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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 557 KB, 1468x1564, moviebob_future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12245370 No.12245370 [Reply] [Original]

>this is what transhumanists actually believe
Why does the I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! crowd treat science fiction like some kind of prophecy?

>> No.12245429

Isn't it funny how IFLS!ers are never people who are actually studying or have studied any sort of scientific field? At the VERY best it's some meme biology major, or something else that just requires rote memorization. It's almost as if this insane, reddit-tier techno-optimism comes from a position of complete ignorance.

>> No.12245896

Read Ray Kurzweil, so you know your ignorance

>> No.12245944

Physicists think Ray is a fool.

>> No.12247256

The liberal world order needs to figure out how to placate Africans.Theyre the real sword of damocles hanging over civilizations head now

>> No.12247273

I propose universal basic income on the condition of sterilization

>> No.12247308

>tfw just want to become a cute anime girl
>only thing that keeps me stoodying is the frustration that i'm not kawaii

>> No.12247575

Well, at least you are kawaii in the inside lol

>> No.12247589

>movietardbob speaks for all transhumanists
this is what faggot op actually believes.

>> No.12247637
File: 35 KB, 500x301, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your transhumanism, bro.

>> No.12247658

Man, handjobs really weren't part of the project scope statement when they designed this

>> No.12247799
File: 1.09 MB, 2434x2110, 1593242428962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black people really don't have anything to do with it and neither do white people. Were all being manipulated and shat on by rich people, the ruling class. Ever since the beginning of civilization. That is who we should blame.

Good idea

>> No.12247835
File: 69 KB, 1044x1380, 1602573004385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based infograph bro

>> No.12248188

Obviously pic related is retarded, but I can't help but feel some pity for the last 2-3 generations told they'd have super cool shit by 2020 and the year turned out as bad as it did.

>> No.12248384

These people are very attracted to scientific progress but don't do anything to make it progress. Science doesn't progress by itself, it's humans, particularly the most brilliant, that have to work tirelessly and often thanklessly to make it happen. Transhumanism praxis is to actually work or invest in science.

>> No.12249319

When it comes to discussing transhumanism you have to separate the philosophical-political cohort from the Blade Runner/Cyberpunk sex fantasy circlejerk, which our friend here belongs to

>> No.12249340
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>> No.12249358
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1 more

>> No.12249470
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I see nithing bad about that.

>> No.12250439 [DELETED] 

>Why does the I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! crowd treat science fiction like some kind of prophecy?
because it replaced their religion when they chose to "become atheists"
They're not fully commited to science on a personal and emotional level and will defend anything you throw at them unless it defies their moral doctrine.

>> No.12250448
File: 23 KB, 485x443, 1536416217328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does the I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! crowd treat science fiction like some kind of prophecy?
because it replaced their religion when they chose to "become atheists"
They're fully commited to science on a personal and emotional level and will defend anything you throw at them unless it defies their moral doctrine.

>> No.12251103

anyone who goes on Joe Rogans show is despicable and their opinion is not worth anything to anyone as far as i'm concerned.

>> No.12251116

Have sex. Real gommies dont csre about any of that shit, unlike you race obsessed muttcucks

>> No.12251204

even black science man?

>> No.12251216

>Real gommies dont csre about any of that shit
>proceeds to seethe anyway
every moment of your life summarizes your political position

>> No.12251248

Dawkins was on there and he's definitely worth listening to. While Joe Rogan loves crackpots, he also invites some good people.

>> No.12251261


>> No.12251537

Musk, too? The Scottish Fully Automated Gay Space Communism sci-fi fandom tankies get fucking pissed everytime Musk names his stuff after Banks' "Culture" series.

>> No.12251825

for a while people who used to say atheism is a religion were treated as doomsayers. but in reality they wanted to tell people about the common effect of retards entering communities where they do not belong.
it has happened in games and while happen with anything well known, people who are sub average iq or have no long term interest in a subject will insert themselves and spread their old ideas with this months new skinsuit

>> No.12252303

>I propose universal basic income on the condition of sterilization
kek nice idea

>> No.12252309
File: 865 KB, 783x593, emi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amputees make my pee pee hard

>> No.12253499
File: 85 KB, 750x766, 1576334300705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man thinks evil group of people took from him something he never had, but which he thinks he deserved.
Funny, isn't this basically what "neo-nazis" say about jews?

They took this from you.

>> No.12254078


>> No.12254111

>Were all being manipulated and shat on by rich people, the ruling class. Ever since the beginning of civilization.
Who the fuck do you think has been doing the science since the beginning of civilization? Rich, learned men spending their time in scholarly pursuits, or patronizing others to do so on their behalf.

Hell, modern science only exists at all because it's sponsored by governments or corporations. You can't crowdfund a particle accelerator.

>> No.12254328

Reminds me of one of those slave things in Half Life

>> No.12254391

>You can't crowdfund a particle accelerator.

That sounds like a challenge.

>> No.12254437

Slight redaction; you can't crowdfund particle accelerators given the current temperament of the average plebdrone.

Yes, I'm sure you could have a wonderful middle-class sponsored science program in the mythical land of Autismia, but in the current world where the average Joe doesn't care about anything besides having a few beers and watching the game, anything with a longer time preference than repairing the roads will be ignored.

>> No.12254606

He didn't mean that literally you fucking autist.

>> No.12254630
File: 78 KB, 600x800, 1553962345874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People say that anecdotal evidence doesn't mean anything but isn't data a collection of anecdotes??

>> No.12254676

Empiricism and science is literally just a person writes down their anecdotal evidence and then other people also try it out and write down their anecdotal evidence and then after several times of this it's a theory.
If everyone has the same anecdotal experience about something, then that is the scientific result.

>> No.12254699

Does one person's anecdote matter or does it only matter when you have a collection

>> No.12255041

Fuckin A man, hit the nail on the head

>> No.12255137

getting angry about poor people is so progressive

>> No.12256562

To a degree, but people tend to not like "anecdotal data" because it tends to not be rigorous or methodical. As in, anecdotal data is just people remembering stuff they experienced, and not really having a sufficient way of gathering and recording that manner in a scientific manner.

It's the difference between:

>"Yeah, most of the engineers I've met have been gay"
>"Of the 500 engineers we interviewed in this region, 476 have been extremely homosexual with more than 10 sexual partners per year each"

>> No.12257571
File: 1.36 MB, 1500x1000, 1568593421752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are engineers really gay?