwqZ4qAUkE?t=188

>> No.12250040

>literally the most advanced engine on Earth
>drive it over to the test stand on a pallet with a forklift
beyond based

>> No.12250046

It ran on uranium, hydrogen was just its propellant fluid.

>> No.12250047

>The problem China will have is metallurgy. They're still struggling to make modern jet turbines, much less an oxygen rich full flow turbopump.
People keep saying this. Why is it the case? Is there really that much proprietary knowledge? I mean I know turbine blades are grown from a single crystal of titanium or whatever but surely they must have had really smart people on it for years? I don't buy the propaganda that autocracy wrecks their intellect

>> No.12250049

Unfortunately not true. TWR and mass fraction matter.

>> No.12250052

Also an important considerable is that NTR runs on hydrogen, which can be found pretty much all over the solar system

>> No.12250053

>most advanced publicly known engine on Earth
idk if DARPA and Skunkworks are hiding some sort of magic engine but I really hope they are

China pissed off everyone by the time they wanted to make advanced jet engines, so they've had to develop all their metallurgy at home. And metallurgy is hard. I don't know exactly how far behind they still are (nobody except the Chinese military and US spies probably know), maybe they've snuck up on us.

>> No.12250054

>"This is colonization"

>> No.12250058

>feminist team makes vagina shaped lunar lander in protest of "phallic space programs"
>it gets lost on the way to the moon and crashes

>> No.12250069

No Doubt (they imagine fucking her)

>> No.12250072
File: 752 KB, 2522x1649, Artist's_impression_of_ʻOumuamua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the anniversary of aliens visiting us and our governments lying to us.

>> No.12250079

The Isp is higher but the thrust is worse, unfortunately.

>> No.12250083
File: 55 KB, 344x512, RD-0418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but thrust doesn't matter as much when in orbit.

>> No.12250086

you have a lot of faith that classified systems would be tasked with looking at "this weird fast rock" instead of China

>> No.12250089

Its a meme. Chinks are good at copying but innovating is a hard thing that can't be replicated in a country run by a totalitarian government. Atleast thats the common assumption. But we'll see. They do have their advanced hypersonic rockets and they do launch the most amount of rockets and they do test out new rocket engines all the time. So who really knows.

>> No.12250091

China can't steal metallurgy because ITAR works.

>> No.12250098

I kinda hope China is actually far enough caught up to build something like Starship and become a serious threat to American space dominance, because either America rises to the challenge and we get a GLORIOUS space race, or America fails and we get a horrific chinese communist space dystopia like The Expanse which is better than nothing I guess

>> No.12250102

I think there will be a huge paradigm shift the second chinese boots from a hypergolic rocket touch the lunar surface and SLS is all the government has. Hopefully by that point there will be an emergency meeting and the first idea will be to axe SLS and throw all the money at commercial rockets who are doing much more for MUCH cheaper

>> No.12250105

>In the 1960s, Rocketdyne fired an engine using a mixture of liquid lithium, gaseous hydrogen, and liquid fluorine to produce a specific impulse of 542 seconds, likely the highest measured such value for a chemical rocket motor.

>> No.12250106

I'm sorry, does this person think that something being taxpayer funded means the people have a say in it?
Did the people have a say on strapping 7 astronauts to a defective SRB and launching it?

>> No.12250109

DESU china isn't planning on a lunar mission until the early 2030's, so we have a chance to set up shop on the moon with both SLS, New Glenn, and Starship

>> No.12250110
File: 155 KB, 1041x1067, after the booty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy FUCK, things were a lot different in the 60's. This is fucking fascinating

>> No.12250111

>Canada's only space contribution is a boom with two servos in it.
I could have built the canadarm with the junk in my backyard.

>> No.12250115

Could you actually turn it into something survivable? That sounds like an amazing payload delivery mechanism.

>> No.12250122

I think it's amazing how Neptune and Uranus were only visited by Voyager 2. What monsters these Voyager missions were.

>> No.12250131

If you can increase the burn time 15x it comes in a bit over 4 Gs.

>> No.12250134

Voyager 3 when?

>> No.12250135

Solid Core NTR's heat propellant to a relatively low temperature (below 3000k usually) however because it's a monopropellant it can be accelerated faster because it's lighter, the SSME gets to 3600k however because Oxygen is almost 15 times heavier than Hydrogen the impulse is lower. NTR's are not a very mature tech but are basically the only non meme tech for a proper mission to the outer solar system. As for performance, you can get past 30 twr with a hydrogen NTR but Methane is king here, some pretty exotic designs could give you a twr better than Hydrogen engines with 600+ isp running methane however they'd be really expensive. The best thing about them though is that they also produce electricity meaning you don't need solar panels and this just gets better and better the further out you go.

>> No.12250141

You could get a solid core past 1000s isp if you had the money to pay the bills, they're great however as >>12249967 says the thrust is not that great,and >>12250049 is correct, which is why Hydromeme is not worth it with NTRs and Methane is objectively superior.

>> No.12250145

>basically the only non meme tech
I love how it would otherwise be a meme but it isn't because they have actually been tested. Man, the spaceflight industry used to have such big balls. Everything was open for consideration. Now it's just hydrogen first stages and SRB's

>> No.12250148

there's a reason this didn't catch on though

>> No.12250149

>voyager 1 could have went to pluto but scientists redirected it to get a closer look at europa instead
understandable but it would have been supreme kino to have all of the accepted planets at the time be visited in one program

>> No.12250151
File: 189 KB, 1444x449, chink booster vs falcon heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything was open for consideration. Now it's just hydrogen first stages and SRB's
[laughs in Falcon]

>> No.12250152

I count at least seven main servos

>> No.12250157

I know Bezos is a smart guy but in that picture he looks like a legit retard. Like his mom just told him to pose for the picture and he doesn't know what it is or where he is.

