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12238779 No.12238779 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it.
Drugs aren't comfy, they make your mind fuzzy and/or give you hangovers.
So why the fuck do people do them?
Do they not like being comfy with a sharp mind and healthy-feeling body?

>> No.12238801

why spend time being sad because thinking when you can spend time being happy because not thinking.

>> No.12238804

Not doing drugs is literally retarded.

When you do drugs, in principle, they always take happiness or energy that’s all spread out and compresses it into a shorter time span. So it creates a wave like effect with a peak and a trough.

Here’s the key thing though. A smart /skilled drug user times the use of his drugs in order to perfectly maneuver these peaks and troughs around his life and makes sure he allows enough time to recover and “pay off the debt”. A skilled drug user is like a magician, who can greatly leverage the power of these potions to achieve things you could never dream of with your beta stable energy.

>> No.12238807
File: 28 KB, 259x400, 549F410A-3332-4D9F-9919-F15B4D4F2970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people are degenerates, I wonder why?

>> No.12238806

>Drugs aren't comfy,
try opioids

>> No.12238808

People use drugs for all sorts of reasons. Coffee/caffeine to be more alert, antihistamines to reduce allergy symptoms, painkillers to manage physical pain, benzodiazepines to reduce anxiety, alcohol for euphoria, psychedelics for novelty, so on. There’s a lot of overlap there obviously. Even if we limit our discussion to drugs taken for recreational purposes, most do not cause hangovers or negative aftereffects. As for mental clarity, there are many drugs that cause pleasure without significany impairing your cognitive ability.
This is more of a question for /his/ or maybe /lit/.

>> No.12238841

- Sometimes you have to turn the logic side of the brain down to access the creative side
- Drugs help in understanding consciousness. You have to change consciousness in order to have a difference to measure.
- Beer is very different from other drugs. Acid can give you a nice afterglow instead of a hangover.
- Psychedelics allow someone to work out their psychological problems from a perspective they could not see otherwise. It breaks down the walls we put up in our own minds

>> No.12238876

t. Someone who's never done drugs or even read about them.

I'm not advocating you take them as they'll certainly be bad for you and you could get addicted. But no not all drugs have a "hangover" and not all drugs just make you stoned, amphetamines will actually make things clearer, and one thing to note is yeah binges will be mostly negative but that's not what long time wizards do. You take a very mild dose to enhance your performance and reduce discomfort. EX, take a benzo to remove anxiety or stress, take an Adderall to make cleaning your house fun, take caffeine in the morning so you're not spending all morning feeling like shit, if you get a sniffle pop an oxycodone and feel GREAT as you take a hot shower and watch anime. There's no "hangover" from that lifestyle and it's one id say 10-20% of the adult population enjoys without telling a straight edge like you.

>> No.12238894

Because they are not super rich assholes, who get pushed money in the butt for everything thats why.

>> No.12238917

Caffeine is a drug and most of my colleagues, including myself, consume several cups of coffee a day. It keeps you alert and helps improve brain function. So i guess that could be one reason, but as far as other drugs probably just because its neat/fun.

>> No.12238918


Misery. The social aspects might be an important aspect of it to (the old, peer pressure argument, but with other stuff on top.)

Grieving a death
End of a relationship
Mental illness
Environmental influences
Financial burdens
Career pressures
School pressures
Family demands
Peer and Social Pressure
Abuse and trauma
To fit in
Curiosity and experimentation
To be in control
To enhance performance
Misinformation or ignorance
Instant Gratification
Wide availability

So it's not based in logic, but in emotion. Everything else is just a rationalizing and self-justification.

>> No.12238929

>Drugs aren't comfy
>they make your mind fuzzy
Not always a negative

>> No.12239762

>Drugs aren't comfy,
>they make your mind fuzzy
>and/or give you hangovers.

There's your answer, none of those things are necessarily true. With all of your clear mindedness, you should have the theory of mind and insight required to trace this out yourself.

>> No.12239770

microdosing LSD changed everything

>> No.12239773

>Drugs aren't comfy
sounds like you're doin the wrong kind of drugs

>> No.12239774

I'd rather not live in West Virginia.

>> No.12239811

Do extasy or LSD and you will know why.

>> No.12239829

Only LSD
Extasy is neurotoxic

>> No.12239837

Look into Graham Hancock. Drugs are bad but you can't really argue against responsible psychadelic use once you understand them.

>> No.12239842

But mad fun

>> No.12239845
File: 101 KB, 828x682, veti72rp61z41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some niche unimportant plants make chemicals that mock neurochemicals to kill or disrupt pests
>ends up dominating entire ecosystems because apes with tall legs and big foreheads are sad
4d chess moves

>> No.12239867

This guy gets it.
Except instead of a defense against pests they are literally, willfully sent by the universe for our consumption

>> No.12239872

Ecstasy is implicated in recovery of soldiers with severe PTSD

>> No.12239879

Ketamine usage is associated with sever depression recovery

>> No.12239892


>> No.12239902

Noone who ever did ketamine would say that.

>> No.12239937

Why don't you back up that claim with evidence, you simpleton? We are on the science board, after all.

>> No.12239956

My favorite drug is shrooms.
Holy fuck are they fun lol

>> No.12239969

Don't have evidence but I did ketamine and can't see how it would help anyone with depression. Also this ''ketamine cures depresion'' meme has no convoncing evidence to back it up either.

>> No.12240263

Based and pilled

>> No.12240646

Bunch of junkie addicts ITT.

>> No.12240659

I've tried meth...twice. There's a reason it's addictive, anon. It gives you a surge of confidence like you wouldn't believe. You basically feel like Superman.

I didn't get sucked into it though, cuz my life isn't shit and I was just a curious edgy kid at the time. The comedown is also horrible, you feel like doing jumping jacks and curling into a ball at the same time. If my life was complete shit (say, homeless) I can totally see why someone would say "fuck it" and do it anyway.

>> No.12240673
File: 159 KB, 900x1170, A5BF9A9D-92E3-45FC-A58B-B83540350652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs used to take meth and charge into machine gun fire or kamikaze their planes into us naval ships. Imagine the intensity of that final moment. Fucking meth perfectly explains a lot of their wartime behavior.

>> No.12240691


>> No.12240695

I wouldn't be surprised if some thought they'd live through the cross fire. It gives you a completely delusional sense of empowerment. Banzai makes total sense with meth involved.

>> No.12240707

Picking up a grug addiction sounds like a really stupid thing to do if you're a d3pr3553d n337. Don't do it frens.

>> No.12240844
