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File: 264 KB, 2048x1424, ,,,,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12237314 No.12237314[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the scientific explanation for this?

>> No.12237330

The scientific explanation of you being an incel that goes around pretending to be someone else on dating sites to save conversations and post them on cartoon forums? Your dad should have pulled out.

>> No.12237331

>doesn't post this in the /ss/ general
fucking retard.

>> No.12237367

Nothing is more sexually repulsive to a female than a søyboi

>> No.12237607

Looks > Personality

>> No.12237699
File: 51 KB, 620x611, 1602710582021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Good looking
> Fit
> Svastika means unafraid of breaking social, bold, another sign of strength
Women think differently than men. They don't care about right or wrong or any abstract shit like justice, politics or philosophy despite claiming the contrary to not look vapid.
Their biological duty is to find a strong male that will give them strong kids. Nothing else really matters.

>> No.12237702

Incels are literally correct about absolutely everything.

>> No.12237707

But they're wrong in one aspect. They pretend that they are not the same, or men in general. No man, unless he's a seriously ugly desperate loser, would fuck an ugly and obese 1/10 that looks like Jabba the Hut. Men want women in the 80+ percentile as well.

>> No.12237718


>> No.12237726

Monkey sex

>> No.12237727

He's not. I've never swiped right on a fat woman in my life

>> No.12237734

"ugly and obese 1/10 that looks like Jabba the Hut" don't constitute 80% of women.

>> No.12237744

Sure, it's an exaggeration, but I don't swipe right on most women

>> No.12237760

Anyone that believes these fake tinder conversations have to be ultra LOW IQ or ignorant of the ease of faking shit now a days

>> No.12237762

someone's naive

>> No.12237773

Yes, the many, many idiots that believe these bait pics. They literally exist to get virgins riled up.

>> No.12237782
File: 63 KB, 768x857, hasan-piker-04-768x857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks > anything?

women don't care about ideologies. pic related is an omega soiboi and fucks

>> No.12237783

How is it bait?

>> No.12237794

I've done chadfishing many times myself anon and it's true whatever you see in the pic, women care very much about looks although arguably a bit less than men

>> No.12237823

The fact that the word "catfishing" is in the modern lexicon beyond the Internet should say enough about the veracity of its existence.

>> No.12237839
File: 57 KB, 680x591, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact that the word "catfishing" is in the modern lexicon beyond the Internet should say enough about the veracity of its existence.

>> No.12237905

women are sex addicts who live on the privilege of having the upper hand on the sex market, but also they hate to see that their lavish life full of gifts and attention from their orbiters cannot be separated from the occasional harassment stemming from the despair of the rejected men who are indoctrinated into thinking that competing for women, with sex seen as the highest reward in a man's life, is the pinnacle of the male life.

It gets worse because a woman will always feel outraged when she thinks that a man who does not merit her is actually trying to court her, to talk to her, to amuse her. This kind of man is the usual poor, ugly, outcast man who have nothing of value to offer to the woman and the woman does not understand why such a man would even orbit her in the first place.
A woman always thinks she deserves better orbiters than whatever men are currently around her.

Then there is the huge female delusion that women are actually not sex addicts and have a harsh life, that they live from predicaments to predicaments and are all subjugated by men. Women need this delusion in order to created a narrative where they are good people and all their problems stems from evil people, in this case men.

Then you combine this delusion with the infatuation of the dogmas of the Human rights replacing the judeo christian god which creates a society of commentaries, of entertainment, of a merger of politics, entertainment and education and you get a humongous resonance box where the narcissists will never ever shut up about the tiniest annoyance in their hedonistic life.

>> No.12237906

this stems from the bourgeois valuation of women: women were always seen as giving meaning to men's life, by men competing for them and since women spread their legs, they get pregnant. But women never were considered for politics. Women were living with their parents, then with the beta cuck who craved providing for them and then the sluts cheating on the provider with other beta orbiters craving to give sex to women. Then both the sluts and the providers died and the next generation took over, doing exactly the same thing.

Now that women are deemed relevant thanks the bourgeois Human rights, as a competition sorting out men for sex AND relevant for politics, the whores are no longer kept under the father household, women spread their legs around age 15 and they keep doing so until well after the menopause. omen cannot stop fucking thanks to all the orbiters dying to serve them. The novelty is that they are whores on their own.

Also now the humanist parents want to keep being hedonist. All the american sitcoms are about whores and providers saying having kids is the worst and has a deep negative impact on their pleasures. So they boot the kids out of the house sooner, telling them to have casual sex because that's all the parents now.

Do this for a 40 years and you have the millenials who whines that they cannot get all the same pleasures and comfort as the baby boomers, because housing prices are too high.

Fortunately the men have created dating apps, so the whores and the coomers can still have casual sex and the whores still have a comfy life thanks to all the men competing for them.