>> No.12250158

Yeah, I guess keeping together superhot liquid lithium, super cold liquid hydrogen and fucking fluorine wasn't exactly trivial

>> No.12250161

This is why we must support spacex, they're the only ones doing something useful.
If 20 years ago someone proposed a chemical only mission to Mars he'd probably get laughed out of the room but now Starship is dangerously close to pulling it off, not with mumbo jumbo tech but with superb engineering.

>> No.12250163
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>> No.12250164

common bulkhead designs were probably not considered viable

>> No.12250166

LANTR but with fluorine afterburner instead of lox when?

>> No.12250168



>> No.12250169

Based JFK. Fuck the commies.

>> No.12250171

It's called a zoom-boom anon.

>> No.12250173

As soon as Elon is on Mars he can start experimenting with things Earth governments might frown upon launching from Earth, like Zube Tubes.

>> No.12250178
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>> No.12250180

don't forget Chris Hadfields music video

>> No.12250182
File: 2.70 MB, 640x360, nuclear cannon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zube Tubes
NSWR sustainer stages with fission torch SRBs.

>> No.12250184

hydroberylliumlox engines when?

>> No.12250186

Wow that's almost as many as come in my son's lego set.

>> No.12250187

You must be one of those peoppe who believes in something more strongly the less evidence there is.

>> No.12250189
File: 168 KB, 1000x1000, Blue_hazes_over_backlit_Pluto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The probe's objectives included flybys of Jupiter, Saturn, and Saturn's largest moon, Titan. Although the spacecraft's course could have been altered to include a Pluto encounter by forgoing the Titan flyby, exploration of the moon took priority because it was known to have a substantial atmosphere.
Seems like the decision was between Pluto and Titan. They did take the best decision at the time, though a Pluto visit decades earlier would have been amazing. I wonder if we'd still have had New Horizons visiting it, had that happened, probably not. I'm always at awe thinking about the incredible complexity necessary to throw a truck sized probe so far on a Grand Tour in the Solar System.

>> No.12250192

>I'm always at awe thinking about the incredible complexity necessary to throw a truck sized probe so far on a Grand Tour in the Solar System.
It was the mother of all launch windows, too.

>> No.12250194

Looks, lads, I'm just trying to spice up the thread.
No need to be this rude to me.
Totally uncalled for.

>> No.12250196

The coolest thing is that they still work 50 years later.

>> No.12250202

We have no clue what Oumaouma is, other than the fact that it accelerated out of our solar system and was previously sitting almost exactly at rest compared to the local cluster. It also didn't appear to outgas like a comet would. That's fucking weird.

>> No.12250203
File: 249 KB, 2750x1278, voyager vs juno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are so fucking lucky NASA was able to secure funding for it. Imagine if all we had were shitty hubble images and nothing but concept art of some of the largest planets in our own fucking solar system in 2020. It's already a shame we don't have modern HD photos that aren't made up of half grains and analog noise

>> No.12250205
File: 156 KB, 718x920, vivaldi_3KOOX2okWK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solid H2 with added boron/beryllium rockets when

>> No.12250210

>incredibly complex system that pushes the bounds of known physics to create a solid hydrogen rocket
>only gets 540 isp
Why not spend the same amount of money on half a million Starships

>> No.12250212 [DELETED] 

How can anyone look at Jupiter and not realize that it's just a bunch of photoshop swirling effects. Space is fake. Buy my book.

>> No.12250222

It was Rama, obviously.

>> No.12250223

I own a telescope and can see Jupiter with my own eyes, it's real (unlike Mercury which doesn't exist)

>> No.12250227

fluoropentaborane rockets when?

>> No.12250245

It moved exactly the way an asteroid does; an elliptical orbit around the sun. It didn't approach Earth or any other body, it didn't suddenly change speed or direction other than following its trajectory. Spectrographs showed it to reflect light in the same way most asteroids do, showing it to be composed of silica and iron. And it was randomly spinning along multiple axes, which spaceships don't do.
You believe it was aliens because you want to believe, not because of any evidence.

>> No.12250261
File: 505 KB, 1080x1592, Screenshot_20201019-133803_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it didn't change speed (non-gravitationally)
yes it did

4chan thinks the nature link is spam but you can find it with a google search

>> No.12250269

>hyperbolic trajectory
That's still gravitational.

>> No.12250270
File: 44 KB, 747x686, 1479737660002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much longer until we get a repeat of SN1054 bros, I want to see a good supernova in my lifetime
come on antares fucking blow up already

>> No.12250281

refute the other stuff in

>> No.12250287

1. You obviously didn't read the article, or even the entire abstract, and based your entire conclusion on half a screenshot.
2. Nobody except you is speaking in certainties and belief. I don't claim any knowledge of what Oumaouma is, where as your posts have made it clear you very firmly believe it to be a simple asteroid and are emotionally attached to that belief.

