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File: 177 KB, 1344x742, 9FBF879A-96EC-4456-876E-8C8E744F055B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12236289 No.12236289 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>12234521

>> No.12236306

Fuck boing and fuck urf

>> No.12236310
File: 35 KB, 400x400, jimholddew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay hydrated, space bros

>> No.12236319


This thread is far too early.

>> No.12236326

Yes, and I have posted in it

>> No.12236341

Fuck Boeing. We shall return when the previous thread reaches page 10.

>> No.12236873

just bumping don't mind me

>> No.12237005
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dumb frogposter

>> No.12237018
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you have my attention.

>> No.12237020
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>> No.12237064
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alarmist and fearmonger BTFO

>> No.12237098
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Daily reminder that rocketry is quite literally archaic technology and we are doomed to go extinct on this rock if we don't develop new physics based propulsion systems.

>> No.12237140

The critical technology to develop was turbomachinery that drives pump-fed engines. That development was kickstarted in 1932 and took another 10 years to be realized in an operational system.

>> No.12237146

>not just building pressure fed saturns

>> No.12237258

“We” meaning someone else, right?

>> No.12237322
File: 1.83 MB, 3993x2387, Albert_Bierstadt_-_Among_the_Sierra_Nevada_California_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine staying right here. If God wanted us to be out there, we would be out there. Earth is an Eden, and while our sins imply we don't deserve it, we are indeed destined to master it. The wasteful cosmos pales in comparison to our holy realm, of which God ordained man to tend. We follow in our Creator's stead

>> No.12237326


>> No.12237329

I swear there isn't a single dentists office in the US that doesn't have a faded copy of this painting hanging on the wall

>> No.12237340

In all seriousness, our people our doomed if we don't make a new home among the stars.
Space shall be our soil.

>> No.12237343

You're thinking of SRBs. SpaceX doesn't do SRBs. Shut it.
God wants the best of us to ascend. Perhaps this is what the revelations were all along. Those who choose to seek the stars are the chosen, while everyone else dies in a hell on earth.

>> No.12237386

Cars are an older technology than liquid fueled rockets both gas and electric cars have been a thing since the 1890's

>> No.12237391

there are retards who think like this lmao
How is this possible, I thought humans evolved curiosity, how do people ignore that feeling, and even call it a bad thing

>> No.12237428

>Earth is an Eden
It's not, we got kicked out of Eden.

>> No.12237711

>If God wanted us to be out there, we would be out there
and if he didn't wan't us to be out there, we would never go out there
god created this vast universe and left it for us to explore, we shall conquer the stars in his name.

>> No.12237862

God wouldn't have given us the ability to move and think had He wanted us to always stay in one place. On the contrary, it is our duty to go where none has gone before and leave pretenders using His name to excuse their indolence forever crawling in dirt.

>> No.12238084


>> No.12238098

What happen to SpaceX welding anon? Did he ever come back?

>> No.12238131

he was processed into a new froyo flavor for his crimes.

>> No.12238180

do you have the thread number? I'm curious.

>> No.12238190

I kinda feel bad for the boomers who will never wake up to the NSF grift

>> No.12238309

Static test fire got scrubbed or not? SN-8 being detanked or not?

>> No.12238316

new road closure started 5 mins ago

>> No.12238339

road closures were cancelled

>> No.12238348


Good job in making me even more confused.

>> No.12238362

check for yourself

>> No.12238391

Does anyone know of any software that observatories use in order to automatically track and blot out satellites? I'm just wondering in the context of Starlink and such, why such a thing doesn't exist; as I can't seem to find anything like it on the internet.

>> No.12238451

I hope you get mugged today you stupid bitch.
As if any creator deity would craft an entire universe full of worlds but only intend life to occupy one of them, FUCK you're dumb AND probably gay to boot. Fuck off.

>> No.12238465

>high fructose corn syrup water

>> No.12238468

cringe and bluepilled christcuck

>> No.12238469

Electrolytes dog

>> No.12238496
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>> No.12238500

Have fun being killed off by niggers and Muslims and Chinese

>> No.12238504


>> No.12238506


>> No.12238510


>> No.12238525

Mountain Dew is disgusting

>> No.12238530
File: 398 KB, 2048x1536, 1592472716920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SN10 getting STACKED

>> No.12238533

Based, redpilled, etc. They hated him because he spoke the truth.

>> No.12238537

God these are looking better and better with each iteration. MK1 looked like shit DESU I don't know why they even built it or expected it to fly

>> No.12238549

Is SN9 Done?

>> No.12238559

No idea I don't follow it that closely, I just saw the tweet as I was looking for updates.

>> No.12238613

The Expanse got one thing right: Mormons will be the only relevant abrahamic presence in the wider solar system

>> No.12238626

Eden does not exist physically, Eden resides in the soul of Man. Man shall turn any foundation he builds into Eden if done through sheer force of will and pure intentions. Clinging onto an old image of perfection and paradise will lead to doom of the prospecting spirit of Man, so instead we should forfeit the concept of a pre-modern Eden, and sculpt the stars into such a Garden.

>> No.12238642 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 259x249, awesome_god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hatch disengages
>Solar landscape speeding past
>Giant rubble spinning in front of you
>This kicks in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-7CBl_sdJ8
Yeah it's kino

>> No.12238647

Imagine it actually flew, it'd be the ultimate shitposting in rocketry

>> No.12238655

Starhopper still takes the cake there

>> No.12238659

>there is a timeline where SN4 went orbital during Q2 of 2020
Did Elon even say what he planned to do in the time between making and testing Starship and sending a cargo fleet to Mars in 2022 if everything actually did go according to plan?

>> No.12238663

>so instead we should forfeit the concept of a pre-modern Eden, and sculpt the stars into such a Garden.

Eternal war. Sounds nice

>> No.12238668

>So many road closures that they have their own page on the county site

>> No.12238675

Eternal war is the domain and strength of Man

>> No.12238690

Starhopper was just a hover test bed and the world seen worse. Now if the bent tin can cobbled together by hand in a few months in texan swamp actually made it to orbit I'd have personally grabbed a pitchfork and came out for blood

>> No.12238693

Hell yeah, where's my gravity engine?

>> No.12238703

the tin can is nowhere near as important as the engines. the engines make or break the rocket.

>> No.12238706

They would be furiously churning out Starships as fast as goddamn possible while continuing to iterate and improve. Same as what's happening now, but on-schedule.

>> No.12238712

This, we need another proper way to advance technology by another couple of decades

>> No.12238714

>the tin can is nowhere near as important
Still it's what takes decades and billions and then goes nowhere more often than not for the rest of "rocket scientists"

>> No.12238717

Most of rocket explosions were caused by guidance, stage separation or tank damage, not engines.

>> No.12238720

Mk1 was never supposed to make orbit. SSTO for Starship was only ever a mention of theoretical capacity with no intent to ever develop/utilize that function, even for the finalized build.

>> No.12238726

All real scientists are atheists

>> No.12238727

SN9 is sitting next to SN10 in the midbay. It's behind another SN in the image you replied to. It's been stacked, and according to NSF it's being prepped for flap installation.

>> No.12238729

Well I mean if...
>SN1 succeeds in January. It hops in February
>SN2 also hops, but in March
>SN3 completes the 15 km flight in May But crashes
>SN4 does the same in June
>SHNS1 is stacked in August. Hops to 150 m and lands
>SNSH2 launches to 3 km and lands in October
>Starship SN7 successfully passes the “bellyflop” from 100 kilometers in October.
>SN8/SHSN3 are stacked in December.
>SN8/SHSN3 are launched December 25, 2020 marking the first orbital flight of Starship.
>SN8 fails upon re entry but the mission is still a success.
>SHSN3 lands and is retired

>> No.12238758

Fucking space dorks

>> No.12238760

Too early for shit like that m8. Try cleaning it up in post

>> No.12238762

Fuck off then

>> No.12238763

I've read a few times that the software exists. Just keep searching?

>> No.12238768

This “whimsical prose” anon is starting to make me cringe>>12238647

>> No.12238796

So why are solar sails a meme? They seem to work, and have been tested before. Why is this not used for delivery of cubesats and the like to other planets?


>> No.12238800
File: 306 KB, 4096x2160, the virgin femboy hooters vs the chad dorime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All gaytheists are midwits.

>> No.12238822

Diet Dew contains no corn syrup, or any sugar for that matter. Yes the caffeine will have a minor diuretic effect, so it won't be as effective as plain water for hydration, but unless you are doing heavy exercise it won't make a difference.

>> No.12238828

Solar sails live in the MUH GRAMS world of rocketry, limiting their current and foreseeable future usefulness to small autistically developed probes and similarly autistic mission profiles. I wouldn't say they're a meme but the application space is tiny.

>> No.12238846

Wasn’t there a Mormon colony that got attacked in Starship Troopers? It’s also the only denomination of Christianity (if you consider it part of Christianity) that deals with cosmology explicitly in church doctrine. Apparently men get to rule solar systems (or planets depending on their righteousness) in their conception of the afterlife.

>> No.12238858

Not a meme but limited in scope.

>> No.12238859

I've heard righteous people get to become the "god" of their own universe in the afterlife... but I heard this a LONG time ago and it could be completely wrong

>> No.12238868

Yeah, that’s more or less the jist of it. If it wasn’t so blatantly obviously set up by a con man in the 1800s, it’d be a pretty cool religion overall. I lived out in Utah for a year, and even though I’m agnostic, Mormons are some of my favorite people.

>> No.12238871

What do you say to /pol/tards who say aerospace engineering, especially rocket technology, has not changed since the 1960s?

>> No.12238880

"Yeah pretty much"

>> No.12238882

They're completely right, in fact it's even gotten worse.
Only now in the 2020s has it started to improve, and even that's effectively entirely thanks to SpaceX.

