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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12235053 No.12235053[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i was wondering what the fuck is the purpose of science actually?we sacrificed spirituality, gods, higher meaning and the soul (or at least a tons of people did) for what exactly?did we find salvation in finding out how gravity works?or in quantum mechanics? people think that someday far in the future we will colonize the universe and with some godlike science magic we can cheat heath death? what's the difference between that belief and any other religious ones? what is the purpose of progress?

>> No.12235068

>i was wondering what the fuck is the purpose of science actually?
refining and expanding our knowledge of natural phenomena
>we sacrificed spirituality, gods, higher meaning and the soul (or at least a tons of people did) for what exactly?
Many notable scientists from the twentieth century believed in God or similar apparitions. These are not mutually exclusive. The next few questions rely on this false assumption.
>people think that someday far in the future we will colonize the universe and with some godlike science magic we can cheat heath death?
These people are probably not scientists.
>what's the difference between that belief and any other religious ones?
Science is grounded in reality, or at least built upon an axiomatic system mimicking reality.
>what is the purpose of progress?
Furthering my first answer

>> No.12235091

>Many notable scientists from the twentieth century believed in God or similar apparitions. These are not mutually exclusive. The next few questions rely on this false assumption.
i was talking about the western culture ,which is mostly atheist and nihilist, but for some unknown reason (for me at least) it considers scientific progress, equality etc. important, and i cant really understand why
>These people are probably not scientists.
sean carroll, the black scientist man and another popsci authors take educating the masses and advertising science seriously, but if they think its pointless eventually why would they do that?
>Science is grounded in reality, or at least built upon an axiomatic system mimicking reality.
kind of agree, but science of the future is kinda the same as god of the gaps for me. like why would you think science will answer things that it can't today in the future?not even talking about the big questions like what was before the universe etc.

>> No.12235101

Science is like the clamp, dual. It may clamp, and it may unclamp. Generally however, it is used to clamp, and the desire to use it to clamp is what fuels it. That's its purpose a predicate for organization and survival brought into a more docile era. Though it continues to clamp, vaccinate, circumcise, and otherwise diminish the individual in every conceivable way.

Science isn't worthless and perverse, but people definitely are.

>> No.12235108

>Science isn't worthless and perverse, but people definitely are

>> No.12235109

Those were all killed by the markets, not science. Sex and loose morals are very profitable.

>> No.12235145

to clamp or not to clamp, that is the question of the ages that will always haunt man

>> No.12235599

>i was wondering what the fuck is the purpose of science actually?
To build an accurate model of the natural world.

>we sacrificed spirituality, gods, higher meaning and the soul (or at least a tons of people did) for what exactly?
Religion is also a model to describe the world. But, when we can test it, it has poor predictive power and lack's evidence everywhere else. So we phased out a bad model for a good one.

> what is the purpose of progress?
For me, it is the pursuit of positive emotions for me and those I care about. Having a better model of the world makes fulfilling that goal easier.

>> No.12235609

but science has given us quite a lot of evidence that god does exist

>> No.12235625

Because science is constantly progressing. Unlike stagnant religions, whose stagnant churches have historically chased its own political interests, latching onto the first institution that can provide them power

>> No.12235794

why is progressing a good thing if it has no purpose?
i'm trying to think with an atheist's/materialist's head and understand why they think science is important

>> No.12236102

>did we find salvation in finding out how gravity works?
We still don't know how it works

>> No.12236177

>I was talking about the western culture
Then. I have some sorry news for you.
That's not Science. That's Western Culture.
>sean carroll, the black scientist man and another popsci authors
Popular science is popular because it resonates with the average person. Not the average scientist. They are our smokescreen while scientists work on heavier things.
>would you think science will answer things that it can't today in the future?
Because it has had a trend in doing exactly that. It's not a guarantee. It's just likely.

>> No.12236183

>Why is progressing a good thing if it has no purpose?
It's original purpose was a tool to escape the clammy hands of death.

>> No.12236189

Thanks for existing clamp poster

>> No.12236206

I would assume that progress is good in their minds because they think it leads to an increase in well-being.
Science is important as a tool to understand reality and thus again it's a tool to increase well-being.