The actual article abstract claims
>Here we report the detection, at 30σsignificance, of non-gravitational acceleration in the motion of ‘Oumuamua. We analyse imaging data from extensive observations by ground-based and orbiting facilities. This analysis rules out systematic biases and shows that all astrometric data can be described once a non-gravitational component representing a heliocentric radial acceleration proportional tor−2orr−1(whereris the heliocentric distance) is included in the model. After ruling out solar-radiation pressure, drag- and friction-like forces, interaction with solar wind for a highly magnetized object, and geometric effects originating from ‘Oumuamua potentially being composed of several spatially separated bodies or having a pronounced offset between its photocentre and centre of mass, we find comet-like outgassing to be a physically viable explanation, provided that ‘Oumuamua has thermal properties similar to comets

Which is especially interesting because no cometary off-gassing was detected.

No, I don't have to "refute" anything. I'm not the one making a positive claim that it MUST be an asteroid. All I've said is that it's a weird object with several odd properties.

>> No.12250290

It's an interstellar asteroid. The sun was the first star it had encountered in a while, and the heat caused outgassing to occur

>> No.12250298

Then why wasn't any observed? Movement was observed consistent with a cometary outgassing, but there was no tail, no corona, nothing.

>> No.12250299
File: 179 KB, 682x1024, 6A0C5B13-2020-4C90-A7ED-6BBB041548C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your women.

>> No.12250302

we barely knew the thing existed before it was already leaving, a small thing such as outgassing could be easily missed

>> No.12250304

that's a valid explanation and hopefully we'll find out when Jimmy Webb finally launches in 2024

>> No.12250317
File: 58 KB, 499x496, 1481089897171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jimmy Webb finally launches
>in 2024

>> No.12250318

>it was randomly spinning along multiple axes, which spaceships don't do
we have a sample size of zero for actual interstellar spacecraft, claiming they don't tumble is rather bold

>> No.12250319

what happens if James Webb is delayed so long that Ariane 5 is retired? Does Congress force it onto SLS? If so, 2030 is more believable, or maybe never

>> No.12250320

well there isn't really a reason for an interstellar craft to tumble

>> No.12250321

Thats when Starship will launch her

>> No.12250333

how do you know that? we've never built one, maybe it's for thermal management or some exotic drive that requires it

>> No.12250339

A barbecue roll is unlikely for anything that big, and we also can't really think of a drive that would require random spinning

>> No.12250349

yeah well we also can't drop probes along the local frame of rest with current technology so maybe those two are related???

>> No.12250352

We'll have a lunar telescope before James Webb ever gets off the ground.

>> No.12250354
File: 866 KB, 1800x1200, dims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do THIRTEEN test flights for new shepard over FIVE years
>still haven't flown a single person to space
And its not even orbit, its just 100km. Its doing less than the X-15 did in 1963. Its doing less than SpaceShipOne.

>> No.12250357

>aliens visited us and the government lied to us
>I never said it was aliens
>I'm not going to provide any evidence and I'll ignore everyone refuting me and you have to prove me wrong
>you have an emotional attachment to thinking it's a rock
>Occam's razor? what's that?

>> No.12250358

If an ancient Egyptian ship shipwright was brought a section of hull plate from a battleship and asked to identify it, he would never in a million years believe it's a fragment of a ship. Clearly the plate is made of metal, and doesn't float. So it can't be a ship, ships are made of wood, because wood floats.

>> No.12250363

Poor piggies didn't stand much of chance :(

>> No.12250364

mind = blown

>> No.12250367

>I wasn't the original poster, take your meds
>strong assertions that an object MUST be an asteroid because we don't know what it is
>ignoring multiple published articles from Nature and Harvard because they don't fit your preconceptions
>getting emotionally invested in a maybe rock being a definite rock

>> No.12250368

They are keeping Ariane 5 infrastructure just for JWST, I read once. Then I went to check and they had some more launches planned past it, but I'm not sure they were originally planned when JSWT was meant to launch

>> No.12250371
File: 700 KB, 2048x2040, 1518124975532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with the junk in my backyard
How do you know it wasn't?

>> No.12250374

When? When there's another Grand Tour lineup, which will probably be decades away.

>> No.12250379

Every 175 years, the Grand Tour one. Perhaps there are other great routes inbetween, if there are they must've been already calculated for sure

>> No.12250396

>If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's definately a dragon :^)

>> No.12250401

Dude it’s literally a comet that outgassed but not everything’s gotta be some weird /X/ shit

>> No.12250406

But Oumaouma wasn't made of metal its made of rock. So if you gave an ancient egyptian a rock and said it was from a ship he'd laugh at you, no matter how butthurt you got.

>> No.12250407

this but unironically

>> No.12250408

More advanced turbine blades have crystal grains grown vertically, with a ceramic insert. This requires some VERY advanced casting equipment to do, as any imperfections can create microporosity and other defects that are hard to detect. Also there is the challenge of creating the small cooling channels in the surface of the blade, which I can only guess is done with lasers. All of this technology is tightly controlled thanks to ITAR. Also the Chinese language is absolute gutter-trash for conveying meaningful concepts.

>> No.12250411
File: 111 KB, 600x655, rocketdyne01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atomic Rockets added some cool LEU NTR stuff this week.
>same THROOST as an RL-10 at twice the Isp

>> No.12250415

Surely even an Egyptian knew you had to add ballast (rocks) to make your ship stable. So you needed non-floating material to make a viable ship.

>> No.12250416

>it didn't suddenly change speed or direction other than following its trajectory.