>> No.12238884

Rocket technology really hasn’t advanced all that much since the 60s. The greatest advances in the past half century of aerospace have been in computing/controls, materials, and turbines (which is really an offshoot of material improvements).

>> No.12238887

the only thing that has changed is materials and morons offloading engineering smarts to shit like Abaqus and other junk software. Bring back the slide rules, yo

>> No.12238892


>> No.12238900

Mormons are a curio here in Northern Ireland but I've asked Missionaries that come through my town about this and it's a fairly interesting aspect of Mormonism. Essentially to my understanding everyone has always existed as a soul in the Spirit World but some souls choose to be tested and come to live on Earth as that test to move onto another plane of existence. Those who live perfect Mormon lives and achieve the highest wisdom ascend to a sort of godhood of their own as you describe.
It's not that unusual from more liberal protestant sects of Christianity where only acknowledging Christianity as the one true faith is enough to get into heaven and Christians strive for different power levels in heaven with their purity. Which rare/fringe but existant take.
I like them alot and if I was an atheist but cynically adopting a religion simply for social reasons. Mormonism seems to be the way forward. Lots of young women and big happy families. Sadly i can't read more than a few pages of their book as it repeats 'and then it came to pass' three to four times a page.

Anyway speaking of being an Ameriboo I've been caught up in the election for a month or two and lost track of life at Boca Chica. When is Elons annual talk?

>> No.12238911

There was an unbelievable hurtling climb from the first flight to the moon landing where the space of Aerospace development was pretty unrecognisable within 5 year windows. Take WW2 as the ideal but to be exaggerated by context example of this.

Then it was shelved right up to the present. It Plateau'd and advances have been comparatively small and long in coming.

The men of the X15 program would be and were very demotivated to learn their Fastest and highest altitude flight records wouldn't be broken 60 years later and counting.

>> No.12238920
File: 96 KB, 1024x511, 1593077216853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are finally waking up to the reality of space warfare: it's boring and nothing like war fought on Earth.

>> No.12238921


>> No.12238923

Chemical engines can only develop incrementally, which they have done, it just isn't as important. Software control enabling a precipitous fall in cost/payload is the important story in rocketry, everything else is bean counting.

>> No.12238933

>all based on modern development and doctrine
Literally who cares?

>> No.12238937

Your enemy

>> No.12238941

Autistic doesn’t mean trite/ trivial or overly complicated. It means Learning impaired.

>> No.12238942
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So it's not going to be emotional teenagers in giant robots vs space nazi's?

>> No.12238944

>implying biological women don't hit the wall

>> No.12238946
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>> No.12238947

If my enemy is mired in a soon to be outmoded way of looking at the world, I am very happy.

>> No.12238951
File: 37 KB, 748x505, Screenshot_2020-10-16 Marcia Smith on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Buri-kun taking not so subtle shots at the SLS and congress.

>> No.12238953

This message brought to you buy the 'tism

>> No.12238958
File: 10 KB, 217x320, 7E9A7837-99A8-4331-B717-57CF36336903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Put it in storage until 2025

>> No.12238959

This is beyond ridiculous.
It could probably go up on a falcon9 in less then a year if they ask spaceX.

>> No.12238962

Oh I can transcribe this to English!
>Fuck SLS it's a fucking piece of shit delayed-ass motherfucking rocket that is delaying itself and everything else I need to happen and I'm so sick of Boeing at this point imma hand out a vibe check - James "Jim" Bridenstine

>> No.12238964

>Congress is gonna fuck us if we try to be useful, so just remember that they're the ones wasting your money

>> No.12238965

inb4 Congress mandates that only SLS and Orion may be used to ferry NASA astronauts and hardware to and from the Moon.

>> No.12238967

I honestly don't get why they don't just make another one and launch it on something else. Avoid the legal issues, spend frivolously (which Congress loves), actually get something done, doesn't that make everyone happy?

>> No.12238970

You can use a Falcon 9 (not even a heavy) to launch it on an Earth - Earth - Earth path.

>1 year after launch first earth flyby
>4 years is the second
>6 years is the third
>Arrive at Jupiter 9 years after launch

>> No.12238975

Photon sails weaken as you pass further from the sun and have absolute shit thrust: 300MW/N. This means they're only useful for larger missions with beamed laser power, and for manned missions you want tens of gigawatts of power PER BEAM. If you have spaceborne fusion reactors this means you can set up an interplanetary or interstellar laser highway.

If you want a more useful near term sail system, check out the plasma magnet sail.

>> No.12238977

Literally actual criminal behavior. This is theft of taxpayer money.

>> No.12238984

They should Ship of Theseus it - keep the nameplate in a box somewhere and launch the rest of the parts on a Falcon Heavy.

>> No.12238987

Also reminder that the cost for putting it in "storage" until SLS will finaly fly will probably cover the cost of a single Falcon9 launch.
Sat storage is super expensive.

>> No.12238989
File: 14 KB, 250x300, canned hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>must launch on SLS by LAW
Change this law NOW, locate who is responsible for it being passed in the first place and HANG THEM, preferably outside of KSC where everyone can see them twisting in the wind.

>> No.12238990

Does Musk have enough money to launch a falcon heavy with a payload called Euro-Paclipper Mass Simulator to Jupiter literally just as a joke? He could put a lot of rideshare sats on it to make up for the difference. Obviously he has enough money but would it be worth it just for the shitpost to show that he could do it himself before SLS?

>> No.12238994

You remember the tesla he sent up? He totally has the money.

>> No.12238996

Why is that anon? Because they need to keep it in a clean room? Can’t be that much $ to forklift the bitch into a room and close the door no?

>> No.12238998

>Umm it seems our satellite was sitting in storage for a few months and now it has suddenly turned to dust! But we have another one here called Europa Glancer that we will launch on a falcon ha ha don't worry about it it's brand new trust us

>> No.12239004

hey it's not just boomers who are stroking that shaft, but yeah NSF are masters of the grift. You can even pay to watch "member only" youtube videos now haha

>> No.12239005

Musk can do a lot of things to piss off congress /NASA but it would be a bad decision in the long term. Besides, as bad as SLS is, it doesn't directly affect SpaceX or Starship's success so...

>> No.12239008

Tesla launch was a planned and contracted test flight, not just a dick swing like people seem to think.

>> No.12239010
File: 1.06 MB, 1126x487, SLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks possible contracts from him. He could launch europa clipper and Orion (among other things) which would bring revenue - but he isn't allowed to because SLS must do it per congress' law

>> No.12239011

Complete vacuum temp controlled room that gets injected with a expensive gas.
We had a discussion about another nasa sat that was in storage a couple of threads back, it was litteral millions of taxpayer money to keep it in storage for a couple of years.
Cant find the name of that satelite at the moment.

>> No.12239025

>Change this law NOW
Nancy Pelosi won't do that ever. This has obvious implications for how you should vote.

>> No.12239026

Prove it

>> No.12239027

Preaching to the choir. Pelosi windchimes for NASA fucking WHEN

>> No.12239031

He still has plenty of juicy contracts with Air Force and NASA, losing a couple to SLS isn't critical. I understand how you feel though, SLS's existence is an abomination by itself even if it doesn't affect SpaceX that much. I hope it explodes spectacularly on its first launch.

>> No.12239033

you can't believe in science if you also believe in magic

>> No.12239036

Yes you can

>> No.12239039

based, chimp meatheads will not survive

>> No.12239044

Science isn't a truth, just a set of observations that changes based on evidence and circumstance. It;s not something that should be mindlessly "believed"

>> No.12239049

You just know some joker is gonna reply to you with
>"uhh sounds like you don't trust the science™"

>> No.12239051

For fucks sake they could launch it on F9 expendable or Vulcan Heavy or New Glenn, obviously F9 is the only real choice now but come on, Falcon Heavy could probably get it to Jupiter with less gravity assist bullshit.

>> No.12239052
File: 49 KB, 720x692, final frontier of space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your white man's burden, bro.

>> No.12239057

NASA being unable to chose their own fucking launch vehicle is a goddamned joke, how did we let this happen?
>"nooooo you have to use SLS! W-when it's ready!"
These motherfuckers

>> No.12239060

Who exactly should I be mad at for this horseshit? I want some fucking names.

>> No.12239064

Congress. All of it.

>> No.12239066

>;s not something that should be mindlessly "believed"
Exactly, that's what religion is. Science is to be understood with evidence and logic. Not "muh faith"

>> No.12239067


>> No.12239070

Why won't they start mass produce these probes? Fucking anticapitalist monkey eggheads spending decades on ONE mission. wtf?

>> No.12239074
File: 20 KB, 403x392, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not hard to stay angry about space when it demands so much bloody patience.

>> No.12239084

no kidding, if they had any sense they would at least contact a general bus, but they're too stupid even for that

>> No.12239085

Don't worry anon. As the saying goes, "if you build it, they will come". Once Starship is operational it will inevitably become the main choice for such missions, with new payloads built specifically for its huge 2nd stage. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.12239087

NASA made a deal with the devil on SLS. They got a heavy (ish) lift rocket they could be confident wouldn't be cancelled on them like the Shuttle or Constellation. In exchange they promised they'd use it for Artemis 1-3 and Europa Clipper. At the time it made sense since ULA were idling along with legacy rockets and SpaceX wasn't doing anything ULA couldn't.

>> No.12239101

If ULA gets zero boiloff ACES working they could make a giant 8m wide version of it as a Starship kickstage or reusable tug, or a depot.
>fully reusable TSTO putting fully reusable high energy tugs and depots in orbit 150 tons at a time

>> No.12239107
File: 26 KB, 300x400, 9458568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so mad, champ? don't you like jobs?

>> No.12239112

Yes you can.