Conclusion: So basically sex addicts crave to de-sacralize sex in order to make more popular, but they have to sacralise it again in order to not feel degenerate between 2 sex parties.

>> No.12237935

Am I weird for never having been puzzled by any of this?

>> No.12237947

And women are the simplest creatures with the most simple thought processes ever, how do they have a reputation for being confusing or mysterious. Maybe it’s because I’m an empath but I can just look at them and see why they do everything and why they’re attracted to what.

>> No.12237962
File: 52 KB, 728x514, marketing-to-women-2-7281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up

>> No.12237971

I am constantly befriending new girls and hooking up with them, I don't find talking to women complicated at all. I don't buy gifts, orbit or compete over them, I do the bare minimum in terms of looking after my body and clothes.
All it takes for me is being genuinely interested in learning about a girl, having a good sense of humor, being kind, gentle and confident. That's how I regularly get hookups, threesomes, and wholesome relationships/friendships.
Real life is nothing like your incel pastas

>> No.12237974

Well yeah. He looks like the type of guy who wouldn’t know what a woman wants.

>> No.12237986

Just look at people. They’re all obvious. Always judge a book by it’s cover.

>> No.12237993

t. dunning kruger

>> No.12238020
File: 124 KB, 1200x804, 303EC309-BDF4-4F53-A822-0EA59AE10672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just the way it is. It’s an instantaneous download of information as soon as I see someone. It’s 99% accurate. Evolution has programmed it into us. Or at least me. But I see everyone using it.

>> No.12238022
File: 60 KB, 554x503, DE3955C6-F91B-4E68-9A7A-94A1878241AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12238061
File: 498 KB, 810x958, BAD79C18-3E41-4AEB-99CE-85D80ADE5F52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People always act how they look, and they always look how they act.

>> No.12238064
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 5ABFA3E7-45E1-4573-B707-CDF5CE8A393B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove me wrong.

>> No.12238068

Sexual selection.

Incel beliefs are grounded in reality, almost every single animal choose mates based on genetics. Why would humans be any different?

>> No.12238069

he isn't even good looking. He uses social creds among retard pussy. Anyone can bang the short bus.

>> No.12238073

Bro have you been to America

>> No.12238119
File: 135 KB, 646x474, 1602408683884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't this image seem a bit jarring to you? Kind of like the quote and the man in the picture don't really fit together?

>> No.12238122
File: 39 KB, 330x363, sigmund-freud-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No the type of guy that would say that type of quote is this. Not that.

>> No.12238133
File: 111 KB, 1200x630, Friedrich-Nietzsche-Quote-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12238153
File: 71 KB, 600x353, Famous-Quotes-47013-statusmind.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even have to know who Nietzsche is to know which one's the real quote.

>> No.12238198
File: 97 KB, 1024x993, 2C946AB7-5D04-4B04-AB5D-6775106285E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this girl had a change in behavior after her appearance was dramatically altered. Of course she did. Not only did people probably start treating her better but she probably started being a little more cheerful which probably lead to better reactions. Your “personality” is a feedback loop created by people’s reactions to your behavior. But people won’t let you behave too far from what your looks dictate that you should behave. Social approval or disapproval is one of the most powerful modifier of behavior. So you can just look at people and know how they’re going to act the vast majority of the time.

I’m not saying it’s right. I’m just saying it works, and that’s how it is.

Just look at em.

>> No.12238213

>What's the scientific explanation for this?

All of those women are uglier than him, especially the first

they're simply looking to upgrade their genes

>> No.12238220


This thesis makes little sense

>> No.12238226

>I wonder if this girl had a change in behavior after her appearance was dramatically altered. Of course she did. Not only did people probably start treating her better but she probably started being a little more cheerful which probably lead to better reactions. Your “personality” is a feedback loop created by people’s reactions to your behavior. But people won’t let you behave too far from what your looks dictate that you should behave. Social approval or disapproval is one of the most powerful modifier of behavior. So you can just look at people and know how they’re going to act the vast majority of the time.
expand upon this

>> No.12238234

Incel is angry because he's an incel, tries to prove his ideology and convince himself his inceldom is the world's fault.

>> No.12238236
File: 52 KB, 889x551, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12238263

I’m just point out the obvious that personality and looks are inextricably linked. The mechanism by which it is linked must be social feedback. Everyone deep down knows this is true and we all live and behave as if it is true. All our movies, comics, tv shows, depict it. “Oh this is the heroic character, he must look this phenotype, oh this is the nerd, he’s gotta look like this.” And there’s not all that much variance to it. We all seem to perceive certain looks the same way. That’s why we all post the soijack and know what we mean by it. The majority of people’s personalities do inevitably get molded by this phenomenon... pressure... feedback loop... whatever it is. So I just explicitly judge the book by the cover because it’s pretty reliable. People do it anyway, but they don’t want to talk or think about how they do it.