Wrong. It accelerated

>> No.12250417

Well, it's a cool model anyway. The earth battle cruisers were cool as fuck.

>> No.12250418

>objective claims about something we have barely a glance at with middling telescopes
we have no fucking clue what it is, we have a size that's calculated by apparent magnitude but we don't actually KNOW the albedo, it could be significantly smaller and thinner is it was shinier, stop presenting speculative claims as fact

>> No.12250421
File: 412 KB, 621x759, Screenshot_2020-10-19 Realistic Designs A-F - Atomic Rockets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12250430

Yeah, there was a "sharp downward trend" when the truth and reconciliation committee was ongoing because nobody wanted to report what was really going on. Bad publicity.

>> No.12250433
File: 684 KB, 665x768, 1582478367641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue Origin? More like Green Destination, amirite?

>> No.12250453

>innovating is a hard thing that can't be replicated in a country run by a totalitarian government
I think this is an utterly bogus argument. Democracy and supposed freedom of speech are very much the exception in history and yet it's not like innovation only started once we were given the vote etc. And we're often told war generates massive innovation and yet wartime is hardly a time for intellectual freedom except purely as directed towards the war effort. Specifically as regards China I'd suggest they didn't help themselves by killing off loads of smart people during the Cultural Revolution. And the corruption and fear surrounding the CCP probably don't help either. But China apart, I haven't seen a convincing argument or data to support the claim that lack of political freedom inevitably harms innovation. Finally it's worth pointing out that the US is looking pretty shaky itself on the freedom front these days - try speaking out against the woke brigade and see where it gets you.

>> No.12250460

>4 orbital stages
>takes longer to get to Mars than Starship with less payload

>> No.12250468

>Democracy and supposed freedom of speech are very much the exception in history
Rapid innovation, industrial revolution, scientific revolution is due to advances in freedom of speech and democracy. For most of the history, innovation takes place once every few hundred years or so

>> No.12250476

>Also the Chinese language is absolute gutter-trash for conveying meaningful concepts.
Now this I'm far more willing to believe, along with other cultural factors specific to China. But I refuse to believe that dictatorship/totalitarianism precludes creativity. I mean Von Braun FFS!

>> No.12250480

>Rapid innovation, industrial revolution, scientific revolution is due to advances in freedom of speech and democracy.
That's just a pure assertion on your part. How do you account for innovative regimes throughout history that weren't free? Or are you saying they simply don't exist? What about Nazi Germany? Isn't that the perfect example of a phenomenally innovate totalitarian regime?

>> No.12250481
File: 104 KB, 901x461, 1483524469093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd suggest they didn't help themselves by killing off loads of smart people during the Cultural Revolution. And the corruption and fear surrounding the CCP probably don't help either.
No kidding

>> No.12250482

V2 was kind of a dumpster fire because the Nazi mucky mucks forced a prototype into series production. Do you really think von Braun couldn't have built a better Scud with more freedom to innovate?

Also, most Nazi innovations ended up being retarded, like Ferdinand Porsche insisting every tank Porsche builds be hybrid electric.

>> No.12250488

Milk cow Starships when?

>> No.12250489

Spectographs showed it to be made of rock. Anything else is baseless speculation.

>> No.12250493

Those three took place in western europe/US where democracy and freedom of speech was taking shape. If the scientists could not speak out against the historical religious powers, then scientific revolution would not have happened. If the democratization process didn't take place, then the free establishments of commercial industries would not have taken place. Rapid innovation comes as a result of free thinking individuals thinking outside the box. This cannot happen in a repressed totalitarian government who will come and kidnap you at a moment's notice if you speak against the oligarch/powers that be.

>> No.12250497

The answer is hardly as simple as 'totalitarian = no advancement', but that totalitarianism is one facet of a culture of suppression of the individual which stifles advancement. In addition, chinks treat perception as reality, meaning that the ability to fake results or produce a copy which 'looks close' but doesn't perform as intended is as good as the real thing.

>> No.12250499
File: 2.55 MB, 2102x1034, 22707DAF-541A-4D6C-A4EE-4620005250FB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you want, but Lockheed has some great ideas.

>> No.12250506

>chinks treat perception as reality
Where do you get that from? Genuinely asking, I'm not a chink I SWEAR

>> No.12250508

>chinks treat perception as reality
The problem is even worse. 100% of the world treats it as such.

>> No.12250510

Its also a war/deception tactic 101 from Art of War (Sun Tzu). Appear strong where weak. Appear weak where strong.

>> No.12250515

>great ideas
their mars ascent concept looks cool but we all know "gateway phase 2" is already a stretch much less anything gateway related at Mars

>> No.12250516

It's their modus operandi. Don't like the stock market? Fake it. Want to be seen as a world leader in medicine? Fake the trials. Want to be seen as a world leader in aircraft? Make an airframe that looks close enough, put a spare outdated engine on it. I believe it comes out of 'face' culture with its focus on image as opposed to material results.

>> No.12250523

>Land on Mun
>Conduct experiments
>Not enough Delta V to get back to Kerbin
>Send rescue mission
I must be doing something wrong this happens every time

>> No.12250529

Send a two stage lander, so you don't need to bring the fuel for your return journey down and up again from the moon.