>> No.12239136
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mfw the 2020 starship update is a zoom call with bob zubrin

>> No.12239145


>> No.12239151

This is the dumbest way to make rockets I've ever heard of. Just give NASA direct control and shoot every member of Congress.

>> No.12239153
File: 2.50 MB, 4032x3024, 3403070D-2F42-477A-8691-041FA0CDB47D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Mars’ L1 point is gonna be a desirable place for many satellites from solar observatories to possible magnetic field generator to transit point to and from mars, it might get crowded
Here’s an idea for a space station that’s magnetic generator, spaceport and habitat all in one, give any good ideas to improve it

>> No.12239161


>> No.12239162
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12239165

Plasma magnet sails will act as RCS to keep the sail oriented directly away from the sun, so it needs to be hanging off the ass of the nightward end of the station.

>> No.12239172
File: 686 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201016-105317_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

firefly coping

>> No.12239182

Ares 1 was one of those really bad ideas that looked good on paper until it didn't. It should make us look at other good ideas on paper (and PowerPoint) that really are, well, bad.

>> No.12239184

If it's legit it's not really cope.
I originally thought the "removal of excess heritage infrastructure" meant the fire and they were being funny.

>> No.12239188
File: 59 KB, 1001x1024, 1571935346244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12239191

This guy talking about China space relation on Mars Society stream is super based

>> No.12239193

What was so bad about ares 1?

>> No.12239195


>> No.12239198

Summarize the points.

>> No.12239201

nothing if you don't mind wild vibrations during launch and no chance of survival in case of abort

>> No.12239216
File: 69 KB, 612x491, 1595334582151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US Space Force is a branch, but it's subordinate to the Department of the Air Force
>US Space Command is a completely different thing
>Army still has Army Space and Missile Defense Command
>Navy still has Navy Space Command
>Air Force insists X-37B is an X plane and therefore belongs to them
>NRO and NGIA both exist and do exactly the same thing
The more I read the worse this gets, what the fuck America, I understand the Pentagon has a reputation for bureaucracy but this is ridiculous.

>> No.12239219

link for those interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0j4brmQri4k

>> No.12239221

meanwhile no one knows who ZUMA belonged to

>> No.12239225


>> No.12239229

only caught the tail end, watching whole thing now. so far sounds like China sees space innovation as a way to pull the rest of its economy forward, due to it's technology density.

some chick was asking questions like "how can we encourage china to be more responsible in space", referencing that nothingburger conjunction. dude was like good luck trying to shame china, they dont give a flying fuck what you think. also that codes of conduct like outer space treaty and artemis accords are a hilarious waste of time and china will not for a second abide by the US interpretation, so it's mostly useless

>> No.12239233

Eh, these all make sense and aren't as big of a deal as you're making them out to be.
>Army still has Army Space and Missile Defense Command
>Navy still has Navy Space Command
Both of these still operate their own 'air forces' despite the fact that we have one of those.

Overlapping operation is to be expected.

>> No.12239236

Zoomer was an in-space antigravity testbed built by and for the USAF

>> No.12239238

God I hope they start trying some Orion project shit, just to prove the point that nobody really gives a fuck about keeping nukes out of space.

>> No.12239246

not out of the question

>> No.12239254

>artemis accords are a hilarious waste of time and china will not for a second abide by the US interpretation
>implying China has a choice
How do they expect to establish superior military presence in space with tech that's over a decade behind?
Now there's a way China could make themselves useful, give everyone else no reason to keep ignoring it.

>> No.12239259

Catching up quickly with the US has been something china has gotten very good at.

>> No.12239260

Decade behind and cathing up. Without spacex, china would be very close to the us today due to our stagnation. Spacex further increased our lead in space by decade or two.

>> No.12239263

Ok but would this be technically possible if Elon was autistic enough?

>> No.12239266

China's ruling party sees space achievements as increasing their legitimacy. They're not resting on their laurels like oldspace has, and they don't care that they have to use crude technology in catching up. What works works, and they will strive for space supremacy by any means necessary

>> No.12239279

I forgot the exact idiom but the prevelant logic over there is, "it matters not the color of dog but whether it can do it's trick" aka pure utilitarian logic.

>> No.12239290
File: 104 KB, 1000x624, 1602347830036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that shoop was inspired by Elon, actually.


>> No.12239293
File: 73 KB, 972x1422, 1588732906173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's perfect

>> No.12239301

This is why we must absolutely establish a lunar foothold first to gain lunar superiority

>> No.12239311

Part of that is due to them going through industrialization and urbanization, but also because they've put a lot of effort into taking tech from preexisting powers. Playing catch up is good for making sure they don't become irrelevant but ends up leaving them always behind and constantly playing catch up.
The problem with that is that dragging everyone besides them down is an equally valid strategy since it can still make them the dominant power if it works.
Pretty much everything in their new culture revolves around nepotism and saving face. If they can get by with doing the absolute bare minimum then they will, they're basically on the same level as oldspace.

>> No.12239318

No, because you can't just make the rocket taller. Each Raptor needs to be able to lift all the fuel and tankage above it, and there's only so much surface area for attaching more Raptors. It would be fatter for the same height like

>> No.12239340

>just scale it up

>> No.12239341
File: 100 KB, 1314x1054, apu space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


rip monke

>> No.12239342

Thick raptor is making me horny.. remove the aft flaps and I might have to go put on some special clothes

>> No.12239349

why would they use raptors rather than a new engine designed to handle the load

>> No.12239350

no, the space nazis were right
uh at least one of them was, anyway

>> No.12239361

a new engine would need to be higher chamber pressure than Raptor to handle the load, it's really hard to scale thrust per area of engines after a certain point

>> No.12239369

For reference the Raptor's metallurgy that allows it to maintain 330 bar chamber pressure and be fully reusable is already black magic beyond the known cutting edge of engine design. There's a reason the RS-25 needed refurbishment between flights.

>> No.12239370

they'd need a new engine regardless, since a double thicc superheavy would need raptors by the hundreds, which is a wild ride of pain the engineers never did anything to deserve

>> No.12239373


>> No.12239376

and double the rocket height would mean double the thrust would me double the chamber pressure

"Why don't they just make a 600 bar engine lol" good fucking luck

>> No.12239379

kilopower is fucking rad and musk is a retard if he doesn't embrace it.

>> No.12239386

well well well, another practical limit to the size of rockets. anyone else got something they left out? AM I GETTING 1300 TON TO TITAN AND BACK ON A DIRECT HIGH ENERGY TRAJECTORY OR NOT

>> No.12239388


>> No.12239393

That's an Orion nuclear ship, not a chemical rocket. The major barrier to building Orions is politics, not engineering.

>> No.12239395

Has Elon said how much refurbishment is needed for the Raptor before it can be fired again?

>> No.12239396

Not that I'm aware of. I think the goal for production Raptors is zero, with just periodic tuneups.

>> No.12239397

What's the next step after chemical for getting out of the gravity well? Scaled up Starship diameters, and then what?

>> No.12239402

solar is bulky, unreliable,and prone to need constant maintenance due to dust. nuclear weighs less,makes electricity constantly for years,and has far less maintenance requirements. Relying on solar on a planet that can have significant periods of decreased solar insolation due to dust storms seems batshit.

>> No.12239403
File: 97 KB, 581x423, 1A32AAAA-7DBA-44B2-9385-9C2334B1B755.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are NTR ships so kino

>> No.12239406

Cause they fuck your wife and make you enjoy it

>> No.12239422
File: 708 KB, 1372x1090, 26D2B4E8-CBE6-4D80-86A1-8569F3B57643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12239423

Chemicals and nuclear are the only two that work, and ideology and politics forbids nuclear on earth so we're fucked on that front

now, nuclear ships in space may be viable if the environmental cult doesn't do more yet more screeching for their big coal owners

>> No.12239424

>120 merlin engines ignite at once
>Boca Chica turns to glass

>> No.12239431

nuclear fission torch SRBs

>> No.12239432
File: 305 KB, 960x807, jamestown_settlement-42691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never needed solar or nuclear to build Jamestown. We will colonize mars with BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS

>> No.12239433
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>> No.12239434

>tfw you know someone who was working on the Europa Clipper back in 2017
Suuuucks to be them.

>> No.12239436

Hypergolic pulse detonation engine rockets, when?

>> No.12239440

Fission I understand, but what about fusion? Are we allowed to use that in atmosphere (if/when it exists)

>> No.12239441

The guy who built it literally just finished a talk on it at the Mars Soc convention. I recommend you check it out, it will be posted on youtube later.

>> No.12239442

thrust per unit area is a function of chamber pressure and expansion ratio

>> No.12239443

Jamestown had breathable air

>> No.12239449

I'm sorry, I'm not a pussy like you. Bring plants if you need to breath faggot

>> No.12239457

Just hold your breath

>> No.12239459


>> No.12239461

ignorance of science is a virtue among the cultists that want nuclear blanket banned
they do not know what fission or fusion even is, and have no desire to ever learn

>> No.12239468

Musk isn't going to spend a billion dollar on kilopower. He'll spend that on building solar panels on mars that will produce 10000x more power for same money.

>> No.12239469

And food.

>> No.12239475

I pray the US military breaks this barrier, or SpaceX and others fight fucking hard against these fucks. Right now the tech doesnt exist, but when it does, there is a moral and societal obligation to enable fusion.

>> No.12239476

>ULA sniper shits his pants from the shockwave seconds before burning alive.

>> No.12239479

Kill all environmentalists

>> No.12239481

>solar is bulky
Not true, by weight it's already better than nuclear even on Mars and it keeps getting better sanic fast.

