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12245121 No.12245121 [Reply] [Original]

Livestream: https://youtu.be/UM8CDDAmp98
Launch: Sunday October 18 8:25 AM EDT / 12:25 UTC

Probability of violating weather constraints: 30% (https://www.patrick.af.mil/Portals/14/Weather/Falcon%209%20Starlink-L13%20L-1%20Forecast-%2018%20Oct%20Launch.pdf?ver=GEh9iA4H9CvTGZdbtwkLtA%3d%3d))
Backup launch: Monday October 19 8:06 AM EDT / 12:06 UTC.
Launch vehicle: SpaceX Falcon 9 with first stage B1051.6 (prior launches: DEMO-1, Radarsat, Starlink-L3, Starlink-L6, Starlink-L9)
Launch pad: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Fairings: Used; flew on two prior missions (both halves)
Fairing recovery: On fairing recovery vessels "Ms. Chief" & "Ms. Tree"
First stage landing: On autonomous spaceport droneship “Of Course I Still Love You”
Payload: 60 Starlink satellites
Payload mass & destination orbit: ~15,600 kg (~260 kg / Starlink sat); 210 x 366 km @ ~53°
TLE: https://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/supplemental/starlink-14.txt

Launch viewing guide for Florida: http://www.launchphotography.com/Delta_4_Atlas_5_Falcon_9_Launch_Viewing.html
SpaceX twitter: https://twitter.com/SpaceX

This will be the 62nd landed first stage, 43rd re-flight of a first stage, and 95th Falcon 9 launch. It is the 17th SpaceX orbital launch of 2020.

>> No.12245125

The last boring starlink launch thread got like 20 replies total. But you still join in anon, right?

>> No.12245140

https://twitter.com/GregScott_photo/status/1317454490006654982 no remote cameras set up by launch photographers for this one?

>> No.12245144

Also whoops this is the correct article: https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2020/10/spacex-falcon-9-launch-next-starlink/
OP one is the older one

>> No.12245148



>> No.12245156

I applaud OP’s autism

>> No.12245167
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Starlink? Based

>> No.12245168

stream is live, just music for now

>> No.12245173

Ok so when does it start????????

>> No.12245174

Why don't they play some sabaton instead of this elevator music

>> No.12245175

live live live

>> No.12245179

ehhh alright stream hoster

>> No.12245180


>> No.12245181

No Kate or Jessie

>> No.12245182

starlink europe when? i want high speed internet in my shithole village

>> No.12245184

Wonder how long before they stop doing webcasts. hopefully stsrship gets so routine it no longer makes sense

>> No.12245185

later 2021 should be the general rollout for most places. depends on licenses in your country, of course. Some places aren't cooperating/approving use

>> No.12245186

Yeah. Weekly launches

>> No.12245188

Whenever your shitty politicians feel like they've been sufficiently enriched.

>> No.12245189

The youtube videos alone are pretty popular and I think based on the views they can easily afford to keep making them well into the future.

>> No.12245191

heavy waves it seems

>> No.12245193

They'll stop when they make the SpaceX Launch Channel, which will be 7/24 launches.

>> No.12245195

Doesn't cost them fucking anything to produce and it's practically free advertising.

>> No.12245196

>Some places aren't cooperating/approving use
literally why though? i think poland will be happy to have it
what do you mean by that?

>> No.12245198

They'll probably let them land in the ocean. Fairing's are pretty well used at this point.

>> No.12245199

>what do you mean by that?
The only reason you can't have it is political. The satellites are already up there to serve the European latitudes.

>> No.12245200

telecoms are incredibly entrenched and corrupt

>> No.12245202

>what do you mean by that?
Do you know how politics work? The national ISPs can/will pay off politicians to disallow spacex to compete with them in order to keep their monopoly on internet subscriptions.

>> No.12245203

don't know the situation with Poland. If you have a searchable company database, look for one called TIBRO; it's what spacex is hiding under for creating starlink fronts across the world

>> No.12245205
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>> No.12245206

And she's off. Slow ass livestream.

>> No.12245207


>> No.12245208

American flag roll kino

>> No.12245211

this launch also confirms that the engine issue delaying GPS III / crew-1 is for new production engines

>> No.12245214

Is this the first time for a sixth landing?

>> No.12245216

2nd, also 2nd 3rd use of fairings I think (but first for having BOTH halves be used?)

>> No.12245217

800 sats confirmed.

>> No.12245218

both halves be flown twice, I mean

>> No.12245220

welcome back booster-kun

>> No.12245221

Eagle has landed

>> No.12245222

6th landing!

>> No.12245223


>> No.12245224

>not even an applause

>> No.12245225

doubt there are many employees at the hawthorn cafeteria at this hour

>> No.12245226
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very nice

>> No.12245227

They should add maneuver nodes to that earth shot with the predicted path lines

>> No.12245228
File: 29 KB, 688x792, WOAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That landing stability tho

>> No.12245229

They've gotten very good at nailing those landings.