>> No.12250532

>stock market crashes
>make selling illegal
this is unironically what they did in March

>> No.12250538

yeah I found several problems here
>1. consult a dV subway map and actually plan your mission instead of just yeeting skyward with reckless abandon
>2. install realism overhaul so you can ask us for help reaching space at all much less the moon

>> No.12250540

This is more in line with what I think which is that probably totalitarianism in China is part of a negative cocktail that could harm innovation, but that it's far from conclusively proven that political freedom is necessary for innovation. China looks pretty damn innovative to me, and fucking hell, you have to give them credit for being where they are now after what Mao left behind. I think it's a catastrophic error to misunderstimate them.

>> No.12250547

Just use a separate landing and ascent stage, makes it much easier to just dump the landing gear, empty fuel tanks and science experiments

>> No.12250548
File: 38 KB, 474x664, OIP (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone misunderestimates the enemy near you

>> No.12250559

Its just trip wire so people don't panic sell. This happens to both US stock market and the Chinese stock market. If the stocks are really bad, then trip wire won't do much except delay the inevitable. If its just purely emotional response, then the trip wire stops the emotional rollercoaster.

>> No.12250560
File: 391 KB, 437x480, 1385183819067.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are they even testing?

>> No.12250563

Lunar lander sensors most recently

>> No.12250564

How ferociously they can go slow and steady

>> No.12250572

The trip wire (more often called a circuit breaker but whatever) fired repeatedly in March. What China did is different, they had a whole slew of rules and hard locks that basically make it impossible for the price of a stock to go down. On the NYSE the circuit breaker only trips after a 7% decline, halting for an hour, and then again at a 15% decline, halting for the day.

>> No.12250576

Dude why the hell are they waiting? They could’ve flown people in 2016

>> No.12250578

Pretty much, China is all about saving face and looking good, which is great for speculative banking and investment, but not so much for producing real quantifiable results.

>> No.12250611

better to be safe than sorry anon :)

>> No.12250613

It's good not to underestimate the enemy but there is such a thing as overestimating them as well. This can be utilized as a tool (the brass uses it to keep up funding constantly), but more often it's a lazy bit of fearmongering used by doomers and it gets pretty tiring.
In any case we're very lucky that SpaceX specificially doesn't really rely on its material enemies for extrinsic motivation but on intrinsic motivation for the task. If it were the former, they would have rested on their laurels some time ago to the detriment of human spaceflight as a whole.

>> No.12250619

We've gotten here so far due to misunderestimation of China. Now they're building an ISS equivalent with blessings/partnerships from the ESA, the Russians and the third world countries.

>> No.12250620

>his company doesnt follow the "move fast and break things" motto

>> No.12250621
File: 81 KB, 768x768, f16bcca8-2e2f-11e7-8928-05b245c57f03_1280x720_135127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bush was easily the funniest prez I can remember

>> No.12250632

I recall my Polish ex saying all Poles above a certain age are great liars because they had no choice

>> No.12250640

Alright I gave you one motherfucker come on now
>Now they're building an ISS equivalent
That's not a point in their favor, kek. The ISS was and is an expensive boondoggle set up to absorb the spare industriousness of a large but poorly utilized space industry. It's kind of like the Buran: neat and all but at the end of the day you're copying the wrong homework.

>> No.12250643

someone redpill me on gateway

>> No.12250649

The US government wants you to pay a Delta-V tax in space

>> No.12250661

People call it a tax, but it will be useful for mission staging, as well as a longer missions.

>> No.12250678
File: 142 KB, 1000x1000, 1ea4476a771bd875898ae3a63a4da278 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this image says everything that needs to be said

>> No.12250692

>China looks pretty damn innovative to me
lol no, they're soulless bug people who only ape "innovation" by stealing Western ideas.

t. software engineer who has to deal with chink bullshit in a field where they can't hide the bullshit behind national security theater

Its fuck-you orbit is designed so that Congress must keep funding moon/Mars capable rockets just to run supplies to the thing. It's financial engineering with the aerospace as a side effect, just like SLS.

>> No.12250738

Germany had already developed a scientific/research community way before the world wars. So the nazis just rode on their coattails. And the nazis didn't last for long enough to be a relevant case. Even Russia had intellectuals, some of which were smart enough to conform the commie regime and survived the revolution. But the last years of painful stagnation of the CCCP are the argument against totalitarian regimes. Turns out people want to be able to take credit and rewards for their efforts, and totalitarian regimes tend to reward political cronies while giving the credit to the state.

>> No.12250757

I got warned for a fucking joke. Why are mods such faggots?

>> No.12250761


>> No.12250763

Jokes on you I'm using incognito mode.

>> No.12250765

what was the joke anon?

>> No.12250769

I saw a jannie in a thread on 4Chan yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him by posting choice copypasta that would result in a three day ban.

He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?"

I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Sneed?", but he kept saying "Global Rule 6" and doing things for free in front of my face. I closed the window and continued my shitposting, and I heard him seethe angrily through the internet. When I came to solve the Captcha I saw the jannie waiting to ban me with a few of my posts on his computer.

I was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Hey you fucking faggot, why don't you stop being such a fucking cocksucker?" At first he kept pretending that being a /tv/ jannie was a worthwhile use of his time, but eventually turned around and revealed that he was going to ban me for off-topic posting.

I started screaming autistically and began to appeal my ban, but the jannie called me a "fucking wagie" and told me to "have sex". I don't even think he's dilated recently. After he denied my appeal and started looking for other threads to ruin, he went over to his bull and started sucking his cock really loudly.

>> No.12250791

At some point the CBO will ask why they aren't opening a competitive tender when Starship exists.