>> No.12239484

guess how I know you're a dumbass
this ain't a video game where they're plant and forget forever
you have to maintain and repair the panels regularly, all so they can be utterly worthless for at minimum 50% of the time
to have power that other 50%, you'd not only need double the panels, since demand is still there when generation isn't, but massive banks of batteries which also cost time and money to maintain and repair

I know this is bait but I have to eat it so nobody gets fooled by your faggoty aids riddled ass

>> No.12239485

Grow plants and raise livestock you lazy fucks

>> No.12239487

No crops
no farms
only MREs
the colonists will never shit again

>> No.12239488

>and ideology and politics forbids nuclear on earth
not in china it doesn't. They're going to zoom ahead with next-gen tech while we're busy erecting meme bird choppers

>> No.12239489

it is heavier on mars tho,the kilopower people just proved it

>> No.12239491

how exactly are a gorillion solar panels lighter than a single reactor?

>> No.12239492

China isn't going to be a coherent state in a decade
they're pissing on everyone's shoes while having their ass hanging out the window

one blockade of their food and oil supply and they'll fucking implode within a month
They import all of it from outside the range of their anti-ship missiles and brown water navy, so they'll have no way to stop it

>> No.12239494
File: 584 KB, 2048x1536, 18m Starship vs 12m ITS vs 9m Starship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12239495

Thin film solar. You can just roll or fold it up. Delivers 5kW+/kg right now and is expected to go up to a factor five higher in the decade.

>> No.12239496

Oh fuck seriously. What time?

>> No.12239498

Don't matter. Solar + battery pack + will provide 80% of the power. The rest will be backup with methane generators. Until nuclear becomes cheaper per kwh, its a stupid investment.

>> No.12239502

lolwut? they grow their own food and dont need US oil. they're moving to nuclear and renewables

>> No.12239504

mars society stream is in like 2 hours, not sure when elon is talking

>> No.12239506

that anon's mistaken. His annual talk isn't until later (~2 weeks?). Today he's supposed to give a virtual talk at the Mars Society convention. Not sure when.


>> No.12239510

2 hours

>> No.12239511

3pm pacific

>> No.12239512
File: 34 KB, 900x499, EkeVT10XIAAPse1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12239513


>> No.12239514


>> No.12239518
File: 140 KB, 1275x846, 332692136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy my book

>> No.12239519

>China is already the world's biggest farm produce importer, with its imports making up 10 percent of global farm produce trade. It is a net importer of bulk agricultural products such as grains, cotton, edible oils, sugar, meat, and milk.

t. your own state news, chang

>> No.12239520

I'll buy it if you sign it. It's a win-win

>> No.12239522
File: 105 KB, 500x403, 1504149034775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have some of the least arable land per capita in the world, and they paved over most of it
They haven't been able to cover their own demand for decades, and that's on good years
presently, most of the farmland they do use for farming is currently flooded with ultra polluted silt contaminating everything
and lastly, my chinese shill friend, "blockade" does not mean "to stop selling", they mean "stop all cargo transport of any kind to this country"
the chinese import most of their oil from the Persian gulf, a trek of thousands of kilometers, passing several countries and chokepoints that the tankers could get stopped and seized at

They're in the midst of a border skirmish with the indians, and the gulf is literally in india's backyard

Not everyone that wants to see china burn is an American

I look forward to a war with china, because it will result in all their assets being seized and houses finally not costing a million fucking dollars each

>> No.12239524

You'll be made irrelevant by my chinky orion drive american meathead. enjoy getting reamed by environmentalists while we breeze past you. maybe i will t-bag u with spent hypergol stages. then you'll know true progress

>> No.12239525

I already have one, Greta.

>> No.12239527

Based. I'm from Eastern Europe but agree 100 percent, China would turn the rest of the world into a totalitarian dystopia.

>> No.12239529
File: 372 KB, 711x947, 1588456190056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here, would love to drop some rocks on those chinky cunts

>> No.12239532
File: 225 KB, 1084x616, 1591629944942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for the hop bros

>> No.12239535

The first Orion drives will be made by Americans on Mars so not sure how you plan on doing that

>> No.12239536

They're massively reliant on coal and import many necessities, renewables are an absolute meme to them and """"exist"""" almost exclusively to make other countries like them more and take attention away from their own pollution, though if things got so bad that the US was outright blockading them they'd be in way worse shit far before then. They rely on US Navy to defend shipping routes which they wouldn't even be able to defend a tiny fraction of if the US simply stated trade ships to and from China wouldn't be protected, let alone a full blockade, which would absolutely kneecap their economy; this is one of the big reasons why they're trying to invest in land-based transportation infrastructure through their belt and road initiative, though that'd never be able to substitute naval shipping to the degree necessary.

>> No.12239540

when is the new road closure? got my paycheck today and was hoping i could give it all to NSF, doublechinned mouthbreathing speech-impeded retards that they are

>> No.12239546
File: 120 KB, 2338x1107, 1590886770245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>static fire not till sunday at earliest


>> No.12239548

>the absolute delusion
ok big chungus

>> No.12239554



>> No.12239556

I just want to remind everyone that starship will never fly

>> No.12239560

Space Command fights wars in space using assets from multiple government organizations (including the Space Force, Army, and NRO). That's how other commands work too, for example the European Command fights wars in the European region using assets from multiple government organizations like the Army and the Navy. It turns out that it's better to have a single command in charge of the fighting instead of every organization doing it's own thing (e.g. Army tries to do one thing while the Navy tries to do another).

Alternatively you can think of the Space Command as the brain telling the limbs (Army, Navy, Space Force, NRO, etc.) what to do in a street fight. The brain knows when it should punch and when it should kick. The limbs without the brain would be doing whatever the fuck they want and hope for the best.

>> No.12239566

you're welcome

>> No.12239574

don't do that its retarded
put that money in your savings and save up money for a mars colonist ticket

>> No.12239577

what ever helps you sleep at night, chankoro

>> No.12239595

yeah i'm not giving them shit. I'm on track for 10mil in assets by 2050, so even if musk misses the 250k mark I can still swing it

>> No.12239606

it's so black

>> No.12239609

>early KSP RO in a nutshell

>> No.12239613
File: 798 KB, 1920x1080, kilopowerpresentation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a 650 kilowatt version of kilopower

>> No.12239625

>here's your precious kilopower bro

>> No.12239626
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, martianthinfilmsolar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's a martian hardened thin film solar array

>> No.12239627

They are shit farmers and the little farmland they have got wrecked in the recent floodings.

>> No.12239628

I already have that book. I see it every day because it's the last one on my shelf because I organize my library by author and Zubrin is at the end.

>> No.12239634
File: 708 KB, 1920x1080, solarvsfission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tihnk it's objectively better and simpler to go nuclear on mars. at least primarily.

>> No.12239637

It's really funny to see as soon as a chinese makes money he invest it outside of china, even the CCP members do it, show show much faith they have in their own system.

>> No.12239642

NASA will have to foot the bill, but yeah

>> No.12239645
File: 431 KB, 1920x1080, powervsmass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12239648

I wonder if we'll see young punks building their own hot rod rockets with decommissioned Raptors in 20 years time

>> No.12239652

no never, that is bad
letting NASA so much as sniff at it will add 10 years to the timetable
let them rot in darkness with their corruption and diversity hires

>> No.12239658

calm down

>> No.12239659

In 20 years time the raptors will be like FordT engines while the new rocket engines will be "riced out turbocharged"

>> No.12239661
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, 300peopleonmars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah,this seems like a great system for a planet with long lasting dust storms vs always on baseload power.

can you imagine trying to keep these things clean?

>> No.12239666

maybe later on, early muskville will be all solar though so that he doesn't need to spend a billion dollars designing a safe transportable self assembling reactor and 8 years getting through the paperwork to get his hands on fissile material. plus he already owns the solar panel company

>> No.12239667

NASA actually did really well with kilopower.

>> No.12239671

>can you imagine having a mechanism to blow a small amount of compressed martian air on each panel?
yeah actually i can

>> No.12239673

What's the point of registering for mars society when it's livestreaming on youtube?

>> No.12239677
File: 8 KB, 224x225, 1575506918182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it.

>> No.12239678

mars rovers lasted years on solar. send people and they can dust em off. stop inventing problems, grow plants, eat bugs

>> No.12239679

Literally all you need is a guy with a broom. No bullshit compressed air mechanism.

>> No.12239683

>he doesn't need to spend a billion dollars designing a safe transportable self assembling reactor
NASA built that in 3 years for 13 million bucks. Poston is a hardened pragmatist who loathes the wastefulness of previous programs and has optimized for simplicity instead of autistic hyperefficiency. He's awesome.

>> No.12239690

no anon, air broom > regular broom
compressed air hose and a blowdown valve with a de laval nozzle on it is the way to go

>> No.12239692

this, anon wojld know if he actually watched the talk

>> No.12239694

musk just deleted a tweet huh?

>> No.12239699

Perseverance might actually be able to do panel cleaning, just use the MOXY experiments leftover oxygen to blast a current into the panels

>> No.12239702

spacex canceled

>> No.12239703

Please explain this system in detail and how it is deployed and how long it takes to clean off the panels-is it built onto each panel or is it a motorized cart? Does a person have to push it around or is it powered? Can you show me explicit work on this or is it just an ad hoc solution you've thought up? How well can the system deal with a long lasting dust storm that is constantly depositing dust on the arrays?

>> No.12239708

what did it say?