>> No.12238298

I’m asian american so I have firsthand experience with how this works. When I was in elementary school I literally developed a split personality because my mom socialized me with some other asian kids as a toddler. So I had a “neural typical” “extroverted” side. But then when I started going to public school, my school was like 50% yt, 25% nigs and 25% spics, no asians. The nigs were especially unkind and would always make fun of me for “being a ching chong” so I gradually shut down until I wasn’t able to even speak. Then I got the reputation of the “quiet kid that doesn’t talk” and then I couldn’t express myself because then there would be an overreaction. So I felt like I developed two personalities inside and outside of school.

>> No.12238315

Btw black lives don’t matter. They are the most racist pieces of shit as soon as they think they have the upper hand.

>> No.12238333
File: 102 KB, 233x288, CA06C718-9A5D-4159-B17F-A9CCFE931851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also I have a keen finely tuned nigdar that’s been calibrated from childhood. I can tell by looking at them how retarded or criminal they are. Not all black people blah blah yeah that’s true. I have it in me as a survival mechanism. I saw one pic of george floyd and knew he was a criminal and oh what a survive he did home invasions and held pregnant women at gunpoint.

>> No.12238383

>Women are considered deep - why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow.

>> No.12238401
File: 172 KB, 1080x813, beardstache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite being whiny cunts incels were right all along. Looks are the most important thing.
Look at jeff fucking bezos. Even the richest man on earth is only matched with a 6/10 goblina.
"Personality" is a meme.

>> No.12238413
File: 366 KB, 1669x1113, GettyImages-1200028560-e1580764251125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats more of a 3/10

>> No.12238446

All women are whores. They live life on easy mode and never have to face up to their whorish behaviour. All they have to do is just literally talk about themselves into a microphone and lonely male losers will pay them money. They just need a camera and a microphone and they can make thousands of dollars each month. Women will never know the struggle of being homeless as men will always be there to pay for a woman's mistakes and incompetence. The majority of men have to work a back breaking 50 hours a week whereas females can just pucker their lips and wink at a camera to earn a comfortable life without ever facing adversity or hardship. Only men can get drafted for war and are expected to die for the comfort of females. On sinking ships husbands are expected to drown while their roastie whore wives get to survive and go on to have guilt free sex for the rest of their lives. Divorced men have to pay 100% alimony and child support even if the woman has a job and a new husband. Men are more likely to commit suicide because of 21st century pressure while women continue to propogate the myth of the wage gap and gender equality. All women desire is instant gratification and narcissistic validation. A woman's greatest strength and weakness is a mirror. It reflects their vain and self obsessed need to idolise themselves but it also shows them for what they really are. Whores.

>> No.12238453

Incels think that being an attractive guy is easy, it's fucking not.
>be 20
>conventionally attractive
>socially awkward and borderline autistic
>have severe mommy issues
>women come into life and manipulate me basically on a monthly basis telling me they care
>just end up fucking me and then get bored and drop me like a sack of garbage
It's really emotionally taxing and I've developed social anxiety as a result, but because incels are retarded they'll ree at me for it

>> No.12238467

you forgot about a certain category of people called black people that would fuck anything that moves as long as it has a vagina

>> No.12238476
File: 466 KB, 1603x2000, 1EE9F02C-049A-4E5F-997C-13A22F7AE280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think Elon Musk is virtually the best looking billionaire because of the work he did on himself, and he’s the only that has relationships with attractive women. Coincidence? We gotta find counter examples or it’s not looking gord broos. Holy shit.

>> No.12238519
File: 512 KB, 1542x1965, 5D060EEF-A334-4024-B65E-A852B36561EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh hoho.. oh no no no no no

>> No.12238524

thats called a mentalcel

>> No.12238539

He is pretty autistic but even he knows the importance of looking good

>> No.12238546
File: 174 KB, 1136x852, E63D59C7-2524-4F89-A237-DA299754DA14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing? Why are you doing that? What was the whole point then? That better be for display purposes. Better be slaying some young gash at your eyes wide shut parties you old guy from UP looking old fuck.

>> No.12238558
File: 296 KB, 1400x950, E379B5BF-164B-4CE7-98D4-234182BAF55C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. Not good. But this guy is literally a lizard so what can you do.

>> No.12238575
File: 181 KB, 720x1171, 97879D98-9926-417E-BFFC-A351C5769801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it possible to look like a badly posed mannequin in every possible situation. Kek.

>> No.12238581

“Scientifically speaking”. Of course.