>> No.12250861


>> No.12250906

Boca road closures are now every night through the 26th

>> No.12250916
File: 1.30 MB, 3617x5505, DSC_3331 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow it looks retarded

>> No.12250923

her nose is BEAUTIFUL, goyim

>> No.12250926

I’d expect nothing less.

>> No.12250928

Soon I hope. It's just a dream of mine, but obviously seeing Betelgeuse fucking eviscerate within our lifetime would be so kino. I pray that there is some weird coincidence where the next local star to go supernova has lots of telescopes coincidentally pointed at it so we can see the whole process from the very beginning in glorious HD.

>> No.12250930

seeing "SN" and mentioning antares blowing up made me think this was actually spaceflight-related for a second

>> No.12250933

4ASS II: Nuclear Boogaloo

>> No.12250934
File: 144 KB, 538x511, elong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dream On, Mars Man!

>> No.12250935

Just to see how it feels

>> No.12250938

>a fucking tin can

>> No.12250941

Involuntarily had me fooled anon; thumbnail kinda looks like Jack Ma

>> No.12250943

It looks pretty cool actually, will look even better once its stacked onto SN8.

>> No.12250944


>> No.12250946

Warsaw Pact featuring the NATO's

>> No.12250955
File: 24 KB, 316x286, space pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folks, this is where the magic happens. Incredible to finally have the real scale of the payload section in front of our eyes.

>> No.12250959

So they did 2 preburner test last night/early this morning. Now tonight will be static fire test possibly.

>> No.12250967

That's one interview I could never watch all the way through, and I watched ALL of the IAC 2016 Q/A

>> No.12250976

The Musk/Ma panel that they did? I’m sure language barrier plays at least some role, but Ma seemed like a fucking retard.

>> No.12251013

dream on mars man !

>> No.12251017

Ma is absolutely retarded

>> No.12251025

How are they gonna make the cargo variant nose tho?

>> No.12251031
File: 3.68 MB, 3300x4434, IMG_9906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way this works first try.

>> No.12251032

Looks a lot like the cupola module for the ISS

>> No.12251033
File: 102 KB, 1080x1080, SpaceX_Lunar_Starship_cutaway_diagram_by_Rocket_Posters_humanMars.net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's your 1000m3 habitation section bro

>> No.12251038
File: 375 KB, 960x538, 1589424907101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Starship could do a 20km hop next week

>> No.12251040

>ufo docking port
what did they mean by this?

>> No.12251047
File: 478 KB, 1423x1068, 20201019_202214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the Shelby

>> No.12251053
File: 2.48 MB, 4608x3456, oancas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new fins look objectively worse than on mk1. the absolute state of spacex right now

>> No.12251056

>propellant d*pot

>> No.12251063

Fins still need work but you are blind

>> No.12251071

keep coping spacex stan, your precious mk1 fins are never coming back

>> No.12251087

Us has abandoned metals long ago in hot sections china is chasing 1980-90 tech and it is seen in publications of tsinghua around SC

>> No.12251089

Complete opposite here. I shrug off the Ma interview like some billionaire who doesn't really give a fuck. But that 2016 IAC? My body physically does not allow me to watch a minute of it

>> No.12251094

cringe works in mysterious ways

>> No.12251118

looks don't get you into orbit and back fag

>> No.12251126

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.12251147
File: 66 KB, 482x427, 1477060822571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fins were the last straw...now i can see spacex is well and truly finished...we're never leaving earth orbit...its time to...#BelieveInBoeing ...

>> No.12251157
File: 17 KB, 998x521, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12251163


>> No.12251172

so many texas tank watchers crawling out of the woodwork tonight haha

>> No.12251178

Are you five years old?

>> No.12251179


>> No.12251189

The MK1's look like a fucking batarang, and are hanging by a thread. Yeah the new ones don't look perfect but I think if they keep this shape they will look better in the final form. Plus the only BAD thing about them is that weird downward angle at the bottom

>> No.12251202

Imagine comparing the opposition's spaceship to a water tank and then losing to a fucking flying water tank.

>> No.12251207
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, starship horizontal flight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12251220

Road closed due to nigs.

>> No.12251224

tank nigga
bank nigga
fuck ya crank nigga
niggas are so dank nigga
a lank nigga
he thank niggas
bitches rankin niggas
how the fuck this jankin nigga

>> No.12251226

>Separate lander and descent

>> No.12251232

which is why they got picked for
>checks notes
no HLS contracts

>> No.12251244

I assume they just fucking BLAST water through the steel via a robotic arm in the inside of the nosecone.

>> No.12251270

IIRC they didn't get picked because they proposed it BEFORE nasa asked for proposals and also it supposedly carries way more cargo than NASA wanted (so I'm surprised they went with starship which can land a metric fuckload)

>> No.12251301

sounds like lockheed wasnt serious if they never proposed it again lol

>> No.12251319

I don't think you understand how NASA contracting works

>> No.12251340

You can pitch existing programs for new contracts, literally see Starship for example. They've pitched it for anything they thought it had a slight chance of winning, even EELV.

>> No.12251414

Bro how could you not watch that mild cringe but handle the overwhelming cringestorm of that IAC Q&A.

>> No.12251452

Andrew with the dank video once again
look at them use that good old fashioned alignment tool

>> No.12251461

based and junkyardpilled

>> No.12251467

i think i lost my tolerance for cringe in recent years

>> No.12251468

Oldspace absolutely positively BTFO

>> No.12251477

Geez that's a fucking sketchy looking operation.