>> No.12245232

7th landing when?

>> No.12245233

meanwhile when the FUCK is DIVH going to launch

>> No.12245234


Yeah, landed with next to no wobble whatsoever. Impressive really.

>> No.12245236

probably some upcoming starlink. crew 1, sentinel 6, GPS are all new

>> No.12245238
File: 483 KB, 394x210, sprockets-1588786373170.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Und zis is zee part of SpaceX vere ve TANZ!
oh yeah muh subwoofer...

>> No.12245239

ok , place your bets on fairing recovery:
Catch 1 half, catch 2 half, catch both, catch neither.
1 half broken, 2 half broken, both broken, neither broken.

>> No.12245240

So casual
And no one is even trying to do anything close to this past some vague plans for the next like 10 years

>> No.12245242

they'll let em just drop in the water I assume

>> No.12245244

Never, Tory and Shelby are now on suicide watch KEK

>> No.12245245


>> No.12245246

let's see;
europ has a tech pathfinder f9 clone they want to test in like 12 years. china has a f9 clone that will be tested in like 6 years. Russia says they want to build a f9 clone in like 4 years but have no money to do so

the problem is they're all aiming for F9 clones rather than starship clones. Even blue origin is gonna be left in the dust with their new glenn

>> No.12245248

didnt u hear? reuse is stupid bc u have to carry extra fuel

>> No.12245249

russia wants to do a lot of things

>> No.12245251

and you can't just build a couple rockets and then shut down production, the horror. how will the rocket builders make a living then?
t. arianespace

>> No.12245254


>> No.12245256

by the way, next f9 launch is on the 21st. another starlink batch

>> No.12245257

>Launched 835 satellites [1]
not even deployed yet but wikipedia page is already updated lol

>> No.12245260

spooky song rn

>> No.12245263

Every time
Just put them on welfare until they can find a new job ffs, it will be cheaper than pretending they do something useful

>> No.12245264

Which launches first: D4H or F9 GPS3

>> No.12245265

hey guys
want to hear a joke


>> No.12245268

had a better chance winning a competition than boeing's hls bid

>> No.12245271


>> No.12245272

So basically never since they all rely on gov't funding which is always cut down and subject to political climate. Except maybe china, but they got to blow up quite a few villages before they figure it out

>> No.12245273

they also have the world's only full-flow engine that is actually flying, and everything that's happening in boca chica now. can't believe how far they've gotten

only 8 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzXlUw2WhcE

>> No.12245274

new Armstrong, whatever the fuck it actually is, might be a strong contender. But don't count on sloworigin to do it any time soon

>> No.12245275

Why would anyone want a new Falcon when a flight proven one is cheaper and more reliable?

>> No.12245276

Like NG cares now they got that GBSD contract.

>> No.12245278

if new glenn is anything to go by, we can expect new armstrong by 2045

>> No.12245282

future GPS, and crewed missions will be on used boosters actually. NASA and Air Force recently approved their use

>> No.12245289

did that one announcer girl get fired for posting starlink on instagram?

>> No.12245292

nope she was in the last stream I think

>> No.12245294
File: 7 KB, 444x555, Yotsuba SLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still mentally struggling thanks to the Space Orange Pencil being built.

>> No.12245296

OH LOL FAIRING CAUGHT LMAO. That was just a freaking second

>> No.12245303


>> No.12245304

i didnotsee

>> No.12245314
File: 116 KB, 1350x761, 20201018_211430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fairing went through the net though.

>> No.12245315

this song's a banger

>> No.12245318


>> No.12245320

Checks out, you can go back in the livestream. Looks pretty unstable in that position

>> No.12245321

T+ what

>> No.12245322

it's in the image lmao

>> No.12245324

Doesn't seem that damaged though.

>> No.12245325

fuug, i missed that

>> No.12245326

i'm more retarded than i give myself credit

>> No.12245327

Spicy catch, but a catch nonetheless. Looked intact.

>> No.12245328


>> No.12245330

nigger it's in the image

>> No.12245331

nigga it's already been pointed out

>> No.12245332

Rip net. You can see the Chute b4 they changed the scene and it was still intact so either it landed in a bad spot or hit the support pole.

>> No.12245333

can't they use steel wires to make the net?

>> No.12245341

Bruh this music sum kinda experimental shit, it slaps

>> No.12245343

AOS... tasmânia?

>> No.12245347

Depends on why this one broke though. Maybe aif it was a bad angle they can just reinforce those areas.

>> No.12245350


>> No.12245353


>> No.12245354
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>> No.12245357


>> No.12245359

You can't watch this and NOT see that SpaceX is fucking finished. How unprofessional can you get? Elon is putting lives in danger

>> No.12245367

It was a bad angle. All the weight on one arm.