>> No.12239710

that's what I'm wondering

>> No.12239716

>1 hour left
evens its the starship update, odds its not
repeating digits he makes a big announcement

>> No.12239717

>long lasting dust storm that is depositing dust continuously
it is also blowing dust off continuously, so just ride it out and blow it off when it's over
you can either moon buggy it with an air broom or do an autonomous rover, but I think rover umbilical EVA is a fucking sick idea so let's go with that

>> No.12239719

just a couple dumb cat memes

>> No.12239723

>Please explain this system
literally all you need is a low power device to pressurize and release a tiny puff of air
i don't know where this autism is coming from, martian dust is not the insurmountable problem you think it is, the wimpy natural winds on mars clean it off on their own most of the time

>> No.12239736

>ywn be solar power janitor blowing off martian panels with your air broom, riding around tethered to your sick buggy

>> No.12239756

>aquarium tubing along the rows of panels
>a big fucking fish air pump from petsmart
off the shelf solutions

>> No.12239757

Solar power is homosexual,you lay back and take what nature gives you like a little bitch, nuclear is masculine ,you're squeezing power out of atoms against their will and ramming in control rods to control the process like rock hard dicks of pure manhood. nuclear rockets are even more chad, esp since that little bitch solar fades to nothing one you get ot the actually cool places like titan.

>> No.12239768
File: 336 KB, 1280x1024, 1280px-Space_Shuttle_Main_Engine_Maintenance_-_GPN-2000-000548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres ur reusable engine bro

>> No.12239781

i wonder how long to 300 people on mars-2035? 2038? maybe later?

>> No.12239782

If you post that on Reddit they're bound to go full s0i face over it

>> No.12239783

solar is regal and aristocratic, you build it and then it all just comes to you
nuclear is hard working and blue collar

both have their strong points

>> No.12239784


>> No.12239793

Mark Watney managed just fine>>12239658

>> No.12239794

damn, that comparison isn't even close. It's a real shame our current "thought" leaders approach nuclear energy the same way a great grandmother approached microwave ovens. That being irrational suspicion, ignorance, and fear.

At the bare minimum it should be present as a backup power option. Sending people to mars to be entirely dependent on solar is nothing short of negligent.

>> No.12239804

Nuke Mars, I guess
Elon will never be allowed to take nukes with him, he'll have to design, test and build them out there

>> No.12239805

>We're only using SLS because we have to
Trump NEEDS to win this election, he's why Bridenstine gets to exist in NASA.
Yes, but biological women ideally hit the wall after being married for a while, and have no need to be sexually attractive as children have already been born.
What the fuck happened? I'm clearly in the wrong timeline. I should be training in a 3G von braun /fit/ facility, not wasting away in a weimarica run by jews.

>> No.12239807

false, space warfare would be interesting, there'd probably still be times where you'd pass within 10-50 kilometers of your enemy and exchange fire, it'd probably only be for a couple seconds though.

>> No.12239813

fuck a 9 year transit time, use a heavy or a starship

>> No.12239816


>> No.12239821
File: 38 KB, 748x482, Screenshot_2020-10-17 (1) Home Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12239834

any available positions for space janitors?

>> No.12239836

....is this a scam?

>> No.12239839


>> No.12239841

>120 merlins
So a Falcon Super Super Super Heavy

>> No.12239846

it was retweeted by michael sheetz so probably not

>> No.12239848


>> No.12239853

w-what will happen to the boca boomers?

>> No.12239859

if Bridenstine goes in favor of some oldspace crony I'm going to be so fucking mad

>> No.12239868

*Super Duper Pooper Scooper

>> No.12239869


24 minutes until the emperor speaks

>> No.12239870
File: 42 KB, 1280x355, PEP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is touching Jim.

>> No.12239878
File: 81 KB, 370x399, ImageGlass_tQKiMNOMlN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12239880

2035. and its going to rise a lot. i can see there being around 100k by 2050

>> No.12239882

Jim is gone by next year for sure. It's not a question. I wish I was wrong

>> No.12239884

Ehh? Its fundamentally a same thing, except nuclear power is just less efficient as a process than solar panels. You have the radiation from the body (uranium) and then you convert that radiation into heat which is used to convert to steam power with water which is used to turn a turbine to generate electricity. You can do that same thing with a solar thermal setup if you really want to, but its a few extra step of inefficiencies. Solar photovoltaic electric is radiation from sun -> direct electricity.
If I had to use a sexual metaphor, solar pv is like sticking your penis raw in a vagina and having baby making sex. Nuclear power is like putting a condom on, applying lube to condom, turning on the tv to hide that you're going to have sex, and then concentually ask your homosexual partner to masturbate your condomed penis in fear of getting AIDS.

>> No.12239885

how much will your new book "The Case For Mini Starships" cost?

>> No.12239888

$12.95 + tips

>> No.12239891

I'm sorry Zubby, oh Christ, I'm so sorry

>> No.12239894

is it just me or do the mars society talks suck?

>> No.12239896

Why are you so confident?

>> No.12239897

>Craig Robinson in The Office.jpg

>> No.12239900


>> No.12239901

Live and SpaceX testing livestream on their side.

>> No.12239903
File: 390 KB, 1536x2048, elonzubrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank u based bob

>> No.12239905

>Zubrin doesn't realize they're live
>intern turns off his video stream

>> No.12239910

Protect these men, at all costs.

>> No.12239911

>they've now muted bob's audio

>> No.12239912
File: 1.13 MB, 1000x942, tmslogo_trans_1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

graphic design is my passion

>> No.12239920
File: 59 KB, 373x521, Look+at+all+these+jabronis+who+dont+know+what+gachi+_811a28787ccc94d152ac429053d52077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12239925
File: 182 KB, 360x540, 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunar missions will be delayed until 2029 as a 60th anniversary celebration of Apollo.

>> No.12239926

I'm sure it looked a lot better in the 90s on old CRT screens.

>> No.12239932

What's the over/under on SpaceX landing an unmanned Starship on Mars before NASA lands a manned Starship on the moon for Artemis?

>> No.12239934


>> No.12239938
File: 1.49 MB, 1161x893, jimeyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldspace, fed up with Bridenstine, has been lobbying behind the scenes for Dewit to be appointed after a Trump victory. Trump likely won't win the election anyway, and Lori Garver is the favor in case of a Biden victory. If not her, some black chick, most assuredly.

There are dark, uncertain times ahead. Budget strains due to stimulus and nigger politicians who don't value space are a bad combination. Artemis may not survive, at least not on the 2024 timeframe. We can only pray that enough auxiliary technologies (habs, kilopower, suits, life support, etc.) are funded for Musk to carry out his plans unimpeded. We could not rely on NASA anyway, and we sure as shit can't rely on them in the next four years.

>> No.12239942

Most likely landing on moon before Mars. We have 100x more opportunity to land on moon than mars for far shorter time period too.

>> No.12239946

You are now aware of why the military interest in Starship is the best thing to happen to SpaceX since Falcon 1 flew successfully.

>> No.12239950

Lunar SS is a sidequest and will be completely abandoned if things don't go well with NASA over the next administration, Martian SS has always been the main mission and has no such dependencies. My bet is on Mars.

>> No.12239955

>The #NROL44 launch date is now indefinite on the range. With continued emphasis on mission success, our team will continue to test and evaluate the swing arm retraction system prior to the launch of the #DeltaIVHeavy. We will confirm a launch date as soon as possible.

>> No.12239960
File: 1.20 MB, 1162x1122, goofzubrin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12239962

>trump likely wont win
gee, the demoralization shills are here too?
citizen sniffs has less momentum behind him than hillary did, and is against a far stronger and more entrenched opponent

>> No.12239966

I agree but Lunar SS requires next to no additional hardware or adaptations to the vehicle to happen. And launch windows are.. whenever. A flyby at minimum would be an appropriate shakedown for the vehicle.

>> No.12239968

Yes, it's a godsend for sure. Elon has the world by the balls. God bless him

>> No.12239970

That is not a very theologically sound position to take, and is not actually rooted in God's word as far as I can tell.

>> No.12239974

also, checkem

>> No.12239975

inb4 the mission is scrapped, classified systems removed from the satellite and the whole thing preserved in place as the Delta IV Heavy Museum, "Results over Rhetoric" Exhibition

>> No.12239976

conference S C R U B B E D

>> No.12239979


>> No.12239982


Jesus christ both of you fuck off to /pol/ to discuss your two party scam.

>> No.12239983

>spacex wants to land on mars
>cant even launch a single conference call
its over for spacex

>> No.12239984


>> No.12239986

holy fuck ULA

>> No.12239988

>far stronger
coof coof

>> No.12239989

Elon's been found dead in his office. Stabbed through the neck with a feather. Bezos sends his regards.

>> No.12239990

>On time


>> No.12239993

The nuclear power one was good. The KSC not so much.

>> No.12239997

Glad to see you guys aren’t rushing it, despite the public’s insistence on getting it done.

>> No.12239999
File: 27 KB, 785x757, 2nikeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing

>> No.12240002

link to the youtube of it? I bet it sucked.

>> No.12240003

hi bob

>> No.12240004

>a bunch of dorks awkwardly talking into a webcam
what did you expect?

>> No.12240006

Live again

>> No.12240008


>> No.12240009


>> No.12240011


>> No.12240012

The Martian vehicle is essentially the base vehicle when it comes to the manned SS. The Lunar version has significant differences (paint, docking port in the nose instead of the header tank, landing engines mid-way up the vehicle). There's stuff stripped out too like the heatshield but even taking something out instead of adding something still requires manufacturing adjustments.

>> No.12240013

there we go

>> No.12240015

Who is that Iron Man 2 guy with Zubrin.

>> No.12240016

Damn look at the z man's hair loss

>> No.12240017


>> No.12240018

that they'd be a bit more detailed and academic.

>> No.12240020

that feedback

>> No.12240023

Why don't we have an Elon presentation bingo yet?

>> No.12240025

obligatory "spacex almost failed" anecdote

>> No.12240026

someone's having a bad hairplug day

>> No.12240029

>free space: Grimes walks in naked

>> No.12240030

My rocket motto: patience is better than boom hoom

>> No.12240032
File: 17 KB, 543x565, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this audio

>> No.12240033

if the ships stop coming.