>> No.12251494

some venting down on the farm but the pad's still not cleared

>> No.12251503

One might say, commercial space companies like SpaceX are reckless and are going to get people killed. The heroes would fight to stop SpaceX.

>> No.12251519

Taking risks is good.

>> No.12251535
File: 500 KB, 673x746, CONCERN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uhhhh guys?

>> No.12251538

super old vid

>> No.12251549

>an elliptical orbit around the sun.
A hyperboloid is not elliptical

>> No.12251578

It flew the same week

>> No.12251603
File: 338 KB, 480x160, 1573072101264.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interstellar travel demands that those doing the traveling must be in a vomiting or near-vomiting state

>> No.12251606

80% sure tumbling would be unnoticeable to passengers

>> No.12251608
File: 267 KB, 304x460, 81JO9vqIQQL._AC_SL1500_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikan no

>> No.12251613

god i want to squeeze her oranges

>> No.12251618

the pentagon confirmed aliens exist and crop circles are real. the whole pandemic is a cover for disclosure. rockets explode when they hit the dome

>> No.12251621

how many falcon 9 heavies would it take to refuel a starship DEPOT STYLE

>> No.12251625

1,200,000 kilograms of propellant divided by ~63,000 kilograms per launch, you do the math.

>> No.12251633

How long before Elon starts development of the penis tanker version of Starship (with the mushroom tip fairing)?

>> No.12251645
File: 447 KB, 2019x1662, bfr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Falcon XX has same payload capacity as Starship with only 9 raptors on the first stage and almost half the thrust

>> No.12251656

Yes, an expendable paper rocket gets as much payload as a fully reusable rocket with real world hardware to reference for mass estimates etc.

>> No.12251683

If I make it in KSP and reuse it, I expect an apology from you

>> No.12251694

the Raptor in the Falcon XX has almost twice the thrust of the Raptor in the Starship design

>> No.12251696

bfr when bros

>> No.12251735
File: 326 KB, 2188x1232, 2020-09-24_19_25_54-2020_Annual_Shareholder_Meeting_and_Battery_Day_-_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Blocks your path*

>> No.12251754

heard that battery day was a disappointment
musk losing money and starship cancellation soon

>> No.12251767

I don't know why, the tech they've made is neat.

>> No.12251778
File: 819 KB, 1122x633, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Siren has sounded. FIRING IMMINENT.

>> No.12251786

It's only a disappointment to daytraders

>> No.12251791
File: 64 KB, 500x669, 1545931746465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a fucking preburner
starship is finished

>> No.12251804
File: 981 KB, 1914x816, ITS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss it bros....aesthetic will never be topped

>> No.12251820
File: 3.79 MB, 3300x4434, IMG_9906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12251827

I bleve I can fly
I bleve I can touch the sky

>> No.12251835
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, 20201020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12251844

Big problem with Tesla/Evs were lithium supplies and cobalt supplies. Battery day was how to solve both IN SCALE in just 1-2 year. They already have a working solution, but it wasn't at scale. The day traders got butthurt Musk didn't hype up "lol we have million mile battery but will come in 2 years" instead he went the "we will have a mass scale battery operation in 2 years." By mass scale, I meant a path to producing 30-50% of world's lithium battery and becoming the largest battery company in the world, made locally in America. The path he laid for the next 10 years was immense to the point that if Tesla achieves even 5% of the scale of what they talked about, then they will be the #1 EV company in the world with 0 battery supply issue. If they reach 20% of their plan, then every EV company should start to commit suicide. If they reach 100% of their stated goals, well, lets just say Tesla will be producing couple trillion dollars in annual revenue alone and their stock will reflect multiple of that. And this is JUST the battery side of things. The scale/speed they're talking about is otherworly that many battery industry experts have claimed it might be impossible or truly herculean feat if Tesla manages to do even half of Tesla's plan. The big thing is, they're not re-inventing much. They've already re-invented it a year ago. They are simply talking about scale/speed now.

>> No.12251851

the sois wanted a product event

>> No.12251853 [DELETED] 

Whoever composed that track they use was a genius

>> No.12251856
File: 248 KB, 1920x1374, 840641c7c47ef97e37a0ecf623586495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just cant imagine people living in that shit for 9months or 3 years..Id totally fucking lose my mind. At least build a proper hab station with rotating disk to simulate gravity

>> No.12251859

you don't know how big it is

>> No.12251867

What was that, just woke up?

>> No.12251878

a couple of things that worry me about spacex's claims about going to mars. How will they deal with radiation shielding as i understand it, ISS is still protected by earths magnetic field.

The better solution would be to use spacex starship as a build platform for a larger ship like shown in the previous post and have government loan them a nuclear reactor for a ion thruster to cut down time from earth to mars from 9 months to maybe 6 months for radiation effects and then tow a starship along for descent and ascent to and from mars.

>> No.12251880

Preburner test

>> No.12251883

>how do you deal with radiation from the sun?
not an issue unless it's a solar proton storm
in that case, everybody climbs into a storm shelter inside your water and food supplies and hunkers down for an hour or two
>how do you deal with cosmic radiation
go fast lmao, there is no protecting from cosmic rays aside from minimizing duration
SpaceX's plans on this are much more credible than NASA's plans

>> No.12251902
File: 436 KB, 2048x1280, 1589619474715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hop when?