>> No.12245368

I don't understand this reusable catching net meme

>> No.12245373
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>> No.12245374

Those fairings are pretty fucking expensive

>> No.12245376
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, B(N)igger Bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12245378

but it's a droneship

>> No.12245379

Go see BO's ship. Now THAT'Sputting lives in danger.

>> No.12245381

fairings are fucking expensive, and if they touch sea water they're unsalvagably fucked

>> No.12245382

The fairing catchers are crewd vessels.

>> No.12245383

>replying to it

>> No.12245387

I didn't say anything about fairings though

>> No.12245388

SpaceX is using fished out fairings though. Might as well try to catch it while you have boats on standby fishing it out.

>> No.12245389

Yeah, exactly! They should do like us in BO and do away with fairings all together!

>> No.12245393

You mean that they can easily break on impact with water or drown, right? Or does sea water actually corrode them?

>> No.12245394

seems pretty safe to me, not like they'd ever launch a rocket anyway. no risk of landing if it dont launch

>> No.12245396

What better mechanism should they use then? Wings and wheels on the fairing? That adds weight to the vehicle

>> No.12245399

corrosion sets in quick, which is also why the STS SRBs were more expensive to refurbish than just making new ones

>> No.12245400

Actually they've been reusing fished out fairings for a while now when they don't manage to catch them, it's certainly cheaper if they catch them but it's not the end of the world.

>> No.12245401


>> No.12245402


>> No.12245403

fairings are carbon fiber, they don't corrode

>> No.12245405

ummmmm they do. retard

>> No.12245407

They have lots of stuff that will corrode

>> No.12245408
File: 775 KB, 785x769, Joe Dementia 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niggas in here losing their minds over fairings

>> No.12245411

The net that doesn't break after some use? Or maybe just replace it with new one before it wears out? >>12245368

>> No.12245414

this should concern you. the fact that it doesnt proves you're a spacex stan

>> No.12245416

Huh. One would think that a piece of a rocket would be a little waterproof, but alright then.

>> No.12245421

only the inner shell is CF. the outer shell is composites I think and everything else can corrode easily, due to them already being protected by the fairing

>> No.12245425

corroding poo poo due to pee pee poo poo

>> No.12245428

You have it completely reversed you dumb nigger
That stuff doesn't take a saltwater bath. It would corrode if you left it there for a while sure, but even when they hit the water they have the ships waiting. They've reused fairings after a dunk multiple times.

>> No.12245435

Should have been more specific. Was primarily talking about the anons with fairings lack of knowledge.

>> No.12245439


>> No.12245440

God, launch threads always attract retards

>> No.12245441

Congrats NASA for other successfully launch and landing.

>> No.12245444

>but even when they hit the water they have the ships waiting
This, it's EXTREMELY rare, practically a unique event to this day they show us the CREWED ship/s that fish the fairings on a livestream but these ships have been there since day one

>> No.12245446

Niggers who say fairings are trashed when they hit the water, unironically kys yourselves please. They've been reusing fished out fairings for a while now.

>> No.12245449

no. they require MONTHS more refurbishment you braindead cocksucker. they are absolutely trashed. they also break you dumb FUCK

>> No.12245451

Cheaper than paying 3 mil per half for new ones though, regardless

>> No.12245458

who cares, i'm right and you aren't

>> No.12245463
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What the fuck is going on in here

>> No.12245464

fuck irings

>> No.12245469

Unironically, niggers.

>> No.12245476

I don't think SpaceX provides any numbers on fairing refurbishment to make that statement, but no one ever said it was optimal to begin with

>> No.12245487

They don't always break on landing, so kys nigger

>> No.12245494

>n-not always
well it's safe to say i destroyed you in this argument

>> No.12245508

Some missions require pristine fairings with no contamination of any sort. Starlink just needs it to punch through the atmosphere, so it's fine with just hosing them down to get the salt water off.

>> No.12245522

So you guys think they'll make it in time to reattach the net for the next Starlink mission? Or they'll just send Ms. Chief out just to fish out a half?

>> No.12245526

They'll redesign the nets, no way they send them back out until they do

>> No.12245546

They have another Starlink mission this month. I doubt they'll want to rip out the parafoils now so they won't leave the fairings out at sea. The catchers will still need to be out there.

>> No.12245553

They'll just be on standby to fish them out, or they won't send them out (wouldn't be the first time they abandoned a fairing). Very much doubt they will just slap on a repair and go again given that the net has proven to need a higher safety factor.

>> No.12245557
File: 213 KB, 651x721, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post saltly from Astrofags

>> No.12245708

You're a fucking faggot who's speaking out of his ass

>> No.12245820

Based launch threads OP. Plz don't stop.

>> No.12245843

He said, as he posted it from his penthouse apartment in the middle of a world metropolitan city that never sleeps.

>> No.12246927

I don't intent to!