>> No.12240035

doomer elon

>> No.12240036

world war 3

>> No.12240038


>> No.12240041
File: 822 KB, 1536x2048, D_-A6tRUcAACHCc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Elon to unzip his FUCKING pants and whip out his MINI STARSHIP

>> No.12240043
File: 175 KB, 699x702, REEEEEEEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12240044
File: 3 KB, 97x116, 1375865520745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>civilization is looking a little rickety
Elon's understatement game on point

>> No.12240046

Currently making one, anons please post suggestions for bingo chart

>> No.12240049

>it's pointless to have a lifeboat that only goes to some place that you will soon die out
And that's why Mars first, the Moon can't do shit for you without support

>> No.12240052

you can't be fapping around with disposable rockets...

>> No.12240053

c'mon bob
mention mini starship

>> No.12240054

>orders of magnitude
>multiplanetary species
>self sustaining city

>> No.12240057
File: 109 KB, 960x960, vonbrawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

run that by me again, elon?

>> No.12240058

>not Big Jim walking in naked
not interested

>> No.12240060

>Even the SLS is a joke, don't tell Jim

>> No.12240062

1/5000 of what needed for Mars is availaible today.

>> No.12240065

>expendable rockets are utterly stupid
>they're a complete waste of time

>doing a suborbital reusable rocket is easy

>> No.12240067

The moon is perfectly capable of supporting a permanent and self-sustaining colony.

>> No.12240069

Elon is not holding back holy FUCK

>> No.12240071

time stamp?

>> No.12240072

>you can make the rocket arbitrarily bigger but the avionics stay the same size

>> No.12240073

>suffice to say there are advantages to size

>> No.12240075


>> No.12240076
File: 19 KB, 216x233, crying_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Size is important
>In many walks of life

>> No.12240078

>size matters, you have big ships, you can't sail a container across the ocean with an outboard, that would be silly

>> No.12240079

I genuinely fear that his efforts will come up just barely short and just slightly too late

>> No.12240081

Elon has a megapenis confirmed

>> No.12240082
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>> No.12240083


>> No.12240085

grimes already confirmed this

>> No.12240086

Grimes already confirmed that

>> No.12240089

The moon has no or trace verifiable concentrations of many essential elements, and often localized to otherwise poor areas where available. It's shit.

>> No.12240091

Mus is very tall.

>> No.12240093

wait, what

>> No.12240094


>> No.12240096


>> No.12240097
File: 2.43 MB, 1128x1244, 1590868661693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the world ends the afternoon before his final Starship update

>> No.12240098

zubzub asking the real question.

>> No.12240099


>> No.12240100

big chungus
big chungus

>> No.12240102
File: 723 KB, 3840x2160, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12240103

Next year orbital, 50 percent chance of return.

>> No.12240106

>initial boosters will have 4-8 engines

>> No.12240108

Debris fields confirmed over the US

>> No.12240109

4 years uncrewed Mars.

>> No.12240111

>will likely lose a number of starships trying to get reentry right
>hopefully we don't lose a booster
>that's a lot of engines
>initial flights will have 2-4. Not 28.

>> No.12240112

>we could send an uncrewed starship to mars in maybe 4 years

>> No.12240115

You will not be dead Elon. You have Neuralink and Starlink.

>> No.12240116

looks like humans are now pushed back to 2026 if the uncrewed launches are 2024

not surprising.

>> No.12240117
File: 1.61 MB, 1293x1293, 1556656043161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't even need to return at this point, a working expendable SS would still be fucking incredible

>> No.12240118

Its not impossible, Saturn V was made in 4 years or so.

>> No.12240119

test flights obviously, not orbital

>> No.12240120
File: 493 KB, 440x330, galo_sengan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YFW you can buy starship wreckage pieces on ebay soon(tm)

>> No.12240121

>We will landing on Mars way before SLS I can tell you that much


>> No.12240122
File: 75 KB, 782x561, 1590316343358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how are you innovating so quickly
It's because the competition is SHIT

>> No.12240124


>> No.12240125

He is mentioning Boeing

>> No.12240126


>> No.12240127


>> No.12240128
File: 479 KB, 1500x500, 1601750910371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're not even trying
>we're not just trying to beat Boeing or we wouldn't do anything

>> No.12240129


>> No.12240130

>737 max joke

>> No.12240131

>Elon joking about the 737 MAX being expendable
Holy shit.

>> No.12240132

jesus boeing getting fucked

>> No.12240133

lol that 737max jab was a low blow i love it

>> No.12240134

>elon shit talks boing for not making reusable spacecraft, yet make reusable aircraft

>> No.12240135

>They make planes that are reusable

Not the 737 MAX

>> No.12240136
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>> No.12240137

fucking feels so good

>> No.12240138


>> No.12240139

>737 expendable
that's why it blew up

>> No.12240140
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>> No.12240143


>> No.12240146
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>> No.12240147


>> No.12240148


>> No.12240149
File: 52 KB, 420x420, Png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12240150

which one of you is that

>> No.12240151
File: 74 KB, 1280x853, Laugh_along_with_Musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Boing shill tears will be delicious this month.

>> No.12240152


>> No.12240153

delete this reddit shit

>> No.12240154

>not a call in q&a
missed opportunity for autism kino

>> No.12240155

Please cite your elements of concern

>> No.12240156

So Mars missions are independent from NASA.

>> No.12240157


>> No.12240160
File: 66 KB, 589x563, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please add to the bingo bros

>> No.12240163

>carie refusing to show her face

>> No.12240164

>Elon is so fucking autistic that I can't understand half of what he says
80% of what comes out from his mouth is just "aahmmm" and "hummm", at least it's good that people can be this sucessful being this absolutely retarded...

>> No.12240165

that shit is a direct quote from the Starliner fuck-up thread

>> No.12240166
File: 585 KB, 518x405, The_Umm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12240167


>> No.12240168

math fags BTFO, physics chads win again

>> No.12240169

Boring company not Mars related.

>> No.12240172

>"to make a propellant depot-errr I mean production plant"
Elon browses /sfg/ confirmed.

>> No.12240173

>Well we could use more cooks in the kitchens


>> No.12240175

>I wasted millions of dollars in the boring company as a joke

>> No.12240177

>the faggots going "WE NEED TO FIX URF FIRST
Of course one is a wang.

>> No.12240178
File: 228 KB, 1024x829, propellant_depot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12240180

All the money in the world couldn't fix Africa

>> No.12240181

>a month or two... so a few months

>> No.12240183

she's a big one. cumbersome carrie they call her

>> No.12240184
File: 998 KB, 500x368, behelit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12240185

>"Yeah, probably"
>Elon straight up lies about one future date

>> No.12240186

>no orbital refueling till 2022

>> No.12240187

2022 refeuling in orbit.

>> No.12240188


>> No.12240190

A2A 2022

>> No.12240191


>> No.12240192
File: 34 KB, 548x566, 2yqiz6xk41k11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refueling demonstration in 2 years, moonship in 2-3
>mars next transit window after that

>> No.12240193
File: 308 KB, 1196x674, Emperor Musk V4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spoke last in 2012 as startup company with it's first few successful launches
>comes back as the backbone of modern rocket engineering
>shit talks everyone still even thinking of expendable rockets

>> No.12240194
File: 536 KB, 613x594, GROWING_CONCERN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can hear the fatty wheezing

>> No.12240197

did you really expect sooner?

>> No.12240198

What is that weird ass gold thing directly behind elon

>> No.12240199

If you don't care about the boring company, you're a fool

>> No.12240200

his throne

>> No.12240201

Yes. I was expecting that as the first thing they do after orbit.

>> No.12240202

The gold steering wheel?

>> No.12240203

Some car award I'm guessing. Looks like a steering wheel.

>> No.12240204

might be an award for tesla

>> No.12240207

A throne made out of molten gold from the latest 737 MAX crash.

>> No.12240206

No the big square thing he is covering

>> No.12240208

A mirror?

>> No.12240209

His backup memory disk

>> No.12240210

Your only significant source of sodium, potassium, phosphorus is a highly localized region of KREEP availability far from the ice deposits, carbon and nitrogen have no verifiable sources beyond trace concentrations.

>> No.12240211


>> No.12240212


>> No.12240213

A single falcon9 is the cheapest and fastest solution(for launch time).
Not the best at getting there fast.

>> No.12240214


>> No.12240215

>depot-based solar system hopping

>> No.12240216

>You could have a dirigible like they had them back in Germany in the 40's


>> No.12240218

What the fuck even is Elon in?

>> No.12240219

He definitely earned bragging rights. All he needs to say now is "it's time for Boeing to deliver" like that one time Jim tried to call out SpaceX.

>> No.12240220

>Zubrin asking for a job

>> No.12240221

Starship SN8. He's going to launch to orbit tonight.

>> No.12240222

tesla btfo

>> No.12240223

>Elon isn't sure if Tesla would hire Tesla

>> No.12240224

you don't need a degree of any kind to get to mars

>> No.12240226

[hindenburg screaming in the distance]

>> No.12240227

>Future company named after Elon
>Wouldn't hire Elon because he's too autistic

>> No.12240231
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>> No.12240234

>that nod after every time musk does a sentence that he doesnt fuck up and hes happy with hemself.
on a scale from 1 to 10 how autistic is he?
Dude is fucking supermodels so he cant be a 10

>> No.12240235


>> No.12240239

Starship hatch

>> No.12240240


>> No.12240242

Are we 100% sure Elon isn't the enraged soul of von Braun reincarnated to bring the Mars Projekt to reality?

>> No.12240243
File: 1.18 MB, 200x150, 1374817459102.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that abrupt ass goodbye

>> No.12240244

It's a mirror.