>> No.12238595
File: 1.18 MB, 2048x2807, BA5CFBA3-63DB-4BF7-BC6C-BB15C917DE71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh oh oh oh ok. Here we go. I kind of expected this guy to have good taste. But I can’t really say he bucks the trend here because in an odd way he’s kind of a Chad. He’s ugly but at the same time he’s a Chad. He’s a rare uglychad. Very unique.

>> No.12238645
File: 1.04 MB, 1321x1304, 4BFA7BBC-FC54-4E7C-BBD8-31146F8DFD7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on dude... I expected better of you had to win over THAT? Why do you name all your shit “Virgin”? What the fuck.

>> No.12238649

elon musk is also 6'2 and has a big dick

>> No.12238674

No one is stronger than God. Man is physically stronger than woman. Therefore man is more like God than woman and thus is more morally righteous. Woman is incapable of morality or philosophy and must be dominated by man just as man must be dominated by God. May your fortunes change inshallah

>> No.12238692
File: 22 KB, 563x390, 1527923067102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art imitates life

>> No.12238733
File: 62 KB, 643x391, 53D4F88B-3732-4C25-BC25-85092FBA32BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she... she breathing? Is she alive?

I know he has everything working against him with having a head like a Jack-o-lantern, and looking like he got acromegaly minus the gigantism. But there’s gotta be better options of the not a corpse variety.

>> No.12238746

Alright. I’m out. I was just trying to have my keks but I had enough now.

>> No.12238906


>> No.12239015

Horniness before reason

>> No.12239019

Considering how men settle for Beckies this is just your vaginal brain finding a way to say NUH UH ITS NOT MY FAULT.

>> No.12239339

Thats not an explanation

>> No.12239507
File: 246 KB, 578x921, 77b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Head goes no no, but heart goes doki doki

>> No.12239614

Freud looks way more like a chad than this beach going "chad" faggot

>> No.12239808

What do you mean by that though?

>> No.12239830

Dis girl trash.

>> No.12239832

>that crack whore looking bitch

>> No.12239862

that woman beside Elon is 2/10

>> No.12239893

She look like a tranny

>> No.12239907
File: 386 KB, 1332x850, 0DDF3525-E1D1-4D79-9AC5-CFE5AD4E2BAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks kind of ridiculous in that getup but she’s attractive. His exes were also attractive, maybe a bit more so. Regardless the man clearly has a standard.

>> No.12239923

I hate animefags so fucking much

>> No.12239940

You guys don't really think this is real, do you?

>> No.12239945
File: 125 KB, 828x979, DpPPzqaWwAA4tIu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12239947

The evil queen costume and the camera flash are failo’ing them both at least a couple points.

>> No.12239961


>> No.12239996

Why are incels such brainlets when it comes to women? Women can be tricked so easily into liking you. Just lie until she's invested and then you're good. I bagged a literal 10/10 just by giving her tons of attention one day and then ghosting her for like 3 days afterwards periodically and I'm at best above average looks wise.

>> No.12240068
File: 127 KB, 390x520, Incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hmmm I wonder who is behind this post

>> No.12240241

Do thy force you to fuck?

Then shut the fuck up.

>> No.12240302

One of them did lol.

>> No.12240308

>this is all fake!
It's not
>you're just a bunch of incels!
Not a refutation

Keep the SEETHE flowing, boys

>> No.12240389

You seriously give yourself away as a reddit poster with that spacing my man, do better.

>> No.12240432

Redditors use 4chan. 4chan is reddit

>> No.12240463

what is this, the "sex sells" of neo-nazism?
>I'mma get me a heckin' Swastik so I can have the mega babes

>> No.12240535

In media yes but I know lots of people in real life who buck the trend. I think your world view is being warped.

>> No.12240564
File: 1.19 MB, 2228x1373, 370320C4-2B12-4A32-87AF-DDB4F907D23F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the implications of this, scientifically speaking?

>> No.12240580

Yes but there is a “trend to be bucked” is the point.

>> No.12240595

You dont get woman by giving her tonns of attention you lying incel. It reeks of desperation

>> No.12240625

I would say the non trend buckers vastly out weigh the “trend buckers”. You just don’t notice them because it’s like looking at a blue sky. It wouldn’t stand out.

>> No.12240723

I've seen it happen before with other guys though.
But you're half right that the wrong kind does not work.

>> No.12240768
File: 1.34 MB, 480x208, unlimitedpower.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women want only one thing and it's...

>> No.12240775

Because you don't want their algorithm to lower your sexual market value within the app

>> No.12240794

true, but i also question whether this chick is good looking enough to swipe right on. Tattoos, piercings, dyed hair, fat, or pictures of her drinking alcohol are usually an automatic left

>> No.12241338

Popping zits. Everybody with a girlfriend knows it's true.

>> No.12241354

this dude is absolutely seething over this.

>> No.12241394

but why anon? My mum liked to do it, my gfs have all liked to do it.