>> No.12251915

strategic orbital propellant reserves

>> No.12251922

Dr. Tranny?

>> No.12251928

They‘re recycling for the actual static fire now?

>> No.12251941

maybe. NSF is speculating that because no one came back to the pad to make adjustments. But again, speculation.

>> No.12251959

>go fast lmao, there is no protecting from cosmic rays aside from minimizing duration
This is the shit that infurates me about all the Youtube fags who say "we can't go to Mars because it's so dangerous".
It's like a 5% increased cancer risk throughout the rest of your life in order to go and begin colonization of another fucking planet. Anyone who is terrified of that isn't qualified to be going anywhere near a spacecraft. Suck it up, accept the risk, and then go and do the single most important thing a human being could be doing in current year.

>> No.12251983

What a good looking model there

>> No.12251986


>> No.12251999


>> No.12252001

Static fire success

>> No.12252003

Oh shit I thought it exploded there at first

>> No.12252004

New thread fags

>> No.12252005


>> No.12252006

Imagine 30 Raptors in SuperHeavy

>> No.12252007

I don't know about you but the sound reminded me of 1954 gozilla's roar

>> No.12252008

the sound was extremely impressive

that would take care of their boomer problem. And everything else in the vicinity

>> No.12252009
File: 313 KB, 2560x1440, firefox_2020-10-20_03-16-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12252013

Has it exploded?

>> No.12252014


>> No.12252015

no, that's what happens when you don't manually set your camera's ISO/aperture

>> No.12252016
File: 1.09 MB, 1339x1256, firefox_2020-10-20_03-21-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12252017


>> No.12252019

Honestly it was way better than the NSF stream where it just looked like any other static fire.

>> No.12252020

It exploded into the turbo pumps and out the nozzles.
I wish we could somehow harness this accidental occurrence for propulsion.

>> No.12252021
File: 1.56 MB, 1948x1096, 1590250635082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think that weird metallic groan was at the end? The stand being pushed to near-failure?

>> No.12252022

yes, spaceX is finished

>> No.12252023

Unfortunately that would never work in space since the propellant would have nothing to push against.

>> No.12252025

do you mean the seal bark or...

>> No.12252027

My understanding is that it was the turbopumps running out of fuel to pump. The other static fires made similar noises.

>> No.12252029
File: 712 KB, 952x534, flop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're so close bros

>> No.12252030

I‘m not an expert on this but I recall hearing that turbopumps running dry was pretty terrible.

>> No.12252031

The turbopumps pump fuel. What do you expect them to pump once the fuel is gone?

>> No.12252036

Won't happen in our lifetimes. Elon is a hack

>> No.12252037
File: 43 KB, 600x637, 1484892029937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That shut-down sound

>> No.12252040

Ah, damn, good thing you were here to point this out now or we would‘ve embarked on a 60 year endeavor sending approximately 567 people to space using this before reality caught up to us and we realized we were just fooling ourselves.

>> No.12252041

are the lines not sloshed?

>> No.12252043
File: 367 KB, 1948x1096, 1599484384165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering the same. With any luck they're not retarded and didn't damage the engines

This infrared stream was pretty neat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss_XUaLEp1Y

>> No.12252046

it's the bad noise, yes

>> No.12252048

I recall SN4 making the same noise multiple times and then went on to fire again. In which case let's just hope the noise isn't GSE related.

>> No.12252051


>> No.12252052

jello babies.

>> No.12252055

Pump spin-down amplified by the engine nozzle.

>> No.12252057

that's not an /sfg/ meme, that's older than this general
that's like saying longcat is the oldest /sfg/ meme

>> No.12252058

Have you seen the way US tech giants are going? Freedom is dying in the West also

>> No.12252060

Brain meme about production quality maybe?

>> No.12252061
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>> No.12252065

Wouldn‘t work without the shark teeth.

>> No.12252070

>causing massive irreversible ecological disruption in protected areas
>expelling large amounts of toxic co2 gas and methane


>> No.12252074

Preburn and static from LabPadre

>> No.12252080

So they‘ll take this thing off the pad, weld the nose on and move it back to the pad.
Flight next week?

>> No.12252082

give it a couple weeks but yeah

>> No.12252083

They'll most likely take the nosecone to the pad and bold it on then static fire like tomorrow or the next day then sometime next week is the flight. If I had to hazard a guess I would put a flight at next Monday at the latest.

>> No.12252099

I'd put a flight next monday at the absolute earliest. I'm guessing the flight will happen sometime in early november.

>> No.12252103


I was looking up old videos of previous SN numbers doing static fires and this came up lmao

>> No.12252116

Such a strange couple. She's pretty successful and well-off herself so it's not really a money or status play, and her vibe is almost a polar opposite to Elon's. It's like he got bored of the pretty blondes so he went in an entirely different direction for the hell of it

>> No.12252118

he sure loves his cameos

>> No.12252120

Might be the infamous 600hz resonance problem they've been having on hoppy and reportedly fixed, but maybe not really. A good indication will be if they take engine down for inspection.

>> No.12252144

Thread has staged.


>> No.12252170

lmao oldspace industry really sucked
Imagine all people that will lose jobs because now SpaceX manufacturing is all internal with minimal outsourcing.
Not saying it is a negative thing tho. Let the rotten carcass of the past be surpassed by the future.

>> No.12252176

the volume actually occupied by these satellites is actually incredibly small compared to the available spherical volume.