>> No.12240245


>> No.12240247

a mirror

>> No.12240248

zubrin is such a nerd i love it

>> No.12240249

a mirror

>> No.12240250

it's a mirror dumbass
10 but with money so he fucks supermodels (and solid 6s like Grimes) anyways

>> No.12240253

That'd be pretty kino, not gonna lie.
>inb4 somebody post the Werner von Braun song

>> No.12240252

It's prrety obviously not reflective

It's on the wall

>> No.12240254

he's rich and famous he can be as autistic as he wants

>> No.12240255

well Elon was 6 when Werner died so probably not

>> No.12240257

>It's prrety obviously not reflective
Yeah it is. It's very obviously reflecting his ceiling.

>> No.12240258

>the virgin brain normie
>the autistiCHAD

>> No.12240259

children don't have souls until puberty

>> No.12240260

the vault where he keeps the its, red dragon, falcon 5, falcon 9 air, man-rated falcon heavy, and falcon 1e

>> No.12240261

How do you know it isn’t underground lol

>> No.12240262

It's reflecting the ceiling because of the camera angle

>> No.12240264

>ghost of van braun possessed a young autist

>> No.12240265

Elon is posting in this thread right now. Say hi and thank him!

>> No.12240266

Are there known reserves of fissile material anywhere off earth?

>> No.12240267

Wut, Musk is older than i thought.

>> No.12240269

Elon, stop cucking johnny depp, we now he is a loser, but still.

>> No.12240270


>> No.12240271
File: 35 KB, 112x112, 5f7e9fbde9a241479787a9a27f46db95.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you mr howard hughes man

>> No.12240273

Deuterium on Mars.

>> No.12240274

la daemones de las von braunes

>> No.12240275

Yo Elon, is New Rhodesia not gonna have gay rights?

>> No.12240278

Has Zubrin gone nearly an hour without talking about mini starship?

>> No.12240279

Light of consciousness

>> No.12240280
File: 430 KB, 2048x1536, babesnzubrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carie is so fucking hot wtf?? where and how does zubrin get all these babes

>> No.12240281

seu merda

>> No.12240283

>w-well maybe it's hiding
Who the fuck cares? I know it's on Mars.

>> No.12240284

Hello anonymous, you are correct, non breeders will be recycled for nutrients.

>> No.12240285

Zubrin is explaining refueling of starship.

>> No.12240286

osmium tetroxide rockets when?

>> No.12240288

Elon time

>> No.12240293

i think he's decided to just go all in on elon's plan

>> No.12240295

real elon would post more naturally because he's autistic like us

he could be any one of us, even me, even you

>> No.12240297

shitting on oldspace

>> No.12240299

Zubrin says Musk has best people since Von Braun.

>> No.12240300

>tune back into stream after exiting when Musk did
>Zubrin lamenting Shuttle

>best rocket team since von Braun
Absolutely based Zubrin following the thread in another tab

>> No.12240304

>best rocket team from von braun

>> No.12240305

Why is this lardass on my screen

>> No.12240306

the von isn't capitalized in Germanic names

>> No.12240307

>Absolutely based Zubrin following the thread in another tab
Zubrin is the honorary 4ASS director of research.

>> No.12240309
File: 372 KB, 1258x1158, uwut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when u see an expendable rocket

>> No.12240310

>nuclear power
>best team since von Braun
Oh Zubrin, you are so deluded....

>> No.12240314
File: 73 KB, 589x563, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 more bros give me your suggestions

>> No.12240317

my man repping SMR tech! Based. He knows how insane the power requirements to make fuel are better than anyone.

>> No.12240318

>creates the concepts and paves the way for Musk to create his stuff
>nobody wants to talk with you, keep asking about Musk
Being Zubrin must be suffering. Success was right before him, and yet he failed to capitalize on it, and now his pupils take all the laureates.

>> No.12240320

>QA asks about costs
>QA asks about timelines
>QA asks about nothing else, just repeats those two

>> No.12240321

roasting oldspace

>> No.12240323

>But what about [other company]?

>> No.12240327

-tangent, not tangeant
-"expendable rockets are really stupid"

>> No.12240330

So did we get any new information out that? seemed like the same old shit

>> No.12240331

>Jamas forgot the maximum time set on zoom

>> No.12240332

Ore deposits typically aren’t exposed to the surface lol

>> No.12240333

>see you on mars


>> No.12240334

I am glad to see Zubrin is happy with Starship development. His whole there were no progress in manned space exploration.

>> No.12240335

It wouldn't be to those exact dimensions, but yes a rocket double the size of StarshipSuperheavy isn't much more or less difficult than StarshipSuperheavy already is. The only complicating factor might be welding the pieces together, you'd definitely want to use large scale stir welding or some other technique which doesn't generate seams to construct a pressure vessel of that size capable of holding 8-10 bar and dealing with multiple gees of acceleration and deceleration.
Your dry mass will be more than double the original due to the inclusion of strengthening struts and ribs most likely, but steel is an easy material to work and construction of that size scale isn't remotely new at this point.

>> No.12240338

whole life

>> No.12240341

when zubrin said it you could hear sadness in his voice. he might not live to see it, definitely wont go himself

>> No.12240342

More Elon time dates.

>> No.12240343

>history of exceptional abilities/nikola tesla employment example

>> No.12240344

He's trying to dodge the wrath of Shelby

>> No.12240345

>instead of working on fancier welds and using thicker steel, we just threw a fucking truss into the tankage, it's a bit heavier but the size makes up for it in terms of mass fraction

>> No.12240349

>see you martian cowboy

>> No.12240355

He'd be ecstatic if Starship sends Mars cargo.

There are few key milestones to follow for SpaceX to get to mars.

>15 km flight
>landing successfully
>orbital flight with full starship stack
>heat shield solution
>propellant transfer in orbit

Once these milestones are reached, we're basically one step away from Mars.

>> No.12240357

You misspelled "Tangent."

>> No.12240358

The wet mass fraction would be immensely greater, as would the payload capacity, the bigger it gets the less it's structure is going to count towards the total mass.

>> No.12240359
File: 92 KB, 589x563, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 more bros and then we have our bingo


>> No.12240361

Guys..... Starship wet workshop. But on Mars

>> No.12240362

>the bigger it gets the less it's structure is going to count towards the total mass.
This is why I can't get excited about yet another smallsat company.

>> No.12240365

How elon don't see old space as competition, since they're practically stagnant and has no plans for reusable systems. Oldspace strategy is to hope/wish for SpaceX's starship to fail. That's it. Just like they did the same with Falcon9/CrewDragon as well as old car companies sitting stagnant with electric cars.

>> No.12240370

the Saturn V isn't von Braun's space shuttle

>> No.12240372

Elon needs to produce sex bots with wombs to replace females.

>> No.12240373

The first few Starships will probably act as propellant depots for the Sabatier system, because you've got giant tanks right there so might as well use them. The next few will probably act as early shelters for crew and might be wet workshopped, with one or two kept for an emergency Earth return.

>> No.12240374

The old car companies refusing to innovate any good electrics is annoying because I'd love to invest in an electric car company that actually has factories and isn't priced like the rest of the industry combined.

>> No.12240376

Should be real emergence if you can only go to Earth once every two years.

>> No.12240377

The pricing on the model 3 is extremely fair when you look at the cost of batteries and how many kwh are in the fucking thing.

>> No.12240381

Moon is literally made up of the same material as earth due to how it formed, it's not a stretch to assume similar ratios of trace metals underground

>> No.12240383

it's fun as fuck too

>> No.12240384

I think the best way to manage this would be to have a 2 year emergency store of all consumables (at least during the early phases of colonization) so a scenario like "oh no all of our CO2 scrubbers are shit" doesn't turn into an instant revert to VAB irl.

>> No.12240385

>literally pockmarked with craters and ravines
>no evidence
>i-it's just deeper
You've got nothing, lunagger.

>> No.12240386

Really annoys me that the cheap batteries in the model 3 haven't translated into them selling consumer battery packs at the same or similar price. Powerwall 2 is insanely expensive.

>> No.12240390

>falcon 1 sob story

>> No.12240392

based,fuck lunapologists

>> No.12240394

500K from Fremont, 700K from Shanghai, 400K from Berlin, 200K from Texas in ~4 years.

If they stay stagnant, they'll be eaten up by Tesla's growing market. That's just the car side of their business. They'll likely launch a personal utility thing with their solar panels/batteries so they can make money offloading/selling electricity to keep the power companies's demand curve stable in ~4 years as well. That would be another ~200B+ market for them.

Then there's the selfdriving business that seems to be almost there but stuck on the last 1%.

Tesla has LOTS to grow into. I'd estimate a ~3 trillion marketcap by 2025 alone.

>> No.12240396

production limitation dude. more money to sell a pack wrapped in a car than just the pack itself.
There's gonna be lithium battery production limitations (car battery batteries) for like the next 8 years

>> No.12240398

>the laws of physics themselves want us to build fuckhuge rockets
maybe this universe isn't completely shit after all

>> No.12240400

>Once these milestones are reached, we're basically one step away from Mars.
And it's only a 6 month journey. Holy fucking hell I can't wait.
> 6 month long livestream
> Estronaut pledges to cover the entire thing
> Hallucinating and delerious after doing first 72 hours straight
> Dons spacesuit
> Threatens to lock helmet closed
> 'Only 6 more months to go Tim!'

>> No.12240401

>the laws of physics themselves want us to build fuckhuge rockets
Unfortunately there's a limit to how big a rocket can be on Earth due to our gravity.

>> No.12240405

Also, Tesla's current valuation is ~400B. So my rough estimate would say they still have another 5x growth capability in the next 5 years if my prediction comes to be.

>> No.12240407

'Those guys were my heroes'

>> No.12240408

>Unfortunately there's a limit to how big a rocket can be on Earth due to our gravity.
18 meter Starthicks are below that limit though. Do you really need larger modules than that for orbital lego?