>> No.12236211
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I am going to strangle all clamp posters. There will be an edict. No. A royal fucking decree that all clamp posters are to be parted from their computers like an infant from its mothers teat. I will then force them all to have their balls clamped. I HATE YOU ALL SO MUCH. "CLAMP ME DADDY! CLAMP ME!" THAT'S WHAT YOU SOUND LIKE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHRGH!

>> No.12236216

You have to separate the Jewish influence on science and the science itself.

>> No.12236235

Heat death can be cheated by encoding yourself as a purely informational beam of photons and getting integrated into the CMB of the next universe. You could also encode schematics for a machine that could re-incorporate you, with the hope that the intelligent life of the next universe revives you.

>> No.12236238

all sciences come from philosophy. that's all.

>> No.12236251
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>when you draw a summoning circle you are actually tapping into a previous universes iteration of something that existed
>what is summoned is done so through the remnants of a voice activation system ala Siri or Google Voice
>the machinery of which exists in a polytransdimensional tunneling system linking a fast held entropy system entangled through space time by a sentient race from a previous timeline

Tl;Dr: Shin Megami Tensei is real.

>> No.12236316

>Because it has had a trend in doing exactly that. It's not a guarantee. It's just likely.
that's just a leap of faith. anyway, we haven't really answered anything,and currently in physics we have theories with a tons of holes in them and in contradiction with each other, also a tons of them are untestable

>> No.12236322

>That's not Science. That's Western Culture.
the current state of the western culture was caused by the materialist worldview promoted by science,that's the connection

>> No.12236334

>materialist worldview
>promoted by science
Science simply told you what was. The materialist world view is fundamentally energistic, and by extension, correct.

>> No.12236335

>Science is important as a tool to understand reality and thus again it's a tool to increase well-being
well being? when more and more people have depression and they think there is no meaning behind all of this?i guess the new iphone and marvel movie compensate this

>> No.12236344

>when more and more people have depression and they think there is no meaning behind all of this?
What of those that wished to live despite having cancer? I would like to see your voodoo chants or crystals decimate a lump of tumor. Preserve and extend life, level an entire city. It's overpowered in many ways, and just because you have been consuming media instead of facing hard work to understand and use advanced and powerful tools and weapons, doesn't mean that it isn't useful.

>> No.12236349

we don't know shit about the universe, our perception is really limited, and you think all you see is what it is. people like you back then thought atoms don't exist because they cant see them so their worldview was the correct one

>> No.12236364

My "world view" as you call it can move mountains, maintain flight and levitate objects. To call it limited is limited by your part only. I find it can advance further beyond even your imagination.

>> No.12236377

i don't deny the existence of matter lol, i think it's retarded to think just matter exists when we have no idea how the universe works

>> No.12236384

I have plenty of idea of how the universe works. Particularly now.

>> No.12236397

yeah,well, that's just like, your opinion, man

>> No.12236421

An opinion that envelopes you, like the weight of gravity on atomic structures. However, you could be free of it, if you found a rocket off this rock.

>> No.12236432
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Oh wait. You need science to do that.

>> No.12236438

Knowledge is its own reward, anon.

>> No.12236445


>> No.12236457

I guess I just enjoy learning

>> No.12236540

>i was wondering what the fuck is the purpose of science actually?
Science is a system that allows us to develop predictive models of reality. In these few words lies the power and the purpose of Science.

>> No.12236544


>> No.12236582


>> No.12236604

Science is great if the world is run by technocracies. But we dont have technocracies.

>> No.12236721

>4channer has discovered how to cheat heat death
Why are you on a Bhutanese Oxen farming forum and not giving lectures at Cambridge?

>> No.12236722

Do you even know what science is?

>> No.12236751

>did we find salvation in finding out how gravity works?
No, but we did find a way to the moon.

>> No.12236770
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>Oh Bill that vaccine is huge! And you've developed it so quickly...
>Yes penetrate me, I WANT IT, yes!
>Put it in! I need it!


>> No.12236800

kek I was thinking about this earlier today and came to this
>>12236457 exact conclusion
we should hang out

>> No.12236837

what's the purpose of life anon?

didn't find one?

then I don't think you need any reasons

>> No.12237040

science proved that I'm immortal
is that enough salvation?

>> No.12237582

Why you need a purpose? What "purpose" meaning as word?
Consider the situation in detail: When you ask other people what the purpose of life is, they can tell you the purpose, but one that is designed to make you work for them.

I dont need a others purposes, I think its bs. I have my own purpose, to do what I like.