>> No.12240410

that's not an argument against fuckhuge galaxy class starcruisers that's an argument in favor of a phobos shipyard

>> No.12240412

Basically, the relationship between surface area and volume invariably dictates that until you reach the strength tolerances of your construction material, you run out of surface area for your engines, or your rocket is too big to produce a TWR>1, bigger is always better.

>> No.12240417

Yeah. Mars orbital shipyard would be perfect. Transit from Mars-Orbit is less energy intensive than Earth and converting Phobos into a Shipyard facility would be more ideal than earth's orbit, but once/only if Mars development reaches a thriving state.

>> No.12240419
File: 308 KB, 1920x1080, alpaca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Angry Astronaut interview with Dynetics about ALPACA.

>> No.12240421

Why not just print the Starships on Mars?

>> No.12240423
File: 1.60 MB, 2102x1182, starman drives a tesla to mars orbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but once/only if Mars development reaches a thriving state.
That's true of pretty much any plan for serious offworld expansion, though. Mars is the key to the rest of the system.

>> No.12240427

Anon. Do you find fissile material in the
fucking 2 centimetres of top soil? Fucking no? Then we don‘t fucking know since nobody sent a mile long mining drill to anywhere yet.
That being said, there should be nuclear fuel all over. Why shouldn‘t there be.

>> No.12240430

Electric cars are gay. Oil is the best

>> No.12240436

The moon is made of the same stuff the earth is. It’s there lol

>> No.12240438

Unless their Roadrunner battery project comes to fruitation, in which case, Tesla will be making nearly half the world's lithium battery

>> No.12240445

Everything in the solar system is made out of the same shit, it's the way they formed, their mass and distance from the sun that determines accessible or retained concentrations of that stuff. The moon is a blasted rock that had its volatiles burnt off and never had processes that made many elements more concentrated and available on Earth.

>> No.12240446
File: 819 KB, 2340x2350, Apollo_17_rover_at_final_resting_site.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see any combustion junkers on the moon

>> No.12240450

Well idk or I wouldn't have asked. I mean we know what stars and some comets are made from right? So it wouldn't surprise me if the composition could be inferred from the historical evidence of the solar system or something

>> No.12240451
File: 2.88 MB, 671x1710, Gene_Gottagofast_Cernan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only speed demons

>> No.12240456

Someday a V8 will be revving on the moon, and it will be glorious.

>> No.12240460

there are stamp police though :(

>> No.12240464

turning earth back into a synestia when bros?

>> No.12240466

>Awkward laughing
>Wearing a black leather jacket
>Mentions a video game or makes a vidya reference
>”...orders of magnitude...”
>mentions mass extinction event/why humans must be interplanetary
>presentation starts late (also take a shot)
>audience laughs at obviously bad joke (also take a shot)
>mentions crew one and dragon resupply
>uses the term “super cool” (also take a shot)
>uses the term “sustainable transport”

>> No.12240470

Never, Earth will leave the solarsystem.

>> No.12240474

t. Jodorowsky.

>> No.12240480

Normaly anons in this place would be thinking about that shitty chinese movie from a year ago instead.

>> No.12240488
File: 126 KB, 564x1499, 1601301120362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12240491

Estronaut spergs out.

>> No.12240492

now we're talking

>> No.12240498

Imagine how many Cygnus-derived inert-payload containers you could fit in that thing.

>> No.12240499

Looks cool but there is no real reason not to do the 18m instead.

>> No.12240504

single use disposable aluminum-lithium isogrids

>> No.12240512

Wouldn't you have to import gas onto the moon and thus make it ridiculously expensive?

>> No.12240514

just get some fusion plants running and make it out of the rocks, problem solved

>> No.12240516

You can't make gasoline with a fusion plant.

>> No.12240519

Yes you can.

>> No.12240521

No you can't

>> No.12240525

you just need to dig up some carbon and hydrogen and oxygen from ice or rocks or whatever is around
if you have enough power its pretty simple to separate them and then combine them back into whatever hydrocarbons you want from there

>> No.12240534
File: 10 KB, 282x257, e0dc4748f4e9e287350edbdd22cfb459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem being that the moon appears to be extremely carbon poor

>> No.12240537
File: 1.45 MB, 1986x1117, 1590868315906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12240544

yeah there's not very much of it, but if you scrape up enough regolith you can sift out the solar wind/micrometeoroid deposits from there
there's also quite a bit more carbon vapor coming out of the moon than there should be with current models, so there may be more of it buried somewhere down there that we don't know about yet

>> No.12240552

Dude if you're sifting through tons of moon dust to look for tiny amounts of carbon at a time then it's probably just cheaper to import it from earth.

>> No.12240555

Yes you can.

>> No.12240561

>All resource deposits are in topsoil

Lol k

>> No.12240562

I mean if you have a V8 on the moon you probably have plenty of carbon sitting around in your life support and everything else already to fuck around with, but it's the principle of the thing

>> No.12240577
File: 381 KB, 1000x662, EFT-1_Orion_Weight_and_Center_of_Gravity_Test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's ur capsule bro

>> No.12240578

If your critical space hardware has to sit in a clean room, handled by people with suits, gloves and hats on, it's ngmi.

>> No.12240581

Orion isn't bad for a ~2014 era oldspace capsule. It only looks retarded because SLS is so far behind schedule.

>> No.12240584
File: 110 KB, 800x1003, 800px-EFT-1_launch_-_view_from_pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ummm sorry sweety but it already made it

>> No.12240607

>EFT-1 was 6 years ago

>> No.12240613

EFT-1 was truly peak oldspace kino

>> No.12240685
File: 1.56 MB, 1196x1283, 1582346389088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck?

>> No.12240686

lol elon had a shitty surgeon

>> No.12240696

it's 146m ea actually jej

>> No.12240701

Elon is surprisingly open about his personal health, or it could be lies.

>> No.12240712

he's talked about near-death with malaria a couple times

>> No.12240714


Dont forget that the first SLS's will use Shuttle RS-25's, throwing away engines into the drink that went into space dozens of times and can be considered historical artifacts. To make things worse, they have to use those engines because Congress turned that demand into law.

>> No.12240717

it'll get cheaper overtime

>> No.12240727

>Congress turned that demand into law.
I still cant believe how fucking stupid it is that made it a law that this thing has to do certain missions.

>> No.12240731

Why does congress solidify these things into law? Seems like a major issue

>> No.12240732
File: 4 KB, 125x104, 1573398899733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throwing away engines into the drink that went into space dozens of times and can be considered historical artifacts
I'm actually speechless. Holy fuck. Though if goddamn congress is designing a rocket then of course it's going to be an utter atrocity

write into law a law forbidding dumb shit like that from being put into law

>> No.12240734

That's how it should be done when American jobs are at stake.

>> No.12240735
File: 967 KB, 795x566, 1595384666326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

issues? It's working perfectly as intended

>> No.12240737

>it's better for an industry to be extremely inefficient and never get anything done so long as it'll temporarily cost some jobs
No wonder communism failed

>> No.12240739

It's shocking, isn't it?
Congress is entirely faggots.

>> No.12240741



>> No.12240744
File: 66 KB, 992x740, iStock_000000618052Medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12240748
File: 668 KB, 800x400, 1590866934971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you've done it

>> No.12240752
File: 51 KB, 702x336, Richard-Shelby-702x336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ve had your last launch, Elon. Sorry you got twisted up in this scene, from where you’re kneeling it must seem like an 420 ISP run of bad luck. Truth is...This game was rigged from the start.

>> No.12240754

>420 ISP run of bad luck
My God, even his jokes are based on hydrolox.

>> No.12240780

I just don't understand this reusable job meme.

>> No.12240811

Is this from his Mars Society zoom meeting?

>> No.12240815
File: 200 KB, 1280x942, 1280px-Esquel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*falls from your sky*


>> No.12240816

>near-death with malaria
kek imagine living in africa

>> No.12240818

>the F O R B I D D EN S D C A R D

>> No.12240836
File: 8 KB, 618x228, SL9ImpactGalileo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12240852
File: 187 KB, 1645x1080, earth-chan jupiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waah, what are we gonna do on the bed, onee-chan?

>> No.12240866

Yeah, we've found it on both Moon and Mars, actually.

>> No.12240868
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, wp3813704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12240870

How can osmium toxicity be real if our eyes aren't real?

>> No.12240872

>expendable airplanes
>*nods to self*
>"It's very hard, it's extremely hard"
>"People should be excited for the future"

>> No.12240878

>you'd definitely want to use large scale stir welding
No, why would you think that. Starship's tank walls aren't even a centimeter thick, welding 15 mm steel using tig or even mig is not a problem.

>> No.12240882
File: 3 KB, 188x153, Stage_tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stage trees

>> No.12240885
File: 159 KB, 900x600, a-herd-of-cows-grazing-on-a-green-phil-schermeister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12240954


>> No.12240980

Liver damage edition: take a shot every time he says super cool, or people should be excited

>> No.12240993
File: 804 KB, 1280x674, sx7ilp2hc0d51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game was rigged from the start
you arent allowed to post this meme without pic related

>> No.12241021

Do we think Bigelow will return from the dead or are they finito?

>> No.12241038
File: 619 KB, 1922x1079, Screenshot_20201016-211204_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL at Zubrin ranting against astrobiologists to their faces. They're seething

>> No.12241042

I pray they are bought by a more competent organization

>> No.12241049

New bread:


>> No.12241075

>page 8
Anon, please.

>> No.12241120

>reddit shit
>calling indians "poos"

>> No.12241126

its slower because even though you might launch a year later with falcon heavy the falcon heavy will arrive sooner

>> No.12241498

There's not going to be any "over time" for the SLS.